Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jan 1962, p. 19

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AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans FOR SALE nu ram tau door Sedan for His Imw In urn Wm nee inne an can Imm lnurcer Telephone PA 805 local MOD IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP commi wen to an em to mum in PM Monday tenure ruey Telephone in mm cm TYrilT required with dietaphone experience for mail Telephone PA um and uh for hire Robinson PLYMOUTH near one own er arulnni nutan Tare ovu pay menu at use per month For his Ibex Information phone PA ImL use DODGE our door Sedan or air automatic very than Will take older ear In trade Can an range Televhenl PA tom use annual Alpinn arts Car or tale On corner olnr white Telephone PA M117 an gum or PA Lem liter run for further inlemuon use PONTIAC humidn four door automatic transmisainu cul tom radio two tone finish new throughout aiuit cell Tail eyel vwmentr 29 monthly Talb éphune PA eml me man curinmllna donr an originI Alaskan whit unin uriem radio body and Interior as new Must be ieen to be seen elated riire aver paymentl at 27 month Telephone PA anal teen PLYMOUTH Station Wuon automatic power steering VU also test Plymouth station We eon automatic Va Both in ex cellent condition Terms cm on arrnun Telephone FA 63554 CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS Ilanee Incnear Nun for day went LII or DUI AM lthlrll hto Good new to arm penon ply Ark mn Nuretal Home elr pnen sound out LentIon work done and drumb MALE HELP SALES REPRESENTATIVE National tood organiza tion requires sales repres entative for the Orillia Area 22 to 30 years of age matriculation experience preferred but not essential car supplied salary bo ins plan and other benefits APPLY TO BOX 87 BARBIE EXAMINER SALESMEN WANTED PHONE PA aosoi 01 apply In writing to 245 IIFFIN STREET BAREIE TRANSCANADA CREDIT 87 Dunlop St BARRIE IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP grew EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAILY can in to children me Eiféin Telephone elm nuns ml no order Alec ing Telephone PA Gaza or fur ther intoneUna DAY CARE in my own home for FYI4th chilan over one year tau and vicinity Tab phone PA 15 Km ANYTHING Moved Ono ten covered truck or him by the hour dl or Vick All odd mov In lob done Reasonable Tutu Telephone FA emu II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate at MARY MELINA IIICKLING late at the Village oi Elmvale in the County of Simcoe Wid ow who died on the 8th day at October 1961 must forward some to the undersigned on or beiore the 29th day oi January 1962 eiier which date the as sets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the executrlx will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice in More Time Sought YIiAWA CPICanada has for more time More opening the AngloCanadlen air services agreement for reuego tlatlou reliable wurce said Monday The initial round had been tentative schaduied by Trans Inivstcr Balcer and Eric ish aviation Minister Ihorncy croit or Iondon this month in dications are now the talks will not take place ior some time For Canada the key issue is the designation at Canadian Pacific Airlines as flag carrier into London from Western Can ada The air dispute with Britain erupted last August alter the privatelyowned CPA was din ignated as Canadian carrier on the polar route into London EiitainI bulked lat dtbne litigant using ogran an CPA and forcing the Canadian airline to postpone plans for VancouverLondon service via Edmonton Calgary and Gan CPAs bid for London and tor routes to major United States cities appears now to hinge on Separatists Reject Communist Bid oofiolnriot reg 211qu en heea oldest separatist move ment Monday rejects pledge of support from Canadas Communist party The doctrine oi LAilianee Laurentienne he said is in lsuuenly by airnun danrity and tumor This move by the Commune tactic to turn one tions each other to cre ate anarchy and cow dileiou hir allot was commenting on resolution passed Sunday in Toronto at the annual eon vcntinn of the Canadian Con munist pafly in Communist pledged to support my the Canadian separatist mor ant mum Redskins Sign Quarterback Hall WASHiNGiON AP Galen Hall Itar quarterback at Penn State who was overlooked by the proiessiouai iooibnll clubs in the draft wasrigned mesday by Washington Redskins of the Na tional league The iivefootnine Signal cal ier quickly went on the want list of the pro teams including Ha milton Tigercatr oi the East ern Conierence alter he pitched the West to 2319 victory over the Fast in the US Bowl game here Jan None better or any price may be used forcooking baking beverages and infant feeding All Price In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday January 21th 1982 CHOICE CREAM aTyL Reg this 3708AVE 7a low49c Ron pkg 7io5AVE lo lib pig 9¢ REG 390SAVE 10 29° AeP CORN IPECIAL BLEND AcP TEA HROBIN HOOD PIE CRUST aalrv enocxrn Ree enemasave CAKE MIXES vavznkss75c 15o OFF DEAL BLUE sum 69 tin SicSAVE lo BEE IVE GOLDEN CORN svnup Mg PUREX COLOURED FIEVOI 8M1 99¢ on BALLARDS CHAMPION FLAVOURS Rm 3H DOG FOOD 4m55 LIDO CADET CHOC MALLOWS at 39° ASP Handles nly anode Finest Federal Inspected and Graded Media Vanadas Finest Qualify Red Brand Reef EF ROAST SALE ll SHOULDER RIB ROAST gt59 SAUSAGE PATTlES i°=eks39ss PORK SAUSAGE BACK ACON can 39 or 79 MEAT CHICKEN LOAF amiss LAKE PERCH FILLETS I45 EXTRA SPECIALS ATV Afi Freelimits and Vegetables Rel pkg Icesavs 4e MEXICAN FIRM RIPE HAND aELlcTEB k9 45 QUALITY Mo one TOMATOES genuine pkg NNAVE I96 California RedEmperor No Cir Large Cluster VAN KIRK 26czpk9539 GRAPES 49 Reg pkg 39DSAVE 4o CRACKERS Allianceelm Sin and Juicy Fanny and Ilbnka 35 ORANGES TOMATO SOUP 4345 Slbaeliobng Jane Plrknr any pkg 35D8AVE 6° WHIRLS lNDiVlDUAL COMBINATION pkg 29¢ Healthy Fast Growing no 1m Th TropInl III PIIIQIB Pot Jana Parker Ran Incl ZiaSAVE 7a pullonmnron 7collnIlluM moo TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAB I75 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 84272 SCAM on mucus wanted tol arms and wrecking Telephone for pickup to Coorilawn earn cnsn son your eu Liens oald err We trade up or down Al fianale Hotels 2125 and can He PA weal TRUCKS TRAILERS hos none sme Truck in air running condition good men and um Telephone Ora Requires credit representative and field manager Previous credit experience help Iul but not essential Our man must be intelligent aggressive and between 2126 years of age For further inlormatlon Call the Manager MR MIFFLIN PA 85903 CAREERS for YOUNG MEN in the CANADIANARMY you are between the age or I7 and iii and single get lull information on exciting career opportunities with the CANADIAN am Visit your Army Recruiter at the Barrie Armoury be tween the hours of 10 em and 12 noon onMon Feb ruary 12 or write the governments overail pol icy aim of encouraging CPA and its publicly owned rival TransCanada Air Lines to co operate on international nmr Some aviation observers be lieve the government will have to settle this problem before en tering hard headed air talks with either the British or the Americans With the prospects of TCA and CPA both showing heavy losses on their 1961 operations the pressure for some form oi liaison between the two airlines ia expected to grow Future Bright For The AFI BUFFALO NY APCorn missinner Joe Foss of the Amer Ican Football League Tuesday claimed betterthenever rec ord of signing drait choices thin year and forecast improved televislnn coverage and greater year by far for 1962 Foss said that following an other year of competition the AFL will be the equal of the National League Foss said the AFL lost eight top drait choices to tilcrivai league but added that the NFL devoted its major energies to doing just that Out of the top 100 boys on our dralt list he said as oi yesterday we had signed 43 From lastyears top 100 we signed 35 altogether From the complete drait list of 200 said Foss the eight AFL clubs have signed 79 to date KIITCItIiIIENERWIglNSSo 000 Foss said he expects the 25 ass Amerian Broadcasting Com ilotlnllaiflii infiiavfiélemg among Canadian cities Kitchr pany to announce it was picks re baconTy ner was Winner secon mg up Its AFL television option iITmJiiaxTifdilrEmEIIIIZS 132ml isfSuf sum place was Hull Que and Sar well before the April 15 dead nln was third Line called for under ABCs 1111 filigrszfi lggmfiogvomprg year contract with the RVICE DIRECTORY Among towns with someone population Deep River 0nt Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 DATED at Barrie Ontario this 5th day at January AD 1962 BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen street Barrie Ontario Kitchener Wins US Fire Award BOSION APiA Canadian city an RCAF station and the Canadian National eaea rch Council have received grand awards in the 1961 tire preven tion contest sponsored by the United States National Fire Pro tection Association Award winners were Kitche ner the HCAF station at St Sylvestre Que and the NRC Some 1300 Canadian and us entrants competed for the prizes awarded on yearround ciiorts to reduce tires and ed ucate the public in fire solely Other grand awards which were announced here today were won by the City of Phila delphia the aerospace division of the Boeing Company at Scat tle and three US military in staliations It was the first grand award for Kitchener The city won first place among cities of iLs population class our times in the last in years Among Canadian cities with 100000ormore population Van couver won first place with Ha milton and Calgary second and third lane Parker Large ANGEL CAKE Regular Price 55 rack 175 g8 PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Through training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY ST PA 83962 mum snor Coidwnves ME by Cflmfild hairdresser in your gzgszhoflle Phone Bernice re xx rokumn TzLuNG Do you want your ortune told by cards For appointment telephone PA com anytime LOST FOUND LOSTFemale Hound white with black markings in lnnlrni Town ahlpl onlanulry 13 Howard for mum Telephone Toronto an name To HELP WANTED FEMALE ELF Immune young lady for part time work in retail store Must be pleasant appearance and nblt to meet the public Reply statinr JANE PARKER CHERRY PIE zIoz wslolIT 49 Rap EgoSAVE I00 Army Recruiting Station 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto Ont LEARN EIECTRONICS NOW Rcaidont or Home Study schools Toronto and Montreal RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA Semi or Free Book emui in Electronin to sex lclnr St Toronto unirte vilzN or Waldemarrt your own BLADE BONE REMOVED WELL TRIMMED Schedule Games With Olympians FORT WILLIAM CPIClubs in northwestern Ontario and Minnesota have scheduled sev eral games against teams headed for the world hockey tournament at Colorado Springs Colo Fred Page president oi the Thunder Bay Amateur Hockey Association announced that the Finnish national club will play in Nipigon March and in Fort WilliamMarch In Nipigon the Finns will play Nipigon Flyers of the North Shore intermediate ague with theFlyers bolstered by players from the other three clubs inthe league Their op ponents in Fort William will he Port Arthur Eearcatsroi the Thunder Bay Senior League who recently completed tour of Europe The Finnish team is coached by Joe Wirkkunen former Port Arthur junior player Warroad Lakers of the Onta rio Minnesota Hockey League will play Gait Terriers Cen ades representatives at the world tournament Feb The Minnesota team also meet the Swedish al team March at Warroad Minn and March at Duluth and the Nor wegian team March 1200 Lawyers Going To Meeting OTTAWA CP Some 1100 Ontario lawyers will attend the twoday midwinter meeting of the Ontario branch of the Canel dlan Bar Association opening here Feb it was announced Tuesday took first prize Ocean Falls BC was first place winner in centresoI 25004300 population Sdiuma cher out was second and Mauitouwadge out third ONTARIO MOTOR ExcelMING who LEAGUE FILL GRAVEL roe son CIOD at Cohpurgl OInt won first Eor information re this service SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED BCE and arger mal ntact provincial representat Excavating and Grading Water $33 men was camp Delivery Crushed stone Bali yard Backhoe or hire as infill Railway Talks Open PA 2907 HAIRDRESSERS MONTREAL CF Negotia tors tor Canadas railways CLIFFORD HAIR FA mmvidualsgbogs and their 110000 nonoperating Moderate rates pal mugs Wm mg con rac ay wi So ED GRANT SQUARE security lhelop issue PA 60491 Meanwhill1k eartly returns mm st we by 4500 INSULATION locomotive engineers across Canada show about 95 per cent INSULATION favoring walkout if nec With No Rnckwoni essary if contract talks with THE BLOWING METHOD Canadas major railways fail it SCOTT Mum was learned Monday spokes AirTits insulation RepJ man for the Brotherhood of Lo PHONE MINESDIG 211 MEATY SHORT or CROSS RIB SUPERRIGHT ALL MEAT BROWN SERVE COUNTRV STYLE PURE TRAY PACK PAULS LOCK REPAIR RR NEW LOWELL PHONE 9203 epairs to Locks Door Closers and Sales Service Dept BARRIE HARDWARE 40 BAYFIELD ST APPLIANCE sERVIces ONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 2+hour service l47 DUNLOP ST PA I42 fa CARPENTRY NEW HOMES shingling porches creation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages RUCE soHNEIoERs sLlcan COOKED AND EREADED Caramel Chip or Peanut Crunch DARES COOKIES Goldcn Humbufs or J0 Jubu DARES CANDY Chocolato Coated PEANUTS BREAD aw WHOLE WHEAT 241 Iay53 Jane Pnrklr Chocolate neg pkg aSesAvE lie CHIP COOKIES montage KLEENEX Reil SicVSave so for Dolls Fancy Qualuy FRUIT COCKTAIL 28Afloztin45c asp Brand msTANTcorrss 2315 moraine me oeranrumnen urine couran no Super up mans OIFf NUSERVICE CLEANERS Clapperton Si CLEANERS AND snml SERVICE WE ALSO CLEAN Ladies furlike coats EL 0LLEGRO BORG FREE PICKUP pa 32471 STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperto St PHONE PA 841562 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS msraunn ev LICENSED DRILLERS mar ESTIMATES Coupiorid Drilling an BARBIE PA 87645 cornotive Engineers 1nd said however returns so far are gfiusetématesé fairly meager wor The bananas worried by RADIO AND numerical ecllne in recent years are demanding what they TELEVISION SERVICE call job freeze for employees with five or more years senior 24 HOUR SERVICE ity ALL MAKES OF The demand has been criti RADIO AND TV cized sharply and bitterly by BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS the mBJDI railways The 15 19 Adelaide st CLGaffiliated unions represent PA 89603 mg the nonops on the other handktlerm ltan historic labor prlnup REFRIGERATIO Overshadowed by the job Kf freeze proposal is union de mend for ucentsan hour wage increase plus number of other fringe benefits The socoiled job freeze as spelled out in the formal de 400 Pkg rose Manda served on the railways should limit reductions of staff in any class withinthe railway industry to one per cent year for men with five or more years seniority The unions however not said exactly how their would operate it it were ac cepted by the railways saying that would he settled during the negotiations The nonops new earn an av erage of about $191 an hour hm mule plan RD AND SON an el Hangin Spray Painting Service Since 1920 arna caeIlIVy

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