Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1962, p. 10

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Neils The lflTHE BARRIK EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20 196 Time ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS INTEUSHNG lAsllLV Elston It can bobmrllyttsn with ellpflllgl from your Hunper Happy LVentoNIRTIIS ENGAGE HINTS and meiNos Notices Ior tbcsa avenia In only 3150 Ellill lbem lo the clusiaed counl ier or telephone The some aminer It came the Royal Viv ion lIosplkh name on Wedney February leer to ur and Mn Gordon Crockfald st Vincent Slmt Blrfll twin boys Brother for pricnrel panel and bin Allen Ban1c Morrow £2 wen sheet are hlPP la announce the nIerll of lhrIr daughter ICAnle JDIH II the Itoyal Victoria florpiui name on Thursday February is 19 Plomm the II ynl Vie forln llospiisl name on Snub da repruery 11 1m to air and hits rellx Piouowsri shanty nay Ontario son Indmondi cDONALIJ Mr and Mn Iarncs slacbonald inee Margaret Rout are happy in Innounce the birth of their run Shturdh Feb ruary lo 195 at the New bicunt Sinai Hospital Toronto Onlhrln WALTONHr and Mn lbomn Walton es aiyvlew Drive purlit wish loannounce the arrival or Ibelr son Tony Christopher on saiurday February 11 1962 at the Royal Vlciorln llosp lien1e CARDS OF THANKS rnRGus sincere ihaulu to my many irlends for the cords and lelrnhone calls while have been underdociori can lilie Ferguson COMING EVENTS COE COUNTY WHEAT PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Thursday February 22 200 pm Board room ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BARRIE SPEAKER OTIS rIcGREGOR Assistant General Manager Ontario Vheat Producers Association There will he film and discus sion on Wheat Marketing as well as the election of directors Plan to attend and bring car load ERNEST McARTHUR President JOHN HUGHES Secretar Treasurer BENEFIT EUCHRE Saturday February 24 pm THORNTON HALL Proceed to the Lee family who have been burned out DRAMA NIGHT Collier St United Auditorium SATURDAY FEB 24 PM Ihree cheatt comedy plays Sponsored by Simcoe YPU For Want Ad Service Dial PA 2414 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 824I Condensed and ciasslfiec adver tisements are inserted at the rate of do per word per insertion for one and two times do per word ior three four or live tunes and zléc per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional marge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFED AD gtVERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS on CORRECTIONS Advortisers are reminded tbat au pnona insertion ordera are accept ed as convenience to you the advertiser Theretore the classified Advertisin Department requires d1 adver era to kindly rccbcclt their advertisement Immediately alier first insertion in order that any errors or umlaslnlu may be reported before an in order that same may he rectlaed for the following days Insertion order We wish to point out that The Harrie Examiner ls responsible for only oln incorrectly printed martian on any advertisement and then only to the extent or portion or ad that involvesthe nisprlnt Errors which do not lessen the value of tho advertise meal are not clizlbld for correo tionl by make goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words so per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verso used do per word extra BLIND mm mm Informatlnn regarding ndvortllera illan blind Letter Box Number for Replies is held itrlcuy confld antlll Replies to Letter boxes will be held only 10 day artr lart any or publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must he receivedby p111 day pre ceding publication With the ex ception of Classified Display advertisements which must b9 in by 1200 noon preceding day display classlilodl may be ob Rater and type atylea or semi tained through The hammer ao vertisiog department REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER PA e259 II CLAPPERTON ST BARRII REDUCED $2000 200 acres iii miles off No as Highway With room house barn 40 80 140 acres work able balance bush and pasture Low down payment EAST END bedroom brick bungalow Owner leaving Barrie Must sell Will consider all offers DD 675 HIGHWAY NORTH 21 acres with room house Asking only $4000 with terms 21 HIGHWAY NORTH year old brick bungalow with attached garage Iull price $11500 This Is real good buy so if you want outoftown liv ing have look at this noun PA anon PRANK NELLES PA 56636 Iiember Ilarri and Dhtnct In poem CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Theatr HOME WITH INCOME Splendid investment for party desiring home with additional income Duplex on large well landscaped lot with cottages to the rear Within flat walk ing distance of schools and sh0p ping Asking price 312000 For further details call Ralph Boake PA 06481 or after call PA H803 LIVED IN And mellowed with the charm of gracious years bedrooms kitchen living room and pc bath Oil heated Located in west end this home has been newly decorated For an ap pointment call Russell Carson PA 6481 or after call PA 661 EASY ON THE BUDGET Large room frame and insul brick home situated on small acreage close to Camp Borden ThIs older type home has these featureslarge kitchen living room bedrooms aluminum storms and sash garage Only $500 down Call Ralph Baillie PA 64918 or after call PA com CLOSE TO INDUSTRIES Excellent room insul brick home8 bedrooms kitchen liv llig room dining room pc bathlisted at $8000 with $700 down comfortable home for working family with no trans portation problems Call Russ ell Carson PA 66481 or after call PA 66161 EXCELLENT INCOME FOR WIDOW For an investment of only $2000 beautifully kept home in the Collier St Church area suitable for renting rooms and for boarders Three large love ly rooms on main floor for own er four bedrme on second floor partly finished recreation room in basement For quiet inspection call Ralph Buake PA 96481 or after call PA 50303 and District Board HENDERSON REALTOR lo coLLIaR STREET PHONE PA 82073 55 PARK STREET Low cost investment double house central location long term tenants in each half West em owner will now accept only $8500 full price hall cash Terms to suit on balance Call Emerson Swain GROVE STREET EAST Four bedroom home living ing room kitchen has built range and oven tiled piece bath with vanity tiled entrance hall finished recreation room landscaped lot For appointment call Emerson Swain EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDREII PA 34865 DOROTHY ercox PA H543 PERCY roan PA Moon EMERSON SWAIN PA H605 Member of barrio and District and Ontario Redi Eltlto Hoard OVING For complete moving service safer and easier Cali COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT is Essa Rd Barrio PAIkway 35575 ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER To TIFFIN STREET BARRIE CALL DAYOR EVENING To Buy Or Sell Your CarSeer Classification No REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP 5mm EAST First In Barrio Home SalesForemost tn Qualiw of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL MR5 at MOOREPA Mir ROGERSPA also alumnus BAluur DISTRICT REAL POSTERPA uzu COWPA 0915 ESTATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN Membul ot the barrio Real state Board Smith CmpbfllPA Ima rIYul GarveyIA was Joan LangPA new cbariia IliadPA Mall Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 68742 First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 60 ot Value No Fees Charged EXECUTIVE HOME $16500 FULL PRICE Heautifu room home with every modern convenience and featuring attached garage with breezeway and patio finished recreation many more extras room with bar builtIn dishwasher and Call Norman Shelswell nnwi 515000 FULL PRICE Largerthanaverage is room brick home with every modern appointment and featuring Iinishcd recreation room plus fourth bedroom and office in the basement also heated sun porch For inspection call Norman Shelswcll 0500 FULL PRICE Large brick home close to downtown ideal for the large family or would lend iLSelf to duplexing Two baths new forced air oil furnace Call Norman Shelsivell for Inspection zvenlng call looLongiin PA was vvmt sbeiswell 0m 1910 Ink Wllison PA HHI Norman shelrweu PA aIMI Howard Norris PA to Stoutt Agencies Ltd CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 85901 INVESTMENT Brand new ultra modcrn brick sixplex Five units with kitch en livingdining area bed unit kitch en livingdining area bed Thermostat in each apt Hot water oil base board heating Paved parking CALL rooms pc bath room pc bath lat Close to downtown US NOW OTHER INCOME PROPERTIES We would like to Show you zyeorbid Duplex on Innislil Street income $190 monthly Triplex on Bowman Avenue Income $235 monthly WANTED or bedroom brick home or lot in Hillcrest School or Sunni dale area liembor or the Barrie and District Rcal Estate board EVENINGS CALL MERV GOULD EDE GOULD HAItIiY SLESSOR DRCA BROWN 11me LOUGHEED STAVNcR loelvi TLTORBW REAL ESTATE Broker Phillie 824 93 Dunlop St IIIABEL MARSHALLPA gt auto curtailPA 8star MURIEL JEFFERYPA 66383 Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffiu St PA 60476 EVENINGS CALL xari Marshall PA asalv Emory liuler PA noses Member of the Barrie and District Real Estate Board NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointments Full priée $15500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 83156 New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures vans ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 MARE AN OFFER Five room white frame house Located on Innlslil St Oil fur nace builtin cupboards three piece bath Easily heated Best offer Telephone after ram PA 83832 shano DOWN Good terms for balance three bedroom bungalow ate rule Telephone PA 7585 THREE acndonm House Three and onehalf years old NHA moll gage In Oakley Park area Priced rule Fully Inndlclped for quick Telephone NEW house PA 754 PA 82379 Member or the Barri RM EIth EDIIII 11152 combination uzoooecoon below cost low down payment accepted nhone PA oio75 0RD 2516 Otto 2515 PA 50573 PA c7155 LLOYD HoCxLIzv PA SILIl full price 311com spacious year old Tranrtcrrcd requires immedi THREE linItItooM nvlnn tiled powder and bathroom living room lovely view or line Ray nl Zone Very Tele MOVING Dout Iorgct to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage or any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 OR PA HIIDZ ii Dunlap St PRIVATE Overlooking park One and half storey brick home Living room kitchen two bedrooms three piece bath finished recreation room all heating Dvo unfinish ed rooms and bath on second flooru Coolt Si location PA 83948 owncns thrco bedroom bunga low one you old Small down payment Telephone PA sosos for mrtbec intormatlan Nrivn Room nuPLnx with two bathrooms Ior sale One block tron post attire No relllors please Telephone PA saws tor further Information sgoo DOWN Excellth six room two storcy home central to Gon cral Eleciric and other plants Pull basement ull Iurnaoc Full price $8000 will carry for $50 monthly principal and interest Carson PA 56161 VALuAeLr Investment Property Ideally located In residential dis trict near shopplng cenlrn and schools This newbuilding coll illns three apartments now only rented one apartment unnplsheo and has ample parking area These two bedroom lplrtmonts could be easily converted to busi miss mice or medical centre Adjoining propel1y alsonvalIIbIe Ior future expansion Particulars write rid Examiner FOR SALE OR RENT LARGE aUanmG Ior sale or rent suitable for church and par ronags combination tor in small group Central location Telephone PA b9667 lor turthcr details NEW MODERN Home for sale or rent Sunnidnlc and Anne street district Finished recreation room Must bn seen to be appreciated gaslilsmls to sell Telephone PA PROPERTY WTD TO BUY For tull to Box as an RENTALS NURSING HOMES RE Aux than Nunsrxo anal 13min tor LbLl uoric Sean and private rooms rind nursing care robe toad Tv rooms nation on son or outing Telephone use Sunni APTS HOUSES TO RENT BLAKE ST AT SHOPPING PLAZA Ground floor Very warm Un furnished one bedroom modern apartment Separate entrance Vacant $75 monthly Bur at door Telephone PA $7475 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self xeonlained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en fullbasement Central loca tion $65 per month Telephone PA 39238 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown Cane and two bedroom OBalconies Obamboo Drapes OStoves and fridges Iindividuai thermostata oIncinerators OFrec washing and drying lucilities IMany other fine appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83 86 Visual Upriain Apart RENTALS APT5 HOUSES To RENT WARN uniurnlsbcd three room healed apartment aellcoptained with private bath List and close to stores school bus flop Avaik able March Telephona PA Mlle moot three rooms ullltonthlned oii healed Central location small baby welcome Availbin TeIEDbooe PA M157 xxx 30031 House Ior rent with aunroom and nnlc oil behtltu Centrally loeaieo Available now $100 pol month Telcphona PA c2905 or PA as ma noon upturnbee bub ed artment tor rent Selfltolr taln up rate entrance $5 per monm vallabla immediately Telephonl PA 52710 or PA mu UNPURNIsmzn healed modern apartment to real Available linen 75 per month Tele DDDlllIB PA soon or runner inior nn on AVAILABLE Now lieled two bedroom apartment in Siroud apartment home set per month Telephone Simon to or Iurtber particulars new ARTICLES For SALE Sizes ms ideal ior lining hep houses sills garagu etc perfect Insulawr Buy your furnace how between Jan 15th hndFeb 23th and get your dual air attachment FORCED AIR OIL 0R GAS Phone collect Siroud AIRS NEWSPAPER MATS 75c PER DOZEN Apply Tho Barrie Egaminer Barrie Ontario FURNACE BARGAIN FREE with evcry complete installation Reg 369 NEW $110 Finance Rate WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors til Stroud Low Overhead Low Cost Folllt n00 Apartment for rent Private halb uniurolsheo and beat ed rivaie entrance class to ichoo and bus children welcome Box is Barrie Examiner POUR ROOM Apartment or rent unfurnished heated Ground floor Private entrance Suitcanulned Available now Telephone PA helm for lurthor information UNPllllleuap two bedroom apartment heated Centrally loca ltd Parking provided Renl no monthly Tcicphuno PA ion or alter 6J0 PA 595 GROUND FLOOR Apartment two bedrooms living room and kitchen also use of Iuli bnscmcni seiL cantalncd Apply to Thompson Si Available March CHOICE APARTMENT Iiiudern1 bedroom unfurnished selfcontained heated laundry and parking iacilliics Nonl bus stop Available March PHONE PA 55467 MODERN one and two bedroom apartments east end liarric llam boo drapes Vcnctlnn bIInds Auto maiic laundry inclllties Parking Telephone PA oasis for iurthor iniarmatian SIX ROD House or rent with automatic gas heating Three bed rooms Centrally located Available now Telephone PA $5220 or mrr thcr information sis liioNTIlLY bright hcnted upper duplex Iive rooms and bulb No obiection to and child Corn pletely private Close to st Marys Church Telephone PA 66641 AVAILABLE February Two bedroom unmrnbhcd apartment neat and water supplied scitcon month Telephone PA Mesa TIIItISE noolu Busament Apart merit heated seIIcontalnod pri vate bath Refrigerator and stove Partially iurnishcd Telephone PA 853211 or PA atsa tor turthar in Inrmntion NEW THREE ncnnooll ravine house tllcd powder and bathroom large combination living room lovon view of hay Rd lone $100 per month Telephone PA 61675 TWO BEDROOM sclfcontalned unfurnished apartment Heated pa rage 575 per month Children wel come Available March 15 Tclc phone PA evali tor turiber in Iorrnailon iour rooms and bath newly decor htcd Oil furnace Immediate puss essiou Allnndnle disirici Tcies phone PA Neon Ior Inrthcr de tails MODERN two bedroom spare merit centrally located stove and reirigerstoc Free laundry and parking facilities Decorated in tenants choice of colors Available March Telephone PA sooaz SPACIOUS Prva ROOM unluc nlsnod apnrtmcnt stove and relt rrigerator optional automatic laundry and parking tacilities Telephone PA aillsa or PA Maul ioc further details taintd East and location 575 per ex Poll RENT Semidetached house PDDR Nomi Apartment iii bath uniurnishcd stove and re irigerator auvplicd centrally io cltcd No children Available iro modiatcly For turihrr Informa tlnn iclrphnno PA soul PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Ekaminer If you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please ce at our Bust llch Office We arr sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $I00 IO $I25 plus Two nannooll House for rent Ideal location on Kcmvcnreit nay Aduiis preicrrcd Ilcnt 5100 per month Contact IIIn chresion PA coast LARGE seven room house for rent ihrcc bedrooms two bath rooms but water heating Central Available now in McDonald st Apply at 73 Dundomld Street THREE BEDROOM aparimcnt or rent in new building washer dryer and ionitor service supplied Available immediately Telephono PA IIlez ior urthcr inlormaiion WANTED TO RENT WANTED To nnNT One or two bedroom Iumisiicd apartment by April Central location It poss ihic Apply Dex 75 nanla Exam incr with detail ROOMS oLET ITS SPRING HOUSE CLEANING TIME GET CASH Ior useiul items stored in your attic garage and closets if you dont want it some body does USE FAST ACTING BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PA 82414 usab rILTall QUEEN Ior sale reconditioned Must bc scan to be appreciated Telephone PA 35482 for iurthcr Intormatian USED ELacmouix in good con dition Could not he iold irorn new and $4950 Tcrmg nvaUable Telephone PA MMBZ IIEDIIDO Ior rent central In downtown area ior business gen tlcman Telephone PA nzisoi uItIGIlT CLEAN bedroom or rent in quiet home for gentleman downtown area Telephone PAr $7215 after pm FURNISHED ncdroorn for rent Lnundry tacuiilcs Breakfast and lunch packed if desired Telephone days PA some or cvhnlngs PA M027 for Iurther Information ROOM BOARD RuoM AND Tininn avnllnbie in east end Lunches packed it de sired Tclcphone PA amp for up ther inrormailon R00 IND BOARD nvallnble for two in private home Will pack lunches Parking space Apply to IT uradiord strcct afl MARY STREET Vicinity Close to downtown area Room and board Gentleman prorerrcd Will pack lunches Rome privileges Tele phone PA Moos Ior further in formation Try All Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom lnpnrtments ovarlooklng scenic Kempcutcit Bay Heat was In nrklng Ind Janitor service lnclu ed Automatic wrrhlnr lu cllltics PA 81502 APARTMENT three rooms wiLb private bath refrigerator and range Downtown Suitable fnr ndulb $5751 per month For fur ther intormation telephone PA Muss WANTED To BUY Two acres or landon Guthrie lien near High way 11 Telephone PA 61355 WANTED level lot on level strcct wul pay top price all cash tor the right location Write flux 74 nanla Examiner CLIENT wlln mono looking for bungalow under 31mm client with $2500 looking for bedroom home with garage under sumo payments but to exceed $100 per month good 200 to zoo acre dairy farm wanted client wining to pay up to $75000 tor the right property Cali Canon Real Estate PA m1 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lat 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY eTo conseudhio dcbts mortgagee coming on nine improvement cAny worthwhuo noun PA 60981 Mortgage Funding WET SimpsonsSears ll DUNLOP 5T 11 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARBIE PA 30203 PRIVATE Plrst Martsre $4500 bearing inierert Tele pbouo Stroud goal or appoint men gt MnRroanelit and and bought lold and arranged commercial and residentinl mom leaned on existing mortglgger nrrld port gage Brokers moi RENTALS Low COST BPACE for rent clean modern bulldin Suitablo or commercial or ligh industrial leophodl PA 54513 tor sltIALL attractive one bedroom apartment ror rent Heated self contained Available March Lo cated Penetung and st Vincent streets sen monthly Telephone PA 83513 GROUND PLooR Two bedroom Apartment in modern building East end Laundry faculties re frlgelator stove heat and water supplied Not suitable or child ren Telephone PA 51445 IIoIIsE Ior rent nve large room heated Located at sunnidule Cor ners Highway 25 Reasonable Available now Telephone newt stayner alter pm FURNISHED heated golfcontain ed three morn apartment One block from Post Office Private entrance Avauable liiarcn Tele phone PA 56710 for turiher Inton oration THREE ROOM unfurnished ground floor apartment Ior rent Near factories Heat hydro and water supplied Parking space Telephone PA Maze or PA 3435 or details NEW LARGE Apartments for rent in newapartment building one and two bedrooms stove and Te mgentm laundry facilitles sun plicd queen street area PA dam MODERN newly decorated one and two bedroom apartment ior rent Carinally located with water and beat supplied Telephone PA 32253 or PA sum for nirtber In rorniation Two BEDROOM unfurnished acu contalnedv duplex Living room kitchen dining arcs basement front and back entrances Routing for $00 monthly Apply Napier or telephone PA Mm ATTRACTIVE unturnlshed three room apartment with private bath hentcd private entrance Torinltd street location Immediate posse slon Telephone PA 66555 for in ther Information ARGI Imusa for rent available Murcia 1st Suitable for Large family or could be duplexed Centrally located Also three bed room house living room dining room kitchen galheltcd Tele phone PA 89567 CENTRALLY located new modern apartments now renting behalml living and dining area two bed room zone but water heating stove and refrigerator supplied also washer and dryer One bed room apartment aLlo Immediate possession avnliablc Telephone PA BJABE or PA aaail By ALICE BROOKS TOIISTER COVER Everyone will admire this protection for your toaster It adds color to your kitchen too Youll enjoy making this shutters are applique flowers lazydaisy stitch Use rem nant for the roof Pattern 721 trausferof pattern directions Send Thirtyfive cents Icuins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUEI 200 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needle craft Cntaiog ready nowl See Beautiful Bulkiea In complete fashion section plus bedsplcads linens toys afghans Slipcovers pluS2 free patterns Sendizs cents nowl WOOD LATIIa 3R5 iiiend tonpin DRINKING PROBLEM rim wrtAPs Jackets and Coat Ior aalo or exchange Repairing reliniug and remodelling hloden ate prices Apply blilbum nod son 12 nunlop street VIIL Blrflc Telephone PA 51537 bowling ball with leather bag 25 Large metal cutting lathe tool holden ct bolt driven in good condition 5115 Parker lzgnuge shotgun In line condition 40 Kodak tourist camera with flash 12 Telephone PA M293 BUSINESS ARTICLES for SALE SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances lIIoffat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 66531 cnaa wANs4too at month Telephone PA crescenr Finance to nunlop at West BCUBA muipmeot Ior sale used only months ilko new single rlngo two hose regulator Aqua Lung trnir constant reserve vh rBlc Pro with harness 52 can Neoprene wet suit complete air rncdluln Pins rporrei mask weight belt 17 pounds of weights diserr nag and one proteaslonal divcra kuiio ouiia reasonable Phone PA Mon alter pm or can at 47 Marcus StrecL ARTICLES WANTED nAuY sTnouzn wanted bint luv springs Telephone PA was uAllN so it to Icet wanted Lum ber must be In good condition Ap ply Io min or Walrcr Stlynor or telephone 32ml Sthyner WANch To out neat end tor last to lost Ford or licteor Must be in good shape Telephon lvy lulu anyiirnc AlncltArr Photographs Will my phoiognphs negatlvcl or slides oi any type aircrait any quantity or private collection Write Don Kcuncdy 32 Ann st Welland HAVE YOU any rurpiua homo lur nlslllngs Turn them Into cash Stoves romgorators bedroom lun nllurc ebramu scis rugs Tele phone PA Maia Spot cash and prompt pickup FARMERS MARKET FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment Just Reminder CASE SHOWCASE srnouo HALL WEDNESDAY FEB 28 Meeting At pm PRIZES LUNCH AND DANCE TO FOLLOW 17s BURTON AVE PA 112373 CASH TRADE TERMS LIVESTOCK TEAM oP ninck Percheron Hob sci Ioruoic weighing lsuo Ibr each Telephone Ivy 132124 Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 PAULS LOCK REPAIR RR NEW LOWELL PHONE 9203 Repairs to Locks Door Closers and Sales Service Dept BARRIE HARDWARE 40 BAYFIELD ST ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE P0 BOX 501 OR PHONE PA 60706 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS FEDERS GENERAL REPAIRS ELECTRICAL TUNEUPS CARBURETION 400 TEXACO SERVICE STATION Dunlap at Anne St BARBIE PA P3142 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 142 ADVERTISING RELAX your ULCER and let us get the business while you get the profit CALL BUSHVESS SERVICES PA 82414 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling mingling porches recreation roams Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA S5071 Try All Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 51414 CLEANERS 8r DYERS NUSERVICE CLEANERS Clapperton St CLEANERS AND SHIRT ERVICE WE ALSO CLEAN Ladies furer coats DYNEL OLLEGRO BORG FOR FREE PICKUP PA 471 DRIVING SCHOOL LEARNHVG HOW TO DRIVE CALL JOHN DRIVING SCHOOL PA 61277 For Rates and Information EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone DE Barrio 29 Anne Street PA 29II7 FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal oLinoleum and Vinyl tile OSheet goods ICeramic tile OIIaldlvood flooring oCarpets IComplete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY OF EVENINGS WORKMANSIHP GUARANTEED FREE PARK ING PHONE PA $5362 EVENINGS PA 84952 Charles Lawson Propr PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA H956 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 64678

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