ous TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tel bone PA Mm The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept 11 PA 66331 93 YearNo 40 TOWN TREASURER 0N TRIAL Mciyor Used His Stipend Helping PoOr OTTAWA CPI Carleton county court was1old Wednes day that it Progrcssive Con scrvalivellLA for Russell Gor don Lavergnc distributed food and cash to needy persons when he was mayor of subiir ban Eastvicw former Eastvicw town coun clllor Edward Wilson testis ficd that Mr Lavcrgncs official indemnity as mayor was $2400 but that he could draw an ad ditinnal $2600 to help people Mr Wilson testifying under protection of the Canada Evid ence Act said the council had authorized the town treasurer Mrs Adrienne Larochc to pay the mayor up to $5000 year if he needed that amount No motion hadhcen passed to this effect The former councillorwas the first witness called by the de fence at the trial of Mrs La rochc accused of stealing Sit 790 in town funds by conversion of cheques WILL TESTIFY LATER Defence el Royden Hughes said he would all Mr avcrgne to testify later Mr Lavcrgne and all eight Easlvicw councillors were de foatcd in the 1960 elections which followed by few months Now Its Friday For Orbit Shot CAPE CANAVERAL Fla IAPlA 54mile gale sweeping across the ccntra Atlantic forced the United States today to cancel its ninth attempt to rocket astronaut John Glenn Jr around the world The next try is Fridayat the earliest The storm covering an area of about 27000 square miles was driving 18 fool waves through the area where Glenn would have to land in event of an emergency during the ï¬rst few minutes after liftoff The centre of this storm is located about 950 miles east of Bermuda The postponement was an nounced by Paul Haney news director for the National Aero nautics and Space Administra tion at 118 1111 EST As it did Wednesday the scrub came after specia weather briefing for Project Mercury director Walter Wil iams at the Cape Canaveral control centre The briefingvbc gan at midnight immediately alter the deci sion was made the White House was advised of the further de Emotiondlly Disturbed Need More Attention EDMONTON CPlNo men lal health organizations ap peared before the royal com mission on health services Wedv nesday and said more atte tin should repaid Eoihzbmaler of emotionally disturbed chi dren Both the Alberta division tlieCanadian Mental Health As sociation and the associations Alberta southern region empha sized recognition and treatment of emotional disturbances at an Jewish Candidate May Take Seat 0n Protestant School Board MONTREAL CPlThe Pro testant school board of suburl ban St fartin has decided to appoint committee to study the question of Jewish represen tation on Protestant school boards The decision vss taken Tues day night when the board unan imously decided not to contest court action in which prop erty owner Harvey Grotsky is challenging last Julys school board Election in St Martin Mr Grotsky claims the presid ing officer refused to accept his nomination papers as candi 7tributeto the health of the econ lay in the planned launch which was first scheduled for Dec 20 Glenn was awakened at 105 am by his doctor Villlam Douglas and advised of post ponement Careless Hunting lharge Dismissal Willy Pino 03 of Barrie was acquitted today on charge of careless hunting taili after he shot his lathervinlaw William roast Gain shunting accident at Mincsing swamp last Dec 20 Pino was found guilty andl fined $50 on lesser charge of hunting deer out of season Charges of hunting deer out season against five other ien invhw hunting party were dismissed on lack of evidence boy had pleaded not guilty Freed were Gordon Priest ttawa Ernest Croft Barrie Robert and Morris Eberti Ves pra Township am Mike Myers Little Lake early age makes possible the development of sound adults In briefs to the commission they said tthment and rehabii ilation of disturbed persons con imy since mental and emo ional conditions result in loss if nullionsof dollars in produc tion each year The Alberta division recom mended that departments of ed ucation and local school boards be urged to formulate pol icy With respect to the detec tion treatment andrelerral of date for election on grounds that he was not Protestant Under Quebecs Ed lion Act ratepayers of the Jewish faith are classed as Protestants for purposes of school tax But there is no specific reference to members of the Jewish faith serving on Protestant boards Theï¬t Martin board said its committee wil study the ques tion of Jewish representation on Protestant School boards Later the board will submit brief on the subJect to the Quebec royal commission on education THE BIG QUESTION WASASKED Where Are 59 Places OllAWA lCP research lrojcct measuring 11000 fe males in 59 different places may someday pay off for women in Canada The project is the key to plan to devise standard sizes for womens clothingbased on body measurements To get thebasic data speci altyAtialned researchers in the United States measured 10000 women fat thin tall stout plump skinn young old and inbetween Then to make sure the us information could be applied to Canadian women researchers measured 1000 women in this country Theymeasured eadi of them in 59 different places Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday February 15 1962 provincial judicial inquiry into the towns finanan affairs Eostview grocer Roger Dur0lt cher said Mr Lavcrgne used to pay him $50 to $60 week dur ing each winter to provide food to needy families Crown Attorney Percy Milli gan asked whelhe ltfr La vertlne was acting as mayor MLA or merely as man who wants to get reelected dont know replied Mr Duroohcr Tile grocer said he also han dled food orders from the town welfare department and was paid by cheque by the town SAYS DISCUSSED RAISE Mr Wilson testified that coun oil in 1955 or 1956 had dis cussed raise in the mayors indemnity from $2400 to $5000 He said Mr Lavergne had op posed this move but had told council he would draw up to $5 000 year if he needed extra money for welfare Mr Wilson said be pre sumed Mr Lavergne had re ccivcd extra income since he had often seen him take cash out of his pocket and hand it to CUBAN WALKS Cuban Delegate Carlos Lechuga speaks from his place at the Organization of American States council table out or TALKS Moments later he walked ou of the meeting saying Cuba is not interested in remaining member of the OAS Eastview residents with out means Mr introduced council motion dated Dec 30 1059 awarding $3200 to the ma or and councillors out of the distinguished guests fund Mr Vilson testified he received lawn cheque for $200 in Decem her 1959 Ed ar Davidson Ma to vet riie trial continues cran of the Second World War and export lions is the newlnduslrlal Com misslauer iai Barrie llis appointrimnt was announc ed today by commission chalrv man Horace Pratt Mr May succeeds Ernest Birmann who resigned Jan 20 to become 0n tario and western representa KOBE Japan tAPlP0 lice are looking for Mori suke Ogura suspected of fleeing from his employers store with 520000 yen $1722 after killing his only eyewitnessn talk ing parrot The parrot was able to speak the names of its master and the stores ems ployees on sight The bird was found strangled trial Commission Mr May will be actively concerned with the Whole struc ture of industry in Barrie said Mr Pratt He will deal with all industrial problems assist ing in any way he can the ex pansion of existing industries as well as promoting new industry for the city The new industrial commis sioner will start work Monday He will receive the same undisA closed salary paid to his pre decessor as well as an incen tive bonus based on perform ance Plenty of work awaits Mr May During the last month the commission has received many enquiries from compan ies considering establishing in Barrie Mri Pratt said The commission received more than 20 applications for the posi tion and all were from high calibre people said commis sion member Willard Kinzie emotionally disturbed children within the school system MAY SPOT EARLY if all classroom teachers were trained to detect unhealthy be havior patterns the majority of disturbed youngsters mi be in the elementary grades Antifluoridation groups are scaring people withdire tales of what will happen if fluorides Barrie Strikers Sinister Malt GO Batik told nofflcial re arts received to Dr if Brooks past presi day on negotiations between dent of the Alberta Dental As Universal Cooler Company Ltd sociatlon likened the campaign iand striking UAW Local 700 to that waged against xrays 100 say the company has offergd years ago to take the strikers back Antifluoridationists he 12 But the company repeatedly clared have frightened enough did not offer contract Strikers people to make it difï¬cult came out in midAOctober last municipal plebiscites to obtain year at both Universal Cooler the twothirds majority required and De Vilbiss Their basics de in Alberta mpgdboii for first contract wi companies wiggmghï¬sgï¬e ï¬vénugk Reports said Universal Cooler place was summm majnmy offered to take the strikers back himem laugh communi on the payroll at the rate of 10 ties gave fluoridation majority men every 40 days of better than 50 per cent Universal Cooler and UAW Dr Brooks appeared as officials met in Toronto Tues spnkesman for the dental asso dayi motion which presented brief Either umversa cam pres stating that fluoridated water ident McKee nor UAW cuts tooth decay by so per cent in all onai representative Jack Pawson were available to if used continuously from birth comment on he xepgm receiv to again ed today How can you find 50 differ ent aces to measure on we asked one reporter at the press conference where the plan was explained There was no answer The CSS system took nine The idea will get itsjirst real years to devise The specifica tryoiit lllCBllfldB this month tions have cabinet approval in starting With the bare essenti formal orderincouncil alschddre underwear Last October the cabinet au Uriderwea made to the rigid thorlzed 19 dimensional stand speclficatlnns of ill Canada and for childrens clothing Standard Size to be sold in some of the lat er stores across the country If successful it will be expanded into other kinds of childrens clothing Industrial Expert Takes Barrie Job in industrial rsla live for the Nova Scotia lndus EDGAR DAVIDSON MAY StartsMonday Parker Pleads Not Guilty BUFFALO tAPJTwo men arrested in connection with an alleged $0180 swindle of 73 year old widowpleaded not guilty Wednesday at their ar raignment in city court James Parker 33 who po lice say is former profes aionaiboxer and who gave Niagara Falls 0nt address was charged with first degree grand larceny and conspiracy Peter Barresi 25 of Buffalo was charged with conspiracy Parker was held in $10000 bail and Barresi was released in the custody of his lawyer by Judge Joseph Sedita Parker is Barrie 0nt boxer who fought as James Parker fought light heavyweight cham pion Archie Moore in nontitle boudt in Toronto in 1056 police sal He was accused in com plaint by Mrs Carolyn Fox of Buffalo of takingSflJtiO in cash from her home whilepos ing with Barresi as police counterfeit expert last month She also toldpolicethat she had given the men three Meg cheques mallint $16000 one cheque for $6000 was cashed meters MONTREAL CP Prime Minister Diefcnbakcr said Wed nesday night the West should agree to headHngnvernment meeting in Geneva If there is any indication from the Soviet bloc that such meeting would make progress on disarmament The summit style meeting on disarming was proposed Sun day ln note from Soviet Pre mier Khrushchev to the 18 coun tries involved in Geneva dis armament negotiations Canada is one of them The West has suggested ministers meet first Should it appear at any stage that meeting at the headset government level would facili tate further progress on disarm amcnt such meeting should be held Mr Dielcnhakcr told meetlng of the Temple Emanuel The prime minister prefaced Che Torrie TX 3011in LOCAL WEATHER Gear becoming overcast to night light snow Friday Low tonight is high tomorrow 28 For full summary see page two Not More Than per Copyl6 mend for recognition of brother hood and an end of discrimina lion For this reason anxious ques tions were being ralscd in every quarter about the usefulness of the United Nations but the ele ments of success still existed in the world organilalion What we need today is more faith In the United Nations but there must be conscious re turn to its basic purposes and methodstn the ways of medl ation negotiation and concilia PM DIEIENBAKER must see progress the remarks by nfltinl It in and guidance for the early stages of the conference OTTAWA CP Prime Minister Dfefenbakcr said Wednesday his reply to Rus sian Premier Khrushchev con cerning summit conference at Geneva March 14 is on its way Responding to Commonn question by Hesridge CCFKootenny West he said it would not be proper to place the reply before the House before it was received by Mr Khrushchev recent weekscracks have be gun to appear in the cold war ice which has chilled EastWest relations since May 1960 DEMONSTRATE FOR FLAG Outside the temple 12 stu dents including two girls dem onstrated in favor of distinc tive Canadian flag They marched up and down for about half an hour carrying placards in support of their causa and red and white flag with green maple leaf in the centre The group includedPaul La pointe president of the Cana dian National Rally for Dis tinctive Flag who was ejected from the public galleries in the House of Commons Friday for singing Canada while the house was in session Mr Diefenbaker said the is country talks opening in Geneva March 14 will start from base of agreement on broad principles The occasion should be seized to convert these prin ciples into practical measures of disarmament The presence of foreign min istch would ensure direction But if the foreign ministers detected any sincerity behind Mr Khrushchevs proposal the West should bequick to re spond The prime minister who re ceived plaque from the tem ple congregation for supporting thecause of fellowship among people of different races and bet llefs said there is global de um FLAP lion HAMILTON CF Hamil ton dentist Dr Victor Stanzlanl who lost leg in traffic at cident last year was awarded damages totalling $10601015 in the Supreme Court Wednesday Mr Justice ltloorhouse ruled that all the damages plus costs be paid by oncof the two defendants Joseph Cscrpes 28 of Hamilton The action brought against Frederick Allen 40 of Hamil ton was dismissed with costs Dr stanzianl 17 originally claimed $500000 from Allen and Gserpea The accident occurred whll Dr Stanzianl was stopped at an intersection His car was hit from behind by Allens car and while they were surveying the slight damage Allens car was hit in the rear by car driven by Cserpes That Flag Waves In House Again OTTAWA CPlThe issue of distinctive Canadian flag was blown about the Commons chamber again Wednesday and remained as usual up in the air For the second time in this young session members pond ered what sort of flagor flags should be adopted The occasion was debate on private bill proposed by Lauricr Regnicr St Boniface urging the government consider anational referendum asking Canadians Are you in favor of flag for Canada which would not include the emblem of any other country The same question was de bated last year The same re sult occurred Wednesday with the matter still under debate at the end of the allotted hour But no vote was taken the proposal was talked out and reverted 75 Homeless in Kirkland Lake Firemen Win 12Hour Battle KIRKLAND LAKE CP stubborn smouldering fire in downtown business apartment block which caused damage es timated at $200000 and left 75 persons homeless was put out Wednesday after firemen fought it for 12 hours The first alarmsnunded for the fire at the Stalmach Build ing on Government Road West was turned in shortly before am and firemen battled in nearzero weather until pm before flames were finally snuffed out The 75 occupants of 45 apart ments in the block were evacu ated in the middle of thernight as soon as ï¬remen arrived No one was injured The fire started in the base ment of Neils Shoe Store and is believed to have been caused by faulty wiring in the vicinity of bank of electrical panels and BUT Turns ranging from girls panties to boys anklelength drawerai Silica then some manufactur ers have to ned out underwear to the specifications This enti tles them to carry special la bel big with Canada Stand ard size inside the loop such as mill which means th garment will fit glrirwitba th measuremeotzof 25 to 21 WAS NO ANSWER sure women inches and waist measure merit of 19 to 21 inches The number is the key hip measurement The letter is the second control factorA for slim chest Bifor sturdy chest for slim waist and for sturdy waist The label will contain size The new sizing system may eventually replace tii prcsent methpd of buying childrens clothing by Volunteers helped tenants save what household and per sonal effects they could in the short time before all persons were barred from the structure One man wrapped his glass and china in blanket to carry them to safety but friend who was helping him carry them outside slipped on the ice and smashed them The flames licked upwards and ate out the floor of the Yolles Furniture Store next door dumping stock and fur nishings into the basement APAbTMENTS IIIT Firemen managed to confine most of the fire damage to the lower two floors of the building but apartments on the third floor were smoke and water damaged and cannotbe lived in for some time firemen said Firemen fought basement blazes for hours but flames crept up to higher rfloora through the wooden stuccocow cred walla By am flames had broken through the roof Firemen oxygen masks made their way into the basement but numerous parti tions blocked their fire fjghb ing efforts and they finally con tinued dumping thousands of gallons of water in the basement through street level windows Regular firemen were joined in their battiezby off duty crews and volunteers They fought in chill weather with steady east winds freezing spray on equipment Atone time there was five feet of water in the basement of the burning building their clothes and 131500 during Januï¬lyi Prime Minister Robert Menzies told lo the bottom of long list of other private MPs proposals Liberal Leader Pearson said referendum would mean more delay and accentuate the coun trys division on the question The federal cabinet should choose flag and submit it to parliamentary approval but do believe that the Union Jack or an emblemwith the Union Jack should continue to be hon ored in this country MIIrdo Martin CCFTim minsl backed the Regular ref erendum proposal Margaret Aitken PC York Humber wanted retention ofa Union Jack and Robert Lafre niere PC Quebec lilontmor eney supported the Pearson formula Mr Pearson reiterated the Liberal plan Decide on flag in cabinet then submit it to Parliament for ultimate ap proval That flag would be the national flag of Canada He said Liberal government would take such step within two years of taking office Mr Pearson said such flag would have to be distinctive in the sense that it could not be mistaken for that of any other nation Weichei PCWaterloo North favored referendum but said Commons committee sbould make the final choice of flag Police Check 7601200 Claim Idle Benefits OTTAWA CPl Claimants for unemploy ent insurance numbered 601200 at Dec 19 the bureau of statistics reported to ay This compelell to 360000 at Nov 30 and 754100 at Dec 30 0960 The bureau said that the Dec 29 figure included 108500 sea sonal workers There were 15 000 Nov 30 and 134100 Dec so 1900 Number of weekly beneficiar ies numbered 320100 in Decem ber against 709800 in Novem ber and 401600 in December 1060 December payments totalled 329400000 compared with 520 900000 the previous month and $30800000in the same month of 1060 CANBERRA Reuters on employment in Australia reached postwarrecord of conference of state premiers to