REGIONAL OARC EXECUTIVE ELECTED Murray Finlaysoa cea trc Barrie was elcctcv chair man oi the Ontario Associa tion for Retarded Children Region No at the Regions annual meeting and confer encc Saturday Other oili clals are left to right Robert laques president of DARC Mrs Maude Freeman oi 0r iilia treasurer iilr Finlay son Mrs George Bradley of Barrie secretary and Berton flavors of Shelburuc vice chairmnn Examiner Photo Barber Shop Groups Perform At Parade Night In OrilliaE The Orillla Chapter oithe So ciety For The Preservation and Extension of Barber Shop Quar tet Singing In America SPEE SQSA were sponsors for the Orillla Chapter Parade held Saturday night at the Opera House Oriil Jka Allen of CFOR Orillia was master of ceremonies for the show He wore typical Buffalo Bill outfit and heard About midway in the show mem bers of the Drillia chapter forc ibly shaved off the beard adding to everyones delight The program opened with the Orillia Chorus dressed in bar bers outilts singing My Wild Irish Rose and Loch Lom and Four gentlemen called the Rhythm Counts from To route and Ontario regional final lan sang several oldtlme fa vourites including Down By The Old Mill Stream Smile DArn You Smile and Sweet Suzie Gordon Smith president and general manager of CFOR was presented by Horace Knight president of the Orillia chapter with certificate of ap preciation ior furthering har ders Rag Time Band quartet of young ladies known as the Sparklersfrom the Toronto Sweet Adelincs also Ontario regional finalists were dressed in in yellow dresses ioronc group of songs and in white billowy skirtswlth royal blue tops for the other group of songs and sang popular numbers like Hello My Baby Among My Souvenirs and When Day lsTonc Hugh Palmer past president and founder of the SPEBSQSA was called upon to introduce the highlight of the evening The Buffalo Bills magnificent The Orlllia Chapter quartet llionaires sang Youll Never Know and Rag Time Cowboy Joe The young ladies of the Barrie Orillia llarmony Belles of ilarmony lncorporat ed were usherettos for the eve ning to on attendance of H00 Following the show an After glow was held at Club Pavalon wherc voluntary and request quartet and chorus singing con tinued Til emu mums HONDAY FEBRUARY AllistOn Missionary Relates Experiences To Church Group ALLISTON Special An event of religious importance took place at the Alliston Pen tecostal Church recently when the congregation heldrneetings to hear witness and talks from three missionaries who have re turned from Africa Rev Wilbur Morrison one oi the speakers was born in Alliston and is the son of Ver non Morrison family well known here for many years Mr Morrison spent long per iod of time in Kenya East Airi on and told of the dedicated missionary efforts being car ried out there by his church lie stressed the fact that printing presses are in opera tion and the gospel is printed in the native language of the African people This is great step forward in helping to Educate them in the fields at hygiene agriculture child care Bible study and youth education he said Kenya became an attractive colony of Britain in 1920 Airi can nationals educated and trained through the years have taken increasing responsibility in government ln the year 1561 for the first time there was an African Prime Minister and it seems that Kenya will seek her independence soon Rev Robert Peel also from Kenya is printer missionary and is in charge of producing the proper reading material for the district He stated that nl though the natives of the coun Iry desire independence they are not ready for it and find themselves facing many obsta cles as they do not have the intelligence necessary to cope with political problems HUMANITARIAN PROBLEMS Humanitarian problems could also cause much hardship Re cently the great floods in Kenya proved that this was so when they were unable to handle the many critical situation and it was here that the missionaries stepped in and the people real ized how much they needed help from outside Rev Bernard Hunter from Transvaal South Africa spoke of his work there saying that this territory is rapidly becom ing modernized The pcopll desire the products of civiliza tion without Christianity and they are not very friendly or courteous to the white man However slow gains are be ing made thmum literature and the diligent work of the missionaries There are more than threo million Bantu natives in this area but the main mission work is among the 350000 natv ive men who earn their living working in the Rand which is the gold mining region of South Africa The men live in compounds and this is where the religious work is done interpreters are sued to reach them through their own language The congregation of Alliston contribute greatly to this work through their contributions and support of the mission llelds Rev ano pastor of the church was in charge of the meetings and expressed the appreciation of his people to the visiting ministers He also advised that he would be show ing his slides of the Holy Land and the rest of his European tour of 1961 in the near future George Dwosh leit Stuart Samush centre and Bnriio Ortalan right caught this fishermans dream Satur Mayor Les Cooke said today that city council had received mandate from the voters for Sunday movies and it was coun PRIZED MEMENTO VERNON BC CPDRoth ing mayor Frank Becker has been presented with the pen and stand used by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip when they signed the city guest register on their visit in 1959 mens group who have been on Broadway for years and appear ed in The Music Man and who are also post international champs and have appeared on the Arthur Godfrey show They dressed in various costumes from suits to barber shop out fits and in opera costumes They sang such favorites as Alexan They Never Behave Me It You Were The Only Girl and Min nie The Mermaid They sang hits from the Mus ManTill There Was You Lida Rose and Shes Only Bird in Gulldcd Cage nwny over the radio 3Tolicemen Bus Drivers Cited dis White Cane Week Observed Hats off to Canada5 police men and bus drivers declared Miss ioe Green of Barrie pre sident of the Club 60 for the blind in White Cane Week salute to these public servants slid to all who assist the blind oh their way across town she said they make it possible for lind person to go about his es They practise year ronnd the theme of White Cane Wéek now underway Think What the White Cane Meansl Miss Green explained that the sheet crossing is not the only piicc where blind people need IXElstance They often need voiunteer to read for themor injescort to take them to club meetings bowling and other iï¬hctions sighted escort is rally essential for the shop ding expedition Women in par ticular need assistance at the dress shop The escort slhouid describe the dress and advise rights suitability Not every one is good at this the club pigsident said it takes imag ination and good taste to help blind person choose her ihes lind persons enjoy the mov iogand the theatre Last year 611d Police Horses Sold At Auction MONTREAL CP Five workworn police horses were sold to the SPCA Saturday or $2 015 in spirited public that raised bids far be yond the actual value of animals The offered price for all five hofsesMajor 14 Duffy and Vamos both is Teddy 11 and Princess 9was $750 But rival bidding in the crowd 01500 salted the ante gill Dunlop SPCA general in ager dominated the bidding iunds contributed by well wfshers to save the horses the campalmi to prevent sale ofpthe animals for work pur poses brought response from ac Ontario and as far west as dmonoon OttawaDonald Manson 75 fabborn general manager otythe Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 195152 and old car of the Canadian radio in why TorontoStuart Srmth 57 adigértising executive and tor vlc president in Canada atloa of vlltown NJ Jcrome Jet eras 70 former boxer who eat Btsd he fought more than houts between dim and 1927 unflflr the ring name Jeff Smith Cnmp Chlh in one city alone more than 4000 passes were distributed for the movies other cities kept pace Admitting two the pass recognized the importance of an escort to fill in where dialogue falls short Numerous blind persons have television sets in their homes and enjoy the entertainment Sighted members of the family report on the visual Partiallysighted persons find iV football golf or hockey much more seeable than the real thing The cam era brings the play right into their narrow field of vision Miss Green said in the grandstand thegame is far too distant for their poor sight Blind people today are busy people she said They travel work own their own homes and take in variety of recreation from bowling to bingo They conduct their own social clubs heading the executive and man ning the committees They dont want pity or handouts During White Cane Week February to 10 and all through the year adopt the na tional themhmlhink What the White Cane Means and see what you can do Call The Ca nadian National Institute for the Blind or contact your local member of the Canadian Coun cil of the Blind who jointly sponsor White Cane Week Asbesinl Alia 5i oma cu Aluminium Alberta Alta Net Gar All Steel Bk Mont Bank of Ns Bali Tal Brawln EA Oil 30 Power can Bk or Com Cda Brewer CPR Cdn Cement can Choralel gaps Oll ary Power Con Mlnasm con Paper Consumer Gas Dom Tu Gt Lakes Home Homo Oil Hud sl imp imp on lnterprov leltt Lakeiand Man Pow Narandn Can Dyno Can Husky Can Dcvoniln Gunnlr Houlnger Lamduo Lorldo Maritime Cen oer an caliber runs Con Hull Sullivan Falconorldsa anmmer Nametli Northllta nowooNss unw Industrial up 12 unu thvr Git Pow Home Farm Pit To acco ind Accept Inland N43 later Nickel Jockey Club Massey Fem KerrAddlsnn Morris Min Search Ends For Trawler ST JOHNS Nfld Search oiiicially ended at dusk Saturday for tho St PicrreMi more than week with in men aboard The last trace of the vessel apparently the victim of stormy weather week ago was found Friday in the form of pilot house door lifcjnckcts and other gear on the shores of the Burin Peninsula where wreckage was found earlier in the week quelon trawler Ravencl missing day morning at Shanty Bay The boys caught the lake trout after and ti hour wait and 10 minute fish Four white clls job to interpret the man date as to the hours for Sunday movies Don Klnlock manager of the Roxy Theatre had said that general government committee report setting the hours from pm to pm was against the wishes of the people who wanted Sunday movies in the evening during regular theatre hours Under the act Mayor Cooke said it is councils job to set the hours ior Sunday movies The general government com mittee ncport was accepted by council at the last meeting Mayor Coukc said that at the committee meeting there had been general discussion but no controversy dont recall any questions being raised when the report came before council the mayor said The mayor said that if the Local Store Is Award Winner Pied Piper Shops Limited of Barrie was honored this year with 1961 Judy Award from the Garment Salesmen Ontario Market for original and imagin ative institutional promotion The award was accepted by Ron McNie president at din her at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto believe we were given the award Mr Mche said for the advert ing and promotion in connection with the opening of non mm Pied Piper Shops Barrie is congratula ted by his staif on winning the Garment Salesman Onta rio Market Judy Award for 1961 The award in the LOCAL AND GENERAL WWNER To SPEAK Chris McDowell top student in the Codrington Public School speaking contest will deliver his winning speech to the Codring ton Street Home and School As sociation tonlmit at 815 Dr Farrlngton of the Hayfield medi cal group will speak to the group on Fear and Tension Time will be allowed for questions to be answered by the doctor Grade two and three classrooms will be open for inspection with teachers in attendance to meet parents TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn ft Dunlap st Barrie mammal Dennison Mine ms sag Dom Fauna Dam Stores Nor Ont MG Noon Corp Melti Poic Oshnwl Paciï¬c Peta Fem Pipe Psge Honey Qua Nat Gas Roe itothmans Royal Bank Saiada Sbirriii Simpson Sillwinlgnn steel of Can rarJJam Bk Trans Cm Trans Mt Trad FLn Texaco Union Gal Walker 555W 2116 Min rip Riv MINING Opemlska Quaint lilo mm as Gordon Steep am United on Ventures wumy wutsey nvn MOST ACTIVE srocxn Bell Telephone Lake Dufsult steel of Canada Northgnte Wayne rurm Avnnaazs up 29 Utilities up 26 TORONTO ITDCK zxcnhNGz anzx lndustrilil down Lu Gaids down 1s lustls down 51 oils up 51 childrens wear specialty cat egory was given as stated by Style Magazine for outstand ing originality and brilliant ly imaginative concept of in stitutional promotion Left to right Mrs Russ Warnlca manageress Aunt Dorothy Scott Grandma Jean Gear WEATHER FORECAST Forecasts issed by the Tor onto weather office at 430 Synopsis Cold air will swmg into Ontario today Tuesday will be partly cloudy and cold throughout the province Lake Erie Lake St Clair re gions Windsor Mainly cloudy today Turning much colder this afternoon with few snowflur ries Partly cloudy and cold to night and Tuesday Winds west erly 25 to 35 today northwest 29 tonight and Tuesday Lake Ontario Niagara Hali burton regions Hamilton Sunny becoming cloudy this morning and turning much col der with few snowflurries this afternoon Partly cloudy and cold tonightand Tuesday Winds westerly 25 to 35 today north west 20 Tuesday Tomato Sunny becoming cloudy this morning and turn ing much colder with few brief snowflurries this aftcr noon Partly cloudy and cold to night and Tuesday Winds wesc arly 25 to 35 today northwest 20 Tuesday Lake Huron southern Georg ian Bey London Cloudy today turning much colder with occa sional snowflurries and local saowsqualls Mainly cloudy with few snowflurries Tuesday Northern Georgian Bay A1 gBoma Timagami regions North We Ilwlyl clvo of prompt courteou Ask your doctor about our pharmacy next time he writer prescription for you Prescription pickeddip and nail PHARMACY Dunlap PA ssuss ts Collier St asm re Cloudy windy and colder th occasional snow and blows ing snow today cloudy and continuing cold esday Winds north 20 to 80 today northwest 15 tonight and Tues day White River Cochrane re gions Cloudy with few snow tlurries today Partly cloudy and continuing cold Tuesday Winds north is to 25 today northwest is tonight and Tues daY Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Tuesday Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Wlngharn Hamilton St Catherines Toronto Peterborou Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Earlton Kapuskasin White River Moosonee SS Marie complete selection in cluding Gibson and Rust Craft Weuymouths 300K STORE 30 Dunlop PA 81055 our store and also for our pow der room where there are free in tea for mothers to make diaper changes He added that thcaward is signal honor and one which the Barrie store can take great deal of pride in winning Stores throughout the province are considered for the award and it is believed that this is the first time in history that Barrio store has been chosen for the honor FIE TROUT REWARDS PATIENCE fish were also included in the moraings work The trout was 28 inches long and bad girth monsurementoili inches Our Job To Interpret Mayor Says Of Result Examiner Photo general government committee recommendation did not lntcr prct the wishes oi the yes votlt ers spokesman for this group should appear bciore council and say so The movie bylaw will be pre sented for passage at the council meeting next Monday oi Becoming Place For Honors Bissell Asserts TORONTO CPi The Uni versity of Toronto now is be coming predominantly an honor course institution Dr Claude Rlssell ve rslty president said in his annual report Sun day Dr Bisseli said the distribu tion between the honor and gen eral courses has been almost equal for many years but iat cst figures indicate shift at about 6040 to the honor course BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 for 23 days 102 ounlopsi TCA BARRIE TR EXCHRSRIH FARES GOOD TO MAY is 1962 See your old friends your familyenjoy chart eofscene Travel almost anywhere in Canada on TCA ECONO ROUNDTRIP EXCURSION DAY SPECIALS both weekday and weekend Its one of the biggest and best travel bargains ever with BIG savmgs all the wayl On some routes you travel Monday Tuesday or Wednesday on WEEKDAY EXCURSION good for 24 days on other routes you travel Saturday or Sunday on WEEKENDEXCURSIONS good FUR EXAMPLE only $166 TORONTOVANCOUVER wcexoav excuasmu osruani Ask your Travel Agent or contact TCA at iae Bloor St West Toronto Ont TRANSCANADAAF LINES AIR cam For YourReservutions CALL NOW AVEL SE RVICE FA 66474 ii JOHNSON CO LTD 697 Bay Street Toronto Dunlap St Barrie EM 69m PA 66525