Police Watch Pipe Repairs As Pickets Heckle TORONTO iCP1vo broken water mains in suburban Sear borough Town ship were re paired Saturday vshile pickets ot hydro and other construction workers heckled About 100 employees of the public utlities commision went on strike lriday tor higher pay An independent contractor hired to repair one at the bra ken mains was heckled off the job but another contractor in ished the work Pickets supplied water in buckets to local resi dents whose supply was cut oft by the break The other trac turn was repairedpnder the eyes of police Many ot the commissions 150 Dilice workers were ailccted by the strike Some reiused to cross picket lines and others said lthey had been threatened and told not to cross 15 Die 0n Roads Lowest Total For Canada In By THE CANADIAN PRESS Accidents claimed 15 lives in Canada during the weekend one of the lowest totals for many weeks ExCBC Head Dies lit 75 OTTAWA CPIDonald Man son 75 general manager or the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora tion in 195152 and pioneer oi the Canadian radio industry died at his home here Saturday Born in Wick Scotland Mr ltfnnson came to Conada in 1907 to Work with the Itfarconi Com pany in establishing commer cial radio communication be tween Canada and Ireland During the First World War he served as Canadian gov ernment inspector oi radio and following the war became chief inspector He later was appointed assistant controller ot all radio Itlr ltfnnsnn helped in draft ing radio laws and regulations during this period including the Canadian Broadcasting Act of 1936 which created the CBC Many Weeks Six provinces reported no no cidcnt deaths in Canadian Press survey from pm local times Friday to midnight Sun day Read accidents claimed 12 lives four each in Quebec and Ontario three in Nova Scotia and one in British Columbia Three persons died train as phyxiation two in Quebec and one in Ontario The figures do not natural dcnths known suicides or industrial accidents Ontario dead Doris Lotte 01 offloronto struck by car in Toronto Fri da night Donato Dimola 28 of Toronto struck by car as he climbed out of another vehicle in Tor onto Saturday Coast Dennis Vinstanley 30 at Stamford Township Police checking another vehicle near Niagara Falls Saturday John Frederick Datke 77 of Fort William asphyxintcd when fire swept his basement apnrt merit An unidentiï¬ed woman killed in multiple crash on highway 22 near London FLEMINGS oi BARRIE BOYS and GIRLS SNOW SUITS COAT SETS WINTER JACKETS DRESS COATS SIZES 26x 714 and PreTeens 69 ONLY ALL NEW I961 STOCK REG 995yto 3495 VzPRICE CASH and CARRY FLEMINGS of BARRIE l9 DUNLOP ST PA 83345 TWOPIECE SNOWSUITS STYLED FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ALL FIRST QUALITY ALL THIS SEASONS PRODUCTION SIZE53456X include Workers Both inside and outside worlc ers are members of the Inter national Brotherhood ot Electri cal Workers tCLCl The union and ottice workers have not signed contract yet Negotiations began with the outside workers last March 31 conciliation otticer recom mended the dispute be settled with zitpcrcent increase im mediately and another three per cent April 1962 Negotiations broke down at this point when the union asked tor acceptance of the minority recommendation at live and 0111 per cent Dozen Stock Men Face Fraud Cases WASHINGTON AP The government is preparing crim innl tax fraud cases against at least dozen stock market ï¬g urcs prominent Wall Streeter closely identified with the Now York Stock Exchange is under stood to be among those in valved It was learned Sunday that tentative cision has been matte to present the most sen sational case the one involving the man with stock exchange ties to federal grand jury in New York this week Informants said several cases result from various investigm tions OI the American Stock Ex change and its members by the Securities and Exchange Com mission notorious Newdork boiler ï¬lmck by car as he was room brokerage Irm which sells stocks through highpres sure long distance telephone campaignsdid not report in come irom operations in du on Canadian stocks this in vestigation has involved study of the books at 20 corporations and dozen banks and is being conducted in cooperation with Canadian authorities LONDON AP when quarrel the cabinet room at 10 Downing Street British ministers promptly all back on an old trick to keep from blowing their tops Like so many schoolboys they exchange comic or even rudo notes until tempers have cooled This was disclosed Saturday by Lord Dalton leading fig ure in the postwar govern ment in the final volume at his memoirs High Tide and Alter to the book published today he wrote The exchange of notes scribbled on bits of paper at the cabinet table is one at the traditional lubricants oi BritA UPTAth tCPl Record brcaking imports last Novem ber slowed down the countrys drive towards trade surplus last year Imports in the month out paced exports tor $36000000 trade delicit the Dominion Bu roau 01 Statistics reported to day trade surplus accumlt iilatcd in the first 10 months at the year was trimmed 10527 $00000 Government spokesmen in cluding Trade Minister Hoes linve estimated that the year ended with commodity trade surplus Final ofticial tigures wont be available for another month Exports in November totalled $540200000 an increase at 136 per cent from the 1960 level at $475700000 There was gain of nearly 10 per cent in sales to the United States DONT MISS THESE SPECIALS FULLFLUFFY FEATHER PILLOWS TUES WED SPECIAL 11 BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY CIIBINET MEN WROTE NOTES TO EACH OTHER BOOK SAYS lsh cabinet government An anthology would be Iascinat Ing lie told at row he had with the late Aoeurin Bevan in 1946 on the subject of Ger many and reparations Temp ers flew They glared across the table at each othfl The then prime minister Clement Attlce had to shut them up Suddenly Dalton scribbled note and shaved it across the table to Bevan It said As hall real Welsh man born in Glamorgan to real half Welshman born in Monmouth we must allow for these poor Saxons Iailure to understanding our Celtic high spirits Imports Record Slows DoWn Drive Towards Trade Surplus But the record high of $576 800000 in November imports up 123 per cent from year earlierproduced the months dolicit IlLAItIE DOLLAR DROP Exports tor the tirst 11 months oi 1961 rose eight per cent to $5350400000 from $4 953800000 in the corresponding period of 1960 Imports were 52 per cent higher at 553 400000 compared with 200000 The 11month trade surplus of $27000000 compared with $108400000 dclicit in the like period of 1960 The bureau said port of the increased export and import values reflects the reduced tor eign exchange value of the Ca nadian dollar This reduction has resulted in higher price in Canadian dollar termstor imports TORONTO CPI Manager Angus ItfacKinnon ot the Royal York Hotel said Sunday the ho tel will hire non union music ians to play or dinnerdancing next week On Saturday Itlr hlacKinnon told Alan Wood president of the Toronto Musicians Associa tion that the hotel would hire nonunion musicians it the as sociation continued its boycott ot the strikebound hotel He said Sunday be had been told that Mr Wood had been in touch with Walter ltlurdocii Ca nadian executive oiiicer oi the American Federation at Music ians tCLC but had received no direction Resignation Call To Macmillan Is Causing Row LONDON tRcutcrsl An In ternational row is allowing speech in which Sir llarry LeggeBourke CoastTA vntivo legislator called on step down Sir Harmar Nicholts another statement as rather intempcr ate many at Itfacmillans supporters to rosentthc speech but at the it as the first open ventilation of criticism of the prime min isters policies which Iias been growing behind the scenes stained from supporting mo tion of contidonce in the govern Nations ions in The Congo THERES NO BETTER WAY TO BUY YOUR FOOD With No Money Down You Can EAT BETTER roR LESSI Quality Foods Enough the ruling Conservative party Prime Ministh Macmillan to Conser legislator prolt tested Saturday St the speech which he described in Political expected same time the sources viewed Leggc Bourke recently ab ments attitude to the United told Mr Wood we couldnt wall any longer Vere putting In nonunion musicians by Fri day at the latut and paying un ion scale ltfr Wood said Saturday se rious rebellion had developed Within the ranks of Torontos union musicians He estimated $90000 in fees and wages had been lost to musicians since the boycott began When the Hotel and Club BIG BUILDERS MONTREAL CPI Canada building new houses and apart ment suites at the rate oi one every four minutes is the buitdmgcst nation in the world says John Smith vicevpresi dent of the National Home Builders Association He said 18 per cent of Canadas gross na uonal product goes into con struction compared with 11 per cent in the United States and eight per cent in Britain DO IT NOW PAY lATER on our handy Budget Plnn HAVE REPAIRS DONE NOW rYou rind Your Car Will Benettt SEE US TODAY IIIIIIEEIIEIELII Motors Ltd 65 Collier so PA 82481 CUSHIONS Animun BATH TOWELS Reg 298 ea ltIaltex HAND TOWELS Reg 195 ea Texmnde SHEETS Reg 375 to 550 Texmudn PILLOW CASES Reg 179 to 229 Royaleork To Hire NonUnion Musicians Employees Union 1ch went on strike April 21 1900 1153 workers walked oil their jobs Since then 521 have returned to work and the number still on strike is disputed SUNOCO BLENDED HEATING OIL relinndsnlctytoroncpuipn ncomtoriablccmnomicaihomh heating Call tar Sunoro today HEATING OIL Made by the originators of famous Cuslomvfllended tllue Sunocu Gasoline THE SARJEANT CO Mary St LT PA 82 CUSHIONS REG $298 Early Bird Special ALL ONLY HALF PRICE yawn QAaï¬muhd 42 Dunlop St PA 83588 brand New RCA VICTOR COLORS BROWN MAROON GREEN MAUVE OUTER SHELL IS MADE OF FABRICS PROVEN BEST FOR SNOWSUITS COTTON POPLIN Â¥I°SOSE AND COTTON OR NYLON AND COT ALL SUITS LINED WITH RAYON OUILTED TO WOOL INTERLINING JACKETSE LB WEIGHT SLACKS 4LB ASSURING SNUG WARMTH FILE LINED ZIPPER HOOD DOWNHILL STYLE SLACKS WITH DOUBLE KNEES JACKET HA5 GUARANTEED ZIPPER FOR FRONT CLOSING Normally 798 to 1093 WALKERS SPECIAL WALKERISIolTBfARRtE STORE HOURS Dally 1115 mm 530 pm Wed 0115 mm 1200 Noon mm 0th nan 0100 pm 50 DUNLOP ST PA 6022 34 SISAL DOOR MATS EASY TO CLEAN REVERSIBLE TOUGHEST DOOR MAT AVAILABLE REG $340 Three Wed Special $295 HOME FURNISHINGS BAYFIELD ST PA 82843 For Average Family of $l350 or This Price Includes NEW FREEZER EARIYIIIRII SPECIAL Order Your Food Plan Tues Wed And Take Your Choice Of One Of 10 FOODPARS FREE NO GIMMICKS For Only FREE DELIVERY UP T0 100 MILES PA 6050l KLEERPAK FOODS gas Tiffin VSt HIFl ST EREO Model No SCH762 REGULARLY PRICED AT $33995 425 Were Even Going One Better Than That With This Purchase We Will Give You Free Records Worth Early Bird Special Price MONARCH REFRIGERATION c0 II8 DUNLOP ST PA 82059