have infiltrated therederal so The Councillors Br mas The storm which crossed the DroViace from the Great Lakes and blew gale of 50 miles an hour came on down through the United States until it was ï¬nally fought off by warm winds from the Gulf of Mexico However it did succeed in cool ing off the warm parts some what and for few evenings this week when the warm sun had faded it was sufficiently cool to nced some heat We heard of the highway disasters during the storms in parts of our own province when blind ing snows caused collisions of vehicles and deaths Some fog berc curtailed driving though we were enjoying temperatures of 80 degrees in daytime it may have been weather that stopped thLI astronaut from night last week but we feel that something more was wrong The moon shot which Is now circling the sun for time and eternity may have caused sec ond look to be good policy be fore man was scat We hai planned to bc at the firing this week but all this is now off for couple of wceks STROUD RESIDENT HERE We came out of the post officc here and noticed an Ontario ll licence Looltin ide the car we discovered William Hubs bert of Stroud lit the wheel lie is living in the same town and we have enjoyed visit to Kcther We had another former Stroud resident over to visit us in the person of the Ed Bead ways and with them we went down to Cypress Gardens on Sunday It was most surprising just how many turned up there and this was only part of the thousands of Canadians who are wintering in the sun Each of them have place they think is best and there is plcnty of room and no shortage of accommoda tion Mr Hubbcrt who is president of the Stroud Telephont Cor had someinformation which we think will be of interest to both shareholders and subscribers The Stroud company is doing well and so far this year have missed suffering from ice storms They have now as many subscribers as they had before the area down to Painswick be came part of the Bell system However they also have prob lems to contend with that were not anticipated when the con tract with Bell was ratified They have been advised that the takeover of the balance of the lines is indefinite This may mean that the Stroud company may have to make alterations the lines which are becoming too heavily loaded by addec subscribers If this is the case it will be at the expense of the new owners and not part of tho Stroud companys cost Just how long the takeover by Bell is to be postponed is not definite and may be announced at the companyl regular and annual meeting this month Much of on work of laying the new underground lines has been completed but it is not known whether some of this is to be put into operation by the Stroud company to assist them to give needed service and Mr Hub bert did not comment It is the intention that subscribers on the Stroud system are to have first class service even if it means adding lines at this date No reason has been given why the Bell takeover is to be do layed We understand that Reeve Joe Cochrane has had Barrie phone installed in addi tion to the Stroud senice and can be reached through the Bar switchboard SAWYER 0N CONSERVATION Councillor Eben Sawyer is In nisfil representative on the Not tawasaga Conservation Commit tee lr Sawyer has had at least years training or this worthwhile project when he act ed as inspector of water courses and ditches last year The op portunities ahead for the Nano wnsaga Valley Conservation Authority are large and the por tion of Innisfil included in this an likely to receive consider able beneiiLs in the past week the provin cial government set aside sev eral millions of dollars which arc to be made available to the conservation authorities Notta wasaga being new one it is now up to this board to sac that they get in on the ground floor and have sixcable share of these millions for immediate use so that showing can be made long before the small as sessment can raise sufficient funds to do the many improve ments that are olrcady planned The authority has only small assessment which can be levied annually and which is divided into three parts with onethiril being chargeable to the proper ty owners in the conservation area However if millions of dollars are to be made available we will expect our provincial rep resentative Mr Evans to see that the Nottawasagn Conserva tion Authority receives real share We know from having been over parts of the river just how badly necdcd are funds to carry out the work that is planned IKEASSESSMENT The county assessor came to the lnnislil Counci special meeting and smoothcd out some at the distress which had de veloped since the assessment commissioner for Innisfil lost his top supporter in the form of exReevo Sproule Apparently from the reports we hear and from items in the minutes he had been having rough time County Assessor Eric Simpson was granted special meeting and went away with another victory He convinced council that the reassessmcnt was really necessary and that it iliould not be hurried It will Like another year after this is convinced council that tho addidtional help was necessary and that the work could not be rushed through Mr Simpson challenged the council to come to his office as committee and learn how the work at assessment is handled He felt that council should be satisfied to allow tho work of rteassessment to run over into another year He convinced the members that raising of the township assessments had noth ing to do with provincial grants as badbeen feared by some members of council Following Mr Simpsons talk council rescinded motion made previously regarding the hiring of Robert Holiingswortb and new motion was adopted that the township hire him at Sai ary of $312000 for 1962 MORINS ANALYSIS Rightists Blame The Communists Strum Wand of South Carolina is leaning Senate exponent of the right wing view In this third in se ries of four stories on us ultra conservatives his theories and background are examined By RELMAN Mono NEW YORK AHSenator Strum Thurmond of South Caro lina is an intense nose the grindstone man with convictions that parallel to considerable degree the doctrines of the many new groups on the far right Im not member of the John Birch Society or any of those organizations Thurmond says understand they are against communism and Im for any group thats against it Hence the voluminous litera ture of the far right often quotes the Democratic senator His mail bags bulge with an plauding literature He is in great demand by them as speaker If Ihe hundreds of new rightist organizations ever unite and form major political party Thurmond might well be their first choice for president INQUIRY SET UP Thurmaud was the prime mover in the present Senate in vestigation into charges that 05 military men have been muzzeld from speaking out against Communist influence in the United States This lies near the core of the beliefs that agitate the rightist groups and the senator They assert that Communists eminent Thurmond says Id just say it would be amazing if some of them hadnt gotten into positions in our government But hoppe fers the term silent socialists Working inthe second eche lons of government he contends these people exert tremen dous and undue influenu on WWW SEEN A5 CONSPIRACY The far rightist sees great conspiracy to deliver the United States into Communist bondage Tburmond sees what he calls no win policy and he lays left wingers in government bavot sold President Kennedy on IMPERIAL Explosive Hin NOW SHOWING notis ruituiiuum Men Hurt In Bow Over $4 Bent OTTAWA CW1W0 men urn In hospital as the result of morning house argument over $4 In rent Lesli McBride 55 was taken to hospital with knife wound that required i7 stitches to close Victor Pommanville 89 was treated for injuries suf fered when he was knocked down and kicked Police said the two Were in jured Saturday in fight over rent money with their knife wieldlng landlord Kenneth Moore owner of the rooming house was charged with assault with intent to wound and assault causing bodily harm His wife Helen was released from hospital Sat urday after treatment of facial lacerations Fire Ravages Warehouse OTTAWA CPIA Iourealarm fire at downtown food ware house Saturdoy caused damage estimated at more than 50000 David chikovitl one of the owners said wit and veget ables valued at between $40000 and $50000 as well as three rooms in the brick and stone building were destroyed The blaze was DCII ved started by defective Wiring LEGION BINGO WEDNESDAY FEB 1962 745 pm JACKPOT $28000 at Nvmnns cannon LEGION HALL 71 COLLIER 51 Society Formed To Help Men 23001 Needed Rehabilitate Alter Iail Terms OTTAWA CmFormation oi the John Howard Society of Canada new association of provincial societies working for rehabilitation of prisoners follt lowing their release was an nounced Saturday Representatives of provincial John Howard societies cornlt pletcd the move at meeting Friday Saturday 17 of them headed by the new national president liisgr Joseph LeFort of Cab 8317 met Justice hiinistcr Ful ion Aims of the national body are to co ordinate the writ of provincial societies encourage penal reform develop an en lightened public opinion on correctional programs and prob lems and develop progressive standards of service for re leased prisoners and their iamlt ilies Eight provincial societies all except those in Quebec and Newfoundland ratified the constitution of the new as sociation Jdin Howard societies operate through combination of profes sional social workers and volun Itocr helpers They are financed both by public donation and grants from federal and prov incial governments MANY TONGUES Fourteen major tongues and more than 800 languages and dilt alccts are spoken in lndia To Teach Bissell renown tCPINearly 000 new instructors will be needed for Canadian universi jiies in the next 10 years Dr Claude Biscll president of the University of Toronto said Sunday Dr Bissell in his annual port to the board of governors and the university senate said Canadian university graduate schools will be required to pro duce the major portion of the new instructors He said there now are about 9000 full time members of teaching staffs in Canadian uni versities Try An Examiner Want Ad rnonn on not THE HARRIS EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 19C Four New Residential Colleges Planned For Toronto University TORONTO CPDDr Claude Bisscli president DI the Uni versity of Toronto Sunday an nounced plans for our new residential collega He said construction on on of the tour may begin this sum mer Two will be located in the northern end 01 the campus close to the arts building and the other two will be bull at the south end Dr Bissell said names of the colleges have not been decidcd The president made the an nouncement in his annual rc port Dr Bissclls report recom mends system of cross ap poinlmenu of stall member be tween university department and colleges thus permitting both to retain and strengthen their academic positions The new colleges would adopt similar system to the present colleges Each would have its academic govemment with prin cipal and registrar VALUABLE GIFTS VICTORIA CPlA Jack son the noted Canadian artist has presented four of his recent oil sketches to the permanent Icollection of the Greater Vic toria art gallery ONESHOWING NIGHTLYAT 745 PM 5ililili LA DOLCE VITA AN ASTOR RELEASE Distributed in Canada by ASTRAL FILMS LIMITED ADMINAN low nonhuman FAMOUS PLAYERS limit LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTIC TAKE NOTICE THAT The Council of the City of Barrie intends to construct as Local Improvements the undermentloned works in the followhi named streets between tho ORATD inafter mentioned and intend to specially assess the cost upon the land abutting dire ctly on the work namely Namo of stroeti From Adam Street Davidson St west side Gunn st north side Gunn St north side Gunn Laneway south of Dunlop SLW Laneway south Dunlopst Lanoway north of Dunlap St Hayfield Downsview Dr Peel st Newton st Bayfield St Hayfield St Bayfield st existing hydrant approx 663 north To Johnson St Width Distance Est construc tion costi Eat out per foot nooks Cornorr Hon unnn colt STREET OPENING 66 272 $306080 $14040 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Si Newton St Davidson St Maple Ave Maple Ave Maple Ave Cundles Rd of Hwy 400 Cundles Rd Maria St Ferris Lane Baldwin Lane Bayfield St Cundles Rd Cundles Rd Maria Street Ferris Lane Hwy Bayfield St Dayfield St Bayfield St William St Bayfield St Bayfieid St Bayiield St Hayfield St Bayview Dr 400 Cundles Rd 103 feet northerly STORM ASPHALT 103 26368 31901 106142 51074 166501 SEWERS 295 299425 PAVING 265 16278 75180 58082 WATERMAINS easterly 1354 westerly 345 easterly 2277 1674 $1382724 $1113404 211830 $1398078 1354 345 2277 SANITARY SEWERS 1300 easterly 925 westerly 350 westerly 850 easterly 864 2300 1300 925 350 850 595296 $2155240 $1220697 806009 312995 707122 708 3128 512020 $11736 $167 $163 $33495 N11 721 $142 $18025 $96842 $413 $42126 9210 $31315 $413 $307 $301 $45474 $30923 $46950 $13942 $14309 $45301 $3445 $46853 $43568 $44714 $453 $4695 pointbub Annual list nu Nuance per foot youl to ho almithl 15 15 15 15 15 15 Application will be made by the City to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may within 21 days after the first publication of this notice file ith the Board his objection to the said work being undertaken The said Board may approve of the said work undertaken but before doing so it may appoint time and place when any objections to the said work will be con1 sidered Dated at Barrie Ontario January 26 1962 STRAUGHAN City Clerk