Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jan 1962, p. 7

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By EILEEN DIXON 13 SPECIAL INTEREST Cherry desserts hold special Interest at this time or year with the Cherry Pie Regional Bakeoff compet ition to be held in our city Saturday Sour cherries pie cherriesicanned and frozen nre among this years plentiful foods says the Cunn dlnn Department or Agriculture That for us means cherry desserts for extra color and flavor in these gray and white winter days There are host at cherry desserts to serve the family including cherry pies cherry cobbler cherry crisp cherry bread pudding cherry roll cherry upsidedown coke and cherry tarts Cherry Tarts are just the thing for you to serve when the executive board meets at your home They re easy to make are sufficiently unusual and at the same time are simple enough not to detract from the bus iness at hand Make the tarts before the guests arrive and store in cool cupboard MINIMUM OF IUSS Your chairman will bless you for extending hos pitality with minimum of fuss Future hostesses will not feel that they must aerve an elaborate and expensive repast to meet your tandard Naturally youll be tempted but it isnt necessary to have board meeting in orde to enjoy this special cherry dessert As matter of fact this recipe is adapted from that the mother of friend of ours used to serve at her yungsters birthday party and they were big hit Like the children in this family youll enjoy Cherry Tarts just about any time you serve them We hope you will add dessert file this recipe to your special CIIERIII PARTS I5ouncc can pitted solid pack pie cherries 31 cup sugar Water 112 tablespoons ornstarch Few grains salt PHILIPPE TOURNAYE boxy Scotch mohair ln smoky gray has rounded shouders and wide flat collar Sell flapped pockets lend utility rm nanan nxammnn WEDNESDAY JAN 24 1962 David Kidds black and white checked wool tweed is finish ed with high setvln sleeves and veriicnl concealed pock els high waist Pauline Trig 1wa PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 66537 tablespoons cold water Ks gers free swinging brown black and while wool tweed features patch pockets col larless neckline and kimono sleeves Dear Ann Lnnders My motherinlaw is sweet per son but shes so easy going that our kids walk all over her The problem is this Nona they call her Ibnt phones me every day and offers to sit with the children Im running out of Excuses The last time she not our liveyearold stayed up two am to watch TV lie slept half the next day and missed Sunday school The sevenyeah old drank quart of rum punch stuffed himself with sardine tid bits olives candy and popcorn and was sick for two days lily husband says woman who has raised our of her own must be competent say most Nana let grandchildren get away with things theyd never put up with in their own chil dren You can see the spot Im in Please help Hemmed In Dear llemmed Let your motherAinlaw enjoy her grand children when youre around but dont give her the responsi bility of sitting with them Her permissiveness under mines your good work and it confuses the children Simply tell Nana ihat you want her as guest And stick to your guns Dear Ann Landers This is the some old story never thought it could happen to me but it did and need help lm married have two chll dren and lovely home Ive been seeing married man for three years Jim and are madly in love My husband and Jims wife have no idea and we cant bring ourselves to tell them You probbly wont be lieve this but Jim and have never gone beyond handholding and kissing Where do the roof will fail in on both your houses Or you could evm iually lose your sense of bal ance and agree to dump your respective ranulles for each other Youll that stolen love loses its zowie when its made legal People who put their passions and selfish desires first and run out on their responsibilities rarciy find the happiness they seek Dear Ann My 17 year old Betsy has always wom her hair short It was not only neat but distinctive Shes large girl and shortcroppcd hair was per fact for her Recently she let her hair grow lung Now she wears it frizzcd out like feather cluster hate her hair this way but she ig nores my wishes lvo half dc ciLlcd to order her to cut it My husband says shouldnt you stand Dear With your bus hand There are times when mother must insist on certain things but hair style isnt important enough to trigger The more you attack the hair do the more shell have to do fend it Youve already given it more attention than it deserves Reign For Party Barrie Art Club Nelltli Night party is tradition of some years standing and one of the favorite parts of the pro gram is choosing the King and Queen Bean This part of the program re volves around everyone eating piece of cake The men eat the cake with the while icing and the women with pink There is bean in each cake and ihe man and woman who find the bean in their cake become King and Queen Bean This gives them of presiding over the remainder oi the evening Mrs John Borysiuk and Robert TarBush became the roan couple The annual event was held this year at St Georges Hall Aliandale with Llew Beaver president of the club acting as the privilege chairman for the evening The hall was beautiftu decorated for the occasion by Mrs Mc Veigh ush Mrs Knight and Mrs Dyer presided over the lunch table Miss Louise Colley was in enlarge or the dancing and musi co ed by Mrs Patterson Due to unfavorable weather conditions ing of the evergreen tree was not held this year and Mrs Robert Tarf accompaniment was provid the traditional burn V0N FOUNDER The Victorian Order of Nursos was founded in by Lady Aberdeen wife of tho Canada in 189v Keep quiet hen governorgeneral in Please dont tell me to stop to drops ed food coloring Noics are lniendcd to cover Wu we to drops almond flavoring large baker tart shells Turn cherries into saucepan add sugar bring to boil and boil for minute for minutes Measure drained sary odd enough water to bring the saucepan combine cornstarch salt and the table spoons water Gradually stir in the liquid Cook over high heat stirring constantly inti nixture begins to thicken then reduce heat an cook until transparent about minutes Add red aloring untli sauce is desired color Stir in almono flavoring Gently stir in cherries then spoon into baked tart shells Maker large tarts or 12 small Let drain in sieve syrup and if neces up to 113 cups In MR AND MRS BRANDON Hillsdale Couple Ielebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Robert Howard Brandon of IIillsdale were at hometoiheir many friends and relatives on the occasion of their golden wedding anniver sary The celebrants were married tive members of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Barrie from which many friends called to wish them well and to rejoice iwith them in the goodnessmf God The celebrants have three in Edgar on Dec 27 1911 The children Douglas of Vasey Ro bride is the former Margaret bert of Newmarkei and Mrs Calista Slessor Mr and Mrs Seorgie Lillian of Stoney Brandon formed in Cm Town Creek They have 10 grand ship for 30 years belore they children moved to Hillsdale where Mr Mr and Mrs Brandons sis Brandon has operated scbool tors and brothers and famfly bus route or the past 20 years present at the celebration in He is still active in this field oi eluded Mr and Mrs Vic Sles endeavor sor and Mr and Mrs Bert couples many friends Slessor of Orillia Mr and relatives presented them Mrs Ray Slessor Barrie Mr with miscellaneous gifts and Mrs Blough Hamil roeking chair was presented by too Mrs Elougb was brides their relatives and the immed maid at the wedding iate family presented die couple Unable to attend were Mr with iiiii set and Mrs Boy Slessor of Lums Mr and Mrs Brandon are ac den Saskatchewan WHAT THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This days aspects will be excellent for advancing worth while goals and for making long range plans You should have no trouble indealtng with business associates and you may he sinprised at the amount of help and cooperation you rd ceive This is truly period in which to put your best foot for ward OR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday our horoscope indicates that you are currently governed by influences generous to job and financial mailers After March 31 however do not expect too much in the way of business or financial matters but do not let this discourage you Keep your long range plans in mind and work toward them They will coginnate successfuly in late I9 Lch for some interesting ro mantic experiences in July and August an opportunity to trnvel duringthe same period Avoid extravagnace during November and December and be on guard against nervous tension in Sep tember child born on this day will be highly imaginative and ver satile but may be inclined to ward over emotionnlism ny An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 lhc general social life of fin city and dlsirlct Weddings anniversaries blr bdnys bridge mites and coming of Igr parties visitors and im Ielleru nrc lll liems oi inler st to he ancn readers of his page Your help In sup dying Illls news will he rchlly npprcclnfr LORIDA HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs Banter Wellington Street East are holi daying at St Pctersburg Flor ida for the winter months ENTERTAINMENTS Mrs Robert Sutcliffe the former Merion Doreen Selvood was guest al miscellaneous shower given by neighbors and friends at the home of Mrs Bruce Sutclifle Neville Pa vd Toronto The brides as sociate employees of Visene MacKellnr Company held presentation party The Clair prcsenlniion party for Mrs Sut cliife The bridegroom was al so honored at presentation by fellow employees of Allied Color ed Film Company WEDDING GUESTS Among the woofcity guests who aiicnded the SuicliifeSel wood wedding in Trinity Angli can Church Saturday were Mr and Mrs Patrick Lord Mrs Dorothy Burstow Mrs wman Miss Gail Mitchell Miss Donnie lawman Miss Betty Barrett Miss Marie Zan der Mr and Mrs Paul Hryn kew Mr and Mrs Scheel Mr and Mrs Martin Kcnnelly all of Toronto Mr Orzel Scarborough Prior to her mar riage the bride was Miss Mer ion Doreen Selwood daughter of Min and Mrs Gordon Sel wood Feel Street Thebride groom Robert Grant Suicliffe is the son of Mrs Bruce Albert Sutclilfe and the late Mn Sut cliffe Neville Park Blvd To mont bowling team also held ronto Alliston Club Elects Executive ALLISTON SpecialJAn im portant event was held at St Johns United Church Alliston when Rev James Shilton eon dueted the first meeting of the United Church Women More than 100 women of the congre gation were in attendance and showed enthusiasm and interest in the new organization very appropriate worship service was conducted by Mrs Nicol WilsonMrs Ralph Hun ter and Mrs whiten the theme being Thanks Be To God It Was strased that members face the open door of opportunity and it is their decision whether they enter and participate in the work of the church or whether they stand outside and letolhers carry the responsibi The business session was opened with the presentation of the atimated budget for the year 1962 by Mrs Herman Cole and this was accepted lihere was then full explanation of the functions Church Women member of the Committee stressing ing methods membership fac tors unit organization and with each Provisional other phases which will be new to tihe women of the church It was reported that there will be eight units gregation with membership of between 25 and 30 ladies to each unit Date and time of meetings will be arranged at the first unit meeting to take place before theend of Janu on Members of the Provisional Committee that have completed great deal of ground work prior to this meeting are Rev James Shilton chairman Mrs Shilton Mrs Herman Cole Mrs Dunn Mrs Halbert Mrs McDonald Mrs Nicol Wilson Mrs mitten Mrs Hunter Mrs Alderson Mrs BurnsMis Gour lay Mrs Oliver Mrs Darling Election of officers was car ried out with Mrs Ralph Hun ter presenting the slate of offi cers as follows President Mrs Newton Wilson First VicePre sident Mrs McDonald Second VicePresident Mrs Merritt Recording Secretary Mrs Whitney Thompson Corr responding Secretary Mrs of the United the work in the can Fife Treasurer Mrs Herman Cole Representative to the off icial board Mrs Newton Wil son Representative to the Board of Stewards Mrs Gourlay Christian Education Commit tee Mrs Blair and Mrs Lover Chairmen of Standing Com mittees will be Christian Citiz enship and Social Action Mrs Ellis ship and Visiting Mrs Small Conperation in Chri lt ian Education Missionary Edu cation and Periodicals Mrs Blair Finance Mrs Dunn Flowers Mrs Halbert Lit erature and Communications Mrs Bowennan Manse Mrs Darling Membership Mrs Whiten Nominations Mrs Hunter Press and Pub lioity Mrs Leonard Pro gram Miss Melissa Graham Social Functions Mrs Nicol Wilson and Mrs Fergus Kerr Stewardship and Recruiting Mrs Owens Supply and So cial Assistance Mrs Mc Kenzie After the completion of elec tinns Mr Sliilton sident Mrs Newton Wilson who took the chair in her address she urged all members to give their full support to the new challenge facing women in the church today She stat ed that this occasion was an important one to emember the launching the United Church Women in St Johns and that if everyone works to gether conscientiously there is no doubt that the influence of his organization will be felt in our own community our coun try and in the worldwide mis sion of the church The treasurers report was given advising that substan tial sum is on hand to start libs year Mrs Wilson introduced the chairmen of the commit tees to the gathering and ad vised that the first executive meeting would be held Feb in the church hall The inaugural installation service was conducted by Mr Shilton on the morning of Sun day Januray 21 and Holy Com munion was observed at the same service Refreshments and social time were enjoyed by all Community Friend introduced the executive and the new pre UNS BUSINLSS Actress Penny Possmore 24 operates her own secretaria business in Montreal grad note of the VebberDougla School of Singing and Drama ic Art in London England she has played in repertory and cabarets in Londons west end Photo By IDA JEAN KAIN There are charLs that notch the perfect waist circum ference for given height Such charts are fine in iheory but in real figures they are likely to be inches off There is no standard waist measure for set height True slight framed girl of about five feet would have neat sweet waist at 24 inches But it would be reaching for the moon for stocky girl to try to get her waist thinned down to 24 inches The wrist is gauge of struc ture and is used as guide for streamlined proportions By this ruleoiihewrisi the girl with small wrist inches should have an elegantly slim waist of 2in inches the averagesix inch wrist allows for 26inch waistline andn Gléinch wrist in azm waistline By this nile the waist should measure bit more than times the wrist size Again its fine in theory But with all these careful calcula tions something has been over looked and that is thespace between the waistand the top of the hipbone Shurt waisted women are not built for slender waistlines You are short waisted if there arerbareiy couple of inches between the top of the hipbone and the natural line of the Waist HEIGHT UNIMPORIANI Heigh tis not the deterrruning factor While many tall girls are longwaisted some tallgirls are surprisingly shortwaisted Short women are apt to be on the shortwaisted side but some of them are fairly longwaisted measurement exclusive freshbrewed flavour seeing him Hes all live for What is the future for us Star Gazer Dear Gazer First youre right about me not believing tho three year handholding bit dont Secondmy crystal ball is on the fritz but maybe can give you clue to he futurehosed on thousands of letters from men and women who have shared this problem You and Ji mean slip around figure to the last until someone catches you then The solution for those of us who are in the short waisted fix is to pull the waist out of the lips and make practice or standing and sitting with no wrinkle at the waist In other words perfect posture is essen tin with the up pull through the midriff We can also do the waist good turn with exercise that wards off waistline bulk its easy to see that the less die space the more the bulk shows up Here is an exercise to pull the waist out of the dumps Position Sit on floor legs wide apart arms arched over head hands together Keep back perfecin straight and pull up slim through the midiiii Action Bend the upper part of the body sidewards holding the upandin stretch then come up to sitting position Now bend forward girdle muscles taut and come back to sitting posture Then bend to ward the oihe side With arms arched overhead the shoulders stay relaxed and the upstretch is centered in the middle of the figure Keep supple to keep slim in the middle NO EXTREMES MONTREAL CF Therese Kirkland Casgrain Quebecs first woman member of the legs islature describes herself as not conservative in anything elseonly in clotheslbe Lib eral member for JacquesCar tier prefers suits and tailored dresses in black but occasion ally wears blues and green DY CKS FOOD MARKET WHITEFISH 39 lb SALMON by the piece 69 lb we use canny garish con embers men HADDOCK prunes nnnsn smoxnn ml LETS AND FINNAN Hanz ms DAILY MEA DELIVERY Baby hungry Its arcinch to fix really smooth cereal in flash Gerber Cereals stir to creamy perfection in seconds when mixed with formula or milk Whats more the consistency stays smooth throughout the sewing No wonder these quality cereals are so satisfying to baby Digesilblllfy assured Gerber Cereals are thoroughly pre Nutr onally speaking are also added Gerber Cereals Ilike all goodlasting Gerber Baby Foods are prepared byspecialists who work in the interest of better nutrition for your baby RICE NEIL warn cram who com sum crrut mxro tune mum cant man oked and twicetested to insure easy digestibility they have added iron so impor tant to your babys wellbeing Calcium and three important Evitaminsethiaminc riboflavin and niacin

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