Handwriting Dead Giveaway To Character By MILT MacPHAlL Examiner Stall ertcr Many pcoplc may not realize it but their handwriting is dead giveaway to their charac ter When helpwnuted ad vertisement asks the applicant to reply in his own handwrit ing the reason could be that the employer plans to have the writing analyzed by an expert Such an expert is Miss Anne Shaw director of the Toronto School of Graphs Analysis Miss Shaw believes that handwriting analysis will some day replace todays IQ and vocational tests in screening prospective employees Your handwriting she says mirrors your innermost char acteristics and can seldom fool the experts CAN TELL Often used as professional expert in court cases involv ing fraud and forgery Miss Shaw says the analyst cantell whether or not you have crim inal tendencies by examining sample of your handwriting She has put her talent to work in most unusual ways There is no better invest ment for two young people about to marry than to have their handwriting analyzed and compared she says It may save great deal of trou ble later and probably make for more happiness For those already married and considering divorce Miss Shaw places the grapho an alyst in the same category as the marriage counsellor An alysis she says will get to the root of the trouble which is half the battle Accordirig to Miss Shaiv credit houses can save thous ands of dollars by checking the writing of applicants Handwriting tells all whe ther he will be long in paying or whether he intends to pay at all Salesmen can get the jump on potential customers by get tinga sample of their hand writing Once analyzed the Barrie Mayor Issues Challenge In Annual LogSawing Contest rMayor Les Cooke ot Barrie has issued challenge to his political counterparts in Simcoe County letter is enroute to all may ors and reeves in the county diallenging them to compete in the logsawing contest of the Barrie Winter Carnival 1011 Mayor Cookes letter reads in part realize that you may have grown complacent through lackoi competition offered in prawous contests but do be lieve theexercise will be good or your representatives who am sure have grown vsoit Feb Kay of Oro Township won the what lengthy affair carnival of ficials plan to run off elimina finaiists for the championship round Saturday night at the arena says carnival chairman Charles Wadge County Simcoe County Stock Yards is busy spot as continual flow of livestock comes up for auction Left auctioneer Frank Bennett of Stoulfvillu laughs as he tries to sell an unusual item dont know what it is he says but it looks as if you could hang your hat on it Right Cush lers Marilyn Daniel left and Mary Ramsay are kept VARIETY FEllTURE or iIvEsrocx SAIE busy as buyers and sellers come to pay and be paid Lower left Dorothy Owen of Alliston examines goat brought iuior sale by Ray Robson oi Alliston Stock Yards Boon To Community Expert Says writing provides good pic ture of the customer thus en abling the salesman to make better sales pitch TRAITS REMAIN You write as you think says Miss Shaw and certain traits remain with you as surely as your ï¬ngerprints Perhaps as unusual as her profession is Miss Shaws re quirements for becoming student at her school Stud ents must be at least 21 with senior matriculation educa tion or its equivalent Final acceptance is based on the ap plicants own handwriting which must show that the writer can absorb the mater ial can apply the knowledge when gained and is person of integrity This knowledge in the wrong hands says Miss Shaw can create much trod ble That is why all students are screened by their own handwriting Prairie Grain Winter Works Talks Resume OTTAWA CF The Com mons resumes consideration to day of proposed government aid to Prairie grain farmers the winter works incentive pro gram and Newfoundland iisher men Debate on these supplement ary spending estimates started Friday but made little headway the MPs getting embroiled over the $42000000 in acreage pay ments the government plans to distribute to western farmers at the rate of $1 per cultivated acre up to maximum of $200 farm The government also plans to Pump $40000000 into the win ter works program and to pro vide $300000 for special works program to help offset the low income effect of small catches in Newfoundland ï¬shing settle merits through the use of the well upholstered chairs in Simone County Counc Deputy Reeve George Mac log sawing championship last year defeahnga field oilabout 20 rivals Since the contest is some tions on Saturday afternoon Well probably have four By BRIAN BAKER real boon to the commun ity are the Simcoe County stock yards where each Tuesday af ternoon an average of $15000 worth of livestock is traded These yards which are pro perly speaking all under the cover of very large modern barn surrounded by ample parking room are very conven iently located just east of Cooks town and not far from Highway 400 on the paved continuation of Highway 85 They are well protected from cold north and west winds by high bluiis EXPANDED Says builder and owner at the yards Warren Brown of Lind say When started this busi ness here three years ago thought the most it would do would be to serve Simcoe Coun ty But now people are com ing from all over and the busi ness is growing every weck Buyers and sellers of pigs and cattle are now coming from such widely separated places as Newmarket Collingwood Or angeville Toronto Bowman ville Lindsay and Sault Ste Marie At our Lindsay yards con tinued Mr Brown we handled over $2000000 worth of live stock Eut we have been going there is years So we arent coming along too bad at Cooks town for last year we handled nver threequarters of million dollars worth of livestock This should help Cookstown quite bit because we doall our banking there And whats more it should attract people to the Cookstown area Asked what he attributed the success of the business to Mr Brown jokingly pointed to sign hanging on the door read ing am hog enough to want your business and man enough to appreciate it got the igea from sign saw in Flor TOP MARKET It you talk to farmers and dealers that have come in from far and near most of them will assure you that this is the best pig market in Ontario The advantage of these yards is that farmer can be on the spot to see that his livestock is sold properly Says Floyd Wingerof Queens ville have heard so much from different farmers around my part of the country about what good market there is at Cookstown for selling pigs that today decided to bring up batch of my pigs to sell At this time of the year pigs makegup large proportion of the livestock sold flhese in clude majority of weaner pig lets and larger feeders There are usually few dozen of good quality sows and hogs offered The average weekly run of pigs is between 500 and 600 Says manager Frank Webb of Cookstown About 50 per cent of the pigs are bought by tarm ers and 50 per cent by dealers Many are bought to be let out under contract Three of our top pig buyers are Joscph Cochrnnc of Thorn ton Clarence Cumming of Bar rie and Mr Sutherland of New market According to Mr Webb the trade in collie is not as heavy now as it will be little later on when buyers start looking in earnest for stockers to put out to pasture KEEP CALVES WARM Walter Grahamkoi Newmar her who often brings in little calves suggests that anybody bringing in calves should wrap warm bag around them Otherwise it is too bad to bring them up in shivery old truck call is delicate and easily catches cold Sick calves dis courage buyers As one call seller putit tt few careless people make it bad for the most of us who take care of our calves Anybody who wishes to sell livestock of good type or used items in good condition should bring it down on Tuesday mom ing early enough to book it in the allies so that Frank Webb and his assistants can catalogue and tag it before the pm deadline The sale begins at 130 pm All livestock coming into the yards is inspected by veterinar ian Dr McCaran of Newmar ket reminds Mr Webb This is to protect the buyer Both sellers and buyers should be reminded that abso luter nothing must be traded on the premises outside the sale ring other than that sold by the auctioneer warns Mr Webb Such practice is taking mean advantage of our facilities HEATED BUILDING Unlike most sale barns this building is well heated by gas fired furnace thereforenobody need be afraid otcatching cold And the excellent amphitheatre type seating arrangement which gives everybody an equal chance to observe the livestock being sold accommodates some 600 people and there is stand ing room for more Since October of last year Ontario has been the auction eer at the Cookstown yards To hear him sell is like listen ing to speededvup tape record er Certainly there are few auc tioncers in Ontario that can beat him Last week he sold 555 pigs in less than two hours As usual he starts the sale by selling the miscellaneous items Which attracts consider able intercst and often causcs much amusement This week there were hens and perky banth in crates and geese wrapped in bags to keep them warm and prevent them waddiing oil HUMOR WARMS SALE Everybody was curious to know what was wriggling around in one particular bag Somebody open it up called Mr rBennett Clifford Sturgess obliged Okay kidded Mr Bennett There are two guinea pigs if they get away on us whoever buys them can have them if he can catch them And then there were several large sheets of glass ideal for facing cabinets huge black of foam rubber storage tanks stoves tables cabinets and storage shelves This warms the sale up But returning into the sales barn the real business begins with the selling of the pigs followed by calves stockers and other cattle There is no more amusing sight to see than that of 20 or 30 piglets as they swarm into the ring squealing and grunt ing and then amusineg stop with ears erect to saucin peer at the crowd of onlookers As batch after batch of pigs swarm into the ring Mr Ben nett endlessly rattles off bids It takes him only two or three minutes to bring batch of pigs up to their full price and bang Sold to Buyers soon learn not to tarry on their bidding Theres no fooling here Finally there is no better place than here to meet your neighbors and to make new friends But it you are buying do pay attention to the aura tioneer Frank Bennett of Stouffville Explosion Kills Copper Miner BURCHELL LAKE Ont One man was killed and an other injured in mine explo sion Saturday at the Coldstream Copper Mines Limited in this district about 80 miles west of the Lakehead The men both underground miners were caught in the ex plosion when drill used by one of them had apparently hit stick of dynamite that had failed to explode in previous blast Killed was Leo Joseph Lam bertuss of nearby Kashabowie WED CANADIANS OPERATED cnnnnmnou IOmPhnIE sclmirso leTb ROSE oAsotiNrsMoronoit 32 WIIIILIIS MOST Get the only vehicle that does so muchwe or playon the road or at The Jesp Universalsan haul winch trench plowInd do hundreds of other jobs Asyu dual purpose vehicle it becomes the sportsnanstsvoritgnworkhorse in business on the lam drtovtun Drive and lutlholup Univuni today cs TURYLAUIQ SALES Ltd relassist Barrio one PA H415 idcsi AND GENERAL MEET 0N RETARDED The annual meeting of Barrie and District Association for he tarded Children will be held tonight at King George School starting at oclock report on the institutions conference of the Ontario Association for Re tnrded Children held in T1 mnto will be given by George Bradley Other speakers will he Mrs Wilson Moorhy and Murray Finlayson who attend ed research seminar held in London Ontario this past weekend COUNCIL MEETING bylaw to authorize liquor vote May will come before city council twilight ior thme readings and approval Council will also consider reports from the public works finance city develop ment general government and fire and traffic committees Oth er mabtera on the agenda in clude store closing hours and exemption of certain farm lands from taxation Hotel Union Calls Meeting TORONTO CF mem bership meeting of the Hotel and Club Employees Union CLC has been called for Tues duy apparently to hear the re sult of latest talks aimed at settling nine month strike at the Royal York Hotel Three days oi negotiations were held last week under the auspices of Labor Minister Warrender None of the parties involved would comment on the Mercury Jack Frost hit Barrie today plunging the mercury lo 15 de grees below zero in the city and down to 24 below in some outlying areas It was the coldest day so far this winter andthe weatiy erman says the freeze will con tinue with minus 20 reading tonight before rising to zero tomorrow Light snowflurries are also forecast mammmxiuosmuwmmlu¢s My Hits 24 Below In District Six to eight inches of snow tell in Barrie during Saturday making roads and streets slip pery or motorists and pedest rians Despite conditions no traltlc accidents were reported mak ing it quiet weekend for city and provincial police Nor was an alarm turned in to the fin department By run CANADIAN Purse Fires and traffic accidents acouuted for all the abilities in Canada during the weekend Nentyiive were killed It in traific accidents and seven by fire Canadian Press survey from pm Friday to midnight Sunday showed Ontario topping the toll with nine traffic deaths and an apartment fire that took the lives at four children There were five traiiic deaths in Quebec New Brunswick had three while Saskatchewan counted one There were three deaths due to tire in British Columbia Prince Edward island Nova Scolln Manitoba and Alberta were totalityfree The survey does not include natural deaths known suicides or industrial accidents FOUR DIE IN FIRE Ontario dead Patsy Jobin Bobby Pauline Nancy 11 months in tire in their secondvslorey apartment at Sudbury Saturday Edward JnmesCurtls 18 of the Arthur district Evelyn Ilngry Boy Film Topic Two members of the Barrie Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association recently showed film to the Bmdiord Home and School Association Smith described the en deavours of the CMHA in bring ing iniormation of sound mental health attitudes to the common ity The film introduced by Mrs Kathryn Moorby was entitled Angry Boy It dealt with bow profasional guidance was used by the school and tlmily in help ing ltryearold boy to change Lrom delinquent to sociable person The audience in quatious of both members expressed particular concern about help ing problem childrm without the guidance of mentii health sen outcome vice excursion FARES soon Til MAY313t1962 TwentyFive Die In Fire Trafï¬c Mishaps In Canada Moore 14 Mount Forest Elsie Wilson 11 Mount Forest and Don Smith is Damascus in car collision early Saturday George Henry Smale St Guelph Friday night when hit by is mr while walking along highway south of Guelph Ronald Major 25 of the Drumbo district when his car swerved off country road and into tree near Simcoe Friday night William Jones 70 Niagara Falls Friday night when hit by car Mrs Elise MCGratb 35 Hawk Junction in headon collision Friday night Roy Alldread 27 ct Bowman ville Sunday night when his car left Highway two miles east oi Bowmanvilla and struck tree Canada Beats US Planning Geographer WATERLOO Ont CPtCam ndas attitude towards commu nity planning is so far ahead of the United States that the time may come when well have to apply to you for peace corps to teach us how its done noted United States geogra pher said Saturday Dr Edward Higbee of the University oi Delaware author of The Squeeze Cities Willi out Space was addressing the annual meeting of the Southern Ontario section of the Canadian Association of Geographers He warned that Canada must continue to carry out longrange planning because the rate of growth is greater in this coun tryth it is in the United States Your problems will approach you faster than they approached us he said so pay heed to iwhat happened south of the hon er Cities must be kept attractive so that people will not flee from them into the surroundin countryside he said See your old friends your familyLenjoy chalrï¬geofscene Travel almost anywhere in Cans EXCURSION DAY SPEC da on TGA ECONO IALS both weekday and weekend Its one ROUNDTRIP of the biggest and best travel barlgains ever With BIG savings all the way On some routes you trave WEEKDAY EXCURSIONS Monday Tuesday or Wednesday on good for 24 dayson other routes you travel Saturday or Sunday on WEEKENDEXGURSION good for 23 days FOR EXAMPLE only $166 TORONTOVANCOUVER wséknav Exounslon RETURN gt Ask your Travel Agent or contact res at 130 Bloor St wastrelonto Ont IE BARR gt 102 DunlopSt JOH 59513 Street ior to wk NSON jc For Your Reseivutions CALLNOW RAVELE RVIGE rs 5414