Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1962, p. 2

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GOIIEEN MACMILEN INQUIRING REPORTER Citizens Voluble In Opinions With possible controversy looming over councils an nounced decision to restrict Sunday movies in Barrie to the hours between and pm The Examiners inquiring re porter contacted number of local citizens and asked for their viewpoint The question asked was as follows Barrie electors ap proved Sunday movies What do you think of councils an nounced intention to restrict them to the hours between and pm Answers received were as follows Irev It Gohecn secretary Barrie Ministerial Association am in favor of the councils suggestion of restricting the hours In general there is falling away of attendance at the evening church service and of course am in favor of hav ing people get to the night ser vice as well as the morning service ineil ataanren store man ager think that when the people voted for Sunday move ies there was no thought in their minds that the hours would be restricted In any country was in while over seas the movies opened after church services were over in the morning and continued dur ing the evening It gives person who is away from home Revolver Club Will Be Host Ontario Police Annual Shoot The annual Ontario Police Re volver shoot will be held at the Barrie Revolver Club on St Val entines Day Wednesday Feb 14 The annual event will be spon sored for the first time by the Simone County Police Revolver Club There are expected to be about 80 competitors from all parts of Ontario including To ronto Windsor Hamilton 0t tawa and Kingston The officers will filoot at 60 feet using service revolvers usually Iiii calibre Top trophy for the shoot will be the Scales of Justice Trophy donated by the Simcoe County judiciary and presented to the shooter with the highest aggro gate score The shoot will be one of the first events to take place at the Barrie Revolver Clubs new quarters on the eighth conces sion in Vespra Township Barrie police officers express ed the hope that the shoot would not develop into another St Valentines Day Massacre banquet will be held after the dioot at the Robltay res taurant Mortgage corporation To Expand Grants For Housing Studies OTTAWA CPLThe federal government has authorized Cen tral Mortgage and Housing Cor poration to make yants and awards to maximum value of $103900 for housing and com munity planning studies in the 196248 academic year Works Minister Walker who reports to Parliament for the federal housing agency said the program is designed to encour age post graduate studies and research in housing community planning and related subjects at Canadian universitiesilt repre seats continuation of educa tional grants under the National Housing Act The program comprises Up to 18 fellowship of $1500 each for candidates regis urban development and man7 agement and operation of hous ing projects Five travelling scholarships with maximum value of $12 300 to undergraduate students in the schools of architecture at the Universities of McGili Tor onto Mnnitoha British Colum 33a and the Ecole dArchitecture Montreal TSCHIRHART and in strange city place to go If were in council wouldnt be messing around with it Ed Tschtrbart Barrie police chief am against working on Sundays believe that Sun day should be day of rest If you open theatres on Sundays people will have to work The ushers will have to sell tickets and person will have to oper ate the confectionery booths Mrs Morita Paulin house wife think council should cer tainly abide by what the pub lic decides or else they should not have had the vote at all The reasons for councils sill gestcd restrictions should de finitely he made public The only reason ircan think of is that some of the churches with night services have complainv ed Mrs William Porter house wife It is not so good from the point of view of the outdoor movie house managers It giv es the tourists something to do during Sunday evenings We usually stay at home Sunday evenings unless there is an ac tivity on at the church Wilton Creed retired had Tenders Approved By Essa Council Essa council meeting on Fri day dealt with tenders for the Geurges storm sewer at Angus The contract for the digging and placing of the sewer for $394651 went to DisberFar rand Ltd The sewer will cost approxi mately $7000 and clerk Harold Bell said construction wont be gin until the frost is out of the ground The corrugated steel pipe ten der went to the Pedlar People of Oshawa for $846 Schulz Concrete Pipe Com pany of Kitchener received the tender for the concrete pipe which will he used This will total approximately $1218 Tenders for the pinup at the deep well at the machine shed went to the StaRite Pump Co of Ajax Ontario TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop St Barrie madman Asbestos Abitibt on sou Dom Found Nor Out Moore Car MRS PAULIN On Sunday FilmRestrictions had anything to say wouldnt have permitted Sunday movtes in the first place But since it has been passed think it should be restricted even more say from to pm am glad it will be restricted after pm since it would inter fere with the church services Mrs Ken MacDonald house wife think they should do what the vote said think re strictng the hours from to pm is nonsense The council is just lnierprgting the voicto suit themselves although dont know why Mrs Urseln lloehuer women and service director at the YM YWCA do not think it would interfere with physical exercise it the whole family goout to gether Sunday afternoons to participate in such activities as picnicking in the summer and water sports approve of the restriction Many young people go to the movies either Satur day afternoon or evening They may be inclined to go to Sunday movies at first as it would be novel experience but then think it would inter fere with their planning of leisure time CAMPBELL Appoint Manager Woolworth Store Dick Campbell 29 has been appointed manager of the new Woolworth store which will be opened June on Bayfieid Street at Collier The store will he the largest Woolworth store in Canada and the largest variety store in immediate Vespra Council Appointments Made To Boards Authorities Vespra Township reeve Car inan Dowuey was appointed township representative to the Nottuwasaga Valley Conserva tion Authority at meeting of Vespra Council other appointments at the meeting included Waiter Forbes as representative to the Royal Victoria Hospital board and the reappointment of former coun cillor Wellington Dohson to the Vespra To hip Flaming Board Mr Dohsoni appointment is for one year Council is al lowed minority on the plan ning board Other members of the board are the reeve emot ficio Ferris and Lorna Orser Clerk Earl Richardson said that the township has not been experiencing much trouble with snow remove that the roads have been kept clear enough so that no complaints have been received Other business at the meeting included renewal of the town iips insurance with the Wilson Company of Toronto through Barrie agent The insurance Mr Richardson said covers all the townships equipment and property road liability etc The meeting was held early this month instead of the usual first Monday to allow the coun cillors to attend the county council meetings in Barrie this week Oro Council Discusses Plans For Possible Flaming Board Oro council met with mem ber of the Community Plan ning Branch of the Department ifMunicipal Affairs last Fri day to discuss the feasibility of an area planning board and an Oro township planning board Clerk nidhape said to day that nothing concrete or came from the meeting but added the depart ment representative Pear son provided mudi information to council There is no township plan ning board in Oro at present WEATHER Forecasts issued by the Tor onto weather Office at 4230 um Synopsis An arctic cold wave brought tumbling temperatures to southern Ontario Monday Fortydegree weather gave way to readings to zeroto 10 below Cold weather is expected to con tinue today and Wednesday throughout the province Lake St Clair Lake Erie western Niagara Lake Ontario regions Windsor Hamilton Sunny with cloudy intervals and continuing very cold today and Wednesday Winds northwest 20 to 25 today westerly 1540 Wednesday Toronto Mainly sunny and continuing very cold today and Wednesday Winds northwest 20 Wednesday to 25 today westerly 15 to 20 Lake Huron eastern Niagara southwestern Georgian Bay re gtons Cloudy with snowflurrles and some drifting snow today Partly cloudy with few snowflurries tonight and Wednesday ulng cold Winds northwest 20 to 75 today westerly 20 Wednesday Northeastern Georgian Bay Algoma Sault Ste Marie Sunny and very cold today Partly cloudy Wednesday and continuing cold with few snow tlurries Winds northerly 15 to 20 today west 20 Wednesday lfaiiburton Timngami White River Cochrane regions North Bay Sudbury Sunny and very cold today Partly cloudy and continuing cold Wednesday with few snowflurries Winds north west 15 today west 20 Wednes day Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Wednesday Windsor 10 St Thomas 20 18 18 but council is considering the institution of one some time in the future The large amount of money being spent by council on snow removal in the township was discussed Mr Tudhope said but the exact figures were not available for publication We have spentma lot of money and have had lot of work this year he said We know howrmuidl it is costing for wage and repair to equipment but the rental on the two grad ers which have been kept going pretty well night and day is not known Mr hidhope said that this has been one of the snowiest Januarys on record for 0ro and that eight men working day and night on graders and three hired trucks have been busy we have had no complaints about snow removal he add ed and think we have been keeping the roads quite clear and open rial rich Wood IllIll nuke mom came nuvoi And you an Major Wilf OBrecht district commissioner of Kempcofelt Bay District Scouts and Cuhs presents ltirs Tyson Smith with group Charter for the PRESENTS CUB TROOP CHARTER newlyformed Cub Troop in Greniel Mrs Smith has fiveyear background in scout ing having been cubmaster for the first Barrie map Examiner Photo ConviCted Fined 0n Driving Count Something went wrong with my steering was not enough reason for Magistrate Howitt to acquit David Fletcher in Barrie police court yesterday of careless driving Fletcher who last Jan It turned onto Victoria Street from Sanford left the road went through the front yard of 68 Victoria Street tore out wire fence and came to rest on the frontlawn of 70 Victoria St said that as he came around the corner something in his steering iammcd causing him to lose control He added that when he took the car to be inspected by mechanic he was told thch was nothing wrong with his car but that ice in the mechanism could have caused loss of steering Magistrate Howitt fined Flet cher 535 and costs for careless driving Try Ali Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 ok how little if Costs to do Cl room in Luxurious PANElllNG 2m Algomn Steel Aluminium Alberta Gas Alta Nat ou Atlu Steel grime Hang Homl on Bell Tel find an Min Brazilian imp To aeco BA Oil Imp Dli no Power Ind Accept Cdn Bk of Com Inland no Cdn Brewer Inter Nickel crn noelpm Pipe Cda Cement Jockey Club Can Chemical Labntt enjoy the rich beauty of then luxury pan els at price so low youll be surprised They will my new looking on years with Just can of clear sealer monu or tux Choose noln canty Mahogany Walnut White Pine nna nther onnnu now on displny in our showrooms And yon can easily put it up yonmu In Weekend Dorn Stores Dom Tar Gt Lakes Get Pow Huido Farm Horne Pit Mela Pan Am Oshawa at Pacific Peta 17 Fem Pipe 91 Page Hurray 23st 73 North America 15 Mr Campbell is now in Bar Hamilton 18 rie familiarizing himself with St Catharine 20 the city and preparing for the Tammo 13 closing of the old store on Dun Peterbarnugh lop Street which will take place Trenton an April 28 make The Woolworth executive be Muskoka gan his career with the com North Bay pony 10 years ago at Guelph Sudbm and since then has been an Eamon assistant manager and manager Ka skasing of stores in RenIrew Long Whfie River Eranch Windsor and Toronto MWnee Mr Campbell and his wife SS Mam Shligygigvlélsgnfififléng So MonyBeouiilul Panels Available for living Rooms Rec Rooms Kitchens distance swimmer attempted Every room looks warmer oozier with wood grain panel walls We have them in panel to swim Lake Ontario twice and still holds the Canadian three up to in size finished like fine furniture Go up wrthou rum or muss over furiing strips or dating waits So Inexpensive 50 Easy To lnstalli CHECK THE Low COST FOR AN 12 WALL Windsor and attended high Complete With Strapping and Trim tered for professional courses in community planning at the Uni versities of British Columbia Manitoba Toronto MeGill and Montreal Eight bursaries of $1200 each to assist university shi dents to undertake postgraduate studies in the fields of housing can on Lakeland Chamber Annual try ower MI Pow niv Is Tomorrow goo lgln5m pulley Fart meta Norandn Que Nut Eon Rotbmans Royal Bank Snlndn shtrrlri Simpson Shawlniglri Steel of Can TotDom Bk Trans Can Trans ltIt Trad Fin Texaco Union Gal Walk GQW The annual dinner meeting of the Barrie Chamber otConi merce will be held in Collier Street United Church Fellow ship Hall tomorrow evening February President Maurice MaeLaren will chair the meeting and will present summary re rt of the Chamber activities tiring the past year The election of the 19112 Board of Officers and Directors will be one of the important items on the agenda and Mr Willard Kinzie will he the main speaker and will address the members on the important sub ject Tourism Unlimited May Vote Grant To Drillia Hospital Simcoe County council is ex pected to vote supplementary grant of 331899 to bclppay for an addition to Soldiers Memor ial Hospital in Orllila It recommendation that the money be appropriated was made yesterday by councils finance committee Orillia hospital board request the euplcmentary grant when it was lncovered that the ALL LIBERAL MINDED=PEOPLE WELCOME MINING deco nitnu Gunnnr at Holiinlcr KerrAddison Lamqua Lorado Maritth Murrly Min Normatll Northllh rave lvrosr acme STOCK can Export an Cdn Era1m Narthgate Waynol unified ou DOWJONES NEW YORK AVERAGES Industrial up oo Ratio down 17 Utilities down 01 TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE INDEX 31 Goldl up 10 Metal up 62 on 40 awnian DECLARATIDNI Int Nichol co cults usr payable rumn to di ran ll ANNUAL MEETING SIMCOE NORTH LIBERAL ASSOC STAYNER HIGH SCHOOL SATURDAY EVENING FEB ID WED 7TH am now ON SALE AT ma FOLIDWING WATfoNS BARRIE woman or COMMERCE at 800 pm yncxsons cum niiisrow mo nonnln EXAMINER COLES RESTAURANT no RESERVED scars 51 run reason 32 one FAMILY 50c STUDENTS Can oyno can nasty Can Devonian Camp cnio Cell DeL mo Copper Rand 12a Con Hall 47 Denison mne 112 in Sullivan 151 Falconbridll no Ovmtslu Quemont Rio Algom sin Gordon smell Rock United ou Venture wumy warm 415 Mo 160 gtilhfig rafisrsps school at Fergus Ontario His hobbies are curling golf and sailing He owns 27foot sloop now moored at Oriiiia which he plans to nail in Barrie waters have literally hundreds of ideas to get the new store under way Mr Campbell says but am keeping them under wraps for the time being ADVANCE SALE ON TICKETS TO BARRIE WINTER CARNIVAL ARENA SHOW with BARBARA WAGNER 81 BOB PAUL msulmsr AGENCY LTD is nusLol sr nanle Indude up RANDOM Gitva sumo rnvrsnEn MAHOGANY GENUINE CALIFORNIA sapwoon PANELLING KNOTTY wurrE PINE PANELLING MAsoNirE woolanle TEXTURED mrnnlon vawoob ABITIBI PANELaoannsnurrERNU WALNUT 3400 4500 4500 2450 3995 2450 ALLAHoALE LHHEEH AND FUEL COMPANY 43 ESSA RD PA 8550l mm Mum Atticcl lowest tender received for the new wing exceeded the original building estimate There are also added renovation costs in the old wing QUALITY AND SERVICE

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