PIIELPSTON By M115 FRANK MARLEY Laurence Quesoelie has oil cred cup to be known as the OLIVE Quesnelle Trophy in memory of his father The tro phy is to be presented to the winning team or the PeeWees this year The third game of this series was played niurs day evening and resulted in tie lvl Joe Marley and George MacDonald of Barrie referees Wednesday the best team played practice game with Elmvale and last Saturday played team in Minesiag The lads are enjoying the competi 80h Father Mcleney of Alllstnn was the speaker at meeting oi the shareholders of Flos Township Credit Union here Tuesday evening lie outlined the work done in St Pauls Credit Unlon and said that we being in similar locality and with fewer transient members great help could be given in this credit union it was voted to change the name to St Pat ricks Parish Credit Union and also to borrow 50 per cent of our assets to have ready cash on hand for loans Father Mc Givncy answered several ques tions concerning interest and social problems and advised that those in charge work out system of forced savings RCAI CAMP BORDEN By RETTY STEWART flyup ceremony was held itlh0 new Guide Iiali RCAF Station Camp Bordon Tuesday evening Four brownuies of the Anderson Park packs flew up to guides They were Patty Armstrong 2nd pack Dianne Eeli ist pack Rise Harris and Marilyn Courscy 3rd pack The wings were presented by Mrs Archer District Commissioner Betty Lou Kelly was enrolled as guide CWL MEETING StChristophers Council of the Catholic Womens League did its regular monthly meet at the Social Centre Tues ï¬day evening Mrs Theresa Duffy presi dent called the meeting In or der at nine oclock with the recitation of the beams Prayer The secretary read the minutes and the treasurer rear the De cemher and January financial statements Correspondence included two thankyou letters and an Invi tation from the Catholic mens Society Camp Borden to attend social evening Feb 20 Reports were read by Mrs Sadie Langevio spiritual conA vcner and Mrs Monica Han cock membership convener Plans were made to hold springJea and bake sale in May hirs Margaret Meleiund was appointed tea convener and Mrs Sadie Langevin bake table convener Several games of bingo were played lunch was served by Mrs Stella Cloutier and her committee CONCERT Camp Borden District High School Band resented feature concert in auditorium of Barker Public School Tuesday evening The first part of the program featured the new High School Band The 49 members of this band include large percentage of grade nine students whose academic average is over 70 per cent During this introduc tion the band president Cyn thia Haley conducted hymn The senior concert bond con sisted of students from the sen ior grades and few outstand ing students from grade nine This group will be representing the high school at the Kiwanis Festival in Toronto this month Terry Lynch head boy play ed tuba solo The percussion section tea tured novelty number In Clock Store The band play ed several inumberar alsotwo of John Sebastian Bachs well known chorales Sleepers Wake and Jerusalem Praise the Lor Hollier is director of music at Camp Bordon High School HOME AND SCHOOL Barker Home and School As sociation held its Fcbrunry meeting in the auditorium of Barker Public School Wednes day evening Fraser specialist teacher gave 10 minute talk on the physical health education program at the school short business meeting was TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE MONDAY FEBRUARY 11 Womens Show Friendly Giant Slag alas Around gulls Tings opeyos my New Headlines Fopeyaa TV Party Flfln iiulrot Report News Don Vamieson Weather Sports Zone Gray Iheltrn Don blossere Jubilee nanny inomu Live riorrowod Lite Bob Cumminll show Festival catxiv News The Weatherman Todly to sports community News Crossroads Tueanav FEBRUARY 1045 Test Pattern 1100 toinper Room 1200 Papaya uni Pals Nonndly Report News Weather Farm Report Coming Events ltlovin tsho Wouldnt Say Yes upon House School Telecast Verdict Is Your News Kim slinky veri urea Flowerpot Men 11 oMDazzle ercuxy News Headlines Movie Maserin Farm Market Report News Don Jamlglon Weather Sports Sport use 999999999 basses 700 000 000 030 1000 1030 1100 1115 Ben cuey Gary aiaoro Show Red Bkelion Front mo Chanenro inquiry King at Diamond can rv News Thu Weatherman Today in Sports Community News Interpol Calling WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY it 1045 Test Pattern 1100 Romper Room 1200 Popeye and Pm 1230 Noonday Re 011 News Walnut Sports Program MW iii Go in app aly 130 Mlle do Paris 100 Music Break 310 Verdict It Your 355 New 400 The Womenl Show 480 Friendly Giant 445 Maggta Muggin 500311 Dazzle 520 Huckleberry Round 600 Nations Business 620 Farm Mnrkct REPnrl 025 News Don Jamteson Weather Sports the Pierre Berton 700 The Law and Mr Jones 720 Bachelor Father 500 Pllydato 000 Perry Como 1000 News Mitng 1050 Explorations 1100 1115 1150 100 cat TV New The Weatherman Today in Sport Community News 1150 ï¬lthy Patrol CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO MONDAY mommy 1s Professors Hideaway Man From Cochise Sports Weather elem Berton New Father KnUwo out Top Cat Whiplash inspector Maigret TaknA Chance Twenty Question Jack Benny Newl Weather sports Better Lita Focus 910 1000 1030 1100 1205 TUESDAY FannUArtr 1030 News BAYCIIY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 87433 BARRIE Upholsttuin In Our BusinessNot Just Sideline 65 Bradford St Free and can Kin To Win Channel Theatre Sol MGrnt Now Protester ninemy iiia From Cochise Sports Weather Pierre norton New Bacbelor Father name so Naked Cib Checkmate Showdown News Weather Better Lit Focus WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 10 1010 1035 1200 ee and Easy 60113 Kid To Win Channel Thutn Sing We Go gr Hide and away Man From Cochise Sports easing9999 3288633388 Sport gas News Wagon Train 77 Sunset Strip Elzln Playhouse The Wild One The Detectives News sport Weather Jim Coleman Show Better Late Focus 388862 was 993999 out CARRIER MISS YOU 11 your carrier has not arrived by pan please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Bo Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS ANDTRUCKS AROUND SIMCOECOUNTY held with FL AI Willet president in the chair Adie cussion was held on the wrnter carnival to be held by the as sociation Feb 24 in lyyte Hell it Kittmer principal oi Barker School spoke on the need for television set for the school and expressed the hope that the bake sale at the March meeting would be great suc cess as the funds from it would go towards the purchase at ODD Speaker was Tolcliard ï¬rincipal at Camp Borden Dis trict iiigh School who outlined the proposed new program for the secondary schools in On tario Iir Tolchard also out lined in detail the program of studies for the Grade pupils who will be entering Grade next September and were pres ent at the meeting informa tion sheets were distributed to acting optional subjects for their first year in high school Light refreshments were serv ed by the social committee CHILDRENS BOWLING The Anderson Park Childrens Bowling League has recently been formed at RCAF Station Camp Borden The league will bowl Saturday mornings The children age to to is years will be instructed by W0 Sagritl Cpl Patient and several other volunteers from the PMQS Members of the executive of the league are Rita liullce prcsldcnt Donald Fleming vicepresident Darlene Sagritf secretary Six teams will he participat ing for trophies Names of the teams and cap tains are Strikers Joyce Mc Culley Successors Anne lic Unbeatables Brenda He Hoods Susan Kennett ngéyre By MRS IRVING CARSON Ron Cooper had his car badly damaged on Wednesday after noon Turning on to the town line from 4th Concession Ves pra the car was in collision with truck driven by Mrs Adamtau Mr and Mrs Clarence Cara son attended the funeral of Mrs Carsons uncle Emerson Donn at Allenwood and Elmvale By JAY norms AJIBG vxrara can WEST EAST or Qioaaiaz QIOS 3785 41132 59110904 SOUTH A6438 OQIOB AJIGB Doubledummy problem Soth to make Seven Hearts West leads the eitht of diamonds Doubledummy problems are department at bridge some malevolent soul invented to try to drive people crazy At least thats the opinion of someplay are who attempt to solve them The doubledummy problem is not necessarily instructive but its good way to while away your time it you have nothing else to do Youre al lowed to look at all four hands it you want to because you probably wouldnt find the sol ution otherwise The contract in this band is Seven Hearts You havato make all the tricks against any line of defense chosen by EastWest West leads dia mood and of course you play the ace knowing it will catch Easts king DAILY CROSSWORD Eddie on vars 3800 01mm gavernozI Coastonto 6th owners mall portion emulsion gage amok slice 1ina haystoek In Hot dogs 601100 Id Explosive mm wage in VAIBHH 34Undor world god 33 onaa horn 3th 33 Share Equally 80 Limble reptile 40 shoelace and Gives new color to the pupils to assist them in eelv CONTRACT BRIDGE Kind or AZdTIIIVAHIII SHANTY BAY WORM The annual vestry meeting of St Thomas ailircb was held Jan with the rector Will lam Flynn In the chair Whittaker was appointed ves try clerk Financial reports from all organizations showed much im provement Whittaker was appointed rectorr warden and Roger Welsmao peoples war den Col Biglow was given several appointments Rev William Flynn spoke of the splendid assistance he has deceived during his first year in the parish and without this an incumbenta work is greatly impeded Special mention was made of those who had served in offi cial capacities and also of Ad gus Ross organist oi the choir the sexton and Altar Guild During the past year the Lad lcs Guild had new material put on the rerodos and kneolers upholstered New prayer and hymn books have also been re placed nice tribute was paid to Mrs Flynn by the rector for her understanding and wise ad vice rectors wife has many demands with little complaint For his closing remarks the rector said For this new year of 1962 pray Gods richest blessings will enter the whole life and work of the parish and the hearts of About who serve Him here The February meeting of the Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Henson Mrs McCracken and Mrs Campbell gave report on their oday attendance at Mrs Brooks road paper on Health The March meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs Campbell Mr and Mrs Love have returned home from Toronto after few days visit with their sons Mrs Henson spent the weekend with friends in Tor onto Mrs Long New Jersey USA is spending the winter months with her sister Mrs George Simpson BECKER If you want to work out the solution for yourself stop read ing at the end at this para graph but we caution you that the hand is difficult to make After winning the ace of dia monds you play the nine of diamonds to the ten and lead low heart Assume that West plays the eight in which case you finesse the nine If West plays the ten or queen instead win as cheaply as pos sible Now you lead the jack of diamonds to the queen and gain play low heart Assume West plays the tenin which case you finesse the jack Here al fa Westa play does not mat QI gt from dummy What you play from the South hand depends upon Easts discard on this trick East on the first five tricks has presumably reduced his hand to four spades and clubs and now has to make the crucial discard it he throws Iipade you stay in dummy an establish the spades by rufting spade now and another one later If he throws club you overtake the king of hearts with the ace and establish your clubs by rafting twice in dum my position where he has to un guard ona suit or the other Tomorrow Defensive tactics 001 mam Mflviw Kinfl ling bldeES ZEï¬nmr moth satimlwl Anna 82 Proof 25 To readers bllrnda notation so bangles and barrier 31 Takes 37 Wagon pleasure 38 We Seal flax W074 LARRY BRANNON You lead the king of hearts East is caught in seesaw BUZ SAWYER BLONDIE JULIET JONES DONALD oucx LIDOLWvflctl IGOTTHPEEMENONTHEJOB Humamssvmarazi wUSAipEvaNsewAsNo OBJECGBOIMsï¬MNGSOUTlIE VEï¬AcEES EHCEE FOUNDANY TEE mm EXASIINER MONDAY mitva 12 10831 17 AR YEW5 pump9 courts OF MoaemcsAansLLLAivo OUR nsmou can DEFEND on MYCLIENT is ALWAYS SATISFIED muss AGE DOYOU RETIRE THIS IS SCHOOL NIGHTJGEITD BEDNOUNG LADV GRANOMA MOGGS AND SKEETER VEZy Nfld it loathing PM are ARM was HAVE MSW DISPOSITIDNS HOMICIDE Amunmm DWH SDIGDE DRKIN ave ma Newle HAVE TO sag UP COMPUL om our as is our 52 some pathï¬nitttï¬loli MtWï¬tlEVtthtE um APWR mailman mailing momma 0E1 GRANDMA IVE HEARD lFA FELLEiz GErs REAL HUNGRYJT GIVES HIMA BIG SMITH sonsweetie in VEAlI BELIEVE VE HEARDTHAT ALIWEE ME GETA unpacks WOULDJAGRANDMA WELLNOU VVOULDNT WANT 1v roitltla DEMONSTRATION siris 1o llAVEFlultD siwtrlt new mom mPEthAPS our man To RESctlEntETWO JAPANESEIIASHAD me FAK REACthG CONSEQUENCE THANWE AthinflEIh AT tEASf TMTDID TIIAT EITHER llti0 WAKI HORIIIE OMMLINIST PROFESSOR 0R lWAKI TOOK VARY INTRYIHG ttl ORGAIUZE IIIE DEMONSTRATION