Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1962, p. 12

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Now is The Time ELTIIE BARRIE EXAMINER ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS anathema Air and Mrs nob ert urueekin ltormerly at New Lowrill Misti Io announce the arrival of son on mesay Feb mar 13 196 In Germany IWelrhi lbs IIAePI UCLASIUN The ainb at 10111 child To tell the good aura tn friend an nelahnun iDt nurte Dimllcl tiassltlrn staff are ar no youl relephoae The day ot birth last dial on mm The ma only slso DEATHS IDELL Geofglrl Isobel Suddenly ll hrr home sol nuniop at in Barrie ori vednesda February it 1152 Georgina Isob Campbell In her Blsl ehr daugh ter of the tale Donald and uar rarat amphell and dear sister of llry Calmrim Mrs 11 Campbell and Lorrie all of bar rie Healing at the Steekley neral Home so Viorsley 51 na na for servleaa on Saturday leb ruary 17 at pm interment ua rte ion Cemetery DAR cnn vaitar dd 1y at hip home nerery Sireet name on Thursday February 15 1962 Henry Waiter Darby In his Tstb year lclohcd husband of Sarah Elizabeth Ifauam heating at lhc sleekiey mineral Home all Workley Street narrie for funeral lenlrc on Monday Februaa in ex pm Interment iiarrla nlon Cemetery in lieu of flowers don tianr may be sent to the Ontario Heart Foundation LE 11 Annie Elena At her residence 20 Parkrlde Dr Barrie on Thursday February 15 1062 Annie Elmer Thornton be loved wife of the late John If Leaner In her 02nd year Dear sister of John Thornton of Yellow Grass Slsk Resting at the Sterli ley Funeral Home so Worslcy st Barrie for services on Salon day February Win at 210 pin Interment Danton Cemetery RES En Suddenly al the Royal Victoria Hospital llnrfic on Thursday February 15 1062 Ray Rentner beloved son of Luella and Cecil Renlncr of Caroline Street narrle in his lath year nesting at the Jennett Funeral Home name for funeral aorvlres Sunday February 10 at fun In terment St Pauls Cemetery 1n nisnl CARDS or THANKS WATSO Iy sincere thanks to Drs lekala Cronland and Wal ion also lo all the nursing staff on the mrgicnl flour and kind friends and neighbors for flowers cards etc Eva Watson COMING EVENTS ANNUAL MEETING of the STROUD TELEPHONE COMPANY will be held on WEDNESDAY FEB 21 1962 srnouo COMMUNITY HALL AT 200 pm for the election of Officers and General Business Mrs Fred Pritchard SecretaryTreasurer William llubbert President DANCING EVERY SATURDAY CABARET STYLE COUPLES oNLY PINECREST $250 couple For table reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757m Swiss Describes Firms Dealings In Borid Case CHICAGO AP Swiss investment consultant described Thursday the workings of hastily organized Liechten stein firm which the United States government contends was front through which group planned to convert bonds stolen in Canada into cash Ernst Kiefer assistant mana ger of Fides Truehand Zur ich investment consulting firm said that the operation in Liech tenstein was established in On tober 1058 by George Rosden Washington DC lawyer one of four men on trial in US district court The defendants are accused of conspiracy to cash bonds from the $3500000 loot taken in burglary at the Broekville Trust and Savings Company in ockviile 0nt early in 1050 efer testified that Rosdeu set up the Central Trust Cor poration and that Fides helped obtain credit of 303000 Swiss francs about $100000for it through Credit Suisse at Basel Switzerland The credit was cert ed Oct 24 Kiefer testified and the same day Central Trust drew about $90000 of the credit in cash Keifler was one of four wit nesses from Switzerland called by the government He Who third to testify ASSIGNS POWER Kiefer testified that in No vember 1050 Bastien assigned power of attorney for Central Trust to another of the con spiracy defendants William Robin of Chicago The others on trial before jury are Samuel Mannarino of Pittsburgh and NormanvEoth man of Miami ref figengllpfi W5 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 16 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HENDERSON REALTOR COLLIER srnm PHONE PA £12570 e9 DONALD STREET Popular storey plan home on large lot near Barrie Shop ping Plaza First floor has liv ing room kitchen large bed room and ath and two bed rooms upstairs Plenty of closet space Heals for only Slfi year Forced air all heating Storms and screens laundry tubs TV aerial This is an economical and attractive home in immaculate condition for the buyer ilh substantial cash to the NllA mortgage Homes like this one are seldom available in this central resi dential West End location New coop listing Call Emerson Swain DUNDONALD ST Close 10 St Marys school and church 513600 Brick three bedroom home All rooms are large for family enjoyment 5ié€la NIIA mortgage that carries for $02 monthly including taxes Cull Rita Scandrctt NHA RESALECENTRAL Only $71 monthly Low interest rate Priced to sell Call Percy Ford SIX ROOM BUNGALOWThis fine home has large kitchen separate dining room and three large bedrooms Attached gar age Fenced in backyard Call Percy Ford BUILDING LOTS Central to downtown hvo lots for $5000 Call Percy Ford TIIIIELYBETIER BUY Good central location Custom six room bungalow Separate dining room or den Bright basement with deep windows two piece washroom oversize oil furnace Vender keen to Sell now and will provide at tractive terms and mortgage or cash deal You may be just as keen to buy when you inspect this home Call Emerson Swain EvENlNGs CALL RITA SCANDRETT FA eIass DOROTHY vlLCoX PA 00le PERCY F0111 PA 07030 EMERSON SWAIN PA 00501 Member of Earrie and District and Ontario Real Estate uoards cqicills Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie EXECUTIVE TYPE $16500 Modem equipped bungalow six spacious bright rooms Finished recreation room attached gar age aluminum storms and screens Terms arranged to suit purchaser Call Walter Coutts DOWN PAYMENT $1500 Full price $13500 Fiveroom brick bungalow storms and screens built three years ago Has many features such as divided basement lot 51x157 195 Wellington St with in reasonable distance to schools and shopping Fine selection of comparable homes may be seen at your convenience Call Walter Coutts SETTLE ESTATE Architecture of this bungalow designed for those who enjoy selective home Extra large liv ing room 12x21 dining over looks garden Extra large mas ter bedroom covered With broadioom Each bedroom has its own vanity Heated sun room builtin garage base ment is completely filed The grounds professionally land scaped Open for inspection Childrens Wear Store $2000 Plus Stock And Fixtures GIRLS Here is wonderful business opportunity for per son interested in wellestab lished business Terms can be arranged For further informa tion call Gordon Coutts EXCHANGE OR SELL Service station and lunch coun ter with living quarters High way 26 and 27 doing goodyear round business For progressive person there is room forim provernent and expansion Pres ent owners retiring as family have left home Call Coutts member of Barrie District Real Estate Board PHONES office PA 02405 Evenings GORDON COUTTSPA 07775 WALTER COXTISPA 02311 SANDY ComaPA 04w CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 66481 Member of name and Distrch Real Estate Board NINE 1100M DUpLEx with two bathrooma for sale One black from post office No realtora please Telephone PA cam for further Information Try an Examiner want Ad REAL ESTATE ROGERS PA 85568 $11900 iion call PA 85568 7ROOIII SPLITLEVEL $15900 Definitely the new home for the bathroom down lawn as family TVroom plus To see it just call PA 05568 314700 speciion $13000 iss It MOOREFA 05107 ROGERSPA 03502 smith CampbellPA 17100 Icrgu nney 111 07952 Norman DUNLOP ST Jae Longtiu PA 00710 Everett Shalsweu pro 2010 Howard Norris ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST Flrxt in Barrie Home SalesFormal In Quality of Service ZBEDROOIII BRICK HOME WITH RECREATION ROOM Exocilent corner location very handy to eastend bus Here we have the popular Lrshape livingdining combination and good size kitchen with loads of cupboards Take advantage of the low interest rotea big savingJoly Sirr per cent on the Mill mort gage that carries for $7 month including taxes NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA space Seven beautifully proportioned rooms with grade entrance to lower level from back room This is truly the ideal largefanilly plan at low price Exactly $3400 down payment ChlllC mortgage Owner is transferred and would give you very quick possession if desired 205 WELLINGTON EAST NOW VACANT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Owners sudden transfer to London gives you the opportunity to make full and complete inspection of this very modern 3bed room brick bungalow with garage familysize home with rt large recreation room plus den this low price this lovely modern home carries at $72 monthly plus taxes Coop listing No 060 JONATHAN COURT $2500 DOWN MORTGAGE ONLY Priced for quick sale owner transferred below todays market See this charming home and judge for yourself brick bungalow with attached garage large highquality kitchen goodsize bedrooms with double equipped in every way and nicely decorated throughout Immed late possession if you so require Thc Nilt mortgage at 67 carries for $99 including taxes Phone PA 05560 today EVENINGS CALL MEMBERS 11111111 DISTRICT REAL ESTATE DoAlID CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 12 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 00242 Member of the turn Real Estate Board REAL ESTATE BROKER First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 60 of Value No Fees Charged Evenings Call PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL TRUNK LINES For inspec HOliIE YEAR OLD family Ihat needs extra living bathroom up den iconvertibla to 41h bed lls completely settled At Call PA 05560 to arrange in It is solid slidingdoor closets Fully FOSTERPA Mm CONNELlrPlt 00755 Joan LangPA 01m Charlie ReadPA M017 Shelswell PA 00061 PA 60742 Jack wtusan PA 04031 Norman shelswau PA panel Flt 05m CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 0241 03 Dunlop St HWY 27 NORTH 12 Acres oi choice garden soil Excellent roadside business Vegetables flowers and home baking Compact four room house with furnace and water under pressure Earn 30 xIl Also garage Just Outside City South Two acres with six room older home that has been nicely mod ernized Well landscaped grounds Also splendid garden and fruit trees Close to school and Hwy 11 LADIES AND CHILDRENS WEAR New store Excellent location Splendid business including subpost office This is real opportunity to have your own business Ill health is forcing this sale Rent the store and own the stock NEW SPLIT LEVEL Cosy fireplace in the living room Abundance of cupboards in the kitchen Finished in ma hogany Adjoining this is large living area Three lovely bedrooms Large ceramic tiled bathroom with vanity Full basement Less than $1400 down payment buys this well plan ned home in fine location NHA terms MAEEL MARSHALLFA 04450 conDYPA 05400 MURJEL JEFFERY PA 56803 Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 2oz Tiffin St PA 60476 EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshall PA 09917 Emery Miller PA 60503 Member of the oarria and District Real Palate Hoard THREE DEDnoonI Brick Bunga low for Sale Living room with fireplaca Lshaped dining room Oil furnaee storms and screens Central Reasonably priced Tale phono PA 02207 Want Ads SELL Most Anything ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7a TIFFIN STREET DARRIE BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL $12900 Yes that is right bedroom split level brick home complete with recreation room with plastered walls sep arate laundry room plus ample storage space living room and kitchen piece tiled bath equipped with aluminum storms and screens Carries for $95 monthly including interest prin cipal and taxes Down payment only about $2300 and the bal ance is on one mortgage lm mediate possession as owner is moved out of town Call now for an appointment to inspect CALL DAY in EVENING PA 82379 Ilember of the name nd District Real Estate rd HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE I5 Owen Sin Barrie PHONE PA 05500 MEMBER OF THE DARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE aoARD 103 MELROSE AVE Brick bungalow with attached garage large living room fam ily size kitchen three bedrooms four piece bath Finished recre ation room and extra bedroom in basement Oil heating Pay ments $0942 including taxes Full price $16200 with immedi ate possession 169 ANNE ST Golf club area Large kitchen living room three bedrooms four piece bath attached gar age oil heating Payments $102 including taxes Full pride $16500 34 NEWTON ST Close to all sdhools Brick buri galow with recreation room new garage living room kit chen three bedrooms tile bath Oil heating Payments only $7924 including taxes NOTE We arrange first mortgage for Victoria and Grey Trust40 of value Phone PA 05503 aflcr hnun phnna Bob Flowclltng PA 01000 or Paddy little PA 05200 NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW Anexcellcnt home with many deluxe appointments Full price $15500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES Two ononooiu urlek bungalow PA 83106 REAL ESTATE rkopearv Fort SALE Keith Marshall Rm BTATE 11110sz PA 02592 CLAFPERTDN 51 IIARRIE 110001 PA new FRANK REL IA Mess Member Barrie and Diltflcl Rn Lillie Board New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dirung area lots of cup boards apd storage all healed Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Largo lot in good icsidenlinl area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 gt MAKE AN OFFER Five room while frame house Located on lnnlslii St Oil fur Race builtin cupboards three piece bath Easin heated Best offer Telephone after pm PA 83832 MOVING Dont forgot to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 OR PA 61802 113 Duolup 58 KEMPENFELT DRIVE OPPORTUNITY of lifetime Modern splitlevel Bungalow on beautifully landscaped lot over looking Kemponfelt Bay and pork Three bedrooms large livingdining room Thermopane windows Panclled recreation room in basement Heated gar age Forcedair all heating Aluminum storms and screens many extras For further infor mation call owner at PA 00401 PRIVATE Overlooking ptirk One and half storey brick home Living room kitchen two bedrooms three piece bath finished recreation room oil heating Two unfinish ed rooms and bath on second floor Cook St location PA 83948 OWNERS three bedroom bungl low ona year aid Small down payment Tcicphonc PA 00505 for further Information snaao DOWN full prtca $13500 Good terms for balance snaeioua three bedroom bungalow year old Transferred requires Immedi ala sale Telephone FA 50505 THREE penilqu Ranchstyled Bungalow Large landscaped lot Desirable location no through traffic mlnules walk from schools Recreation room 20 12 with mahogany walls and vinyl floor Atlached garage Telephone FA 60156 vALUAnLE Investment Property Ideally located in residential dis trict near shopping centre and schools This new building con talus three apartments now fully rented one apartment unfinished and has ample parking area These two bedroom apartments could be easily converted to busi ncsI offices or medical centre Adlalnlng properly also nvallablc for future expansion For full particulars write to Box 60 Ear riu Examiner ATTRACTIVE modern frame bun galow in East End bedrooms dinette good kitchen with divided steel sinks and generous eupberrd space Large living room and full divided basement with picture win dows overlooking buy piece calorod bath suite forced air all heat aluminum storm and screen daors storm windole Ineludimf storm for bnscment picture win dbw Large landscaped lot with fruit bnahcs shrubs apple tree and roekerlas Large carport with storage cupboard Asphaltcd drive way Fhona PA 00350 FOR SALE filam LAnGn BUILDING for sale or rent Suitable for church and par sonage combination for small group Central location Telephone PA 09607 for further details full basement oil heat and dou blc garage Immediate possession Larffc fencedtn lot Alianeiaia dis trict Low down payment 0115 mortgage Tolcphone PA 1172 New MODERN Home for sale or rent Sunntdalc and Anne Street district Finished recreation room Must be soon to be appreciated Anxious to scll Telephone PA 50515 PROPERTY wro TO 3W FnUn nEDRoonI House wanted Must be in Dr near Barrie with sensible down payment Telephone PA 61245 for further information WANTED level lot on level street will pay top prlee all cash for the right location Vrtte Box 74 Barrie Examiner MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 of $56 Monthly $3544 of $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 00 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I41 Dunlap St PA 66477 TODAY is GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD in the BARRIE EXAMINER REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMBTS TAILORED To YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY To consolidate debtx ny off existing mortgage mortgages coming due Illome lmmeEmenl Apy worthwhile eauu PA 60901 Mortgage Funding over SimpsonsSears 110DUNLOP ST WANTED First Mortgage 55000 on good riverside house In exclu sive residential area out of low 07 Phone fIt 00097 after pm promotionsint and 2nd bouan laid and Inlnged Commercial and residential meaeyr leaned an under manslien nanla lion nrolreir P0 wot MONEY TO LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOP PAYING arms Pay om off with lowcort lifeinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTLA FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 471 FOR WEEKS NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO lllcNAllfARA PA 60203 RENTALS Low cosT srIcf for rent Clean modern buildings suitable for commercial or light Industrial Telephone PA 06575 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built for this work Semi and private rooms kind nursing care good food Tv rooms slaxlan wa gen for outings Telephone 6911 some OFFICES STORES RENT SMALL lilodcrn main flanr stara or Office at 102 Dunlap sl Wut Ample parking Air condi tioned sloo monthly Telephona PA 00270 days or PA 00910 evan lnga for further lnformltlon APTS HOUSES TO REfi ENJOY YOUR int month rent free One and two bedroom apart ments innltorlservlce Rents from 505 per month Telephone PA 01570 for further lnfarmatlon THREE nEDrlooal apartment for rent in new building washer dryer and Janitor servlea suppile Available Immediately Telephone PA 02152 for further informadan THREE nEDflomI House for rent on lilareua Street with automallc par healing Available llareh Full basement with laundry tubs $00 monthly Telephone rA 0211 LARGE llladern unfurnished one and two bedroom apartments for rent Private hath not water heat ed laundry roern with dryer Telephone PA 00221 or PA 05025 FIVE Room Bungalow with sun rooill and garage Full size bah mom with laundry tubs oil furn nee West end Near plaza Avail able March Telephone PA 50079 UNFURNISHED heated two hed room apartment downtown Incli tion Hardwood floors With sep arale entrance For further Infar mauon telephone PA 50720 Two BEDROOM House for rum Ideal location on Kempenfelt nay Adults preferred Rent $100 per month Contact lilrs Chrcston PA 60512 FURNISHED three room apart ment ground floor privata ent rance Very centrally located Fri vnte bath All services Included 70 monthly Ideal for couple only Telephone PA 50054 THREE noonf new house deluxe electrically heated 5100 Modern home 11 storey bedrooms oil heated 505 Bungalow modern bedrooms space heated 70 Telephone PA 01075 APARTMENT three rooms with Private bath refrtgcrator and range Downtown Suitable for adults $5750 per month For fur ther Infornulion telephone PA 00703 FURNISHED heated selfcontain ed three room apartment One block from Post Office Private entrance Available Marehl Tole phonc PA 00710 for further Infor matien FURNISHED heated bachelor apartment for rent All facilities supplied with garage if desired Separate entrance $45 per month Telephone PA 05205 for further details THREE ROOM unfurnished ground floor aparlmeut for rent Near factories Heat hydro and water supplied Pnrking space Telephone PA 02120 or PA 60400 for details NEW LARGE Apartments for not In new apartment building One and two bedrooms Stove and re frlgerator laundry facilities nup plled Queen Street area PA 60674 UNFURNISIIED three be room duplex on heating All modern conveniences BuiltIn cupboards Close to Camp Borden and sehoal separate entrance Available Rea aonahle Telephone Ivy 5011 Two annnoonf Apartment far rent Private entrance Large kit chen Plenty of closet space 155 naytleid St Telephone PA 03129 for lurthcr Information MODERN newly docoralad one and two bedroom apartments for rent Centrally located with water and heat supplied Telephone PA ozzss or PA 03723 for further In formation NEW MODERN apartment for floors new building Apply 44 Rose st or telephone PA 04901 two bedroom rent Hardwood FURNISHED three room apart ment for rent heated heavy duty rnngc Frigidaire refrigerator builttn cupboards Beautiful view of ltompenfell nay $00 monthly Over lIarrls Flowers PA 00101 xiii5W sir Completely equipped All RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown One and two bedrooms Baiconies lBamboo Drapes OSIoves and fridges InleIduaI thermostats Ilncinerators CFre washing and drying facl ties ohlany other fine appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83186 QUIET LIVING That is what you will have when you move into this completely modern Iour room gas heated apartment All conveniences separate entrance hydro and plenty of storage Space Gar age available Just six miles outside city on main highway Close to stores schools and church DAYS NIGHTS PA 66113 PA 68413 CHOICE APARTMENT Modern bedroom unfurnished sellcontained heated laundry and parking facilities Near bus stop Available March PHONE PA 05467 The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckwofth Modern home two bedrooms large living room filed kitchen with dining area oil heat with air conditioning full basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes $86 month PHONE PA 82710 75m Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complcta with stove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redccorated annually PA 61068 NEIv Two BEDROOM Bungalow for rent Large living room kitch en Ind three pleee hath Available genus monthly Telephone ainil rou WARM unfurnished three races heated apartment selfcontained with private bath East end close to stares school bus stop Avail able March Telephono PA 07tl0 THREE Imo unfurnished apart Inth far rent healed hydro aup pued Parking space available Can be seen at 170 Bayfield Sifcet anytime six 110011 House for rent with aulomailc au heating Three bed rooms Centrally located Available now Telephone PA 05210 for fur ther Information 115 MONTHLY urlcnt heated upper duplex two rooms and bath No oblecuon to one child Com pialely private Close to St niarya church Telephone FA 86543 AVAILAnLE February Two bedraom unturplshed apartment heat and water supplied selfcon taintd East cnd location 575 per month Telephone PA 00050 HEATED selfcontained apartment Ground floor Three large rooms Near school Parking Private en lrance sss monthly Telephone PA 00220 FURNISHED three roam apart menl east end good laratlen on bus route Refrigerator stove hy dro and heat Supplied Telephone PA 05010 FURNISHED thrcc room apart ment for rent heated private on trflncc Also one budropm to rent Telephone PA 00300 or apply at 59 John street UNFUIINISIIED Upstairs Apart ment three rooms selfcontained oil heated Central location small baby welcome Available now Teitphonc PA 09757 slx noosl House for rent with sunroom and garage oil heating Centrally located Available now $100 per month Telephone PA 02903 or PA 05010 THREE Room Basement Apart ment heated selfcontained pri vate hath Refrigerator and stove Partially furnished Telephone PA 05010 or PA 02003 for further in formation Times ROOM unfurnished he ed apartment for rent Selfenn talncd separate entrance $15 per month Available Immediately Telephone FA 02770 or FA 0234 RENTALS APTS Houses To RENT AVAILABLE Now Heated two bedroom apartment In Siroud apanmenl bouar we per month Teie hone Strand 11 or further parreuiars Two BEDROOM House for rent at Alliston Furnished or unfurn ished oil healinr Telephone Al liston 111 More or former la formation Two R00 unfurnished heated lpnrlmcnl to rent salleantained heavyluirlnffbprivair bath Very renrra ra is now Tel ho PA 83050 Five R0011 House or rent with large lot Located at ill Sanf No oblectlen to children ah able now Apply at 201 Essa lioad Two uapnoml Apartmenl In modern apartment building con lnlly located stove and rema erator laundry faculties Farklnl lot and ianuor rerviee Availabl March Telephone H032 THREE nooif healed ualumuh zd selfcontained Iplltmenl SED Illid entrance and hermolllL Clair to school bus Ind happtar Ample parking Available April Telephone PA easel mun flooil Apartment lilo bath unfurnished stove and frigcntur supplied Centrally lo cated No ehldren Avlilabia im mediately For funhar Informa lion telephone PA M241 niooan one and iwo bedroom apartments em end Ilflffiv llam hao drapes Venetian blinds Auto rnatic laundry facilities Parking Telephone 02029 for further information Kg coilioRTAnLE laxre three room apartment Moderre mu Wane aparale entranee rtorare park trig Central aI bus laundromat Reduction lint month 135 rena lung Telephone rA Mall Two BEDROOM unfurnished eel ronlelned duplex Livtnli raurn kltehen dining area basement front and back entranrci llenlins for 90 monthly Apply lol Napier or telephone PA o7loz MODERN rlx room bungalow garage full sire bnicmcnt laundry iubJ near lliilcrlzst Srhoai Limit two children Rent 590 possession March Telephone PA 01121 FURNISHED heated four raam apartment upstairs aerois fram Arcnh Available Feb 15 film 575 et month Also an unfurnished ealed modern apartment IIszl lie Ilarrh Telephone PA 05002 LARGE lloUsE for re lnble hlarch lst Sullable large family or could be duplexed Centrally located Also three bed room house living room dining room kitchen ras heated Tele phone PA 09557 DunnMODERN two bedroom apartment main floor new build Ing Hot water heating Driveway with car parking vlll accept one child Sumner month 11 Carson Real Estate PA 06401 or after 17111 FA 6015 UPPER AND Lower Duplex Four rooms and bath each Entirely sep aratc New klrehehs bathrooms and 1qu furnaces Ample parking and storage facilities Cenrral Rea sortable Telephone PA 66101 after pm WANTED TO RENT YOUNG count with two chl drcn require three or four room apartment Would prefer clthcr ground floor apartment or one with private entrance Reasn able rent Apply to Box 62 Earl rie Examiner ROOMS TO LET banned for rent control In downtown area for business gen Ileman Telephone FA 03661 FURNISHED 110011 for rent Cen iral Telephone PA 03215 for fur ther Information RRIGIIT CLEAN bctlropm for rent In quiet home for gentleman downtown area Telephone PA 07315 after p111 ROOM BOARD R0011 Available for one or two business gentlemen with board optionalFor further Information telephone PA 00006 wnml 1111011 available with board central location Will pack lunches if desired Parking space Tclcphonc PA 01052 for further information coern to Sharla home with lady All conveniences and comforts of modern home For appointment telephone PA 65719 anar pm 110011 AND DOARD available Gentleman preferred Central lo cation Telephone PA 04501 for furlher Information FURNISHED fiedroom for rout Laundry facilities flrcakfflst and lunch packed if desired Telephona daya PA 50011 or evenings FA 61027 for further lnformntlon ARTICLES For SALE noun 110011 Apartment for rent Private bath unfurnished and heat ed privatc entrance Close to schools and bus children welcome Dex 30 Barrie Examiner FOUR Ronni Apartment for rent unfurnished heated Ground floor Private entrance selfcontains Available now Telephone 00101 for further Information UNFURNISDED two bedroom apartment heated Centrally leea ted Parking provided Rent 570 monthly Telephone PA 02100 or after 030 pm PA 00595 Two Dnnnoolu self contained apartment upper duplex Stove but and water supplied Campbell Avenue Available March Phone FA 07045 after pm FoUrt noonf UNFUIINISIIED heated apartment for rent Near Oakley Park School Private en trance laundry faculties and parking space Available Marci Ist Telephone PA 07300 SPACIOUS FIVE Roolvf unfur rilshed apartment stove and re frigerator rt automallc laundry and parking facilities Telephone PA 04000 or PA 03131 for further details PEEL STREET Two bedroom apartment heated unfurnished dining room selfcontained hard wood floors modern conveniences laundry facilities with janitor ser vice Available March Telephone PA 60122 ANGU 115 Queen street small four room unfurnished house suitable for two adults or pen sioner Very reasonable Talephona Stroud 001131 between 12 noon THREE Room furnished apart ment hydro and heated modern furnishings Neat bus route No objection to child over 12 For up pointment telephone PA 00710 after NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom npnrtrnents overlooking scenic Kempcnfelt pay neat wa ter arklng and Janitor serviea tneiu ed Automatic woahlnr la cllltics on 02902 WE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 323110 Ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25 PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario c1511 LOANS $500 at 522 per month Telephone PA 6020 Crescent Finance 20 Dunlap st West DNE UiRIGHT Gourlay Piano and Reneh for sale In good con ditipn Telephone PA 07302 for further Information TYPEWILITEILS bought sold reub ed repaired student rental rates Ask about our RentTry than Buy Plan star Typewriter Ce 21 Bradford st PA 50505 Fisii snINTY for sale good con dltlon all equipped Also Tape Re corner for sale at half price Tell phona PA 00010 for further Infan mation USED TnLEvIsIoNs for sale con sole and table models us and up Various makes Firestone Stores 00 Dunlop Street West Ilarlle aox TRAILER for sale size 14 feet Can be Seen at cliff Road and the Doulevard at hflneta Point KENMORE SemiAutomntlo Wrins ar washer for aale used one year Exeellent condition Telephone FA 141170 for ntrther Information USED REFRIGERATORS for sale various makes to 14 cubic foot models 050 and up Can be seen at Firestone Stores 00 Dunlop Street West narrle GILS 0110111 SHOP do Ava Going out of businesa sale showeasea two desks 111111 eab Ihat gins shelves peg board hardware television sets Sonic merchandise at bargain prices All murl be sold by Fe 27 um RH 00

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