BABYWEABS FAMILY HEIRLOOM AT CHRISTENING Fourmonthold David Ar mand James son of Mr and Mrs Armand James Pu get Street was among the babies christened at Will owdaie United Church yes terday morning llev David Reeve officiated at the bap tismal ceremony David was dtristcned in hand mode tatied gown which has been in the James family for many years It was made by the delt fingers of the babys greatgrandmother the late Mrs Christopher James of Caledonia The gown was first worn at the chistening of Davids grandfather the lzde Alex Sandy James in ion and was next worn at the chistening of Davids fa ther Armand James who was christened at Muirkirk Ontario Prior to being worn at christenings the family heirloom was shown at many local fall fairs and brought first prize on each occasion Above David is shown with his parents following the lroblern 0t Incontinent Child Solved With Encouragement During the last year or so have received an increased number of letters by parents about the child usually boy from five to 12 who nets or salts his clothes by day Some elementary school prinlt cipals also are concerned about the problem they call smelly children They note that other children tend to avoid them few principals see this problem related to the increasing num ber of children whose mothers leave for work before the chil dren leave for school and the children themselves alone for school Yet most of the letters from parents have been from those homes They represent scem lngiy refined and cultivated homes Obviously the problem is great worry and cmbnr rassment to any mother ller very emotional response often may be the chief barrier to finding solution As with late bedwetting chil dren it often appears that the boy in question always is con tinent while on camping or fish ing trips with his lather or some other admired adult GIVE ENCOURAGEMENT llere is clue for helping most of these children Encour age closer companionship with the father and wider interests and activities with other boys the same age The child also needs to be shame and from ridicqu by younger brothers and sisters lie needs to be built up as worthy person and member of the family Often neighbors and christening Examiner Film to relatives can be enlisted for such help Add Imaginaton To Exercises And Banish Figure Bulges By IDA JEAN KAIN Visualize yourself slimming down in the right places as you stretch and bend to hanih the bulges By using your mind as you exorcise interest is aroused To merely go through the movements with your eye on the clock and your mind wandering is waste of time and effort soon youll be bored with it all Without quickening of the spirit there is little to sustain interest The technique is to combine imagination with kinesiology which is the science of muscle for movement By picturing the measurement slimmer you give the inner mind that image to create your mind focuses onthe spot and directs the line of action Its sheer magicl Turn on tune if you like Inusic with lazy rhythm but with definite beat You wish to be slimmer through the mid dle right Centre the ac tion there Stretch right arm forward and half way up Itretch right leg back At the same time think slim By think ing stretching streamlines it is easy topicturo slim mid section Follnw through stretch left arm forward and step back with left leg and again elon gate the pull while practicing slight of mind slimming This is not only directs the mo cruise action where it is needed but helps you to feel slim and supple Easy does it six times may be ample as starter USE PILLOW Relax on the floor between toneups stretched out to full length with small pillow under the bend of the knees From this comfortable position stretch luxuriously reachin up with arms and pushing own with heels vpulling both ends against the middlespread Waist whittling exercises can be taken sitting or standing whichever you protonFrom sitting position legs straight out in front feet wide apart arch arms overhead and pull slim through the middle measure ment As you bend smoothly sidewords picture svelte waist young and lissom Side bending literally pulls out the bulges Bend first to one side then the other six to dozen counts Then pivot at dead centre with arms arched overhead pulling slim circle to the sidE around to the other side and up Hit rhythm circling makes for willowy waist And In its fun and slimming To become habitforming ex ercise requires active thought as you go through the move mentsThink of being slim and supple and looking and feeling 10 years youngerand it wrli be pleasure to stretch and band OTTAWA CP The Cana dian Federation of Business and Professional Womens said that Canadas seasonally unemployed workers should pay more towards unemployment iinsurance when they are works 115 The womens federation in brief to the committee looking into the operations of the fund said one of the reasons for its depletion was the payment of benefits to seasonal workers In urging these pay higher premiums the brief stated One of tho cardinal points of insurance coverage is that premiums vary according to the risks involved and we see no reason why the whole of the Canadian work force should be penalized and the fund depleted for these payments The federal inquiry oommlb tee underthe chairmanship of Toronto insurance executive Er Euriosity Of Youngsters Aids Educational Growth By CLEVELAND MYERS Some years ago while was booing in my garden neigh bor boy about five or six years old visited meIIe must have stayed for an hour All that time he kept asking me one question alter another tried to answer him as kindly and ae curately as could but felt very frustrated and inadequate about some of my answers number of times had to say just dont know do recall that sighed with relief when he went home That boy is grown up now is teacher and good one rom what gather from him when he drops by occasionally to tell me of his experiences After the lad had left me that day in the garden began to think wandered why had felt bit annoyed by his con gtant questioning realized that some parents might have told him to quit asking so many questions had guarded against doing so because had been thinking about this attitude and In this column had been entreat WHAT THE ing parents to answer kindly all their childs questions KEPT RECORD recall experiences with my own children Sometimes it re quired considerable etlort not to appear annoyed by their many questions remember keeping record of the number of ques tions they asked as tots on walks with me My notes re cord over hundred questions on each of number of walks Answering childs questions kindly enables him to team and to grow in curiosity What is more important it gives par ent an opportunity to prove to their child that he is fine per I011 If there are times when you feel wornout from answering your childs questions tell him kindly you would like to rest awhile Do not show you have been vexed by his constant queries And when he asks questions you cant answer do not be too proud to tell him so If you have the time and energy so STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA year ahead Both the business and personal aspects of your life will be governed by gener ous influences and if you take advantage of every opportunity presented you should do well Be alert to chances to in crease your earning capacity and increase your financial standing for the next three months also during November late December and the first three months of 1563 Social and sentimental rela tionships will egoad this month in May June and De FOR TOMORROW Tacllulness in personal rela tionships now will pay off Some persons may be bit edgy but if you deal with them ndcr stanriingly and intent can have truiy pc Good news will come your way in the evening FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates line camber During these periods go nilout to be your most gra cious charming self since the stars promise much happiness in these phases of your life if you do Dont lei your tendency to be dogmatic cause you to upset happy relationships with those close to you This month will he an excLl lent period in which to make plans for the future also good time for planning vaca tion travel child born on this day will be good at detail work and very conscientious to the trouble of finding the cor rect answer in an encyclopedia or other possible sources if you treat him kindly in svitablyhe will ask Where do babies come from and the like Answer these questions also in ways which seem wise to you PARENTB QUESTIONS Our son has begun to stutter Act as if you dont inotice his stuttering Try harder to help him to feel loved and se oure Cultivate serene family atmosphere Keep radio or TV silent most of the time Read often to this child Delegates Repbrt At WI Meeting The February meeting of the Shanty Bay Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Henson and was opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart col lent The treasurer gave her report and several ThankYou Notes were read Current events were read by Mrs McCracken who chose as her subject The demolition of the old Ross home in Barrie which has been landmark since 1903 Mrs McCracken and Mrs Campbell gave report on the lis lbs of Meat Course which they attended in Barrie motion was passed to pay the annual fee for the Simcoe County Library books supplied to the village Mrs Brooks convenor for health gave most informative reading entitled Patients right to know the truth The meeting was brought to close with the singing of the Queen Hostesses were Mrs Sutton and Mrs Packard The March meeting will he held at the home oi Mrs Sutton me THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY ll norv Boost In Insurance Rates Would Aid Seasonal Beneï¬ts nest Gill concluded public hearings late last year The womens federation brief was presented earlier this week without public hearing CITE FIGURES The brief pointed out that the monthly average of claimants for fund payments has climbed from 10000 in 1944 to 519000 in 1960 and claimed that large part of the increase could be blamed on seasonal workers The brief also urged that the employment service be divorced from the Unemployment Insur ance Rind and placed under the labor department as lep arato tmit It said that the public image of the employment service has been greatly distorted due to its function of paying out an employment insurance The brief urged that unem ployment figuresbemademoro readily available to the public charging members were denied information at large ber of National Employment Service offices last winter OLD DISEASE indias Uttar Pradesh state in 1961 had 114000 leprosy suffer ers compared with 34000 in 1957 protected fromgt Moreover this child needs to be trained to go to the toilet at regular times according to posted schedule lle should not be punished for accidents but only for failing to follow this schedule htrthermore this child will proï¬t from being re quired to take bath daily not for punishment but to impress on him the idea of cieanlinrms This will help Mach high stand ards of personal neatness and grooming FARENTS QUESTIONS Our daughter six has trouble making correct sounds of some words when she talks tiake secret list of the most troublesome words Find occasion to say these words clearly and distinctly in normal conversation Read to her from verse or prose containing these words An older brother or sls ter or favorite playmate might be able to do most to help her Have you had her hearing checked HOTEL REVIVES EDWARDIAN ERA NEW YORK AP The Waldorf Astoria Hotel is spending 57000000 to re create tho elegance of the Edwardian era complete with potted plants red vel vet and $0000 crystal chandelier The age of elegance should be returned more and more to great hotels Conrad lliiton president of the hotel drain said after the oneton loocandle chan delier was pulled into place Tuesday CiiS Supervisor Speaks lit and general meeting of the Prince of Wales Home And School Association was held re cently Following shortbus iness meeting Mrs Young introduced the speaker Mrs Kelly Supervisor of Family Welfare for the Childrens Aid Society for Simcoa County film titled Buy On Page One was shown to very interested audience The film showed how Classified Advertis ing can place children in lost or homes who otherwise would not have this opportunity to find home so soon After the film Mrl Kelly answered many interesting ques tions by both parents and teachers Next general meeting will be held March MUNICIPAL TRAYS WIDDIFIELD Ont This community near North is going into the trapping busn ness in an effort to prevent spring flooding drop will be set for beaver whose dams have been causing damag ROCK STEAM BATHS Open am to pm Phone PA87iii Illtll VIII ABE llliElY Ill BE AmblllouswldeawakeYou love iieYoura hard to discourage Iiyou cant reach man by phone you may even write aiertly including of courset Your corraspondents full and correct postal if BURNSRED HOT LIIBB CHICIIENS address Your own name and return address in upper left corner AND THE CORRECT POSTAL ZONE NUMBER IF YOU ARE WRIT ING TO QUEBEC MONTREAL OTTAWA TORONTO WINNIPEG 0R VANCOUVER Help us to speed yourrnaiIcheck the yellow pages of your Telephone Directory for full postal information pouz BliEllLlilts PRESENTS BURNS WHITE in sin BURNS BOLOGNA 5100 49 35° 45 f29° $100 ONTARIO NO LB CELLO PKG WIENEBS BURNS PURE BURNS PURE VEGETABLE SIIOIItENINIi FRESH KILLED EVISCERATED SLICED RINDLESS BACON POTATOES 50 LB UENLERS rooogMARKEr is DUNLOPST BARRIE