Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1962, p. 13

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io HELP wmrro MALE HELP YOUNG MAN 22 30 Required as salesman and to train as assistant manager for Paint and Wallpaper store of large paint organization Must be neat aggrtLJre and willing to learn Pcnsior plan group insurance hospitalization good opportunity for advancement Apply in person to The Manager LOWE BROTHERS PAINTS 13 CLAPPERTON 57 BARRIE INCOME TAX ASSISSORS Deplrtment of National Revenu Tonon 06047320 ASSESSOR Rendered membership In rec omlxrd professlanll accounting organization with three ycnn dlA Verslfied experience on Uniter my graduation in Commerce nut neu Administration nature or Arcounnag and seven ycnrs ex penance in accounting or mou tnm yen of which In dl verslflcd unltins In the office of pmfeslionsl accountant Quote Competition No ocTeoo tszaossisn nssmson Qualifications some ccpt tout yens experience tn account Ln or mailing with two yes diversified auditing experienu the office of profusionl ac countsnt or University graduates on Inga School graduation no two yen5 diversified auditing Partners in the office of public accountant plus ham or more years in auditing or five or mm yem satisfactory experience in accounting Quote Competition No arr599 Application toms available at 2th OHIch and offices of the National Employment Service Lhould be forwarded to the Civil Sonice Commission 25 St Clair Avenue Inst Toronto Ontario soon as possible TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Dog Catcher Pound Keeper Applications will received by the undersigned until Feb ruary 1962 for the position of Dog Catcher and Pound Keeper for the Township of Innisfil paration Applicant must supply the Dog Pound Groh Clerk Twp of Innlsfil Stroud Ontario FIELD MAN Age 20 to 25 To train as Field man for local office of Delta Acceptance Car Car supplied olI em ployee benefits good starting salary plus mtpenses Unlimited opportuniiy for advancement For appointment phone PA 60285 LEARN ELECTRONICS NOW Itltildnnt or Home study sonoais Toronto and niuntnal RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA Send for Free Book Careers in EIeeLtonlcs to 461 Kins st Toronto Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED l2 TENDERS SEALED TENDERS ly marked as to contents be received by the under slg ed secretary treasurer of School Area until pm Thursday February 15 1962 for the school building and site on Lot Concession 14 Vespra Township commonly known as 55 10 West Vespra Highest or any tender not nec cssnrily accepted BERT MAW MINESING ONTARIO Health Forum Is In March TORONTO CPI The first Canadian Health Forum will be held as part of National Health Week March 1117 The forum to be hcld here nlnrch 1416 wili opcn with an address by Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota on ex ponent of the idea of world health supported by voluntary action Another prominent American speaker will be Dr Paul Dudley White of Boston heart special ist and personal physician to former president Eisenhower Panel discussions will deal with preventative medicine world health geriatrics and gerontology An entire day will be devoted to ways of improv ing communications In the health field Keynote speaker for this session will be Walter Herbert executive director of the Canada Foundation and vice president of the Canadian Institute of Communications Dr Gear of New York secretary of the World Medical Association will be speaker at the Health Leagues annual din ncr March 15 ONLY FOR WINDOWS LONDON The War Damage Commission owcs St Marks Church Kcnnington sum of $3500 for war damage The church has been restored but Is $33000 short of the cost of restoration But it cannot secure this $35001The commis sion has ruled that this money can only be used for the re stnration of stained glass windows TH ERRIEN CUT STONE SAVE 20 GET FREE ESIIMATF NOW Rodriguez Battles Aging Federico NEW YORK IAINLuis Rod riguex Cubas fast welterweight contender completely out clased aging Federico Thomp son to take unanimous lo round decision over the South American welterweight king Saturday night The Spearold Cuban in cap luring his fourth straight bout carried the televised fight most of the way to his nysarmld rival and won almost as be pleased Ihnmpson who had won four straight looked all washed up against the slick Rodriguu Referee Jimmy Devlin and Judge Ioe Agner each voted for Rodriguez nine rounds to one Judge Jimmy Ricclu had Rodriguez ahead 73 The Asso ciated Press card had It 91 for Rodriguezt Rodriguez who weighed 150 to Thompsons 150 now has 41 record Thompsons is 10659 Alli Features 2nd Place Battle By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS With Springfield Indians and Buffalo Bisons pulling away from the pack in their respec tive division races in the Amer ican Hockey League Interest is centred on the battles for sec and place Springfield and Buffalo both posted shutouts Sunday night the Indians blanking Hershey Bears 94 and the Bisons defeat ing Pittsburgh 60t Providence Reds edged Cleve land Eorons 43 and Quebec Aces and Rochester Americans played to 22 overtime tie Thc Aces were involved in an overtime tic 22 against the Bears who blow on early 20 lead Springfield edged Rochester Provid ence beat Pittsburgh 54 and Buffalo ended Clevelands eight gnmc winning streak dealing the Barons +2 defeat Springfield has opened up 15point lead over Hershey in the Eastern Division with Prov idences victory moving the thirdplace Reds to within two points of the Bears Quebec trails Providence by two In the Western section Buffa AND ORDER BEFORE MARCH 1512 ANYTHING IN MASONRY PA 643053 44 ELLEN ST toc lead over Cierdnnd and Rochester nbo are tied for sec end is five points Floyd Smith collected three goals and Bill Sweeney and Bill McCrcary wntributed two each in Springfields triumph Sunday night Dave Duke and Frank Rogge veen scored the other tvio in goalie Marcel Pniiles second shutout at Hersheys expense Billy Deas pair of goats paced the Bisons against the Hornets as Buffalo goalie Denis chonly posted his sixth shut out ot the season tops in the league other Buffalo scan were Cliff Schmnutz Murray Hall Barry Cullen and Brian Smith Counting for rthc Reds were George Ranierl Orland Kurten back Gerry Loucliettc and Pierre Brilliant For the Bar ons Hank Cieslu Wayne Lark lng and Gary Borgmnn goal apiece in Quebecs sceond tie game game of the weekend and fourth straight overtime session Claus Lnbrosse and Guy Rous sesu scored one goal apiece for the Aces Dick Gamble and Bill Dineen answered for the Amer leans Snell Is Seeking HalfMile Mark WELLINGTON NZ AP Pctcr Snell of New Zenlnnd new king of the world milers Is going after the world half mile record The 12 year old surveyor blazed into international fume Saturday by running the mile in 35 on gross track clip ping onetenth of second off the old mark held by Austral Ius Herb Elliott since Aug 1958 It was the first time Sncll had cracked the four minute bnr rier first shattered by Roger Bannister of England with 3514 eight years ago TwentyV eight men now have battered four minutes 71 times While Snells coach jubilantly predicted he could cut the stan dard to an unbelievable 3248 Peter said he will seek the half mlle record of 12468 held by Tom Courtney of the United States next Saturday Im going to give it whirl in meet in church NZ he said They have fast track there and think can do it Fire ALItO Rersorial Liability Your House Charlotte Plods To Open Fair OTTAWA CPISlayor Char lotte Whitton plodded away on snowshoes Sunday to open 0t tawas annual winter caruivaL The mayor trudged across the snow with the encouragement of about 400 spectators but soon dropped out of the race three mile forced hika She received an honorary member ship in the International Snow shocrs Association Andre hiutchmorc of Hull Quet won the march in 29 min mas and 48 seconds Events scheduled during the two week carnival include ex hibition and trial dog sled room to be run on tho Rideau Canal and human dog derby in which our male students pull female student on circular sled Also included are snow sculp ture contests and hockey and brooman games Mig Pilot Hospitalized BARI Italy ReuterslLleut IIIilusc Solakov pilot of Bui garian Ilfig fighter which crashed near here last SaturA day Sunday night was trans ferred from hospital to Bari prison The transfer was made amid mounting reports that Solakov was on an espionage mission when he crashed Italian gov ernment statements have indi cated this though Solakov claimed he was attempting to gain political asylum If investigation leads to for mal charges of espionage So lakov is expected to be tried by civil court and to face min imum penalty of 15 years im prisonment SNOW HITS SOUTH WASHINGTON AP Snow rain and high velocity winds stung the Atlantic coast from Georgia to Maryland Sunday closing hundreds of schools and making highways treacherous Snow blanketed most at Vir ginia and wide areas of North Carolina Twelve inches fell at Chatham in southern Virginia and Richmond got 77 inches Hospital Debt Gets Big Grant Despite Bow ANDOVER NE CPIVie torlu County Council Saturday approved $17555 grant to Ho tel Dieu Hospital in Perth by overwhelming majority Opposition to the grant had been voiced by Fredericton barrister and Plaster Rock Baptist clergyman who said they represented 1000 ratepay ers who signed petition oppos Ing the grant The Canadian Protestant Leagues PerthAn droves branch decided to oppose the grant but made no submis slant The clergyman Item Regin ald Hussey said there was question as to whether public funds derived from increased taxes should be paid to private utility The hospital is operated by Roman Cathan religious order Three of the four county coun cillors representing Perth and Andover voted against the grant Warden Kenneth Hlscock of Plaster Rock said following the session that generally the council was unanimous in its sympathy for the position the hospital was in But there were many things that entered into it in the difference of opbr ion when it came to Vote The Hotel Dieuadvisory board laid Its case before the council last week for municipal assistance brief said opera tion of the institution as an ac tive treatment hospital might have to and it the county did not put up onetl1ird of paying oil the Hotel DIeu debt for the period from July 1959 to Dec 31 1962 ACQUIT HUSBAND CALGARY tCP Leonard Roy Stringer 44 of Eanff Sa turdny was acquitted of charge of capital murder laid after the stabbing denth June lo at his 40yearold wife Mor gnret The jury at one point was warned by Mr Justice Harold Riley that bloodstnins on bonehandled knife entered as an exhibit should be disre gnrded because they were placed on the knife during ex periments by an RCMP technic ian after Mrs Stringcrs death UNDER OUR ROOF The Contents 10 RATE REDUCTION 0N HOUSES UNDER CONSTRUCTION and the Occupants my garter No it isnt new mpcémbodys standing on IIS Stock Law Breaks Brokers Across Ontario TORONTO CP United States law governing the sale of speculative shares to clients in the US put 19 Ontario stock brokers and 49 stock salesmen out of business last year be Kclause they could not earn liv Malcolm nonsey chairman of the BrokerDealers Association of Ontario told its annual meet lng Saturday that membership had declined to 88 from 107 and the number at salesmen had dropped to 184 from 233 The membership drop oc curred after the Toronto Stock Exchange ordered its members who were also members of the BDA to cancel their association membership if nonISE mem bers did not obey 115 laws and stop using highpressure sales methods in selling to US clI ents Mr Moysey said some of the former withdrawals were not INSURE EVERYTHING UNDER YOUR ROOF TOPS BUILDING SUPPLIES SIDING PLYWOOD entirely voluntary and that sav crnl of the former members had their licence cancelled by the Ontario Socultics Commis ston Iran Accuses Beds 0f Inciting Riots TEHRANlrnn has accused Russia of inciting student riots here and protested against in terference In our Internal nt Ialrs Premier Ali Amlni an nounccd Sunday The protest was made by Foreign Minister Husain Ghods Nnkhni to the Soviet embassy hcrc Amini told press conference that several Soviet diplomats in embassy cars were seen among demonstrators during the riots week ago in which more than 200 persons were injured He said Iran is willing to maintain friendly relations with Russia but its action in Incit ing antigovernment elements In contrary to friendship Amlni said those alleged to be responsible for the riots will be tried by courtmnrtial SLESSOR OWALL PANELLING BUILDING HARDWARE INSURANCE AGENCY BERTRAM BROTHERS LIMITED 429 BLAKE STREET BARRIE DAILY cAnE given to children In my own home Monday to Friday Will can Telephone PA Meats EAPAnLE STENOGRAPHER dc sires part time or temporary cm ploymenL Apply to Box 43 Thu nmle Examiner NEED ANYTHING Moved One ton covered truck for hire by tn haur day or week Any odd mov Ing Jobs done Reasonable rates Telephone PA M721 ll LEGAL NOTICES 19 COLLIER STREET SLESSORRES FA 645280 LEON PERIARDRES PA 87422 tiEtéivTiAIORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE CALL MORTGAGE FUNDING OVER SDVIPSONSSEARS PA coon 129 DUNLOP ST HOOVER FOR GOOD NEW AND USED VACUUMS FOR GUARANTEED VACUUM TRY US DUNLOP ST SECOND FLOOR PA 68643 FREE CONSULTATION BARRIE pAINT AND WALLPAPER PRECISION SEAL Aluminum Doors and SHOP Windows I09 DUNLOP ST PRODUCTS PA 681 BI WALLWIN ELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD Whether you are making small change or complete renovation NOW is the time to have your wiring checked CALL PA 83230 FOR FREE ESTHVIATE ALL MAKES AND SIZES 0F FIXTURES ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR AND REWINDING MODERNIZE YOUR BATHROOM NOW We offer piece bath on semble with chrome plated fittings for the following at tractive prices White Set $9995 Coloured Sets $11995 Pink Suntan Green Blue BINGO SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of Writ of Fieri Facins issued out of the CountyCourt of the County of Simcoe and to me directed against the lands and tenements of Joe Rooan at the suit of Barrie Plumbing Supply Company Limited Plaintiff have seized and taken in execu lion all the right titles interest and equity of redemption of the said Defendant JOE RONAN in and to the following ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Tecum seth in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario and sing composed of part of the with half of Lot No One In the Fifth 5th Concession of said township ALL OF WHICH said right tle interest and equity of re emption of the said JOE ONAN in and to the said lands tenements will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House Bar Ontario on Wednesday the lst day of February AD 962 at the hour of 100 oclock in the afternoon DATED at the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe this iltgdl day of November AD ROSS HUGHES Sheriff EXCELLENCE 10 off on all regular prices effective on orders previous to March 15th cawrvmcs osmING onsmmrns THIX SCARFE YOUNGS DRAPERIES Keith Young extends cordial invitation to all friends and customers to come in and see the ex citing new range of ARMSTRONG VINYL CORLON FLOOR COVERINGS Tesssra Corlon Palatlal Corlon FLAT WHITE GLOSS SEMIGLOSS wears ONL $459 pan GAL $159 pan or senses GOLD LINE EXTERIOR wrnrs ONLY Reg 990 now ONLY $875 GAL Ems Co 01 organ coon UNTIL MARCH 15th FREE DELIVERY PA 60481 259 INNISFIL ST Terrazzzo Corlon $350 sq yd CODRINGTON PA 68581 PA 113533 42 DUNLOP smanrwnsr SPECIALDOV ITNOWOEFER Forced Air Gas or 011 Furnaces New $110 SIPIIIIS screells WHILE MEN AND MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE Pius Your Dual Air Attachment Reg 69 FreewitlI every complete installation DoIt Now Why wait for Spring Lets all get behind Ontarios gigantic Winter This is the prime seasonof the This offer good until Feb 28th job BROLLEYS WOODCRAFT ALUMI UM DOORS SIMCOE DISTRICT $750 sipyd $895 sq yd Combination Railings and Awnings Call Us Today Stroud 41R5 Collect WOQDWARD SONS HEATING CONTRACTORS RR station OVFRREAD stow COST Works Campaign Year for unemployment lets get on the band wagon and Give Man FREE ESIIMATES WORK GUARANTEED PA 34997 County of Simc For Want Ad Service THE FOUNDATION FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT

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