DAPPER NORTH GENTLEMEN Barrie North Collegiate re cently conducted survey as In the lishcs of its female students on school uniforms The results were over 10 per School Columnists Say Yes School Uniform By ELIZABETH TRAINDR AND WAYNE RICHARDS Central Collegiate Who says school uniform would be expensive At rough but close estim ate it would cost an approxim ate $10 for complete outfit of clothing excluding shoes it they were purchased in quant ity If list of names of the to male students at Central was carefully kept whenever girl had dollar or two she could take it to the bookkeeper and have it subtracted from the total olving on her uniform During the school year stud ent could pay for her uniform while wearing it and not notice large sum of money disap pearing at one time Think moment female Ccnr tralites What would look smarter than devastating red and black tartan accented with crisp white tailored blouse and sharp red blazer displaying once crest on the hip pocket which should be optional For footwear black flats for winter white for summer and nylons The advantages of wearing school uniform are by far more numerous than the disadvant ages EQUALITY For instance the girls would have sense of equality by being dressed alike It is an obvious fact that all girls were not endowed eoual 1y by nature but uniform would play down some of the mistakes made in the selection of clothing by such people Now the heavier girls who cant wear pleated skirts and the red heads who wont suit red color of any shade com plain that they arent thought of They are in minority and the majority must be thought of Whether or not girl keeps her blouses clean and her skirts pressed is entirely up to her but if she is anxious to look her best she will end eavour to do these things out of habit The wearing of school un iform would eliminate clothes competition and would close the ever increasing gap be tween the haves and have nots Girls would be able to hand down uniforms as books are HAS 600 ED CELLS MONTREAL CF Keith ch of the eco nomic development committee of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce said Thursday night there are some 600 active Com munist cells in Canada He told the annual dinner meeting of the Textile Wholesalers Associa tion the cells publish subversive literature and federal authori ties have asked our assistance in telling and rn ing Cana dians about it AUTOMATIC Farm aligns Industry SIMCOE PETROLEUM including Mike Ogden an ex who kept demanding Where PHONEI PA 82563 LTD Edson che Prop 75 Anne St Barrie cent in favor of the new idea But the boys were not to be left out of the picture Here are several boys dressed up Back row leftto right exchanged when students grad uate After all what girls dont borrow clothes from sisters or girl friends More concentration could be given to homework at night in stead of spending half hour on the phone discussing what youll wear the next day to school Wouldnt you more appreciate getting dressed up on weekends if you had to wear uniform Wouldnt you like to sport on outfit distinguishing you from other ordinary individuals Think it over its up to you HOSTS CLUB The Key Club annual party was held this year at the home of John Hennebry on ltolgatc Street After toboganing and skating the local KeyClubbers Centraliic who now resides in Orillia returned to the house for lunch and dancing About thirty guys and gals were at the party including few foreigners from North Collegiate of course Mike Ogd cn and an unidentified figure are the pretzels Everyone was obviously havA ing good time thanks to the work and planning of John and his family The thespiaiis of the Little Theatre Guild have again made an appearance At the junior assembly last Tuesday cast from grade nine noted some scenes from Twelfth Night litera ture book they are studying this year Six studentstook acting parts complete with authentic costum es in twentyminute producl tion on the stage Commentating for the play Irand giving it brief outline Winner car oi the yearuworcl Selected as the Csr of the Year by Canada Track and Trafï¬c the nations leading automotive jour not the 1562 Studebaker Link was proved to he the best automobile buy of all domestic cars Lark has more leg room than any domestic iurniiy car Seats are comfortable well shaped Great est headroom Easy entryand exit Tests round the Lark to he rattlefree weathertight quiet running and dependable Lark honoured as must eco nomical ear to operate because of excellent gns mileage low main tenance requirements overall re liability low cost of repairs bolt on body components and nation wide serVice facilities Lark judged to give most per dollar Judge the Lark for yourself at your Studebaker Dealer JudgeVibe Loriélfor iCentrcilites Hear Former Student Earl ltlorris lfugh DunsmoreI Johr Hamilton and Norm Soutiiwood front row Dwight Cameron Ron Howell and Brian Tyrer 4North Camma Club Photo and introduction was Betty Lou Scott also from Mrs Salters English class Characters in the play were as follows Maureen Stuart os Olivia llcathcr Vrightman as Viola Claire van Kalkcr as Maria George Kerr as the clown Dorian Cox its Malvolio and Alan Hayter as the talent ed Sir Toby Belch ALLANDALE DRUGS lTD Prescriptions FREE DELIVERY Store Hours MOM TUES THUR FRI 900 am lo 910 pm WED em pm pm 830 pm sor pm son pm SUN 12 noon pm pm 830 pm PHONE PA 82828 yourselftake to it By ELIZABETH TRAINDR Central Collexflte At special senior assembly on Monday morning Mr Cocliburo welcomed John Rich ardson as the guest speaker John was sent out from Queens University in Kingston to go to various schools requesting his attendance so that he might tell the students more about the in terestlng work in the engineer ing profession John is adiltinguishsd grad uate of Central in that he was president of the Student Council received the Major Hersey $100 citizenship award and made iii continqu habit of winning sdmlarships bursaries and swords ltlr Cocktiurn recited tothei assembly the high marks and standings that John obtained Winner firstTrons Canada Rally Fjor the 4100 tortuous miles of the first TransCanada Rally the Studebaker Lurks amazed spec tators and other competitors with their thrilling acceleration and speed top fuel economy and maxi mum Eassenger comfort The fab ulous arks rocketed through tori rential downpours with never miss many cars failed this gruel ling test of endurance and handling This reliable performance made Lark outright winner taking not only ï¬rst but also second place over as competitors in 41 makes andrnudcls of cars Thisfs the kind of reliable per formanoe you deserve and should demand from car See your Studebaker Dealer to the spirited 52 Lurk put the thri and glamour back into your dn while at Central and mentioned the fact that he graduated with 85 per cent from grade thirteen While the students were gasp ing at ihs infallible record John said however that he cannot remember writing an PONTIACBUICK English exam without losing the maximum trn marks Spelling was his worst enemy Said John Four years ago could nt even spell physicist and new am one After his brief talk film was shown concerning Queens University and its many avail able courses and recreatioru to those who are willing to work to SE there Tr An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 524 VAUXHALL OWNERS We have been authorized to provide you with Gen eral Motors Warranty Do not hesitate to call we will be pleased to serve you DANGEBFIELB nouns in Service Centre 65 Collier St PA 82487 Winner Little Le Mans Lark outmancuvered outdis flTHE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY II ST JOHNS Nfldr CPIPre mier Smalinood said Thursday there are new no remaining differences between the New foundland and federal govern ments lr Smalliiood spealo ing at testimonial dinner for himself said that the ownership of Fort Peppcrrell on the out skirts of St Johns has been isetlled in faior of Newfound land and the province has dropped two court cases against the federal government which had been pending Before You at Fur Compare In To RADIO AND iTELEVISlON PA Mow MONARCH QLALITY nu WDEKMASSWP AND Aaova ALL Pores um Selection In suit Bury noon we invite You toxemia No obligation onssnan RZPAHUNG ocoLn sronaon Inhfkflflfl curarsed WIGGINS IUllS Barricl Exclusive Farrier who mnkcl Ind sells fun only Barrie Toronto Dunlop PAHW Winner Soles more than Doubled tnnced outpaced nil foreign and domestic cars to Win the 4th an nunl Little Le Mans Lark ï¬nlt ished ï¬rst over all competitors and in so doing won the trophy for the FastestLap The tortuous twisting track with its sharp turns 20 degreei cline and short straightaway runs gave brakes snoring suspension gears and sceelcrati the most complete testing possible Eight ceaseless hours of Little Le Mans reflects real championship per formance and endurance The Larks race winning per formance is not just for competi tion Larks dependability on the race course means less mainten ance costs and years of trouble free operation Come in and testdrive the car that wins the competitions and captures the publi eye Lark is bigger where it coun Big in feel soli safe surefooted Big in Roominess more leg an head room thanother standard size ears Big in Performance or V8 you get more milestot egal lori and milestothehour Lark is compact where its sen sible Compact forDriving Ease ï¬ngerrlight steering precise han dlinié ï¬rsttime parking Compact for conomy You get more for your money and spend less because of the Larks low initial cost op crating expenses and maintenance These are reasons Why 62 Studebaker Lark salesJiave in creased 2083 Reevalunte your automobile festdrive at your Studebaker Dealer WM OBILE BRADFORD srizasr Test the Lark for munch then be Winnerbuy r15 DEMONSTRATORS cows All Discoum standardstalk with your Studebaker Dealer now