Fiftyfour Barrie and dis trict residents wave from portable loading ramp as they nuanunuqcs nannllbtaaolnabl fltl an Barrio District Colleginle Board was advised last night in letter from attorney Gordon Zilciurlr of Barrie that the price of property being expm priatcd by the board on Brad ford Street near Central Colle giate is too much lifr hicfurk wrote in part tilat an outofcourt settlement with owner John hchvoy seem ed unlikely and that the price hchvoy will take 516500 is more than he recommended the board nay Adjoining property owned by George Davies of Barrie will also be purchased by the board hlclurks letter indica ted that Davies is willing to ac cept the evaluated estimate on prepare to board TCA Vis count Saturday lay were winners of lucky ticket draw for the courtesy flight which his property of $41500 plus an artilitects as from previous work for $2340 An additional 10 per cent is insisted on by Davies for inconvenience and other unrcvcilled ICBSOM Mc mrlls letter expressed confid ence that settlement between board and owner can in this case be achieved out of court COURT PAID The Supreme Court of Ontario has already been paid $54000 for the expropriation proceed ings and the board desires im mediate posscssion of the land it would appear that we will be in County Court soon as Mr McEvoya attorneys have indicated they will argue for Canada JSwallowed By US If Quebec Secedes Member OTTAWA GP Conser vative backbencber said Man day that Canada will he swal lowed by the United Statea if Quebec ever secede from Con Iederatinn Louis Fortin MP for Mont mnznlfvblsleh said in Llle Com mons that the government isnt doing enough to prevent tho rise of Quebecs separatist move ment and offered program to prevent racial nlpture Mr Forton wno represents the Quebec riding once held by Quebec Lib ral Premier Le sage said he isnt against the separatist movement It had brought into the open the injus tices suffered by French Cana dians But he was against the ulti mate aim of the separatists ascesslon of Quebec from Can Speaking in French the for mer municipal judge and one time banker launched into the separatist Issue as the Com mons re the throne spbech debate disrupted Jan 15 to make way for legislation on pensions and new railway lines PREDICTS DIFFICULTIES Mr Fortin said secession would create insurmountable difficulties for Quebec and would mean the rest of Canada would be taken over by the United States He complimented the govern ment for introducing simultene ous translation in Parliament for adopting bilingual cheques and for appointing French speakingCovernorGeneral This was more than the Lib erals had done But it wasnt enough To Take Action Recover Money EASTVIEW Ont CmTown council Monday night instructed its solicitor to take any civil lea gal action required to return taxpayers used by the previous council The stat ment was issued after two our council caucus called to review matter arising out of the 1960 provincial in quiry into Eestviews financial affairs and out of the trial of former treasurer Mra Adrienne Laroche who was found guilty last week of converting more than $10000 in town funds to her own use She was given nine months in reformatory ICWU Falls Cam Rights DUNNVILLE Ont CPlThe International Chemical Workers Union CLC Monday failed in an attempt to gain bargaining rights for employees of the Un ion Gas Company in the Dunn ville Selkirk and Caledonia arena slight majority of the 51 al igible employees cast ballots in favor of retaining the Interna tional Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers ind as bar gaining agent The vote held in Dunnvilln 20 miles west of Port Colborne was supervised by the Ontario Labor Relations Board money improperly Dubbing himself the spokes man for 5000000 FranchCana diana the 41yearold MP sug gested the government Set up royal commission on bilingualism appoint French speaking deputy ministers in government departments and alternate the post of Governor Geaernl between French and English speaking Canadians every five years He also called on the govern ment to give Canadians dis tinctive Canadian flag and des ignate Canada as the national anthem WANTS REPRESENTED Mr Fortin said Frenchspeak ing Canadians living outside Quebec should be represented in the cabinet by Frenchspeak ing minister and at least one third of the Civil Service Com mission should bo made up of French members Bilingual signs he said should be posted inside and out side of government buildings Ftench Canadians should be given constitutional guarantees of their rights onethird of sea ior Crown corporation officers should be bilingual and there should be constitutional de claralion of the bilingual char acter of the nation Mr Fortin said FrenchCan adians were not seeking privil eges hut rights that belonged to them Association Defence Minister Sevlgnp delivered favorable com arison of Quebec cabinet mlnigters with their Liberal party cessora French speakfng Progressive Conserva tive ministers had achieved more for their province in four years than the Liberals had managed in so years Asbestos Ablubl Alloma Stool Aluminium Alberta Gus Alta Nut Atlas Steel pl of Mont am or as Bell Tel Brazilian BA on ac Power Cdn Bk of com Cdn Brewer can Cda Cement cm Chemical Can on Calgary Power Con Minoan Con Paper Consumers th 22 find Imp To Lnbatt Lakelana Norlnda Can Dyna can Husky Carl Devonian Camp Chill Cell Dll Rio Copper Rand Con Hall Denlmn Mine 11 Sullivan Falcoande he us one no 115 06 floliinCer Lamaque Lorado Maritime 175 so Nonnotll Northlltn TORONTO STOCK 1mg on In Accent Inland No Intor Nickel Intava Pips Jockey Club LEVY Man Pow Riv Muley Ferl KerrAddison Murray MIL lndustrlsk down 00 Gold up 3818 Metals up 41 DIVIDEND necunarmns Traders rlnanu soc elm has plylblo any uncl Giant Yollowkauo 13le payable MIMI ac on CARNIVAL DRAW WINNERS AT TAKEOFF took them over Barrie and surrounding district The draw was made during Bar rie Winter CarnivaL Expropriation Is Indicated District Board Wants Land the quoted price Burton secretary of tho Collegiate Board said today lifcnlrks letter indicated that lilcEvoy paid ssmo for prtr party He added that $15000 should be the boards top price Man Detained By Owner Store Entered Stan Hammond of Hammonds Discount Store on Collier Street caught thief on his premises last night when he returned af ter hours to check the store saw flicker of movement inside the store office Mr Hammond said put my foot against the door with bang and knocked him off balance held him while my wife ran to the police station up the road The store owner said he often checked his premises at night following previous breakin experience theta William McKenzie 19 of 115 Collier Street has been charg ed with theft number of items are believed to have been recovered DEATHS THE CANADIAN PRESS Amherst NS Arthur lo seph White 53 circulation man rager of the Amherst News after fourmonth illness Halifax John Daniel Pride 74 marine engineer and master mechanic who invented the bomb typo fire extinguisher used during the Second World War and the jet gas gun used in banks to prevent holdupa MontrealMrs Eugene Cole 70 mother of Mr Justice Paul Emile Cote of Quebec Superior Court Los Angeles Jesse Morten sen 54 coach at the University of Southern California whose hack and field team won nu merous United States champion ships Buffalo NYJohn Stan ton 62 chief of the narcotics bureau of the Buffalo police de pariment and soyear veteran of the force after brief ill ness Bcthesda MdDick Hawiow 72 coachof college football teams for36 years of an ap parent heart attack Toronto Dr Myron Mil lar 67 former Ontario Athletic Commission doctor at Maple Leaf Gardens for 25 years TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 90 Dualop at Burris INDUSTRIAL Du can Dom round Dom Stores Dom TI on Lakes Gal Pow Horde Farms Home Pit Homo on Nor Out Moorolcorp mm rm OsthIW Pacific Pete Pom Pips Page Hersey Que Nat Can no Rothmsns Royal Bank Salsda snlrrlsr Simpsona Bhswln Stool Can TorDom av Trnns Can Trans Trad Pin Texaco Union Gas Walker cow Min acco MINING Gena Mines Gunnlr Opcmlska Quemont alo Algaln Sher Gordun Stool flock United 00 Ventures Witruy wuuelr 21 10 mo 37a 190 00 120 300 190 rrvn loosr acme sroclrs noel Tar Murray Mining newmm Northgau 0am klu nowlama NEW some Avannuns Industrial up Bell dawn MUtilltlea up Jul EXCHANGE INDEX Otis dawn ox dividend MIC srm 3AM mm TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20 1902 Board accepted the resigna tion of North Collegiate princi pal Hamilton who was that schools principal since it opened five years ago llr Hamilton will leave at the end of this school year to go to rStraiford Ontario where he will be principal of the Colleg iate Institute there Board approved final archi tects plans for the new VOCA tional wing and audltorium at Central Collegiate As soon as department of education at proves construction will com mence probably in late March Board is game ahead with ex pmprialion proceedings to ac quire property needed for ex pansion rlcar Central Collegiate on Bradford Street Although one of the two property owners involved will accept the boards offer based on an evaluation by the board the other lohn hlcEvoy of Barrie will prob ably take his case to court Griffin board member was nominated for the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation Lamp of Learning award John Roberts Prime Min ister of Ontario requested by letter that the board give canL ful consideration to adequate liability insurance to cover the school and employees in the case of accidents involving the student body or others ino teachers orman Synnott and Mm Salter both of Central Collegiate bad resignations accepted by the board hfr Synnott who has spent 33 of his 42 teaching years at Central is retiring from the profession Mrs Salter is leav ing sooner than the end of the school year to have baby Mrs Salter will leave March 30 Mr Synnott on June 30 Board accepted the tender of Les Bertram of Carrie to de molish the property being ex General Robert Story has been ap pointed generai manager of the small appliance department of Canadian General Electric Com pany Limited according to an announcement by Herbert Smith president native of Tomato Mr Story joined Canadian General Electric in 1936 in the purchas ing function After wartime service in the Canadian Army he was assigned managcrncnt responsibilities for radio and television receivers for elec tronic equipment and then in the industrial products field Since 1957 he has been mun panys equipment and tube de partment In his new capacity Mr Story has his offices in the small appliance department headquarters at Barrie By ROBERT RICE UilAWA CPlThrea power ful labor leadars have been named by Hazen Argue as the controlling clique in theNew Democratic Party The former CCFNDP House leader quit the fledgling party Sunday charging that it had be come tba tool of small labor clique Later in an interview he said control of the party rests with three mentho leaders of the Packinghouse Workers the Steelworkers and Auto Work ers all affiatas of the Canadian Labor Congress Mr Arte did not cite their names but the three union leadlt era would be Fred Dowling vice president in Canada of the United Pock inghousa Workers 23m member union that ranks among the medium powers in terms of membership strength in the la bor movement Wllliam Mahuney Canadian chief of the 62000 member United Steelworkers biggest un ion in Canada George Burt CLC vice president and head of the Auto Workers union whose 50100 members make it Canadas thirdlargest union BITS 0N COUNCIL at tho three only Mr Dow ling sits on the 20member ex COLLEGIATE BOARD BRIEFS piopriated on Bradford Street tender was one of seven re ccived Department of Education ad vised that hi Runny BAA has been appointed District Sec ondary Inspector Mr Ram say replaces Fowler who is assuming new duties with the Department Bowman principal of Central Collegiate recommend ed that agriculture be discon tinued as aubiect at Central Collegiate He said that at the grade 11 level only nine boys were taking the subject three of them rural students As result the rural members of the board will meet with the principal to decide the issue Both schools requested seven more teachers for the coming year The management CDmr mittec was given the power to decidefor the board and will meet with tho principals before the end of the month Adver tisemenk for the positions must be placed in early March the prlpcipals said The caretakers of both coile gintes submitted salary sched ulo with provisions for sick leave and pension benefits An increase for head caretakcrs salary maximum of 81200 was part of the plan General care takers salary plan showed desired increase of $1100 moxi mlnn and the some increase at minimum level The pen sion plan for the caretakers has been discussed by the board for over year but as yet nothing has been done twoday per month sick leave carried over was requested Another re quest that the board purchase uniforms for the staff will also be discussed by the boards fin ance or management commit tee Manager Named For CGE tiger tube section in the com the loss of more than 4000 ROBERT M01 Argue Names Big Three He Claims Control NDP ecutive council of the NDP He is vicepresident of the party Eight of the 20 executive members are from the trade un ion movement tho associate president two vicepresidents the treasurer and four others The general itsmember party council which includes the 20 members of the executive body has total of 10 members who have trade union backgrounds One party source said the three trade unions cited by Mr Argue were active supporters of the CCF bafore it merged in the NDP in an alliance with organ ized labor STRONG IN EAST The bulk of the unions menc berahip strength lies in the East while Mr Argue farmer la from the West where the CCF had its early roots WANT TO SAVE MONEY ON FOOD BlLLSi You Can You Know PHONE PA $8741 MONARCH FOOD ANDJREEZER WILL BE HELD IN BARRIE PUBLIC LIBRARY HALL WedFeb2l HOURS OF BEAUTIFUL COLOUR FILMS AThe British Isles All Ara Welcome 1962 of pm Winning rink in the Camp Hordcn curling bonsplcl is left to right Captain Caaterton second Cpl ARGUE LEAVES Continued from page one Argue betrayed trust He had pledged his support to the new party at the founding con vention and had said you may be sure will never let you down No one knows better than Mr Argua that his charge is without foundation in fact the partys elder statesman said in prepared statement am certain that my feel ings will be shared by many thousands of friends across Canada who have placed princi ples and loyalty ahead of per sonal ambition Mr Douglas said it was hard to reconcile hfr Argues state ment with the fact that Satur day Mr Argue addressed the provincial council of the CCF NDP in Regina and consulted with Mr Douglas on future plans for the NDP At no time did he indicate to me be contemplated leaving the ranks of the NDP CLC Vlca President Stanley Knowles CCF MP for Is years and prime mover in the NDP founding said Mr Argue made charges he himself knows to ba folseiilr Argue was trying to find an excuse prompted by his disappointment that he didnt become party leader T0 MARK DISASTER LONDON simple stained glass window in London church is to be the memorial of Brit llins worst maritime disaster On June 17 1940 the day France surrrended the 18000 ton troopship Lancastrin was sunk in St Nazaira harbor with servicemen and civilians fleeing to Britain The association of survivors is to mark that tragic day with suitable mem orial window The three unions have an ag gregate membership of 161700 abnut 11 per cent of the overall union strength in Canada As in dustrialtypo unions they have history of political action They are expected to be among the vanguard ofunions formally affiliating with the new party Sources said about 150 000 llnion members so far have thrown official support behind the party This would mean un ion oonlrlbutions of 090000 year on the basis of 00 cents member annually The NDP is aiming for 250000 INSURANCE DUE Save with State Farms low insurance lateslor careful driven See me CHARLIE HEYWORTH 14 Carol St PA B41992 OR CALL OR SEE HARRY FROM 31 Oak St FA 61453 STATE FARM MUTUAL MIMIme lmvmcl ovum mu un INIuIaItKl union members by this sum Knobby Clark skip W02 McElroy third and Ca Carleton lead Clnr rink and five others will ra WINNING RINK IN CAMP BORDEN SPIEI present Camp Borden in the Central Command bonsplol to be held in Kingston March and 10 WEATHER FORECAST Forecasts issued by the Tor onto weother office at 450 Synopsis lovaressure sys tem which caused Mondays snow has moved eastward to ward Quebec Fair cool weather in the Canadian West is moving eastward and prom ises to bring settled weather to the Great Lakes area during the next two days Lake St Clair region Wind sor Sunny with few cloudy intervals today cooler winds They Like Us OTTAWA GP The major ity opinion is that Canadas position and prestige interna tionally are very very high in deed Mrs John Casselman PCGrenville Dundee said Monday It is regrettable that Can adaa position is tossed about in this chamber for political reasons Mrs Casselman said in taking direct issue with Er hart Begiar CCFFBumabyCo quitlam who contended earlier in tha Commons that Canadian prestige at tha United Nations has declined under the Progres siva Conservative government Mrs Casselman taking part in the resumed debate on the speech from the throne said the Regler sentiments are the di rect opposite of what heard as delegate to the UN ses slon She had brought back she said many friendly greetings for Liberal Leader Pearson wellknown at the UN from his days as external affairs minis ter This was most logical Mrs Casselman said because Can ada was liked and respected then and is still liked and re spected equally gt She said External Affairs Min ister Green epitomizes Canadas dedication to the common good and there is predilection to trust all Canadians because of the calibre of our foreign minis ter west 15 Clear with light winds tonight and Wednesday Lake Erie Niagara Lake Ono tarlo regions Hamilton Tor onto Cloudy with few new flurrics this morning clearing this afternoon little cooler Clear tonight sunny Wednes day Winds west 15 to 20 be coming llght tonight and Wed ncsduy Lake Huron region London Cloudy with snowflurries and drifting snow today Clear and cold tonight Sunny Wednesday Winds west 15 to 25 today be coming light tonight and Wed nestles Georgian Bay Haliburton Ti magami regions North Bay Cloudy with few anowflurries today clearing late this after noon cooler Clear tonight and Wednesday Winds northwest 15 today becoming light tonight and Wednesday Algoma White River Coch rane regions Sudbury Clear with few cloudy intervals to day and Wednesday colder Winds northwest 15 today light tonight Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Wednesday Windsor 10 St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Winghnm Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killaloo Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapllskasing White River Moosonee SS Moria HARRY MURDOCK Let Us Check Your Car Now WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING SHOCK ABSORBER SERVICE COMPLETE FRONT END SUSPENSION OVERHAUL PA 8220 27 TORONTO ST 50 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES issued in amounts from $100 upwards for periods of to years interest payable hali yearly by cheque Govamment authorized investments for Canadian Insurance Companles Executore Individuals YOUR MONEY DOUBLES SELF IN YEARSvf THE STERLING TRUSTS OORFORATION on Buy so Toronto HEAD OFFICE TORONTO 35 Dunlop 50 krrlo