Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Feb 1962, p. 5

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TEE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY TEEN INNISFII NOTES Cops Cleanup May Be Choked ans then the small community of udawiut look on the job of heeking speeders on their way through the State of Georgia on Highway 341 which is that used by most tourists travelling to and from the south they really made oleunup So much so that the Automobile Association broadcast alternate routes so that traffic could de tour and miss that centre The State of Georgia has had many such accusations but never did one get so much pub licity as this one To stop this state governor Ernest Vandiver asked his house for special bill to provide Uiat no force other than the state police could set up speed traps This put stop to the foe grabbing of local police of the towns and especially Long County on 301 This is very similar to the situation through lnnisiil last summer when the township pol ice were told that the Police Act provided that the Ontario provincial police were totally responsible for highways polle lng Stroud Cooksiown and Thornton thereby missed such publicity as has been heaped on the citizens of the Georgia town of Ludowlcl However the police of innislil were not profiting by their work which seems to have been the claim against the police and deputies of the Georgia town One of the oldest newspapers lnGeorgia said the complaint could not be ignored and the actions of the police had not the sanction of the people of that state It will destroy our chances for tourist business the paper claimed We know lot of people who were subject to fines following charges alter the Innlsfll speed trap had caught them who would not come back and spend any mon ey in the township Another similar instance is now in the news here where accusations are being made that elderly people travelling on the same highway in Florida are being followed by county sher rifs deputies and subjected to charges on which they leave substantial deposits The as sumption seems to be that the elderly people usually have the cash and desire to keep their records out of court The char ges are for driving too fast in school zone or some other of fence The Motor League is having investigators cover the complaints DELAYS TAX COLLECTION The plan of tax collections which clerk Richard Groh had planned to put into operation this month of lebmary has bed to be postponed due to pres sure oi office work The system considered was that notices were to be sent to the delta quents showing the total amount of unpaid taxes due The notice would state that as per section of the Act RSO 1950 goods and chattels of thedelinquent taxpayer were liable to seizure and sale The requirement that it be sent during the month of February limited the time to get it out so that ithas been put over for the present Clerk Groh is finding that duties are piling up so that time in the day and part of the night do not allow him to get them all into orbit it will be remem bered that he came to lnhisfll as an assistant to the late clerk Allan ireton but has since been carrying out double du ties SPRING FLOODS FEARED beneficiary in the new Car son ditch went to Council at their last meeting to complain that the new ditch would be use less when the spring floods came He claimed that the orig inal petition made to get the work done did not contain suf ficient portion of the ratepayers concerned The engineer in charge asked that the work be given trial before it was com damned The party making the complaint left the council meetlt ing in disgust ASK FIRE AREA The village of Thornton has asked Hint their equipment and fire fighters be considered the fire area for that part of the township instead of the Innis fil fire department answering the calls They would attend to fires in their area similar to the setup in Cookstawn area The matter was left for report by the fire committee BETTING ON JOE Knowing that our reeve has been challenged by the mayor of Barrie in the wood sawing contest we have tabled bet on our Joe All we hope is that he also wins the draw which would entitle him to the free trip down here at the end of the month We would pay him avisit and have chance to enjoy some of that luxury we photographed over last week end If Joe can saw wood as wcu as he can raise hogs he will sure win the contest un less there are some much bet ter than the Barrie mayor to compete with BURDEN BEAT Allocating Quarters Tough Iob lit Borden By JIM STOTI One of the biggest jobs at lamp Borden allocating livinr quarters to married personnel is handled by Wally Owen civilian and exarmy captain Wally is the administrative officer for Townsite the organ lzation which decides who gets one of the 1029 army houses permanent married quarters at Borden My job is something like running big hotel Wally says except that dont have to worry about collecting the rent Its automatically deduct ed from pay cheques With waiting list of 150 fam ilies there is no problem of finding tenants for vacant hous es The demand is always great er than Rte supply Mr Owen says People watch the wait ing list like hawk and it someone further down the list gets house ahead of them get call Theres always good reason however Who gets house is decided strictly on the basis of the num ber of children man has and his length of service private with long service and large family has better chance than major with only one child The houses are unfurnished except for stove and fridge They come in two three and fourbedroom sizes The largest fondly in Camp Borden belongs to Private Beaslby who has nine children Fitting this larnily into four room house is tight squeeze in fact the average number of children in the Camp Borden army family 29 per house hold is greater than the num her in civilian homes Mr Owen thinks this is be cause most array men must re tire at comparatively early age and young children and young family head are the gen eral rule BORDEN BEAUTIES Two cute teenagers from camp will be giving Barrie girls run for their money in the Teen Town Queen Contest at the Emr bassy Hall tonight Barbara Cook of Elm Street will repre sent the RCAF Teen Town and Janice Johnston of Cedar Cres cent will be showing the flag for the Army Campus Club PS Dont tell anybody but Janice is really an Air Force girl Good luck ladies PENNIES CAN HELP Ted Hungate school corre spondent for Camp Borden High reports an idea which Barries high school students might con sider Students at Borden are saving pennies to help an un derprivileged child from India Goal is $120 and the class enl lecting the most will get tickets to ball game Why dont Bor den and Barrie high schools compete to see who can raise the most pennies In this type of contest nobody can lose Everyone gains sense of achievement from contributing to good cause PEEK AT GROSBEAK Bird watching and bird feed ing are popular pastimes with many in this area so we pass on the information that on ev ening grosbeak have set up winter quarters at Camp Ber den These birds have moved down from the northern spruce belt and will be around while if anyone wants to sneak peek at grnsbeak OTHER BIRD btrd of another leather this week visited the home of camps fulltime public rela tioaa man Sergeant Larry Hol brook and left daughter That makes the count three girls and boy now We understand the expectant lather was off work for week and wont be back till Monday Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 524 Over 1500 Canadians lncludlt tng Ihc residents of Harris and district shown above vls ited Cypress Gardens Flor ida as guests of the owners on January 28 in observance of the annual Canadian Guest Day They were in vited to gather on the lawn in hopes that their group pic tura would be published in The Barrie Examiner Simplsln holidaying and writ ing from Florida has offered tosand souvenir to any one who can identify five or more persons from the group omer than himself There AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY CREEMORE By MRS IUEAIT Mr and Mrs Sam Cliff are leaving this week on round thcworld cruise They will em bark at Vancouver for San Francisco Hawaii Australia New Zealand and the Mediter rancnn They will spend five days in Iondon then return home on the 55 France They will be gone from two to three months Mr and Mrs Stan Nixon and John Dewar of Toronto left Matters by air to spend week in Florida kinNixon expects to visit his parents Mr and Mrs George Nixon at Mel bourne Beach Florida Mr and Mrs Bob Smith are leaving this week for holi day in Mexico Mr and Mrs John Irwin are spending week with friends in 0ttawa Mr and Mrs George Tryon and family Galt spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Travis Moore and Mrs Theresa Marsden and family Douglas Morby Gait spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs John Morby Wayne and Connie Morby Gait and Mrs Harold Morby in Col lingwaod Miss LindaMorby who is attending Teachers College at Tomato spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Delbert Morby Nancy Coker and Down Dal ton spent tho weekend with Mr and Mrs Harold Weatherall at Avening Mrs Ray Patton is patient in the Cullingwood hospital with back injury Mrs Coates who recently suffered heart attack has made splendid recovery She is spending the winter at Dun durn Iiall nursing home Col lingwood Sympathy is extended to Rev Allan Smith Toronto form erly of St Johns United Church Creemore in the loss of his brother Marshall who died in Toronto last week Funeral services were held Feb from the Crawford and Mumford Funeral Home Cree more for Mrs Jack McCauley who died Jan 31 at General and Marine Hospital Culling wood VESIRY MEETING The annual Vestry meeting of St Lukes Anglican Church was held Jan 31 The rector Rev Douglas Gill presided Mrs George ngham was appointed vestry clerk The election of officers result ed in reelection at the same officials as follows Rectors warden Robert Baxter peoples warden John Lemmon lay del egate Smith alternate Mrs Smith The Wardens were appointed on committee with the rector to arrange special evening for the congregation when the mortgage on the Parish ball will be burned NAMED T0 COMMITTEE John Thomson Creemore dir ector of Peter Thomson and Sons lumber yards mills and timber interests is one at six persons named to special vocational advisory committee by the Collingwoad Collegiate Board Mr and Mrs Stanley Cars cadden have announced the en gagement of their only daughter Shirley Dianne to Russell Franklin Watson ltic Guirk grandson of Mr and Mrs Jim McGulrk Dundalk The marriage will take place Feb 24 Flying officer and Mrs Leon ard Dent were married at Charlottetown PEI on Feb Mrs Dent was the former Shir lic Alba Clay She has been teaching nursing at the County Hospital Summerside PEI Mr Dent is the only son of Mr and Mrs William Dent Caroline Street Creemore and for the past year has been at Summerside with the BCAF Eastern Comatand He has an immediate posting to Newfound land where the young couple will take up residence follow ing brief honeymoon Mr and Mrs Pearcay Thom as nre spendlng the winter months at Newmarket Mrs Maurice Miller is report ed doing nieely at the Western Hospital Toronto following sur gery for dislocated disc HAWKESTONE By HARRISON skating carnival was held at the outdoor rink at Hawke stone Prizes were given for costumes to Mrs Howard Craw ford and Mrs Garfield Burton of ore Station Mrs Jack Jer mey received prize She was skating with the minister Rev Mitehdl Mrs Harry Wrigley also won prize for her skating Tom Harrison and Barbara Pugsley received prize Refreshments were served at the United Church basement The carnival was sponsored by the Young Peoples Union of the United Church Proceeds went to the African Fundof YPUt to send delegates to Africa for the world church youth conference Mr and Mrs James Duncan and son at Atherley and Mr and Mrs Jack Traymor and Lynn ot Orangeville called on Mr and Mrs Mansell Goes of Orangeville Mr and Mrs Hutchinson and family and Mr and Mrs Glen McArthur of Barrie spent Sunday with their parents Mr and Mrs Dan McArthur Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs William Davis on the death of their brotherinJaW George Schetl and Bob Den ny of Toronto are the students teachers at No 13 Hawk estune They are guests of Mrs Vic Hart John Bertrand of Sudbury spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Vic Hart The Womens Institute is hav ing Valentine tea and bazaar at Hawkestone United Church on Feb 14 from to pm The Anglican WA is meeting at the home of Mrs Ray Cup page on Feb 14 at pm Mamba of the Hawkestone United Church Women attend ed the inaugural service at Central United Church Barrie KNOCK EUCHRE PARTY euchre party will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs Bowman Allen Monday evening Feb 19 All residents of the community are welcome The event is sponsored by the Com munity Club DANCING one FELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY TOM CROWE SATURDAY and his Quintet WEBSTERS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 75c REFRESHMENT BOOTH NO SLACKS OR JEANS EERMILTED Old Tymo and Modern Dancing NEW FLOS By MR5 WANIESB Mrs Clarence Atkinson visit ed Thursday at the home of her brotherlnlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Mel Sage Sun nidale Corners Mr and Mrs Murray Hall of Barrie visited Saturday with Mr and Mrs Fred Viney Mr and Mrs Everett Edwards Murray and Ruth Ann were supper guests of Mr and Mrs Keith Harvey Sunnldale Mr and Mrs Campbell Steele of Toronto spent day last weekend with her mother Mrs Atkinsonand sons Jim At kinson was also home for the weekend Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wesley Johnston Elmvnle Mr and Mrak Walter llall Linda and Judy visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Reynolds and family of Penetang Mrs Harold Smith accompan ied by her sister Mrs Gerald Kitchen of Elmvala spent couple days in Toronto On account of the stormy weather the WI fonim meeting at Hulha School had to be cancelled on Monday evening The next regular meeting of New Fins W1 is to be held on Tuesday Feb at the home oft he president Mrs Bert Kenny MIDHURST STN By ELSIE MONTEITH Mr and Mrs Stan Hiltz of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Bld well and family of Edgar spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sam Midburst True Blue Members attended the District Lodge on Wednesday with the Barrie Lodge Next meeting will be in Orllila in April Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Dangle ware Dangio of Baxter Mrs Fairfax of Tottenham Mrs Coleman and Mrs Cob burn and son Stephen of the too Miss Ruth Channen of Scar borough and Paul Cbannen of Oakville spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Channen Mr and Mrs Harold Palmer of Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Herb Pal ANGUS By MRS DUCKWORTII Mrs Bumble Barrie to visit ing wih Mr and Mrs Cam eron McRae Mrs Barbara McCartney Kim and Johnny and Mrs McCart neysmotber Mrs Hugh And CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lina PA 66555 ross Midhurst visited with Mr and Mrs George Falconer Feb Dave Taylor formerly of An gua died suddenly at the home of his stepdaughter in BC He was buried in Edmonton on Jan Mr and Mrs Mnlioek Stayner visited with Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton on Feb Mr and Mrs Clifford Plex ton visited with Mrs Blair Mc Cracken patient at Cripps Nursing Home at Collingwoodt Mr and Mrs Arthur Langtnn and Joan and Miss Marlena Robinson Toronto spent Feb with Mr and Mrs Harvey Bob insnn Mr and Mrs Walter Mc Mackon spent few days with relatives in Toronto last week MANSFIELD By EVELYN ARNOLD An epidemic of influenza is running through the neighbor hood Many students of both public and high schools have been ill at home Mrs Mary Anderson spent few days in Toronto last week Mrs Minnie Hart of Toronto is visiting Mrs Bert Murphy An auction sale of farm stock and implements is being held on Saturday for Jack Sells on Lot 5th Line Muimur Tha Violet Hill WI members are having lunch counter Elmer Reid clerk and town ship treasurer for Mulmur is patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston following an operation He is reported in satisfactory condition Monday night Alvin McDon ald became very ill at his home here On entering the Alliston hospital he underwent surgery Mrs Margaret Greer is stay ing with Mrs Reid Delegates from Mansfield Un ited march group attended meeting of Simcoe Presbytery United Church Women in Can tral Church Barrie Wednes day Mary Lynne and Gregory Lorne children of Mr and Mrs Lorna McKee were bap ttzed at the Presbyterian Church Sunday BRITISH GUARDIANS The Bahrein Islands an Arab sheikdom in the Persian Gulf have been under British protec tionsinee 1851 INSURANCE QUALITY WITB ECONOMY PROTECTION IS OUR PRODUCT SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS BENTLEY co PA 86588 ll Collier St Suite 802 Youll Laugh Yourself Sick Ove INDICATE IO MIME WIID 60f AWAYWIIK iII IMPERIIII Starts Monday Lasrsrsowmo ronav THE MYSTERIOlls ISLAND cocoa lililVAiES licensiiii nusmus anusma High Hilarity the$EATof higher learning gti is UPI JIMMY IDWAIDS MAIYHA HUNT BOWLING KEMPVIEW LADIES Scores Skunk Bushu Cedars Oaks Maples Elan Weeping Willows Standing Weeping Willows so Cedars 39 Oaks as Elm Skunk Bushes Maples Terry Hamilton bad the high single of 238 Penny Millik had the top triple of 51 helped along by singles of 201 and 21 Other good singles were by Beryle Coatu ms Dorothy Lit tle an Mari Cowln 237 and Norma Cohan 200 AFTERNOON LADIES Standlng Golden Rod Polsin Ivy Mustard 71 Lambs Quarters 66 Thistle 58 were people from many parts of Simcoe County as well as those who are summer prop erty owners in the Barrie area in the group Seaway Accidents More Frequent STE ADELE Que CPlAC cldeat damage to ships in the St LawrenceGreat Lakes sys tem in 1961 was considerably higher than in previous years the annual meeting of the Ca nadian Board of Marine Under writers was told Friday Hayes Stuart and Company Limited the boards consult ants said bad loo conditions this winter and last winter caused extensive ice damage The consultants reported the summer of 1901 was extrem ely bad for accidents in the MontrealQuebec stretch of the St Lawrence with number of major standings and collisions No figures for accident dam age in 1961 were available as statistics for the year were still being compiled Porter of Toronto elected president of the board said the winter of metal was particularly bad for ice dam age Mom Whyle Is Ill Husband To Side OSHAWA or Bert W11er left by air for Nigeria Friday night shortly after he received cable informing him that his wife Mrs Mom Whyto has become seriously ill at bar jungle welfare home Mrs Whyte 47 left for Ni geria in June after she was re fused permission to operate childrens shelter in British Co tumble In 1959 Ontario health and welfare authorities closed her childrens farm Whyteha ven near Bowmanvllle With Mrs Whyte are her daughter Jane 18 an adopted daughter Both and two school teachers Vallta Swan and Ingrid Carlson About 25 needy Nigerian children are cared for in the home The cable Mr Whyte received did not disclose the nature of her illness but said she was very ill in Iiedn 250 miles north Ragweed 52 Muriel Greens had the MM single of 292 and top triple of 667 CITY LADIES Scores Jacksons Grill Bertram Brothers Giovanni and Perri Lakeside Cabins Rays Body Shop Clarke and Clarke Drtitood Queens Hotel IPA 7Dons TV Tattersalls Clarkson Hotel Standing IPA 28 Rays 27 Lakeside 27 Clarke and Clarke 15 Jacksons 23 Bertram 28 Driftwood Giovanni 22Int tarsalls 21 Queens Hotel 10 Dons Clarkson Hotel Pearl Hackman had the top single of 204 Agnes Ferguson had the best triple of 847 BRADFORD MIXED Standing Head Pins 29 Ulc ers 23 Dieherds 22 Spoilers 21 Bouncers 20 Spades 19 Scorpions 19 Aces ll Electrons 12 300 Club It United Six 10 Hi Fl Mario Mlcderna had the high single among the ladies 237 Runnersup were Mary Gibbons 223 and Yvonne McEvoy 209 Mike Kulha had 309 single and 737 trlplo to stand out in the mens division Mike Musln as 236 and 73B Ken Mledema had 27 single and Paul Sopuck had 703 triple VILLAGE Standing Spoilers 84 Aces Bl Iierdroeks 7f Smokies 67 Pointers 85 Hornets 81 Thriller Bonnieherds 43 Don Fallis had the high uln gla 01290 and top triple of 671 Don Atkinson had 235 single and Bill Wood 233 other triples were by Art Hunt 926 and Ed Holdsworth 617 BRADFORD LADIES Standing Vennettaa 23 Pams 22 Jeans 21 Kay 18 Kay to Doreeas Teddie Dow had the high sin gle of 10 Kay Wymnn was M7 and 637 Pam Simone was 247 and 692 Jenn Stewart had 862 triple BRADPLAZA MIXED Standing Alloy Cuts ad Pin ups 33 Comets 25 Rockets 25 Blowers 24 Strikeouts 24 Baby Dolls 25 Cheerios 22 TfCata 21 Optimists 21 Tom Cats 20 lIotshots Stove Simone led the man with a292 single and 788 trip le Rocky Coloagelo had as single and 715 triple John Lee had 284 single and George Wright had 67a triple Earle Brydon had the top ladles scores 230 single and 70 triple Mary Gibbons bad 286 single Kay Lynn had scores of 248 and 591 Maria Bantam had 627 triple PRINTING HISTORY The Aldlna Press of Aldus Manutlus in Venice at the end oi Lagos oi the 15th century introduced italics and small capitals 101KEEFiEvCENIRE FRONT voted emssea WHEN THINKING OF ENTERTAINMENT THINK OF THE OKEEFE CENTREI Organize Theatre Party For Your For Groupm Coming Attractions rimous PLAYERS THEATRE Mar 541 Ohm 1324 Xavier cunt Abba Lane Mar zoApru Iran Doing IO DISCOUNT ON 40 OR MORE SEATS Mon Tues Wed Eves at Wed Sat Matlnaos Contact Promotion Dept OKeefoCenlre Toronto LI Plums De Ms Tents STARTS MONDAY sonny ONLY in corona snow CRET 0F MONTE CRISTO 210 500 715 1015 MAGIC BOY 350 650 910

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