Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1962, p. 10

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NOW Is The Time To Buy Or Sell Your Car See 10 THE BAPRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY FEB I962 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROUD PARENTS TEE NEWS of the Biased Event can be announced you friends and relatives for only 5150 Just telephone PA 83414 DEATHS PAYNEAt the Genrnl Ind Minna limpiill Owen Sound on Wrdnesdl February 1062 Hub ber lyric In hll 72nd Inn of the late John and Lion Payne of flanlr Kutlu It be Slerklry Dinerl Home 30 Wow It Strut Barrie for Kenin on Saturday February ID It 130 pm ioirrrneor nrrrir Unlon Crrnrtery mu forrurrt Alice at the Royal viclorinliosplini Harris on Tuesday February lace Morgnrrt Alice bumond belovrd wife of could Trucn In her 79th your nrrr mnihrr of Joseph of Toronto lirstlng oi the stecirlcy Punch Home 10 VOrsley Sirest norno Funeral on Frldl Feb rusry rt 915 min to Marys Church uraniuood for rcquiem miss at I0 am lntcmrnt st Brentiiood COMING EVENTS TRINITY GUILD Valentine Bridge and Spring flair Style Slow IlY JOAN GARRICK MONDAY FEB 12 pm Trinity Parish Hall Tickets SOC PA 85715 Prizes BRIEFS FROM BRITAIN BULLS ARE FREED LONDON Tiicntysfour of the Charollais bulls from France in quarantine at London docks for 11 weeks after three others were found to be dis eased and slaughtered have been released and sent through out the country for breeding tcsts Two which have become lame have been held back for treatment and third has gone to the Isle of Man CHECK ROYAL CASTLE WINDSOR Windsor Castle by permission of the Queen is to have nuclear tallcut checking station linked to hund reds of others throughout the country Special recording equip ment is being installed there in an underground shelter APPLES MAKE BOYS ILL IPSWICH Suffolk Apples contaminated by spraying are believed to have caused an ill ness among 745 boys at the naval training school HMA GangesAuthoritlesofthe school near Ipswich have ord cred that every apple must be washed before eating BAN LOUD RADIOS BOURNEMOTH People liv ing at Higbcliffs near Bourne mouth who complained about the nuisance caused by blaring portable radius have been told by their local council that hyslaw is to be enacted mak ing it an offence to play radios loudly in public place GIRLS GET THE SACK HITCHIN Harts Entrants for Hitchins Yokel Carnival Queen contest will each be each be given sack week before the judging date on Mardi They will be requir ed to parade in costume made from the sack CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classifier adver tisements are inserted at the rate of 4c per word per insertion for one and two times 3c per word for three four or five times and 25cc per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFDJD AD VERTISEMENT IS 960 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION malls on CORRECTIONS Advcrilsors am reminded that on phone insertion orders orn accept an as convenience to you the ndvnriiscr Therefore the Classified Advertising Department rcoulror nil advertisers to kindly recncck their advsrussmeni immsdiniely otter asst insoriion In order that any errors or omissions my ho rnporrod onions on in order that name my is rounded tor the follawtng days insertion order We wish to point out cm The Harrie Bxamtncr is resoonsiblo for only onc Incorrectly printed lnsellon nn sny ndvnriisnmrnt an ocn only to tho exinni or portion of ad that Involve the misprinL Errors which do not lessen the vnluo oi tho ndvcrusss man no not cugibio tor corrco uons by make goods Coming Events St per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to25 words over 25 words per word extra in Memoriano No tices $150 if verso used as per word extra am erirm mun Informniion regarding ldvertlsen using nlind Letter nor Numben or Replicr is bold strictly ooniid onilol Replica to Letter Boxes wul bo hold only days after inst day of publlcnunn gt Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication With the ex eeption of Classified Display advertisements which must be In by 1200 noon preceding day displly classifieds may bl ob ladies and type styles or semi tuned through The Examiner Idv verllslns deparbnnnl PROPERTY FOR SALE CARSON ii fiSA DUNLOP ST elm door in infimprrisx nutr PA 6648 lieubrr oi Eamo nno District nu Baud ENDERSON REALTOR I9 COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 81678 vlLNlNGS CALL lier SCANan PA sass DOROTHY wuicox PA mu PERCY Folio PA 37930 IJfERSON SWAlN PA 68605 Member of Ernie Ind District and column lieri Estis Board MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLlED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkway 35575 CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 8M19 93 Dunlop St MABEL MARSHALLPA Misc COREYPA 95488 iiUIUEL JEfiERYPA Mia ROSE REAL mun BROKER 7s TIFFIN 5mm uARRlE cannon on EVENING PA 82379 CAR GARAGE BEDROOMS $1000 down payment is all thats required on this beautiful bedroom bungalow Living room and dining area combina tion large family size kitchen full basement forced air ail heating car garage attached to the home via brcezeway equipped with storms and loca ted on lot 75 200 $75 per month including interest and principal carries the mortgage on it 20year term Iaxcs only about $10 per month Selling at the low price of only$11800 Make an appointment by phon ing this office now ALLANDALE $10500 full price storey home about 17 years old bedrooms and bath upstairs Living room dining room and kitchen down stairs Full basement new forced air furnace large lot garage Membcr of the arms nnd District Rcal Fstnto Board Keith Marshal REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 82592 15 CLAPPERTON sl nAlmIE MONEY MAKER Full price $12500 Taxes $70935 Heating $280 For this apt building bringing in $235 per month All apls selfcontained You figure your own interest 200 ACRE FARM Full price $14000 About 140 acres workable Low down pay ment Easy terms Call us for further details MOORE PA mesa FRANK NELLFS PA sssad iucmbcr Burrte and District nnol nsinte Eond Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 Membcr of the Banin and DIerlct Real Estate Baud MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage oflany kind SEE STEVENSONSL PA 61801 OR PA 64802 113 Dunlop St MAKE AN OFFER Five room White frame house Located on Innisffl St Oil fur nace builtin cupboardsapc bath Easily heated on of fer Telephone after pm PA 83832 ACRES of blshwny ro arty approximately 12 Thugs north of Barrie Will exchunEa as part pnymont on house in hurllo preferably nm em Apply 11 95474 This office requires HOMES in hair so Barrio Examlncr REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS on DUNLOP CONNELL TORS mmcnsr First in Barrisrmuiie SalesFormat in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES CENTRAL LOCATION ONLY $1300 DOWN llr storey stucco home with builtsin garage has bedrooms on ground floor and smaller one upstairs Fully equipped with storms and screens and modern forced air all heating system $8000 The uptodate epiece bathroom is on the main floor for greater convenience and there is an entrance to the basement from the garage This lsyeamld borne is very handy to both Separate and Public Schools and to the North Collegiate Phone us at PA 85568 for an appointment TO SETTLE ESTATE 50 BLAKE STREET $16000 Here is your opportunity to buy beautifully trced setting has spacious rooms oak floors 2car garage and wide lot that most attractive older home In In excellent condition throughout it up and down but water heating extends back over 330 feet We highly recommend this to you as being really good buy SEE IT NOWPHONE PA 05568 NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA 7RO0M SPLITLEVEL 515500 HOME lVYEAR OLD Definitely the new home for the Inmin that needs extra living space chen 7t beautifully proportioned rooms bathroom up bathroom down with grade entrance to lower level from back lawn Has family TVroom plus den convertible to 4th bed room This is truly the ideal largefamily plan at low price Exactly $1400 down payment CMHC mortgage Owner is transferred and would give you very quick possession if desired To see It just call PA 05568 COop Listing ED 518 205 WELLINGTON EAST NOW VACANT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $14 700 Owners sudden transfer to London gives you the opportunity to make full and complete inspection of this very modern 3bed room brick bungalow with garage familysize home with large Its completely settled recreation room plus den At this low price this lovely modern home urrics at $72 monthly plusrtaxes Ccsop listing No 660 Call PA 85568 to arrange in spcction EVENINGS CALL IIIIIS iii MOOREPA Mm ROGERSPA iisoz FOSTERPA ssui CONNELlPi H755 MEMBERS uARRiE dr plsrfucr REAL ESTATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 52 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 50215 PA 60241 NEW NHA HOMES Low down payments from $350 Five and six rooms bungalows and splitlevels Same with fireplace others with garage attached Builtin vanity with tiled bathroom The selection is excellent Call us for further information NEW BUNGALO AT STROUD With large living room kitchen has builtin cupboards and counter space There are tivo bedrooms and aspiecc bathroom Lot is 77 197 more land available if desired Price is $7000 with terms slumber oi ins Burri Rcal Estnto hoard 6mm Compnrli rn Marv Fargo nanny sli 117052 Norman Josh LangPA 55m Charlie floodPA on Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 33951 PA 68742 First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 60 of Value No Fees Charged Yne Longtln PA sous Everett Shclswcll oro is Howard sio9ao Monian four bedroom homo with many extras Close to schools Substantial down pay rnont Write Box 56 Barrio Exs amlnnr mar nabnooai House 35o Years old NHA mortgage in Oak fey Park area Priced for quick sale Fully landscaped Telephone PA o7754 mung BEDROOM HOUSE for solo Two years old at 28 Mar lon Cres Low down payment Will ncccpi trailer as part of down payment Telephone Angus New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE AS4281 PROPERTY WANTED for sale in all parts of Barrie also well located HOMES AND HOMES WITH ACREAGE in the outlying districts If you are listing your home for sale now with immediate or 30 days possession or are listing for sale and giving possession in the spring or early summer CALL THIS OFFICE for Val uation without obligation or cost to you This offiw SPECIALIZES in the sale of RESIDENTIAL PRO PERTIES and is member of the Barrie District Real Estate Board and can list your pro perty on exclusive or map list ing The office has clients waiting to purchase homes who have not found the home they are looking for maybe yours will be the one Forsincere personal and con fidential service call day or evening PA 82379 ROSE Real Estate Broker 78 Tiffin St Barrie WANTED We have client wishing to pur chase Grocery and Mentor Gen eral store in the Barrie area Must be good clean operation with living quarters included Grosr sales around $40000 Con tact Ml Campbell CAMPBELL AND STAMP Realtors 19 Pet er Street South Drillia Phone FA 51366 evenings FA +2292 Is to store szntnzs crii Jack Willson PA onile Norman Shclswell PA 80961 orrin PA was ROPERTY WANFEIT PASTURE FARM wanted to rent or buy lilust bc rnasonabiy priced Apply to Box 43 Barrie Examiner WANTED or room house to lo years old profernhly with garage on heated Close to school mortgage deslrcd Mod mio down payment Apply Box 51 Barrie lnrnmlnor giving full particulars MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY To consolldntn debts Pay off exlstlng mortgages Or mortgages coming due OHome Improvement OAny worthwhile cause PA 60981 Mortgage Funding ovéi SnnpsonsSears 129 DuNLOI ST MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 50203 WANTED small Mortgage at once on good property that is now clear Will pay Tele phone PA 50697 after 530 pm MORTGAGESLit and 2nd bought said and srrnngod Commercial and residential moncys ionnod on assisting mortgages norri More gngu brokers PD 541504 RENTALS NURSING HOMES PATTONS REST HOME STAYNER ONT Vacancies now available Ex cellent care given elderly peo ple and canvalescents Phone 5521 STAYNER ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built for tbLl work Semi nod prlvato rooms lurid nursing care good food TV room siniion wa gon for outings Tclcpband our Stroud OFFICES STORES RENT OFFICE roll RENT one to four rooms Central location Cnli Stoutt Agencies Ltd Rdaltbrs trlnphono PA 85901 SMALL Modern main floor store or 0mm of 102 Dunlap st West Ampio pnrklng Air nondi gonad sloo monthly Tblephano com days or PA 6le even loss for turihsr Inlerrnltlon RENTAIrS now can sun or cicsn modrrn bulldme Suitabl ior commercisi or unit industrini Tciophonr PA 515 APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom spart ments complete with store and lrefrigerator Use of washer and drysr Redeccrated annually PA 61063 RENTALS Column RENTALS mt APTS HOUSES T0 RENT six noon Home for mat Lou rod on per month Trirpbono PA um Harold Font nod can lieliars rwo nwnoaii Apmmzni um furnished hosted round floor Separate enirnnrz Close to West land Finn chmlble Tcicpaono PA M103 rlmu nnnkomi nunslow for rent four year old ncuiv derbb nicd clone to schools 00 innum li includes but wntrr nod light Telephone PA uqu zr psn rwo BEDROOM Apmmsnu for root ucsicd Central location linoroad noon Telepbouo on gum lor further infonnsuon hints ROOMS and bulb furn ishsd Hut and water nrppiled Prints vorsndh electric dryer nnd washer frirpbono PA Mm lvznliul PA slim sPAcloUs fivn room unfurnished nprtmznt Stovc nnd retrfuntor optionl Autnml inundry nnd plrklnl incilluer Telrpbunl PA Mlislss or PA Mm tor furter db nUrtroN AVLNUE Tore room unfurnished upmmrnt ou brotcd hbtwltrr Siam nnd Ingertor Private both Apply ccutru st six noon House for root vltb nuiomriic rns honiinn Three and rooms Centrally fouled Avrilnbl now fnicphono PA Man for run ihcr information ANGUS Small our room unlum tilled house suitable for two ndulis or pensioner Very reason nblc Telephone Siroud mm iwcen mm lz noon HEATED iclfrontnincd rrurizat Ground floor Thrcc in rooms Near school Pulling Private on irrnrc $65 monthly Telephone PA 89m HOUSE FOR RENT flvo large rooms hcniod Lor ed at Sunnis dalc Corners Highway 16 tinson nhir Avnilsblc now Telephone 791W sidynrr STAYNEK Eight room home wltb bsiaroorn nli hutlnl bot wricr Larcly inwn nnd nrdrn Centre or town Mose sci per month Trie ssu Euyncr nounw iwo bedroom ops ment with iovc nffllcntor wr rncr ono dryer 0n mnln door of nonrunsni bulldlnl Avrilbio now Anni no cools Street or PA um rwo annnooii unfurnirned ulf conuincd duplex Living room klichrn dtnlng nru blumcnt front and back entranced Routing for $90 monthly Apply Ill Nlplcr or telephonn PA s1 Anna three rooms with Prtvlto both rrfrlgerrtor nod nous Downtown Suitable for ndulis $5150 per month For fun lhcr informlion lslrpbono PA ems AVAILABLE Prbruxry Two bcdrnom unfurnished lplflment out and water iuppllrd rained tnlnrd Eur rnu locnilon 75 per month Telcphonc PA Mesa nvo usbnnoii hours to rent lrrnc rooms oil furnace full but mrnt Idul locntlon nvexlocklnl Kempcnieli any Adults prcfcmd lclcphono PA 6ian for further Information THREE n00 Eucmcnt Apart mcni heated nelfvanislncd pfl your bath Rclrlgcntur and stove Partlnlly urntshrd Tclrphono PA osaza or PA $2933 for further In fondlion MODERN one and two bedroom opirimrnls to rent East end loon tlon Aulomsilc laundry faculties ro furfticr prrilculnrs isiophono PA szozs UNFURNISHED Ivtn bedroom sclfcontolncdurcund noor spari mcni All utlllllcs suppllcd nnnlop ginger stt arcs Tclrptiono PA NEW nvo Baboon sirnud nrcn Large Ilvlnft room kltchen nnd thrco piece bath Available lmmcdlntcly Telephone siroud ilnll FOUIL noon Duplex for root unA furnished hcaicd ltciisOhiblc Avoilsblo now Tclcphonc PA boaol bungalow THREE noon unfurnished nut cd lplrtmcnt or rent salmon lnlnod separate entrance 555 our mouth Avnllnblc lmmcdlricly Tclsphonn PA M170 or PA Mm LARGE nicely decorated onn hcd room lowor apartment henicd sclbconinlncd Ccntrnl location Children wcloome Tnlcphono PA 50681 mun R00 Apartment for rent Prlvntc bath unfurnished nnd hlatw od privnir cnlroncc Close to schools and bus Children welcome fax 39 Barrie Examincr mun n00 bath frlgcrnior Ill plied Ccntrolly lo catcd No chldrcn Avsllnbln lin mrdlaicly For furihrr inform iion iclophono PA 6024i ssn iloNrliLY fhrcc room un furnished Selfcontntncd nonri merit Separate wiring Central lolt cation Parking flcllttlei lfrltcd Telephone PA 07591 After pm for furibcr details rlmcn noon fumlsbrd Inlrt mcnt or rent Hosted neirlrero tor hnrvy duly riovc hardwood noors Sclt conisinro Avrlirblo Immediately Armstrongs nnrd worn PA Mm UNFURNISIIBD two brdroo Ipnrtment heated contrnuy loc ied Porklng provided Rent 10 monthly Tclepbnno PA BNED or After can pm PA 03695 unca sovcn room house for root lhrcc bcdrooms two brihs loralzo oak floors Central iiot wnlcr heating Avnllublc now Ap Ply 73 Dundonnld sinoi Barrie or telephone PA Mm uNFuansliEn THREE bedroom duplex modern conveniences cum in Camp Bordon schools and churches Private entrance nu sonoblc rcnt Avollabln February 15 Telephone Ivy SRII Apartment Ufa unfurnished Siovo and SMALL fumlshcd bnnhclnrslrod apartment centrally loraiod mod crn Scpnrntc cnirnnco soilcon ininod Tsicphonn PAJMaSl snor opm UNrUnNisiiED luwcr apartment for rent Thrcc rooms and bath Automatic hclitlrig Good location Available now Telephone PA Marl TWO nannnoil unfurnishod apartment for rent on main floor of new trlpicx Back Ind front entrnnccs Automatic dryer Tzln phone PA iims for further infor mutton run ISIIED brce room Apart mcn Eround floor Private cut rauce Very centrally located Pris vatc bath All services included $70 monthly Ideal for couple only Telephone PA 66054 TWO nannooll Apartment in modern apartment building Con trnlly located Stove and refrig crotor laundry facilltlcs Parking lot and Janitor service Available lunrch Telephone PA 66092 MODERN slx room bungalow lur ngn lovnly full slze basement laundry tubs Hlllcrest School dis trict Rent 595 per month Posses slon March Telephone PA aadzL THREE nannoool apartment for rent In new building washer dryer and janitor snrvlcn supplied Available immcdlatciy Tclrphono PA 82352 for further information AVAILABLE NOW Unfurnished thrcc room npnrimcni some up stairs Privan bnihrooro Sechon inlncd Oil heat Block from Post Office Small bsby wclnomn Tele phone PA M751 hcfoin 630 pm NEw AND Modern one and two bedroom npsrimcnis overlooking iconic Kampbnfeét Edy 32ng or on so or izclu ed Agutomuuc wnsbioz ra oiuucs PA 9oz TWO BEDROOM rent Tastefully decorated beat Aluminum storms and screens All convcnlcncns Write Box 53 Banl laxminer or phon VA 73300 Oakville COMFORTABLE LAncn three mom apartment Modersin rent warm sepsrnic entrance storage Parking central at our laundrOlt mat Allowance for scrvics 15 Penctung Street PA 34543 ALLANDALE District rhrce room apartment with both private eu trance parking newly decorated Heat hydro and water supplied 65 monthly Available Immzdlnte 1y inlnphono PA E9519 FOUR Ronni heated apartment for root unfurnished with stove and refrigerator Parking lpace Five mlnuics walk from Five Points Telephone PA omo for turthcr particulars Amncma unfurnished three roam apartment with private bath Heated Privnto xcntraiafei Toronto location mmc posscs 33 Telephone PA 53555 for fur ther information Bun slow for Oil THREE BEDROOM modern larger bungalow in East End Avallnblo Immediately oil forced air rumi ace Nice grounds wlth garden Good parking Telephonn PA H649 for details Poun Roollf unfumlshed heated apartment for rent near cokiny Park srhool Private entrance laundry facilities and parking space Available March Tole phone PA 137330 PEEL STREET Two bedroom apartmEnu hosted unfurnished One with dining room Modern convonicnccs laundry facilities with Janitor scivice Saltcontour ed Immedlnte Possession Tele phone PA 08122 Frvr nooni House for rent on Margaret Street Angus Three bedrooms living room and large kitchen with builtin cuphoards modnrn bathroom Aluminum storms and screens Avnlisble Feb ruary l5 Tclcphann PA 51519 or HE 95719 ivAluu unfurnished thrcn room hcalcd apartment sclfscontulned with private bath Elst end Close to stars and bill slop Availbio March Telephone PA Milo runmsucb modern heated three rnnm apartment with three place both Private entrance Parking facilities Telephone PA smo after pm for further informs ilon ROOM 8r BOARD able for two Apply in Bradford Street for further information ROOM AND noAnD avallublc East nnd location Will pack luns ghfin if drslred Telephone PA NICE urile Furnished Room in modern home Board optional Lo rated in Allandolc Parkldg inclu ilcs Tcllphone PA ssiso By ALICE FROOKS LUNCHEON SET They cost so little to chrocbet in string yet this oval pair adds such an elegant touch Practical and pretty set luncheon table with pineapple doilios or use them on dresser or buffet Pattern 7075 dirccs tions oval dailies in string Send Thirtyfive cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 50 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUE 200 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quit in our new 1962 Needle craft Catalog ready nowl See Beautiful Bulldes in complete fashion section plus bedspreads li toys afghans slipcovers plus tree patterns Send 25 cents nowl ROOM 8r BOARD WANTED warn2n Suiisbls boarding plan for younr rrnilrsnnd slur In within wolkinr diunnrn of Dun lop nnd noyririd Sinus Apply in Izmir in use Arcoonuni The book of vs scou nonfr ROOMS TO LET runmsiilm Bedroom sod ram living room bathroom and knob on privilege until two other ywnx women for furtosr Infar nnilon tclrphooe PA Mali ARTICLES For SALE FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnace now between Jan lSLh and Feb 23th and get your dual air attachment FREE with every complete installation Reg $69 rocho Am OIL on GAS NEW $110 Finance Rate Phone collect strand Illls WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Strand law Overhead Low Colt PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner if you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please ca at our Busi ness Office We arr sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 x10 $125 plus trx NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 Ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply Tho Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFH STREET PA 66531 80 Who Doesnt Read Small Ads YOU DO Call PA 82414 Any one of the three classified ad takers will be glad to assist you with your copy MINNOWS for wintcr fishing for sale Apply Little Loire Cndnr Pork Barrie lclcphono PA saass cAsn LOANS$500 rt 12 per month Telcpbouo PA com girliscbnt Honors 25 humor St VACUUM CLEANER for sale New No mnncy down small monthly payments Telephone Lisle for mrihor particulars HOT WATER Tank 22 gallons with electric immrrsion heater fully insulated ready to instalL Telephone PA Mass AmNrmN risnniinfdNSsltcd minnows for sale By the bushel Telephone 5255803 lilidinnd tor further information SMALL donor or sale Wiu sell complete or motor separate For turthcr informnuon telephone Drillln FA +1035 ONE mun Snow Tires for sale tube type 670 15 practically now Will sell with or without Ford1wlleels Telephone Angus HE 9542 amen linpossnssed Glide Vacuum oicnner Regular $9950 sclling for $5950 Slrwcr Sewing Machine Company Barrio tcicpbonn PA 31960 FUR WRAPS Jackcu and Coats for solo or uchlnse Repairing reunlng Ind remodelling Moder nto prices Apply lililhurn and Son 132 Dunlap Street WcsL Barrie Telephone PA um DUOTHEE Oil Spoon Hester complete with fan Chesterfield and Chair lied and nrrsser Used articles in good clcnri condition Ed Bali Furniture 12 buyncld Street PA 80003 some MACHINE roi sale Ke more uutomntlc zlgzag all tnchments coolant model with hcncb used six months Reason nblc Telephone PA butsz after pm SCUBA Equipment ror sale used only months ltke now Slnxlc stsgc two hose rnguiator Anon Lung tank constant rescrvo vsive arc one with harness V4 fcsm Neoprene wet suit complete slro mcdium Fins snorlrci mask weight belt 17 pounds of weights dlvcxs flag and our orofnsslonni dlvers knife ouiin rcssonnbio Phone PA saw after non or call or 47 Morons Street CLASSIFIED andcn EASY CLEANING Just For You coaLlN vncuuu Cleaner lo almost new condition complete with bassock $3950 CGE complete with attachments and super swivel lop sum AIRWAY with new motor new nylon hose $3650 ELECTROLUX in extra good condition completc with all at tachments $2850 LEWYI with large wheels many extra bags $35 RUTON This is brand new unit retail value $14950 Sal price $45 Made in Holland lhcseare all sold on our rcgii lar guarantee Phone for free home trial FILTER QUEEN SALES 87 MAPLE AVE BARRIE PA 83482 TRACYS mica QUEEN READ THIS FOR YOUR HEALTHS SAKE Germs are carried or dust BUTdust is eliminated with Filler Queen Health unit Even nicotine is cleared from the air You breathe CALL PA 03482 50 off on health unit hassocli with this ad DOGS PETS PART nusz Puppy for ma female 12 week old Good with chlldrcn To good home Fauna PA 85617 BOATS MOTORS MAKE YOUR OWN Prrinii Canal Folnu nnd potionis for info Very masonbio Apply rt Eugeiill street for out detalli ARTICLES WANTED om PAIR Boys slrolu wanted rim Telephone PA mail == FARMERS MARKET ADEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled catdo and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phonc BARRIE FA S775 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE noun day7 any or work NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmcad Ontario License No 139061 LIVESTOCK SIXTEEN REGISTERED Gunmey Heifers for solo twelve militia Ind four due Tolephono ivy will for iurtacr Information LIVESTOCK WANTED BEEF cArrLE WANTED Hob stein Hereford or nurhnm steer prrfcrxcd other breeds if rah sonnbly priced eris Box 55 Barrie Exominnr POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen arc choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problem call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROIJD PHONE 17 STARTED runners for sale Kass Kimber and local new Leghorn Pullets in weeks Feb 19 iii weeks March 2o weeks march 19 They are lovely flock of pullets raised under ideal conditions not water brooding Dont worry about buy ing these birds it your pens are cold they are all roosting and the temperature cut down to bar den them up l2 years in started pallets and lifetime In poultry Vaccinated dcbcakcd dcwormcd and delivered It Andrch is Sun RR Seaforth phone MORE AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR sAE WHO ELSE WANTS ANEW CAR Buy It Now With LOWCast LifeInsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OI4 NOvA StOTIA i951 Blch for rain door hard top very clean oar Take over payments of $47 monthly Tclc Phone PA 60288 after pm 1950 MERCURY four door hardtop station wagon Ninn pssscnner Automatic transmission custom built radio power steering power brake and power windows Now traumlssfon Take over brisnco nwing or sis per month Tele Phonc PA Mona DIRECTORY OF UNLISTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS OQK JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE PA 66525 AVIS RENTACAR SYSTEM 107 Dnulop St THIS SPACE AVAILABLE TELEPHONE PA 82414 ARTICLES for SALE

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