Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1962, p. 13

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We Want Better Roads North Men Tell Cabinet TORONTO CPlA group at businessmen from northwestern Ontario met the provincial ca hinet today armed with 39 reso lutions suggesting ways to iro proie conditions in that part of the province The delegation irom the Northwestern tin Associ alcd Chamber of Commerce about 50 strong gave Premier iobarts and his ministers their views on subjects ranging from ocean port status for the Lake head to removal of the logging 1x Thedelegation which arnved here by air from Fort William Tuesday night was headed by association Pre$dent Flatt oi Fort William and secretary King of Port Arthur The group was joined here byRo bert Gibson rccently elected lliberal member for Kendra John Chappic Liberal member for Fort William and William Noden Progressive Conserva live member for Rainy River The Northwestern Ontario group ls formed by chambers of commerce in Atikokan Bar wick Bcardmore Drydcn Erna Ear Falls Fort Frances Fort William Geraldlon Hudson Kclt nora Longlac Nakina Nip on Port Arthur Rainy Ilivcr Red Lake Schreiber Sioux Lookout Sioux Narrows and Upsaln SEEK HIGHWAY PROGRAM Together they seek this stepped up program to complete the Trans Canada ltighway between the Lakehead Paving ol the highway lrom Hudson to Sioux lookout new set oi regulations or the sale and administration of Crown loads more applicable to the requirements of the north ern section of the province Removal of the logging tax which is weakening the com petitive position of the Ontario industry WANTS IMPROVEMENT Improvements oi firefighting methods by building access roads into inaccessible forested ateas extending the trnlnlng program in fire fighting for the armed services conducting more research too new tire tightiiig methods retaining an emergency supply of equipment sud as aerial tankers and hell copiers Early meetings between the Ontario and Manitoba govern ments to expedite reciprocal licensing agreement or trucks Formation of committee to control tourist air traffic in the areato curtail the gross vio lation and exploitation of our territory and resources which is daily growing more serious Construction of permanent provincial tourist centre near Nipigon lollfree Welland Canal jin keeping with the economic in terests of the province Establishment of an industrial development lurid similar to one in Manitoba to attract in northwestem Ontario to assist smaller communities priority rating by the dele gation In other resolutions it seeks road lrom Caribou Falls to Gor don Lake and Werner Lake new mining sites connecting road between Sioux lookout and the Savant LakePickie Lake road An access road from Pine Portage to South Bay on lake Nipigon roadbetween the Lakehcad and Sault Ste Marie WANT ROAD COMPLETED Completion of the access road from Schrelbcr to the Duck Lake area More where warranted Better road signs so tourists can find their way to remote lakes and parks While lines on the outside edges of paved highways Construction of boat ramps and landing acilities in provin cial parks Maintenance oi the present le vel of Lac Scul at 1160 feet above sea level Availability oi timber to sec ondary forest industries on longtcrm contractinnal basis Construction of more roadside parks for overnight campers along Highways II and I7 SEEKS SUBSIDY Those 15 resolutions are and crash program to build Improvement of the Jackiish trial roads uses the gesture to show the length ai shell fragment that carom ed oil the root of her Claliam hay Wash shells Iircd by the destroyer escort Skeenii exploded aver 1L IT WilvaILI THIS LONG Mrs Louise Gossom 70 classic fishermanz house Several the town lwo Canadian nav al niiicers apologized person ally to the widow and says Mrs Gossom they promised they wouldnt do it again An inquiry will try to find out why the Skeehas shells were not all at sea CF Photo from AP But it was the doctorgovem By JACK BEST OTTAWA CPIlo its first western hearing the Hall royal mmiisslnn on health services gut canalt tn the item contest between Saskatchewans medi cal protession and the CC provincial government Two weeks of public sittings in Winnipeg and Regina also produced the first concrete sug gestions from provincial govern ments on how prepaid medical can might be made available to all Canadians Time and again the question at compulsion in any federally supported medical plan was argued betoro the sevenmem bcr commission under Saskat chewans Chief Justice Emmett Hall Another recurring issue was drugs their cost and the promotion activities them mcnt impasse over Saskatche wans proposed medical insur ance plan that came to don lnatc the sittings more particu larly those in Regina Saskatchewans compulsory scheme is tentatively scheduled to go into effect April but it seemed apparent that barring the unlikely prospect of com promise between the govern ment and medical profession this date would have to be de lnyed Either that or doctors would be bucking the plan at the outset WONT COOPERATE The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewanand the Saskatchewan division oi the Canadian Medical Associa tion told the conunlsslon they will not cooperate in the plan They contended it would sub stitute quantity for quality im pose government control at doc tors and destroy the intimate physicianpatlent relationship They said doctors would con tinue to treat patients in acgt cordance with our capabilities but hinted they would demand cash payment Health Minister Davies gave no indication the goverrr meat is considering backing down on its plan He insisted the program Is basically good one and suggested it could serve as model for the rest of Canada with Ottawa paying most of the cost There was general feeling that the Saskatchewan conflict underlined the necessity for an derstandliig ween govem meats and the medical profes slon in approaching any na lionnl program at Slflia sup ported care Manitoba became the first province to place before the commission concrete proposal for lederally subsidized medical insurance Health Probe Caught In Between Factions calm an nutandou national plan compulsory for all and has been inclined to de cmph no the constitutional problems in volved Farm organizations iid sunlla groups also have been tolerar toward the idea of com pulsion contending certain degree of it would be needed to make plan work possible basis or dealing with the problem was advanced by Firestone one at the commissioners who suggested the provinces might decide whether their individual pro grams should be compulsory Those who oppose skate controlled plan have argued it would produce doctor shortages on great demand on their crvices and prolessional modi oerlly that they contend have occurred in Britain Dthers have held that despite shortcomings there is evidence that the British plan has gen erally been success The question of drugs came up many times In Regina the commission heard there isn spread of up to 750 per cent between the price drug stores pay foi dmg and the price to government and hospitals In Winnipeg Manitoba Health tilin ister George Johnson called for creation of national board to evaluate new drugs The Manitoba Medical Asso ciation said drug advertising aimed at doctors Should be con Television Corrupts Writers Author Says ST ANDREWS NJ writer must always worry about being corrupted about sacrificing values for success and security says novelist David Walker fulllime writer for the last 14 years the Scoltlshborn au thor considers television one of the great corrupters at young writing talent today Like televlslon Hollywood tended to substitute mere com petence for integrity the safe augercoated plot for imagina Oil Walker has twice declined to write for the movies although he has profited from the film ing of two of his hooksGeordie and Harry Black Digby which won the 1953 Governor Gen erals Award for tictlon was also ed but never tilmcd He says the British Iilm oi Geordie tilled Wee Geordie remained pretty true to the Canada Council member book but that Hollywood for four years until last April money behind Harry Black 112 Walker says he believes the sultéd in the story being twisted council has achieved large into the same old rut measure of success in promote CLEAR CONSCIENCE tile evolution of Canadian gt culture He says it has done personally have an ques much along the lines of his 1958 tion about conscience ex statement that it should spun cep for few magazineyims sor professional talent in the which write to earn living big league and promote the The 51yeawld author who best of national rather than when not travelling writes at regional talent StrathcrmX his estate on the Bug he doesnt approve of outskirts at this summer Fe granting big fat sums oi sort is something of an addltv money to artists and writers among writers In Canada he Justgivc them reasonable earns comiortable living en dustrics to western On trolled tarin The problem at recruiting medical personnel was aired as It was earlier in the East Grants bursaries and fellow ships were advocatcd as means of increasing the flow of young people into the profession OBJECT T0 TOWER CROOKSCUIIY Surrey The West Surrey Society is ob lectirig to erection of radar tower on Stone Hill near Cro nksbury The tower would be 750 feet high and the society says it would introduce an unsightly and discordant ele ment into what is now one of the most visually pleasing par tionn of the Surrey landscape subsidy on the movement of iced grains and mlllfecds from the West to Kcnurn and the Rainy River district so the Rainy River feeder wont be at disadvantage with the South ern Ontario feeder and regula tion of freight rates on these feeds from Winnipeg to Kenora and the Rainy River district so they will be equal to or lower than the rate from Winnipeg to the Lakehead Emergency airport facilities at Alikakan including the ex tentinn of runways to permit scheduled airline service Completion at airport im movements at the Lakehead Elimination of the refundable portion of tax on aircraft gaso line Greater use oi Lnkebead port facilities by all businesses in northwestern Ontario Federal government action in providing track facilities and ship aproli equipment at the Lakehead in time for the 1962 navigation season federal fund to help indus tries locate in towns which have lost the railway industry PROPOSE TV STATIONS Television satellite stations to serve Longlac Geraldton Na kina Caramat Stevens Hills part and other areas without re ception Municipal relic from welfare payments made to treaty In dians living off reservations and that the care education and welinre of all oilreserve iridians be the responsibility at the de partment of immigration George Hees federal trans lport minister to come to the arid the Manitoba border Early completion Highway I7 between Atikollan and Fort Frances Early meetings with the state of Minnesota to ensure speed construction of the lnlernationa Bridge between Fort France and International Falls Paving oi Highway 72 from Djnorwic to Patricia Corners Le Monde Editor Challenges Assassins To Come And Get Him By ALAN HARVEY But critics are cymcal Pre LONDON CPlAllm WWII mier Michel Debie clinging to by two leading editors show my or political symme how daily deluge ot blood in In which involves blow the streets sickens the French at an Mt to every on the 01 right has renewed his appeal As the nation stirs in uneasy against the two extremee sleep and the cult of violence Communists as well as the quuriates under government OAS that seems unable to distin One is as bad the other guish friend from foe writers said Debra who nevertheless readlull Wiii 19 kmd called on all citizens to save crusading passion thatlntlarned France when parachute up Emile Zola during the DEVI on Metropolitan France was ex case pected last April In Le Monde Paris news aaper noted for independent re REDSIARTICEAT am porting Editor Hubert Béuve UP my on yu she Mary grimly challenges the as and determined cams on to mssins to come and get him gfis¥3ieé°mhgflanalufist C8123 Mm the second two 9135 ernments obsessive fear of the tic bomb attacks against his bl home BeuveMery asks why Eggnizméfg 55 the Fanatics oi the OAS or Speaking of me governmenvs Organization of the Secret my seemingly equivocal attitude Should smke When my former premier Pierre Meade victims ar know their intended Frame said like to be away from home 1y me When que aLakehead to hold trade and TAUNTS TERRORISTS clairns to be waging war commerce seminal One hesitates to be personal against the extreme right he An investigation by he amount Io live on oumrwise But if you judge gentlemen plays into its hands by remov depmmenl to determine tirelyfrom lus crait may Ended become lazy that my existence is so hnrm ing or suppressing the only the causes of high rates pres Ills books are published in Before sewing down to Wm ful why pull your punches force that could resrst it enuy in existence ocean v25 Britain and the United States in this way namely the mass of the pen Eels and suggest remedies as well as inCanada My hours are known my ple Action by the Lakehead Kain VWalker has lived in every con habits have not changed and no hm commissiuuers hang tmcnt north of the Equator His gorilla guards my steps The ate sevenday me demuflage experience in Canada dates deed then is easy and imnu or general cargo Ioi import mlv of you know is about as and export through the ports ézaveMerys paper has be wegi legmiiqogl m9 VI gran munlctp CS in come sharp but sorrowiul lieu of tax revenue lost through critic of President do Gaulles the exempt of timber mm government 955 The blind violence at the OAS pared by immigrants from 3euveMery says aparenlly the Middle East and served by CAMPBELL LTD dictates agrategy of planting plastic bom just when ed urnilure living an Storage retail 55° Commercial Warehousing HEATING FUELS Phone PA 65531 dren are going to school Agents for North American WOULD BE VOLUNTARY Under the plan submitted by Premier Dqu Roblin Ottawa would provide per capltn grants to help provinclnl schemes for making medical in surance available to everyone on voluntary basis In effect the federal ants would go to ward paying remiums of those unable to afford them The Manitoba Medical Asso ciatlon submitted proposed scale at goveniment subsidies for those unable to buy their own insurance These would range from $36 to $108 annually for families depending on sizcand income and from $20 to $4320 for individuals Closciy tied to the whole question of statesupported scheme was whether it should be compulsory for all citizens and doctors This has become central issue It cropped up repeatedly at the first regional meetings last fall in the At lantic provinces The medical protessioii has In dicated it wants no part at scheme that smacks of com pulsion and is on guard against government control generally Chambers at commerce and hoards of trade take similar line Organized labor has advo ADVOCATE COMMISSION Formation at qualified cam misslon to hold hearings throughout the provinceto as certain fcclings of the people on present liquor laws Establishment at commun ity planning branch of the de partment of municipal affairs in back to the late 19305 when he served as aidedecamp to Lord lweedsmuir author John Bu chan who was then Governor General Being an adopted Cona diao Walker says Im much more passionate about Canada and its future His first book with Cana dian setting was Where the High Winds Blow published last year It chronicles the rise of Husky lSkafe from Arctic trapper to industrial giant bent on developing northern mining Interests believe the future develop ment of Canada lies in its inorth says the writer who made two trips to the area in 1950 and 1556 Its the only field in which the country can be truly Canadian without bei nflected by the overlapping litrnerican and European way of er ing for livingVailrer spent number of years In the mili tory after graduation from Royal Military College Sand hurst England Besides his tour in Canada he was comptroller to Lord ancll and Lord Mount gnttcn British viceroys in In Iii During the Second World War he was captured at Dunkerquc and spent nearly five years in German prisonerofwar camps making three unsuccessful ef forts to escape As lieutenant colonel lie was member of the British staff college He married the former Wilma Magee in Ottawa in 1939 While he was in prison camp she was directing the RCAF Womens Division They have four sons have always had the urge to write says Walker who has had seven novels published The Pillar also won Governor Generals ward in 1952 Some of his books which include Sandy Was Soldiers Boy and his first The Storm and the Silence have also appeared in condensed farm He recently completed modest book of about 100 typewritten pages about chil dren an the eastern seaboard FRONT END Another book collection of about 20 short stories is in the ONLY hands of his publisher 88 For Most cm 13 months after its formation CUSTOM TAILORED KITCHEN CABINETS can SIMCOE CABINET and SUPPLY 205 DUNLDP ST PA H091 gt No ANSWER PA H675 Population of Greater Paris was estimated at 8500000 in 1961 compared with 7400000 in 19 EXOTIC DISHES MONTREAL GP Such items as tiropita dolmades and soutsaukatkia were featured at an licnurse dinner organized by the junior associates of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in connection with an exhibition of Byzantine art Food was pre FRENCH CAPITAL PAIt rtA DOMINION TIRE STORES Ilo BRADFORD sr BARRIE PA 85965 OIL Show or Steel Rain or Shine Our truck is as close as your telephone linel BURNER SERVICE BOWENS OIL BURNER SERVICE Does not such cowardice Van Lines Try An Examiner Want Ad 141 ESSA RD PA 842 sickeri those of our officers who order and approve these crlmi FA 65555 PHONE PA 334 nai acts WOMAN WARNS OAS Tart talk also comes Irom Franchise Giraud handsome woman of intellectual tastes She is coeeditor with Jean Iacques Servan Schreiber oi lExpress the leftwing weekly magazine whose deep rooted hostility to the Algerian war is expressed in every issue In short harsh sentences Miss Giroud warns that repris als will follow if any members ni lExpress are injured by the OAS Addressing an imaginary member of OAS she says You mister are member of this gang You dont even try abide it Why should you You know that if your friends win you will get few crumbs from the cake It not you know that democratic regime doesnt liquidate its enemies But you mister will be our hostage Is that clear For every successful act of violence committed against one of our staff we will hold you savs TEMPER BAD This unusual public warning from lawabiding citizen in fraternity is accompanied by Dugnacious threat that IEx press has bad temper and Reflect mister You are 1S neither threatened nor can damned You are merely mister responsible the land of liberty equality and good organization warned few days later Miss Gri olids home was damaged by lastic bombs An earlier at pt failed And bomb ed outside the house of hllippe Grumbach also of lExpress did not go off De Gaullcs government has leclared war on the VOAS some

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