THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY I562 Stapner Sports intone BARRIE Central auditorium was tile setting for prepared am impromptu speeches of Central Students Win Oral And Baking Feats By ELIZABETH TRAINOR AND WAYNE RICHARDSON Central Collegiate The band under the direction of Fisher entertained an enthusiastic audience in the auditorium filled to capacity Saturday evening assisted by former band member John Pogue who was lead clarinetist while in the band and at present is with the RCAF band and the Ross Caldwell Singers of Barrie After welcome to the audi ence from Mr Fisher the con cert opened with the Overture to Egmont by Beethoven Woodwind Quintet made up of Valerie Westmnn Pamela lncson Janet Ough Susan Rog ers and Pat Scott played com positions by Mozart entitled Adagio and Rondo The girls who have excellent tim ing received honorsat tho Kiwanis Festival in Toronto last year The last number on the first port of the program The Finale from the New World Symphony by Anton Dvorak practically begged for larger auditorium that Mr Fisher said will be started next April and until then please remain patient The combination of instru mental with vocal proved to be successful as well as providing variation for the listening and lence The Ross Caldwell singers were assisted by Bell on the piano Willey playing on PerEus Drummer is well known because of his skills as demonstrated when he was Emember of the hand The choir sang well known pieces such as Walk Hand in Hand Climb Every Mountain and Lullaby of Birdland The musical arrangements of Lerner and Lowe featured sol oista Lois Welsman and Patric ia Watt accompanied by the band John Fugue was soloist for the numbers of Concertina for Clarinet and Band and Serenade for Clarinet The Dream of olwen com posed for piano and band fea tured Michael Henderson iii teen year old grade ten stud ent who has ten and one half years of Toronto Conservatory Music behind him and as usual was terrlflel WORLDS FAIR At the concert Mr Fisher announced that the bands ap plication for the Worlds Fair to be held in Seattle insthe summer was accepted by the committee This is certainly an honor as it is the only Canadian band invited These are just few high the area high school students Jeannette Pratt of Central Col legiate above ccntre took first place in the impromptu lights from the MidWinter Con cert of the Barrie Collegiate Band for those who were so unfortunate as not to be able to attend Those at the concert supporting the band were par ents teachers relatives friends alumni of the band and those who simply appreciate the best in music For well deserved encore an arrangement of compositions of Benny Goodman was played as tribute to him comment heard from gentleman in attendance That was the best yet CAREER INTEREST Are Centralitcs not interested in their future careers It appears not if you consider the number in attendance in Mr Knoxs room last Wednesday to see film on Journalism This is one of the successive films on careers that is attain able but if Centralites continue to show disinterest the series will probably be discontinued The master oi ceremonies John Basset was asked quest ions by four high school students from Toronto and he in turn interviewed repres entatives from newspaper for the answers He told of unlimited opportun Ites in the field of writing for example for the creative mind there are novels to write short stories for magazines radio and television scripts sports writing and newspaper columnists as well as the noted advertisements and deyrnentlm CHAMP Wrarc pleasedfo learn that homebaking not lost art among the females of this modern generation in previous years if the male was asked to define homebaking he would probably reply That is where my wife is In this day of the pushbutton control that belongs to the lazy shiftless teenagers supposedly they are not expected to ireexposed to the culinary arts But Centralites You should be proud to know that Jeannette Pratt grade twelve Home Economics student at Central can bake the best cherry pie in the regional bakeoffs Jean nette competed against the win ners of high schools from Elm vale Markdale Meaford Thom bury Collingwood Alliston and Barrie and was judged on her method of preparation and per sonal qualifications as well as the quality of the cherry pie itself Now that it Is known that the female gender can cook maybe the art of chivalry will make spectacular comeback among the males The results of the Christmas Exams prove quite interesting The leaders in General Profici CLASSIC Luxurious pure silk in 35 bright and interesting print ifr makes this shirt ideal for wear with suits or separate skirts other details of London type stand away collar and pushnp sleeves are the tuckin blouse division Nancy Evans left was second and Barry Cohen right was third Central Camera Club Photo ency were Ruth Noland of grade nine with as per cent John Varly of grade tea with 86 per cent Fed Heutink of grade eleven as per cent liar garet Cowun of grade twelve 89 per cent and an outstand ing percentage of 88 per cent to Ruth Michell the top grade thirteen student LEADING CITIZEN All of the fonycight stud ents obtaining plus in citiz enship were voted on by the staff and the leading citizen of the fall term is Ross Spearo of Grade Twelve who is also president of the Students Coun eil holds the position of score tary in the Key Club and still manages to remain among the top ten in the class At school Ross is on active member of the senior rugby year when he was placed on the inactive list because of sprained ankle and he also finds time to inhabit the curl Ing rink Out of school finds his spare time taken up With model railroading photography and more football As his schedule only includs ed six days of the week Ross decided to teach Sunday School and was elected president of the KYBC Club for 5162 at Burton Avenue Church thus tak ing up his seventh day In case Centralites havent noticed on the bulletin boards in classrooms there is paper entitled The Students Golden Rule It says He shall be neat and clean in his person and in his habits diligent in his studies kind and courteous to his fellow pupils obedient and respectiful to teachers and shall submit to such discipline as would be exercised by kind firm and judicious par ent This is taken from Regula tions of Secondary Schools as the duties of Pupils Think It over Centralites Curling Tops Dy MARILYN C0512 Since the return for Chase mas holidays several new clubs have been formed One of the newest and most popular is the curling club which under the direction of Mr Leahy is well on the way to providing many students with added winter fun and entertainment On January teams acre drawn up to inclutiu about fifty School Honors Its Top Pupils By JOAN KIDD Elmvale High The Christmas Honor Roll was announced at our last Assembly and Honor certificates were presented by Mrs John ston and Mr Yarwood to those students who attained an aver age of 75 per cent or higher In this set of examinations The following is our Honor Roll DA Bruce Corbett 90 per cent Joan Ritchie 89 per co Joanne Whitfield as per Greta DeGorte 87 per Sharon Wanless 35 per Nancy Roberts 82 per Brien lithorth 81 per Margaret Evenhuis 79 per ce John Archer 73 per cent 9B Marie Kidd 82 per cent Douglas Lambie 81 per cent Dennis Blow 78 per cent Donna Thompson 76 per cent roA Alvin leonard 18 per cent Douglas Cox ill per cent Judy Hisey 7s per cent Sharon Grant 73 per cent Wallace Show 75 per cent Don Beard sell 75 per cent ll sheila Scott 89 per cent Carolyn Martin 88 per cent Edith Hill av per cent Mary Joan Butcher in per cent Joan Kidd so per cent Warren Wanless 79 pel cent Mary Spring 73 per cent lton ald Dutcher 76 per cent Glen Leckie 7d per cent Anne She ehan 75 per cent 12 Mary Grier 78 per cent Hervey Eberhardt 75 per cent 13 Jody Campbell 78 per cent Carol Madill 75 per cent By MICHAEL JACOBS In the EDHS Asembly held now once week Mr Hawker announced the Brooke Bond Contest Brooke Bond is pub lishing company interested to interested students and these promoting the talent of Canada ian students The best eLsay last year was written by Carol Blanchard AS well there is an art and poetry contest We hope to have many entries and some ambitious student who will will and so on to the Provincial finals for first prize of $100 teams play regular league games every Thursday after school At present John Brown ridgcs team is in the lead but the teams of Ron Puccini and Wayne Delgnmo are close at hand On Saturday team consist Ing of John Browuridglr Ron Puccini Palsy Braithwaite and Ann Westbrooke represented our school at bonspiel in Braccbridge where they made successful wins over Collingwood and Aurora commendable showing considering the length of time the club has been in action RENT EQUIPMENT Another popular winteosport skiing has resulted in the for mation of 11 Ski Club with John Plowright as president The club has purchased number of pairs of skis and boots which can be rented by those students who do not own equipment of their own for nominal fee of 25 cents The main purpose In to encourage nonskiers to take an interest in this fabulous sport There has been great deal of enthusiasm expressed and number of students are belong advantage of the oppor tunities offered Bell Carruibers reports that school badminton club got under way few weeks ago with quite sizable turnout There appears to be number of good players and on the whole there is quite spirited group ulis year Games are arranged each Wednesday night according to the attendance Another organization which is quite active at present is the Drama Club Tile Georgian Bay Drama Festival is coming up in Midland in couple of weeks and Drama Night in the Colliogwood Collegiate on February and Stayners contribution to both these events will be an amus ing oneact play entitled The Man Who Wouldnt Go To Heaven Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend this performance csc Stalled Quiz Showvlieaclles Top 20 In Vancouver Popularity VANCOUVER CP Terry Garners proteges are ingen uous spontaneous on the edge of maturity And being on the edge of maturity they have yet to be come pseudo sophisticates Mr Garner 35 is host of the CBCs local student quiz show Reach for the Top His references were to his panelists all teenagers who pass in review each Thursday night through series of TV LEAVE LUNCHES By BARBARA BENSON Camp Borden algh The girls volleyball tourna ment is completed with eight teams four from the junior school and four from the sen ior school takingvpart The Mags of sCD won the junior division and the Tacs of HR won the seniul division The members of these teams will receive volleyball bars The boysfield hockey games are nearly completed except for the playoffs between two Grade 12 teams The Cadet Corps has started again Drills take place from 630 to 7230 p111 as the gym oasium is being constantly used due to the increase in student population and so there is not time for cadet drills Cadet Corps is compulsory for boys in Grades to 11 and is ap tional for Grades 12 and 13 as they have much more academ ic work girls Cadet Corps was sug gested last year and Mr Tol chard says if enough girls show an interest this year one may be arrange Elie Chess Club tournamench In progress Games are played at noon hour and many find themselves so entranced by the game that they forget to eat their lunches The games are being played in round robin and will be completed in few weeks Members of the Press Club are busy compiling the Year Book Entries for the Literary Contest essays short stories and poems close on January 31 Class and Club reports should be in by February The design for the cover of the Year Book The CampUs is finalized The dividing pages are completed and the drawings arcbeing made Tile class of HA has challenged the rest of the school to contest on the number of entries for the Lit erary Contest The Camp Borden Young Peoples Association sponsored Borden ChessToumament Consumers Students Time dance The Habitant Hop on January in in the Bilelle Build ing Dress was Hard times The former Teen Town As sociation now called the Com pus Club has made some new rulings regarding this weekly social gathering All students must have an acnvity card and to bring guest they must obtain an initation from the office on the Thursday Last year penny drive was held to raise money for charity We collected 8000 pennies and supported two charities Pro ceeds of this years penny drive will he used to sponsor child in China for one year TYPEWIIITEIIS NEW REBUILT EROM $7950 RENTAL and snnvrca Â¥SIMEIIE BUSINESS MACHINES 53 Dunlop St PA H824 DANCING 51 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Barrie TEEN TOWN 750 Per Person Spot Prizes Ample Parking eliminations to the topand $2000 school scholarship The show patterned only partly alter the CBS College Bowl has hecoma an audience grabber in prime time spot with the help of Garners vib rant personality ond light touch The contestants are the cream of the lower British Columbia mainland and Vancouver Island high schools TOUGH QUESTIONS The program dream of ad vertising executive Dick St John formerly of San Fran cisco went on the air last March 17 The champions who will survive five flight competi tions and playoffs wrap the show up for summer break in June resuming at the begin ning of school Mr St John with the help of lo teachersspecialists in particular fieldsprepares the questions The scope is limitless and couldvary from the lies cription of dory to the name of Indias defence minister Most questions however come right from the grade XI and XII curriculum The questionaare onIy small test of the students schol astic achievement Mr St John said The program is meant to entertain Mystery guests are sometimes brought in to change any sug gestion of regular format Stu IOOF BINGO Proceeds to crr mil Mon Feb pm $24000 JACKPOT If Jackpot does not go game will play out for $25 lOOF HALL COLLIER sr IlIE EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment Hall 386 BLAKE ST Beside Kempview Bowl PA 68367 BANQUETS 33 ornamsz PARTIES oconvalmons WEDDINGS and dont look it wont hurt Maybe If shut my we could well be the thought pare WINNIPEG CP wheel chair har only slightly slowed down the active life of George Dyclr fourth year University of Manitoba science student George is one of four paraple gics who daily can be seen mov ing across the campus and along corridors propelled either by their own arms or by an other student George was paralysed from the waist down when he was shot through tho spine while playing withhla brother and cousin on his parenta farm He was then 10 Now 22 he takes full and active part in community and social affairs He is aiming at career in electronics An avid bowler and mlrlcr he takes regular part in wheel chair square dances and in also selftaught but expert guit arist and painter BTRENGTENED ARMS Following the accident George spent three weeks in hospital at Gladstone Man dents onoo guessed that not visitor was skeleton GUEST MD Stanley Park Zoo ourator Alon Best carried raccoon into the studio on another such night and the show taped in advancewas delayed when the the sound wall Glamor says he ls constantly amazed each week at the answers students are able to produce and the teamwork of the contestants They come in as nervous as cats then lose themselves in competition veteran of more than dee ade in broadcasting from CW Victoria to CFCF Montreal then back here as production man ager with CHQlVim Gar norelnseviel1 talksmtieoiwn to hie pan saneptarpo panels The students appear to match easily his smoothness Not necessarily the schools brightest students contestants are chosen by the principals St John aaya surveys have shown the program among the 20 most popular in tho Vancou ver area APPOINTS EDITOR LONDON Ont CPlW Ivor Williams has hen appointed managing editor of The Free Press it was announced Thins day Mr Williams member of the editorial department for is years had been acting man aging editor sinee the death in October of John Gore IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING animal escaped and hid behind log through Brian Wrers mind as he waits for his needle Dr lifoodie of the Simcoe County Health then was moved to theCbil drens Hospital in Winnipeg for three months He put in la months at the government re habilitation centre of the Deer Lodge Veterans Hospital where he learned to use crutches and generally fend for himself It was at Deer Lodge that he developed the strength in his anus and shoulders necessary to carry himself on crutches and to propel his wheelchair FRIENDS HELP Friends have been vital to George Without help he would be unable to navigate in the narrow urnversity corridors or up the steep stalrs Through high school he was able to manoeuvre on crutches but found the going too difficult as university neared and now is confined to the wheelchair At the home of Mr and Mrs George Grafton wherehe lives constant companion is their dog Champ who enjoys Volt col duet to Georges accompani ment on the guitar George moved to with tho Grattons who built ramp at the bucket the house and wid ened some doorways to accom modate the wheelchair because he found the narrow corridors flit MOST TAIKEII ABOUIMOSI COMING HIM PLAYERS IIIUIIIIE SAT MORNING AT I2 NOON THE lessr Hood in color Unit visited North Collegiate recently and administered the injections North Collegiate Camera Club PartiallyParalysed Youth VBowls Curls SquareDances of his parentsapartment too difficult innavillnte DO NOT MISS THE SPECTACULAR CANADIAN BOAT SH leaIrloN PARK rononro preseason showing of the new est andï¬ncst of gulls Enginflsi cccssorics or Crumrs Run abouts Yachts Outboards and Marine Engines Weekdays 12 noon to 1030 pm Saturdays 1030 an1 to 1030 pan ADMISSION nouns rs colleen up BIRTHDAY PARTES Purebme Mons Play as Gift Books One Fires Ticket is each book PLUS THESE CARTOONS nohinson Grnesoma 33min HESS Jlttory Jester Wenflng Grin ï¬ï¬nmï¬ï¬rhnï¬ï¬i En 2ND FEATURE Ilr =O=E eruznt or the an PLUS BONUS FEATURE nome companionwhile hubbys at work trnnlloaga Bacuelplem WIND 98 TJANISENGE llMHuTluN PAUlAPRiJtTlSS rAMlilTé PLAYERS THEATRE Mullnee Wed Evenings at p15 and Continuous Shows sat ml