BARRIE GIRL CHATS WITHVIPS AT WATERLOO Miss Patricia Duggan of Barrie daughter of Mr and Mrs Johnston ls shown above at tho annual meeting of the Mutual Life Assur ance Company of Canada Miss Duggan chats with Rt Hon Vincent Massey Boredom And Lack Of Activity Stimulates Overeating Habit By IDA JEAN KAIN Overwcight teens and pre teens stretch your mind with new idea So many of you write eat just to be doing something You confide that you are not popular because you are too fat and that you hesi tate to get into activities be cause of your size Are you in this vicious circle not in things because you are heavy horcd because you are not active and eating because you are bored What to do Take action in tiie form of physical exercise and in activities Both are needed To begin with overeat ing seems to go with underex cruising Without enough exer cise you feel lethargic and loggy instead of peppy and pur poseful Exercise can spark your energy and your interest To get in the groove set definite time for shape ups perhaps right after school Its fun to exercise to music but when you execute an exercise movement think about what you are trying to do If its to slim the hips get those big hip muscles into the action Grab hold of chair back with left hand then swing with right leg swing forward then away not free and easy but with muscles taut On the sec ond swing rear word hold Holding the muscle contraction to slow count of six in creases tone In taking stretch sidebends direct the action through tl middlc measure ment Pull This very week take the int tiative to get into some kind of activity wtih others your age If anyone pokes fun at your size laugh right along with them If you can laugh you wont bottle up resentment Also by exhibit ing sense of humor you make friends When you make the ef fort to start then other oppor tunities stem from this start So ACT On the weight score Get over the idea that you must go on some faddy diet in order to reduce COOKING NOT CHORE Inspired French Cuisine Rieder president of the Mut ual Life of Canada and lt Crump president of the CNR The meeting was held at Waterloo Ontario GOOD COOKING LASTS LONGER FOLKESTONE Eng land ReutersiA magistrate has ruled that lsyeanold girl must learn how to cook tasty meal before she can marry her 19yearold fiance In doing this Friday the magistrate backed up stipulation made by Bar bara Cnirns father which prompted Barbara and her husbandtobe Eric Goldsack to take the issue to court be cause they are under 21 and need permission to marry There the 70yearold mag istrate said Barbara would have three months in which to learn to cook before he grants the couple permission to wed You cant expect young husbands to live on tins of sardines he said They need substantial meair The court made no ruling us to who would iudge Ear baras cooking QnelOi The Seven Arts TORONTO CPI Anyone can he good cook says Diane Lucas at New York good cook herself in her New York restaurant Mrs Lucas was in Toronto to conduct sevenlesson conk ing school for the womens committee of the Toronto art gallery and she has appeared oIten on television Anyone can be good not great but adequate she said fA great cook is hard to de fine imagine it would be someone who is inspired The role of the cook is mized in North America she thinks She would like to see more emphasis in the culinary arts in school and college courses At the Sarbonne in Paris cooking is regarded as one of the seven arts After all the main function of women is to marry and have family think women would enjoy cooking more it it wasnt regarded as just chore Couple Honeymoon In Canadian Arctic TORONTO CPUMost honey moon conples prefer to spend their first few weeks of matri mony in more equitable clime but two newlyweds from damp and drizzly England have de cided to go from bad to worse Rev Malcolm Emmel 29 and his bride Patricia 25 from Hessle East Yorkshire are bound for the Canadian Arctic Whats more they will be there for five years perhaps longer Mr Emmel an Anglican priest will become mission Iary in the Diocese of the Are 10 He married Patricia Drinkall registered nurse Jan just before leaving for Canada They left here for the barren wastes of Cambridge Bay early in Feb ruary Mr Emmel has good back ground for his Arctic workHe has had six years training as mechanical engineer and will be able to look after his own heating and snow Vehicle prob lems During his two year stint with Hie British Army he added radio operating to his qualifi cations Mrs Emmels specialty has bit of irony After graduating as nurse she took special course in Londonat the Hos pital of Tropical Diseases She spent to months in Nigeria at hospflal operated by the British For Mrs Lucas cooking is my She would rather cook than eat because she eats mostly simple things with lots of fruit But she getspienty of upper tunity torcooking at her New York restaurant where she is the only chef and at her cook ingschool there Simple food can be superb she said She advises the new cook to start out modestly learning few basic dishes well such as casserole soup dessert and dressing for New Executive Installed At Willowdale Church Mrs lit Muir was installed asrpresident of the Willowdale United Church at the inaugural service held at the church Sun day morning Allen Tomlinson conducted the ceremony The slate of officers is as follows president Mrs Muir viceApresident Mrs McMas tcr secretary Mrs Garnet MC Eaehern treasurer Mrs Hurt Program convener Mrs Perkins social eonvener Mrs McLean manse and board of stewards Mrs Walton Mis sionary and maintenance Mrs Percy Ford and Mrs Chantler Christian education Mrs Hadley and Mrs Skelly finance committee Mrs Cook and Mrs Burl LeprosyRelief Association sq Lï¬Ã©fufgï¬ lAltEVlEW supra MllltBAR salad Nothing too ambitious It is important that the food be attractive in appearance and served properly The eye is very important part of eatingwhen one sees something attractive it stimu lates the appetite For utensils she said three good knives are adequate chopping knife filleling knife and paring knife One or two saueepans are necessary one or two cast iron or aluminum pans an omelet pan and few mixing bowls EASY 0N SPICES Spices are fine but should be used sparingly as they become stronger in cooking Spices should not be mixed she said but thesame spice should not be put into everything And in North America meal preparers were often guilty of overcooking their vegetables When they lose their color theyre overdone Heres what Mrs Lucas does when cooking green beans Plunge the beans into boiling water and leave for two or three minutes then drain Place in heavy pot with butter salt and pepperCover with sheet of buttered wax paper and cook over moderate heat for five or six minutes SCENIC SPOT Great Sark and Little Sark in the Channel Islands are con nseted by natural dotHootlong causeway 14 PIECES OI CHICKEN ENOUGH FOR $375 in in Adv Phone in Hairline to People Easy Method To Restore Antiques If you have joined Ihe ever growing army of secondhand furniture buffs here is some helpful advice from an expert Unless it is something that fits into your furnishing scheme dont buy it There are many pieces mel law and pleasingly inexpensive that are particularly appropri ate for furnishing summer cottage is family room den or catebail bedroom But before you buy any piece be sure you can handle any re wiring or refurbishing that may be necessary Unless youve come upon an especially valuable or beautiful piece at price it wont pay to have professional refurbishing job done on it So if you plan to do the renovating yourself test whether the varnish or other finish is worn out by scraping the surface with your thumbnaiL If the finish flakes off the piece will have to be refinished If your text merely scratches the wood then it shouldnt be too difficult to renovate the piece Gae 49 Club Hosts Banquet The annual Valentine banquet and party for members and guests of the Can 49 Club was held Feb in Stroud Community hall Fortythree members enjoyed the turkey supper prepared and served by the ladies of the Stroud Press bytcrian Church Following the banquet George Muihollond acted as Master of Ceremonies for program of games and dancing convened by the president Mrs Harry Horton The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs Horton Feb 19 THE STARS SAY ByEflBELLITA FOR TOMORROW Changes in your methods could save time energy and money now Make no drastie alterations where things are ninning smoothly however good day for conferring with your superiors also for seeking favors FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that decisions which you make dur ing the next month could have farreaching effects both finan cially and iobwise so be excep tionally careful in making them Do nothing impulsively and analyze all situations before taking action of any kind The right action taken now could bring rewards in September and October Your personal lifewill begen erally good during this new year in your life promising bar mony in domestic social and sentimental relationships Avoid nervous tension next May how ever and during November keep watchful eye on the budget Travel will be favored in Am gust and some excellent news concerning property matter or an opportunity for business ex pansion is likely in late De eember lilix onethird each of white vinegar turpentine and boiled linseed oil which can be pur chased at paint or hardware store Shake the mixture In bottle and rub it over the matched wood with linttree rag The turpentine and linseed oil remove dirt while the acid In the vinegar helps close up scratches and polishes the wood To remove the greasy turpen tine residue wash withtsoap and water Another problem frequently encountered by old furniture renovatnrs involves brass or brassfinished hardware How can the dirt and tarnish be re moved without marring the bardwares antique finish The first step is to remove and oil the screws Then com bine vinegarand salt in ce ramie dish and apply this mix ture tn the hardware with soft brush Finally wash each piece with suds rinse and wipe if desired the hardware then can be protected by applying tarnishvretardant The kind sold for lacquering silver may also be safely sprayed on brass Educating jobless Not The Solution OTTAWA fCPINo amount of training and education of the Jobless in Canada will in itself inch the number of jobs available the Canadian Feder ation of Business and Profes sional Womens Clubs laid in brief released today The brief was presented to the National Productivity Council Jan 30 but released only today The federation said it more elated the training and eduea tion being given the jobless but warned that these methods will not produce jobs The brief said other things are necessary or we will simply see the im employed with higher level of education for it is clear that there are not presently enough jobs for the numbers of unem plo ed even if they were all suficintiy trained and cdult cared to fill those presently available Other things are neededa favorable business climate to in duce those with higher qualifi cation to risk business ven ture the capital to make it possible andof CUUISH mar ket for the product be it goods or service flamez THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY EEBRUARY 1962 Suffer For Another Season Needle Toes Point To Fashion MONTREAL tCP year ago pointed toes were on their way out Now theyre still on their way out but lasting much longer than shoe manufacturers had anticipated Malcolm Knox chairman of the Shoe Information Bu renu of Canada told press conference that twothirds of the spring shoes will have dou ble or triple needle toes As for the square too that was supposed to set the mar ket afire Mr Knox said the reception was lukewarm and Im being generous The success of thecrescent toe was somewhat better than the square Neveretheless the crescent toe is the toe of the future be cause this is the natural de velopment of the lasthesaid Asked when he thought the crescent toe would overtake the pointed toe he said perhaps in spring 1963 He also said that despite fashion reports to the contrary almost 50 per cent of the shoes in the United States still are be ing made with pointed toes WEST LACS In Canada their reception varies somewhat between East and West In Quebec 95 per cent of the spring and summer shoes would have very pointed toes But Western Canada which never accepted the pointed toe with the enthusiasm of Quebec is quicker to welcome the cres cent toe Ontario still prefers points but in the double needle rather than the triple needle adopted in Quebec Mr Knox said the open look Is prevalent for spring but was quick to interieet that by the open look he didnt mean the sanan or the slingsbnck shoe Reintroduced to Canadalast year both the sandal and sling back laid on egg he said The new open look is achieved with large perforations in the vamp In color black particularly In patent leather is expected to represent per cent of all spring shoa sales Browns beige and bone are expected to represent 25 per cent with another 10 per cent taken up by blue Red mesh and fabrics would account for the remain ing la per cent Ma Knox said each year sees more shoes being made on illus ion heels and 1962 will be no exception The stacked heel was particularly popular ROCK STEAM BATHS Open am to pm Phone PA 3711 Even melting ice cubes cant dilute the true taste of Adams Gold Stripe It will keep its flavour to the very bottom of the glass the mark of great whisky THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTDu Toronto Ont ANN LANDERS Let Him Chase You Until You Catch Him Dear Ann Landers Im 23 female have terrific job and Im considered intelligent attr active and good company lve been around more than my share and know the ways of the world Ive dated mamas boys egomnnincs semialcohols its bores beatnik the whole bitihree months ago met Mr Marvelousr Hes 28 well cmployed and has all the qual ities ever dreamed of in man He says he loves me but he refuses tomarry until he can give his wife all the com forts and few of the luxur ies of life make almost as much money as he does Im not interested in luxuries All want is HIM Please give me some fast palnterr on how to land this gem THIS TIME ITS REAL Dear This Time If knew of sure way to help spring the trap wouldnt clue you Males revel in the chase and they should not be denied the joys of the hunt The overAnggressive woman robs man of his initiative dampens his order and eventu ally scares him off Play it cool Toots Let him think hes chasing you until you catch him Dear Ann Lnnders Im just an average guy 29years old fairAlooking far fromlended but comfortable want the companionship of an average looking respectable girl who can talk about something besides clothes and other women Please notice didnt say anything about wife Ive been engaged twice and both girls married someone else All want is young woman who will settle for dinner and theater and just plain stimulat ing conversation Because of my two sad explt eriences with women the word is out that Im not marrlage minded Now no girl will ac cept date with me If you like will send my picture LONESOME Dear Lonesome Dont bother to send your picture it wont help Its pretty hard to believe that all the girls want to mar ry you and no one will settle for dinner and theatre plus good stimulating conversation In fact many girls who write to me would be very happy with just such an evening as You describe And it makes me little suspicious of you Bub Dear Ann hinders Have you ever noticed the ads in news papers which say Housekeeper wanted Must like children answered such an ad threl years ago Im up at the crack of dawn cooking cleaning washing and ironing And like three young children from morning tiI night Their mother chases around to club meetings beauty par lors card games and what have you Five nights week the Mr and Mrs are out we ialiring They take several trip year and leave the children at home At Christmas they were off on cruise trim med the tree and took the kids to their grandmothers for the day It was the saddest emp tlcst Christmas ever saw Why dont some of these mothers like children enough to stay at home and spend some time with them In my opinion this is the curse of the rich SEEING RED Denr Seeing Red Some moniers cant tolerate their children so they run away from them This is not exclusively curse of the rich however The rich hire help but this not sorlch dump their kids on rel atives friends or just leave them unattended mothers love is not negotiable The woman who thinks she can pay someone to like her children learn later that its strictly doityour self project NOW CANADA HEALTH ACCIDENT OFFERSTHE RESIDENTS OF BARRIE AND SURROUNDING AREAS The All New MULTICARE MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING gt SUPPLEMENTARY HOSPITAL PLAN Dulgnod In Accordance With The MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ONTJ 1962 Schedule of Fees FEATURING DOCTORS BILLS PAID FROM THE VERY FIRST CALL AT HOME AT DOCTORS orrice on HOSPITAL NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED CUT COUPON MAIL TODAY PLAN ADMINISTRATOR CANADA HEALTH and ACCIDENT ASSURANCE CORP BOX 10 BARBIE ONT Please Send Full lnforma About Your Multicare First Call Security Plan NAME ADDRESS OCCUPATION hes Single Married No in Family MAI COUPON TODAY ENROLMENT PERIOD MOMFEB izfro wan FEB 2s Flam Also Availnblofor LOSS OF WAGE RECOVERY when illness or Injury StnprrYour Income PAYS from SISO to $500 EVERY MONTH SENIOR CITIZEN PLAN than on years IgMedicaI Surgical Hospital Cost Plan SMAtL GROUP TO 25 Low Costheh Wat Guarantee Ilans