Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1962, p. 12

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The Warit Ads To REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR RENTALS ROOM It BOARD lama AND BOAR nullbi In private home east end on bus route llama prtvuoxu Parting lee Centienun prelirud Tel 17 one PA mu Ior forthr ll AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE use ach vedettu vs Custom radio nnd mow URL new Ior only $1275 Tele hone PA $7911 or Iurtnzr det Ilsa mutAN Minx tour doe One owner Low mileage Tn our payment or as per moti ielphono PA c7911 mAchmrdomSemn Ior we Law Exilenlg anon tire wiu accept in In an amnn nnnoee Telephone PA coach NEED cAsnseo Seaboard rue nnte Yeur undo Neirhoor won or no monthly in Danie street Harris Telephone 171 CARS WTD TO BUY on tiAnolt MOTORS aAnaiEs NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY anoumns USED CARS mos UP on Down WE WILL LENb you MONEY oN YOUR PRSENT CAR 175 BRADFORD 5mm PHONE PA 34272 TEE HARRIS EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY 192 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE ARTICLES For SALE AUTOMOTIVE FURNACE BARGAIN MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Buy your furnace now between Jan 15th and Feb zeta and HAROLDVJORY MOTORS get your dual air attachment TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS FREE with every complete installation REL 599 Repairs to All Makes FORCED AIR OIL 0R GAS OAKL and NAL Towtng 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 34165 NEW 3110 Finance Rate Midtown 41 Essa Rd Phone collect Stroud ms WOODWARD SONS 51 Pontiac automatic radio 61 Ford Deluxe radio Heating Contractors 60 Pontiac automatic radio RR Shroud Low Overhead low Cost FR socbev auto Impala 60 Chevroletlour door SW Barrie SECONDIIAND STORE 58 Chev Sedan 58 Panthers automatic sedat Eu all used soods P1 new 57 Buick tour door Ps RB slightly damaged Items Way 57 Buick Station Wagon below original cost We also 57 Ford Sedan buy content lots 57 Ford Sedan 55 DUNLOP ST 56 Ford two door 50 Volkswagen Deluxe Phone PA 82427 54 Ford Iain door deluxe ROGERS CONNELL BIRTHS PROPERTY FOR SALE smiles iii 05 an ONE DUNWP STREET EAST First In Barrio Home SalesForemost In Quality Service 15 1961 to Mr And Mn Clrl Minn III Vancouver Siren gggNUéEgATZEff PA 85568 TRUNK LINEs EVENINGS CALL bum newbie Kimbam hurlbi DEATHS EVENINGS CALL pm scmnnm pi use it moonsPA NIH PosrmPA com poem Gosh coNNzLLPA sans AluiarilONG Diane chen Dorton vllco PA use hime Buzqu DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD £119 Suddenly Al the Royal Vic PERCY man mn Norman Shelswell totii Hospital antrte on Sunday January as 1562 Diane Cntnerine um SWAIN PA Ireva Barn nnn ninrm AM REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA S9961 PA $8742 Armstrong dear Inlnnt duzbter at Mr nc Mn Ronald Arm 0mm mm am First Mortgage Funds Available lnterut 60 ot Value No Fm Charger strong at to Mary Street need REAL ESTATE Evening call montM Dear sister ol Douzlu Broker Jv Loom PA com mum ROOMS TO LET BOOM Pan m1 Business per mil prelened CAI after pm It Sunnldalo Ito dartiv ruminant Bedroom or not with kitchen privileges Ideal Ior two people no werly Tele hone PA Mu or further dual Futurism nOoM Ior rent Cen tni location so weekly For up ther particular telephone PA on TWO minimalism belted room And kitchenette Print piece bath In private home Bus route General Electric vicinity Telephone PA um alter sso Pm ARTICLES For SALE PHOTO sunit Illrry At the Royal Victoria Hoapllll name on Prldny January Is 1967 Barry smith or 1m UiOpIA Denr Intner oi nutty alts Norman Oliver oI Tomiko Arthur or Vancouver and Allistalr nl Kirk lnnd Lnlte Ruling It the Jennett mueni Home 152 nrdiord street Barrie mineral service on Monday January nt pm It leimerit Barrie Union Cemetery H611 fit one Daniel one no Denise ltrsiinx It the steeriey hinerll name so Phone 82119 98 Dunlop St averrt shunn on Mm Sham Howrd Noni PA to Wonley SL Dame Ior nrvieel MADE MARSHALLPA Hose CLIFF BROWN REALM on Tuesday Jlnunry It pm Interment mic union Clmelely Jr COREYPA um MURIEL JEFmYPA 5M ROY HAWKINS IN MEMORIAM squmn In loving memory or dun hushnnd Ind lather Hir bert Squire who rinsed away January 29 1959 No one knows how much we min him None but nchln hurtr can tell Earth Ill lost him llcnen hath round him Jesus hnth done all things well Ever loved and truly missed by his loving wire Nellie Ion Bill and dnusherininw Ileion COMING EVENTS Take notice that the ANNUAL MEETING ol the producer members of the NORTH SIMCOE HOG PRODUCEHS ASSOCIATION and members pl the RD CARSON REAI TOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door In the lmplrlll Thotn PA 66481 Member or name end District Rul Fatin ud PRIVATE SALE Modern split level executive typc home Overlooking park and bay Three bedrooms kit chen and large living room dim ing room Finished recreation room in basement Only $3000 down Call Owner Art Harris at Smith Clinvb men arm sAmztE PHONES PA sow PA om Hem boxI ellPA ems Peisun GarveyPA e795 Olarile RoadPA 811 MORTGAGES WELL SECURED $4000 mortrliie Ior ule otter Apply nmtncr Box linrrte RENTALS Low can clean Telephone NURSI sPACl Ior modern buUdings Suite or commercial or light Indullrt PA 66575 NG HOMES second hinlte In an rent or ID ELITE Ru huh Bond Jun LintPA M751 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TORENT uF°in3°A ii urn to Robertson telephone lit2 use Available immediately UNPunNIsnni two bedroom apartment hunted Centrally loca ted Putting provided Rent 70 monthly Telephone PA one or alter 510 pm PA NETS LARGE nicely dNonted one bed room ibwcr apartment heated REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please call at our Busi ness Office We arc sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints 5x7 $100 x10 $125 plus it NEWSPAPER STOVE OE FRIDGE The Bank of Nova Scone xx Electrohome TV Hear the New FM Stereo NEEDANEW or Buy with lowcost lifeinsured 500m PLAN LOAN use 155 ion 135 IP Stereo The Best in Sound McFADDEN Appliance 123 PENETANG 51 PA oozes Ample Free Parking lrsr er drillinl llnth merits $2250 per Sharp Spotleuly clean radio iaite over payment ur 13 month Idr Iurther covers Take over payments or month radio nlmo payments at Phone PA weal use PLYMOUTH Savoy Autumn tic and radio two IIlui month ew sirmin pnint tone green and white our pymenis pl 320 per Telephone PA Hell PLrMoriTn door on nwtr are over pay month For Inlormntien phone PA Palm Cullnm lino two door Custom intermn telephone PA Moll CHEVROLET coach one own Complete new paint and slip Immculltu condition 82675 pli Telephone PA Moll vAuxaALL Victor One owner car on mount 59 Custom PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Through training in all bran cbes of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY ST PA 34962 hfi bum suoP Coidwves etc by perused hnirdresser in your own home Phone Bernie or PA odes or PA 53537 LOST FOUND Losr sonniei Black and white sprinter wearing red conr but in the Beylleld district newrd Telephone PA ems ONTARIO IIOG PRODUCERS COOPERATIVE will be convened at 1230 pm for the banquet annual meet ing 130 pm on TUESDAY FEB I962 at the GUTHRIE COMMUNITY HALL Guthrie Ontario for the purpose at the proper business of the annual meeting the election of officers and the election of votingreprcscnta tives The nominations of coun ty committcemen under the On tsrio Hog Producers Marketing Plan will take place between the hours OI 200 pm to 300 pm in the afternoon oI the above mentioned date If an election is required for unmmitteemen it will be held on Tuesday March 1962 at the following polling places the ol tice ol Ontario Department at Agriculture Barrie Flos Town lliip Office Eirnvale and Orii III Township Office Oriilla LYNN RUSSELL President LORNE JOHNSTON Secretary PA 66401 Keith Marshall IIEAL ESTATE BIIOIGJTI PA 82592 lil CLAPPERTON ST aAitRll SIOOllE FRANK NELLES PA 695 hinmbcr Barrie his District Tlcill Ertnto Pond Emory REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 Member at the Barrie and Distrch Rent lstnte nonrd ROSE REAL AEATE RRUKER 7a TIFPIN sTltm aAluui CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Darrin and District Roll Estate Board TIIE SMITH NunslNa HOME Good care and and given Pri vate room it desired Licensed Reasonable rates At Everett Artx EDEN NURSING HOME Built for this work Semi and private rooms Ilnd hurting cure good toad TV room rtntton we gon Ior outings Telephone oslu stroud OFFICES STORES RENT shlALL ground floor store or oil ico Ior rent with ample parking lipCC Lonnltm on Dunlop Strut $100 monthly Telephone PA M233 APTS HOUSES TO RENT nuitrnN AVENUE Threo room unmrnished apartment on heated hot water stevo and rotrlrnrator Private hath Apply to Centre st Two BEDROOM Apnrtmcnts Ior rent Heated Central location Hardwood loom Telephone PA M3674 Ior iurthcl intermotion NEAR ST MARYS church Lars heated upper duplex Ior rem Five room and hnth Selreontnlned Private entrance Nb obiectlon to one child Tclepbono PA 06931 MODERN Apartments Iour room and private both hot water bent ed utilities supplied Located In Angus Telephone Camp Borden 179 1215115 and utter pm ONE AND Two Bedroom Apart ments Stove reirllernior drapes Outside or Barrie lleut 35s and $75 with lcasc Russ Jennings PA 3557 or are 65 collect THREE Iron iurnlsiled apart merit Uuiitles supplied At bus step In Allnndnie district One child welcome Available now Telephone PA 34111 UNFURNISIIED second floor DIIPlt lex with one bedroom Heated Centrally located Immediate JEEP esslon Telephone PA 32480 and alter 530 PA Moos less 110nm rout door sedan or sale Atriumlie very clean Will take older car In trade Clii IP onance PA LOSTFomull Hound white with blncit mukinfl tn Innisal lhip on January howrd for return Telephone Toronto LIL 048 lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP Part Time Ladies to do telephone Iolioitlng in the evenings TELEPHONE PA 66539 PRACTICAL NURSE or day wort Live in or out Alla general he Good wages to right person ply Ark Eden Nutan Homo It phone siroud 69114 tell=ontained Central location Children welcome W1 rsleobons PA Terms to suit your Budget NEARLY NEW 14ny Vacuum Cleaner Ior Ille $3950 Telephone PA 58911 ALL PARTS or 1155 Dodge and 1951 Ford Alto Hornet chain nw Telephons PA mm for ur ther mtormntion amcx luck for xyivtoii Ford truck in good condition setting unsounbly Apply Willm litu Icy Egbert Telephone HI 57575 CA LOANHW at on per month Telephone PA 60203 svnrful Hislice 2A Dunlap St or ATTENTION FisirlznhIEN4nltcd minnows tor sale By the bushel Telephone 5255301 oudirnd lol Innhnr intonation CUPBOARD Ior ule door shelved Ipproxtmntniy Ie Adxlfl cream painted 15 Au ply 155 Ellko Street or phone PA was MATS Sizes 32x18 ideal for lining hen housm nttiu garages etc perlecl insulator 25 PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario STORE OWN ERS Assorted quantity of old sto It COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are In par fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM IZC to 20c Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 Pan wnAPs Jackets and Coats for sale or exchange Repairing relinin and remodelling Models nto ccs Apply hillbutn and Son 182 Dunlap Street West Barrie Telephone PA 07631 range 50195 1958 Palm rnlrlano Joo Two door hardtop Iqu power equi ped Radio and washers Wee end tpeclll 01105 For 1mm in figplntion pielse ielephobo PA Telephone THREE Nomi unturnlsbed but ed nJinrtment Ior rent Colleen tnlnc nprrntn entrance 55 per month Available immediately Telephone PA 57770 or PA 5111 sahflvPURNIEIIBn our apartment with bath Centrally located halted 850 Over Dick Steele and Sons China Shop Collier st PA 51395 or PA oasis T113121 Itooiii relr contained apartment to rent Newly decorA led with stove and reIiIsemor pace East end location Avlilnblc immediately Telephone PA 097 THREE BEDROOM Home on beat cd attached garage centrally lo cated Hut and hydro mpplled Laundry tubs Inc 3100 per PA 68352 uBAm thrce room unturnish ed npurunent Ior rcpt nt 110 Ma pie Avenue Sellcontained Water supplied Available immediately Telephone PA 55359 or PA Mole Ior further inIoimtibn FOUR ROOM heated or rent unhimlshcd arid retrlflciator Parking Iploc Five minutes walk Irom Five Points Telephone PA emo or further particulars AVAILABLE Now Furnished heated apartment centrally incu led with stove and Peninsular suitable In one or two adults Abstulners Apply at its Bnyaeld Street FOUR ROOM Apartment tile bntb unIILPnlshed stove and re lrlgerator supplied Centrally lo rated No childton Available Im mediately int turther lnIormn tion telephone PA MMI THREE BOOM tinanth apart ment ior rent Nested Refrigera Ior heavy duty stove hardwood room 1951 PONTIAC Llflrpniiun ycllow and white This car must be seen to ho lppmcilted Custom radio Whltewnii titer For only 31017 Terms Low down payment ranged Telephone PA Host 1054 FORD cuitomlino door xe dan original Ainsltn white Ilritsb custom radio body and interior as now Mutt be seen to ho appre cistcd Tnltn oval pnymnnu or 327 month Telephone PA 07931 1580 PLYMOUTH staunn Walton nutomntlc power steertnl Vs also 1951 Piymnulhstauoit WO gon automatic Vo Born In ex celient condition Tetma an be Ifllnged Telephonn PA 554 I956 METEOR Niagara sedln Bululliul two tone blue and blue All new tires Completely relt conditioned bumper to bumped wooden EXECUTE THREE HAVANA Reuters Three Cubansehave been executed by firing squad for setting tire to buses with incendiary b01223 Cuban newspaper row er luminwgelgiIENncmeAofEIosl SImdBY BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Yam Telephone PA 82414 meme bonizbt Iold reno ed re aired student rental rates Ark Igout our Rem Try then any Plnn star Typewriter Co 14 Brndlord stn PA 66595 acunA Equipment Ior sale used only months like how single rtnse two bnsn regulntnr Aqua Lung tank constant reserve valve Elc Pad with hnmoss Ioun Neoprene wct suit complete size medium Fins snorkel mult welzbt belt 17 pounds or weights divers ring and one prolessionll divers kntle Quito reasonhie Phone PA 68937 alter pm or call at 47 Marcus street FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtland and other varieties grade Macs minim unmmmed Maxim om Se comma Annm $150 per bushel Fresh cider TONYS APPLIANCE two bedrooms kitchenette and iiv lmudiueiy mull Eud Phone PA razor AND SERVICE IPA £31le IIZgriIePioSmg ogpdiie were PA 441 24hour service lop East AVAILAnLn February No DOGS PETS 147 DUNLOP ST bedroom unmmisbed Ipnrtmcnt PounnooilA rt er ggiuuflm 353531 ¥13sllstitiilit Elis WILLETTS PETS PA 61142 stun no in Chris Welcome mt WW PA PA 41 GOWAN STREET ADVERTISING Box as Barrie Examiner Complete mm by EAR noun mail If tuned ma heated apnrtmciitfnrllsw will £321ng b3 $13 and ConSIder This Finches Tropical and Gold Did you know that you can Fish Turtles and all pets keep your name and your ser vices in front at the public for as little as 48c per day in lli 75 Wind slabs difldu OPEN TO 530 RM DAEY PHONE PA 66036 No matter what your business we have copy to suit you 02 further denim RIODBRN two bedroom apartment FARMERS MARKET Call PA 82414 Today CARPENTRY with stovc retrtserntor Washer and dryer on min leor or apart merit building Available now no ply its cool Street or PA 3711 tirvfuiusri l1aimp oti heatedhnrelf eonnne our room ops DEAD STOCK Highest prices tililr dead or crippled cattle an orsee Small animals removed Tree NEW HOMES For fast service phone Remodelling mingling porches BARBE PA 87751 collect recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON apartment with stove CRIME RISES NEW YORK APIThc pa lice department reported Sun day that 113340 feloniesseri ous crimeswere committed in New York City last year about 5000 more than in 19611 Homi cide reached in postwar high with 483 slayings more than nine week compared to 390 In 1960 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 64501 on PA slain in Dunlap St STEEL ST NHA bungalow Three bed rooms lrshaped livingdining CLASSIFIED gtfiigéiiéggai2ifig ADVERTISING Low down payment $2500 TELEPHONE PA 61643 PA 82414 Condensed and classifier 1de New three bedroom home tisenients are inserted at the Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of our boards and storage Oil heated rate of do per word peninsertion or one and two times do per word Tor three four or live Colored bathroom fixtures vall times and zinc per word Ior ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area or more insertions 10 addi tional diarge if not paid within close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED ADe ALLANOALE district room brick home win but high base ment baseboard not water heat VERTISEMENT Is 95 FUR at WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF l5uesiei°il 233 His arclveltllnfi CHARGED PER SINGLE 1N SERTION PA Moist Representing Hamid Furstcr and Company Realtors finals on CORRECTIONS ve are are reminded that Close to st Marys Church and pgnna Insertion orders are actch School VIII pay up to some cash Apply to Box as antPie Examiner roi Iurther dethils FINANCIAL $5000 470 FOR WEEKS NEED MIN LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE Z6 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO MCNAMARA PA 60203 MORTGAGES EXCAVATI NO FILL GRAVEL TOP 505 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe Ior bin DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 907 HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 INSULATION INSULATION With No Rockwool THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTT MUIR AirTito Insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 211 Free estimates guaranteed work RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAIES 0F RADIO AND TV BAvaw ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St APPLIANCE SCHOOL FITNESS Gymnasiums were established centres Ior educational and cul tural training of youths in Greece in the 4th century BC Barrio NEW Arm Modem on and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Itempenrclt Bay lIeat wa ter flitting and Jupiter eervlcl incln ed Antonian vulan Ir clutter PA ozsoz TWO BEDROOM unlurnbhed sett contatned duplex Living room kitchen dining area Front and back entrances sao per month Apply It NIPler Street or telephone PA E7102 TWO BEDROOM Bungdow Ior mat Tastetully decorated 011 bent Aluminum storms and screens Ail conveniences Write Box 53 Barrie Examiner ur phone VA 73800 Olkvllle Two BEDROOM Apartment for rent upper floor completely pri vate Cenirni loCltIOn Hot water heated Gauze Handy to school Available Immndlllely PA 87DB GUERNSEY cows for sale Rex Istend Guemly Cowl eprlnxerl Telephone PA 09391 nan Robin lon RR Butte POULTRY 8i CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poulhymen are Choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smoun PHONE 77 FARM MACHINERY UNEURNISEED main floor four mom Aplltment with Dilbi Very modem Heated announcement clean painted walls Itis floors Drapes supplied Itentni reis phone PA 84361 BRAND NEW Lb House for NHL Plved Central location Close to public spacers seas By ALICE BROOKS SEW IT SWIPTLY FURNIEHED three rooni npnro TWO man pattern partswbi ment ground rioor private ent Palace Very centrally located Pd up this basic beauty in an ternoon No waist seams vnte bntn All services included 70 monthly tdeni or couple only cinch with matching belt or contrast ties Choose print Telephone PA 1154 checks or sunny solid for now bedroom driveway ONLY for only one Prods mepnfithlg tree Insertion any advemgemitllt tbe bittent or nvn veJ the hen do not overuse TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apartment for at 011 main 1001 of new triplex Buck and front entrances Automatic dryer Tele ki ill NICKS DEAD STOCK EESSMOTHPAtigjaa$eIEFDTfinfi$ locuon Puklnl available soil RR Foxmead Ontario details contained with private entrance No 139001 PA Indias 05ifisfiufiii15 m3 DOM for gt mineral no LIVESTOCK vs carnation Si CLEANERS AND SHIRT SERVICE UNFURlelIED newly decorated upper apartment One 01 W0 bed rooms large when Immediate possession Priced for quick BIA AND REFRIGERATION SERVICE i$thiiiifim$ PAPERHANGING in Clapperto st inrorrnn on EDWARD m1 ANDSON PHONE PA 34552 compartments large threeroom Painting and Paper Hanging phone PA pesos for nether Infor rent private bath Lndies furlike costs at Telephone PA was days or rtJn nilind ts entW npn en era Arm spray Panning Ground Iionr front and side en trance Avlllnbln now Telephon or ask for mltlnn ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE sPACious ave room unturnished utter pJn npnrtmunt stove and refrigerator Em PA on CLEANERS Er DYERS Ind stove overlooking like im mediate possession No children relepllwns PA 112515 or hrrtner PA 843603 DYNEL oLLEGRO REFRIGERATION 303G PA aozei evenings FOR FREE PICKUP mo naosoom house to rent large rooms oil turnneo Inll base Comtng Events be per word separate entnncc stories Parks Tr An Examiner Want Ad ICLrltbldIt minimum charge $150 Birth Alfiowafige atora serviceIII igtin 131 sum IBIBOA 55956 PHONE PA 82410 and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words SI per word extra In Memoriam No Hues $150 if verse used at per PA 80301 dly7 day weak option Automatic laundry 1111 Ranked Unmuhei Downmwn INDSERVICE CLEANERS let STAN BRYSON meat Ideal location overlooking Tani SL PA 3454 ter heated laundry abilities on bus route dppmiitu public school and collegiate stove and Purifiers ator If required Avaliuble Immed iately Telephone PA Moan APARTMENT three rooms with private hlth Relilgeintnr and range Downtown Suitable for ndulllt $5150 PET month For fur retreoutnined itment Hot wn thrir Spring Printed Pattern 4835 Misses word extra muss BLIND Xniormnflon radar IIIVIHUSEH ishdniriiéiwmir Jill Replica to Letter Boxer LI had only 10 any litfl pnbiienunn Classified edvertlsements and or these pages must be readings In1 pmthdaly pro ndInED ca onwi teex aeolian o2 Classified Display Advertisements which must be In by 1100 noon preceding day displly cleulnedl my be ob MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 25 DUNLOP ST WEST BARBIE PA $0203 monIGAGEsirt and Zud said and arranged Comnfexgllntl nflfiddentfil moue loaned on m0 EIKHT ggo broken Po easel1 II III Inn nylon or lomi lard trough The Examiner Id mun department try An Examiner WantLAiI PHONE PA 32414 II ther iniorinetion telephone PA 119793 in room Heated and Central loenti caster sL FIVE rtooM all convenienc shore Tinad Barrie Oro 15a IMMEDIATE decorted ILOP Tole ho Toronto re COMFORTABLE Apartment Liv modem large kitchen one bedroom and private bath uldnz $50 monthly on Apply 101 Mill isnngeinw for rent es mi hunted Ideal surroundings Good garden Luke privllegcs 071 Shanty Buy miles Telephone Posleislo nururnirne PA 655 or 215 Newly lane ronmlphrtment with bath Heated Ind private entrance Clala to but TWO nooM Iplrtmdnt selr eon tallied hot water healed tiled floors stove and rerrtgnrniot lup piled 1r necesln Adequate closet and storage space suithie roi business woman or couple Cbotee locutionhuit block mm main street Available Much Apply PA most ROOM BOARD noom AND liOAnn available ior gentleman in home near General Electric TelthOPl PA 58755 In evenlnn CENTRAL Location Room and bnlrd nvnilnblo in private homc Gentleman prefomil Lunches packed LI desired Teléphlm PA has or nutritiont inrhrmutlun Sizes 10 12 14 16 13 20 Size 16 takes yards 39inch fabric Send FIFTY CENTS 50 cents in coins stamps cannot be ac cepted tor this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNF ADAMS care of Barrie Examiner Pat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tern Catalogready howl More than 100 sparkling styless un sport day dance work travel sizesl Send 35 cents Miikers Wash Tanks Separators Parts or any milker MINESING MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE PHONEAQB MINESING DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Vacuum Pumps HANK BROWN RR HARRIS HOLLY PAHHSSE Ford Tractor and Equipment OK ASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF UNLISTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE PA 66525 AVIS RENTACAR SYSTEM 107 Dniilop St THIS SPACE AVAILABLE TELEPHONE PA 82414

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