SAIILING Princess Margaret of Britain dances with her husband the Earl of Snow PEOPLE AND PLACES don as they attend annunl ball of Canadian Universities Society in London restaur Pbono Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 66537 MARRIAGE The marriage has been an nounced of Mary Bishop Exell of Bermuda to William George Exell of Barrie Itev Ross Adams officiated at the core mony in St Andrews Presby terian Church Feb BAPTISIIIAL RITES The service of Baptism was performed in Willowdalc United Church by Ilev David Iieevc of Burton Avenue United Church last Sunday Children baptized were David Eugene James son or Mr and Mrs Armand James Puget Street Elaine Catherine McGrath daughter of Mr and Airs McGrath Puget Street Penny Fern Miftiin daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald Milflin Nel son Street Frederick Allen Dai ken Dawn Barbara DaIken children of Mr and Mrs Fred Daiken St Vincent Street lili chacl William Thomas Gass son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Gass llelrosc Avenue Garry William Boll son of Mr and Mrs Will iam Bull Duckworth Street ELLIOT LAKE VISITOR Mrs Wye Sanford Street is the guest of her son and daughterinlnw for three veeks holiday at Elliot Lake Enroute home Mrs Wye will visit son and daughteriniaw in Parry Sound for one week ENGAGEMENT Trinity United Church Col llngwood will be the setting for the wedding of Miss Shirley Ann Emmaiey Synnott daughv ter of Mr and Mrs George Synnott of Stayner to Ivan Arthur Holmes son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Holmes New Low ell The evening ceremony will take place March Your Party Guests Will Enjoy DoItYourselt Buffet Supper By IDA BAILEY ALLEN When guests drop in for buffet supper of Saturday night each person enjoys making his own sandwiches On large table arrange vari ous sliced breads tbutteredl and selection of sliced cold meat hard cooked eggs assorted cheese fineminced tuna ham or chicken salad in bowl along with lettuce eress sliced toma toes pickles olives seasonings relishes and mayonnaise Have ready big tureen of bubbling clam chowder or bouil lon and maybe pot ot home baked beans Add fine tossed salad tea cider and milk With little hostessing your party will be big success Or you might make unusual sandwiches in advance one kind ready to serve the other ready to grill and serve hot for an in formal seated Supper SANDWICH SUPPER Tomato Bouillon Celery Seed Wafers Switzerland Sandwich Plate Grilled LiverwurstOnion Sandwiches THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLIIA FOR TOMORROW This day should turn out well Personal relationships should be at their best and planetary influences are also benign where business and financial matters concerned Domes tic actiVIties are favored also FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you have just entered one of the best months of the year and the beginning of an excellent six montb cycle which should bring benefits in practically every phase of your life Except for brief period in early September job and financial interests should prosper and all con structive plans should work out well May and June will be highly propitious for romance November will be another good month for ï¬nancial mat ters and early December will be excellent for putting over busi ness and property deals To ward the lattor part of the same month you may receive some valuable ideas fer furthering your interests in 1963 The first month of next year should be exceptionally good If you are single marriage is distinct possibility before the end of this year Creative work ers should find the next months highly productive child born on this day will be sympathetic human being California Tossed Salad with Anchovies Egg Nog Ice Cream Cake Coffee Tea Milk Recipe for SANDWICH PLATE Cut small round loaf of Da into thin slices Generously but ter whole slice for each per spat to be served Fit onto land Swiss cheese then with thIDBIICEd smoked ham Dust with freshground black pepper Cut in wedges Garnish of cress GRILLED SANDWICHES Remove casing And slice liver wurst Saute in butter with onion until lightly browned Chop fine Stir in mustard mayonnaise Toast bread on one side Spread untoasted side evenly with liverwurst mixture Cut pimientos in strips ar range crisscross on top To Serve grill until bubbly and slightly browned WESTERN SALAD section cut garlic small head each romaine and lettuce tbsp olive oil it tsp dry mustard tsp black pepper In tsp salt grated Parmesan cheese Juice ernon quartered cbovy fillets whole raw egg small white bread croutons Rub large salad bowl with garlic Cut lettuce and romaine in bitesized pieces Add to bowl and Add cheese toss lightly Strain in lemon juice add anchovies and break in whole raw egg Toss until egg is thor oughly incorporated Last toss in croutons prepare croutons Dice enough decrusted white bread to make heaping cupiul Lightw saute In tbsp olive oil with is crushed section peeled garlic Cool and use in salad use but to garnish cooked vegetables Guaranteed To Accentuate Your Sentiments Whatever The Occasion FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 IiLAKE 31 PA 35975 unfettered by prejudices nlsh pumpernickcl horizontally ant it was their first pub lic nppenrnnce since returning from their Caribbean holiday earlier this month Princess Margaret wore fullskiried dreSS of midnight blue with Eilpmond necklace AP Pho Vivacious Meg Dances TiI One LONDON CHA vivacious Princess Margaret suntanned from her recent West indies vocation danced until nearly one oclock this morning at Canadian Valentines Day ball The function was the annual dinnerball given by the Cana dion Universities Society of Great Britain the place Quag iinos restaurant off Picca dilliy favored by the debutante SO The princess was escorted by her husbnnd the Earl of Snow don It was her third public on gagement since the birth Nov of their son Viscount Linley The guests of honor were re ceived by George Drew Cana gian high commissioner in Lon on Margaret held an animated conversation during dinner wtlh her neighbor Lovat Dickson president of the society About noomembera of the society and their guests attended the bail Cover with thin slices Switzer Islington Wedding Of Local Interest Standards of white mums and lilies adorned Humber Valley United Church Isilngton for the wedding of Miss Judith May Burton and Ross Stewart Dickie Rev Arthur Stead officiated at the afternoon ceremony Feb The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs diaries Burton Tomato and the granddaughter oi Mr and Mn If Carno han Eimvnlc The bridegroom is the son of hlr and Mrs Carl Dickie oI Weston Given in marriage by her father the bride wore full length sheath gown of gnrdenia white failie The dress was fas hioned with fitted bodice with soiuy lcooped neckline enhanced with roembroidered Aieocon lace bouffant overskin fell to chapel train jewelled crown held her finger ti veil of tulle illusion The do carried cascade bouquet of hyacinths rochldx and lmums The bride was attended by her sister Miss Pamela Burton as maid of honor The brides maids were Misses Carol Klp= roll Judy Roulston and Louise Kennedy The attendants were gowned alike in street length dresses FWI To Honor Charter Members TORONTO CHThree char ter members of the first branch at Stoney Creek will be honored at 65th anniversary luncheon at tho Federnted Womens Insti tutes of Ontario in Toronto Feb 19 Mn Van Wagner ot Burlington and Mrs lIIor den of Hamilton will be among the 1300 guests Mrs Maud Giiddcn of Hamilton the other surviving member of the group will not be able to attend be cause of illness Other head table guests will include Mr and Mrs Frank Lee of Stoney Creek It was Mr Lees father Erlnnd Lee of the Farmers Institute who helped Mrs Adelaide Hoodlcss orgon ize the first branch on Fcbuio 1897 The group became inter national later By 1900 there were 33 mm ens institutes functioning in On tario and the Federal Womens Institutes of Ontario came into being in 19319 similar Cana dian group was formed the same year and in 1933 the As sociated Country Women of the World on international organi zation of Womens Institutes was formed To mark the 65th anniversary it has been proposed that $50 000 foundation fund be estob fished to send trained econ omist into one of the newly om orging countries to teach lead RATIN CONTINUES of azalea pink pcaudssoie fbo gowns were fashioned with tit ted bodices and bell skirts Matching capes completed their ensembles Their beaddrcssen were of matching odesole The attendants earned bouquets of white mums and pink roses Poul Dickie brother of the bridegroom was best man no ushers were Dr Keith Johns ton Dr Douglas Eimhurst and Fred Steward The reception was held at the Skyline Hotel Receiving the brides mother was gown ed in petalpink shantung silk with matching accessories and corssge of variegated rosebuds Assisting the bridemooma mother was attired in sheath gown of hyacinth blue brocade matching accessories and cor sage of red roses On return from the wedding trip to the Laurentlans the couple will reside in Toronto THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY Is 19621 WI Speaker Describes Customs Of Inhabitants 0t Lithuania International was the theme of Churchill Womens Institute meeting held Thursday evening ltlrs Justin Ciblrka of the Sixth Line Lithuanian by birth was the guest speaker She told little about the country Lithuania and its cus toms touching on weddings tunlt erals and christetnlngs The speaker pointed out there Wed ding celcbration mldit last as long as four days The speaker was introduced by Mrs Lynne Marx who was in charge of the program and thanked by Mrs Russel Slew art The motto Scorn not the way another lives each must accept what nature gives was commented on and poem read The Now Canadian PREFEE BOWLING MONTREAL CP The 2500 families of suburban Cote St Lue were asked in question naire to select which of more than 94 different recreational activities they preferred More than 50 per cent voted for bowl lug There wasnt any vote for forming senior citizens club SATURDAY SPECIAL ONLY Genieimens Swiss WRIST WATCHES Expansion Bracelet to Match Yellow SUG LIST $TI95 Grand Opening with olive oil and seasonings Opening In Full Swing Hundreds OI Unbeatable Bargains seam 25 Dunlop St At These Prices They Wont WRIST WATCHES T7 Jewels With Expansion Bracelet To Match Yellow or White SUG LIST 1995 Grand Opening Special 995 NS PIIIIIIIIISE Next To Flemings wnu Cowper Paolo BRIDE ELECT The engagement has been announced of Miss Sandra Fiorencc Harris daughter of Mr and Mrs Nelson Harris of Barrie to Norton Garry of Oriilin son of Mr and Mrs Garry irinity Anglican Church will be the setting for the afternoon wedding March Roll call was answered by custom of another country All joined to sing The Hym of all Nations international Current Events were given by Mrs Constable All indies of the community are invited to attend short courde on the cooking of meat in the Community Hall at pm on Wednesday Feb 21 Mrs John Donncily and Mrs Chaimer Prntt will be the in struetors It was agreed to send the WI president to Guelph to the Officers Conference on May and 10 and to support the Scholarship Fund to send Home Economist abroad as teacher to the underprivileged ANN LANDERS Jealousy Isnt Love Youre Sick Sick Sick Dear Ann unden hi prob lem Il me am so lea ous of my husband that it makes me physically ill to go to party or to any affair where he has chance to see other women if it werent for tranquillzin pills couldnt make it througE the evening was so proud of myself when Bob asked me to marry him 15 years ago He is ex tremer handsome and getting more so with the passing years His jet black hair has streaks of grey and he hasnt gained pound cant say the some for myself Ive tried to diet but 3350 Inistrated and nervous control my appetite Bob has no idea that Im inlt secure and miserable drag myself to social affairs because Im afraid to let him goalone At least when Im along can watch him know Im fool and that Im making every mistake in the book Please help mo Green Eyes Dcnr Green Eyes You need more help than can give you Your insecurity springs from deepseated feeling of inade quacy which dates way back Get professional help Your let ter indicates that youre in bad way HANKYPANKY Dear Ann Landersx You and your column have caused mo plenty of trouble refer to the letter from the woman who sug gested that nil wives check their husbands handkerchief supply as clue to their behavior It seems this wifo found whole slew of her hubbys missing hanklcs under the seat of the carsmeared with lipstick Im home loving boy who has neither the time the energy nor the money to step out on my wife But DO loso handker chiefs dozens of them Dont ask mo where or how They lust disappear also loss scarves gloves and overshoes Since my wife read that letter in your column she has become suspicious and downright ac cusatory Now what do do Lester Dear Lester People who bab itually loso things are childish Little boys should give up playlt tax Drop The Handkerchief by the time they marry if you simply cant kick the habit then buy yourself half dozen every now and then And dont say never gave ya any help Bub HAND KAISER Dear Ann Loaders hnvo not been in this country long and am trying to acquaint myself with your customs Ono of my big problems is to learn how to get the attention of waiter In Europe it is considered proper to snoponos fingers or to clap the hands am told that this sort of thing is rude in North America Yet have seen Americans whistle at walt ers bang silverware against water tumblers and even wava napkins in the air know this would be incorrect in Europe Please tell me what Is the ac cepted technique for catching waiterl eye in America New comer Deni Newcomers The best way to catch waitcrs eye is to raise your hand There will be times when you may feel tho urge to remove tho tablecloth and use it as flag or perhaps fire pistol in the air but such techniques are useless when American waiters are busy It the handraising falls to at tract tho attention of your waiter then stood as it to lenvc If you have not paid your check you will see every wetter in the place and perhaps even the manager This will give you an opportunity to tell him wbot you think of the service PROVINCIAL FLAG LONDON British Columbia has flag of its own and it new ï¬les daily over British Columbia House on Lower Re gent Street It Is flag which was specially designed for the province by the College of lien aids in 1506 Almost forgotten it was unearthed by Premier Bennett when on visit to London and he order ed lt to be revived and hung on the provinces official bulld lns in London THE BALL PLANING MILL PRESENTS Recreation FAMILY ROOM 14 20 COMPLETE AS LOW AS 1700 PER MONTH Another of our designs which includes prefinished Takita Mahogany pan elling acoustic ceiling tile vinyl asbestos floor tile door trim mouldings nails and staples Allframing and strapping lumber are included in this package of materials