ï¬ll YLARKIE RYAAIKZR THURSDAY FEB 15 in SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS mono By MRS DWIGHT sEIï¬ON PDT LUCK SUPPER Prior to the annual meeting of Strouli Presbyterian Church members and adherent cred for an enjoyable pot luck supper Rev Bell then led breit but Impressive worship service Encouraging reports were received from all depart menis Sunday school once has increased and num ber oi children were received in baptism All otlicers were re turned to their same duties Worthy matron Mrs Hazel Webb and lorthy Patron Campbell in conjunction with two car loads oi members at Innislil Chapter 0155 visited Simcoe Chapter Eellhaven on Friday evening Mrs Norma Eastwood Worthy Grand Ma tron of the Grand Chapter at Ontnrlo inspected the Bellhavcn Chapter All report good time The Goo 49 Club will hold Its annual meeting on Feb ls at 330 pm at the home at for Saturday momins Mrs ll Horton An election at oiiicers will be held Dr Newton Burton lclt last Saturday by plane tor Vancou vcr where he boarded the ship Candbra for voyage to Austlt ralia He will return to Canada via England where he will spend two weeks Miss Moe Ferguson Is on hol idays for week and Mrs John Hand is assisting in the post oiilce during hcr ulisoncc Mcl Ayerst Erucc lice and Cowan were in Crccmore last week curling They enjoy ed the hospitality ot the Mac donald home there and Robert made iourth or their rink It is their good fortune to have to return tor iurther playoffs VISITORS Mr and Mrs Frank lhomp son and Mrs Mary Rowntree Weston with Mr and Mrs Barton Mr and Mrs Hand and Mrs Sam Erolcy with Mrs Jack Broley Cookstown Mr and Mrs Nelson with Mr and Mrs Nelson Bow manvillc Mrs Doug Ncss and children were home from Barrie Vic Small New Pea oock and It Sproule were in Toronto on Mondayund Tucs day attending the annual meet ings of the Ontario and Canad ian Swine Breeders Associa tions Some of the wives enjoy ed shopping tour while their husbands attended the meetings Death claimed two at our senior citizens this week Mrs Susan Reid and Williarr Lamb both of whom were in Lhcil 85th year They were litelong lriends had both gone to the same school at Nantyr and been in the same classes Mrs Reids forebears were of the Cross tomin who came trom Dalhousie to Innistil in 1836 Funerals of these two pioneers were held to Stroud cemetery on Monday and Tuesday of this week The WMS ol the Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mr and Mrs Cownn The president Mrs Cowan gave the call to worship Reports were received on recent ban quet the halo for 1962 and report of the Presbyterial meet ing The roll call was answer ed by verse on prayer which was the theme of the meeting Mrs Watson read paper on Meditation on the Lords Prayer Mrs Lottie Cownn read paper on Praying Women Mrs Campbell read the scripture and com mentary Mrs Duncan Camp bell accompanied by Mrs Wal ker sang Dear Lord Forgive Mrs Hand and Mrs Cam pbell were lunch assisatnts By MRS BERT MULEDLLAND Bob Belshaw is home again after spending week in Bar rie Hospital recovering Irom shooting accident Visitors to wish him speedy recovery were Ken Bornaman Richard Small Bill Jetiells Tommy Fin his Susan Fionis Logan Cook and Pete Metcalie Congratulations to Miss Patti Robertson daughter of Mr and Mrs Ralph Robertson in pas sing her Grade music exams with honors Patti is pupil of Miss Jessie Bryson Congratulations also to Mr and Mrs Cliff Belshaw who anniversary and to three Stroud girls Pam Ayres Norinne Fix and Sharon Wright who won lovely walking dolls in the IGA Snow Princess Contest in Bar rie last week meet this Thursday night Feb ls Mrs Cathy Parker Nance will give talk on her trip to Europe Everyone is welcome Mrs Campbell and Mrs ably demonstrated to twenty ve ladies last Thurs day what they had learned at the Womens Institute Training School 143 pounds of meat Emphasis was placed on mak ing the best use of the cheap er cuts of meat They served three dishes at noon using liv er leitover meat and slewing heel Many useful hints were given on buying storing and cooking meat Also tips on pln hing menus for attravtive nour Goodyear Booth Campbell attend lace meeting of Simcoe Presbyteriai hcld in Central United Church Barrie RINK NEWS with three games being played Thirteenth line beat the Ninth Line 12 Strand shut out 11th line while 10th Line and Eighth Line played 22 tie on Thursday night hockey game with Coldwater playing return game with Strnud iun Mrs and Mrs Herman Cairns and Mrs children Donna and David at Schombcrg Mrs and Mrs Normnn Maxwell and Dalston oi the Ruthven Marlon Sodi Nurseries oi Alliston Cookstown and Oakville attended the an nuat conference oi the Amerr sociation Douglas of Oshawa Colwell nnd Irwin oi Bowman ville Mr and Mrs Ted Col ers McLean Delaney Mr and Mrs Bill Carlton are joining other members of the family to celebrate the Mth wedding anniversary of their parents Mr and Mrs Carlton oi Parry Sound by attending the Mark Kenney Ranch TV Mrs Carlton have visited their son and family here on many occasions celebrated their let Wedding this very happy anniversary EUCImE PARTIES having here as well as else where seems not to stop the many euchre fans from attend The Stroud Womens institute ins the community events The second of series at four euchres in the Legion Hall on Friday last Prizes were won as lollows Ladies Mrs Doris Anderson Mrs Walter Spicker Gents Mrs Beryle Fleming Wilmer Mrs Hammond and Mrs Betty Elmer Hammond lucky chair Torn Marsden Cakes snicker Tom Feehely and Mrs two more euchres to follow each Friday rogram convene Mrs bazaar committee in sturgess pianist Mn auditor Mrs All ladies wishing to join this gath new organization in 1962 will be meeting will be on March Charter members Next Mrs Jackson Mrs Hubbert Mrs Goodieliow Mrs Ellis Mrs Pratt Mrs wk and Mrs Vai attended the inaugural IlIBday was broomball nightl There will be skating party his Thursday nttcrnoon and ors More hockey is scheduled and Mr Mr and Sunday visitors with Mr Truman Flatt were Ronald Calms Recent visitors with Mr and Cliff Eelshaw were Mr sans Murray and Danny of Ruthvcn managerl can Golf Course and hirf As held recently in Miami Fla Mr Ruthven was member ot panel and ans wered many questions concom ing turf practices in Canada BOND HEAD Mrs Green spent the past two weeks at her sons home in Cooksville while they Mr and Mrs Joe Dobbs were on trip to Florida Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith spent Sunday withirionds in lVillowdnle and Weston Bill and Mrs Mrs Lymer wall and Susan of Toronto spent the weekend with the Bradloys and Sutherlands and helped cel ebrate Mrs Bradleys birthday at the home of Mr and Mrs William Brethot There were 11 tables at the list ouchre sponsored by the hall night Prizes were won by Mar committec on Monday guerite Ramsay Audrey Brandt Joe Ariss Mel Stewart and Bill Clark TOTTENHAM By ETHEL WICE Mr and Mrs Bill Carlton children andGail Bradley were among those who attended the Ice Follies held in Toronto cently Mr and Mrs Don Bayes and daughter Barbara of Toronto spent several days last week with Mr and Mrs Runs Del aney Mr and Mrs Albert Adair ol Antler Saskatchewan visited at the home of his aunt Mrs Hammond last week Mr and Mrs Adair are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary by visiting friends in Ontario Mr and Mrs Don Spicker and family of Oshawa spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wal ter snicker Mr and Mrs Bruce McCuli lam and daughters of Windsor who are on holidays spent port of this week with Mr and Mrs James Tough Mr and Mrs Jack Delaney and sons at Toronto spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Rans On Friday evening Feb 16 Old time dance Show Mr and Congratulations on The subzero weather we are adios auxiliary of the Canad an Legion Tottenham held the Palmer Consolation prize Walter Hammond There are The St Francis euchre held the Recreation Room enter TY SINGLE BASIN SINK Ipc con structlon Ledgebsck models pre drillcd for faucets Basins 18 18 995 Ledgebackla 20 overall 1489 REMOVABLE BASKET STRAINEILFor above sinks Fits 314 to No ledgeback 18 20 overall STAINI Essér sums TWIN BASIN SINK Selfrimmed design gleaming mirror finish and lpc construction Sound deadening insulation Ledgeback models prodrilled for faucets centres Basins leltle deep Standard mod el no ledgehack 13x31x7 deep overall Ledgeback Modelas shown 20x32x7 overall 4185 diameter tail pipe Chrome plated Each SwingSpout MIXING saucers DELUXE MODELDock mount ing swing spout with strain er Modern streamlined design heavily chrome plated With centre OUR BEST With pullout rinsei spray shutoff valve in head Stainless steel deck cover WI chrome spout with strainer ti centres Chrome handles TO COMPLETE YOUR PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS HOWTODOIT Installation and Repair PLUMBING BOOK This 31 page back Is full of practical information tions on how to plan install and maintain plumbing system Great aid to saving money rmmo am 45° Elbow Cops Plug Tee ixxi45 Fllxtbls coon ruhlno CappuiSnlder z15 12 Vz11 illustra 269 Galvanlnd BRASS WATER TAPFor inside or out rz thrcadcd outlet end 99 WATER TA plated As above but with plain outlet BASIN MmNG FAUCET Chmme platEd with solid brass and steel construc tion nltrï¬ Deck mount onsp as spout SWING SPOUT MIXING FAUCETFor wall mount ing or high back rollrim sinks centres 760 As AboveAdjus able wall mount INA9 centres 875 z20 l4 23 peru so our eomplst Ilrll or drain pipe mugs Liquefied Petroleum Torch For sweating on fittings etc Complete with fuel Spud Wrench Tightens spud nuts under sink sizes in 134 Tube Cotter and ReamerDeluxe model 255 299 135 drains with saw BASIN FAUCEI Chrome plated for smart modern styling ok mounting Hot and cold LAUNDRY SWINGSPOUT MIXING FAUCETSRough finish Clamps on laundry tub IA threaded spout for hose connection CONNECTING WASTEEnd outlet brass For 2basin sink 298 CONNECTING WASTECentre outlet For 2basin sink For Full PressureControlled Flow SHDWER HEADS gag In SHOWER Our best With fully adjustable spray lever for just the right How etc Ball swivel joint Smart modern design bituï¬iiiffe 279 GOOD SHOWER Gives spray Ball swivel 105 Chromed Soldering Paste Zoz tin Emery Cloth 11x9 Medium each Pips Wrench Drop forged size Adj Hacksaw Pistol grip 10 blade Solder For copper pipe llb CASH DISCOUNT NOTES ON ALL PURCHASES 0F 59 OR MORE labor IlGIIldldI Spend Discount WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Notes as Money at Canadian Tire WINDSHIELD 2595l MARINE HARIZIldVARE CESSORIES WRAPAROUND Clear shatterproof plexigloss non reflective Fits all outboards Molded to ape Complete with all necessary fittings ready to install its easy to do 4246 12 4650 12 5254 12 695 1895 1995 also larger sizes to fit 6246 10 fittings Pair Complete with Bow Light Stern Light Pennant Pole Red Ensign and PushPull Switch Lights and Pennant Pole at tractively chrome Worth $1500 With tour nylon pulleys two cable clamps two extension springs four nylon cable guides and 35 it or tiller rope mp to for installation Chrome plated DEDK HARDWARE 459 Includes pair of transom handles One 5inch cleat two aï¬inch cleats pair of 43 inch Chocks In gleaming chrome plate to really spruce up your craft SURFACE MOUNT SPEEDDMETER Black figures on white dial Shows speeds from to 35 mph Chrome plated diecast construction Red edle dial steam with fittings it wwsfnouur BDAT DDMPASS Compass dial remains level at all timesregard less of boat angle Large easytoread luminous dial floats in oil for greater accuracy Each WINDSHIELD BRACKET Gives hill support adds smartness With rr Morin linthos DDLFIHITE their and null flpaint nun water In cop per bronsa batto faint harder but lntsh Yacht wbltl spar 69 Allow or or tzvotr BDW LlIiiHl With rod and neon Emurel Ian nagi ole mksL lens high Action Inllnr tiered In 249 min lines our tram 275 Steering Wheel Attractive and handsome twinspoke design for added strength In 2color finish Blue and White Black and Gold and Yel low and White 95 Each FIBREGLASS REPAIR KIT Make your craft waterproof shockproofl 98 Conn I54 in Inc The fast and easy way to do inexpensive patching jobs on your boat Finish can be sanded and painted Laughs at extremes of temperature Plastic Res Hardener sun or water Complete with FibreGlass Cleaner Filler Applicator and easy tofollow Instructions COVE 440 It In 489 Covers are in in Mermaid BOAT TRAILER answhuunz easy naulnig sum channel mu construction was parklnl and satety chain rennin winch mm howren rough keel rollers transom pads dollt ttres Whlels with high speed muei hear lags grease seals and dust on Rustic ourh and surf wbttn autumn va type on imampump 1395 HeavyDuty ModelAl shove but with automotive tymlenl spring quick re lulu tut attic ent giant size Tun sons pads extra Inns keel rollers and son lbs 719 STERN LIGHT Chrome plated brass with White EIIIIOTIZOD lens Ad instable height 23 high dvolt 459 DoItYourseli and save with Canadian The Dock Pier Fittings Easy to setup Cast steel dock brackets with looking set screws see listing be low and your own precut wood plus pipe gives you an economical per manent dock Build to any length or in it and shapes Pointed bass for rocky bottoms Adjustabi Build on beach in after construction 110 It uc girl$533151 complain solution of ï¬llings In In your dock Each grow 155 130 ElFiat Ban bottoms flat base for sandy for high or low water sections place in water 130 175 ClPointed Bus each Co landï¬ll 175 ishing meals tained 17 Tables The prizes Ladies Mrs Dorian Mrs Aiken Beeton Men Bnb Mc The first regular meeting of Goey Tom McKenna Door the UCW mm was held In prizes Betty Wallace and Kev the Sunday School room of St gtin Keogh Draw Blanket Geo James United Church rge Hanlon Schomherg Groc lFollowmg Is the new execu cries Pat Ronon Special prize tive Leader Mrs llubbert for the eldest present Tom second leader Mrs Green McKenna who is 85 years secretary Mrs Ellis young and still all com lreasurcr Mrs Johnson munltv euchres an ROY RONALD no no DUNLOP srnssr wasr BARRIE our PARKWAY 66418