Now Is The Tirne To Buy Or Sell Your Car See Column No 10 THE BARRIE EXMIINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 1961 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPERTY FOR SALE Child is lair or Child Ll III DI Child in roll or Thursday Child In In Fridays Child in lawn Lad tr Inf someday child sorts and let its living And child that is horn on the Sabbllh Dl is talk no little and good and XI Children nerrtnr this verse or counter Cullen always want to know which day the week was their olrtn due Ketplhll other Irn ortanr InformHan ior your still lulure barrio ax mlner illrth Announcement will Include themme at your child the day ot the It month and year or birth the weight and at er tllal tntormstion printed messace can become permanent record in more iloalr or ramily Albums All rate tor demo Examiner nirih Notice is only stop To place notice phone Plt NIH DEATHS AVEllALLClaudla At Stev znson siemorlrl iiospltal Alliston on Sunday rebrurry lsoz Claudia ioore In her tllh ear Iielorcd wire ot the late Samuel Alerall Ind dear mother at loiire Resting at the liughcs runersi iiome Conksiown for service on Wednesday Pebruary at part lniermani Alliston Union cemo lcr iinGANqames osop To ronto on Saturday February lm James Joseph liogan in Ill oilh year beloved husband at tho late Iary Cronin nesting at the steckley Funeral Home It Wors ley Street nerrle Funeral mass at St Marys Church Dorrie on Monday February at cm In icrment st Mar Crmctcry PATtluioUsr mnlce At the KitchenerWaterloo linspital on Saturday February 952 Eunice Parkhousc inrmerly or Call On inrlo nesting at tho Icthick Pun eral Home 127 ilayrieid Street iiarrle Funeral service in the chapel Ilanliny February at no Tcmpoloy cniombmcni Barrie Union Cemetery interment Crown liill Cemetery later PEACOCKElmcr inmes Passed away at Stevenson lllemorial HITS pltai Alliston on Sunday Febru ary 1952 Elmcr James Paaeocir dear brother or Gertie lliirs Aenewl Ihtcl Willred and slan Icy in his siih year healing at the home at his sister it lohn Agnew ltoscmont for service on Wednesday February at pnl Temporary cnionrbrnorlt Alliston Union Cemetery Mortuary spring burial United Church Cemetery Roscmnnt IN MEMORIAM nTmWNln memory our denr mother Juno Peacock Brown who passed away Februrry 55 also our dear Inther Harvey Brown who passed awly March 17 use Your proscnco Lt ever hear us Your lovo remIlia with us yat You were tho kind at mother and father Your loved once will novel iorg Lovingly remtmbered family KAszlh living mornory GI car husband and in Mondays Tuesd HI pruence El memory we the EVEr remembered End tamlly HOLTIn loving memory dear sistcr Dorothy Holt passed away February issi My lips cannot tell how miss her My hcart cannot tell what in say God alone lcnolvs how miss her In home that is lonesome today anlnsly remembered by lil tor lilary HUGHESTn loving memory of our door mother lites Harvey Hughes formerly DI Strand Whn passed away February IBM Fond memories linger every day Rcmcmbrancc keeps her near Evei remembered Cnnlpboll and Pat Roy and Kathleen CARS IN GERMANY With population of 54000 Duo West Germany had 4060 000 motorcars ragisterad in I060 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classifiet adver tisements are inserted at the rate of per word per insertion for one and two times ac per word for three four or five times and 2zc per word tor in more insertions lfl7e addi tional diarge it not paid within Ill days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 FUR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN gtSERTION ERRORS 0R CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that an phone lrlsnrtinn orders Inc It ed as convenience to you to advertiser Thcrctom the Classlbcd Advertising Department requires all advertisers to kindly rociiecir their advertisement immediately alter asst lnscrtlnn in order that any errors or omissions may be reported boiora are to order that Sanin may leCIIIIPd or the rollowinc days insertion order We wish to point out that The Barrie Examiner is responsible for only nun Incorrectly printed insertion on any advortiacment and hcn only to the extent or portion or ad that involves the misprint Errors which do not lessen the value or the advertise meat are notellgiblo lai earrec iions by make goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices or up to as words over 25 words 5d per word extra In Memorialn No tices $150 If verse used do per word extra BLIND Ime REPLIES Information regarding advertisers uting pllnd Letter Box Numbers for Replies is held strictly condo lilttnl Replies to Leimr boxes will be held only In dove alter last day at publication Classified advertisnmenis and notices for these pages must ho received by llm day We ccdlug publication With thb ex ception of Classiï¬ed Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day display ciasritleds may be oh Hale tho typartyiao for Icml talnell through The Examiner ad vertIlng department Keith Marshall REAL BTATZ phom PA 84592 is cLAPPnRTON STLBARHIZ Noun CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 32419 nunlop St slAuu MARSHALLPA Mull COREYPA om MURIEL lEFFEnYPA an HENDERSON REALTOR in COLLIER gram PHONE PA 8267ll EVENINGS CALL mTA SCANDnm PA M365 DOROTHY Wliacox PA on PERCY FORD PA 81930 EMERSON SWAIN PA boobs biemher oi Barrie and District and Ontario iteal ratata Boards FIVE lion whilo trama house located on lnnlsill street on lurv pace buIIHn cupboards Tpleco hath IAslly healed ncst oiler Telcphona PA blltm aiicr pm Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Iiffin St PA 60476 Member of tho narrla and District ll slat Board CARSO REAlron 45A DUNLOP STrW Next door to th Imperial Theatre PA 66481 Member ol Eiurll and District tint Erma hoard ROSE REAL any Adam 73 TIFFIN 5m BARE CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member ot the Barrie and Districl Real Estate Board MOVING ont target to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 6180 OR PA 54802 113 Dunlop St New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots at cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom ï¬xtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 Four Bedroom Home With large living room and kit chen Close to high school public school and St Marys School This house has large basement suitable for recre ation room Full price $15900 Down payment $2844 Call Hen ly Elrick and Michie 15 Owen SL Barrie PA 85688 PROPERTY WANTED PASTUTIE FARM wanted to rent or buy illust be reasonably priced Apply to Box to Enrrlu Examiner one on TWO LOTS wanted in the vicinity at Itllnnts Paint TCIElt phone PA 60420 ior Iurther intor motion FARMS FOR SALE 50 ACRE FARM Ideal or tobacco or potatoes Level and workable Six miles tojdnwntuwrlja MiroTighouK Good well House with indoor plumbing Builtin Cupboards and Iilrllace Large barn Pig pen Double garage Possession anytime Apply Frank Slack RR Barrie MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE Ist 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere lVITII LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR EDDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY IIn consolidate debts Pay off existing mortgages or mortgages coming due Home improvement Any worthwhile causo PA nasal Mortgage Funding OVCI SimpscnsSears IZB DUNLOP ST MORTGAGE st and 1nd hotlth raid and arranged Commoreial and residential monuya loaned on existing mortgngus Barrie Mort soga Tankers P9 nasal REAL ESTATE sills ll IL MOOREPA Mir ROGERSPA 55552 DUNLOP ST Lon tin PA smtd merett helsweli Dro 29in Smith Campbeliral 51m Perilus Gancy tI Mrs FINANCIAL $5000 476 FOR WEEKS NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO ilicNAllAhA PA 60203 RENTALS Low COST SPACE or rent clean modern DuIIdIngl Suitable for commercial or Ilght Industrial Telttpmm Dell 515 NURSING HOMES Alul EDEN NUIISING HOME Built or this work Semi and privata looms kind nursing care good iood TV rooms station wa son for outings Telephone aslu Stroud ONLY ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONEDUNDOP First in Barrie Home SulaForemost to Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL mutants EARTH 4r DISTRICT his rsiArI BOARD Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER First Mortgage Fundl Available Interest 60 or Valua No Fees Charged menial Call Howard Narrll PA CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 30241 PA sow tiembarr at the horrid ilcai Estate Board the most modern conveniences PA 68122 PROPERTY FOR SALE STREETEAST FOSTERPA mu CONNZLFPA To Shelswell PA $9961 PA W42 lack Willson PA Him Notmarl sheLrwali PA noel bun oarl LangPA Mlsi charlla headPA Moll LUXURIOUS LIVING 189 Fee St TWO bedroom apartments $90 and up All Janitor scrvice included Iml ITICIIIDIQ possession TiiitEE nooli uniurnlsbed Iiuitt ed apartment or Tan Sellcon tained separate entrance 55 per month Available immediately Tclcphnna PA 54770 or PA out LAnGE nicely decorated one bed roonr lower apartment heated scllcnnlalncri Ccntral location 22111 welcome iclephona PA IOUll nooli Apartment or rent Privaic bath uniurnlshd and heat ed private entrance Close to schools and bus children welcome nor as panic Examine SEL CDNTAINED our room hontcd apartment or rcnt iiillur nlshed lclephone PA soon or alter pm PA nsazl Ior iurther intonnriion TWO nsnliooii unlurnishcd apartment ior rent on main floor or new triplex Bark and iront entrances Automatic dryer Tcle Phone PA on tor Iurthcr inior million OFFICES STORES RENT sMALL hindern main floor storc or oliice at lllz Dunlop st Wort Ample parking Air Candis tloncd $100 monthly Telephone PA anus days or PA ansla even Inga tor further Inlormatio APTS HOUSES TO RENT PUTLleIiEn three room apart ment scllrcolitnlned heated Also one bedroom to rent Apply at 69 John Street or telephone PA salsa TWO BEDROOJ Apartments in rent iioatcd central location Hardwood tloors Tolephone PA anon or iurther iniornlatlon UNPUnNISnED live room apart mcnt ior rent Downtown location Heat and water supplied Tole phone PA 66729 or Iurther lnior matlon TImEE ROOMS and bath iurn tshed Heat and watcr supplied Private verandah electric dryer and washer Telephone PA sushi evenings PA atom SPACIOUS ilvn room uniurnlshed apartment stove and rclrlgcrator optional Automatic launrtry and parking Iacilitics Telephone PA flood or PA ham or turiher de nUnToN AVENUE Three room uniurnlshcd apartment on heated hot water Stovo and rclrigcrotor Private bath Apply 48 Centre St six ltoclli House Ior rcnt with automatic gas heating lhrcc bed rooms Centrally located Available now Telephone PA Mull ior IurA thcr Intnrmutlon iliDDrzrtN one and two bedroom apartments to rent East end loos Iloll Automatic laundry iaciiitlcs For iurther particulars telephone PA 32929 UNPUnNIssz two bedroom sellcontained ground tloor npart mcnt All utlllllcs supplied Dunlap lhrgeest West area Telephone PA maw Two BEDROOM Bungalow stroud area Largo living room kItchcn and three plccn hath Available immediately Telephone stroud aoltll LARG res scven room bousa Tor bedrooms hs go oak Iloors Central the water heating Available now All ply 73 Duudonald Street Barrlc or iclephona PA 33297 APARTMENT three IDOms with private bath reirigerator and range Downtown Suitable rot adults $5750 per month For fur ther intermotion telephone PA 69793 MODERN apartments our rooms and Privata hath not water huts ed utilities supplied Located in Angus Telephone Camp Borden 139 12115 and utter pm AVAILABLE February Two bedroom uniurnishcd apartment heat and water supplied selfcoil taincd East cnd location 575 per miHmeonwrelephomPkoad UNFURNISHED oil heated sell contalned our room apartment Ground floor root and side on trance Available now Telephone PA spam garage on wooded lot Codrington Street School arcn Immediate Pnsscsslon Rcierences required silo monthly Call Coutts at C0 PA 82435 TWO BEDROOM house to rent large rooms oil Iurnaoe iull base mcnt Ideal location overlooking Kempenielt Buy Adults preterrod Telephone PA 61407 tor iurther inrorruatlo PouTt Ito Apartment tllo bath unfurnished Stove and re srigcrator suppll Centrally lo ratcd No children Availablo im mediately For iurtner lrlIornlo tion iciephono PA aural TilTLDE ROOM furnished Apart ment for rent Heated ichIlgnrm tor llcavy duty stovc hardwood linors Sell contained Avoilabia immediately Armstrongs Hard ware PA 82441 UNFIJITNISDED two bedroom apartment haated Centrally toe ted Parking provided lien 70 monthly Telephone PA 32430 or atterrdao Tlln IA Mani TWO BEDROOM Bungalow with Try An Examiner Want Ad Try Ah Examiner Want Ad Two BEDROOM Apartment in modern building East End Prec laundry facilities rcirlgerotor stove heat and water Not sult oblc or children Telcphonu PA M445 mitEE BEDROOM Drlck Dunca low In narrle Recreation room and garage Central location Close to schools Available February is $95 per month Telephone orlllia FA 55723 AVAILAnLE Now Unturnlsbcd three room apartment Entire lio stalrs Private bathroom selicon tolncd on heat Dlotlt from Post oliice small baby welcome Tele phnne PA M757 beloru 630 pan NEW AND llodern one and two bedroom apartments ovnriooking sconic Kempenrcit nay Hcat wa ter lparking and ianltor service inciu ed Automatic washing ta clutlos PA nzm TWO Biznltomi Bungalow for rent Tasteiully decorated Oil hcat Aluminum storms and screens All conveniences Write Box SCI Barrie Examiner or phone VA moot Oakvillc ALLANDALE District Three room apartment with bath private en trance parking nowly decorated llcnl hydro and water supplied $65 monthly Available immediate ly Tclcphnne PA cools By ALICE BROOKS SLENDERIZER Flattery foi sunny days ahead We nominate this softly draped neckline with tabbed bow as one of the prettiest Ior hallsizes Skirt is So slimming Printed Pattern 4936 Half Sizes 14 16 18 20 22 24 Size 16 requires yards 35inch fabric Send FIFTY CENTS I50 cents in coins stamps cannot be ac cepted top this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of IBarrie Examiner Pat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tern Catalogready now More than lollsparkling styleses it PM noon Apartment with bath sport dayI cc wtir traicl All alzesl Send cents RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT Nuts sT tIAEYl Church hm heated upper duplex or real Plvo roonu and bath seikoritained Privaia entrance Ngoblectlon to one child Telephone PA so coslroRTApLz largo thrceroom apartment Moderate rent warm sepsrate entrance storage pm in Central at blu laundromat Auowance tor rervleo ii Pene tong st PA aw FOUR noon heated artment tor rent uniurntsbed with lion and reirigenlor Parlrinr spare Piv mmules walk tram Pm Points Telephone PA an or nirthse particulars Two n00 turniebed heated apartment Store remIeraior and cupboards Suit business or mili tary couple Reasonable rent aur stops at door Private entrance Telephone PA 8493 or PA mill Heated location Parking avaUable contained with prlv enirlntl Immcdlaia possession Telephone PA 34566 or PA um alter pm MODERN two bedroom Hurt ment with stove reirigerrtor we er and dryer On main apartment building abla now Apply in Cool strut or PA B7Il HOUSE To at 74 Perry street West Largo living room kitchen bath and two bedrooms basement Tull lire oil heated and wool or coal heater supplied Im mediate postesslon Apply Charles Lows 20 Dunlop street West ROOM It BOARD rUitNisiTtD Bedroom Centrally located Board optlonal PA 57557 R00 AND BOARD avalirhlo tor one in private home Home priv llcges parking Telephone PA 37901 or iurther details WARM ilaner Bedroom close to hospital Lincns supplied ilot pinto and use or rerrigeraior It desired Telephone PA um weekends and alter in evenings or PA 641652 weekdays ROOMS TO LET Uniurnlshed Downtown Selle PHILISTIBD edroom share ilvlnl room bathroom and kitchen privileges with two other young women For iuriher Inlarmfllnn phone PA pzozi ARTICLES For SALE PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please call at our Busi ness Office We arr sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prinls $100 IO $125 plus tx STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM I2c to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 EWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 Ideal for lining bed houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario ARTICLES For SALE EASY CLEANING Just For You GOBLIN VACUUM Cleaner in almost new condition complete with hassock $950 CGErcomplete with attachments and super swivel lop $3450 AIRWAY with new motor new nylon hose $3650 ELECTROLUX in extra good condltinn complete with all at tachmenta LEWYT with large many extra bags $35 RUTON This Is brand new unit retail value $14950 Sale price Made in Holland These are All sold on our regu lar guarantee Phone for tree homo trial to wheels FILTER QUEEN SALES 87 MAPLE AVE BARRIE PA 83482 FURNACE BARGAHI Buy your lurnaeo now between Jau 15th and Feb 23th rind get your dual iiir attachment FREE with every complete installation Reg 869 FORCED AIR OIL 0R GAS NEW $110 Finance Rain Phone collect Stroud 4135 WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Strand Low Overhead NEED NEW STOVE OR FRIDGE Buy em with lowcost llIelnsured SOOIIA PLAN LOAN The Bank of Nova Scotia TRACYS FILTER QUEEN READ THIS FOR YOUR HEALTHS SAKE Germs are carried on dust BUTdust is eliminated with Filter Queen Health ullit Even nicotine is cleared from the air you breathe CALL PA 118482 50 bit on health unit hassock with this ad SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 DINISFIL STREET PA 66531 Electrohome TV Stereo Hear the New FM Stereo The Best iDVSound NICFADDEN Appliance 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 Ample Free Parking Terms to suit your Budget Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 HOT WATziT Tank gallons with eicetrlc immersion heater Iuliy insulated ready to install Tolephona PA was cash comasoon at per mouth Tclcphnne PA 6020 Jrcsécnt Flnanpm no Dunlap 5L es ATTENTION nsmznllquSalted minnows Ior sale By the bushel Tclophonti 5255303 Midland ior iurthar Infomuflon AUTOMATIC stokcr jol unites or sale Medium capacity Apply 210 Dayaeld street or telephone PA 84512 in further InformHon SINGER rc assessed Floor Cinn er and Polshcr or sale Terms singer Sewing Machine Company Darr Telephone PA on DIP REDUCING vibration Bolt equipment motor operated Brand new It cost us 57b will sell for $50 Telephone PA oIili Ior ur thor lnlormsiion CUPBOARD or sols woollen door shelved approximately 45 45xla cream painted sis Ap éiï¬y351655 Blake Street or phona PA PUTt WEAPS Jackets and Col tor said or exchange Repairing relinlrlg and remodelling binder ate prices APPIy Milburn and Son in Dunlap street West Dorrie Telephone PA on LOVELY inexpensive Dresses tram North American Fashion Frocks Latest styles step without obligation For further lnioma tlon telephone Mrs Duvoe PA 85514 aitcr SCUBA Equipment for used only months like new Single staga two hose regulator Anus Lung tank constant reservo valve Eric Pro with harness toam Neoprene wct suit complete size medium Pins snorkel masts weight bolt 11 pounds at weights dlvers mg and one protessionol dlvcrs kniic Quito reasonable Phone PA 83917 otter pm or call at 41 Marcus street CLASSIFIED WANT ADS BABY GRAND PIANO original cost $3300 Will reii tor 3595 or nearest oflar Apply Fred Brown Ing 13H Shannon street Orilila phone FA 43753 DAVENPORT and two easy chairs for an 525 also Chrome Kitchtln Table and chairs $25 All in good condition Telephone PA 66015 mans bought sold rent ed repaired Student ntai rates Ask about our lient Try their Buy Plan stir ewrlter Co 14 Bradford st soars FRUIT 8e VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtland and other varieties grade Mac 50 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 9201 Docs it PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgics mid Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 330 RM DAILY PHONE PA SW86 wnmIAnANng purring my ghost two months two iemales Twomelodrama each Good nlro dog wonderiul with children Phon PA Mm Low Cost ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES WANTED 0N Pm Bars Skates sin also mlanrular or merh Play Pen and baby Stroller Tele phone PA was FARMER MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest priccs paid or dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For fast service phone BARRIE PA 831751 callectl or ask or ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGEI It noun day7 days week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmcad Ontario License Nit 139061 LIVESTOCK Tw mam and Yorkshire Telephone noon or evening PA 590 FARM MACHINERY SIMCOE DISTCOOF FARM SUPPLY SALES 8c SERVICE FOR Pedlar Barn Equipment Water Bowls Pedlar Beatty Dominion Uliico 0taco Barn Track Farm Fence Automatic Feeders Ventilating Fans Cement 259 INNISFIL ST PA 66531 CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment Snow Removal Equipment Available us BURTON AVE PA 92373 CASH TRADE TERMS MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Millicrs Vacuum Wash Tanks Separators Parts or any millKer HANK BROWN RR BARBIE HOLLY PA 60338 POULTRY at CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen arc choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now or early order discount For service or help on yourpoultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smoun PHONE 77 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Midtown 41 Essa Rd 51 Pontiac automatic radio 61 Ford Deluxe radio 60 Pontiac automatic radio 60 Chev auto Impala 60 Chevrolet our door SM 58 Chev Sedan 58 Pontiac automatic cedar 57 Buick loll door PS PB 57 Buick Station Wagon 57 Ford Sedan 57 Ford Sedan 56 Ford ll two door 56 Volkswagen Deluxe 54 Ford our door deluxe ROY HAWKJNS HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NAL Towing 75 EAYFLELD ST PA M65 SACRIFICE 1957 Plymouth redeai vii Take over small monthly pay ments Cali PA lOZBB after pair MUST SELL 1854 Ford very clea Tako over existing Plymenu Tale phone PA onzno after pm insi PitEIEcr Sedan custom ra dio Good transportation Take over payments or $11 Telnpllane PA Mile Ior Iurthcr information 1954 coNsUL Sedan custom radio good body and interior Take over payments or $14 per month Telee phone PA 37053 tor details 1950 METEOR two door Better than the average Can tnku trade on this car as down payment Telephone PA Malls lssa FORD Station wagon Vu engine with standard transmission Owner Icuving town Would Cork rider taking over payments or $40 per month Telephone PA M501 CLASSIFIED OK JOHNSON No money down Pumps AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS Pom lass cuzvnouzr our door six cyunder No crickets In this one Telephbnt PA sods ior iurtber lniormrilon last AND in clnzvlloms or nlg Both in AI eoadiilon with all new tires No body work nec essary Telephone PA Hill NEED cAsuSea Seaboard Firs anct Your Lenan Neilhnar nos tar in monthly iii nunlop Street liarrte Telephone PA 477 lsss VOLKSWAGEN tor sale tiri rnee or estate nody good motor ln Al condition Custom radio only liooo miles Reasonable Telephone PA some 1557 FORD Custcmline ittn dour two one blue finish eurtorn rad new thrnurnom rate over paymcnu oi sii per month Tele phone pA 8708 1935 CHEVROLET Tour door do luxe model six cylinder new tires body perircr Take over payments or us per month Telee Phone PA on or Iuriher In iormatlon i951 IONAIKCII blue our door sedan power steering ratilo lrear rpcrlrerl whitewali tires excell ent condition Private sale Terms gollllbie Telephone Camp harden lsso PLYMOUTH station Wagon nulonlatlc power stecrlnr va so not Plymouth Station wa gun automatic Vii Both In car ccllent condition Terms can be arranged Telephone PA boost CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES gt USED CARS TRADE UT on DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAP 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 34212 TRUCKS 8r TRAILERS lsss MERCURY VaTon Truck Body as new Drigl point All new Sply tires One owner Lowi mileage Takc over payments or €170 month Telephona PA PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Gavernment Chartered School Through training in all blan ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSDIG SCHOOL WORSLEY ST PA 83962 BEAUTY SHOP coldwnvu atc by ccruoed hairdresser in your olv home Phone Domlco st PA all or PA 34531 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP DICTAPHONE TYPIST Required for business Must be expcrienced in general office procedure PHONE PA 85564 between ll am and 430 pm local lint REQUIRED as mothers help 1and to live In Telephona PA GmLs WANTED 101 BEECH work at Salads Foods Ltd in Allistpn Ipterviewing to commence immedi Grill on WOMAN required to care tor children and do light housework in country homo while ï¬ghter works Telephone Everett MALE OR FEMALE ACCOUNTANT Male or Female To look lifter complete set OI books in well established local business Fiveday week with employee benefits Permanent position Write stating qualifi cations Starting salary to BOX 49 BARRIE EXAMINER take ovcr ostabushnd Watkins Business No money to invest Oldest and largest Company of In kind Products nationally rover used No lnyotrs Opportunity for promotion write immediately to Jules Gauthier 350 st Roch st Montreal 15 Quebec MALE HELP SALESMAN WANTED To $8500 Per Year Salary and Bonuses We require top potential bigll calibre Salesman with ambitions for advancement This man must be experienced in meeting the public and able to work independently Age 75 to 35 must be married All replies kcpt III strict coll tldence Car supplied PARK MOTORS BARRIE LTD Bradford Street Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 DIRECTORY OF UNLISTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS TRAVEL SERVICE PA 66525 AVIS RENTACAR SYSTEM 107 Dnulnp St THIS SPACE AVAILABLE TELEPHONE PA B24I4