Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1962, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tale hone PA 62411 The telephone number to rail for the Busincss or Editorial Dch in PA 66587 LOCAL WEATHER away mm and inowflurries Law tonight I0 High tomorrow For completl summlry turn to page two 98 YearNo 44 Barrio Ontario Canada Tulsday February 20 196 Exiles Plan To Oust Not More Than per Copy11 Page ORBIT IS SUCCESSFUL Red Castro GUATEMALA CITY tAPlA group of Cuban exiles in Guate main are organizing an unny to seek the overthrow of Olban Frontier Fidel Castro The or ganization however is still on paper and spokesman said it cannot mobilize unless it gets United States weapons The best available informa tion is that no Cuban exiles are being trained here under arms at this time Both Guatemalan and US officials deny tbcrc is such activity Guatemala was one of the training areas for the abortive invasion of Cuba last April The new organization is called the Army of Liberation of Cuba its chief is former com mandcr in the Cuban Army 58 year old Gen Josc Ped raza Cabrera civilian spokesman for the group asking not to be idcnti tied sold the organization has all the men we nccd for an attack on Cuba These men all Cubansare scattered throughout the con tinent waiting for the signal to unite and train as an invasion army he said RENEW APPEAL The spokesman said Our Mambises tCubans who fought against Spain asked and obtained the aid of the govem ment and the noble North American people with which we obtained the liberty that we have lost today The Army of Liberation of mba today makes an appeal just as our hlambiscs did yes tcrdny This civilian spokesman said that although Pcdrazn is com mnnder in all military aspects the organization is controlled by directorate of about 30 men He described them as business men professionals farmers la borers industrialists and bank ers No politicians are in the di rectorate which he said has only one purpose one ambl tion To free the country which has fallen into the hands of atheist Communism Spokesman for some other Cuban exile groups believe however that only followers of ex pr dent Fulgcncio Batista would join Pedrnzn They claim Pcdrnza is known as Batista supporter and for his rough handed methods when he headed the national police be fore becoming commandcr of the army under Batista The spokesman for Pcdraza denied reports the general had been Batista supporter Move To Open Up Press Services In South Africa CAPE TOWN RoutersThe government commission on tho South African Press recom mended Monday that the court try to the Afrikaanslanguage press SAPA is ooperativo ag ency owned by South Africas major newspapers The commission report also recommends thnt SAPAs news service be made available to al world news agencies on in some terms and conditions Should the agencyfail to ac cept these and other recom mendations the commission rec ommends that SAPAs licence to register as nonprofitmaking association be revoked The report further says that if SAPA refuses the undesira ble aspects of SAPAs monop oly could be rectified under the regulation of the Monopolistic Conditions Act of 1955 CONTROL TENDENIIOUS While saying that neither this nor any previous government had controlled or attempted to control SAPA the report says the agencys control had been tendentious because of the distribution of its shares English language newspa pers control 074per cent of the votes that can be cast at SAPA general meeting the re port says adding that owners of Afrikaans newspapers were represented at SAPAs general meeting in little more than an advisory capacity US Reported To Agree On Expanding WASHINGTON CP Well informed sources say the United States would be prepared to ex pand the forthcoming disarma ment talks at Geneva into nego tiations on Berlin and other is sues if Russia so desires They said it is known foreign ministers tend to wander far afield when they meet They likely would not be confined to disarmament at Geneva Informants said the Moscow talks on Berlin between US Ambassador Llewellyn Thomp son and Soviet Foreign Minister Andre Gromka have bogged down into mere ritual Perhaps they may go on somewhat further one author said but we do not see uch change now in the Soviet tude on key issues suggested there might be ighter prospects for making ingress on disarmament if lstWest agreement could be enched on rlin Western uwers want Soviet recognition their occupation rights in lust Berlin Russ wants to in West Berlin into free to dilute Western control hompson has been exploring This was only the first part of the commissions report intro duced in the House of Assembly Monday by the minister of inte rior Jan de Klerk Its 810 page are divided into nine chapters and there are 10 appendices of 1566 pages The report makes an exhaus tlve analysis ofthe sources of news dispatched to four world nevvs agencies Reuters The As sociated Press United Press In ternational and Agence France Presse and also of journalists responsible for sending news 0n the basis of the analysis the report says it is extrem cly undesirable that these four world agencies receive news drawn mainly from South Afri cas Englishlanguage press that was collected selected and sent by nonhilingual Englishspeak ing journalists The report says the conduct of the daily press in South Af rica and the publics limited choice in daily newspapers mi lltates against the formation of an informed public opinion on race and political matters TRANSFER commas CAMP TOWN NB CPAbout 1500 soldiers of the 2nd Battalion thaBlack Watch Royal Highland Regi ment of Canada and depend ents will he transferred to NATO duty in West Germany in the next month the army said Monday The 2nd Battalion to become part of the 4th Cana dian Infantry Brigade Group in Europe will release its sister Berlin issue with Gromyko Joe hope of finding some now imit the lst Battalion which will return to base here firms Talks mon ground acceptable to both sides HERES ONE EDINBURGH an AP Police have stopped Norman Aitkeu from running raffle wifhhimsolf as first prize He was ready to be the Winners slave for year Aitken 221 an unemployed restaurant in was was planning to get 5000 tickets printed when the p0lt lice stepped in You cant do it they told him It would be an illegal lottery Said the dejected Aitken Monday The draw was to have been held in an Edinburgh ball room Whoever won the raffle would have had my services free for year Aitken figured that by sell ing 5000 tickets at 10 shillings $140 each he would have good income for that years work would have tackled any thing provided it was not dc GlENNlS SAFE AMERICASCUP CHALLEN Thisthe first new picture permitted of the Australian yacht which will contest the Americas Cup champiundtip Sept 15 of Newport RI was taken in the shed on the Pnrramnttn River at Sydney where the craft was built Launching of the mfoot long AroueWLe Guessing on His OTTAWA CF Hazen Arv gue left the capital guessing to day about his plans for the fu ure The former CCFNDP parlia mentary leader who quit the New Democratic Party Sunday said on his return here into Mona day night his only immediate moves will be to locntonew of fice space answer his mail and discuss with Speaker Ros land Michener how his Clim mons seat is shifted to another location To questions about whether he plans to discuss possible entry into Liberal ranks with opposi tion Leader Pearson he re plied havent made any decision in this regard have no plans to do that at this time Later he indicated to The Ca nadian Press his decision may not be made for few days WOULD PICK LIBERALS He told an airport press con ference following flight with Mrs Argue from Regina that as political alternative he would have no difficulty picking the Liberals over the Progressive Conservatives of the two old parties theres no question in my mind that the Liberal party under Mr Pearson with the advisers hes acquired around him has for mulated in many fields fairly progressive program think the government on the other hand has been complete fi asco Of his immediate plans he said thought might discuss the general question with the speaker tomorrow although do not have any proposal to put to the Speaker but just thought might discuss with him how the name plate on his desk is moved to some other location He said he had notdecldcd whetherto put in an appear ance on the floor of the Com mons which meets at 11 am EST today Regarding possible entry into provincial politics he said Im Fotdgoing to the provincial re REPEATS CHARGES Mr Argue rep the charges he made when he re signedthat the NDP formed last August by the CCF and Ca nadian Labor Congress is labor dorninaied He forecast that prominent members of the NDP not no cessarily among the xeight re maining members in theCom mons will follow his lead out of the party in the near future grading indecent or illegal be said He said he was amazed and overjoyed at the flood of tel ephone calls received by him and members of his family all expressing support for his deci sion to quit the NDP He also was amazed at the number of defections and deciv sions not to run in the West He mentioned among these Al Mackling aformer Manitoba CCF president and Jake Shulz an official of the Manitoba Fan merr Union 0n the some flight with Mr and Mrs Argue as far as Tor onto wns Douglas national leader of the NDP who defeated Mr Argue for the party lead ership last August Both said it was coincidental WOULD WELCOME IT To reporters suggestion that the two might be pitted against each other at the next federal election in Assinlboia constituency Mr Argue said fl would welcome it think would be the winner by very wide majority Mr Argue has held the Sa skatchewan constituency for 17 years Its boundaries include most of the provincial constitu ency Mr Douglas represented as Saskatchewan premier from 1044 until he resigned last year after winning the NDP leader ship As Mr Argue flew to the cap ital Liberal officials conferred on the question of placing before the Liberal caucus of MP5 any bid by Mr Argue to sit as Lib eral MP Sources here said such pro posal was placed before Mr Pearson by Saskatchewan Lib eral Lender floss Thatcher himself former CCF MP who left the CO in 195531111 joined the Liberals in the Commons year later ELECT BERRIDGE Mr Argues resignation was followed by election of Herridge CCF MP for Kootenay IN NUTSHELL Thief Grabs$8600 In Street NIAGARA FALLS NY AP Police were searching to day for bandit who snatched manila envelope containing more than $8600 in cash and cheques from an insurance com pany clerk while she and another Prudential Insurance Com pany clerk were enroute to make bank deposit Schoolboy Shatters Swim Records MELBOURNE AP Sydney school boy Kevin Berry 16 battered two world records in winning the 220ynrd butterfly title at the Australian swimming champlo ships today Berry won in two minutes 125 seconds GER FROM AUSTRALIA aves Otto reported to have raised new at hull is scheduled for today Name of the yacht will not be announced until Feb 28 AP Virephoto via radloffrom Melt hourne snows Vest as parliamentary leader by meeting of six of the eight remainingmembers of the CCF NDP group in Parliament This left the post of deputy leader held for some time by Mr lIerridge unfilled and was problems among the group Ru mors circulated that it re mainedvacant as result of uncertainty about the course that might be followed by two veteran CCF members Shortly before leaving Regina Mr Argue said the eight re maining members are disilu sioned and that he expected other members tofollow his lend suggestion that Walter Pit man NDP memberfor Peter horough and junior member of the group ecome deputy leader was said to have been shelved in the face of violent opposition from Harold Winch former CCF leader in British Columbia and an MP since 1953 Mr Pitman first MP elected under the NDP banner éntered the Commons after byelection in October 1060 The matter may be thrashed out next week when Erhart Re gier CCF member for Burnaby Coquitlam returns from Visit to British Guiana and Martin 001 MP for Timmins returns from visit to his con stltuency Party sources indicated both Mr Winch and Mr Regier may 1131 claim to the deputy leader 1p DENY CHARGE The caucus and Mr Argucs former party colleagues vigor ously denied Mr Argues charge that the NDPhas become tool of laborclique Caldwell CCF national leader until 1960 when Mr Ar gue succeeded him said Mr See ARGUEPnge bening the world 200 metro record held by Roble of Los Angelersby onetendi of second and his own myardrocord by 18 locondl CANAVERAL Iln tAPUS astronaut John Glenn Jr rocketed into orbit to day in his spacecraft Friend ship and scientists planned to bring him down after he cir cled the earth three times in four hours and 50 minutes As Glenn soared toward his rendezvous with the stars he reported by radio to the proiect Mercury control centre at Cape Canaveral that feel fine and the view is tremendous He said he could see the At lna booster rocket falling away behind him and that ho had clear view of much of the earth stretching back to the Cape from his vantage point about 100 miles in space Its beautiful sight Glen exclaimed MONITOR FLIGHT Thu reports cams from the control centre here where tense offlcluls carefully monitored the historic flight of the first Amer ican to be fired into orbit Glenns space capsule was blasted Skyward by powerful Atlas booster which shot aloft at am The massive rocket generat ing 360000 pounds thrust pen formcd perfectly and with pin point precision boosting the spacecraft to the proper speed and altitud for th misrlon Offlcialsreportéd the capsule was in an orbit ranging from high point of 160 miles to low of 100 miles and the speed was 17530 miles an hour Estimated time of each circuit of the globe was or minutes MAKES REPORTS As the rocket rose skyward Glennpncting like true test pilot reported on the condition ofhis instruments and of him self He sold forces of eight times the pull of gravity worked on him during the peak acceler ation After reporting the fall of the booster he radioed that his spacecraft had successfully turned around 180 degrees as planned so that he was riding upright and backwards with the crafts heat shield leading the way Almost immediately the Mer cury tracking station at Ber muda picked up signals from tho swiftlymoving vehicle and reported Glenns voice coming in clearly At this point the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis tration confirmed that orbit had been attained It was planned to bring Glenn down to landing 000 miles southeast of Cape Canaveral at approximately 237 pm WERE DELAYS The launching came after sev eral frustrating postponements dating back to Dec 20 Several technical delays today backed up the scheduled 780 am launching for more than two hoursand almost forced reduc tion of the flight to two orbits Officialshad said that if the liftoff occurred too much past 930 am they might cut the number of orbits The gravity forces which gripped Glenn on liftoff making his body feeleight times heavier than itsnormnl 165 pounds van ished suddenly when the cap Wife Children Wait At Home ARLINGTON Vn APiAs lronaut John Glenn Jr talked to his wife and two teenage children by telephone today as he waited out in his space cap sule the countdown for his or bitul flight The call come the capsule poised atop its gl ganfic rocket booster at Cape Cagnnvernluhlsq about 050 am Mrs Glenn and the children were watching television broad casts of the preparations for Glenns great adventure Inside the Glenn home with his familyrwere Mrs Glenns parents and four friends and neighbors represents vs of the fed eral space agency told reporters that Glenn talkedto his family for about five minutes He said its behaved olli was placed WEtt Glenn Whirls Around Earth rule entered orbit The pressure was gone and Glenn became weightlessthe buoyant feeling that results when delicate balance is achieved between the outward pull of centrifugal force and the downward pull of the earths gravity Glenn was to be in this mys torious weightless condition for most of his flight until the cop sule recntercd the atmosphere en route back to earth mn lor goal was to determine mans capabilities and limitations in this environment It is sensation future space travellers must learn to cope with for days and weeks at time CRITICAL PERIOD Still ahead for Glenn lay critical period of roentry at completion of the three orbits trio of reverse rockets at the Times At 17530 MPH BULLETIN Lt Col John Glenn land ed in the Atlantic Ocean It 148 pm today after orbit ing three times around tho world He was reported to be Inf and well ported that the astronaut had eaten his first meal in space at about this period and had exer ciscd the manual control sys temp in the capsule Glenn carried two tubes of mixture of beef and vegetables which be squeezed into his mouth through an opening in his helmet He was high over the Indian Ocean trucking ship at 1080 am here he passed suddenly from daylight into darkness and in period of about 45 minutes he had moved from winter in the United States to summer over the Indian Ocean Halfway through the first on bit Dr William Douglas med ical officer at the control centre at the Cape reported Glenn was in completely normal situ ntionrandiproceodiog in excel lent condition GOING WELL As he passed over tho Australia station Glenn conversed with fellow as tronaut Gordon Cooper follow SPACEMAN GLENN Itl Beautiful base of the capsule were to be fired by signal from nnautolt motic clock aboard the craft as it approached the west coast of the UnitedrStates near the on of the third circuit If all fire properly speed will be reduced by 350 miles an hour Enough to take the capsule out orbit and enable it to descend gradually to landing near Grand Turk Island in the Bahamas Because the capsule Friend ship was spoEdlng five miles second it would miss the in tended impact tone by five miles every second of error in the clock or if only one or two of the rockets fired it would miss the area by hundredsof miles and recovery would be more difficult After firing of the retros Glenn then had to rely on complex spacecraft control par achute and landing systems and the farflung recovery forces for his salvation Or as in the case of the orbi tal flight of Enosthe chimpan zee la st November trouble could develop in the capsule and the flight be terminated early At 1009 3111 the Kano Ni geria station made contact and reported that the mission seemed to be going as planned Em FIRST MEAL The Kano station said Glenn was in excellent voice as he through from passed overhead in also re by Scott Carpenter Glenns standby pilot WATCH TV SETS Lightswcnt on in the astrtr nauts home at 45 am and the family quickly clustered around three television sets in the living room It was big day in the house hold It meantn day off from school for the childrenDavid 16 and Lyn 14 If the repeated postponements of her husbands adventure brought strain and anxiety to the Glenn family the ashes nauts wife Annie 41 was keeping it to herself Mrs Glenn has repeated that log progress of the flight in Australia Glenn told Cooper that everything was going well and be also reported seeing muchcloud cover over the In dinn Ocean He told Cooperhe observed cluster of very hrigbtlights be law He assumed these were the ligth of Perth where every body in town planned to turn on their lamps in hopes that Glenn wouldsee them as he whisz overhead Glenn snide Thank everybody for turning them on This Is TheCost CAPE CANAVERAL Fla ADThe United States man inspace program has cost an estimated $400000000 so far in cluding the attempt to burl John Glenn Ir into orbit to day About 30000 persons partici pate actively in the Glenn mis sion including 15000 sailors on rescue and recovery ships at sea The other 15000 includes about 2000 government person nel while the rest are industrial workers and scientists The Mercury capsule which Glenn rode into orbit today was the 69th earth satellite success fully sent aloft bythe United States This is more than five times the 13 satellites Russia has orbited since launching Sput nlk on Oct 1957 Included were Vostoks and II which carried cosmqnnuts Yuri Gaga rid and Gherman Titov into or bit lnsf year The first American satellite Explorer shot aloft Jan 31 1050 It lsbmong 35 US moo lets still circling the globe sia has only uneestill up Sput nik IV launched May 15 1060 Three United States and two So vlet satellitesalso are in orbit around the sun Just in case few drugs are aboard Glenns space capsule They include painkiller in case of hum stimulant in case of fatigue and antiseasick ncss pills in case of weightless ness or bobbing sea makes him ill But he does not entry any pol shc felt fine during all the wait ing for her husbands historic flight and that she has comp to confidence in the space pro son to end his life spokes man for the National Aeronaub es and Space Admlnlatration declared

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