Payne ol narrle WEDNESDAY FEB 21 1962 action of Canadian paintings Now Is The Time To Buy Or Sell Your Car See COlumn THE BARHIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1m ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS COMING EVENTS FRASERA Ibe noyal Victoria riospilal BIIrrIe on Monday Feb run l962 In Mr and 11m Pram 35 pier Street harm aob Ilan ward FROOhlaAl Ibo nayl vlrlorta rloipual narrtr on Wednesday February 1962 to Mr and Mrs Allnn From Castle prlvr Barrie son David mutant Allan brother or Suaaa At the noyal Victoria arrlr on hlrsddy reo ruary rm to Slall 51 and Mrs amp llaren l7n Saskat ehewa uivd Camp harden ran Lindsay hreal AIJAFPY OCCASIONThe birth at your mum To ten the good new to lrlcpda and uelghbon rha nanIa Examiner classltled start In as our aa your telephone The day ol birth In dial PA Hut The run Ll only 310 ENGAGEMENTS slNNorrlloulns air and airs George blnnott Stayncr wish to announce lne engagement of their youngest daughter Shir ley Ann Bnmnlry Io lvan Arthur Holmes only son of air and Mrs Arthur ilalmea New Lowell Tho marriage to take place Satur day limb at pm in Trinity United Church Colllncwood MARRIAGES LVELLEXELL 1112 marrtlno is announced at him bishop ix eu of uermudn to VliIIam oeorge ExtII ol Barrie The marriage 00k pinto In St Andrews Pres byterian Church Barrie on one day February I951 nev lur Adams olliclatlng DEATHS PAYNEAt tho General and Marine Ilospltnl Owen sound on Wednesday February 1m flab ay Weber payne 1n his 71nd year son of the late ram and Loqu nesting at the stockley Funeral Home 10 Wins ley Street narrie ler service on Saturday February in at mo p1n Interment name Union cemetery CARDS OF THANKS sassoNr nIsh to tender my Batch thanks to the many rein tlves lrlends and neighbors for their kind expressions or symm tby tlarai lrtbules telegrams and cards during my recent rad be movement hlrs William mun IN MEMORIAM HANDYIn loving memory or Mother who passed away rebru ary 11 1960 and pad who passed away March 15 into While Iyou dear parents rest and cc Your lot ng memory well always keep The lamUy wuloirrla loving memory or dcnr husband and father Mason wnrhl who passed away Fchm dry 1960 The world changes from yur to car And onus lrom day to day But noycr will the and Wu loved From memory 911 away wuvlngly remembered sadly mlsscd by will rzlleen and family Alton Audus ram and sour IlW Jack WRIGHT1n iovlm would or our dear Grandpa Mason gilt We have only your memory randlothor To remember our through But the sweetness wiu linger top over we treasure tho image or you ENcr remembered by grand children John and Judy Graenatde wrthHrrn loving memory of dear mother Charlotte nun who passed away February 1951 Borne away rram sin and sorrow To better home above Always remembered by the Emily COMING EVENTS ANNUAL MEETING of the STROUD TELEPHONE COMPANY will be held on and whole lives STROUD COMMUNITY HALL AT 200 p711 tor the election of Otticers and General Business Mrs Fred Pritchard SecretaryTreasurer William Hubbart President PINE CREST VALENTINE DANCE SAT FEB 10th CABARET STYLE Couples Only ADMISSION 250 Per Couple Lucky Spots for Table Reservations Call ELMVALE 757R3 ST VALENTINETEA BAKE SALE WEDNESDAY FEB 14 230 pm to 500 pm Auspicos Essa Rd Presbyterian Church Womens Association TO HANG CANADIAN ART MONTREAL CP col will be hung in the office of one of the new skyscrapers nearing completion on Montreals Dor nboster Boulevard GlL House new headquarters of Canadian Industries Limited will house the 40 paintings to be purchased by the company in on ellort to about $10 per month encourage Canadian art ATTENTION VETERANS DEPENDENTS Mr Mayer Ontario Pm cial Command will be visit ing the Barrie Legion 117 on MONDAY FEBRUARY 12 l962 from pm till pm Anyone wishing information advice or assistance regarding war vole rans or disability pensions treatment allowances etc is requested to Contact Silver thorno at the Barrie Legion telephone PA 34002 or lilac Gillivrny PA 031910 arrange an interview REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES cvnmcs CALL M115 MOOREPA um CA ROGERSPA 53582 PosrlmPA um CONNELLPA sols MDIIJERS mutant ulsmicr REAL ESTATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 12 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONE PA 50241 PA 6422 nembem or narrle Heal Latan Board Smith CampbellPA um rergua Ganey AA Mrs Joun hugPA Hm charllo ReadPA out VALENTINE SUPPER ST JUDES CHURCH THORNTON WED FEB l41h 6730 pm Adults $100 children under 12506 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE COUTTS CO Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrio SECLUDE AREA $13900 Beautiful constructed brick bedroom bungalow with excoptionnlly large living and dining area eleven block base ment divided forced hot air perimeter heating Builtin gar age overhead doors Jonathan Court close to North Collegiate and Oakley Parié School lst mortgage about $11200 present monthly payments in cluding taxis $10005 Finn sol ection of comparable homes may be seen at your conveni ence Call Wultcr Couth SETTLE ESTATE Architecture of this bungalow designed for those who enjoy selective homo Extra large liv ing room 12 24 dining over looks garden Extra large mns ter bedroom covered with brondloom each bedroom has its own washbasin Heated sunroom builtin garage base ment is completely tiled Grounds proimionnlly land scoped Open for inspection Call Walter Coutts BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Groom bungalow located at the corner of Vespru and Bradford Streets This is an ideal loca tion for business or someone wanting central location For full details call Walter Coutts EXCHANGE OF SELL Service Station and Lunch Counter with living quarters Highways 26 and 27 doing good year around business For pr0lt gressive person there is room for improvement and expan sinn Present owners retiring as family have left home Call Coutts CHILDRENS WEAR STORE $2000 PLUS STOCK AND FIXTURES GIRLS Hero isa wonderful business opportunity for person inter ested in well established busi ness Terms can be arranged For further information call Gordon Coutts Member at barrio lstrlct ï¬nal Estate soarlii PHONES omen pa 02485 Evenings GORDON ill camsPA 157215 wonnan cams12A 32311 sonny camsPA Hm ESQRE 73 TM swam BARRIE CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 CAR GARAGE BEDROOMS $1000 down payment is all thats required on this beautiful bedroom bungalow Living room and dining area combina tion large faintly size kitchen lull basement forced air all heating car garage attached to the home via breezeway equipped with storms and locn ted on lot 15 200 $75 per month including interest and principal carries the mortgage on 20year term Taxes only Selling at the low price of only $11000 Make an appointment by phon ing this office now ALLANDALE $10500 full price storey home about 17 years old bedrooms and bath upstairs Living room dining room and kitchen downv stairs Full basement new forced air furnace large lot garage Member of the BanIn and Dutrlct Real Estate Board NINE Acnss of highway prop erty approximately 12 miles north or Barrio Will exchanga as part payment on house In Barrie preferably past cud Apply to Box 52 nan1e Examiner Try All Examiner Want All Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST SheIsweII PA 59961 PA 68742 First Illortgugo Funds Available Interest 605 of Value No Fees Charged Olour bedroom brick bungalow on Puget St with glossed sun room finished recreation room oIiice paved drive plus well landscaped lot Asking $15000 full price oSix room frilch home on MoDouoldStu close to downtown with double garage large lot and gas stove and dryer for only $8000 EXECUTIVE HOME Six room bungalow with attached garage asphalt drive patio with barbecue Recreation or family room finished with bar chairs and rug Refrigerator stove dishwndlcr and air condi tioning unit all included in the asking price of $16500 OERAND NEW HOMES several styles to choose from $1400 to $2000 down payment and monthly payments of about $110 In cluding municipal taxes CBUILDING LOT on Grove St needs some 1111 so priced low at only $1400 Indium Call loo Lonnttn PA was Everett sholsweu On 191 Jaclr Wuhan PA Hui Norman shelawell PA am we Howard Non1 PA HAROLD FORSTER AND1 COMPANY REALTORS 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 60453 ANYTIME WHERE THE BLUE GRASS GROWS Three bedrooms living room kitchen recreation room House nearly new and in excellent shape Owner moving as soon as sold Priced right Call Joe Palmer PA 60453 evenings PA 60863 NELSON STREET year old deluxe five room brick residence with recreation room Ceramic tile piece bath and roomy kitchen Fenced and nicely landscaped and only $12900 Call Norm Ecsketh PA 06453 evenings PA 87018 THE PRICE IS RIGHT Well built older Groom bungalt low Excellent condition Bur ton Avenue Dial Maryann SmithI PA 06453 evenings PA 84028 RETIRED Bungalow ideal for two Priced right at only $10000 Spring is only two weeks awaya won derful time to movg to 99 Don ald Street Owner wants an offer Call PA 66453 now Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 82415 98 Dunlop St CUNDLES Large fenced lot 71 140 feet with neat tidy bungalow Kitchen living room two bed roomsraild bath on main floor The basement has furnace room and two bedrooms This house and garage are only years old Close to schools and stores Terms NAPIER STREET Modern three bedroom breeze way and garage Large dining area withdiving room large kit chen with ample cupboards Excellent basement Brick oun struetinn with white picket fence around backyard 0n bus line WORSLEY STREET Three bedrooms large modern kitchen living room andcen tre hall have oak floors Full basement with new gas furnace Close to downtown Comfort able hnme with reasonable taxes and terms JUST OUTSIDE THE CITY Large modern kitchen in this well kept home Livingdining room also bright family room on main floor Upstairs has three bedrooms and bath Two acres of choice garden land with fruit trees strawberries and raspberries add much to the potential of this location right on Highway 11 FARM 100 acre modern dairy farm with large rrlilk contract Could he bought as going concern or farm only Close to Barrie on paved highway MABEL MARSHALLPA 34450 COREYPA 85485 MURlnLdmRYPA 303 Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 galow in Angus SIoutI Agencies LIcI CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 85901 PASTURE FARM 98 acres well fenced with 18 acres of cedar 80 acres good level working land 10 acres plowed balance seeded Creek thinugh property Priced to sell with low down payment 100 ACRES mile Highway 11 Irontoge with good buildipgs Half way between Barrie and Orillin WAITING FOR BARGAIN Well here it is bedroom bungalow Owner leaving city MUST SELL Only years old and carries for $69 morith PII Every offer considered CHOICE BU DING LOTS GROVE ST Through to NORTH 47 225 Asking $4500 Will divide and sell on either street EDGEHILL DRIVE and 7th Conc Vespra 80 190 your choice $1100 to Raoul SHEETS mm ZVENINGS CALL lumv 0001 one 2515 EDIJ GOULD one 1515 HARRY sLFssolT PA 00513 oncA BROWN PA 37265 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA 5531 2mm LOUGEEED sTAYNlm 109W HENDERSON REALTOR 19 COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 32573 FOR SALE NRA resale CcntraLlOnly $74 monthly Low Priced to sell Phone Percy Ford ROOM BUNGALOW This line home has large kitolr en separate dining room and three large bedrooms attached garage and fencedin back yard Phone Percy Ford OLDER HOME Seven rooms onecar gacaEE lovely lot and central to down town$6700 with $700 down Ono mortgage Phone Percy Ford EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDHm PA 34865 Dororm wncorl PA saw PERCY FORD PA 7730 EMERSON SWAW PA M505 Member of Burns and District and Ontario Real Estate Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Iiffin St PA 60476 ANYTHING IS USEFUL AS DOWN PAYMENT Mortgage car what have you on three bedroom brick bun Modern hitch en living room utility room and four piece bath On large lot in good residential area Owner will carry the balance Call this office now PA 00476 Member or the some arid District Real artan board THREE nznlmoivr Bungalow our and onehalf yeafsxold with full basement and forced air on film ace Aluminum storms and screens large lot and close to aehoola Apply at do Cumberland street alter 430 pan interest rater PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT no CARSON REAt To 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Therm PA 6648i Member at harm and manta Board Keith Marsha 11ml nsrArr unoilzll PA 025 15 CLAPPEIITON 5T Moon FRANK NETLES PA moo algmbu harm and nlsuirt itcal nitrite Board MOVING Dont target to transfer your INSURANCE and 11 you need extra coveragc of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 64801 OR PA 64802 113 Dunlap St MAKE AN OFFER Five room White frame house Mellch on Innisiil St Oil ur nnce builtin cupboards 3pc bath Easily heated Best of tar Telephone After pm PA 83832 DARRIZ OWNERS three bedroom bunga low one year old Small down payment Telephone PA was or further information slonoo MODERN four bedroom home with many extras close to schools Substantial down pay mant write Box 56 Blrrlo Ex aminer rllnEI nnnnoori House year old NIIA mortgage in Oak ley Park area Prleed for quick sale Fully landscaped Telephone PA E7754 lew alonsmv Home lor aaio Sunniddlu and Anne street dis trict rtauhed reereauoa roam Must be noon to be appreciated Owner moved to another city aux laus to sell Telephone PA souls 11mm naurmoM 1101151 or aale Two years old at 25 Mar lon area Low down pnyment Will accept trailer as part of down payment Telephone Angus HE N474 MIA nuNGALow on steel street Three bedrooms Lahaped llvlnglt dining area Attached garage Aiu minum storm and screens stone llmpllcc patio One year old Low tam plyment Telephone PA New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards aud storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Largo lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 Amocnvz modern lrnme bun salow 1n Enst End bedrooms dinette good kitchen with divided steel atnla and generous cupboaxd space Large llvlng room and full divided basement with picture win dnws overlooking bay piece colored bath suite rorced air oil heat aluminum storm and screen doors storm windows Includlnd storm or basement picture wln now Largelandscaped lot with fruit harsher shrubs apple tree and rockertes Large ca art with storage cupboard Aspbal ed drive way Phone PA 60353 PROPERTY WANTED This office requiru HOMES for sale in all parsof Barrie also well located HOMES AND HOMES WITH ACREAGE in the outlying districts If you are listing your home for sale now with immediate or 30 days possession or are listing for sale and giving possession in thespring or early summer CALL THIS OFFICE for val uation without obligation or cost to you This office SPECIALIZES in the sale of RESIDENTIAL PRO PERTIES and is member of the Barrie District Real Estate Board and can list your pra perty on exclusive or coop list ing The office has clients waiting to purchase homes who have not found the home they are looking for maybe yours will be the one For sincere personal and con fidential service call day or evening PA 82079 ROSE Real Estate Broker 7B Tiffin St Barrie PASTer Planar wanted to rent or buy Must be reasonably priced Apply to Box 4a Barrie Examiner wnmsn or room house to to years old preferably with garage on heated Close to school to also mortgage desired Mod erate down payment Apply Box 51 name Exlmlrlcr giving ull particulars FOR SALE OR RENT TWO nannnonl Brick Bungalow full basement all heat and rleu hle garage immediate possesan Large EuclidIn lot Allandaie dis trict Telephone PA 57472 lry An Examinerwm Ad rHONE lgtA owe MORTGAGES MORTGAGESlst and 2nd bought sold and arranged commercial and residential moneys loaned on annual mortgages Bdrrla inert woos gage Brokers Pl IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY To consolidate debts as all existing meritcu mortgages comlnl du omd improvement ny worthwhile reuse PA 60081 Mortgage Funding OYEI SimpsonsSears 119 DUNLOP ST MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $l 549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to 85000 and 60 month In repny SEABOARD DISCOUNT 14 Dunlop St PA 66477 MONEY TO LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING EELS Pay cm oil with lowcost lifeinsured SCOTIA PLAN IJOAN TIE BANK OF NOVA SOOTIA FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47e son lvnsxs NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK run LEO McNAllIARA PA 60203 RENTALS lan cosr SPACE or rent Clodn modela buudlngs Suitable for commercial or light industrle Telephone PA 56575 NURSING HOMES PAIIONS REST HOME STAYNER ONT Vacancies now available Ex cellent care given elderly peo ple and convalescents Phone 552 STAYNER ARK EDEN NURSING Bonus 8th for this work 5ch and private rooms kind nursing care good food TV room station war gun or outings Telephone oolu Strand OFFICES STORES RENT SMALL Modern main floor store or mum at 102 Dunlap st West Ampla parking Air condIA tinned $100 monthly Telephone PA Mme days or PA oosln even lnss for further Information By ALICE BROOKS FILET CROCHET Hes so wistful this cker spaniel Makes an appealing but tet set dresser mats chair set This watchdog in filet cro chet protects your furniture faithfully Pattern 74737 charts directions for set 13 16 inch es and 12 in No 30 cotton Send Thirtyfive ccata Icoins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUEI crochet sew weave embroider 200 yes 200 designs to knit guilt in our new 1052 Needle craft Catalog ready now See Beautiful Bulkies in complete fashion section plus bedspreads linens toys nighans SIIpCDVerS plus free patterns Sand 25 cents nowl Olï¬cl ron 1125 one to our rooms central location Call Slcult Agencies Lid neallon leiepnene PA use APTS HOUSES TO RENT null noohls and bath urn tabad Real and Inter aupplled Privan verandab elecln dryer nd washer Telephone PA mu zvenluls PA 51m ENJOY Youll Inst month rent tree One and two bedroom art menu iaullor servlre neata rom us per month Telephone PA no or further informLion srAclous live room unluralahed apartment stove and refrigerator optional Automatic laundry and pnrkln utilities Telephone PA 54865 or PA sum lor lurther de FURNISHED three room Inrt merit ground noor private rot rrnce vrry centrally located pn van bath All servlees Included 10 monIhly ideal for luupld oaIy Telephond PA 55051 No nlznnooalApanmeat In modern apartmentbulielng Cen trauy located stove and relrtg erntor laundry facilities Parklnl lot and llnltor service Avlllnblo Mama relrpbone PA 092 ltlonzlLV all room bungalow ur agr lover lull alxe baseme laundry tuba lllllerut School dir trtrt Rent 395 per month romeo alon March Telephone PA Mud THREE BEDROOM apartment for rent in new building wlrhrr dryer and janitor lervlce auppurd Available Immedtltrly Telephone PA 5215 or lurthrr tnlormatim NBW AND Modem one Ind two bedroom apartmcntv Harlotka scenic Kempenfdlt Ely Hell vu ter sparkan Ind janitor Dome Lucio Antoinan warbiu za cllltlu PA 51902 COMFORTABLE LARGE hrPI room lplrtment Moderta real warm soplrotc entrance ltonld paralng central It has laundro mat Allowlnce lor service is renetaag street PA was TWO RDROOH modem lplfl ment unmrnlshrd lnolueea rtove mlrflcrdtor lulomltlc wnshnr and dryer Scpordtn en race Oil street parking Centn Available March Telephone PA H010 FOUR noon heated npartnaeat for rent unmInlahed with atovo and nfrtlcrltor Pnrklnl apaco Five mmutes walk rom Ftvn Points Telephone PA omo for mrther particulars BUSINESS RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT LAltcd modem unlumlrhed on and no bedroom apartments Ior rrut Privale balb not hater healed laundry ream wtlh dncr Telepboue PA Mm or PA Macs ArnlALrlvz uniumllhcd lhru roem apartment with milale ball Heated anat enlrancr Toronlo Sine location lmmrdille possu alon Telephone PA SGLSS or lur lher tnlormuian Two BEDROOM apartment in mo dera building East End Free laundry larlutlu nemreralor stï¬vnlhntmï¬ld mgr Not suit or rza eir hon Hm THREE BEDROOM modern larger bungalow in cast nod AvaIIabI Immediately on forced air turn Erna Nice kllroundd with garden on par 11 Telrphone PA oasis lar dctllls rwo usonnoil untumlahrd lplnment for rent on main floor of new triplex Back and front entrances Automatic dryer Trio phoae PA $7175 or tumor lnlor matioa TWO BEDROOM nungalow with garage on wooded lot Codrtnnon Street School nu immediate poa union Reference required no monthly Call South Co PA suns Folm noon Apartment tll balh unlurnllhed stove and lrtgeralor supplied Centrally loo caudwa children Avauable im mediately For nlrther Inlnmb tlon telephone PA M241 roux noosl unturnlsbod heated apartment or rent near Oakley Park School Private entrance laundry raellllies and parking lplce Available March Tale phone PA 157330 PunNIsmm heated our room apartment upatalï¬ Icmu lrom Arena Available Feb 15 near 75 Ear month Alao an untumtabrd eatrd modern apartment avoi able 35031 PEEL STREET Two bedroom apartments heated unlurnlahrd One wlth dining room Modeln conveniencel laundry hrllltlu with lanltor service Sailcontlllk ed immedlate polaesslon Tele phone PA Hill FIVE noon House for rent on Margaret street Apgua Tom bedmuu ilvlng room and large kitchen with butlirln cupboarda modern bathroom Aluminum storm and Icmcns Avnllnhlz Feb llarch Telephone PA luary 15 Telephone PA GldlD or In H717 SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Your Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE INSULATION SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service T41 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 ADVERTISING RELAX your ULCER and let us get the business while you get the profit CALL BUSINESS SERVICES PA 82414 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling mingling porches recreation rooms Complete clilnmlnglto houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 CLEANERS 8r DYERS NUSERVICE CLEANERS Clapperton St CLEANERS AND SHIRT SERVICE WE ALSO CLEAN Ladies furlike coats DYNEL OLLEGRQ BORG FOR FREE PICKUP PA $2471 EXCAVATI NG FILL GEMEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stdne Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 1907 FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag Line Cement Busting or raising steel 55 boom shown front loading levelling or backfilling Dozgr work and trucking phone Stewart Con struction PA 07321 HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates Barrio FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 CLASSIFIED INSULATION With No Rockwool THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTT MUN AirTito Insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 211 Free estimates guaranteed work PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Banging pray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrio PA 66950 PLASTERNG STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERI NG CEILINGS ROOMS AchWAvs rArcnns mar ESTMA TERMS NO norm PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 50M PHONE COLLECII RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES OF RADIO AND TV BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS Adelaide St PA 89603 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappertcl St PHONE PA 84562 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED 13mm FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR BARBIE PA 87646 WELL DIGGING WELLS dug deepened and res patrod PUMPS sold and installed KEN WINTER 1R BRADFORD ST PA 60782 hy All Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 DIRECTORY OF UNLISTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS OK JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE PA 66525 AVIS RENTACAR SYST L107 Dnulop St THIS SPACE AVI TELEPHONE PA 8241