Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Feb 1962, p. 3

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hockey star Maurice flock ett Richard focuses practised Retired Montreal Canadiens eye on minor game at Bar mfi ROCKET WATCHES stars or TOMORROW rie arena last night Hockeys alllime top goal scorer was In the city as guest of the winter carnival committee 3YearOld Blonde Crowned petite threeyearold blond Helen Smith was crowned IGA Barrie Snow Princess last night in contest staged in conjunclt tion with Barries sixth annual Winter Carnival Helen daughter of Mr and Mrs Ronald Smith 25 Napier Street Barrie won top honors for beauty poise and personal ity She was presented with twowheel junior bicycle and her mother received four 510 certificates redeemable at the IGA store of her choice over fourweek period The contest was sponsored by the three stores in the Barrie areaMarket Square Christies Ind Stroud where tree color photographs of children were taken last week Neaty final ists for the contest were chosen from the close to 200 entrants Second place was won by Teri London of 62 Oakley Park Square Barrie and third Elace by Kimberley Ann Gra am 164 Nelson Street Bar rief They each received pair of girls figure skates The 20 youngsters ranging in age from to paraded on stage at the Roxy Theatre while panel of seven judges marked their baHots Each of the 17 other finalists received 36 inch Walking doll Msyor Les Cooke and Wendy Hicks of CKVRTV performed the crowning ceremony and fitted little Helen out in white capet Master of ceremonies Princess was Milton Conway of cm TV Other judgcs were Mac Pherson of The Barrie Exam iner Bert Pool representing Barrie Chamber of Commerce Carl Grcenough representing Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce Bob Shannon of The Toronto Telegram and Bert Snclgrovo of CKVRTV This morning the Snow Prin ccss took part in the parade riding in convertible and to night she will be presented at the gala night program at Bar rio Arena CARNIVAL QUEEN BELLE 0F BALI Barrie Winter Carnival festivities went into high gear last night with well attcnded dance at the Em bassy Hall Guest of honor was carni val queen Illrs Betty Mun son who was in great de mand as dancing partner Several men wore red and white toqucs providing the affair with carnival atmo sphere Bob Hunter and his band mixed the music selections well playing jazz from the 1920s dream ballads of the 405 and mo em music through to the twist TimminsPrepares To Go All Out lls Golden Jubilee Under Way TIMMINS CP This gold mining town turned in its buses for horsedrawn sleighs Friday night as it kicked off three days of golden jubilee celebra hons The downtown area was blocked off to motor traffic with the temperature forecast to hit 30 below residents and visitors climbed aboard the sieighs for tour of the busi ness district There were hundreds of visit ors in town for the celebrations including several reeves and mayors and representatives from the federal and provincial governments and mining de partlnents Among the attractions were girls in gold sweaters and girls with their hair sprayed gold In the outskirts figures mod elled in ice competed for prizes CROWN OUTDOORS QUEEN The Last Chance Saloon was scheduled to open at pm but began pouring about noon There was more figure skating later at night and two dances followed by the crowning of jubilee outdoors queen An ice carnival on Gillies lake is planned for the children today Main downtown streets willbe blocked oil and flooded for moccasin dance and more sleigh rides Sunday is the big day with broomball championships wind ing up and an ice fishing derby There will be junior invita tion ski meet on Mount Jamie son eight miles from here and OBITURBY JAMES ALLAN WOODS James Allan Woods 77 of 111 Harvard Avenue Winnipeg died at the Winnipeg General Hospital Feb Born in Bar rie the son of John Woods and Jessie Campbell Woods he is survived by his widow Cather ine Woods his son James Woods of Montreal his sister Mary Woods and his brother Dr Archibald Campbell Woods both of Toronto He was asso ciated with the Bank of Tor onto throughout his business life in London Ontario Tor onto and Winnipeg Funeral service was held at Augustine Unmn wimpy lfivhinrin Fe gokart motor toboggan dog and snowshoe racing logrsawing contest is on tap and therell be prizes for the man who can drill fastest through the ice of Kenogarnissi Lake with anger and ice pick WINTER CARNIVAL EVENTS The official program for Barries Winter Carnival was re listing all events planned for the weekend and times for the Arena Show Saturday The program listing is as follows Ieasod this morning together with events evening PARADE TINCAN CURLING SKIDOO RIDES AQUATEERS DIVING PERFORMANCE ARMY FIELD HOSPITAL DISPLAY ARMY SIGNALS DEMONSTRATION SIX NATIONS INDIAN CAMP LOG SAWING PRELIIVHNARIES Mayors and Reeves of Simcoe County BARBIE BOY SCOUT CAMP AmPLANE HELICOPTER HORSE AND SKIDOO RIDES REFRESHMENT BOOTH Rotary Club and Barrie Vending Machines SATURDAY FEBRUARY 10 EVENING EVENTS TEENTOWN WINTER CARNIVAL DANCE The Embassy WINTER CARNIVAL TEEN QUEEN CONTEST The Embassy SATURDAY FEBRUARY 17 PM TCA Courtesy Flight from Malian Airport for Winter ARENA SHOW Carnival Prize Winners SUNDAY FEBRUARY 11 KEMPENFELT BAY EVENTS SAME PROGRAM AS SATURDAY Plus HORSE AND CUTTER SHOW FLORIDA DRAW FINALS IN ALL EVENTS ARENA snow PROGRAM Saturday Evening Feb 10 700Doors open 705Barrie Championship Broomball 740Welcome by Chamber of Commerce President 745Barrel Jumping Contest liloSquirts Hockey HASSled Dog Demonstration 050Don Cribar The Skating Clown SATURDAY FEBRUARY 10 Starts at 1030 am Kempenfelt Bay Events THREE DELAYED PARACHUTE DROPS Al Borak Sky Divers INTERNATIONAL SPEED SKATING MEET INTERNATIONAL SLED DOG RACES 15 Miles GOKARI ELIMINATION RACES FISH DERBY FOR CASHPRIZES MINOR HOCKEY DEMONSTRATIONS Oa the right is Paul itieger of Barrie former team mate of the Rocket iner Pholot lExamr Politicians Divided 0n Quebec Move TORONTO CF Ontario political leaders are divided in their opinions on proposal by Quebec Premier Jenn Lesnge to control provincial election cam paign expenses John Wintermeyer Ontario Liberal leader said he would like to see similar bill in ef fect in Ontario gt MacDonald New Democratic Party leader called it threat to some basic politi cal rights Premier Robarts was available for comment The bill introduced in the Quebec legislature Wednesday would make the Quebec govern mnt the first in Canada iopny part of campaign expenses of parties and candidates certainly support Premier Lesages plan said Mr Win terrneyer and will work for similar program to be enacted in Ontario ltir MacDonald said The Lesage legislatoin would frus trate the development of new parties or the expression of min ority views favoring the vested interests of the old parties Its limits at the constituency level are still too high Experience may well prove that loopholes in the legislation will not cut down on the over all expenditures for the elec tion But he added the principle of limited spending is necessary to the protection of democrch elections not DIEFENBAKER T0 SPEAK OTTAWA CP Prime Min ister Diefenbaker will go to Montreal next Wednesday to ad dress the 35th annual Fellow ship Dinner meeting of the Temple EmanuEl his office an nounced Friday On Friday Feb 10 Mr Diefenbnker will Open the all star games of the Cradle Hockey League in the Ottawa Auditoriuma AND SLED DOG SLED twoCarnival Queen and Snow Princess 010Kempenfelt Trumpet Band Performance 930Don Cribar Comic Skit 940Simcoe County Log Sawing Finals tomSix Nations lndian Dance 1010Barrie Collegiate Band mallBarbara Wagner ondeob Paul Olympic Gold Medal Winners THE BARRIE EXAMINERl SATURDAY YE Diet ails 0n Promises Liberals Told ORILLIA The biggest most allembracing promise of Prime hfinister John Diefenbaker in 1951 was that Conservative overnment would carry out is declared policies reduce unr necessary taxes and still do it on balanced budgct and he has not kept one of them was the keynote of an address de livered here last night by Hon Pickersgill LibBona vistalwiilingatct He was ad dressing the nomination meet ing of the Simcoe East Liberal Association which picked John Macisnac as its candidate for the Aforthcoming general election would say the prime mln lster is the least competent since Mackenzie Bowel who held office prior to 1900 Dur irig the last three months of l961 lie was away from his of fice half the time He appar ently thinks he is fulltime leader of the Conservative par ty and parttime prime minr later You cant help feeling sorry for him because he still thinks he is in opposition when attacking got to be habit he added Referring briefly to the Lib eral defeat in 1057 he said We had the vision and now we have the nightmare With in few months we will have chance to wake up Mr Pickerng referred to the riding of Simcoe East as the most famous in Canada as it was mentioned in Stephen Lea cocksbooks am happy to stand in this famous town hall and visit this famous town which consider the epitome English Canada he remarkr Tommeoting on the nomina tions he said he was impress cd by the fact that so many of the towns villages and town ships were represented at the meeting and added that mun icipal loan and whereby mun icipalities could borrow for pub llc works at low rate of in terest was in the Liberal plat form and would be enacted when the party wasreturned to power when we went out of office in 1957 there was full employ ment and expansion in the busi ness world but in the past four years we have stood still We made only promises we could keep and if given the chance will bring in effective legisla tion to provide needed stim ulus for man the small business ouncil Passes Bylaw Simcoe County Council ad journed yesterday until June it alter approving bylaws author izing county to borrow up to 31714735 to meet general ex penditures and 356000 for sub urban roads spending this year record l962 budget of 52 211377 was approved on Thurs dayf Yesterdays closing session produced dcbate on whether cxtramoney should be paid county assessor Eric Simpson who hasbeen doing reassess ment work in Tecumsed Town ship since 1960 Legislation provides that municipality may request the services of the county assessor at no extra cost OVERTlllIE PAY ltlr Simpson said last fall that overtime work was involv cd and felt he deserved some financial consideration in addi tion to his regular county sal ary report presented yesterday by councils equalization com mittee recommended payment of $600 to Mr Simpson There were protests hat the move was setting precedent since no provision had been made for this situalion Council finally agreed to the payment but there were rug gestlons that this should not become regular practice with county officials at amaxlmum salary level HOSPITAL Bills In another development coun cil received letter from Joe Abernathy welfare administra tor of Orlllla Township saying that the hospital board was not Lauds Treatment Of Immigrants Tribute to Canada for accepts fog Danish immigrants was voiced by Niels Basso in an ad dress at this weeks meeting of the Rotary Club of Barrie ltlr Boise assistant trade commissloaer attached to the Royal Danlsh Consulate To ronto joined the federal do partment of external affairs in 1054 after an extensive business experience in Denmark Denmark he said has pop ulationot about 4500000 with land area aboutone twentyr fifth the size of Ontario made up of the Peninsula of Jutland two large islands and 500 small islands with the addition of is lands to the north of Scotland and settlements in Greenland It is roughly 150 miles from ENGINEER WAS DRUNK STOKE England Reuters 60 year old railroad en glneer was taken off passen ger train as heiaas about to drive it to Birmingham because he was drunk court was told Friday The driver Arthur Clowes was sent to jail for two months on charge of being drunk while conducting traffic on the railway The prosecutor said it was the first recorded case in Britain of person be ing charged with this offence Announce Results Of Music Exams The following is list of suc cessful candidates in examina tions held recently by the Royal Conservatory of Music of Tor onto in Barrie Names are ar ranged in order of merit GRADE IV THEORY Harmony Pass Leslie Cox all counterpoint Honors Barry Dyck GRADE III THEORY Harmony and History Hon ors Fred Mooney Harmony First class honors Anne Cro ber Theresa Keogh Honors Brenda McMahon History Honors Mary Doidge GRADE II THEORY First class honors Carolyn Pile Baden Griffin Doreen Roberts Marc Kramer Janet Knox Shelia Colleaux Ste phen Cheslne Virginia Walther equal Bonnie Rogers Bren da Cook Joan Robinson equal Honors Helen Graft Jeanette Mt Jermey Norma Doidge Sheila Elliott Lora Hennebry equal Pass Sha ron Slbthorpe Myrna Slmp can equal Cynthia Haley Heather Furlong Juno Lang man equal GRADE THEORY First class honors Sheila Craig Roland Paskar equal Terry McCoy Alexis Chris topher Marlene Walkom Sus an Ratcliffe Jane Sander son equsl Cheryl Woolcox Honors Ellen Beavis Donna Reid Darryl Johnston Pass Linda MeFadyen Barbara Drummond north to south and tho same distance from east to west Known as welfare state Denmark has almost universal coverage for medical dental and hospital care with gener ous pensions for the aged lts small area has compell ed intensive cultivation with its dairy products world fam ous and sold in many lands he said Since the war there has been considerable lnduc trial development although this is now threatened by Englands application to join the loner six or European Common Market At present Denmark belongs to the Outer Seven group of European nations formed by Britain in opposition to ECM lf Britain jo no the Inner Six Norway will probably also ap ply for membership and it is unlikely that her present under developed industries can com pets with the large well fin anced industriesln West Ger many Britain and Italy At present Denmark is de veloping her tourist industry and presents many attractions to woo the foreign visitor he added She has excellent sum mer weather beautiful ocean beaches the best of food and drink and genuine flair for ho ltality The tourist bureau wii even contact residents whose vocations match the in terested visitor who will invite him for visit and meal at their homes in order that he will take away with him true impression of the way Danes V2 Al most Danes are natural linguists the tourist will find no difficulty in his search for information be it simply direc tions to some point of interest or the more intricate desire to become acquainted with the other fellows opinion regard ing questions of international politics local government his toric scenes or the best place to dine Politeness is both na tural and developed Nothing is too much trouble if It helps the visitor to enjoy and ap preciate his visit and he is as sured of carrying away the most pleasant memories of his ay Mr Basse said while there have been some Danes who do not adjust to the new life 20000 new in Canada have done well Nearly half of these are in or near Toronto collecting difficult patient ac counts lsabel Post deputy reeve of Orillia and member of the hospital board said this was absolutely untrue and was amazed that Mr Abernathy would write county council To Borrow $1724285 without the knowledge of the township There is no truth in the let ter said Mrs Post men is an employee whose whole business is collecting accounts and putting bad accounts into collection Much Of Delinquency Today Not Serious Council Told Simcbc County can be proud of Its administration of Justice in juvenile and family courts and probation work The statement came yester day from Dan Coughiin head of the Ontario governments probation department who ad dressed the closing session of county council Reviewing the growth of his department ltlr Coughiin re ported that in 1952 there were only it probation officers and Juvenile courts in Ontario Now we have 250 probation officers and 49 juvenile courts to famly court actions ltlr Coughiin said that close to 000000 year is collected in Ontario from fathers who des ert their faniilies The money is turned over to the families This is big job butdiiut as important is the work ons in keeping homes togetiiert hfr Coughiin contended that much of the juvenile delin quency today is not serious that he remembered when mlir or offences were dealt with is the home And on per capita basil there is far more Juvenile dew linquency in the United States and Britain than there is in Canada ltlr Coughiin was introduced by Judge Marjorie Hamilton of juvenile and family court Name Candidate For Simcoe East ORlLLlA John lilac Isaac wellknown OriIllu busllt ncssman was named last night as the Liberal standardbearer in the forthcoming general elee tion He was chosen from among nine nominees at meeting of the Simcoe East Lib eral Association attended by over 500 at the Griffin Opera House Nominated for the candidacy were Alex Gllmour Orlltla Jerome Gigoac mayor of Pen etangulshene ltfr illaclsasc Montcalm Maurice Reeve of Tiny Township and post war den of Simcoe County Charles Parker mayor of Midland Mayor George McLean former alderman Peta McGar voy and lawyer Grlf Binfiiam all of Orlllia and Mrs Rose Manning president of the Aun station All the iuomlneas withdrew except Mr Maelsaac The nom ination was conducted by Royce Frltb president of the Ontario Liberal Association who said that the attendance showed there were some people not too lazy smug and selfsatisfied but who were willing tohelp keep our political system inex istencs by supporting the con ventlon He chided the average citizen for being willing to di vote many hours of volunteer effort to service clubs and other community projects but refusing to support political en deavors During his acceptance speech Mr Maelsanc drew ripple of laughter with the statement guess am the only one unem ployed and willing to run rc ferrlng to the fact that several nominees felt they had too many obligations to family business or municipal affairs to consider the post We cannot afford the luxury of Dlefenbaker Government any longer government that has squandered four billion dolr lars in the past four years The Tr An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 52414 ATTEND HISTORYMAKING EVENT Chatting following the in augural meeting and service held at Central United Church by the Simcoe Presbyterial United Church Women are from the left Rev Robert Watt of Toronto speaker at the evening sess Rev Wil BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 87438 BARBIE Upholsterlng Is our BusinessNot Just AV Sideline 65 Bradford st son Morden Midland chair man of Simcoe Presbytery and Rev Cecil Brenn of Rome head of the provision ai committee responsible for setting up the new organiza tion of United Church Women More than 600 men and wo men DiSimcoc Countyeattcnd ed thisrhistorymaking event Mrs Bell of Barrie was elected president iNOUIiiv CLASSES Explaining the teachings of the Roman Catholicchurch EVERY MONDAY 730 pm 90 Mulcssfer 5L Opposite ShyMarys Church Regi PA mos ration Monday cl pm aLiwchOME Congress Asked For $450 Million WASHINGTON AP The United ta administration asked gr Friday for $450000000 to meet 60 per cent of the cost of building public fallout shelters vfor 20000000 persons by midlocal The request was made by Defence Secretary Robert Me Namara in identical letters to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and president of the Senate In additiona current pro gram of marking suitable shel ter areas in existing buildings is expected to show an addi tional 50000000 spaces by mid 1903a total of 70000000 for population of about 105000000 No federal financing is pro posed for private shelters defeat of 1956 was dark tinru for the party but we have won four of six byelectlons since and the title is taming in our favor he concluded Mayor Glgnsc in declining his nomination said he hoped the candidate when elected would do everything possible to help establish municipal loan fund so municipalities could borrow for public works at low interest rate We need government that will face up to its responsibilities not mem ber who spends most of his time going to pink tea parties We want men who say lcts got with it and get it done he concluded Messrs Parker and McLean refused to consider the nomin ation commenting that they had municipal problems they want ed to sea solved first Both left the door open for futine conven tions All the others who declined gave pressure of business as the reason Auto Leasing APPOINTMENT Mr Warren Trimhle Auto Leasing Appointment Allpolntpaent of Wm Trlnibls as manller or the Barrie DriveArc and Tn vel Service has been an nounccd by Pearl Danger aaiii Pruldent Wanen brings wealth or experience in truck and ltlto leasing ta Barrio he vtously associated with sm to Auto tls Toronto for six yea and during the last two cars with rn den as amicn Manager and sales representative on To ronto on annual lensing he is well informed and cap nbln of serving business or glnlzatlnns interested in leasing cars and mum Air Trimbls will also as rnt the traveller with com plete travel information and tickets for all mulor aer lines and ltcamshlps He has Just refitde from Montreal where Ia attended an intensive course on Tra vn Agent Tariffs and Tick cling providingrhfm with uptothcmlnutelnforinntfon on TCA rates and schedules PtEASENOTE MACSAYS BAKERY OPENING SOON Collier Sh opposite Loblaws Parking Lot ANULTRAMODERN BAKE SHOP SPECIALIZING IN CANADIAN AND CONTINENTAL BAKE GOODS WATCH EON OPENINGom

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