Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1962, p. 3

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TIIE FAMED Aquateerr from Camp Borden will put on an under the ice diving exhibition for thousands of residents and visitors to the Winter Carnival this week end above are members at the team readying for dive JAquateers Dive Under Ice In Winter Carnival Feature Ttie Aquatecrs oi Canada lrum Camp Burden will take part in the city of Barrie Wing tcr Carnival 1952 edition On Saturday and Sunday 10th and 11th at February they will car rv out dive through the ice in the vicinin ni Barrie dock This dive is no stunt The club will show that such an op eration can be carried out with safety and that winter diving is no longer the sole province of the commercial diver and the irogmun Members oi the Aquatecrs have done winter dives prior to this and nu doubt some will re member the recovery of truck from 50 feet of water at Jack sons Point live years ago and the club participation in past Barrie carnivals ARMY MEN The majority of divch are members at the Canadian Army at Camp Borden but there are also number of divers in the club who are civilians residing in Barrie and district All get identical training from highly competent instructors trained and qualified by the National Association oi Underwater In structors In the in rests of safety the area containing the holes in the ice willbernpndali will this enable the safety lines to be observed at all times by YPCs To Meet Discuss Tourism Barrie and district young Pro gressive Conservatives will be hosts next Saturday to spec in YFC conference to be at tended by provincial and federal cabinet ministers and total at MPPs and MP5 from ridings throughout central Ontario Scheduled to start at 12 noon at the Embassy Blake Street the theme of the bonierence will be Tourism in the Pro vince of Ontario The keynote speaker at the noon luncheon will be the Honorable George Wardrope Ontario Minister of Mines Mr Wardrope who hails trorn the Lakehead area is one of the countrys staunch est boosters of tourism The afternoon programs will feature panel discussion on tourism and will be participated In by the Honorable Les Rown tree Minister oi Transport in the provincial government Clint Melville managing director at the Ontario Hotel A550ciation Willard Kinzie former Barrie mayor and representative on the Georgian Bay Development Commission ll Boyer MPP Itiuskoka Downer MPP DufferinSimcoo and Arthur Evans MFP Slmcoe Centre Included in the many guests invited from throughout the district will be Del OBrien president at the Ontario Young Progressive Conservatives dinner meeting and ad dress will conclude the days activities and will feature an as yet unnamed federal cabinet minister See Plowing Match For Simcoe lliding Centennial WhoopDeDo The tamed International Plow Ing Match may return to Simr coe County in 1967 Canadas centennial year It could all hinge on the pitch county council makes to the Ontario Plowmens Association annual meeting in Toronto Feb 20 Council agreed yesterday to OBITUHRY PRISCILLA CAMPBELL Graduatenurse of the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Miss Priscilla Campbell died at St Thomas on Sunday Feb She was public general hospital administrator for 35 years un til her retirement in 1956 She was president of the On tario Hospitals Association in 1947 and life member 01 the American Hospitals Associa tion Born in the Barrie district she was daughter of the late William Campbell and Priscilla Madill Her only survivors are number of nieces and neph ews After graduation as regu tercd nurse in 1918 Miss Camp bell tooka postgraduate course in Montreal before moving to Chatham General Hospital in 1922 and shortly after she be came superintendent of niirses and administrator Funeral service will be con ducted in the chapel of the John Stephen Funeral Home Chathaln on Witdnesdfly Feb with interment at Maple Leaf Cemetery send strong delegation and instructed the agriculture com mittee to recommend members for the delegation and how much money should be spent Two or three councillors sug gested the Barrie City Band he enlisted to accompany the ex pedition to Toronto Theres no doubt big ef fort will be needed to get the plowing match in 1967 said Dalton Jamey of Medonte lot of counties are going to wantsit for centennial year The International Plowing Match was last held in Simcoe County in 1951 Licence Increase Is Objectionable To County Council Simcoe County council has passed resolution protesting reported move to increase the price of nonresident fish ing licence in Ontario Reeve Albert Calvert of Port McNicoll told council yesterday he has heard that request to boost the nonresident fishing licence fee will be placed be fore the provincial government in March Mr Calvert and several other councillors said such move would only serve to discourage the thousands of American tour ist fishermen visiting Ontario each year Council agreed to send re presentative to Toronto to op pose the proposal at hearing of the governments game and fisheries committee Upper Canada College SCHOLARSHIPS I962 Entrance Memorial Scholarships of varying amounts are oileer by Upper Canada College on competitive examinations for boys sniering grades in to in September 1962 Applications to be received on or before March 9th 1962 Qualifying examinations to be written April 12th and 13th For full particular and application forms apply Inn The Rev Sowby MA on Principal Upper Canada College Toronto Canada Not only those in charge but it will also allow more people to watch There will he flag flying at each hole this flag is the nav tionally adopted divers flag which is used whenever divers are in the vicinity it isred with white diagonal stripe COMMENTARY GIVEN commentary will be given over the public address system by member of the club and each portion of the dive explain ed In fact divers will enter the hole two at time and will then travel under the ice to the other one Assisting them will be their handlers because once diver has put his gloves on it is very difficult for him to make final adjustments to equipment Apart from winter dives the Aouateers have been busy for the past years on many differ ent types of underwater work around Lake Simcoe and Georg ian Bay it is interesting to note that tbesewaters offer great variety or geological ior mations and interesting finds Although there is no known gold bullion to be raised the club has swum onto and into several wrecks some of which are well preserved Divers have recov ered outboards sought cannons in Orillia found many lishing lure and have on several oc casions worked with different police forces in the area Four years ago the Aquateers sent team to represent Can ada at the International Spear tisliing Championship in the Ba hamas Together with the oth er Canadian team from Van couver they hope to be able to fompete again in the near tu ure 2000 IN PROVINCE Although there are an esti mated five million divers in the United States the sport is somewhat new here by com parison The Ontario Under water Council represents an im pressive 2000 divers in the pro vince With qualified instructors films and plenty of practice the Aquateers seek to promote the best in skin diving by pre senting the most comprehensive training possible to its men and women divers The Aquateers will start their dive at approximately three pm emuz Tom TA 01 Reduction Seen In County Levy reduuinn oi onehail mill in the general county tax rate is forecast in the 1962 budget recommended to Simone Coun ty council The budget report mm councils Iinance conunitteB was tabled her yesterday for detailed discussion expected to start today Recommended ex penditures total some 5756000 Later this week council will receive the budget for the road department the largest single spender of county money Finance committees report except tor few cuts and ad ditions contained no major surprises grant oi 515000 the same as last year was recommend ed tor the Simcoe County Cum munlty and Recreation Service cutting the original request by 38000 The report saidthe recrea tion board is expanding its service too fast and warned that unless the City of Barrie contributes to the board on the Guilty Of Discrimination Drivein Man Says 0f Council Fred Winkle manager of the Huronia Drive In Theatre charged that city council is dis criminating against his business in approving proposal of pm to pm for Sunday mov ie hours My business cant operate during daylight hours he said Movies should be open in the evening Mr Winkle said most places in Ontario had passed movie bylaws without trouble dont know why Barrie should be an exception he said unless someone in the church had something to do with it The drivein manager said that opening on Sunday after nouns would be pointless tor Barrie movie theatres anyway Reasonable Doubt Driver llcquitted William Cowin Grove St Barrie was acquitted in Barrie policecourt yesterday of driv ing carelessly last Jan 12 Magistrate Hewitt sit ting in place oi absent Magis trate Foster ruled that there was reasonable doubt in his mind as to whether Cowin had been careless or not Robert Saunders Clapperton Street testified that on the night of Jan 12 as be proceed ed north through the intersec tion of Collier and Clapperton streets Cowins car came from east to west through the inter section without stopping collision of the vehicles occur red No one was iniured and damage was slight Cowin testified at as he ap proached the co ner from the east he applied his brakes to stop but started to skid into the middleot the intersection He said he saw Saunders car on his left coming into the inter section and he realized he wouldnt be able to stop in time to avoid crash He explain ed he then stepped on the gas to clear the intersection almost made it but was still shpping when Saunders hit him Chief EdechirhurI Barrie police department said he thought that since Cowin went through flashing red signal light and stop sign and was unable to stop because he was not taking into account the road conditions he was driving care lessly Keep Pensioners From Auction Sen OTTAWA CPlSenator Tho mas Crerar said Monday some way should be found to avoid putting the pensioner on the auction block every time there is federal election He made the statement in clarifying his position on old age pensionsa topic be dealt with in the Senate throne speech de bate last Wednesday The osyeanold Liberal sena tor from Manitoba said some newspaper headlines on Cana dian Press account of his speech ereatedthe erroneous impression that he is against old age pensions am not opposed to old age pensions for th is who need them he said Monday If it is the pensioners only means of support then $65or even $75 is not enough Debate on government leSO Illth to increase the basic old age pension to $65 month from $55 opened Monday in the Commons The Liberals have outlined plan whereby the pensioner would receive $75 monthly should the present op position party be elected to power 310 of this being on contributory basis am opposed to paying pen sions to those who do not need them said Senator Crerar Senator Crerar said he sug gested in his speech that any increases could wait year or two until our government fi nances are in better shape He WANT TO SAVE MONEY ON FOOD BILLS You can You Know PHONE PA 68741 MONARCH FOOD mo mazes sermons DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES on ALSO SHURGAIN FERTILIZERSL Early Delivery Discounts Until Feb I962 $200 per ton Feb Mar 19¢ $1150 per ion CASH DISCOUNT OF IF PAID BEFORE MARCH I5 I962 See Us Now For The Best Quality FertilizerK You Can Buy In Plastic or Paper Bags CUMMINGS FEED MILL PA 34264 BAR People have other things to do in the afternoon especially in the summer he said But maybe they want to go and see good movie In the evening The movies should be open Sunday nights and thats it Mr Winkle stated have as much right to make living as anyone else Barrie theatre manager Don Kinloch protested to The Ex aminer alter council had ac cepted general government report at the last meeting re commending p111 to pm as the Sunday movie hours Mayor Cooke said yesterday that council had the job and the right to fix the hours for Sun day movies He said if coun cils action had not interpreted the wishes ol the 4enple spokesman for the yes vote could give his views at the next council meeting when the mov ie bylaw will be considered New Buliop Is Honored MONTREAL CPI Most Rev Gerald Emmet Carter newly consecrated Auxiliary Bishop of London out was honored at 750plale testimon ial dinner here Monday night The dinner arranged by friends of the 49yearold Roman Catholic bishop was also at tended by his brother Bishop Alexander Carter of Sault Ste Marie 0nI Auxiliary Bishop Lawrence Whelen of Montreal and Bishop John Wright of Pittsburgh not likely to be able to obtain same basis as other county services that county recreation1 facilities will not be available to Barrie SLASH HEALTH County health units budget oi 5102960 was tentatively trim med to 395000 because the re quest was based on lull stall which the health unit is Budget or the county jail was set at $109000 an increase of $9300 most of which will be used to instal new heat ing boiler The report recom mended no action be taken at this time on request by Jail Governor William Casey Inr construction of new jail to overcome crowded conditions Also recommended lbat $240000 be budgeted for the Childrens Aid Society this year NEW MUSEUM sum at $20000 be appro priated to build new county museum at Midhurst budget oi 538000 an in crease of $3000 tor mainten ance oi county property and $8800 tor 1952 payment to build new registry otlice That snow be used for the Emergency Measures Organiza tlon whose budget was ap proved by cnuncil last month budget of $25000 for re forestation and $6000 for weed control That the Juvenile and Family Court committee budget be 323000 providing slight salary increases for the court report er and court clerk That 312000 an increase of $2000 be budgeted tor the Ag ricultural Committee to include increased grants to agricultural societies and plowmens asset ciations budget of $34200 to homes for the aged covering Simeoe and Georgian Manors and special home care budget of 516430 for the Equalization Committee to in clude employee salary in creases The report proposed various grants to the Salvation Army Canadian National Institute for the Blind Womens Institutes Georgian Bay Development As sociation Huronia Historic Sit es and Tourist Association St John Ambulance and the Navy League of Canada HYDRO Ontario Hydros chief iloss Strike QC was made an honorary lndian chief of the Ojibwa Tribe of Lake Simcue area The brie cere mony took place on the ice CHIEF MADE INDIAN CHIEF at Sutton Curling llinli on Sat urdny night Hydro Chairman Strike is shown lcit smoking the pipe with Chici Big Canoe oi the Georgian Island Ojiblt wa tribe who inducted Ivlr Strike as an honorary chicl No Grant For Farmers Union Decision 01 County Council Simcoe County Farmers UnA ion Will have to operate with outa gradt from the county this year County council yesterday ap proved recommendation of its agriculture committee that no action be taken on the un ions request or financial sup port The iarmers union re ceived 5500 last year Council however approved grant of $2500 to the Federa SPECIAL PERMANENIS complete Open men roam rri ru run orennrons EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE an no Allandala For appointment un PA 571 tion of Agriculture an increase of $500 over 1961 Surprisingly there was no debate on the recommendations but committee chairman Lloyd Pridhnm said later it was the opinion of the committee that the larmers union although conscientious presented poor iinancialre port last month and Youniilqn AllIII Iivnufeel lllllii Todayl tame living overwork worry my lfiect mmlkidney mine If kidneys slow down irnpunbu remain new system 11 bnelmha that lind feeling oIIen Iollow Tlutx the time to lake Dndd Kidney Pills Doddn help xtiniulele he kidney to normal tion You Ieel beltermk tsunami belie better Ger Dodds Kidney Pills new You can depend on Dodd TRAILER HJ CAR REPAIRS Ask about our PERSONAL Lona one CANApiAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE wmmnmm VACATION APPLIANCES HOUSE IURNISHINGS Any responsible person can borrow for any worthwhile purpose under our life insured Personal Loan Plan Just follow this simple procedure Talk the matter over with the manager at our branch nearest you Let him know why you want the money He will be glad to work out plan that will suit your convenience Personal Loans are available for from twelve to months and nail be obtained at anyone of our branches

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