Vllcspital Now Is The Time To Buy Or Sell YoDr Car 10 THE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1962 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPERTY FOR SALE LITTLEAt the Royal Victoria Domini Barrie on Thursday February loci in sat and Mrs Prank Little of at Marina cm Bafrld daughter Leslie Jeanne alsch for David smmAt the Royal Vittoria Barrie on Wednesday Japuu ll 1962 to Douglas and Verna smith or loo Ilclrose Ave nue Dnrrlc Ivvin Iris CONSTANTINKAU A1 Royal tori liosplll name on Thurs Irhruary rm to RI Ind PI Camiminced IDEO Lorry nl nil No barlie oaurnirr Benn Let lbs mg on slcssor Cambrian Crt Dramp too are happy in announce the birth of their son James Jmlal Ronald on January to 1962 CIIAPPELLAt the Royal Vlclt iorla Iicspltal Darrin on Febru ary 196 to Mr and Mrs Bruce chappcll ncc Pauline Irish llll Iiarrle son Lloyd Bruce ETERESlING FAMILY HISTOHDS can be written with clippings from EIGAgEhIIEIIsTS oul Daily News aper nl venu BIRTI and WEDDINGS Notices for these cvcnu are only sun Bring them to the classified Counter or me hone The Barrie Examiner PA 2m DEATHS PEACOCKElmcr James Passed away at stcvcosan Memorial 110 plial Allislon on sunday Febru ary 1962 Elmcr iomes Peacock dear brother of Gertie lirs Agnawl liarel Viilrcd and st ley in his slih ytar heating at the home or his sister Mrs John Agnew rinscmoni for service on Vcdncsdny February at pm Temporary entnrnbmeni Aiilsion Unlon Cemetery Mortuary Spring hurini United Church Cemetery Rosnmont CARDS 0F THANKS alAlesI would like to CxpicLLT my sincere thanks in my nclgn bars relatives and friends for their klndncsscs cards and ion crs also her air Howey for his kind visits while was in hospi till lilrs George Mayes CDSLINC Mrs Gorulig and family wlsll io extend heart feli thanks and apprcclhtlon for the many acts of kindness muse ages of sympathy and tho bcauil fill floral oiicrliigs received from relatives neighbours and friends Also thanking Dr Alkcli and the nurses and slot of the Royal Victorlo Hospital In the recent bereavement of our dear husband and father John Gosling Tho Gosling Family ELSONTha family of the late Mrs Mary Dison wish to cxprcss their slnccrc thanks and apprecia tion to all the friends at narrle and on Station for the beautiful floral tributes and very klnd as alstance in our recent sorrow Also special thanks to Rev Jack of Cobnurg who graduated the service coMING EVENTS bard sIorticullural society Regain Meeting Wednesday Feb ruary at pm at the Library nail ponku John Living mu executive director of the Canadian Audubon society Sublt fact An illustrated Lecture on The spruce Dog Everyone wel bong LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC CELLAR OR GARAGE Is there anything there you can sell for em Hundreds of people use Examiner Want Ads to sell articles they no longer need want or use PHONE PA 92414 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classifier adver tisements are inserted at the rate of or per word par insertion for one and two times do per word or three four or five times and 2Vzc per word tor nl more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 95 FUR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION arilioRs on CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded III phone insertion orders era rept ed as convenience to you the advertiser Therefore the Classified Advertising Department rcqutiu Bil advertisers to kindly YEACIIECIK their ndvonlscmont Immcdlalely after ï¬rst insertion in order that any errors or omissions may be reported before an in artist that same may be rectified for thc IDllnwlng days Inscrtian ardcr We wish to oiat out that The narrio Exam or is responsible or only and incorrectly printed insertion on any advertisement an then only to the extent or portion of ad that involves the misprlnt Errors which do not lessen the value of the advcnlse ment on not eligible for some tlons by make goada Coming Events per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Noticeslor up to 25 words over 25 words 5c per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used on per word extra BLIND LElirm RDPLrDs Information regarding advertisers using Blind Letter nox Numbers for Replies is held strictly connd ential Replies to Latter boxes will be held only In days after last day of publication Classiï¬ed advertisements and notices for those pages must be received by do Pfe ceding publication With the ex ceptlon of Classiï¬ed Display advertisements which must he in by 1200 noon preceding dayt display cllsslï¬edl may be ob Date and type atych for uni tolncil through The Emmet Id vartlrln department aLnssDIlMr and sits Ronald HENDERSON REALTOR l9 comm mm PHONE PA D2678 DUNDONALD ST $13500 The large family will love this three bedroom brick home Close to St Marys and down town Call Rita Scandltlt 190 WELLINGTON ST $12 700 Three bedroom ranch brick bungalow with aluminum storms and screens onanioc size fenced lot Large kitchen andliving room Carries for $90 monthly including this Call Rita Scandrelt EVIZNINGS CALL RITA SCANDIIDTI PA am DOROTHY WILCOX PA mu PERCY IoitD PA 37pm uiEIISDN SWAIN PA H505 Member of barrio and District and Ontuln Real Er eoarda BOAKE REALTOR 251 Bradford Street Barrie PA 85387 or PA 058 50 ACRES NORTH OF BARBIE Close in highway shopping ccn ire school and churches Large stucco seven room house Hot and coldrunning water Oil fur nace Garage Painted burns and fairly good slabling Just the one bargainprice no more no less $1050 $4000 cash Ballt once on very easy terms at 88 ACRES SOUTH OF BARBIE lOn Highway 11 Large brick Idwnllilig in exceptionally good condition Large burns also in fine slale of repairs Can sep arate holdings if desired 40 ACRES 0N PAVED ROAD Soulh n1 Barrie Large brick dwelling Fully modern Oil fur nace Three place both kitchen cupboards Hardwood floors throughout Painted barns and good siabling Can be purchased on very easy forms or rented with an option to buy in two years HOUSE ON SOPHIA ST Six rooms well worth looking into at the price Property clean Terms attractive Still going strong regardless of the reports that have rclt tired possibly could afford to retire but my loyal cliehls cant afford to let me still selling farms to farmers for farming Clare lVakcnianPA a7tsi Members of Carrie and District Real Estata Board CARSON 45A DUNLOP STW cht door to the Imperial Theatre HOW TO BUY HOME AT 550 MONTHLY If you have $1000 down Do you need six room home near the Industrial Section and large lot DO you want city water and sewers Call Russell Carson PA 66481 or after PA 645161 CAMP BURDEN AREA Own your own home for the amazingly low price of $5750 Icitllpnly $750 dolvn Situated on 22 acres this home has sev en roomsbath heavy wiring space heated Call Ralph Boake PA 66481 or after PA 50003 $8000 DOWN Six mom brick home full basa mcnt soft water good barn situated on 100 acres with acres of fall wheat Full price $18000 Call Ralph Emilie PA 66481 or after call PA 60803 DO YOU LIKE THE EAST END With its quiet residential life Are you looking for good brick bungalow with three bedrooms close to schools and shopping Would $95 monthly suit your pocket book Does $13500 meet your price Call Russell Carson at PA 60481 or after PA 6161 PA 66481 Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7o TIFFIN smm BARRIE CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL $12900 Yes that is right bedroom split level brick home complete wiIh recreation room with plastered walls seplt arafe laundry room plus ample storage space living room and kitchen piece tiled bath equippnd with aluminum storms and screens Carries for $95 monthly including interest prin cipal and taxes Down payment only about 52300 and the hal aricc is on one mortgage lms mediate possession ds owunr is moved out of town Call now for an appointment to Inspect ilicmbel oi this Barrie and District rteal batta Board Try An Examiner Want Ad First time offered REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS ARTICLESFOI SALE MRS bf MOOREPA Hm RoamPA mu DUNLOP ST In 00 Mill BA W45 hum Shollwl Orr 2910 ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE Dumrmmaasr Pint in Barrio Home SalcsFcrcmolt in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL PDsfzRPA Nu CONNELLPA M75 mum minim Ii DISTRICT REAL LsTAIz BDAILD Norman Shelswell REALESIATE BROKER PA 59961 PA H3744 First Mortgage Fund Avaliahlc Interest 60 of Value No Fees merged can lath Wlils um Norman sac all PA um um HawId Norm PA multn CampbellPA 87389 Fergus GunnyPA was Slouii Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 85901 BUNGALOIV BEAUTY ï¬ve minute look beats thousand words Sbcdrooms Immaculate condition Carries for $9244 monthly Pl and with low down payment INVESTMENT Brand new ultra modern brick siltplclf Five units with kitchen living dining arczi bedrooms pc bath unit kilchen living dining area pc hath Thermo stat in each apt Hot water oil baseboard healing Paved parks ing lot Close to downtown CALL US NOW Member of the name and District Real Estate board EVENINGS CALL lilch GOULD 0R0 and EDE GOULD 0R0 2515 llAltRY sLDssoli PA 5067 oRCA BIIOWN FA 37255 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA soils EVERETT mUGlIEJED STAYNER 109w Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 MINETS POINT OFive room fully winterized cottage with small down pay ment $65 per month OlIighway 90 Storey and half home on large lot Low terms can be arranged Only $6500 full price ONear Essa Station Five room bungalow only years old Possession anytime $500 down and $60 per month OSamelhing extra special In spect this two year old three bedroom home on TarBush St VinAngus Has lull basement Forced air gas heating $05 per month Asking $1500 down payment with full price of $10000 We have many more to choose from and it is our pleasure to give you the details Telephone PA 60470 anytime Evenings or Emory Miller PA 60563 Member of this Darrin and District Real mute hoard Keith Marshal REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 02592 CLAPPDRION 51 BARRIE MOORE PA Mano FRANK NELLFS PA More Member Barrieaod District Real 252 Board III CORBY AL ESTATE Broker Phone nails 93 Dunlop St MABEL MARSHALLPA 84450 COREYPA 95483 MUDIEL JERRYPA 0638 MOVING INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage oi any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 OR PA 64002 113 Dunlap St MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 45 Essa Rik Barrio PAIkway 05575 fry AliExaminer Want Ad PRONE PA will call Karl Marshall PA D9311 Dont forget lotransfer youc CLIFF EggnowN ti HIGH STREET allan room PA ohm PA om Dunbar or the Earlh Rnl hut Board loaningPA wnl Uhou BudPA O28 New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area Inn of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE M281 FIVE ROOM white from house located on Inhlsfll Stunt DII fur nace hulllin cupboards iplece blth Bully lieted lest offcr Telephone PA hrs after pm APT$ HOUSES TO RENT Monks one and no bedroom aplrtments to uni mt can list lion Automatic laundry facilities Po iurlhnr particular ulcphonl PA 5299 mmnxu two bedroom ecucontained ground floor apart Illlent All utIIIllu supplied Dual ï¬rst West ma Telephone NEW TWO mnooal Emu stroud am large living room kitchen and three piece bath Available immediattly Telephone strond mm mm 300M unfurnished but ed aruncnt for rent salmon ta leperta antrunca $55 pu month Available immediately Telephone PA 32170 or PA was Lanai nicon decorated one bed room lower apartment be MiltonIliad Central location childlreu welcome Telephono PA rams Boost Apartment for at Private bath unfurnished and but ed rivate minded Clou to eehoo and bus comma volcano Box 39 Darrin miner BEDROOM Rpm for rent in new bulldlnl wuhn dryer and JInItDI um WPPIod Avulnbln Immidhuly TOIOPDODI PA L235 for tanner attenuation Two BEDROOM unitbland abutment for rent main floor of new triplalc BI and front entrances Automatic dryer Tele pnnna PA 87376 for tumor Infot mation Two DROOM Apartment in modern building nut End Fre Iaundry racilitles refrigerator stove heat and water Not suit 211 for children Telephone PA AVAILABLE Nowr Unfurnishrd three room apartment Entire im aulrs Private bathroom Subcon tallied OII heat Block from Post office Small baby welcome Tale phbno PA 751 before no pun anv AND Modern one and two bedroom apartments overlooking sccnlc Kempeoftit bay lint wa ter iiiking and trailer service lnclu ed Automatic washing la Cllllllts PA 81902 1111132 11301100 Ilousc 15 years old NlIA mortgage In cak ley Park In Priced for quick sale hilly landscaped Telephone PA 87154 NINE ACRES nf hlflhway prop erty approximately in mile north or Darrle will exchange as part payment on house in Barrie preicrabiy cost end Apply to box 52 In Exlmlher THREE Dimitoo Ilnusn for sale Two years old at 23 Mar lou cres Low down payment will accept trailer as part of down payment Telephone Angus HE 95456 PROPERTY WANTED PAsTunl FAIIM wanted to rent or buy Must be reasonably priced Apply to Bolt 48 Barrie Examiner FARMS FOR SALE so ACRE FARM Ideal for tobacco or potatoes Level and workable Six milrs to downtown Barrie Hydro throughout Good well House with indoor plumbing Builtill cupboards and furnace Large barn Pig pen Double garage Possession anytime Apply Frank Slack RR Barrie MORTGAGES 1W Isl 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WIlII LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY Ta consolidate debts Pay off exktipg marlgazï¬s cl mortgages coming due IIornc improvement Any worthwhile cause PA mi Mortgage Funding OVEX SimpsonsSears 129 DUNLOP ST MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments Insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLDP ST WEST BARRJE PA 50203 Smau Mortgage at ones on good propelLy that now clear WIII pay Teln pbono PA $0697 after 50 pan MORTGAGESLat and not bought sold and arranged commercial and residential moneys loaned on existing mortgages barrio Dori rage brokers Pr 68504 RENTALS Low cosl SPACE for rant Clean modern bulldlnga suitable for commercial or light industrial Tclcphnna PA 06575 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built for this war $ch and private rooms ltlrid nursing care good food TV rooms station was gnu for outings Telephone ooRl strand WANTED OFFICES STORES RENT SMALL Modern main floor store or office at 102 Dunlap st West Ample parking Air condi tioned $100 monthly Telephone PA Mull days or PA 60913 evene lugs for further Information APTS HOUSES T0 RENT FURNISHED three room apart ment sclfrconlalncd heated Also on bedroom to rent Apply at 69 John Strcot or telephone PA H360 TWO BEDROOM Apartments for rent Heated Central location Hardwood floors Telephone PA sliim for further informatlnn THREE humus and bath furn lshed Heat and water supplied Private vcrandah electric dryer and washer Telephone PA 00901 evenlugs PA 64012 sPAclous live room uniumislied apartment Stove and Iofrfgerator optional Automatic laundry and parking facilities Telephone PA pages or PA coast for further de DD TON Ami Three room up urnilhad apartment all heated hot water stove and refrigerator Pflvnta bath Apply All Centre at six ROOM House for rent with automatic gas heating Three hed roolor Centrally located Available now Telephone PA arm tor furi ther lntormatlon Two BEDROOM Bungalow for rent Tastefully decorated Oil heal Aluminum storms and screens All conveniences Write lip 53 Barrie Bummer or phon VA 300 Oakvllle cDaIIoltTAlilr LARGE three loom apartment Moderate rent warm separate entrance storage parking central at has laundro mat Allowance for service no Pcnatang Strcet PA MEL ALLANDALE District Three room apartment with bath private enr trance parking newly decorated cht hydro and water supplied $65 monthly Available immediate ly Telephone PA 842610 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have re prints of any ncwt pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please call at our Busi nen Office We arr sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 lo $125 plus tax EASY CLEANING Jim For You GOBLDI VACUUM Cleaner is almnct new condltlon compleu with bassook 88050 00 complete with altachmenta and super amvol top $3450 AIRWAY with new molar new nylon bone $3550 ELECTROLUX In ultra good condillon complete with all at tachmenLi $2850 LEWYI with large wheels many extra bags $35 RUION This is brand new unit retail value $14950 Sale price $45 Made in Holland These are all sold on our regu lar guarantee Phone for free home trial to FILTER QUEEN SALES 87 MAPLE AVE BARRIE PA 83482 cAsD LOANS4500 at 012 per moralh Telephnnl PA 00205 agféonl Finance In Dunlap SL ARTICLES For SALE See Column No AUTOMOTIVE FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnace bow betwth Jan 1521 and Feb ml and get your dual air attachme FREE with every complete Installation Reg $60 FORGED AIR OIL 0R GAS NEW 3110 ï¬nance Raid Phone collect Simud fills WOODWARDdt SONS Heating Contractor RR Strand Low Overhead Low Cost TRACYS FILTER QUEEN READ THIS FOR YOUR HEALTIIS SAKE Germs are carried on dust BUTdusl Is eliminated with FilIcr Queen Health unit Even nicotineis cleared from Ihe allI you breathe CALL PA 83482 50 oil on health unit hassock with this ad SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor 250 INNISFIL STREET PA 66531 HOT WATER Tank ailo with electric immersion helg fully insulated rra Talaphene PA 66355 mum ATTENTION PIsIranrENsailed minnows for sale By the busbeL Telephone 525530 Midland for further information DAVENPORT and two easy chairs for sale us also Chrome Kitchen Table and Chairs $15 All in good condition Telephone PA 66025 CALIDIID OUTFIT for Includes case telescopic algbu allng nndclcnnlnl outfit In new Selling rearonablc In Burton Mn Barrie telephone PA was FUR WRAPB TICKET Ind CHILI for all or exchange Repairing rennin and remodelling bloch ate res ply Mllhum and Son la ulop Street wast barrio Telephone PA um DOGS 8s PETS MOTOR CARS FORSALE Midtown 41 Essa Rd 51 Pontiac automatic radio 61 Pontiac dr hardtop Equip so Pontiac automatic radio MCch auto Impala 60 Chevrolet our door SW 60 Chem Bel Air sedan 58 Chev Sedan 58 Pontiac automatic radar 57 Bulnk our door PS RB 57 Buick Station Wagon 57 Ford ll Sedan 57 Ford Scdan 56 Ford two door 56 Volkswagen Deluxe 54 Ford four door deluxe ROY HAWKINS WHO ELSE WANTS NEW can nay it Now With LowCost Lifelnsurcd SCOTIA PLAN IDAN THE BANK OI NOVA SLOTlA 1900 CIIIVIIDLDT Bel Air two door As new Ihrbulhoul One owner Low mileage uza down Take over small balance owing Telephone PA Mom DODGE four door ledlu VB motor automatic transmission ra dlo DOW steering new throughout lusl $3 per month Telephone PA um Ina F0111 station Wagon v5 engine with standard transmission owner leaving town Would con sider taking over payments of per monthlrlcphone PA 507 cnxAP Transportation 1953 con sul and 105 Ztpiiyr liso each Good bodies and running order Sproula supcrtcst Ilehwly one mile south of Thornton lelo phone Ivy IlIllI 1950 PL lilouTii station ngunh autool power steering volt also iaai Ply outh station WI gon automatic Va Both in ext ceilent condltlon Tenor canha arranged Telephone PA 554 ms linitcnltg four door harde station wagon Nina passenger Autemauc transmission custom built radio power steering power brake and powar windows New transmission Take over is owing of us per month phunolPA moor PERSONALS VIOLA FOSTER KING or any one knowing her whereahduhj Four Rooal heated apartment for rent unfurnished with stove and refrigerator Parking space Five minutcs Walk from FivI Points Telephone PA mm for furlhcr particulars MODERN two bedroom apart ment vILh stove refrigerator wa shcl and dryer Du main floor of aparlmcnt building Avallnbln now Apply lzo Cook street or PA 57119 Two DEDRDDM uniumlshed acir contained duplex livipg rocm kiichcn dining area basement trout and back entrances heating for too mutiny Appiylsi Napier or telephone PA mm APARTMENT three rooms wltli private hath refrigerator and range Dovvntcwn suitable for adulh $5750 per month For fur ther information telephone PA owns AUTOMATIC Stoker for furnace for sale Medium capacity Apply 110 Rayneld street or telephone PA M572 for further information VACUUM CLEANER for rain New No money down Small monthly Payments Telephone Lisle 241 for further particulars curriculum for salt wooden door shelved lPProxImately rs 46XI8 cream painted $15 Ap Ply 155 Dlakc street or phone PA aid PAIR Snow Tires for pair tube type 670 is practically now Will sell with or without Ford whaels Telephone Angus HE 95421 SINGER Repouensed Golden Glide Vacuum Cleaner Regular $9950 Selling for $5950 singer sawing Machine Company nanlo telnpboue PA Mose MODERN apartments four rooms and private hath not water heat ed utilities suppued Donated in Angus Telephone Camp Bordln 159 12154 and after pm AVAILABLE February Two bedroom unfurnished apartment heat and water supplied selfcon talhed East and location 575 per month Telephone PA noose mlInwlsrlnn oil heated Belf nnntalned four room apartment Ground floor front and side en trance Availabla now Telephone PA M301 Two Dunnomil house to rent large rooms oil furnace lull base ment Ideal location overlooking Kempenfelt nay Adults prcferrcd Telephone PA 51107 for further information FOUR DOOM Apartment ttle bath unfurnished stove and rc frlgerator supplied Centrally lolt dated No clllldren Avallnbln im mcdlately For further infome tion telephone PA 50241 11mm noon nabbed lplflr meat for rrcnt Heated Refrigera tor Davy duly val hardwood floors Self contained Available Immediately Armstrongs Eud warc PA on UNPDDNIsm two bedroom apartment heated Centrally loca ted Parking provided Rent lib monthly Telephone PA can or after 630 pm PA 83555 LARGE seven room IIOIIIS for rent three bedrooms two baths garage oalt floors Central Hot water heating Available now Ap ply 7a Dundonald street Barrio or tcliglnone PA 53747 UNFURNTBBED THREE bedrdom duplex modern conveniences close to Camp Borden schools and churches Private entrance Rea sonable rent Available February Id Telephone Ivy olill In TWO BEDROOM Apartment modem apartment building Con trally located stovo and nlllg eratpr laundry facilities Parking lot and janitor service Availabl Mamh Telephone PA 06092 HOUSE To RENT at Perry street West Larï¬e living room kitchen bath and two bcdrooma Basement full size on heated and wool or coal heatcr supplied Im mediate pnsrcsslon Apply Charla Lowe 202 Daniel street West FIVE ROOM House for rent on Margaret street Angus Three bedrooiuollrlnzronm and large kitchen with bulltln cupboards modern bathroom AIDInIrluyn storms and screens Available Feb ruary Is Telephone PA 51679 or In 95m NEWSPAPER MATS Sizés 32x10 Ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25 PER DOZEN Apply The Barrio Ekamlner Barrio outmo LDVELY inexpensive Dresses from North American Fashlnn Frocks Latest styles seenwithout obligation For further informa tion telephone Mrs 35 after pm nevoa PA lry An Examiner Want Ad sauna Equlpment for Sale used only months like new Singles stage two hose regulator Aqluv Lung tank constant rescrve valve has Fae with harness lr foam Neoprene wet suit complete rise medlum Fins morkcl mask weight belt pounds of weights divers hag and one prufesslorlll dlvcra knife quite reasonable Phone PA 5351 after pm or can 41 niarcus street By ALICE BROOKS BABYS COVERLET own line 18 MON One by one the animals par ade by on pretty cdverlct de signed to attract and please babys eye Make crib or carriage cov er or picturegroup with 935 tocmbroider pets in gay colors Pattern 7267 transfer motifs 5X6zi inches directions for COVEI Send Thirtyfive cents coins for thisspattern stamps cannot be ncceplied to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept so Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUEI 200 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needle crafLCntalog ready nowl See Beautiful Bulkics in complete fashion section plus bedspreads linens toys afghcns alipcovera plus 2froe patterns Send ascents howl wmIARANDlt PUPPIEB tray ghost two months two females two males $100 each Good bird dog wonderful with Chlldrcn Phone PA MHZ MAKE Youll oWN Freight Canoe Form and pntlcrns for sale Very reasonable Apply at 73 Eugenia street for full details ARTICLES WANTED also rectangular or mesh Pan and baby stroucr Phone PA was PIANO DEALER wiu Pay cash for old used Pianos any condition Write stating size make price your phone number addms etc Pike 49 Sumacb street Toronto Play Tele FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARBIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hours day7 days weak ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Fomcad Ontario ldcenss No 139061 LIVESTOCK WANTED atcln Hereford or Durham steers preferred other breeds if rea sonany priced Write Box as Barrie Examiner FARM MACHINERY SIMCOE DIST COOP FARM SUPPLY SALES 8r SERVICE FOR Pediar Barn Equipment Water Bowls Pedlar Beatty Dominion Unico 0taco Barn Track Farm Fence Automatic Feeders Ventilating Fans Cement 259 INNISFIL ST PA 66531 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Custom built radio New tires Very clean throughout $657 ow ing on car at up per month Must 5911 Telephone PA Moos 1955 CDBVROLZT door Auto matic transmission Perfect CODA ditlon $350 full pIICe Take over paymcnu of 16 per month Tcle phone PA 87033 CLASSIFIED OK JOHNSON PA ONE PAID Boys slum sire BEEF CAIILD WANTED Hol 1959 VAUXDALL victor door plane Contact Childnna Aid So ciety PA $6587 WOMENS COLUMN FOR LilVHTED TIME 01L TREATMENT SHAMPOO AND SET$250 BLEACHING AND command $600 AND UP PERMANENT WAVES ssso $150 $850 $1000 COCKTAIL SHAMPODS ANi SETS$300 AND UP beautiful for him on Valen tines Day and each day of the week UNI E55 14 SIer NO APPOINTMENT You Film IST RUBYS BEAU IY SALONS 124 Dunlap St PA 84423 17 Essa Rd PA $9811 BDADIY sDoP Coldwavee etc by certiï¬ed halrdrcmr your own name Phone barn co at PA 59352 or PA Hm LOST 8r FOUND LOST SATURDAY Trauma radio on Blake st between st Vincent and Rodney sts Reward for flniler Tclephnnn PA 61616 =5 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP Gnu REQUIRED for candy coun tcr Apply evenings at the Im perial Theatre GIRL lusan as mothers help er and to live in Telephone PA 66163 WAITRESS Wanted Must be neat and clean APply in person to Mrs Matcflcb Lakcvlew Super Milk Bar between and pass MALE OR FEMALE ACCOU NTANT Male or Female To look after complete set 01 books in well established local business Fivcday week with employee benefits Permaneni position Write stating qualiflr cations stalting salary to BOX 49 BARBIE EXAMINER MALE HELP FIELD MAN Age 20 lo 25 To train as Field man for local office of Delta Acceptance Cor poration Car supplied all em ployec benefits good starting salary plus expenses Unlimited opportunity for advancement For appointment phone PA 60285 111 All Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 DIRECTORY 0F UNLISTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS TRAVEL SERVICE 66525 AVIS RENTACAR SYSTEM v9 107 Dilulop St THIS SPACE AVAILABLE TELEPHONE PA 82414