RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT The Garden Terrace learner Queen and Duckworthl Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area all heal with air auditioning full basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes 586 month PHONE PA 82740 MODERN six room Bungalow Garage ou Iumacc heavy wiring West end our Illra Telepnone PA mac or PA oetui Two nmnodss Apartments to rent Heated Central Iocauoa Hardwood lloors Telephone PA Hen lor runner lnlormauoh must ROosI Duplex or real un nunished heated masonale Ayaiiahla now PA bum Two anOosI Apartment un mrnlahed healed round noor Separat entran clone to West mabla Telephono mu habitats Dunslow for rent lour years old newly decor ated Close to schools sioo month 1y Includes heat water and Ilshra Telephone PA and alter pm ITAmn Elght room house with bathroom all heating hot water IAvely lawn and garden Centre or town Lease up per month Tale Snyder DUDTON AVLIUI Three room uplumlshed rp rnt oil build hot water and nlrllerator anate hath pply ta Centre at six non House for reat with automatic gas heating Three bed rooms entrally located Avallaola now ephone PA um for run titer lamination Telephon ANOUa Smau tour room unturn ished house sultahle or two adqu or pensioner Very ruino ahle Telephone stroud alhsl be tween am ls noon HEATED aollrconlalned apartment Ground Iloor Three large rooms Near school Parklns Private en trance sea monthly Telephone PA Mus HOUaE FOR Em live large rooms heated Located at Sunni dale Corners Highway Fauna ahle Available now Telephone WI stayner RIODBILN all and two bedroom apartments to ninL Em end Inca tion Automatic laundry faciliuas Foqurther particulars telephone PA emu NEW Two DEDDOOM Dunslow simud area Large living room kitchen and three piece hath Available immediately Telephone stroud will no MONTHLY Bright heated upper duplex live rooms and ha No objection to one child Co pleter prlvatc close to st Mary Chineh Telephone PA 65643 Two BEDROOM unlurnlshed aclle contained duplex Living room kitchen dining ma basement lront and baclr entrances hnnuns or 8Wmonthly Apply Napier or telephone PA BIlnz APARTMENT three rooms wlth private bath relrlxerator and rinse Downtown Sultable lor adults $5750 per month For lun 21917 lnlormatlon telephone PA as AVAILABLE February The bedroom unlurnlshed apartment heat and water supplied sellcon talned East end location 575 per month Telephone PA M1358 Two BEDROOM house to rent large rooms all iurnace lull base mcnt Ideal location ovcrloelrinr Kcmpenielt Bay Adults prelorred Telnphbrlo PA 01407 for lurther inloimatlon THREE ROOM Buament Apart ment healed selfcontained Pri vate bath Heirlxeralor Ind IIOVO Pmlllly furnished Telephone PA $5513 Or PA 32933 far iurther Isl Iormatlon Time IIODIII unlurnlsbed hub ed apartment lor rcDL Sellcon talned separate entrance $55 per month Avallablo Immediately Telephone PA no or PA lusts LARGE nlcely decorated one bed room lower apartment heated selfcontalned Central location giggldren welcome Telephone PA POUR DOOM Apartment or rent Prlvata hath nnlurolshed and heal ed private entrance close to schools and bus Children welcome Box as Darrin Examiner SMALL furnished bachelorsized apartment Centrally located mod ern Separate entrance Salmon galned Telephone PA 352 after $50 MONTHLY Three room un rurnlrhcd sellcontalned aparte mont Separate wiring Central lo cation Parking lacllitias Heated Tclephonc PA c7597 alter pm or iurther details uansINISIIED two bedroom apartment heated Centrally loci ted Perkins provlded Rent in monthly Telephone PA dztsll or alter 530 pm PA Moss LARGE seven room house or rent three bedrooms two baths garage oak floors Central Hot water heating Available now Ap Lly 7s Dundonald street Darrin or lephone PA 63247 WARM unfurnished thrcc room heated apartment seiscontalned wth private hath East endCIOsd In store and bus swp Available March Telephone PA 87419 FURNISHED modern heated three room apartment with three piece hath Private entrance Parking tacllltlcs Telephone PA 57120 after pm or Driller intormr on UNPUIINISBED second iloor our room apartment aellcontained private entrance One bedroom Heated Central lucatllm Immedi ate possesslon If desired Tcle phone PA 32480 and alter 630 PA H595 LARGE Central well fumlshed bedsitting room good kitchen and bathroom well heated Also rooms and bath lurniahed on ground floor Private entrance Free parking Central PA soul arternoons or evenings kooms TO LET aEDhoOM tor rent central in downtown area for business gen tleman For iurther lnlormntlon telephone PA ï¬dddl FURNISHED Bedroom and share living room bathroom and kitch en privileges with two other young womcn For lurthor inlor motion telephone PA Mali ROOM BOARD ROOM art Doom and hoard avail able for two Apply us hradlord street for lurthor lnlonnatlon NICE BRIGHT lurnlsheo room In private home Board optlcnnl Central For iurIIIcr particulars talcplume PA 87557 Rood AND BOARD available East end location Will pack lun ches ll desired Telephone PA P7780 NICE DhIGlIT Purnlsbcd Room In modern homc honed optional Lo cated in Allandale Purlring racill ties Telephone PA 55760 RENTALS ROOM BOARD WANTED wanna Sullabll mm Place for youns llnurman this walking dinn ol Duo lap and Hayï¬eld streta Ag in arming to the Accountant Bank or Nova Senna same ARTICLES For SALE Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged Items WU below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 slust he FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnace now between Jan 1511 and Feb EU and get your dual air attachment FREE with every complete Installation Regs $69 FORCED AIR 01L 0R GAS NEW 51w Iinanca Rate Phone collect Stroud AIRS WOODWARD dc SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud Low Overhead low Cost PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner 11 you would like to hava re prints of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please call at our Busi ness Office We arr sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 I0 $125 plus trx USED REFRIGERATORS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 McFADDEN Appliance lac PENETANG ST NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 Ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 75c PER DOZEN ply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFH STREET PA 68531 Immows loi wlntcr fishing ior sale Apply Little Lake Cedar Park Barrie Telephone PA Mass ARTICLES for SALE EASY CLEANING Just For You GoaLIN VACUUM Cleaner In almost new condition complete with hassock $3950 CGE complete with attachments and super swivel top 50 AIRWAY with new motor new nylon hose $3650 ELECTROLUX in extra good condition complete with all at lacluneuts 32550 LEWYI with large wheels many extra bags $35 RUTON This is brand new unit retail valul sitsso Sula price $45 Made In Holland These are all sold on our mu Iar guarantee Phone for free home trial FILTER QUEEN SALES as MAPLE AVE BARRIE VPA 83482 80 Who Doesnl Read Small Ads YOU DO Call PA well Any one the three classified ad takers will be glad to assist you with your COPY TRACYS FILTER QUEEN READ THIS FOR YOUR HEALTHS SAKE Germs are carriedon dust BUTdust is eliminated with Filter Quccn Heath unit Even nicotine is cleared from the air you breathe CALL PA 03482 50 off on health unit hassock with this all DOT wATEII Tank 21 gallons Ill ERNIE roa natau Telephone PA was ATTENTION nsnxmlrENCalted mlnnowl for sale by the bunch Telephone szossns allaland or lurther Information anlALl acuOT lor lala Will all complolo or motor capsule For further Informalion telephmn orlllla PA Moss Hflwmm bnulht sold nub ed re aired student rental rates Ask Cut our Real Try than 303 Plan Star owrller Co as Hndlard 5L gym pull WRAPS Jackau and Coats tor sala or exchange RepIrina rellnlng and rdmodnlllnl Medan ate pricas ply alllbuIn and Son 152 unlop street West Danie Telephone PA aZsss DUOTHBRII Oil Space Heater complete with Ian Chesterheld and Chair Bed and Dresser med articles In good clean condition Ed Belle lurnllurn ls haydold street PA woos SEWING MACHINE or Kern moic automatic rlszas all at tachmonts cabinet model with bench used six months Reason able Telephone PA Mm alter pm sauna Equipmth Ior sale used only months like new Siosie aiasa two hdsa regulator Aqua Lung tank constant reserve valve aae Pat with harness Ii loam Neoprene wct suit cnmplah also medium Pins snorkel mark weight belt 17 pounds or aeiehtr divori Ill and one prolessldnal divcra knits quite reasonable Phone PA sassy mu pm or call at 41 Marcus Street PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL WM HlNTON BA Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public 35 Owen St Corner Collier and Owen PA 61839 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Conveya cars etc Branch otllce Blrnva Dulce ls Owen st QlCA $65 owe Seagrani QC Gordon Teslrey CONDER SUGG EARRISTERS SOLICITORS at NOTARIEs PUBLIC CONDER DA SUGG EA mill Dunlop st East PA 6star Danlei COWAN COWAN BARRISTERS ROSS COWANt 53 COLLIER ST PA 84521 LIVINGSTON 8r MYERS harrlsteca and Solicitors Is Collier sir Barrie Ph PA H401 WILSON MOORBY hAhnIsTEll soLchTOh LAW OFFICE AT iris PUNDOP ST PA Mme SMITH McLEAN Hebor smith QC Arthur McLean hruce owen Barristers Solicitors etc so OWEN ST PHONE PA 85801 GLADSTONE CURRIE QC hAItIIISTEh do SOLICITOR Law DIIlcaa at Wilson Building Prod Grant street Blrrle Ontario Telephone PAsltway Hm FUNERAL HOME STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR SERVICE AT MODERATE COST Convenient Torma so worslcy st harri PA use ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM 8r WRIGHT Oartllled Public Accountant Toronto and Darrin Barrie Ollice Wilsnn hlds Fred Grant street PHONE PA 8339 Needham CPA Underhlu CPA iident Psriners ROSE 8r HARRISON mastered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Ruse BA 69 Collier St Phone PA IMPI9 Music LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Plano Slum Theory Pupils prepared for examinations or the RoyalConservatory or Music Toronto All grades and AflCT Modern methods studio 27 Bradford SL PA H71I THE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 217 NAPIER 512 BAIthlE ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher instruc tion Plano Theory coaching in French Latin other lEhDDI auo sects si Ross 5L ailri PALS5715 OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH RO OPTOMETEIIST to 530 Closed ch alternoon 53 Dunlap st horria PA 82556 gt NOEL STEPHENSON RO OPTOMEIRIST Dunlop St East Harrie Phone PA 84201 ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA suit ARTICLES For SALE nan snarnr lor sale with oil homer stove and other equip ment Telephone PA 5M casts marital at It Des month Telephone PA was neoeex nuance nuaiop st 9v Does PETS WILLEITS PETS 41 COWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and obscures Lovely song birds hudgies and Finches Tropical and Gnld Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 430 PM DAILY PHONE PA rAsr ouch Puppy on sale female 21 aux eio coed with ehudren To sood home Pena PA an FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtlsad and other varieties grads Macs 1150 per bushek Fresh cider Phone PA 59231 ARTICLES WANTED ONE PAIII boys Skates wanted also Telephone pA soils FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horsu Smali animals runnved lrea For fast service phone BARRE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE st hours day7 Oh nest NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Forehead Ontario Licence No 172962 Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK strEEN DaGIsTaltED Guernsey Heifers lor aalc twelve mllkllll and tour due Telephone Ivy was far lurthei inlormatlon Immame Landr Doar six months old Dam qua ined on AD Weanling Goala also hesistered and Grade Gllu some ready to breed BLLI rlmmona sssws Cree more LIVESTOCK WANTED DEEP CATTLE WANTED IIol stein Honlord or Durham steers prelerred other breeds It ran sonably priced Write Box at Barrie Examiner POULTRY 8t CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS slhoun PHONE 71 mm To minim Spring Chicks Bra has lull lands of varieties avalable promptly Iweck to readyltoiay pulletr prompt ihlw meni heouert price list Avent It Copeland rm heeton Phone Ismzi sunsan pusssz Ior aale mills Klmber and Ideal lIsw Leghorn Pallets Io weoks Feb 19 in week March 2n wecks March 19 They are lovely flock or pullcts raised under ideal condllions not water brooding Dont worry about in the birds it your vrnl cold they are all roostlns thn temperature cut down to har den them up 12 years In started ullets and liiatime in poultry accinatco dabcaked dcwamad and delivered Andrews Son hit Scafnrth phone stairs FEED SEED GRAIN 2000 DALES or Clean wheat and Dal Straw Apply to John Fleas lng HR stayner Telephone stay ner ssuIl FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts for any milker HANK BROWN RR BARBIE HOLLY PA H388 use METEOR two door deluxe AUTOMOTIVE MOfos ciiis Felt SALE REPOSSESSION FINANCE SAYS SELL Cars must be dispomi olnolh ing dawn simply assume pay ment NO payment till end cl March Irce plates with every car sold 1957 OLDSMDBILE Super 38 automatic custom radio out standing in every respect 145 per monlh 1357 MONARCH twp door hard top new automatic tanismis sioll sharp lwo tolls pain cus torn hardtop interior $1750 per month 1957 DODGE two door hardtop 42000 original miles custom radio Mustthe seento be ap preciated $37 per month 1957 VOLKSWAGEN finished In beautiful Adobe beige custom matdiing lealher Interior Show tires radio 53 per month 1956 BUICK our door hard tun power luxury equipped finished in lovely turquoise and blank with special Buick plush Interior standout in avery respect $16 per month 1955 CADILLAC convertible All of Cadillacs fine appointments well worth $300 more in spring 332 per month 1955 CHEV four door new motor new transmission custom radio completely refinished $29 per month Many more train which to choose GRILLIA AUTO SALES 179 MEMORIAL AVE FA 52289 VFA 52280 isss Ellch or sale door hard top very clean car Take payments or monthly Tele phone PA Mzaa alter pm last aTUnEBAKxD Champion tor in good condition Radio and snow tires 3200 Telephone PA soaps E5 Isss CHEVROLET door Auto inatlc transmission Perlect con dition usd lull price Take our payments or us per month Tslr phone PA 57m custom radio two tune paint Tska over payments or 332 month For flaw inlormatlon phone PA 1959 vAUxIIALI Vlelor dolr custom built radlo New tires Very clean thrmuhnut $657 ow ing on car at 323 per month Must sell Telephone PA Moss 1951 PDIIO Custom 00 door custom radio two tone new allp covers car as now Take one payments at 115 pr month Phone PA Miles loss DODGE our door sedan Via motor automatic transmlulon rs dio power steerlnt As new throughout Just 35 per month Telephone PA 23705 sass cuavnoLzT Bel Air two door As new thrdulhullt One owner Low milease am down Take over small balanca owing Telephone PA Moss my LA SALLE as complete unit or as parts Good condition throughout For Iurther lnrorma tlon telephone PA Mats between in Lou and pm and PA M117 alter pm CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 84272 two WESTERN BUYER REQUIRES 100 clean cars Premium prices Liens paid off Convoy leaving March 31 Enquire Honest Joes Used Cars 220 Bradford Street PA 85430 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MJNESING cAsh IOh your car Lleor paid OH We trade up Or down AI laodnle Motors Esra Road Dar rie PA 89321 VIKING Cream Separators Plain and Swing Type lui lung Machlnes service parts several used niacin Ines In stock Closed on Sundays vikinr Separator sales has AI Craighurst Ontario Telephone PA m7 AUTOMOTIV MOTOR CARSFOR SALE HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NAL Towing 75 HAYFIELD ST PA 84165 Midtown 41 Essa Rd 51 Pontiac automatic radio 61 Pontiac dr hardtop Equip so Pontiac automatic radio SDChev FILIIIL Impala 60 Chem Bel Air sedan 58 Chev Sedan 58 Pontloc6 automatic sedar 57 Buick Station Wagon 57 Ford Sedan 57 Ford Sedan 56 Ford Iwb door 56 Volkswagen Deluxe 54 Ford four door deluxe ROY HAWKINS lsso PLYMOUTH Staticr Was1n automatic power Ieerlos also Issl Plymouth Station Wa iznn automatic Va both in ex cellcnt condition Terms can be arranged Telephone PA easel TRUCKS TRAILERS sass FORD PICKUP In good mach anlcal condition Also um Inter netlonal Dump Truck Owner has no lurther need or them Tele phone stroud 27ml PERSONALS URGENTLY Needed Transport tion IronI Camp Borden to Darrle and return To arrive in Dalrte ain and return 430 ni Call collect Camp harden sl alter 630 pun WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Through training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST PA 84962 FOR LIMITED TIME OIL TREATMENT SHAMPOO AND SET$250 BLEACHING AND COLORING $600 AND UP PERMANENT WAVES $550 $750 $550 $1000 COCKTAIL SHAMPOOS AND SETS$300 AND UP Ba heautilui or him on Va luck my and each dsy orth wee No APPOINTMENT UNLESS xlgru Pilst SPECIAL am RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 124 Dunlap St PA 84423 17 Essa Rd PA 89811 mm by caltiled hairdresser In your own home Phone Bernice at PA EIIBSZOr PA lissifl Ifs wonderful the way Classified Ads gel re sulisl Phone PAS2414 sumEh remsle alike and in IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP uxnhsuvcsu HalMNLau walslv ed rapaole at managing salon in Iowa or 5000 population stuaxosa outan Apply to her 51 Barrie Examiner vnlee rlarlr lot larse harria hurl Oral Good working condition and usual company beneau tnle Box Barrie Eranliner giving an and lull particulars MALE HELP lo HELP WANTED MALE 0R FEMALE ACCOUNTANT Male or Female To look alter complete set of book in well established locall business Fileday week withI employee beneï¬ts Permanenll position Vrile slaling qualifi cations starting salary to BOX 49 BARRIE EXAMINER Plan for fine futureyln the CANADIAN GUARDS Be man with plan Join the Canadian Guardsone of Canadas crack regimentsfor which maiment applications are now being accepted again To play their vital rolealong side their sister regiments in the present troubled Interna tional situation the Canadian Guards need adventureloving young men oi courage and characler In return the regi ment tillers many other advan logos permanent employment abeallhy outdoor life good rates at pay travel at homo and abroad outstanding train ing andmany openings for ad vancement If you pro 17 in 23 single and physically lit find out more about this exciting career or poriunity NOW from your local Army Recruiting Station at CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE Tl ST CLAIR AVE EAST IUIH FLOOR TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA 47345 Please provide me details on career opportunities in the Can adlsn Guards Name Address CityTown Province Phone Last School Grade completed Age E61438 TAKE TIME our FOR SURVIVAL ENRQL FOR PAID TRAINING NOW Canada needs 100000 additional man to help the Canadian Army MlllIla carry out national sur viral operations in the event of nuclear atlnck Sixweek train ing courses are being held in your own communitythe next one starting February 26 and continuing until April If you are between Ill and so and meet enrolment standards will you go to work for Canada as citizen soldier During the course you are given allday training five days week You live at home and receive the same pay as regular soldier plus living allowance To be sure of vacancy you should act right away Get full details NOW without obligation at the address below that Is nearest to your home ARMOURY HIGH AND SMALL STREETS BARRIE ONTARIO TRANSCANADA CREDIT 37 Dunlop St BARRIE Requires credit representative and field manager Previous credit experience hell ful but Dot essential Our man must be Intelligent aggressive and between 2126 years of age For Iurlher information Call the Manager MR MIFFLIN PA 85903 CREATIVE SALESMAN For growing home moderniz ation business Experience in draughting will bean asset Must be willing to work even ings Salary and admissions plus hospitalization and medical plan Paid training at nation allyknown sales course All replies will be confidential Ap ply in own handwriting giving personal history education and experience to RODGERS BALL PLANING MILL BOX 243 BARBIE LEARN ELECTRONICS Now Resident or Home study School Tomato and Montreal RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA Send Ior me Back Carsrs la Electroniuf 130 Etna Bt Toronto Ontario MALE 8i FEMALE MIDDLE AGED MAINTENANCE AND KITCIIA EN WORK at childrens sum mer camp in Muskoka June to August Goodrsslary room andhoard transportation insurance coverage Apply in writing to Maben 23 Grange Alictilln TEACHERS WANTED NNISFIL SCHOOL AREA NO Required for hlardl Isl 1961 TEACHER for Grades and Crawford School which is located south of Highway No 90 on Sideroad No at Barrie City Limits Also Required SUPPLY TEACHERS Apply stating age qualifica tions experience name of last inspector and It available for interview LOUGHEED SecretaryTreasurer PAINSIVICK ONT EMPLOYMENT WANTED mull acnooL girl will earn an weekends Telephone PA passe bdoxszPmG Servlee avlllabla lull or part time Fully experienc ed Telephone PA Moss DAILY CARP liven to children in my own home Monday to Pri day Will call Telephone PA slsls aNOlv silthLLING floors cleans ed and walled will warning palntlns plaster repairs chaull aurs lieenee Home or Olllce rree estimaier Reasonable winter raiu heterenecs Telephone Gib PA Lam I2 TENDERS TENDERS FOR VEHICLE BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Sealed lenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 500 pm February 22nd 1962 for small pickup or van type de livery vehicle No tradein ColourCommercial Cardi nal Rcd Four Tires No Spare Four or Six Cylinder Engine Directional Lights Standard ti Healer and Defroster In stalled 12 Volt Electrical System Must have for twoway radio Standard Transmission No License 10 Vehicle To Be Cleaned and Undercoated Prior To Road Soil Owing to the number of both foreign and domestic vehicles to choose from we ask that all tenders be accompanied by complete specification Lowest Or any tender not nec essarily accepted lthPllilPEng General Manager I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday Feb I7 1230 sharp Auction sale pl farm stocknim plements hay straw grain and household effects for DAVID CULHAM At lot concession 12 Sunni dale Township wo miles north and V2 mile east of Sunnidale Corners or Highway 26 Terms cash no reserve as farm ls sold Jerry Coughlill Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March pm sharp Auction sale of farm Stock and implements Holstein cows fresh and spljnging heel cat tle hay straw and same household effects for CECIL MAYNARD At Lot Concession 12 Tee umseth Township miles straight north of Eeeloli Terms cash No reserve as farm is SOId JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE TUESDAY FEB 20 PM Auctionsale of livestock hay grain and furniture for CLARENCE HONSEERGER Lot Concession Township of Nottawasaga one hallmiie east of Creemnre Park Charles Foster Auctioneer phone Cree more 58 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH 10 1230 PM SHARP Auction sale of Iarm farm stock implements hay straw and grain poultry automobile and household ellecls including antiques or the estate of the late HOWARD HONSBERGER At Lot 19 Concession Nntla wssaga Township oh the coun ty road miles straight south of Stayner Terms cash ND re serve as the estate must be settled JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY APRIL 18 12 NOON sugar 70 head of Reg islered and Grade Holstein Cows and Heifers fresh springing Tull Ilolv High clas farm mach inery hay straw and grain and same household effects for FREEMAN BUMSTEAD AtLot Concession 11 Fios ToWnslIi miles straight north otElmvaIcelt mile west OIvtIle county road Tcrms cash No reserve as Ihcrlarmis sold THE DARRIE EXAMINER7 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1962 Ills Lay Claim To Kramer MONTREAL Pl llOnL real Alouelics Thursday nlshl laid claim to Roger Kramer mpmmd deltmnl larkle re ported to have signed with Bul faio Bills hi the American FOOL ball League Danny Pickett rector of de mciil said the Eastern Fool Conlercnce club signed Kramer 23 to tryout contract two months ago Montreals di lHe said both Kramer and his wife were here in Dcccmhcr and we have his signature on contract The Bills announced in Buf falo Thursday that they signed Kramer andrdelcnsive safety buck Jimmy Webster hath played last season with Grand Rapids Mich of the United Football League where Kra mer was an allstar Wins Crown 0n Disqualiï¬cation COPENHAGEN Denmark APlHalt conscious Chrislt tian Christensen of Denmark was crowned European middle weight champion Thursday night when dclcndcr John Mc Carmack of Scotland was di5lt qualified in the fourth round for hitting the Dane when he was down The quick action of German referee Rudolf Drust in dis qualifying the Scotsman pre vented riot by the 5000 fans hlchrmack 27 floored the 35 yehr old Danc with right to the law in the fourth round The referee said ha raised his left hand to keep lho champion from Glasgow back but that lIcCarmack brushed past him to get at Christensen whose gloves still were touch ing the ring floor The Scotsman ballcred his stricken rival with both hands iinally sending him through the ropes Christensen uncon scious hung on the apron with only one fool inside the ring Master Fixer Is Sentenced NEW YORK AP Aaron Wagman branded the master fixer was scheduled to be sen tenced today for his part In the widespread United States col lege basketball scandals last year The windup of the zasyearold New Yorkers case was set or general sessions court where his peualty could range up to 370 years and $370000 in fines Wagman was arrested the day the scandal erupted last March 17 and became the key figure in the ensuing investiga tion He was charged with br ing nine players from fi Schools to shave points The scandals Involved 31 players from 12 colleges Time Runs Out On Arch Moore NEW YORK AWTime nlnl out on ancient Archie Moore to day Unless the daycarnld boxer shows proof he has signed for title defence against either Na tional Boxing Association cham pion Harold Johnson or Doug Jones the New York State Ads Ietic Commission iS expected to chop off an nth oi Moores lightheavyweight crowns The cammissoin Said Thurs day it would meet today Last Friday Gen Melvin 1011 lewitch chairman of the com mission gave Moore one week to Sign for fights with either Johnson or Jones who had posted challenges and $2500 forfeit cheques with the com mission Moore is recognized as king of the l75pound class by New YorkMassachusetts and Eu rope The NBA after repeated warnings to Moore to delend ï¬nally took away lecdgnitlun It named Johnson of Philadel phia as its championaflcr he knocked out Jesse Bowdly at Miami Beach year ago Jones of New York is the No contender He is undefeated in his class and his Only defeat was to Eddie Machcn the sec ond ranking heavyweight con tender II New York deillroncs Moore Massachusetts and the British and European boxing bodies undoubtedly will follow Archies last deicncc was in New York June 10 when he out pointed Giuilio Rinaldi of Italy FEW Skaters Ill Edmonton EDMONTON CF Canada will stage its ï¬rst North Amer ican Speed gtSkaling champion ships this weekend but mcet oi iicialssay there will be short age of competitors About 30 skaters are exlt pccted 10 from the United StatesI and 20 from Canada in be tonne senior mens champion Dick Hunt of Los Angeles 12 times Canadian senior mens champion Ralf 01in oi Edmnne ton and Mrs Doreen Ryan of Edmonton Olympic competitor and manytimes senior Canag dian womens champion Off lals say invitations wer sehl tolhe more than 20 mem ber countries of the Interna tiorial SpeedSkuLing Union hu Rd Tornnto 28 TRACE AND COUGIILIN Auctioneers the only response was from tha LS