Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1962, p. 9

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AROUND SIM COE COUNTY THORNTON MRS CUNNINGHAM The Womens institute catered to the junior tarmers banquet 01 South Simcoe on Saturday Jan The United Church women will hold the first meeting in Trinity Church school room on Feb 13 at pm Rev Warr will show slides and give an address on his work in lira xi Mrs Denny has returned from visit with her daughter at Orangeviile Sunday visitors with hlrs Denny were Mr and Mrs Mc Donald of Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Ed Denny oi Toron to hlr and Mrs Clark of Grand Valley Mr and Mrs Ellis of Utopia and Mr and Mrs Flatt of Saurel Mrs Spencer will attend the Farm Safety Con ference in Guelph on Feb 11m Trinity Young Peoples group had charge of the morn ing service last Sunday Gary Harris president conducted the service Other members read cthe Scripture and Prayers and received the alluring An inter esting address was given by Brian Brethet The junior dloil sang Forward with Christ Congratulations to the prize winners of last weeks euchre party There were seventeen tables liigh Mrs Earl Cun ningham second prize Mrs Helen Rieve Low Mrs Nester ltlatinjec Mens high Oscar Bates second high John Shear down low Roy Speers Those from Thornton anodis trict who attended the funeral of Oscar Wrigglesworth of Rich mond Hill were Mr and Mrs Scott Sharpe Mr and Mrs Chairnor Mayes Milt Bette ridge Mr and Mrs George Holt Mr and Mrs Mumberson of Cookstown and Mr and Mrs Arnold Rodgers TELEVISION PROGRAMS of Bond Head also attended The Wrigglesworth fondly liv ed for number of years on the filth concession cl Innislll NEW FLOS By MR8 WANLESS Mr nag Mrs tidvla Greenlsund oi Elmv visit on with Mrs Kirkpatrick Mr and Mrs Morley Pearson of Thornton visited on Sunday with Mrs Clarence Atkinson and boys Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron were supper guests of Mr and Mrs Douglas Martin and Bon nie of Midland Mr and Mrs Allen Sinclair and daughters oi Collingwood were Sunday visitors with her parents Mr and Mrs Stevs Rawn Mr and Mrs John Vioey and fondly of Barrla visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Viney ANGUS Hy MRS DUCKWORTII Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Harold Johnson 13X Depot in the passing of Mrs Johnsons mother Mrs Isabella Macintyrs of Erantlord Jan 25 Sympathy also is extended to Mr and Mrs Mervyn itlellocit in the sudden passing of Mrs ltlellocks uncle Dr Reid of Grand Bend There was cuchre party in the Orange Hall Tuesday night Jan 30 by the Home and School Club with 15 tables There ware many prizes don ated by the citizens of the village Mr and Mrs Charles Mal calm and family Toronto spent the weekend with their cousins Mr and Mrs James Andrews Cpl Vernon Harnden Faggot CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE nunAY FEBRUARY 400 To Womens show 130 lrlend Giant 130 Peter Gums 900 NHL Hockny 1015 Juliette ville Que spent the weekend at his home and moved his trailer and wife and fantily to Quebec Monday Jan 29 Ver non was nansferred from Cam Borden Mr Been and Mr Brandon the Christian But lacs Mens Association Harrie took the service In Angie Unit ed Church last Sunday night Jan as Rev Willis Is under doctors cars Mr and Mrs Melville Mur rsy Mono Mills and their daughter from Minesing spent day last week with Rev and Mrs Willis Tb Angus United Church Service will be taken by the Youth Group of the congregation Sun day Feb at Inn IVY By MRS Wm WILSON The recent heavy snowfst affected many district residentsf Local students didnt reach Ear rle Central Collegiate until 1030 am Tuesday morning And the annual vestry meeting of Christ Church was postponed until Thursday Feb The Presby terian Womens Mission Societys meeting was put otf to Feb Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs George Davis were Mr and Mrs Bert Belshaw of Toronto and Mrs George Davis and Arthur of Barrie Mr and Mrs James McDerlt mott spent Sunday in Toronto Mr and Mrs George Davis attended the funeral of Mrs Ball of West Essa The ivy Presbyterian Congre gotion held its annual meeting in the church basement prece oded by turkey supper Sixty persons attended including Rev and Mrs Taylor ofTot tenham Rev Taylor the Interim mod erator acted as chairman and conducted the election of officers for the coming year Elected were Moderator Gor don Cochrnne Clerk Norman Coxworth Arnold Bert McLean Mervyn Martin Board of Managers Ross Chipchsso Chairman Cecil Speers Lorne CsrfirThers John Cochrane El wood ltiiller Edward Bennett llerman Jennett Clarence Hog garth andAAllen Miller Audit ors Fred Nelson and Mervyn hinrtur secretary Cleve Pats ton treasurer John Cochrane ushers Donald Martin Douglas Speers Jim Wilson Ron Hogs gnrth Hamid Chlpchue Sun day School Superintendent Gor don Cochrane Church Trustees Fred lean and Clarence Hog gnrth Organist Mrs Bruce Miller Assistant Organist Marie Hoggsrth The Board of Managers was appointed as committee to arrange for next years annual meeting LEIROY 81 MRS MAURICE REID On Thursday afternoon Mrs Harry Stewart entertained to two tables of euchrc The lad ies present enjoyed the social afternoon and were pleased to have Mrs Wight able to Join the circle alter her serious ill ness On Sunday January 11 Rev Mr Jackson performed the Sacrament of Baptism to sev en children llichard Douglas Curtis and Darlene Joan Cur tis son and daughter of Mr and ltlrs Richard Curtis Pen dope Wiseman daughter of Mr and Mrs Terry Wiseman Clif ford Ross son of Mr and Mrs Frank Comer Scott Sterling inlant son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Ferguson John Nor man son of Mr and Mrs Duncan Coutts and Lori Anne infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Bill Forbes Mr Jackson addressed the parents and congregation on the spiritual responsibility of all in the cars and example set before little children Rev Mr Jackson is prepar ing class of communicants in preparation for uniting with the congregntlon at the next observance of the Lords Supper The session will he pleased to welcome any one wishing to unite with the con gregation either by certlliclt ate or profession ol Faith Visitors with Mrs Kenny vln Kenny Miss Hazel Kenny have been Mr and Mrs Mel of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Elwin Corbett of Newmarket LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE THIS FISH EATS ITS MATE JULIET JONES HER COMEIHETRAIN NUW KEEPleUCH WITH IOIJ 60 ABDUTRUNNING OLIIDN THE CELEBRATION aurwsLLHANs mIManszLove WHERfi PEIJDN CHILDREN PEIJUN film 1601 WING GONE INTEREST HER Po 45 Sing Rug Around 1045 King wuyts ltuxle Danie 1100 Cnc TV News Yogi Bear 1110 Weather News sports Three Stoops 1110 Movie Hoodlum naplre Farm Milk anofl News Don Jhflltlon SUNDAY mnunav Weather Sports mm Pierre Berton es PATIElevoUD CANT WAITTO eotNGro Wonk SHIPWILLCOMEIN FOR VOUR DAD GET STARTED BY JAY BECKER TIIESPIQIT Father Knows Best Donna and Snow Country Hoedown car 54 Tommy Ambrose 030 Perry Mason 1030 The Datearlvu 1100 CDC TV News 1115 Tho Weatherman Today In Sports Community News 1130 lilovlo Angell Ono Hvl IATURDAY FEBRUARY 140 Test Pattern 105 News weather 200 Spear and MalIla Fishing 300 Shell Gull 400 Bowling 500 This Living World nun nanny Countunison Nov Wenthu lpofll Jtrn Coleman Dennis the Menace Robin Hood Have Gun Will Travel chums Service Popeye and no Now and Weather Speaking French Good Life nutn country Calendar Junior Msloxlna Movie 1n flmu car The mm Gollath Heritage Discovery and News Citizenl Forum Movie Someone To Remember Weekend News Movie contdJ nun Panda Ed Sullivan ainw Bonanza Close Up Quest cac TV News Weather News Sports Movie Women of In North Country 77 99 2e 388 PFFNHP sis gasses CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO ramaY PEBRUAEY Profeslon Hideaway Man From Cochise Sports Weather By Pierre omen News we Reled snow Ol on Rnlrtng 20s am Gun Will Travel Country Style zm Grey Theatm News Weather 5mm amel Late consensussun For information on nlnomeWagonphono PA 66302 seasonssooossosooossoooco 121 Friday Ni Th Razors 351 15 Focus saqurAY FEBRUARY 1100 Professor Party News westhar sports sports Conesa Adventures of Jungle nay Twin alu neat Top Man Wrestling Amen Patrol Time Tombstone Territory sea helhiinym an The Flintstones Rttlauln Feature Ihutn Knock On Any Door Fight of the week Johnny Eraw Show Cross Canrdr Bara Dance SUNDAY FEBRUan 1000 Youth and Religion 1030 Around The World 1130 it Is written 1200 italtan lautro Things We See Movie Feature Fortunes of Ca Blood Man And The IllXIII Kin To Win Academy Parsumsan iAlexsnder tho Gout RielEd grim may sass udafiifih Loretta The Law and Mr Jon Ne Wendie Sports BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Eotlmatu FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 8748 BAREIE Upholstering 0hr BusinessNot Just Sideline 05 Bradford El CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by 11111 please phone PA 84243 And copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VlliiEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARSAND TRUCKS CONTRACT BRIDGE oases You are deelarer with the West hand at Six Notrurnp North leads the nine oi dia monds How would you play the hand 4AQ 310932 AKJ onxno naxno You an dedarer wlthdha West hand at Va Diamonds The bidding has been West North East South 24 so Pass Northlaadsuwldngofcluhs Vfiowwouldymsrplny thehandl sax 010 852 Kflfi QJBBGS QAIOIEI Q88 This problem was com posed by Paul Lukacs many years ago 1f the band is play ed correctly it cannot be de tected regardless of how the adverse cards are distributed Declarer wins the diamond in his hand and plays the mleen of spades 1f the queen is taken by the king West has twelve tricks consisting of four spades two hearts four dia monds and two clubs So lets assume the queen ls refused West then leads the jack of hearts or the ace followed by the jack If the jack is taken by the queen West again has twelve tricks consisting of two spades four hearts four diamonds and two clubs So lets assume the jack is refus ed Declarcr then plays the AXJ of clubs assuring himself of three club tricks which togeth er with two spades three hearts and four diamonds brings him to twelve tricks This method of play guaran tees the contract It should be noted that if West commences by leading the ace and than the queen of spades he is sub ject to defeat against certain distributions He may also be defeated it he tackles the hearts by lead lngetherAKJ in succession He cannot be sure of making the contract unless he leads the lack of hearts before cashing the ace and king Ruff the club lead the queen of diamonds and finesse if North follows low The finesse ifsuccessful will pro duce twelve tricks because you can then lead another diamond and cash tour spade tricks dis carding two hearts from dum my All you would lose is heart trick if the finesse loses to the singleton king as it might the contract is still sure to make All you would loss is dis mond and heart If you failed to finesse the diamond the contract would be defeated if it turned out that North had the ldng of diamonds was short in spades and South had the ace of hearts Tomorr0wx Avoiding finesse DAILY csosswoso 270 Wanna mem thet momma nwwnghan rum 28cm atone 31m an 35 max Hon nNowa vac We owns SILPermft sash pitch amass tests sensr Baum MllGGS AND mam DONALD DUCK HOWGDRM ME PROFEEEIGNAL GIOIINVMOG AINT WWW auz SAWYER ONLV NDWAMI AWARE 0F THEER RISK YOIl TA F9 BUTIHEV USUALLY HAVEA SCOOPDN TWLATW NEIGNBORMODD IIAPPEIINGS nirva REPAID or Jusrxuowuts micSAN WILLBE MRONGE ITLLBE AlléASURETDEET as TDMY Homeroom

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