SIMCOE PNESBYTERIAI UCW HOLD INAUGURAI MEE The highlight of the new year for the United Church Women of Simcoe Presbyter ial was the inaugural mceting and service held at Central United Church Ross Street yesterday afternoon More than 600 men and wom en of the county attend ed this historymaking event For the first time in the his tory of the church men of the congregation were in at tendance at the sessions Speaker during the evening session was Rev Robert Watt BA ED minister of hinity United Church To ronto Sessions were open to all members of the United Church in Simcoe Presbytery Business sessions were held at pm and ii pm Regis tration commenced at 330 pm All parts of the county were represented including points as far south as Brad ford Bond Head and Beeton to the north Goldwater Port McNicoll and Vaubaushene to the west Collingwood and to the east Orillin bus load of 35 women represented Midland Above from the left are Mrs Wallace Gough president of Guthrie UCW Cdrol Lane Awards Final Deadline The Canadian Highway Safety Council has warned womens organizations of Canada that Feb 28 is the deadline for en tries in the annual Carol Lane Awards Based on traffic safe ty projects completed or begun during 1961 the entries should go to CliSCs national office at 30 The Driveway in Ottawa The Carol Lane Awards are administered by the Council through grant from Cana dian oil Company Judging by panel of prominent Canadian women will take place in March and the awards present ed to representatives at the winning groups at the eighth CHSC conference in Regina on May First place winner isgiven $1000 and bronze statuette symbolic of womans protective nature To second place goes $500 and plaque of design sim ilar to the statuette Third place get $750 and plaque There are also several certifi cates of merit awarded each year as recognition of projects worthy of mention Presented at the seventh con ference in Montreal last May the awards for 1960 projects went to The Junior League of Hamilton Ont first the Moose Jaw Sask Safety Councils wo mens on second and the Local Council of Women at Na naimo 80 third AN LANDERS Hope For Parents With Right Outlook Dear Ann Landers Our son is 11 years old and just re turned from conference with his seventh grad teacher All my life Ive had conferences with his teachers Every one is teachers has told me that boy has not been trained to concentrate that he daydreams and that we have failed to teach him the meaning of responsib ility lrn beginning to think we havent taught him anything My husband and apparently made every mistake in the book with this child Often Ive wished there was school for parents So many of us need to know how to bring up our children feel like failure and dont know what to do about it Many peo ple have told me weve spoiled our boy yet nobody tells me what we mould do about it Can you DPf Dear DPT Theres hope for you Mather At least you arent blaming the teachers Parents who feel inadequate should get outside help There are child guidance clinics spe cialists who deal with problem children and great deal of useful literature The sdhool principal can dir ect you in eacbof these areas By all means ask Dont allow your unmotivated daydream ing son to drift aindessly from bad to worse And take heart the admission of ignorance is the first step toward wisdom Dear Ann friend of mine told me that you were once in jail He said he saw you there Is this true or false Please answer in the paper Your readers are entitled to know CORKY Dear Corky Your friend is right was in jail in February 1959 spoke to the inmates of the Cook County jail and am delighted to report it was one of the most attentive audiences Ive ever had Not soul walked out Dear Ann Landcrs That lat ter from Mrs fried my eye balls She said and quote He wanted divorce so made him pay through the nose America is the only place in the world where females get away with this sort of armed robhcry If woman tied her victim with ropes put gun to his hand and made him sign over all his worldly goods shed be put in prison in most coun tries Not in America Here they call it settlement and alimony My husband and realized after three years of marriage that it was mistake We had two small children could have put him through the finan cial meatgrinder because he wanted out more man did another woman But 1m not the grabby vindictive type had small income from my fathers estate and good job knew could manage with no settlement and mod est support check We parted without bitterness He still tells our children that Im the finest most highly principled woman he ever met And thats worth great deal to me SATiS FIED Confidential to TO BE OR NOT TO BE Look Hamlet the loot is the big attraction and you know it Its much cheaper to borrow from the bank Dont marry this woman PRAM TOURISTS DUNEDIN VNZ CF For the sixth year in row the Beg bie family of Auckland has set out on longdistance holiday trek pushing all their camping gear in two penarnbulators Mrs Begbie and her children David 20 Bruce 17 and Mar garet 12 plan to cover 600 miles The current tour will bring their total to 3000 miles srorx snows STOREWIDE 20 SALE WINTER COATS AND DRESSES CLEARING up TO 50 STORK SHOP 24 owsu sr PA 34914 KIDS SNIFFLES BAFFLE COUNCIL NEWCASTLE AP Runny little noses triumphed aver cconmy at meeting of the Northumber land county council today Councillor Pickup moved to delete from the an nual school appropriation an item of £750 to buy paper handkerchiefs for kindergar ten pupils Where the spending of money is necessary he said am with the education committee all the wayhut only on essentialsnut nicetlcs Sniffed councillor Mrs Mitchell former teacher Councillor Pickup ob viously has never been in the position of having 42 noses to wipe Pickupa motion was de feated 30 to7 Fun And Frolic Theme 0i Evening The February meeting of hinity Guild was presided at by the new president Mrs Read After the business session members joined in social eve ning entitled Fun and Frolic Refreshments were served by the new executive Mrs Brydges past president Mrs Itead Mrs Thompson first vicepresident Mrs Gremo second vicepresident Mrs Geoff Reid secretary Mrs John Seal membership secretary Mrs It Rollason treasurer Mrs John Stew enson Mrs Ray Smith Mrs Buckland Mrs Firman add Mrs Dalton Swan Community Living Conference Theme TORONTO CP Education for community living is the theme of special conference of the Federation of Women Teach ers Associations of Ontario here Feb 1618 More than 250 teachers are expected to hear the keynote speaker Rev James Robin son of New York who is direc tor ot Operation Crossroads Africa Inc TING AND SERVICE Mrs Bell Barrie new lyelected president of Sim coe Prcsbyteriul Mrs Mabel Wilson Alliston and Mrs Doidge president of Con tral United Church UCW complete account of the meet ing will be reported on this page Saturday PEOPLE AND PLACES Phooe Eileen Dixon or Antony Carlson PA 5657 Notes are Intended to mer lIu general social lilo of the city Ind nunm Weddings universaltel Mr ailyr bridge Irtlco and coming of are parties visitors and tn reflexr are All Item 1125 ext to the women readers of this page Your help to lup plylnl this new will be greatly appreciated RETURN FROM FLORIDA Mr and Mrs Nelson Magee IIffin Street and Mr and Mrs Hamid Ayerst Holgate Street have returned to the city alter threeweeks holiday in Flor ida CONGREGATIONAL DINNER More than 300 persons at tended the annual congregation at dinner meeting held at Coil ier Street UnitedChurch Tues day evening Convener of the event was Mrs Bruce Edey social convener of the Collier Street United Church Women The supper was convened by members of the Evening Circle and Afternoon WA of St And rews Presbyterian Church in charge of Mrs Paul Meger Mrs Megers assistants includ ed Mrs Gordon Watt Mrs Ross Adams Mrs Alan Gun dry Mrs George Gamble Mrs Jim Morley Mrs McKee Mrs inni lifetime Mrs Cecil Young Mrs Don Spo cer Mrs Alf Lamourcux Mrs Don Gib son Mrs Cecil Pringlo Mrs Charles Christie Mrs Huey Mrs Don Marshall Mrs Jack MeCaw Mrs Robertson Mrs Alan Ayres Mrs Noel om TIIE EARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY FEB 1962 News Of Kempenielt Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada ORGANIZATION MEETING Division Commissioner Mrs Frank Carter and the division chairman of training Mrs Graccy travelled to Belle Ewart on Jan 30 where they met with group of interested mothers for the purpose of forminga guide company and brownie pack Although the weather was quite inclement the attendance was most gratifying and signi fied genuine interest in guid mg Mrs Carter outlined the quali fications for both blue and brown guiders the importance of correct uniform the respon sibilities of panrents commit tees and local association groups and the approved meth ods of fundraising for packs companies and LA groups The importance of the prom ise and law was stressed and the general guide and brownie program described NEW LEADERS Mrs Marie Higgins has agreed to take training as Brown Owl and Mrs Curtis as Tawny Owl Both ladies be gan their training Feb at Third Barrie Brownie Pack with Mrs Grocey The guide company will have Mrs Coutts as captain and Mrs Davidson as lieutenant with their training to begin Feb at the Second Barrie Cm under Captain Mrs Parry URGE SUPPORT Kempenfelt Division will fin ance the immediate needs of these new groups Guiding to be successful must have adult support so that we hope the parents of Belle Ewart and Lefroy will stand behind their girls and of fer as much help and encour agement as possible SKATING PARTY The Seventh BarrieBrownies held their annual skating par ty at the Oakley Park rink on Saturday Five girls were suc cessful in obtaining their skat ers badge Twentyfive brownies enjoyed the afternoon out with their BrownOwl Mrs Cole and Tawny Owl Mrs Albert Afterwards everyone gathered at Brown Owls home for re freshments Mrs Russwurm prepared the refreshments GOLDEN IIAND TESTS Mrs Vestgate was present at the regular pack meeting of Seventh Barrie to ypass brownies ready for the Golden Hand test concentrating mainly on singing games THE STARS SAY Hy ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Be as willing to take advice as to give it and if asked to participate in conferences com munity affairs or any group ac tivity concerned with human welfare give all you can of both time and effort Show your ring worth now In general dont stick to rou tine affairs This is good pe riod in which to launch new ven tures FOR THE BIRTEAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that by the end of this week you should note an upward trend in your personal affairs and that this good trend will last for several months stimulating social life romance and many new friendships are pleasant prospectsespecially in August and November and creative and culutral pursuits will be under good aspects during Oc tober In early December take time to make detailed plans before committing yourself in any par ticular line of action in bus ness matter Be sure too that any agreements you make are thoroughly understood by all concerned Good thinking then will get you off to fine start in 1953 SAVE SAVE COAT sus Sizes I4 REG sit NOW 5I6 Rees NOW 680 60 DUNLOP ST SKI SUITS Sizes REG 777 NOW 593 REG l0 Now 823 REG 1299 NOW 997 ZELLERS no 25 SNOW suns Sizes Ibx REG 483 now 366 BUY Now AND CHARGEIT PA 82439 Cotton Mrs Frank Perkin Mrs Ken Cameron Mrs Oliver Cameron Mas Macaw Sr Miss Dorothy both Mrs McDougall Mrs Scblaht Mrs Ed Hooper Mrs Fred Smith Mrs McDonald Miss Mary McIiennan Mrs James Bewick Mrs John Woods Mrs Jeff Cunningham Mr and Mrs Max Matet tab of Parkdale Crescent have returned to the city after two weeks holiday in Clearwater Florida The couple were guests at the home of Mrs Motetlchs uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Charles Anderson WI To Visit Simcoe Manor Littles Hill Womens Institute held its regular monthly meet mg In Holly School with 11 members present Plans were made to visit the aged at Simcoe Manor on Feb 18 Reports were given on current events and citizenship by Mrs Leighton and Mrs Fisher Mrs Fisher accepted the position of 4H Club leader for anodier year with Mrs Lackle as assistant Mrs Price convoner for education gave very interest tng talk on Canadian Bird life with pictures illustrating the various groups such as gnma birds birds of prey summer birds and winter birds Mrs Price was assisted by her guest Miss Edna Theodore who showed colored slides on flowers particularly roses and insects at close range most enjoyable evening was spent in viewing the wonderful world of nature She Looks better now than she did to years ago We all know few women of whom this is admiringly said What is meant very often is She dresses so much better now that she is more attractive than ever The corrective and rejuvenating powers of becom ing clothes should be kept in mind when resolving to Im prove our locks and wardrobes in 1962 What fashions has the new year in store for us Lots of flared flounced or pleated skirts loose middle and silver dresses tied with sashes or drawstrings plenty of strip es going every which way brilliant prints and fragile flouting fabrics for our ultra feminine moments DIVERSITY 0F STYLES Obviously great diversity oi styles fabrics and colors is available and its the wise no man who governs her selection according to her own coloring and figure proportions of course the woman who sews her own once she learns what is most becoming to her can combine fabrics and pat tems with flattering results Sewmg techniques pertaining to the camouflage of figure faults or the playing up of assets can be obtained from the experts at local sewing centres and from several sewing manuals Here are few basic rules The toll slim woman should choose horizontal lines full or doiman sleeves and large ac cessories Rich fabrics and col ors will add grace to her fig IIBr PETITE FIGURE Her short slim sister should keep trimming and accessories small and neat Simple tailor Bules Differ From Figure To Figure ed garments are the best choice for the short stout figure Suits may not be becoming unless they are made in Iiflitweight dark iabriu very simply tail bred and with mediumdength rather than long or cropped jackets Tight fitting garments should be avoided and belts too unless they are very row and of the same shade the dress The fullbusted figure should never no car in tightfitting skirt or louse or in raglan or dolmnn sleeves The flat chcsted figure however re quires draped or bloused front treatment Whether the arms are too thin or too heavy tight sleeves should be avoided in favor of some softer treatment We shaped arms and throats should be emphasized with trimming details Longhaired tors and high necklines are less attractive around thickshort neck but are wonderful for making thin neck look graceful Vcllshap ed legs can be emphasized with hemline detail but older wo men no matter how graceful their throats or legs should never wear very low necklines or very short skirts So in considering the new fashions choose styles that suit your own special type to your local sewing centre will teach you how to combine say neckline from one pattern and skirt from another to make dress that is both fash ionnble and flattering to you MANY SPECIES Virtually all the 500 varieties of cherries now cultivated origi nated with two European spe cies one sweet the other sour BaomR6cks Iet Age Baby mother living near busy airport called the control tower and asked that jet plane be sent over her house so that the baby would stop crying The child had become accus tomed to lowflying planes but on this night North American Air Defence Commonda ner cise Skyshleld had grounded all commercial aircraft This probably is an extremc example of the type of com plaints the RCAF and NORAD receive continually about sonic booms and lowvflyiog planes Most complaints are from harassed mothers who say they have been hours getting baby to sleep only to have aircraft noise wake it up One boy claimed damages of so cents on the grounds jet noise had prevented his tropical fish from spawning He was paid FLY STRAIGHT UP On Christmas Day the first HCAF squadron of supersonic CFtotB voodoo let interceptors went into operation at Uplands Airfield here New flight patterns were worked out so that the Voodoos climb almost straight up from the end of the runway As result there have been no com plaints about Voodoo noise Travel Arrangement AIR SHIP HUS HAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAR RENTALS 01L Johnson and Co Ltd World Wide service on sons in Dunlap nw mm GENERAL McFADDEN 128 PENTANG ST an at forum was CANADIAN ELECTRIC WASHER Model Men YR WARRANTY sn19 EASY TERMS This Is Just One Of The Terrific Buys Featured During Our Huge ODDS SODS SALE APPLIANCE PA 89259 STRANSMANS Year Sale Once DRESSES WINTER COATS SKIRTS CAR COATS GOWNS Blouses fHOSIERY SLIMS SWEATERS There Is Only One Sale Year At STRANSMANSI LADIES WEAR 44 DUNLOP ST PA 84284 15