Have Prosperous Year By UsingThe Want Ads To Solve Your Problems nu DARRID WEDNESDAY JAN 21 us REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPERTY FOR SALE NAME AIL IMPORTAND cue Int name tor your child mould be real plenum And other will uni to know your choice Mme your child uirkry pnnlhio and use the vian mm In Barri amine ctrtn Announce men but call our Cirsided Do munch In her Incladlnl who Ilned win publish BLED mac In mo wletfluon to 175113150 Telephoto PA or tat CIIRJDod Servlnl LENGAGEMENTS mlrsflflHAN BI and Mrfl Vlllllm Allen of Raul ODIIHD lab 17 Innouncn the lnnlcmonfl of their younlut durbtu MIMI Rosa Ann In IIIIIII James 511le Inn of 11s Marlo IEIXI Shlpmm and the lib mu Shivw ltePGon oi Ernest Shlpmnn omen blahrs He now DI Million The wed ding in take pllco on saturnay January 27 1961 It 72311 p111 It lho Anlllun Church DEATHS AF 112M DhATI 3313 7a TIFFIN srltm CALI on on avaNINd PA 82379 uemoe oi the turn and punter Rut brute Baud IL CARSON In 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial nutr PA 66481 Member at earri And munlei Rut crut Board AnusSuddenly result or an accident At Cochrne thrio on Sunday January 11 leonrrd Addlr in his 51rd ye beloved husband or onre Ellen Bnulrb nnd lotng lather or no can Ind our son 01 alr and I1 Tbnmu Addie or little mt Nortbeln IICIIIId nestan at the sleckley mncral item no vnrsley street Barrie or scrvlea on Thursday Jnnu 25 at prn Interment Uxbrldilo metrry IsmailAc soldiera luemoo ial hospital orinla on Tuesday launry 1962 Amy Jana seau beloved wltc or too 1119 Thomas wnuam Iermey turmerly or Ilrwkestoue loving mother o1 nluy Mn William Johnston and Grant 01 lilwkcstone nolno nutrte daar ulster at him Net uo lnmm or Toronto in bar alst unr neatlne It blundcll Funeral ilnme 70 West Street North on IIIII tor service on Friday John In as at pm Temporary en tomhment st Andrews Cemetery onlua IN MEMORIAM IIoumNln loving memory or dear wile and mother Isabel bray Horton who passed hwy on January 24 1955 Wonderful memories or door Treasured sun with love ulnccre in our heart the LI living yet We loved her too dear to target 5rdb missed by Buddy and fatally Dcrt VictorIn Margaret and Isabel one no COMING EVENTS ANNUAL MEETING th Stroud Coilimlfnity Centre will be held in tho COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY JAN 26th at pm ANNUAL MEETING Barrie Branch Canadian Mental Health Assn will be held TUES JAN30 pun at the LIBRARY HALL Speaker DrMargery King Director of Education and Training for CMHA MOCCASIN DANCE WARMINISTER COMMUNITY CENTRE Open air rink Hwy No 12 miles west of Orillia FRIDAY JANUARY 26 Weather permitting pm to arn Music by ODDS ENDS Lunch sold Admission 75c MIXEDVDANCING Ivy Orange Hall FRIDAY JAN 26th 930 to am Paxtons Orchestra Lunch counter ADMISSION 75¢ CREEMORE By MRS nmnrr Many expressions of sympathy have been extended to Mrs Russell Mmdsden in the death of her husband Corp Russell Marsden to Mr and Mrs Travis Moore in their loss of soneilblaw and to Mr and Mrs Marsden and family of loving son and brother Mr and Mrs Horst Echricllt and children Toronto are visita ing with Mr and Mrs Jack Van Klavem Caroline Street Mr and Mrs William Stew art Kathy and lohn oi Orangeville spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Walker Miss Marilyn Melville RN Toronto spent few days with her parents Mr and Mrs Bruce Melville Mr and Mrs Cecil Hayward are leaving shortly for brief vacation in the sunny suuth Mr and Mrs Tom Walker of Fort William were guests this week of Mr and Mrs Stan Nixon Mr and Mrs Mattia and children Camp Bordon were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Somertoll and Dianne at the Sovereign aparlxnents Sgt Norman Breed Caroline Street was taken to the Camp Borden Hospital on Sunday evcnlng suffering from apaln Iul back nllmcnt The latest report on the con dlllon at little Billy Marsden who was in ll our accident last week Is that ho to soon to be released from llospltal Iry All Examiner Want Ad type home HENDERSON REALTOR Ir COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 112678 TRADE 0R EXCHANGE Iol Aliondnle or country bungalow This roomy home has large modern kitchcn dining living room three bedrooms bright dry basement Nearly new home New listing Carries Air $71 principal and interest See Emerson Swain NHA RESALE Five room brick bungalow central loca tion $74 monthly Phone Percy Ford OLDER HOME Seven room home Central location Lovely lot One car garage $700 down Phone Percy Ford svnvmus CAILl ltmt SCANDRETI an user DOROTHY allon PA cost PERCY roan PA Mm numer SWAIN PA been uembcr n1 aama and District and Ontario nerl Elma Boards Emory MILLER REAL ESTAIE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 Just started in the broker age business We need your listings now homes and properties in the Bandit and Angus area Wont yOu give us try when you sell or buy Thank you Emory Miller bielnbcr ol the Barrie andmstrlct Real Estate board PRIVATE SALE Modelll split level executive Ovcrlooking park and bay Three bedrooms kit chen and large living room din lng room Finished recreation room in basement Only 520000 Call owner Art Harris at PA 66401 Keith Marshall near rsrnra BROKER PA 82592 CLAPPEIITON sr aAnltIn MOORE PA 23nd FRANK NELLB PA glam Member aurrie and District rtenl Estate Board MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 54801 OR PA 64802 113 Dunlap St CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker PhdnoP 32419 93 nualop st MABEL MARSHALLPA 344511 COREYPA $5453 MURIEL JEFFERYPA 5381 ma nooman House In prelu wood Insul brick mu basement and garage Living room kitchen two bedroom and bathroom ea ooo Willinm schou ntentwood LOTS FOR SALE THILEE CHOICE well drained Iota on 11th Concession or Innisdl east or Highway 11 being sold In one parcel sacriï¬ce price Con tact nob Spcaro Handy Hard ware strand telephone 10R PROPERTY WANTED FOUR nnpnoolu Home wanted Close to st Marys Church and School Will pay up to $8000 cash Apply to aux 16 anrrleitbtaminer or iurther details ITS EASY TO PLACEAI BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD Useooc at these three conveni ent ways PHONE PA M414 and say want to placaa Class cd Addf MAIL It to The satno Exam iner Barrie Ont 51311ch it to The EarriovExv rminer ouice Beyï¬eld Street TELEPHONE PA m4 axizilnE mnflga cs Barrio Hone entrances Automutlc dryer Tele COMFORTABLE three roam uh ROGERS PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL REALTORS ONE nuansmamaAsr rim to nanIa Home SalonForemost in Quality Service PA 86568 EVENINGS CALL bins at MOOREPAN RoomsPA use TRUNK LINESVL L1L POSTERPA I61 CONNflabPA mu 11111151315 BARBIE nlsriutr REAL rsrATz DOABDI CLIFF BROWN REALTOR MIHGH STREET BARRIE PHONE PA sow PA WI timber In Barrio Smith CampbellPA wan Fergui GlnaerA Norman but hint Bond loan DblPA lam Cbarlla ReadPA mu Sihelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 58742 First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 60 o1 Value No Fem Charged BUILDING LOT 0N GROVE ST some Iill GOOD SELECTION OF FARMS details priced at only $1400will need available Call Jnck Villson for SIX 1100111 FRAME HOME close to downtown with gas stove and dryer large double garage or only $8000Call Jack Willson for inspection evening cII Joe Donglin PA Evcmtt snelrwell Oro 1910 Howard NIHIll MORTGAG ES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation oI Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $I549 at $56 Monthly $3544 OI$9O Monthly UP to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I41 Dunlop St PA 66477 IMMEDIATE First and Second Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED 10 YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY urn aonralldate debts Pay or existing mortgage 01 mortgagee coming uua nomo improvement Any worthwhile eausa PA boost Mortgage Fllnding Over SimmonsSears 119 DUNLOP ST MOllmIIGlisIrt And no bought sold and arranged commercln nnd residentlnl money lonncd on gags Brokers M5 FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47c FOR NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO McNAMARA PA 60203 RENTALS Low cosr SPACE or rent Clean modern buildings suitable for cammerclnl or light IndustriaL Telephone PA 86575 NURSING HOMES Anu EDEN mama norm Built for this work Scini and private rooms kind nursing care gand lapd rv moms station wa gen for outings Telephone colts Strand APTS Houses T0 RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lclke One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and rcirigerator Use at washer and dryer Redccorated annually PAS1068 ANGUS Four room bonre with bath unlurnirhed Apply to Robertson telephone HE 115595 Available immediately TWO BEDROOM unturnlsbed apartment for rent on main rloor or new triplex park and trout phono PA 39986 tor mrther Infor muuon UPPER on Lowan nuplax for rent beatednncl unfurnished Up per three bedrooms lower two bedroom Close to schools and downtown Available January 20 Telephone P1135500 Tartan Izqu Apartment for rent private bath reirlgorntor and stove overlooking lake 1m madintu wuessiorln No cbildren gele hone PA 34515 or turmer TWO BEDROOM Apartment for rent upper floor completer prI vate Central location Hot water heated Galago Handy to scbool Available Immediately PA ROM after pm furnished heated apartment Prle vale bath laundry and parking lacllltics 55 monthly Apply loo Anne Street South ortelephone PA oases utter pan NEWAND Modern 0111 and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kompenlelt Buy Rent W11 ter nrklng andlanltor oervica inciu ed Automuuo wllhlngr ga dutiesPAI¢20021 lack lvlllron PA All Norman shelrwell PA lml PA was RENTALS RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT RENTALS WANTED TO RENT nouns Pol IzNI three bed roonu Posuwan Telephone PA unit Ior runner wormnon mmm nil Contath mm room apartment or rent Private entrance mt tad Tele phone PA 077 hitr pm TWO human Apuunentl or rent fluted Centnl location Hardwood noon Telephonl PA mu Ior further Internlion NEAR nl bun church urge period 11er duplex ior rent Fiv roonu Ind bath Enuclmlalned Prtvlle entnnce Ne nbleetton to one child Telephone PA 6560 broom lplrtlnln our mm Ind PHVIII bath 11D wrlu hub ed uunuu lupplled located 11 Ann ï¬lenhona Clm Borden 139 11151 and alter pan mlm BOD Duplex with All con unlenrH mi rphco halter situa ted In Ann sunIlla or nrvleo Rebound Telephone Anxlu HI 5591 tor lurther Lulormltlon ON AND TWO maroon Apart menu Stove retrigerntor duper Outslda oi nnrrte Ilent $58 and 75 with lure nuu Jennings PA 55573 or On 69 collect 11111 110011 Inmlnhed sput rnent Utilities ruppllea At bur rtop In Allandule district one child welcome Avllllblls new Telephone PA H211 IIZAIED UuIurnIrbcd Aplrtment two bedroom kitchenette and liv ing room 170 per month Phone PA will leru Plowen 90 Dun lap Elli 1le ROOM lunglow or rent All conveniences oil heated Idul rurroundlnrr Good garden Lake mom prlvueser On shanty BAy Road allm muer Telephone on 158 THREE ROOM huted rrtrnent with brtb Purnlrhed mo ern lur nlturo Sellcontained Central Ground floor Parking Cluh with printed wAIIJ oak and tue floors PA 34861 APTS HOUSES TO RENT The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworih Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil heat with air conditioning full basement scrviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes $86 month PHONE PA 2740 nunroa AVENUE Ibreo room untumlshnd apartment on heated hot water Slovo lad relrigcrhtor Private bath Apply Cent St UNFURNIEIIED two bedroom uprrtmenl heated Centrfly lou ted Parklnz provided Rent ï¬t monthly Telephone PA 54430 or alter 030 pm PA 597 UNFURNISHED oll heated eel contnlned our room rpnrtmunt Ground floor root and aids en trancc Available now Telephone PA M301 om AND rwq bedroom apart menu stove rerrlgemtor lnitar ervIca Inaandry Iacilttliep réent ng ram monthly or on Laeeh PA Milo Why LARGE nicely decanted one bed room lower apartment healed relncontalnod Cenlrpl location ggggren welcomo Telephone PA 3NdOY YOUR lut rmonth not true Ono and two bedroom Inm menu janitorscrvlca Ilentr lrom $55 per month Telephoaa PA Halo for outlier lorormatian TWO PURNIIIIIED Ilonm Apart ment kitchen and bedroom Use or rctrlgerator and laundry trolli ties Apply at eablrple Avenue telephone PA 112614 Timer ROOM unturnished hub ed apartment ior rent subcon tntned leplrltd entrants $55 For montb Avalinblov immediately Telephone PA 84770 or PA 31341 SELFCONTAINED VD room III nlxhcd heated aplrlment with piece blth ant and bush or lrancu Suitnblo tor bachelor or Couplu Apply ul aayllold streat PA flGIltl nRAND NEW bedroom IIoum ior rent Paved drlvcwly Central location Close to public and leperto rchooir Aullnble immediately Telephone PA H231 evening for iurther Inlormntlon COMFORTABLE Apartment Live ing room madam largo kitchen ona bedroom and private bath Heated and orrklnr sonmonthly Central location Apply on luul cuter st FOUR 110011 Apartment Lila hath uniurnisbed stove and re lrlgcnlar supplied Cantrllly Io uted No children Available im mediately For iurther inlornn uon telephone PA Mm mar 110071 Iurnlsbed spurt ment or rent Heated Remgen tor heavy duty rtovc hardwood floors Sell contaIbed AVIIllhIa Immadlately Amtroull Hard wore PA 132441 AVAILABLE February Two bedroom unturnirhed apartment but and water supplied someon tnlncd East end locltlan 375 or month rIaphoa PA loose or 35097 ROOMS TO LET nooIII P011 RENT In clcnII inmily home nonrd opilonal Close to bus atop Telephone PA 57272 Ior fur ther InIDrmotlon 1le housekeeping room to rent Apply at 45 Worsley street or Tclelt phlona PA 83245 tor further partl cu an ROOM BOARD noon AND noAnD IvallanB In privnto home east end on bus route Home privilegcr Parking spree Gentleman protoned Tele phone PA $0955 for lurther In formation Ibrca COMFORTABLE largc thrrMoom apartment Ilodcrala rent Warm separata entrance storago park lug Central at bur laundromat Allowance fDr service Ias Pene tahg St PA MD TWO BEDROOM unlurnlshed cell eontnlncd duplex Living room kitchen dining area buement Front andjback entranccr 90 per month Apply 184 Napier Street or telephone PA 07102 IMMEDIATE Possession Newly decorated unlurnlsllcd three room apartmch with bath Heated nndprlvata entrance Close to but stop Telephone PA 655 or 215 Toronto street TWO BEDROOM bungrlow tor rent Tastcllllly decorated OII bent Aluminum atom and screens All conveniences ertc Box 53 anrrle Examiner or phone VA motto OakvilIe INFURNIBEED newly decorated upperapartment Ona or two bed rooms lurga kitchen Immediate parsesslon Priced tor uulele rent al TelephoncPA arm dayr or PA arm cvcnlngl UNlemsImD east and two bedroom apartment viar rent In new building Parklnl laundry lioragt space Avallabl now Not Suitable for cIIIIdICn Telephone PA 81445 51x ROOM Brick Bungalow lacing Kcmpenielt Bay on beutlng ï¬re place all conveniences landscap ed Adults prelemd $95 monthly Availablo Immediately Telephnnn PA 60595 monsoon heated three roam apartment rot rent withcrtra roam tr requlred Apply at all John street or telephone PA mes AVAILABLE Now Unmrnlshed upstairs apartment tbrea rooms private bathroom and hot water tank sellcontained Ncur Past mice Small baby welcome Tele pbone PA 159757 FURNISHED large heated bright bedslttlng room bright kltcben bathroom Parking facilities Cen trally located suitable tor two Reasonable real For additional Inlormntion telephone PA 11710 FIVE 1100111 Apartment with batll Hunted Unlurnlshed Downtown location Parking available 5e11 containedwith private entrance immediate possession Telephone PA 112505 or PA $2013l otter II P11l sso MONTHLY Three room un turnlshed seucantnlned upaft mcnt separate wiring Central cntlon Pnrklng IacIIItIar Fluted Telephone PA 117597 nuer pm or rurther inlormutlou auNNIDALB noADAreh 11 beli tla street Newly decorated large two bedroom deflecontnined apart vrnuht Second floor Available Feb 1567 Hot water heutlng1un dry Oarage Included Adultrlvnly Telephdacvrnpcsoo sun Pan DAY and pay by tha FOUR unpnr hauled opanrnent ror rent unmmnbcd wltb slave and relflgerntorParklng apnea rive minutes 1k rum Flv Points TelephoneIPA mo tor curtbs oartleulm weelrl lbree room but bedroom unrurplphed apartment three plceo bath he hated by oil Emcee beltler Central Adults only 1m media poslculon Shelwell Rel glint Dunlap St Em BanIv ny ALICE BROOKS TERRIlIC TRIO One skirt is arrowslim one whirl oifluid pleats both go beautifully with the boxy jacket thats favored above all for Spring Choose cotton ray DII Printed Pattehl 4351 Misses Sized 10 12 14 16 18 Size 16 jacket 211 yards 35inch slim skirt full skirt yards Send anrs 50 Cents In cins stamps cannotbs ac Cepted ior this pattern Please print SplaiNySlZENAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBERg Séndllrder to ANNE ADAMS mre oi BarrierExomiuerrPat ternfDepartlhent 50 Eton St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpllngSulIlmerclat ternCntalogready now More than 100 sparkling styless sport day dance work travel All rlrooi land as all RANGE PairHALE four burner NEWLY Married Couple mum In apartment tor April blur in uhkcnllalnea tarnished Snlubla or lento couple writ Mn mu cent to 1111 Keith Pouru all Linden 5L Hmlnx NB ARTICLES for SALE NEW GUNS AT COST FOR BARRIE RESIDENTS GRAHAM CARD SPORTS 16 Mississaga St ORILLIA FA 55954 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner liyou would Ilka to have to punk of any news pictures taken by our stall photogrm phers pleaso call at our Bush nesg Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $I00 lo $125 plus trx Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Hos all used goods pltu new slightly damaged Items way below original cost Wu also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 112427 Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appliance 123 PENEIANG srnnnr PA oozes FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your iurnaco now between Jun 15th and Feb Iath and get your dual air attachment FREE with every complete installation Reg $129 FORCED AIR 01L OR GAS NEW $110 Finance Rate Phone collect Stroud 41115 WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Strand Low Overhead Low Cost STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I9S on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20C Clearing 61 ea lus pnovmcnil SALES TAX Commercial Fkinting Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 82x10 Ideal tor lining hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25C PER DOZEN Apply Tho Barrio libramlner Barrie Ontario NEARLY New Lawyt Vacuum Cleaner Ior role also Telephonn PA sa91l 21 INCH TELEVISION Philips table model with stand in good condition Reasonable Tolephona PA 115755 electric in exceucnt conditlon Telephone PA ems tor rurtber Inrormutlon ONE USED Canadian General E1 ectrie Vlcuum Cleaner for sale with new swivel top All attach mehts 13105 Telephone PA 33152 or rap homo triaL menms bought raid rent ed repaired student rental ntu Ark about our RentTry then Eur Plnn star Typewriter 10 74 nndIord PA 66595 DAVENPORT and swivel ChIIr Chesterï¬eld Ind Chair Dresser and Bed wth aptlugs All In exe cellent conditlun Apply Ed Balls gï¬ture 11 Elyflcld street rPA BABY grand plunounnke 1111mm In show room condition mahogany IInIrh medium size original cost $3300 will sell tor $750 cub Result for selling retiring room the Civil service Apply IFred Browning 1313 Shannon street onl Ila Phone FA 3753 scuaA Equipment rar sale used only monthr liko new Elnzlee lLIzo two hora regulator Aqua Lung table conrtrnt resorvo are Pro with burden loom Neoprene wet cult complete slu medlum Fina snorkel malt weigbt belt 11 pound or weights dlvcrs mg and one prolesslonal dlvcrl knlll Quite rearonable Phone PA Help utter pm or an no to Enron smut ARTICLES For SALE DO YOU KNOW we CL LADIES COATS Dynel OIIegro Borg etc etc As Recommended By The Manufacturers NUSERVICE CLEANERS Battles Finest Cleaners FOR FREE PICKUP PHONE PA 82471 OR CALL AT OUR CLAPPERTON ST STORE CASH LOANSUM It In month Iulepbonc PA boil grewht Hmnc Duniuv at am ONLY uicd Filler Queen Ior rule In good working cohdltlon 9501elephonc PA Mm tor mn tber Lnlermctlun CUPBOARD or rule wooden door ivcd lpproxlmutely for 1hxl Crclm painted 15 Ar ply 155 Blake street or Dhono PA 350 nLnVIsloNtl or sllc SI to chop from Good working canal tlon 25 to son Variour nnku Telephone Stroudjflllll or run tbar detain Pun quPa Jacket and Con Ior nla or exchange NepaliInt rcllnIng and remodelling Modem rte pricey ply Mllhurn and son 132 unlop street Wm nhrrle Telephona PA Mm ARTICLES FOR RENT 011 FASHIONED slelgb Rldu available with team For tunnel Iniormrllon to hone Bury Prlert 2101 bilnc ng BOATS MOTORS FREE PICK UP SPRING IS COMING Let us pick up your power lavhl mower to check andtree condition at our winter rates Be ready for that green grass PHONE PA 65413 Your authorized Johnson Evin rude Gale and LawnBoy ra pair shop DELANEY BOAT LINES FOOT OF BAYFIELD STREET BARRIE Boat Kit FOr Sale Excellent buy for the boat enthusiast 17 cabin cruiser Windshields and fibreglas top supplied WIth kit Also extra Iibrcglns rosin and polyplato or decking Hull has been assembled and iibreglnsed for you Cost of kit and Iibreglasing was 5850 Will sell for $650 Asscmbled boat sells for $1300 Buyrnow and have the boat ready or ï¬le boating season Telephone PA 60208 RADIO TV HIFI NO MORE TV REPAIR BILLS Buy New Set Now With LowCost Liiovlnsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NuVA SCOIIA FRUIT 8r VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy courtldnd and other varieties grade Macs 150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA E9201 WW 559 752 mutt at cleanup prices Apply Nash 341 Enyflcld street DOGS PETS WILLETTSPETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by MOUNTAIN and LONGLWE Lovely song birds budgics and Finches Tropical and Gold FishTurtles and all pets OPEN 10 mo PM DAILY PHONE PA stole noxnn HIPS block new and Hub Champion sired regIstered Telephone 112011 IICAF Cump Eon den tor unber Information GOLDEN RETRIEVER PIIFPICS for sale registered Show and huntlns stock Good with children Males and remales Telephone Altman on pesos Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 824l4 FARMERS MARKET MANunn FOR SALE Apply at Agrlwlhlrll Ground In Allandllu from am till pm No deliv ery CLASSIFIED Milkers HARTZ FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Higbut prices paid or dead or crippled cattle and horse Small animals removed tree For inst service phone BARRIB PA 87751 collect or ask or ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE re bourl dry1 or week ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxlnead Ontario Llcensc No 139061 LIVESTOCK YORKSHIRE bank or rule on you old Apply to Dumont 11R Oro station Telephone Oro 1321 EWEsIB suuolk Ind III sul talk and Lelcester crou Huv with lamb Apply IIIIIt Sutton 11 Ailirtcn Telephone an 51m non maronn Stcara for rule rpproxImrta weight ovals use 550 lbs Apply Art erlbt Lot 13 con la Wcrt Gwililm bury Tolephonl Brndlord P17 52801 POULTRY 8t CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultryrncn are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems Call Craig Hunter HUNTERSV POULTRY FARMS S1ROUD PHONE Tl POULTRY EQUIPMENT or nlo like new half price Turbojet Egg Wnlhar automatic bracing control and pressure adjustment gallon hung up fecdurs Automatic WaF are Wire Buckets Nests Win otth Roasts BCrt Maw Minering phone 23 gt FARM MACHINERY FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICE Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA $2378 Snow removal equipment avail able New and Used CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Paris for any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84161 Midtown 41 Essa Rd 61 Pontiac automatic radio 61 Ford Deluxe radio 60 Pontiac automatic radio 60 Chevrolet four door SM 58 Chev Sedan so Pontiac automatic sedan 57 Buickeiour door PS PB 57 Buick Station Wagon 57 Ford Sedan 57 Ford Sedan 56 Ford two door 56 Volkswagen Deluxe 54 Ford tour door deluxe ROY HAWKINS loss marzoo tor sale sour dolir alx eyllndar low mileage Mure sacriï¬ce or take over paymentr Call But at PA M501 utter 11111 1953 1111me Minx our door One owner Low mileage Talia aver payment or $26 per month Ielpbona PA Meal 1351 CHEVROLET deluxe door custom built radio new tires new 5111 covers Ono owner Low mne age Toke over paymentr or 41 month Telephone PA 37011 DIRECTORY OF UNLISIED TELEPHONE NUMBERS olt JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE VPA665257 AVIS RENTACAR SYSTEM 107 Dnlllop St THIS SPACE AVAILABLE TELEPHONE DA 842414