prepare New Peak Of Cooperatiyn Seen Under Diefenbaker The Diefenbaker govern mants national development policy expanding on all fronts and coordinated with the provinces is making Canada richer and better country to live in SolicitorGeneral Wil liam Browne said here Sate urday night This programis geared to the growth of the country and much has been done since the policy was outlined five years ago air Browne told the dinner meeting of the Central Ontario Progressive Conservative Association Longterm lowinterest rate loans made under the Atlantic Provinces Power Development Act increased the industrial potential of the area lilr Browne said In addition in the last our Newfoundland Ncw Brunswick and Nov Scotla have each been recc ing di rect federal financial aid of 57500000 year and Prince EdwardIsland $2500000 year Barrie Delegates Report Conference Barrie delegates to the first Ontairo conference on educa tion held recently at Windsor reported their observations at meeting of Barrie and District Home and School Council held at King Edward School The three major goals of the Windsor conference were to assess the strengths of the edu cational procedures of Ontario to identify the weaknesses of the Ontario system to suggest ways to correct deficiencies and overcome present difficul ties Mrs Nellie Hall local area president of the Federation of Women Teachers oi Ontario in formed the members that non promotion was discussed but no longer recommended at the conference because pupils should not meet with failure and success in school just to them for similar oc currences in life and because grade standards would not be weakened as much as previous ly feared by educationists Report cards should clearly indicate the significance of the letters or marks used she said Comments on report cards should be carefully writ ten as arcnts interpretations may dii or from that of the teacher Parentteacher inter views appear to be more and more popular with more and more educational systems in Ontario However it was pointed out that the high schools of Ontario still cling to percentage marks Mrs Hall remarked that stan The group suggested that more reasoning understanding and meaning were far greater requisites than dull review or drill John Komar District 20 presiA dent of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association and principal of St Monicas Separate School gave brief resume of the conferences sec tion on the topic at rcilgious instruction in the schools This section the speaker re marked consisted of three sub groups rcprosenting Roman Ca tholics the Protestants and the Jewish views These subgroups disagree6 very drastically but extremely graciously The speaker clarified the de partment regulations that no child must subscribe or attend any religious exercise conduct ed In the school which is con trary to his religious conscience Mrs Bessie Clemmens repre senting the high school trus tees spoke on the vocational guidance section of the Ontario conference She also lamented the inadequate press coverage Mrs Clemmons was convinced that guidance must be stepped up in our elementary and sec ondary schools This guidance personnel should become ac quainted with the various facets of the local industrial scene industry should provide this years in advance AFFORD OPPORTUNITY The responsibility of the edu cators is to afford the public and the press adequate opporA tunilies to learn their problems And starting April these unconditional grants will be increased by the sum of 310 000000 year for the next five years he said The $100000000 dam on the South Saskatchewan river was cited as another example federalprovincial cooperation The Conservative govern ment spearheaded CanadaUs agreement for power develop ment On the Columbia River in British Columbia My Browne said and is prepared to help the financing in the amount of $200000000 proposal to harness the nations hydro resources into vast interconnecting grid la being studied by the Diefen baker government QUEBEC NOT READY air Browne said federal provincial conference on the subject has been delayed be cause understand Quebec is not ready to take part at the present time He contended that devaluav tion of the dollar and an ag gressive trade policy helped to wipe out the unfavorable trade balance that existed when the Conservatives took office five years ago Development of natural re sources is thc foundation of the governments program he addded it is obvious however that for the full development of our country more immigrants are needed It is hoped that our new immigration policy re cently announced by ltlrs Fair clough Citizenship and Immi gration Minister Ellen Fair clough will bring about an increased number arriving each year LOCAL AND GENERAL PTA TO MEET St Monicas PTA meeting which was slated for Feb 13 hair been postponed until Feb SERMONS AUTHOR ArehdeacopAllnn Read was tho author of the sermon ap pearing on the Saturday Church CANADIAN National Rail ways operated steam engA ine special from Tomato to Barrie for carnvalbound visi tors Ice fishermen bottom photo were patient but for the most part unrewardcd for their efforts Cold tempera tures dictated unusual posi tions and attempts at shelter INDIAN DANCE PROVIDES COLOR WEATHER FORECAST Page of The Examiner Mr Roads byline was inadvertently omitted from the article periods of light snow today Light winds and not much change in temperature Timagami Algoma Cochrane White River regions North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste Marie Mostly cloudy with few brief periods of light snow today Tuesday mainly clear Light winds and not much change in temperature Forecasts issued by the Tor onto weather oilice at 430 am Synopsis Cloudy skies and light snowfalls were widespread over Ontario Sunday night Cloudy skies and occasional periods of light snow are exv pected to persist in must sec tions today Colder weather is Iorecast to push slowly south ward across northern and cen tral Ontario tonight bringing partial clearing in most areas Tuesday Lake St Clair region Wind sor Cloudy with occasional pev dardized tests such as 10 tests should be treated with greatest core as misinterpretation of their results was too common at the present time PRESS DISAPPOINT James Savage science head at Barrie North Collegiate re presentative of the Ontario Sec ondary Schools Federation in the science teaching section said the press coverage was dismaliy disappointing in rela tion to the importance of the future educational progress of Ontario The delegates in the and needs Family guidance nights should he regular an anal event of every secondary school in the province Tile high drop rate in our high schools today made the termin al course mandatory as well as practical Harvey Kittmer principal of Enrker Public School RCAF Camp Borden and an execu tive member of Barrie and Dis trict Home and School Council reported for Mrs Jean Pitcher who was unable to be present on the teaching of second One of the most colorful events of the winter Carni val at Barrie Arena Satur day night was display of traditional dances by In dians from the Six Nations reservation near Brantford The trio was led by Chief Sky at the Cayuga who described the dances done by Great Cloud of the Cay uga and Chief Hail Moon of the Mohawk The display began with welcome dance by Great Royalty Busy With Carnival Saturday was busy day for Barries Carnival Queen and Princess After parade through town in the frosty morning Betty Manson Queen and Helen Forecasts temperatures Low tonight High tomorrow Windsor 15 25 St Thomas London JANIS JOHNSON Carnival Teen Queen draws ticket held by Mrs Harvey Robinson An gus who gets all expense paid trip to Florida for two The photos in centre and at bottom are of two crowdpleasing at tractions the helicopter and skidou vehicle Rides were available in both for carnival visitors Clown 0n Skates Popular With Kids Skating clowu Don Cribar won the hearts of the small fry in the audience at Barrie Arena Saturday night with skillful display of clowning and skating Don appeared in the clowus lusual tattered outfit complete with outsize nose and red wig when he took off his coat an imaginary flea jumped to the ice and the clown skidded and stumbled about the ice in hot pursuit of the runaway insect Crihar showed that he was no clown when it came to skating making several speedy circuits of the arena and even running on the skates TODAYS DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS LondonLord Birkett of U1 verston 73 one of Britains most distinguished lawyers and judge at the Nuernberg war crime trials of Nazi lenders Sherbrnoke Que George Edwin Ewing 82 retired bank ing official who served in four provinces including manager of branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Fort William St LouisMrs Rosa ll Izett 7d member of the old Buffalo Bill wild west show Hollywood Mrs Eva Base 79 mother of composer and conductor David Rose STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop St Barrio moo Asbestos Abitlbl wAlgoina Steel Muminlum Alberta Gas Alta Nat Gas IAtlas Stcel spit of Mont Sank of NS 4391 Tel Brazlliari an oil BC Power Cold or or Com Cdn Brewer cert Cda Cement can Chemical Can0ll Calgary Power Con Mlndr5na Con Paper Consumers Gas Harde Fa IIorrlc hop on Lahatt Lnkeland Noranda lzl Dis Sup Dom Fauna 17mm Store Dom Tar Gt Lakes Got Pow Homo Oil and my Illln Imp Tobacco ind Accept Inland no Inter Nickel lntnrprov Pipe Jockey Club lltnc Pow Riv Massey Ferg 31mm 43 at 13V 19V 177s aw lDil 365 151 55 so 23V Mo 1534 so lav Nor Ont NG Monro Corp Mï¬ln Pore Oshawa Paciflc Pch Pom Pipe Page Hersey Que NIL GI Roe Rothmans Royal Bank Salado Shirt Simmons Snnwintgan Steel of Can roman Bk mus Can Trans mo rm Texaco Union Gas Walker ka mu it time Can nyno Geno Min Can Husky Can Devonian Camp club Gen D21 nlo Copper Rand Con EB Denison Mines 11 Sullivan Falconbridgo 11a 425 55 Mo 134 44 171 am Hailingor Lamoquo Lorado Maritime Normctal Northgnta Gunnar Kemndnison Murray Min Oncnflska Quemont Rlo Algom Sher Gordon Steep flock United Oil Ventures wnroy wow 53 2190 53a rivz MOST ACTIVE arocxs Central not lilo Delhi Paciï¬c Gunner Steel Nominate DDWnlofllï¬ NEW smith AVERAGES hduntxlajs up 71 mus up 42 Unuttns up al TORONTO smcx Industrial up 38 Goldsdown Metals down 51 amonwo nxcnnlvnn max Oils down 01 ncLArtIirioNs Itch Gold ch gayahlc March ox dividend Feb 26 Calgary Power science group he said seem to conflict science curricula with science teaching The group dealt with subject matter but not with aims They felt that if all the right things were on thecurriculum then perfect re sults inteaching would be as sured Mr Savage did not fav or this viewpoint Recommendations were to in tegrate all science curriculum from grade one to 13 in logi cal sequential pattern by means of creating apermanont committee at Ontario Teachers Federation to enable the chil dren not to become scientists but to iéarn to discriminate be tween truths and halftruths to develop curiosity and all the general aims of education as sociated with the development of independent sellreliant and reflective adults James MacLean principal of King Edward School and repre sentative of the Ontario Public School Men Teachers Federa tion spoke on the topic of mod orn mathematics He felt that the conference proved that the laymans knowledge of even the number concept in the abstract is woefully shallow lle re affirmed Mr Savages view that there was far too much stress again on subject matter rather than general aims University demands are developing new trends in the high school ma thematics course such as cal culus instruction SPEED SKATEItS Ema any ICE c005 Speed and grace were dis played by skaters taklng part language in the elementary and secondary schools He found that this group favored the tea ching of French in the elemen tary schools in the early grad CS The meeting was told the an nual meeting will be held on April 2526 in the Royal York Hotel Toronto Home and School representa tives attended the meeting from Coilingwood Stayner Alliston Shanty Hay Bradford Totten ham and local associations in eluding the separate schools BAND PLAYED DEER IUMPED The deer jumped over the fence it happened Saturday at ternoon when the Winter Carnival parade was going along Dunlap Street past Mrs Bertha Stewarts priv ate zoo Pet yearsold deer was so startled by the noise of the passing Kempenfelt Trumpet Band that he jump ed an eightfoot fence out of his pen and ran off down the street The deer returned several hours later after the band was gone and jumped back over the fence into his pen skating meet Saturday and Sunday at the Winter Carnival man and Sally Symes Smith Snow Princess both at tended the arena show Satur day evening The auburnhaired Queen and her escort of Gwendy Board WEIE garbed in colorful sports cloth es They were drawn around the ice by four white charg ers pulling the sled bedecked with white polarhenr skins Mayor Lester Cooke address ed the queen and attendants terming them as symbolic of the legendary northern beau ties Mayor Cooke presented Mrs Munson with bouquet of red roses and white carnation in keeping with the color theme of the carnival He also con gratulated the other two girls Threeyearold Helen Smith who captured the judges eyes at the Snow Princess contest Friday night also captivated the audience in her appearance in the Saturday morning parade and evening arena program The silver blond blueeyed charmer appeared briefly on the arena ice Saturday night to wave to the crowd and smile for the photographers She wore white for capelet and rhinestone tiara as symbols of her Friday night victory She also carried bouquet of red and white carnations Helen is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Ronald Smith of 25 Napier Street skaters and one from Ottawa took top awards Cloud followed by mod casin dance and scalp dance by Great Cloud and Chief Hail Moon The group wound up with rousing war dance which drew enthusiastic applause from the audience The Indians were color ful sight in their oil tradi tional dress including war honnets The necklaces of animal teeth worn by the dancers were of particular interest to the youngsters in the aud ience and one lad asked Chief Sky if the teeth were from real animals Barrie Bandsmen Entertaining Arena Crowd Reacts To Tempo Two Barrie bands raised the spirits of the crowd and tempo of the Winter Carnival arena show Saturday night Members of Barrie Collegiate Band discarded their uniforms in favor of warm winter sports clothes Their headdress var ied from the special redand white toques to harden Fishers brown fur hat The band played at intervals between the various acts and contests as well as opening the program with the Queen The band was commended on the fact that it will be the only Canadian school entry in the Seattle Worlds Fair compeï¬v tion The 90 young members of the Barrie Kempenfelt Trumpet Band marched on arena ice in their red and white silkfinished uniforms to play 15 numbers to an appreciative crowd This band of four to 14year olds showed amazing versatility It had been the same musical group that led the Winter Carni val parade throughout down town Barrie earlier in the day in below zero temperatures in CRIPTIONS We give I1 prompt courteous service Aux your doctor about our pharmacy next timn ha writes prescription or you Prescription pickedup and delivered Lraa no charge CUSDENS PHARMACY Dunlap PA news as Collier st Ilwnyl rinds of light snow or freezing drizzle today Tuesday mainly cloudy little milder today winds light Lake Erie Lake Huron Nialt gara western Lake Ontario re Cloudy today with few periods of light snow Tuesday mainly not much change in ginns London cloudy temperature Winds light Toronto Cloudy today with few periods of light snow Tues day mainly cloudy not much change in temperature Winds light Eastern Lake Ontario Hali burton Georgian Bay regions Mostly cloudy today and The day with possin few brief The group also ventured out onto Kempenfelt Bay on Sun day to warm contestants of ficials and spectators alike with their enthusiastic melodies While the band was marching in the arena they played such numbers as Kempenielt Yellow Bird Winter Wonderland An chors Away and Auld Lang Syne Leader of the band Bob Hooper expressed the hope that senior band may soon he formed in conjunction with the junior division This is the sixth time the Collegiate hand has played at the Winter Carnival and the second for the Kemcpenfelt will Kitchener Mount Forest Wingham Hamilton St Catllarmes Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killaloe Itiuskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapuskosing White River Moosonee for money Just phone Beneï¬cial Get the cash you Want fast One phone call and one visit to the ofï¬ce does everything Call up or come in today VOURE THE Boss AT BENEFICIAL 15 BAYFIELD STREET Phone PArkway 85931 EARRIE to month council on loans over slsoo up to savor vow loan can tileinsured BENEFICIAL NANCE co or CANADA mnnnmoou IDIIIPIIIIIESIIIIIITED 10 Doylbl April 16OX dividend March in the internatith speed on Kanoeofelt Bay Two us