OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads TeJnv bone PA Hut The teleonan number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 56531 9Bth anNo 21 N0 BEAUTYS POWEBPUFF 0R THIS How about some for me asks this friendly poikcr as ingo Stamat applies the final touches before making prcp nrations for the 42nd annual meeting of the Meat Packers Ontario Canada Wednesday January 24 62 LOCAL WEATHER Mainly cloudy few scattered Inowflurries today snow to morrow tow tonight high Thursday 35 Summary Page Not More Th por Cop 20 Pages SAYS DECEASED The ï¬ll BEAST Council of Canada in Montreal More than 300 meat industry representatives are expected to attend State Department Hits Plan To Cull Advertising Aimed At Canadas Market WASHlNGTON 1C The state department charged Tues day that Prime Minister Die fenbakers action against non Canadian maga zines is as restrictive as the re pcaicd tax of the former Lil eral administration it said it was sympathetic to the idea of fostering Canadian publishing industry reflecting Canadian cultural aims but it maintained the Diefenbaker move is neither the proper nor practical method to reach this end The departments spokesman observed also that the prime minister proposcd banning en try of foreign publications con taining advertising aimed prim arily at the Canadian market and said the US government will seek an early opportun ity to present its views as soon as it studies the full Co nadian announcement CRITICIZE MOVE United States criticism flowed quickly 35 the prime minister announced his government will implement two proposals of the royal commission on publica tions with one modification In stead ot disallowing for tax purposes all Canadian advertis ing expenditures in non Cana dian magazines as the com mission recommended the government proposed disallow ing only one half the expendi tures Horace Hart tions chief in the US commerce de partment said that as re strictive disallowing onehalf the expenditures is al most as bad as complete dis allowance He described the Canadian proposal as unfortunate and suggested it might have some impact on US friendship spokesman for US maga zines said Diefenbakers action would be discriminatory and re strictive Robert Kenyon executive vicepresident of the Us Ma gazine ers Associa tion said the prime ministers policy is only half as harsh as previously expected but never theless it is still harsh MAY ASK COMPENSATION ln US diplomatic quarters the suggestion was raised that the US might seek some trade compensation from Canada for the possible loss of trade it the Canadian proposals are im plementcd One official seizedvon the point that Diefenhaker proposed to consult with he US and other countries affected The USi contends that re strictive action against erican magazines would be breach of Canadas obligations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in Ottawa there was no im mcdiate comment from the gov crnment Qualified sources said the government would await an approach from the state depart ment for an opportunity to pre sent its views ormwn tort All income tax barrier against the use of United States television nnd rav dio stations for advertising di Polish Spy Freed Again MONTREAL CPl Tomas Bicrnacki 37 landed immigrant from Poland today was freed for the second time within year of spying for the Polish io telligence service Bicrnacki who was out on 56000 bail was freed of the charges before he ever came to trial defence motion to quash preferred indictment against Biernacki The preferred indictment was signed by Attorney General Georges Lapalme of Quebec otter Biernacki was freed first time last summer Judge Emile Trottier granted rooted to the Canadian market was suggested in tlte Commons Tuesday by McLennan PCNow Westminster Finance Minister Fleming mode noncommitlal reply Mr nichnnans suggestion was for an extension of the gov ernmcnt policy announced Mon day whereby Canadinn adver tisers using foreignowried mo gozincs which may be establt tlishcd in Canada in the future would be unable to deduct the advertising cost from taxable incom éflwr cming said the subject was outside the scope of the re port of the royal commission on publications So far as the subject is one to be considered on its own me rits can only say that if any action were taken in that field it would be matter for an an nouncement in the House at the proper time he added Railways Stay Silent Over Freight Report OTTAWA CP The trans port blueprint of the MncPher son royal commission was un dergoing highlevel study today In Ottawa at railway head quarterslin Montreal in all pro vincial capitals and in most transport circles the farreach CAPE TOWN AP Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd has announced his white supremacy regime plans to give internal selfgovernment next year to segregated state of 2000000 Ne groes in the Transkei area on the indian Ocean Tuesday Transkei would be the first state set up under his gov cmments program of separate development for Bantu Negro states within South African commonwealth Transkei will have wholly black parliament and cabinet with authority over agriculture education lands roads and other internal matters Ver woerd said External affairs IN NUTSHELL liaiian mo Officials Quiet Over Iet ROME AP italian and tight secrecy around their Bulgarian jet that crashed Sat Alliance nssile base Ba unionsrigree MONTREAL CPV tract I10000 railway non which started only Tuesday Britain Bans Arms LONDON Reuters NATO officials today clamped investigation of Communist urday inltaiy near an Atlantic Delay Negotiations Filteen unions seeking new con opcrating employees agreed to day to railwayrequested recess in contract talks The talks will be resumed Feb 14 Shipments Britain has clamped ban on arms shipments to indonesia until thedispute between The Nether lands and indoncsia over tciartlted it was announced Dutchheld West New Guinea is Tuesday Verwoerd told Parliament Autonomous Black Parliament Being Planned By South Africa defence and certain aspects of the administration of justice will remain in the hands of the allwhite Southtnfrican govern ment for the time being he said Verwoerds announcement promptly drew fire from Dr Bernard Friedman leader of the Transvaal Progressive party He termed it window dressing to disarm foreign critics of South Africas apar theid policy of strict racial seg regation The Transkei is an area of 16000 square miles on the ln dian Ocean south of Durban The government says it has population of 2060770 Xhosaspeaking Bantus except for 17360 whites and 13716 col ored persons of mixed origin ton Progressive Conservative member of the Ontario legisla ture for Algoma Manitoulin said Tuesday that timbercut ting payments from the govern ment to company with which he was once associated were either progress payments for work done or salvage payments which subsequently were paid back Mr Fullerton replied to Dec 14 speech in the legisla ture by Elmer Supha Liberal member for Sudbury which in effect queétioned Mr Fuller MacDONALD CBIES ITS FATUOUS Macaulay Adds Fuel To Conflict Charges sources Minister Macaulay Tuesday added more fuel to his conflict of interest charges against Donald MacDonald 0n tario New Democratic patty leadcr The conflict the minister said in speech Monday lies in the fact that Mr hiochnald rc ceivcs salary from party funds to which some unions con tribute Mr MacDonald acknowledged his $6000 supplementary salary as party leader but called the ministers remarks futuous it was like suggesting he said that Mr Macaulay had con flict of interest because apor tion of his salary drown from general revenues of the govern ment comes partly from brew ery revenues The general revenues of the province Mr Macaulay said Tuesday in statement are Seek Delay 0f Cuba Plan PUNTA DEL ESTE Uruguay ReuterstTho Organization of Americon States today resumed ï¬rshemogoh Cubatvlntsév countries reported to be press ing for postponement of any action against the proCommu nist regime of Premier Fidel Cnstro Conference sources said the proposed postponement was Vcontaincd in memorandum backed by Brazil Argentina Chile Mexico Bolivia Ecuador and Haiti ing recommendations of the six man commission were being an alysed and digested So far the principal com ment on the Zoepage second re port has come from Prime Min ister Diefenbakcr In tabiing it in the Commons iday he said The report will help Parlia ment the ment and others concerned in reaching solutions to the problems that sion The report will be thor oughly examined and con sidered and if it is felt that rec ommendations contained therein can be brought in during the present session that course will be taken The prime minister also termgd purCiy speculative Canadian Press report quoting reliable informants as saying aimed at abolishing acrossthc board freight rate increases WILL FREERAILWAYS In practical effect the recom mendations of the royal com mission would free the big rail ways for an allout competitive struggle for business It would toss the railways to the wolvesa challenge issued recently by CPR President Crump who added Fullerton Admits The Payments And Says Everything Was Legal TORONTO CPLJohn Fuller tons right to sit in the House The Legislative Assembly Act prohibits private members from receiving payments from the crown Mr Fullerton said Tuesday in statement the Legislative As sembly Act expressly permits members to be associatedwith companies engaged in cutting timber and there were innum erable cases of members hav ing such arrangements He said his company re ceived $2l032187 forfthe ssagi work done but the mber always remained theproperty of the government were placed before the commis DONALD MacDDNALD Faluous Remarks paid by all the citizens of Onta rio He accused Mr lllacDon aldof clouding the issues The unions do not contrib ute to any salary fund for my self or any other member of the legislature that know of That they do to Mr MacDonald clearly indicates the special va lttc they place on his services as member of the legislature ii0ntario DEFENDS LEADER Mr MacDonald was address ing meeting at Tara Tuesday night but Kenneth Bryden NDP member for Toronto Woodbine cume to his defence He said the ministers remarks could be dismissed as frivolous except that they showed dangerous tendency toward McCarthyism Mr Bryden said some NDP Let us see if we can run with the pack If we cant com pete in an open market then we should not exist However there was no imme diate comment speciï¬cally on the report itself from either the publicly owned CNR or the privatelyowned CPR The report would have far reacbing consequences if its main proposals were imple mented by the government The commission headed by MacPherson Regina lawyer proposed that the pre sent freight rate structure be scrapped and replaced with new rate formula based on ac tual rail costs at MADE ADVANCES Wile Threw Lamp At Husband He Twisted Hurt Her Finger funds come from affiliation fees of trade unions but most are derived from membership fees and the contributions of individ uals They are paid to the party not Mr MacDonald and dis posed of as the partys council and executive decide No one in his right mind would suggest that political party does not have the right to pay salary supplement to its leaders or any of its offic ers for that matter if it sees fit Constant argument and phys ical conflict between Lydia Crawford and her husband Jack was the main theme oil testimony by two witnesses this morning as the trial of the 19 yearcld housewife for the non capital murder of her husband entered its third day The mornings first witness Paul Gelineau oi Barrie tesli tied to an incident mentioned earlier by Patrick Doris first witness called who had men tioned that Mrs Crawford had on one occasion stood at the door to the house waving hammer and screaming as her husband had ridden off on bi cycle Mr Gelineau saidhe was Farmers Seek To Break Poweri Oi Big MeatPacking Companies BANFF Alta CHThe Ca nadian Federation of Agricul ture Tuesday asked the federal government to fully explore the possibility of takinglegal action to break up the concen tration of market power of Can adas large meatvpacking com panics At the same time delegates the annual meeting here asked the Canadian farm and coop organizations to give close attentic the need for ctrops getting into the meat packing and processing in dustry This resolution was coupled with one in which the feder atiun went on record as being in favor of producer controlled marketing boards for hogs fourth action on the first day of the threeday convention was to ask the federal government to set up board of livestock commissioners Delegates said it was appar ent some control should be ex ercised over new forms of mar keting such as local livestock auction markets Packers Claim Meat Inspection Costs Too Much ERANTFORD CP Brant ford Packers Limited has pre sented brief to council claiming that federal inspection of all meat in the city and dis trict would mean loss of in dustry to Brantford The brief one of several stat ing views on proposed meat inspection bylaw says such bylaw would end Brantford Packers operation The company said it cannot afford to pay the $60000 it es timates would be required to bring its processing plant up to the standards set by federal meat inspection bylaw In its original form the rcs ulution on meat packers asked that legal action be taken to dissolve the mergers of Calgary Packers Limited of Calgary and Vilsil Limited of Montreal with Canada Packers Limited it further asked the govern ment and restrictive trade praclt ticcs commission to watch the situation with view to similar Lrestrietions against further ac quisitions by Swift Canadian and Burns and Company On the recommendation of several delegates the parts of theresolutiun naming the com panics were deleted Sudbury Suspends Second Employee Alter Shortages sunsunv CPlActing Mas iyor Max Silverman said Tues day second municipal em ployee has been suspendedifol lowing the investigation of cash shortage at city hall He said it is possible third employee was involved Suspension of the first em ployee followed the discovery of $600 shortage The employee is making arrangements for restitution An audit of one section of the lreasurers department is being carried out HERES ONE character in Ventura Calf forni found the perfect meth od recently for talkinghimself out of jury duty know its unpatriotic he told the judge but you just gotta excuse me from jury duty on this drunk on driving case Why snap ped the judge lm the defend iant explained the character present at the house an thenc casion and that Mr Doris had already left before the incident happened He said Crawford had gone to the cellar to pack his Clothes before leaving his wife and that she had followed him there picking up ham mcr Mr Gclineau said Crawford had leapt out of the basement window and both Crawford and Celineau had ridden off on bi cycles He said Crawford fell off the bicycle in Allandaic and injur ed his thumb and this was the reason for the cast on his hand Court was reccï¬ed briefly this morning when the Crown called iï¬ryearold witness Patricia Mason Gordon Mc Turk counsel for Mrs Crawlt lord told the court hcr naml had been removed from the list several days before the begin ning of the trial and that he would like cw minutes to confer with the Crown Attorney regarding her testimony JACK roucitnp ME When court reconvened Miss Masonwas called and she said she was sometime baby sit ter for the Crawford family She said that site was at the home most weekends On one occasion she said Crawford had done something to her he should not have done She said his wife had seen him and had slapped his face When asked what the some thing was the girl replied Jack touched me At this point the girl broke into tears and Mr Justice ltiorand ordered another recess She said earlier the accused woman had thrown iltingsvat her husband She said that on one occasion Lydia had thrown bottle of bath salts at him It had missed and nearly hit the baby THREWLAMP On another occasion the girl said she had seen Lydia dirow table lamp witha heavy glass base at Crawford She said the lamp had hit the cast on her husbands arm The girl told the court that once she had seen Jack come home while she was there grab his wifes finger and twist it until it started to swelli The witness said she thought Craw ford had been drinking because his eyes were blurred The trial continues this afterlt noon Posimen Ask For $600 Pay Raise OTTAWA CP The Cana dian Postal Employees Associa tion Tuesday asked Prime Min ister Dicfenbaker for pay boost of $600 year and re duction in the number of levels needed before an employee achieves maximum salary legislation is being considered Workers shield thiemselvés behind screens as they watch la wellhead fire thatyhas been blazing six daysath Sun Companyoil wcll Effmiles north of Kort St John onthe Alaska Highway fatt ot tempts to extingu sh it have failed well fir bieshooter is on his worth the scene AtAP Virephoto