Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1962, p. 4

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atria IIIP Publbhed by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager TUESDAY FEBRUARY SIPix Quickest Way To Tax Cuts 3315 Simply ThisCut Taxes Asked at an export trade promotion conference whether the government plan ned to reduce taxes in order to help Canadian business Trade Minister Hees Treported You tell us how to reduce taxes and youll be our friends for life it was tragic implication that the government at Ottawa has tried and fail ed to find ways to economize even though it realizes that high taxes add to the cost of producing goods and make export sales that much more difficult propos al that the government find the answer by just deciding to cut taxes and leaving lt to the various boards and departments to find the way to get along on less may seem oversimple Yet just such proposal and an exam ination of its potential benefits formed the gist of recent speech at the annual meeting of the Canadian Exporters Asso ciation by its retiring president Vanderploeg The way to cut taxes iscut them $aid Mr Vanderploeg Such action should take the heat off prices and the steam out of wage demands because business and individuals would have more of their own money left to save invest or spend as they see fit instead of having the government spend it for them Any reduction in prices made pos sibie by tax cuts would increase the put chasing power of past savings as well as current earnings double gain low er prices would or should reduce the cost of government as an expenditure of less money would buy the former volume of goods and services if indeed the former volume was needed Obviously high level of government spending it warrant ed can be achieved through fewer dollars of higher purchasing power just as read fly as through more dollars of less value History shows examples of reduced tax rates that resulted in an increase in the volume of sales from which was re alized more tax revenue than was true at the former higher rates More indi vidual income tax revenue was also de rived from the resultant higher employ ment and unemployment insurance pay ments declined If Canadian exporters cant expect special tax treatment which our competlt itors get in some countries the alternat ive as previously implied is general lowering of the tax rate which certainly would squeeze some of the inflation out of our costs and enable us not only to export to better advantage but to more readily meet import competition as well more active domestic market helps off set possible loss of exports and dont we all want more Canadian fabrication of our indigenous raw materials EHe Might Mention His Own Liberal Senator Thomas Crerar last vweek expressed strong objections to the governments proposal of increasing the old age pension from $55 month to $65 He also said in the same speech that he is opposed to the liberal partys proposal to boost the pension to $75 unless it is based with contributory principle The pros and cons aside it is interest ing to note that Senator Crerar is over 80 years of age He has his needs very nicely looked after aside from his own savings by one of the most expensive old age pension schemes in the world the Canadian senate As senator he is paid salary of $10000 year as long as he lives and for as long as he can attend sessions We suggest Senator Crerar or very few oth er senators are the people to talk about the expense to the taxpayers of old age penstons Down Memory Lane 25 YEARS AGO FEB 1937 Phillips skipped Barrie rink of Jack Craig Simpson and Cliff Elrick at Elmvale curling bon spiel Rev Dr JAS Shortt had local en try withHarry Armstrong Andy Mal comson and Herman Osborn Merv Lennox scored four goals for Thornton Maroons but his team lost to Stroud Hawks 86 in South Simcoe hockey Philip Love reelectedpresident of Bar rie Curling and Athletic Club Limited with Alex Brownlee as secretarytreasur er Directors were Boys McCuaig Frank Jackson and Dougali Matt Robertson Harry Hook Charlie Beelby and Sully Meredith skip won the group by beating Meaford in the final and won the right to represent Bar rie in the Ontario Silver Tankard finals at Toronto Oliver Cameron skip Ab Simon Harry Armstrong and Dr Norm an Rogers won the Burden group com petition Allandale YMCA member ship was biggest for eight years rising from 20 to 123 in that time George Webb CNR engineer and David Hutch lngs collegiate student were added to the board which comprised Dr Lewis McMillin George Burns Blair Morrison Bell Fraser Smith Wisdom and Pugh The executive secretary was Lloyd Merrill Sutherland of Stroud reelected president of Barrie Agricultural Society for fifth term Malcomson added to board of direc tors Barrie Fair advised it would get rating by the federal department of agriculture which would mean an added grant of $2000 Grant Mayor gen eral merchant at Newton Robinson was host for his annual Customers Party with over 100 attending in two halls Mr Mayor also conducts successful life insurance busmess as subagent from Barrie Barbering trade in Barrie was organized under the provincial act regulating wages and hours Local advis ory council consists of Overs Kerr Houghton Nelson Magee and Edward Barker Oiher Editors Views FROG LEGS TODAY Liberation Paris We French were nicknamed frogs because we loved to eat frogs legs Be fore the First World War the owner of oneacre frog form could easily make fortune But times change so that now rrog ralsers 1n the Vendee complain that they sell only 44000 pounds of frogs each year Most are eaten at the Paris restaurants in Les Halles above all by North Americans Britons and Germans LINK WITH THE PAST Windsor Star The Womens Institutes in Ontario are reviving what once wasa fine art in this province That is in the making of hooked rugs The time was when the womenfoik no tonly made their own rugs but their own carpets There is current emph The Barrie Examiner Authorized second class mail Post Office Department Ottawa Ind for payment of postage in cash Dally Sundays and statutory Holidays enema man wants Publisher nurau snarcnr General mum Mormon Managing can cnantss wanna Bpslnul olanucr nanny wusoN 19mm unnum JOHN downs emulation mum Subscription rate daily by mm week sins year singiecopy 1o syntun onmi mm your on mono on thin months 015 month Outside Ontario moonu Outside an ode szuou year Offices 425 University Ave Toronto an cnnmt sum Montreal mew Georgia Street Vancou Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Pub mum Association The Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Ciroulatlons The Canadian man Is excluslvnlyfintttied to the use or repubalcliilmlz of filthan aisrittiiungrgscn or credte gt as or rsncae him and also on local nuns ottoman thumbs asls on the wailtowall rugs or carpets This actually was pioneer practice and it had utilitarian purpose In the days lbefore central heating the floors would be cold thick carpet was method of keeping the feet warm These carpets wererwrellmacle and durH able The booking of rugs was an art in itself They were colorful in their hues and in their patterns They would come in all shapes and sizes from small bed side ones to large ones for the parlor They also were cheap Housewives never discarded old materials They kept them cut them into appropriate stripsdyed them and hooked theminto rugs These rugs and the oldstyle Quilts were assurance that no textiles would be wasted SECRET SHELTERS Wall Street Journal Fallout shelter builders strivehard to guarantee buyers secrecy Milwaukee builder advertises unmarked trucks for secrecy tells workers to pass them selves off as TV repairmen to nosey neighbors People do not want their shelters jammed with neighborsrln real alert BIG TIME SPENDERS Ls Nazlone Florence Inflation in Italy finally will benefit those convictedn crime Until now those who could not pay flnes served iail sentences instead at the rate of one day equals 35 cents Erom now on one day of jallyvfll be valued at $8 Everything is worth more today even time explained one official N0 TIME FOR warsrrsrors TO YOUR monolach Teens Dont Want To Be Different ny rosEPn MOWER Ml Dear Dr Molner Is there any harm in going without head covering in temperature of 40 degrees told my son who is almost 14 that if it is cold enough to wear heavy coat it is cold enough for hat The other boys dont wear bats and naturally he doesnt want to be different Mrs EP None of em do at that agal Ive seen em going to school bands stuffed in their pockets shoulders hundred in their lack ets obviously uncomfortable but preferring discomfortto be ing different Thats the teens for you Sort of silly isnt it And arent teenagers silly or not fun to have around us As to health dont think they harm themselves When it really gets cold enough to mat tor theyll wear our muffs or put scarves over their heads or something The immediate is frostbitefreezing of the ears and nose However this doesnt happen at 40 degrees Teenagera should keep their bodies warm sweater under jacket and pair of gloves or mittens help avoid overall chilling Circulation of the blood will prevent damage tithe ex posed faoe and head if the temperature goes down to the point at which frostbite is possible the discomfort is enough to impel youngsters to keep theirears warm Naturally dont like to dis rupt the arguments of loving mothers but just the same dont feel that any physical harm comes to teen ager from going barebeaded 13e sides nothing write is going to persuade one kid to wear headgear if the others dont Teenagers may not use their ears to listen to you or me but they DO use their ears to know when they start to hurt and its time to get them covered up Dear Dr Molner Can cal cium spot on the lung be dan gerous And does it show up on xroys II Yes calcium deposits show on xrnys but they merely mean that some infection has healed TB histoplasrnnsis etc No treatment is necessary Dear Dr Molnerx am 15 TODAYIN HISTORY By The Canadian Press FEB 1962 George VI died at the royal residence at Sandringham Eng land 10 years ago today in 1952 Elizabeth and Philip then on visit toKenya immediat ely flew back to Britain 1929 Charles Lindbergh inaugurated the first airmail service between the United States and the Panama Canal Zone 1945 The House of Lords passed bill nationalizing the Bank of England BUILDING BOOM LONDON Ont CP Large commercial and apartment pro lects are slated for construction in the next two or three years ill building boom in the mid town area Projects include lWapartment building motel and seven storey commercial building One hotel and motel now are under construction and during my menstrual period went swimming My aunt sid it wouldnt hurt me but my mother wns furious She ssld she once knew girl who used to go swimming as well as take frequent baths and wash her hair during this time It stopped the flow and the girl died of cancer Will swimming taking baths or washing the hair do this Nobut its notion that is being repeated from time to time have no doubt that tragic case such as your mother described probably DID hap pen but it didnt happen BE CAUSE of swimming bathing or washing the hair My only wérds of caution are these For the sake of dainti ness be cautious about swim ming in pool if flow is heavy The some for bathsbut show ers are an alternative Wash ing the hair isperfectly all right There is no health risk from any of these LETTERS TO EDITOR Dear Sir On behalf of the executive and members of the former Sirncoc Prcsbytcrinl of the We mans Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada would like to express our sincere and grateful thanks for the splen ctroperation given us by yourself and your staff during those many years in publishing for us the reports of our meet ings it is our earnest hope that this service may be continued with the work of our new organization The United Church Women Yours sincerely Mrs Mary Allen Corresponding secretary Slmcoe Fresbyterial wars PRESIDENT AILING ROME AmPresident Gio vanni Gronchi 74 came down with the flu Sunday and doctors ordered him to stay in bed sev eral days His illness will delay formation of new government in which Premier Amintoro Fanfani hopes to include the farleft Socialists with his own Christian Democrats probably until the end of the week srpoarraom or Get First Lessons On Use Of Cooker By McINTYRE 1100 Special London England Correspondent for Tho Barrio Examiner LONDON About 100 house wives ln England are being given their first lessons in how to use an electric cooker They are not however ordinary British housewives They are the women who were evacuat ed from the island of Tristan da Cuhnn when their villages and homes were destroyed by volcanic eruption some weeks ago 0nbeing evacuated from their island the Tristan da Cuhna families were transport ed to England and were found temporary accommodation in former army camp On their own island such thing as an electric cooker was unknown But now that permanent homes have been provided forthem the housewives are haying to undergo training in the modern ways of iiie gt From their first quarters at Pendoll Camp in Surrey the islanders about 260 in number have been transferred to ac commodation in the married quarters of the former Royal Air Force Station at Calshot in Hampshire WELLEQUIPPED In these new quarters they will live in brick houses with two or three bedrooms equip pad with all modern convem ences All of them have electric stoves The Colonial office which is in charge of the welfare of theserefugess from eir vol canic island is not rus ing the women into learning to cook by modern methods On their arrival at the new quarters their meals were providedby the Womens Voluntary Servrcc This organization has cared for the islanders in their wooden huts at Pendell Camp since they arrived in this country from their volcanoravaged Island Each family also was delfgh cd to find in their new home that the iarders were stocked with sufficient food and their bunkers filled with sufficient coal to lost them throughout the winter Their comfort is fully ensured as their homes are equiped with water boilers electric wall fires and immer sion heaters They will for the first time bacomeinvolved in types of home equipment which are unknown to them in their former homes WILL FIND EMPLOYMENT The administration staff Pendell Camp consisting of Peter Wheeler Dr Norman Samueis and the Rev Charles Jewell travelled with the island ore from Pendell Camp and at will llvo with them for some gt time at Calshntt to assist them in the problems of settling down in the new quarters provided for them spokesman for the Colonial Office said as the people from Tristan da Cubna were safely housed As the islanders gradually become resettled as ordinary residents of Great Britain the Colonial Office responsibility for them will diminish and they will in due course become self supporting OTTAWA REPORT Chinese Suppressed In Canada MP Says By PATRICK NICHOLSON WAWA Ibo lineb dirtied in one of the most sordid out tudea in our history was fur ther sullied dunn the throne speech debate refer to the shameful conse quent of tho inhumane Chl nese immigration act which even that dedicated Libfial pol ltlcian Jock Plckersgill as de scribed publicly on one of tho acts by liberal governments of which as Liberal am not very proud That act was re aled in 1941 the year in whi the then Liberal prime minister lilac kenzis King set out in Purlln meat his principles for immi gration But the years rolled by and Liberal treatment of the Chinese failed to match their sonorous words In each of the next to years less than 2000 Chinese immigrants were ad mitted but more than half of those are estimated to have at tnincd Canada under falsepnr ticulars Canadian citizens and resi dents of Chinese origin did not enjoy the generosity extended to say GermanCanadians or American Canadians in the classes of relatives whom they might sponsor as immigrants These restrictions would only admit wives or husbands un married children undor is and old parents This was grass inhumanity to ward settlers who naturtu desired to be re united withtheir inmilics RIGHTS VIOLATED In fact as Douglas Jung the Chinese Canadian MP from Vancouver has pointed out it created suppressed class of citizen and flagrantly violated the Bill of Rights But there were loopholes lllegoi yet very wide Suppose ChlnescCunadian went back for long visit in his return to Canada he might declare that ho had married his wife had borne him son and was again pregnant As unmarried minor sons might be admitted to Can ada that created two paper sons An agent sometimes Chinese sometimes white would approach the father and offer him up to $2000 for each slot to enable another mans son to enter Canada as his own The normal tariff is $100 per year of age These agents have been described in Parliaman QUEENS PARK by Immigration Minister Ellen Fnlrclougb as racketeers en goged in sktdduggcry flius the Diefenbaker gov ernment inherited from the Lib erals this sorry scandal that mummillion dollar racket was vich the Chinese and had to be stamped out So it launched an investigation two years ago Mrs Fairclougb has made it hbundanLly clear that this investigation was aimed at killing the racket at regularix ing the position of tbe Chinese who had entered Canada under false particulars and especially at making it clear to the Chi nese that they could now ob tain the full assistance of her department in arranging the entry of relatives without my log extortiunate fees to agents WANT TO HELP Not single Chinese has been deported but 29 rockctccrl have been arrested Fourteen have been convicted and the others await trial Mr Douglas Jung himself born in Canada of Chinese par ents is respected MP He is lawyer he served with tho Canadian army during the last war and attained the rank of captain He has personally as sistcd many of those victimized Chinese to come forward and have their position regularized and he has unramittingly worked to assist the present government to correct the un hnppy situation created by the previous Llhernlpollclcs Now the regulations no longer dis criminate against Chinese Ca nadians Douglas Jung was instrult mental in bringing into effect the new regulations concerning in immigrants Mrs Fairclough told me He made repeated representations to the government to have that wrong corrected as has now been done Presumably in ignorance of his work Ernie Regler CCI member for Burnaby Co ult larn charged that Jung ad drasged through the mud the good name of tens of thousands of loyal Chinese and smeared people of the some origin himself Small wonder that when Mr Jung rose in Parliamenton question of privilege to deny this charge Mr Regier blushed as red as his socialist philos ophy Government Now By DON OHEARN TORONTO Come and get it You dont even have to stand in line Theres not 100 per cent guarantee If you want some thingyou just possibly may not get But your chances never have been better And they probably never will he again The government here is in mood to give Before Mr Roberts took over as premier the Progressive Cons servatives were bit fearful The inroads the Liberals made in the 1959 election got them restless The byeiection results in which their vote was reversed have them plain worried And it looks as though one of the immediate results may be an attempt to buy back the voters WERE NEAR HOME in one day for instance the minister of highways announced two new bridges downeast They were both near the min isters Goodfeliow home grounds But even so two in day Thats prodigality Mr Frost would have won at least two elections out of EACH of those bridges It might be good idea how ever to get in now while the getting is good There are fair to middling in In Mood To Give Roberts has not been consulted by some of his free wheeling ministers And it just could be that when he catcheson switch will be thrown on the gravy train By nature Mr Roberts would not seem to be speudthrift Also it would be surprising if he turned out to be vote buyer Arid further be is not one to panic So whilethe iron is hot at the moment it could cool off qulddy Except for the north The north one suspects will be getting favored son treat meat from this government for some time to come The vote situation for the govlt ernrnent is worse in the north than it is anywhere of course But beyond this it also knows that development assistance is probably more important there than in any other areas of the province And with the Monsoneo port dream knocked out some fancy footwork is called for to get the area into high gear CHEMIST GETS GRANT NEW YORK CFlDr Alex ander Harrison of the Uni versity of Toronto has been awarded two year research grant the Alfred Sloan Foun dation anuounced Sunday Tun constricted grant will enable Dr Harrison of carry on pure research in his field of chemis try and geochemistry dlcationl that perhaps Premier HUBERT The islanders were given if quiet but cordial welcome to their new homes And now representatives of the ministry of labor have stepped into the picture to assist them in find ing local employment so that they can become independent BIBLE THOUGHT The Lord our God broke on th upon us because we did not care for the ark in the way that is ordainedI Chronicle 113 To change Gods willto suit our own wishes is as wrong as open rebellion God has ordain ed the proper use for mans mind body time talents and money Hubert was only joking Irenewed love to come to your confirms mt

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