Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1962, p. 6

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SEASONAL SUNSHINE ON WAY Spring Thaw 62 larorloores unique revue Spring Thaw began rehearsals yesterday for its 15th annual lighthearted affront to Can adian sensibilities After three solid weeks of pre paration the cast will embark on the most ambitious tour of Thaws history four weeks road venture into it Ontario cities with the grand opening at Barrie North Collegiate March 13 Barrie audiences will have the opportunity to see the performance through the ef forts ol Barrie University wo mens Club who will sponsor the show for the second season CANADIAN FOIBLES The show an immensely pop ular poke at Canadian foibles features nine excessively versa tile performers in 30 to 35 songs dance routines blackouts and skits all of them built on sharp edgcd satire by some of Can adas lending writers of irony We never known such tour loore observes in some surprise at this ones dimen sions Last year we were on the road for two weeks in nine cities and thought that might be stretch ing it But theres been such demand that were laying four performances in ndon and four in Ottawa during our 28day tour TARGET POLITICS This year says producer Moore the shows principal target will be politics because this is election year Leon Major who will direct is the 29yearold theatrical ium inary who this season directed Paglincci at the OKeefo Ccn trc the outstanding success of the Canadian Opera Festival and Caesar and Cleopatra at the Crest that thontres great est hit in its ninevyear history He was assistant to Michael Langham at the Shakespearean Festival summer and be will be direct CONTINUING the popular impact that she made in her first Thaw appearance last To Make Debut Stratlwd ing Gilbert and Sullivans Gon last doliers at Stratford next sum mer year is port Betty Robertson shown above as she portrays balladier with sad marital tale SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES Notes are Intended to cover the gederal social lilo of the city and district Weddings anniversaries bridge urtica and coming of ago parties visitors and tra vellch are IIII Items of inter est to the women readers of this page Your help in rup plying this news will be greatly appreciated CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson Eugenia Street were Mr and Mrs Mac Dawson of Chatham The Dawsons were also among the guests who attended an in formal reception at the Wilson residence Saturday evening marking the occasion of Mr and Mrs Wilsons 26th ijedding anniversary Other guests included Mrs Wilsons brotherlnlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Ernie Bullia and Mrs Wilsons mother Mrs Rooney all ofAlliston Sunday guests at the residlt ence of Mrs Merrick McDonald Street were her sons Ilarvie and Lewis Merrick of Toronto Mrs Reginald Oram of Owen fStreot has returned to the city after spending the past week as guest of her son and daughteriniaw Mr and Mrs Douglas Dram and family of Windsor Mrs Jack Creighton returned to Barrie at the Weekend after spending the past two weeks yisiting with her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs And erson and daughter Rona of Trenton DANCE PARTY Valentine dance party was held at Kennys Banquet hall Saturday evening for tembers jof the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority and guests Among those attend ing were Mrs Norman Rankin Mrs Larry Gilliland Mrs Jean attersby Miss Faye Wolfe and Mrs Doug King Mr and Mrs Hank Groh Mr and Mrs Burt P0131 Mr and Mrs Gerry Williams Mr and Mrs Bruce White Miss Janet Bel ey Stan Schoenbofer Miss Ber yl Baldwin Ron Haley Mr and Mrs Garnet Campbell Miss Jcnn Palmcl Ken Petite Mr and Mrs John Mackie Mr and Mrs Doug Moorhouse Mr and Mrs Nova Belanger Miss Eleanor Dorian Gale Nelson Miss Lorraine Gregory Glen Nelson Mr and Mrs Gerald Knapp Miss Irene Watson Bruce Farquhnr Miss Gerry Bourne and Bob Tordiff Mr and Mrs Ralph Snel grove left on Monday to spend two weeks vacation in the Bar bados They were in party with three Toronto couples lrav flight from Malton were Mr and Mrs Gordon Mcmrk of Barrie who were heeded farther south in the Caribbean to Trinidad and Tobago VALENTINE DANCE The Sergeants Mess of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps Camp Borden was goily decorated in Valentine theme for the dance party Saturday evening Dance music was pro vided by Bob Powells orchestra and buffet supper was served at midnight Among the Barrie guests were Mr and Mrs Duffield Sanford Street Mr and Mrs James MacDon ald Nelson Street Mr and Mrs James Duifield Essa Road Mr and Mrs Fred Coul son Rose Street VALENTINE BAZAAR Sharon Morrison Shanty Bay Road was the luclq winner of Valentine doll draw at the Valentine Baiaar and Tea held by the Ladies Auxiliary 369 to Local 700 UAW in the Allan dale Orange Hall The draw was made by Mrs Doug Walker Burton Avenue FLORIDA HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs Travis of RR Barrie enjoyed visit to Sarasota Jungle Gardens this week during their vecae tion on Floridas Lower West Coast with flamingos and other rare Wildfowl from every continent roaming freely in these world famous Gardens Other points of interest in Jungle Gardens While Away Long Dreary Days 5le New Look For Spring By ELEANOR ROSS One nice way of whiling away dreary winter days is by con Centrating on bitrof dolngover for at least one room of the house as well as by looking at rnew furniture and the beautile Tnew wallpapers If you contemplate papering room here is some professional fbdvice Use largescaled patterns in Iarge rooms and conversely close small patterns or tex lured papers for small rooms Consider disguising architec tural limitations such as beams and jogs with small allvover patterns or textural papers IUHE PATTERNS Use small allover nondirec lional patterns on walls and ceiling in gobled rooms with slanting walls Consider light colors to ex hand small room dark colors to diminish large one Use matching wallpaper and Jabric such an onehue French stripes and checks to give unity to small room Use patterned paper to set apart dimag area or an al cove from an open floor plan and textural eifeot on the re maintng walls This really does wonders Now some important Donts Dont combine patterned wall paper with bold designs in rug or fabric no matter how large the room It is too noisy too Eblusy and never really beauti Never use boldlypattérned wallpaper in room which con tains many pictures and books Dont be afraid to use dis tinctive patterns to emphasize particular type or character of furniture such as French Pro vincial Colonial American lath century Regency or modern There are papers that harmon ize with practically every furni tore style and period And never use patterns with great deal of metallic gold in miles non directional florals an informal room veiling on the some TCA jet The visitors mingled freshments will were hundreds of unusually colorful tropical plantings huge Royal Palms bordering jungle trails and brilliant macaws and cocatoos which pose with visitors for pictures ST MONICAS PTA The regular meeting of St Monicas PTA will be held in the school Feb 20 at 815 pm The speaker will be member of the Serra Club Film will be shown on vocations Day in the Life of Priest New members will be welcome Re be served at the close of the meeting by Mrs Frank Tascone and her com mittee RETURN FROM BERMUDA Mrs Lewis Robertson Maple Avenue and Mrs Shirley Grierson Dalton Street have returned to the city after 10 day holiday at the Rosdan in Bermuda ENTERTAIN BRIDEELECT Miss Betty Bishop has been entertained at many showers and presentation parties prior to her wedding to Ross Douglas at candlelight service in Cen tral United Church this Satur day Mrs Ron Joseph Camp Borden was hostess of buffet supper party with the bride elects fellow employees of the Childrens Aid Society as guests Miscellaneous showers have been hosted by Mrs Jnhn Murray and Mrs Elwood Boavis at the Ferris Laue residence of Mrs Murra Mrs Gordon Hughes on Miss Winnifred Neilly at the home of Mrs Hughes mother Mrs Earl Mc Knight Shanty Bay Road Mrs Ted Belchcr Wyebridge the bridegroomelects sister was hostess of shower with neigh bors andrelntives of the bride groomelect as guests Mrs Mac Marcellus and Mrs Keith Meredith were cohostesses of bathroom shower at Mrs Marcellus Brookdale Drive re sidence Neighbors and friends of Miss Bishop held kitchen shower at the Perry Street resi dence of Mrs Bert Caldwcll with Mrs Jory Mrs Bruce Nesbitt and Mrs Harvey Wilkinson as cohostesses Sim coe County Court House as sociate employees of the bride elect held pantry shower at the home of Mrs Bob Hutton Vancouver Street Mrs Gert Durnford Minesing was hosi tess of the miscellaneous show er given by the relatives and friends of Miss Bishop Chin ese dinner added novel touch to the presentation party given for Miss Bishop by former em ployee associates of DeVilbiss Canada Limited at the home of Miss Ruth Schrnaltz Park alde Drive Members of Cen tral United Church choir held presentation party following choir practice Another presen tation party was hosted by the Simone County Court House As sedation at the Court House The brideelect is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Ray Bishop Perry Street The bridegroom elect ia the son of Mrand Mrs Dave Douglas Wyebridge DRAMA IN SCHOOLS MONTREAL CP The Prot estant school board of Greater Montreal and the Jewish junior welfare league have joined in on experimental project to bring professional music and drama to in city high schools The board and the league will each contribute $5000 toward 24 con certs and 10 performances of The Diary of Anne Frank At Barries North Collegiate Leon Major has that rare combination of theatrical inven tiveness and political ken which topical revue needs Moore en thuses and some of the fresh ideas he had for Spring Raw 62 are marvellous NEW TALENT gt The cast of nine includes six performers who played the combination ftbeatrlcnl inven tiveness and political ken which topical revue needs Moore on Thaw 1n the past and three newcomers Returning after few years absence are the mag netic Corinne Conley and tho offbeat Don Francks They join quaflet from the 1961 smash hit success Peter Mews Ber bara Hamilton Betty Robert son and Bill Cole New to this revue but rich in experience are the blonde beauty Maureen Hill ballet tralned in England and star of the original company of La Plume do run Tante round and rollicking Arno Gottbardt vet eran of German revue and iam lliar at the Crest in dramatic roles and young dancer from Montreals musical My For Lady the 21yearold Wally Martin Loree Lee promls ing young graduate of the Ryer son Insitutcs revue Riot will understudy the four girls and Tink Robinson the night club singer and dancer will serve as standby for the five men Alan Land is the shows chor eographer once more John lcnwlck the musical director the costumes are by Suzanne Moss and the sets by Les Law rcncc General manager of the production is Dcnnls Sweetlng THE STARS SAY ESTRELLITA lOR TOMORROW Starting today you will go through period during which you should participate in social functions and entertainmentsl held for the benefit of commu nlty and welfare projects also for cementing old friendships encouraging new ones Judg mcnt will be good now so you should be able to plan long range programs successfully FOR THE BIRTHDAY if tomorrow is your birthday you should find this year marked by exceptional progress where worthwhile projects are con cerncd Encourage imagination and spirit of enterprise so there are occasional setbacks ospccially in June September and November your efforts will offset the low periods You should find your affairs in ex ccilent shape by years end July August and October will be good for finances also for benefiting through the cooperav tion of others But dont with optimism go overboard in spending or you will negate all advances made Stick to the conservative road Late July and late August will be excellent for travel and romance should prosper in Sep tember Be alert however to possible domestic crises in Oc tober You can avert these by being your usual kindly and un derstanding self Look for excellent news December child born on this day will be true understanding and delightful friend to all in IIEADLINER fmm sari ler cditlons who will return after an absence of two or three years is Don Francks one of Canadas outstanding musical rcvuc artists Introduce Books To Study At Central United UCW Mrs Doidge presided at the Feliniary meeting of the United Church Women of Cen tral Church Mrs Brena conducted the worship service She polnt ed out that this chapter from Romans chapter 12 la trans ure chest of information that we should study verses five and six Each of us has talent and we should make use of our trienta in the new organiza ton Reports were heard from the unit leaders and all maps have made good beglnn ng At the monthly meetings members are to study the gospel according to St Mark Mrs Alan Morley volunteer ed to be the junior choir moth er The general meeting of the UCW is to be the first Tuesday of every other month Mrs Vaughan lntroduc cd the mission study book Signals for the Sixties theme was the Church for New Times Signals for the Sixties will give the UCW better under FoiirDollar Bill Collectors Item MONTREAL CP Taxi driver Israel Betnesky has an authentic $4 bill he got 11 years ago from man who couldnt pay $210 fare Betnesky has been offered as high as $700 for it but hes not selling in the belief it may be come more valuable with age The bill seven inches long and three inches wide was an issue of the Bank of Upper Canada of Dec 1846 picture of Queen Victoria appears on the bill which is printed on only one side few years ago his wife Lilly had bank manager evaluate the He offered me exactly 54 for it so decided to keep it she says OTTAWA CBThe commer cials are too loud and too he quent and there is too much crime and violence on Canadian television and radio These are two of the conclu sions reached in twoyear woe mens eye view of television and radio conducted by Mrs geéirge Wilson of St Marys Il Mrs Wilson writes after com pletion of the Illprovince sur vey that women complain also of too loud background music of commercials that offer me trauma to children and of need for more educational pro grams She conducted the national survey for the 75000 member Federated Womens Institutes of Canada LIKE IN MORNING The surveys show that his vision has become the more popular form of entertainment but radio is appreciated by the busy homemaker in the morn ing says Mrs Wilson The federation issued state ment on her findings today She made little distinction between television and radio and none between privately owned radio or TV and Canadian Broadcast AFINER BL $45 Commercials Are Too Loud Depict Crime And Violence lag Corporation in in either medium The federation release said its institutes are still concerned with the kind of programs broadcast into Canadian homes Mrs Wilson that members would like westerns replaced with true historical dramas based on Canadian ex plorers Members pchool broadcasts and Kindergarten of the Air and recommended re turn of Talent Caravan former CBC national talent hunt Members would like more educational programs whole some dramas variety ln music and panel programs Travel Arrangements AIR 5m BUS RAIL HOTEIS RESORTS CRUISES CAR RENTALS 01L Johnson and Co Ltd World Wide Service pa Haze 101 nnntop sum 591 any at Toronto BM press YOULL BE PROUD TO SERVE Her standing of what is required of United Church women in the Mrs Tribble accom panied Miss Ruihmarie Green and Mrs Dobson as they sang Are You Living Will God Answer Prayers Mrs Marcellus Mrs Slessor Mrs Bishop and Mrs Beaver presented skit The Bible Speaks Mrs Doidge lntroduccd books that could he used for Bible study and told how mem bers could prepare themselves for study by reading books about the Bible daily Bible readings reading favorite one sages and reading in unison Mrs Doidge gave an intro duction to the Gospel of St Mark and chapter one verses one to four were read in uni EDT social hour followed with refreshments served by Mrs och Garner and her commlt EC church and community GTHE BARRLE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20 1561 Keeping Score 011 Calorie Count The overweight child studies show is less active less popu lar and less happy Many per Klexed mother writes to ask for elp in reducing her young fatty The best plan according to one forthright mother is to give the child the responsibility for keep ing the calorie score in the sec ond report on our young dieter the news is good The doctor checked our diet ingdaughter today and health wlse she is in excellent condi tion She has lost total of leti pounds Over the holidays there were some extras but she al ways stayed under 1500 calor les day and therefore did not gain it is much easier for her when school is in progress The best part about her plan of writing down the amount of calories in each food and keen ing score is that we have ex changed no harsh words Nor am constantly saying thats too fattening All say is look it up Then we dlscuss the amount of calories involved and decide what size the serv ing of certain food should he often she will decide the food costs too many calorics Its surprising how delicious bowl of fruit with its moderate col orie score looks to her and she now chooses fruit in preference to candy or cake We do not buy lot of diet ing extras The few things we buy especially for her are skim milk low calorie ice cream low calorie topping and salad dressing The rest of her diet is usually smaller servings of the food on our menu LOOKS BETTER Our daughter looks so much nicer already and is so pleased it is difficult to imagine what the loss of la more pounds will do for her She is eager to continue keeping score Her daily calories are little under 1200 dear friend and two grand parents have added an extra incentive for her ten cents HelpsDieter To Follow Rules apound for every pound lost They pay at each 10 pound loss do hope our daughters reducing story will encourage other youngsters and their moth ers to give the calorie count down plan try it is the first successful pro gram wo have tried Always be fore there were unpleasant wordsand no results Cheers My dictitinns cap is off to this spunky youngster and her mother By him child is old enough to cooperate While dicting is not really childs responsiblb lty and she cannot reduce with out the loving help of hq mother until the youngster hen self is willing and eager to co operate results are bound to be disappointing It is now abundantly evident that the food habits established in the growing up years tend to stay with the child and deter mine whether she grows up to be an overweight wall flower or happy active normal weight young lady We will be eager to hear again from this winner who finds calorie counting fasci nating game and sure way to reduce Fendleys Flowers Blake St PA 55 THE BALL PLANING MILL PRESENTS RecredtiOn RECREATION ROOM 14 20 COMPLETE AS LOW AS $1500 PER MONTH Prefinisbed Masonite Toasted Teak Panelling acoustic ceiling tile vinyl asbestos floortile door trim mouldings nails staples and all framing and strapping lumber are included in this package of materials CALL THE 48 ANNE st co no nutritious MILL

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