Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1962, p. 14

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Now Is The Time To Buy Or Sell ANNOUNCEMENTS BlRTHS GIAYA1 the Royl Vlclufll Hospital Ernie an ntesdy reb ruary i951 lo sir Ind liin Roy any wtllouduie Avenue some son lkevtn noyl brother lor Glenn luARxs At Ihr Royll lelnrts ilosplul norm on mudy Petr rusry IS 1962 To Cpl and aim Gary links at so slmcos Street Ansus Ontrip son Michael sh DAttsorx At the llaysl Vic toria Hospital on Montiy Febru sry 1m to air xltd um Peter Dsuson oi RH No nsr rte son brother or Lynne stsloN sir and rum Lrry slmon lnee ntoseorsel or Dayvtew Drive Tlsrrte wish to utnounrc the arrival son Lincoln James on Tuesd Pet rusry 1961 at the no Vic torln Hospltll PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS oi the Blessed Event can be announced to your iriends and relatives lor only $150 Just telephone PA HAM DEATHS scrnlEsLsur liey At st Josephs limitl Tornnlo on llnndsy Fcbrulry lz 1962 LIan illsy Gmsc beloved wile or the isle Thoms Scythcs Iortncrly of Toronto 7ch mother at Aubrey cl Newmsrkel Non Mrs str mace lliulton Ind Winon llilrs Csrbuttt KtnlCity in bar find your Resting at the Ycllltctt Puncrl liame Blntc for funeral services Thursdly Fabric Ar p111 Illicrment Tnoru ton Cemetery IN MEMORIAM nAULnltYln lavlng mcmnry of my Mother Jennetic who entered Into mt February 15 mo And Dnd David April do 1949 Sudly missed and itiwnys re membercd by daughter ms cOMlNoEVENTs VALENTINE DANCE Friday February 16 pm IVY COMMUNITY HALL Admission 50¢ per person Auspices Ivy Junior Farmers SPECIAL EUCHRE UTOPIA COMMUNITY CENTRE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15 030 RM Come and be my Valentine Extra prizes Lunch VALENTINE DANCE Friday February 16 93010 am MIDIIURSI TOWNSHIP HALL PAIIENDENS ORCHESTRA Admission 75c Sponsored by Fam Union Local 112 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY PORSATE Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE Boom PA 112592 is CLAPPERTON ST DArlllm MOORE PA d2sso FRANK Nuer PA 135696 Mombcr Barrie And District Ru Estta nond Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60473 EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshall PA 059917 Emery Miller PA 60563 Member at the name and District Real Estate Board Sloull Agencies Lch CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 85901 FORCED T0 SACRIFICE Owner has moved out and Li take any reasonable otter un this lovely bedroom brick bun galow on Vancouver Street Law down payment and carries for only $90 per month NOT SO YOUNG BUT WHAT POTENTIAL 13 rooms close to downtown needs renovation Every otter will be considered Asking $6000 Member or be name and District Real Estate board EVENINGS CALL hlnnv GOULD Ono 2515 EDP GDULD 0110 2516 HARRY sLEsson PA 60513 DRCA BROWN PA 137255 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA 8831 EVERETT LOUGHEED STAYNDR loswa NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many dcluxc appointments Full price $15500 Down payment $2250 lor appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 83106 owrums thrcs bcdroom bungA low one year old small down psymsnt Tollphone PA sass ior Iurtller tnlormution 116 Trinile nonnooiu llouse your old NilA mortgage in Oak Iey ratk ares Priced Ior uleu 14 TUE BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY FEB 15 62 NEW MODERN Home or rule REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HENRY ELRICK AND IE 15 Owen St Barrie PHONE PA was tluinizn 07 Till nAnnlE AND DISTRILT ilnAl STATS BOARD 103 MELROSE AVE ily size kitchen three bedrooms tour piece bath Finished rccre ation room and extra bedroom in basement Oil heating Pay ments $9942 including taxes Full price $16200 with immedi ate possession 169 ANNE ST Goli club area Large kitchen living room three bedrooms four piccc both attached gnr tgc Oil hunting Payments $102 including taxes Full price $16500 34 NEWTON ST Close to all sdtools Brick bunlt galow with rczltion room new garage ng room kitv Chen three bedrooms tile bath Oil heating Payments only $7924 including taxes NOTE We Arrange rust mortgages Tar Victorll Ind Grcy Trustsot of value Phone PA 35533 sflcr noun Phone 00b Flowclltnz PA was or Paddy Miles PA 55100 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to tho imperial Thutll S750 DOWN Seven room home near Allis ton close to Camp Borden Hea vy duty wiring bath Alum storms and screens Full price only $6000 Call Ralph Roake PA 66481 after PA 60803 $1400 DOWN Oli St Vincent Modern three bedroom brick bungalow Never lived in Attadled garage Rca sonnbly priced Call Ralph anke FA $648 after PA 50803 500 DOWN Six room home on Anne St Carries for approximately $70 monthly Call Russell Carson PA 56481 alter PA 6616 $2700 DOWN Three bedroom plan bungalow two years old Excellent neigh borhood Mortgage carries for $96 monthly Located near Nap ier St Fairly priced at $13500 Call Russell Carson PA 054131 alter PA OGIEI $3200 DOWN St Vincent district Brick bun galow two years old Three bedrooms Popular style Car ries for $10416 complete in terest principal and taxes Call Russell Carson PA 66481 alter EPA 5616 STAYNER FARM Good room brick home pc bath water on tap oil furnace 100 acres home farm 118 acres pasture Would consider keep ing pasture Full price $27000 Call Ralph Boake PA 66481 after PA 641161 PA 66481 member or Barrio sod Dishlet nesl Esme Board HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY REALTORS 98 BAYEIELD ST PA 05453 ANYTIME Member or Barrie and District Real Estate Board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone Mom 93 Dunlap St MABEL MARSHALIPPA Mtso COREYPA 35403 MTmIEL JIFFEBY PA was MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkway 35575 New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area class to stores and schools TELEPHONE 874280 Sunnidulo and Anne Street dlslt trlot Ptnlshcd recreation room Must ho seen to be spprocintod Brick bungalow with attached garage large living room lam CARSON mation call owner at PA 66401 rented one apartment unfinished REAL ESTATE alas ll nounsPA um RoomsPA can CLIFF bungalow nt stucco exterior livin room separate dining route nearby Full basement $10500 MODEST HOME FO In the central west of the city siding with bedrooms upsta mcnl the heating is hot air oil near the centre of the city crent parts or the city slnllh CampbellPA More tcrgu unney tn was also plenty of closet space is comprised in this comfortable home Not lnr Irom downtown but the convenience ot bus driveway and garage lot is 47 130 easy to maintain Priced bedroom and lpicce modern bathroom on main floor Full base FOUR BEDROOM HOME This older type twostorcy house in good condition is situated room and large kitchen on main floor bedrooms at good size on second floor and 3picce bathroom Full basement with new oil healing systcm Priced at $10900 with $1500 down APARTMENTS T0 RENT One and two bedrooms first and second floor apartments in dili ttunnen ot ta nsrrinul mule Board PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL our DUNLOP mm First in panic Home SalesForemost in Quality oi Service PA 85568V TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL msrmPA can commFA TLt MEMBERS dAniul nlsTnicT RE mrAn BOARD BROWN REALTOR 82 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA WI PA 501 FAVORABLE LOCATION one floor plan with two bedrooms room kitchen 4piece bathroom ith laundry facilities Oil furnace MODERATE PRICE storey and halt oi bevelled irs living room kitchen and Priced at $8900 terms arranged thas nice living room dining laun LungPA um Chsrlle ReadPA Man DUNLOP ST 60 oi Value loa Langlln PA frond Everett Sbcldwcll 0m 2919 Chlorine REAL139mm First Mortgage Funds Available Interest zventnss Cull Howrd Norris PA 55453 Shelswell PA 39961 PA 68742 No Fees Charged Jack 11an PA M531 NormTl shelswell PA semi ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER To TIFFIN STREET BARRIE CALL DAY on EVENlNG RA 82379 Member of the lisrrie and Real latta Baud HENDERSON REALTOR is COLLIER stildlrr PHONE PA 82678 EVENINGS CALL itlrA SCANDRLTI PA 04865 ponuTliY tviLcoX PA sass PERCY PullD PA 831930 EilnnsoN slvAlN PA susos Member at Bartls and District and Ontario Real Ilstnto boards MOVING Dont target to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA stool on PA 6130 113 Dunlap St 58 KEMPENFELT DRIVE OPPORTUNITY of lifetime Modern splitlevel Bungalow on beautifully landscaped lot over looking Kempenielt Bay and park Three bedrooms large livingdining room Thermopane windows Panelled recreation room in basement Heated gar age Forcedair oil heating Aluminum storms and screens many extras For further intor District PRIVATE Overlooking park One and half storey brick home Living room kitchen two bedrooms three piece bath liniflted recreation room all heating Two unfinish ed rooms andbatlt on second floor Cook St location PA 83048 Room DUPLEX with two bathroom tar sale One block from post arrlce Na realtors please Telephone PA 681715 tor runner tarotmutton VALUABLE Investment Property ideally located in residential dis trict near shopping centre Ind schools This new building can tulns three apartments now sully and has nmpln parking area These two bedroom Ipttltmcnts could be easily converted to busi ness ollices or medical centre Adjoining property also available lor tuture expansion For iuil particulars write to Box on Bar ria Examiner ATTRACTIVE modern rrume buns galow in East End bedrooms dloette good kitchen with divided steel sinks and generouavcupboord space Large ilvlug room and full divided basement with pletttre with dows overlooking bny piano colored bath suits forced all oil heat aluminum storm sud screen doors storm windows including storm torbasement picture win dow Large Inndscnpcd lot with trull bushes iltrtths apple tree and rockcrlcs Large carport with storage cupboard Asphutted drive way Phone PA coast FOR SALE OR REN LARGE BUILDING Iorsale or rent suitable for church and par sonago combination tor small group Central location Telephono PA aussl in further details Two DznnooM Brick bungalow full basement on heat and dou ble garage Immediate possession Large rencedln int Alinudule dis trict Low down payment Ono mortglge Telephone PA 81472 PROPERTY WANTED Fault nEDmM Hausa wanted Owner moved to another city aux ssis iIliiy lsndscsped Tolep on PAMm uiotu to lull Telephone PA stools Must be In or near Barrie with sensible down payment Telephone got or outings Televllonb 69114 bus OPPORTUNITIES EXECUTIVE SALES COORDINATOR REQUIRED One of Canadas most phcnoms enal growing industries otters an unusual opportunity for men with leadership qualities These men must be capable of form ing company within comp any Investment required For personal interview write Box 65Barrie Examiner Your Car See ClasSification No RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT CHOICE APARTMENT Modern bedroom unfurnished Sellcontained heated laundry And parking iacllitiu Near bus stop Available March PHONE PA 361$ Two BEDROOM Apartments as rent Belted Central loonun Hardwood floors Telephone PA on or further Littorallion UNrUttmstn bested two bed room lpnrtment downtown lou tlon ilsniwood floors With up srsle entrance For lurthcr tutor button telephone PA can Two pxnnoom llouae for real ideal locnuon en Kempenleit any Adults preferred ilenl two per montlh contset air Chmlou PA rUnNialrtzn three mom nurt ment ground floor rivlto env nnce Very centnliy outed Pri vate bath All services included no monthly Idcll or couple only Telephone PA 56634 APARTMENT three rooms with private bath rslrleerstor and range Downtown Sui bid or adults 35150 per month For run lher tarotmutton telcphonu PA b9193 Two unnnoonl Abutment in modern srlrnenl building Ccn trally lo stove and refrig erslor Ilundry Incllltlu Parking lot Ind isnttor service Avlillbia lusrch Telephone PA 56091 NEW AND Modeln one Ind two bedroom lplrtmelli overlook ucnlc Kempdntcll Hell Vu tcr nrklltz and II tor servic incltt ed Itlttomltio manta tlltles PA 54901 Tllnkl n00 unfurnished nplrtv mcnt or roll buttd hydro sup plied Plriting lplce svsllsble Can be seen st in nylleld street Anytime six noon Home or rent with Itttomltlc gnu hcnunl Three bed rooms Centrally located Avsllanla now Telephone PA 120 or fun ther inlormslton 315 MONTHLY Drinbt bested upper duplex nvs rooml Ind bltb No objection to one child Com Plclely private close to St Marys Church Telephone PA bests AVAlLAnLr February Two bedroom untumlsbed Iprtmcnt best and wltcr supplied selfcon tsincd East end lonuon $75 per month Telephone PA outdo RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and relrigeratar Use oi washer and dryer Rcdcooratcd annually PA 51068 Tflnu llzmlooni Ipbflment or rent in ue bullditu washer dryer Ind tutilnr service invited Avllibble immediately Tclcphonu PA 3235 for Iurther information WARM unluralshed three room bested Ipnrtmenl sellcoalslaed with private bath nut end close to stores school bus Ilop Avnll Able linen Telephone PA Mots Tint noon bested unfurnish ed selltontllncd Apartment Sep nrnlc entnnce snd lberrnostt Close to schoal bus Ind shopping Ample parking Available April Telephone PA m7 NEW Two Dthtolm bunglow lor rent urge llvlitl room kllrb en sad three piece nstb Nullbid coon its monthly Telephone strut Stroud POUR n00 heated Ipxrtntent for rent unfurnished with stove snd relrilentoi Psrklnr space Plvn minuler walk lrcm riv Pointa Telephone PA mm or further plrtlculnrl FOUR ROOM Aommeht lilo both unlumtsned stove and re lrtserstor supplied Centrllly in cried No ch ldren Avnlllbia 1m medlntely For further Inlcmlr tion telephone PA bout rUansltdn three mom Iplrt ment for rent muted heavy tittLv range mildire refrigerator hulltdn cupboards Beautiful view of Kemponfelt any can monthly Over iisrris Flowers PA Mini lionslm one and two bedroom apartments east end Dsrrte Daml boo drapes Vcnctlln blinds Auto matlc laundry facilities Psrking Telephone PA on lor further information COMFORTABLE lsrse three room apartment Moderlo rent warm reprule entrsnce Itorlgc parit tng Central It bus lsundromst Reduction litst month 135 Four lung st Telephone PA 34541 ARTICLES For SALE CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS USED FURNITURE CLEARANCE 30 heavy duty stove fully automatic with rolisserieused months $249 Special 2piece davenpor Reg $149 rebuilt and re covered in wool frieze cloth Regular $189 Speciél $99 7piece chrome set with extra large table 40x72 with matching chairs Regular $159 Special $5950 46 continental bed with head board Almost new Reg $99 Special $5950 46 wooden bed and mailress with good springs $1995 Good used washing machine 01995 Extra good 5piece chrome set $2450 Childs crib new mattress $1995 46 bookcase bed Regular $3995 Two good used dressers One double dress $1995 $1495 er Regular $7950 for $3950 38 BAYFIELD STREET PA 82843 lront and back cntrltnccs itcntlng lor $90 monthly Apply 1st Nlplet or telephone PA dTlol lltsATEn sollrcontnined apartment Ground floor Three large rooms Near school Parking Prlvlie err MODERN six room bunglow llrlgc full size basement lsundry tubs near Hiilcrest school Limit dra and best supplied Telephone PA ssnso nvansian three room spurt merit or rcnt heslcd Privntc en trsnoe Also one bedroom to rent 69 John Street UNIURNISIIED Upstairs Apart ment three rooms scllcontelncd oll hcstcd Central location Smlll bshy welcome Avlllnbid now Telephone PA aom six noohl House tor rent witb sunroom and garage oil heating Centrally located Avnlikble now $100 per month Telephone PA moan or PA csau Tilncr noon Iiascrrlent Apert mcnt bested saltcontained prI vuto hsth Rctrigerstar Ind stove Partially fumlshcd Telephone PA 1151128 or PA 931 for ltlrlhet ib tormutlon tumor 65 monthly Telephone two children cht silo Possession PA 0921s Moron Telephone PA was lUIlNlSlilzn three room rUILleriED heated tour room room but end good iocntlon rtment upstnln across mm bus route numerator stove hy Avsilshl Feb 15 ltcnt 75 Telephone PA small or apply at per month Also In ttnnlmlshcd nested modern lpartrncltt IVLQI lblb March Telephone PA 35062 WANTED TO RENT YOUNG COUPLE with two chil dren require tbmc or four room itpnrtmcnt Would prctor either ground floor Ipnrtrttent or one with prlvsls entrance lieson able rent Apply to Box 52 mn rts Druminnl ROOMS TO LET PunNisrlED Bedsitting Room for rent with nngctio on ground floor Telephone PA 85002 for fur ther information Dannoolvl for rent control in downtown arcs tor business Kenv tlcmun Telephone PA asset WthllN Till next lour dlys some people will be selcctcd to partici putc tn the expansion or Title llorully known corporation Un ilmltcd opportunity in one at Cs ludas rastest growing industries investment required For appoint ment call PA L157o MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness dcatb CRESCENT FINANCE 20 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 60203 IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY lTo consolidate debts Pay on existing mortgages Or mortgages coming dun Home Improvement cAoy worthwhile cause PA swat Mortgage Funding OVEI SimpsonsScars 129 DUNLOP ST MORTGAGESht and and bought sold snd arranged Commercial and sestdeaUal mnnnys Ionncd an extstlng mortgages Eaifl more sage Broken P9 assoc RENTALS Low COST SPACE or not Clean modern buildings suitsbis or commercial or light industrhi Telephone PA dosis NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NUnslNC HOME Built tor this work Sam and private rooms kind nursing care good read TV rooms station was strand OFFICES STORES RENT SMALL Modern main floor Store or omcs st 102 Dunlap St West Ample parking Air condi tioned slim monthly Telephone PA oozaa dnyl or PA sosls even ings or further lnlarmntlon APTS HOUSES To RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown Ions and two bedrooms OBalconies Bamboo Drapes loves and fridges OIndividuaI thermostats llncinerntors Free washing and drying facilities OMany other line appointments Children welcome Samplesuite may be seen by calling THREE nooivt uniurnished heat ed Ixaflmont for rent sclrcuu talnc separate entrance $55 per month Available Immcdlltcly Telephone PA town or PA 02543 roult nnoll urtrncnt or root Private bntll ungimlshod And hub ed privnto entrance Close to schools and bus Children welcome Box or Barrie Examiner noun Ronni Apartment lor rent unfurnished heated Ground floor Prlvotc entrurtce Sellcontained Available now Telephone PAv H101 or lurther intoxication UNTUttNtsiIED two bcdroom spurtrncnt heated Centrally loca tod Parking provided neat $111 monthly Telephone PA use or after 330 pm PA 33695 Two BEDROOM self contained upsrttocnt uppu duplex stove heat and water supplied Campbell Avenue Avallsbic llisreh Phone PA Mots Alter pm FOUR ROOM UNFURNISHED heated apartment or rent Near Oakley Park School Prtvste en trance laundry lolllties Ind Parking space Available March lst Telephone PA 873110 SPACIOUS nvlz noonl untur nished spartment stove and re lrigerntor optionll automatic laundry and parking facilities Telephone PA Mass or PA oasis for further details PEEL STREET Two bedroom apartment bcatcd unturnlshed dining room selficontallted hard wood floors modern conveniences laundry rscilllies with janitor ser vice Avallnblu March Telephone PA 68112 Two BEDROOM apartment in mo dcru buuding East EDtI Preo laundry facilities herrigentor stove bent and water Not suit 331515 for children Telephone PA ANGUS 115 Queen street San our room unlurntshed house Suitable for two adults or pen sloner Very reasonable Telephone stroud asnai between 9am 12 noon THREE ROOM urnlshed apart ment hydmand heated modern furnishings Near bus route No objection to child over 12 For up pointmcnt tclcpltono PA om arter pm ARGE House Inc redt avaUsble March 1st Suitable for large family or could be duplexes Centrally located Also three bed room house living room dining DiuGllT CLEAN bsdraonl tor rent In quiet home or gcntlemln downtown Arcs Telephone PA Mats utter pm ROOM BOARD R0031 Avsilublc for one or two business gentlemen with board optional For Iurthor latonmtion telephone PA c3696 WARM noon Available with bond Central location Will pack lunches if desired Parking space Telephone PA 32552 tor further lhldrmstlon COUPLE to shut home with lady All convenience and comfort or modern home For appointment telephone PA soils siter pm FURNISHED Bedroom for rent Laundry ruolulles Breakfast Ind lunch packed ll desired Telephone days PA 60014 or evenings PA 61017 for lurther intermatiou ARTICLES For SALE ITS SPRING HOUSE CLEANING TIME GET CASH for useful items stored in your attic garage and closets Ifyou dont want it some body does USE FAST ACTING BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PA 82414 EWSPAPER MATS petlect insulator 25 PER DOZEN Apply ThoEarrle Examiner Barrie Ontario USED TELEVISIONS for sale con soie and tonic models 35 and Various makes Firestone stor Dunlap street West nsrrie nox TRAILER tor sale size 14 reel Can be seen at curl Road utd the Boulevard at lslaets Point REPRINTS 11 you would like to have re taken by our stat photogra phers please call at our Busi ness Ollice We arr sorry we cannot accept phone orders 10 $125 Used Stoves from $2500 New Viscount Appliances On TradeIn Merchandise WESTINGHOUSE Automa tic washer $12995 USED REFRIGERATORS priced from $4995 $7995 USED WASTMG machine pump and timer $7995 TWO ONLY Table Top Ranges ADMIRAL Portable TV $6995 14 HP Motors $500 cAsn WWW Sizes 32km Ideal Ior lining lien $3133 Emu taming houses attics garages etc mp ONE Urnle Goutlay Piano and Bench for sale in good con dttlon further information Enzcrnic Chord orgsn rm sale in good condition mshogsny fin ish 12 pluybynumher books Can be soon at 111 Toronto street FISH SBANTY for sale good con dition nil Equipped Also Tape rte corder for sale at but price Telu phone PA Hall or further into mutton Buy your furnace now between Jan 15th and Feb Nth and get your dqu air attachment FREE with every complcte installation Reg 369 FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW 5110 Finance Rate Phone collect SLIlIIld 1115 WOODWARD dc SONS lIcuting Contractors RR Strand Low Overhead Low Cost PHOTO available at The Barrie Examiner prints at any news pictures Glossy Prints $100 plus trx SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used TV from $2995 Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 lNNTSFIL SIREET PA 66531 Eatons Weekend Specials $3500 Eatons Easy Budget Terms available if desired Telephone PA Man for room kitchen gss tinted Tele Phone PA closer ULTnAivloDERN two bedroom apartment main floor new baud tng Hot water heating Driveway with our parking wul accept one child slno per month Carson Rdal Estate PA 65481 or alter pm PA 66151 UNlUansnnD second floor four roam apartment selfcontained private entrance One bedmo street West Barrie GiLs SMOKE snoP KENltioitlz SombAutomlttld twins or Washer for rain used one year Excuuent condition Telephone PA H178 for further information USED itnranEnATons for rule vltrloILs mnkca to 14 cubic loot models 550 and up Can be seen at Firestone Stores on Dunlap 40 maple Ave Going out of business sale Heated Csntrsi locstiou lmme ute possession ii dcslrcd Tole phona PA ozioo Arid ultcr sdu PA 33585 LARGE Central well furnished hedslttlnl room good kitchen utrl bathroom well heated Also room and bath furnished on ground rlaor Privutn eatrsuee PsCe puking Central PA 641104 alterDoom or lVEnInES UPPglt AND Lowel Duplex Four rooms and bath each Entirely sep urste New kitchens bathrooms and gas lumaecs Ample parking and storage raclltttcs Central non merchsndlse at bargain prices Au showcases two desks IllinzcnbA inel glass shelves peg board hardware television sets some must be sold by Feb 27 1962 DAans ROCK steam paths We hsve enlarged our uprtllrn Snultb Steam Room We cordially lltvito you to try the SI Stenrn nsths ior rclltxinl those edgy jumpy nerve and tired atme muscles We no open from mm In the momqu till ll pm at night phone call from you PA Mill will assure ynlrthst everything in ready tor ynur enjoymunt at Dalnes Ssuns Rock Stunt Baths PA 04345 lorlpglher tnrnmotlon PA 831 86 sonsble Telephone PA Malia literSert Two PAIRS Drapes ior sale Grly background Lined with hooks pair 45 95 long and one pair zs 95 long min for sin Studio Couch 522 Telephone PA Muzs PUB WRAPB racketl and Costs for said or exchange reltntng sud remodelling Marlon at prices Apply sud Son 1112 nuniop street Wm Barrie Telephone PA 84331 AUTOMATIC zigzsg Sewing chine buttonhoics work sluts regularly or $13150 Take an payments of $1 or $49 cash Writetto Box at antrid Ex sCCBA Equipment tor only months Ltlu new stage two hose renaltor Aqua Lung took constant reserve valve Bite he with harness Vs foam Nonprenn wet suit completes Ilka medium weight belt 17 pounds or weights divors ring and one prorcsstonai divorl knife Prolculonnl fillslllo lvlllnbln II rajueotsdl Repaiilnl Milme sewn on buttons mikes duel embroidery lner mud singio Pitts snorkel Inuit Two nznnooM unlumlshed sell contincd duPlcx Ltvlng morn FURNACE BARGAIN DOGSS PETS kitchen dining krca basement LAEMDDR Puppies for nie Tait phone Newmsrket Tw um or mrther llttarmltlon ARTICLES WANTED nAnP STROLLER wanted Mu bava springs Telephone PA 66365 HAVE YOU oily lurpllfl hem lun nhblngsr Turn them Into cult StovN lelfllentoll bedroom nlturc chroma etc 1112 Telc phone PA 51843 SWt cub Ind pmmpt pickup FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highcst prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tron For fast service phone BARBIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE noun dry7 den week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Faintlead Ontario Licence No 174062 Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK to Pics FOR SALE 10 weclg old ceding well Apply to Clarenco Carson Phelpslon or ulcphou 7mm Elmvlle noLsTDnv EEIFER or is to strain Durham vaccinated tested due now Apply ls Kenneth Robinson Cookstown Ontario or telephone 4554514 Cookltown LIVESTOCK WANTED BEEF CATTLE WANTED Hollt stein Heretan or Dttrlnln steers prererred other breeds is res sonubly priced Write 20x 55 Burris Examiner POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen arc choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 77 FARM MACHINERY SNOW BLoans or sale Price reduced tor quick sale Home Iron Workl 11 High stte1cphono PA 115045 TRACTOR John Deere no or nlc dye roller crawler with diner blade in good condition Tele phnno PA dildo or further infor mutton $3 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Mldlown 41 Essa Rd 57 Buick door hardtop 56Plymoulh Savoy sedan 61 Pontiac automatic radio 51 Pontiac dr hardtop Equip 60 Pontiac convertible eqlnpped 60 Pontiac automatic radio 60 Chev Bel Air sedan so Pontiac automaticscdar 57 Buick Station Wagon 57 Ford Sedan 57 Ford Sedan 56 Ford two door so Volkswagen Deluxe Ford tour door deluxe ROY HAWKINS WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy It Now With LowCost LiteInsured SCOIIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK 01 NOVA SCOTIA 1955 MERCURY automatic and radio $595 1954 Chevrolet with rsdto completely relinished nos 1954 Ford refinished $395 1952 Quits reuonlitle Phone PA 08737 liter Idam or can at Mlicul street MonTell $195 1953 Consul and Zephyr $149 each Sprould Stipen test Hilhwuy 17 one mile south Thornton Telephone ivy 11ml

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