Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jan 1962, p. 4

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Titanic Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 18 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager WEDNESDAY JAN Pu gust Stop Strangulation Canadian Magazines Prime Minister Dlefenbakerthis week nounced his governments plans to otect the Canadian magazine publish industry Some of the recommenda ons of the Royal Commission on Pub cations will be carried out he an ounced Principally the Government 111 use tariffs and allow advertisers in socalled Canadian editions of us agazmes to deduct only half the cost such advertising for income tax pur seS This is welcome news to these con rernéd about the survival of the Cana ian magazine industry Competitive magazines are to newspapers such The Examiner for national advertis dollars we view the maintenance of is portion of our national press as aim iob for Parliament to undertake We have reviewed in past editorials he problems Canadas magazines face competing with the socalled Cana lanleditions of US magazines which little more than dump their pro uctiln Canada at costs our magazines annot meet And just as we would be concerned bout the dumping of textiles we must concerned about the dumping of agazlnes The main cost of publica on is borne by the parent edition in he us This edition is altered slightly or Canadian consumption in the case Time by the insertionof four pages Canadian news edited in the US In he case of Readers Digest not even his amount of Canadianizlng is done So with the bulk of the expensive dltorlal matter produced in the US or the parent magazine the costs of reducing the Canadian Edition are ridiculously small in comparison with Canadian magazines Our own magazines pay the entire costs of their editorial matter out of revenues derived from home advertising We who take seriously this matter of our Canadian identity must also take seriously the maintaining of Canadian magazine industry run by Canadians and for Canadian purposes Freedom of the press is not con cern in this as the us magazines are still free to distribute their home edi tions in Canada as do the Saturday Evening Post Newsweek and countless others Time has the opportunity of running more Canadian news in their home edition which they do not do now as those who have travelled in the 115 and bought the US edition realize The OLeary commission did not pro pose the elimination of these Canadian editions but did propose that Canadian advertisers in these editions not be al lowed to deduct the cost of such adver tising from income on which tax is paid This in effect would increase the cost of advertising in these publications and give the true Canadian magazines somewhat improved competitive posl tion The governments legislation would not follow this entirely but will allow half of the deduction for income tax purposes that Canadian advertisers can claim as business expenses for the ad vertlslng they buy in foreign magazines printed in Canada We agree that these steps are neces sary to stop the slow strangulation of the Canadian magazine industry Cana dian magazines must havea better chance for survival National MCA Week Since the Young Mens Christian As ociatlon was founded the concept Christian youth training has spread round the world The reasons for its obvious success appear to lie in simple explanationa commonsense approach to training in citizenship The YMCA treases Christian principles of good ellowship sportsmanship and friend hip tolerance to the other persons oint of view and willingness to live in ease and friendship with those whose ideas ideals and beliefs differ from our own To implement its ideals three pronged program has been devised and is actively carried out first bodily exer cise to promote vigor and physical well Oiher Edit PUBLIC KEEPS ASKDIG Montreal Star The fact is that total expenditures by overnment are not going to be reduced The public demands and will get more and more services the money for which must come from either taxes or borrow ing To render these burdens bearable the economy will have to be stimulated so that the national gross product will steadily rise VETERINARIANS TOO FEW Family Herald veterinary college for Western Canada has again been asked for by the Canadian Veterinarian Medical Association This is becomingalmost an annual request but the veterinar ians meeting lntheir annual convention in Banff Alta made strong case this year on the grounds that the shortage of qualified veterinarians is not only of major concern to the live stock industry but to welfare of the people in all walks of life At present there are only two vet erinary college in Canadathe Ontario Veterinary College at Guelph Ont and the School of Veterinary Medicine at st Hyacinthe Que wherethe instruc Ition is in the French language The Ontario College being provincial instgt The Barrie Examiner Authorized ll second elm mail Post Office DGmeeflt Ottawa and for payment of posters in cash Dally Sundays and statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLS Publisher MEAN SLAIGHT Genelll Milnlger McPBZESDN Mlnllinl Editor CHARLES WADGE unsiuers Manager HARRY WILSON Advertising Manager JOHN HOLDER Circulation Mlnllgcr Subscription rife daily by carrier 359 weekly l5le YBAI Sinqu copy 7c By mill in Ontario zoo Your uoo six month use cam months 3100 mm Oulsldl Ontario sou your Outsid Clu sa on yo om es in Unlvorrlt Ava Torantn em clamn Stroemfdontreal use at dawn street Vancou Vlr Menjhor of the CanadianDally Newspaper one man Ansoclallon The Canadian Press and mum uresu of circulations Thotdonatlinn Pres il exclusive entitled to the Ilsa Publication of All news etched Ill this gaperrcredltctl to it or The Alla ltcd Puss or outer and also the local any publith tbomn not cover all expenses being second training of the mind through study plus mental reoreation through hobbies and crafts and third everpresent in all YMCA activities reverence for lifes spiritual values re gardless of creed Todays world of changing values has crying need for intelligent leader ship What tomorrows problems will be no man can tell But one thing is cer tain the need for leadership will not diminish Its the aim of the YMCA to train tomorrows leaders today Thats the meaning of the current YMCA Week to focus attention on the Ys program of training leaders and the opportunity to support this program through the nationwide Canadian YMCA Youth Fund for $1817000 now in progress 013 itution is bound to give preference to Ontario students Applicants from other provinces are said to be taken on loosely defined quote basis There fore the opportunities for Western boys to receive veterinary training are lim ited tova small percentage who have knowledge of the French language and who may or may not be admitted to the st Hyacinthe school and to the limited number that may be accepted at the OVC as determined by the classroom and laboratory limitations It is suggested therefore that fac ulty of veterinary medicinebe establish ed at one of the western universities and the University of Alberta is men tioned as possible location It is admitted however that the initial ex pense would be from $3000000 to $5 000000 The fact remains however that veterinarians are too few and far between and this coupled with expand ing populations both human and live stock would seem to amplify the need for Western veterinary college HEALTH SERVICES Toronto Star Hungarian refugee family has re turned to Sweden after year in Cana da partly because they were distressed by our high mdical costs It is reflec tion on our affluent Canadian society that Sweden affords better protectionfto the average family against costly ined ical bills Ferenc Pal his wife and three chil dren left Deep River and flew backto Sweden on Christmas Da One of the familys main reasons for wanting to go back to Sweden is Mrs Pals enmety over the cost of medical treatment here since she underwent surgery last summer To her surprise she found that hospital insurance does In Sweden medical insurance covers everything she said The whole fem ilygets free checki ps every three months specl which is well CAUTIOUS TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Bleedingfrorn Mouth May Indicate By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dear Dr Molnar Does blecd lng of the mouth come with hiatal hernia have such hernia of the siomach and would like to know if proper diet and loss of weight would help Is it possible for biutal hernia to shrink or would medication help All Histalor hiatus hernia is not one in theexaci sense of the usual abdominal hernia or rupture Rather it is hernia or fault which is entirely in ternal at the point at which the gullet passes through the dia phragm Its very great deal more common than is popularly sup osed so it behooves people to ave mild acquaintance ship with the term As to bleeding of the mouth do understand correctly Bleeding 0F the mouth gums nose or related areas is one thing It has nothing to do tvlth hiatal hernia But bleeding FROM the mouth that is vomited blood can occur if an ulcer has formed at the hialal hernia This is not usual but it canhappen There are also cases called sliding hernias in this re beeause the intestinal corridor may slip upward or downward at the faulty point causing distress intermittently Ifas canbe doneit is as certained that bleeding is from this point an ulcer diet is re quliEd Otherwise such diet cannot be expected to reduce or shrink arcure the condl tion It may relieve discomfort worthwhile how ever SLIMMING HELPS In my experience many ps tienis with hiatni hernia are overweight women of middle age although other ages are not exempt Reduction of weight usually helps them great deal for when we gain too much weight not all of the excess is Visible Some is in the form of fat inside the abdomen and it causes crowding and pressure This certainly can irritate hiatal hernia which otherwise might not be problem at all As to medication yes it can occasronally be used tocounter act acidity and inhibit spasm and thus be helpful in treating the condition In some cases surgery is the correct and only solution in cases in which symptoms are severe repeated bleeding occurs there is persis tent pain or difficulty in swal lowing For the most part treatment such as for moderate cases of peptic ulcer is best For severe cases surgerywhich is true of ulcers too of course Dear Dr Mahler Next sum mer will be 15 would like to get my nose done at that tune My mother says am too Young and Ishould wait until am at least lever 17 However she does agree that my nose needs it have terrible com plex aboutit and just cant wait untlllli am 16 or 17 Please tell mdlf amtoo young 15 Smce both you and your mother agree that this plastic surgery shouldbe done then suggest consulting the surgeon as tothe righttime to do Id thmklslk would be gm acceptable but leave it to him Dear DrMoiner My legs and arms are covered with black and blue and yellowish bruise marks Iseem tobruise easrly just by walking into cbair for example Does this indicate my abnormality am artE Ulcer Yes such easy bruising may be significant Sometimes di etary deficiencylack of Vita min Cfrom fruit juices or cal cium from milkls the cause Improving the diet is the cure of course In other cases some blood ab normality muy be present in sufficient platelets anemia or some flaw in the clotting mech anism it is well worth while to see your doctor no new comma Eeing Levelled Is Good Sometimes By KEN WALLS THE GREAT LEVELLER Thats what the mayor of bud burst Station calls game which shall remain nameless Just when youve decided you are getting fairly good at it some beginner bests you like TEERE ARE TIMES in life too when personal flattening comes along Like the time couple of years can when went to church one lovely winter morning on time of course My family had moved couple of blocks east in 1925 day after the new historic vote on church union In other words we left the kirk and Joined forces with the Method fats and Congregationalists Well it was about 30 years later and after the usual stimulating service lady came over and reached out her hand Im liirl she said Wel come to our congregation You must be newcomers to town SEE WHAT mean by levelling At the curling club till LETTERS TO EDITOR UNION THANKS Dear Sir The membership of UAW Local 700 including UAW local 369 womens auxiliary wish to ex tend their sincere thanks and appreciation to the citizens and merchants of Barrie and sur rounding areas wllo contributed so generously during our can vass for the children of striking membersof our local Their aid in this campaign enabled the distribution of toys and food hsmpers including turkeys to all striking mem bers and their families Many quoted this as being the best Christmas they have had LOCAL 700 REPORT FROM UK Hotels Boycoiling llirpori Building By McINTYRE HOOD Special London England Correspondent for Tbs Barrie Examiner LONDON The Ministry of Aviation has invited the hotels of London to make bids for the use of reception facilities in the new building at the London Airport but has placed stoning price of $5800 year on the bidding The result is that theleading London hotel groups have decided to boycott the invitation from this govern ment department declaring that they are not interested in bid ding with this minimum figure as starting point The accommodation for which the hotels were invited to make their bids consists of small cubicles with just enough space for desk is chair and telephone But practically all of the hotels to which the min istry officials wrote inviting bids have rejected the invita tion They are just not intermit ed Some of their officials have bad caustic comments to make regarding the ministrys pro posals TERMS RIDICULOUS The Westbury Hotel one of the big American Knott Hotels group stated that it is still considering Vibe invitation But said spokesman for this hotel When we heard tbat the tenders could not be lower Company has refused to rent the accommodation offered in the huge arrival hall of the new building It said that it would be highly unprofitable ventureat the price which was being asked for it From the ministryof aviation there has come only thick veil of silence When asked to comment on the boycott of its invitation by the hotel companies spokesman said We never discuss details of private contracts Ee added that he was unable to say whether any Lenders had been received so far for the desk space offered to the hotels BIBLE THOUGHT Give me now wisdom and knowledge to go out and come in before this people for who can rule this thy people that is so gruffII Chronicles ll 10 How happy is the nation whose king prays for wisdoml bumble king who trusts in God means more in terms of security to nation than its bombs and missiles than $5800 year rental we were astounded spokesman for the Mayfair Hotel which also controls the Victoria and Grasveuor Hotels in Central London said The figure suggested by the airport management for the accommodation offered is be yond the ridiculous It is absolutely fatuuus We have no intention whatever of submitting tender for such accorrunada ion on this basis All that is offered is small desk spokesman for the Savoy Hotel group which has three man team of receptionists on duty at the airport was of the same frame of mind but re fused any further comment Elcirr nasrrs PLANNED When the new $9000000 pas senger terminal building was designed provision was made in the plans for eight desks to be used by hotel receptionists The new building is due to be opened for long distance flights fn the esrixpartofthis sum mer gt At least one big travel ageunv tb Amarican Express law dlcPoeifio ishnd the other day there was bon rplel and former cohort of mine in musical days now earning living elsewhere ap proached and wanted to know what was doing now that you are no longer with the paper Well he might have pom at that but said was working for Roy Thomson He looked bit puzzled nod then said Im sorry but who is be So rather flippanily said well was in select com pany the Earl of Snowdon was on Mr Thomsons stall now too YOU GUESSED 11 He apolo glzcd again and asked the some question So just changed the subject After all and what hnrrlble thought somebody might come along and want to know who John Diefenbaker is BARRIE HAS produced some very notable personages over the years put this in for the benefit of those who have lived here five years or so and come up and welcome those who have been on the local tax list for 50 years or more This item quote from last Saturdays Toronto Star written by Gordon Sinclair no less Wisllart Campbell the only Canadian in history to marry woman who owned two whiskey distillerles in Scotland is well on the way to becoming Laird of Islay Thats lsrgish island between Scotland and Ireland Campbell who wore the kilt and could speak pure Gaelic while here has quite gone clsnnish and they say the good man now has his personal piper and will bring him to Canada when next he comes SO YOU SEE what can hap pen to graduate of Barrie Collegiate of about the same year as church union Wishart however never left the Presby terians and you can be sure his piper will be playing on0wen Street and not Col lier Maybe if we had remain ed with the kirk we might have at least wound up with one brewery WE MIGHT MENTION there were three breweries operating in the town of Barrie at one time but that was long before my time and local optjon too Now we have sports and mov ies on the Sabbath as well as golf anotller importation from Scotland Inventive people those Scots Just imagine curling golf bagpipes andScotch HERE is SECOND item from The Star written by Stan Helleur about another native of Barrie Dr Arthur Lower whose Olympus is the faculty of Queens University and who as reviewerrecently deprec ated Ralph Allens unique feat of writing readable history of Canada something our pro fessional historians seem to find impossible was bounding off again this week Addressing CanadianAmerican seminar at Michigan State he was quoted as follows Apart from the organized warfare that goes on under the name of hockey Canada does not have popular culture of its own Modern Canadian poetry is unreadable snditisimpossiblstolisicnto Canadian music or to look at Canadian painting THE TORONTO columnist called this unjustified and fat uouS even less than youd from one of Professor werl undergraduates Cert ainly no Varsity or Western grad would say such thing My goodness if this happens all we might not invite the 800d professor back in Barrie for our next Old Home Week hut Wlshurt and his piper and some samples of his product are more than welcome Tonys Having ll Rough Time By ALAN HARVEY LONDO NiCP They told him to get job So he got job And then they told him to quit Thats the short unhappy story so far of the Earl of Snowdons bid to get back into Fleet Street its been rough week for society photographer Antony ArmstrongJones the commoner who married Prln cess Margaret May 1960 When it was announced two weeks ago that Tony was to loin The Sunday Times as an tistic adviser thus resuming the kind of work he did before iolning the periphery of royalty it seemed logical appointinan FOLLOWED TALK After all hadnt there been some cocktailcircuit comments about Tony and Margaret lead ing the soft life For example didnt John Gordon in The SundayExpress wax sarcastic over their recent Caribbean tour to recover from the strain of their almost work less year So hardly an editorial muscle lwiichcd at the news that Tony would trundle out his old for mat camera on behalf ofTbe Sunday Times which is intro ducing color supplement Feb For week there was praclt ticaliy no reaction But The Observer broke the silence with two separate com ments Jan 14 It suggested that the appointment was bad one because it would involve the Royal Family directly or in directly in the fierce jungle war of Fleet Street economics The Observer is direct com petitor of The Sunday Times cs timaied that Lord Snowdons magic name might pick up as many as 200000 new readers for publisher Roy Thomsons pet paper COLOR EHENSIVE Some experts think Tony will just give Thomson enough extra circulation to get over the bump with the color insert Color fl extremely expensive in Britain The New Statesman says Thom sons new venture is desper ately dicey gamble All last week jeltisoning ear lier reticence Fleet re weighed the pros and cons of Tony job The EveningStand ard called it booby trap Papers published by Lord Bea verbraok usually go gently on Themsoua fellow Canadian The Daily Mirror not always tender with royalty good na turedly boosted the appointment and like the Communist Daily Worker offered Tony spot in its offices if The Sunday Times changed its mind spate of cartoons included fourscolumrl likeness of Thom son cuddling copy of his own paper recalling the motherand child shots Lord Snowdon took alter the Snowdons bad their first baby ASKS MORE HIRING MONTREAL CP Dr Cyril James principal and vlce chancellor of McGill Univer sity called on businessmen Monday night to help pro gram of international exchange of students by hiring more for eign students for summer relief work He was seeking support for the International Associa Lion of Economics and Commen cial Students sllluoa COURT SESSION This istbe land and titles court of Western Samoa in session Private and public f7 territory is based on the Brit isb system with modifications reflecting local conditions Land houris follow anomal tion of ownerspr and inherit ance Formerly New Zem land trusteeship Western Sa moa was granted independ sou Jan ice Photo

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