Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jan 1962, p. 10

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Have Prodperous Year By Using The Want Ads To Solve Your Problems TEE BARBIE EXAMINER ANNOUNCEMENTS MONDAY JANUARY 21 198 REAL ESTATE BIRTHS blender child LI air or hot Inudnyl mild mil oi mco Wednudur Child lull or IDI numer Child an In to go Prldaya child ll loving tbd iv in Saturday child work hard or it living And child that born on th Sabbatb no air and we and good and mid helm Lulu Vull I1 Faun Cullen IIIAYI tnou which dly ol the week In lhcir alrin flail Keep tau and other no brunt iniprmauon tor 70in call turn curl tat amlacr alnb Announcement wtll Include th arms or your ebud the duty or lb or mania and you bulb in weight and oth er VILII Inlolmlunn printed mean can become Permanle record in may near or ramliy Album the or barrio Examiner Birth Noiica ir only $1 To place notion phone PA 3le ABDLINE Mr and Mn Alixad Abouns Ilorvzy strut me wish to Innouncc the rr1vll ol their rod on hidy uIly II led at the Royal Victan Hospital DEATHS hmEnAt the Royal Victori Hotplial Barrie on Sunday Jan nary xi lots Lavina nigoua rind aon or 51 Dalton street Clinic in her olib year Beloved wire Thomas It Miller dur mother or Douglu or Toronlo our Liter or John Hudson of bar ria Ind Edith Mn Parr Midland Ilextlrlg at the sleek ley mineral liome lo Wonlcy Surat Barrie or service on To day Juluhry 23 at pm Inter ment llarrlc Union Comalery WIuGGLEslwollnl At his home 144 Delmlne Crcm ruch mond lilll on Sundly January zl 1m lviulam Oscar vngglcs worth beloved husband or Eil campboll loving rather or Mn Rosa bluicr Ilurrlctt and Slrs George llaviland Mabel dear brother or Mrs ll llunt Hat tie in his Mill year healing at the wright and Taylor Chapel ol the Plphcr Punculdlnme 12a Yonga st lllcliroond tllli Sen vlco Vodnesdly at pm lnlcn rncnt Ilicimlond Ilill Cemetery COMING EVENTS UIINODIGING Hiermcde wordt uitgcnodlgd tot bijwonlng van de Algernene Jaarvergadering dor New Ca nadian Cultural Society welke geboudcn znl warden op Dins dag 23 Januari 1962 in hot base ment van de Christian Reform ed Church St Vincent Street Barrio nunvnng uur PROGRAMMA Muzielr Solozang declamatie on voordracht Overzicbt Bes tuursbeleld 1961 Voorstellcn voor 1962 Bestuursverklezsi log Rondvraag Sluiting BINGO WEDNESDAX JANUARY 24 1l45 PM LEGION HALL Jackpot $280 Bil numbers called Suspect Foul Play In Guelph Death GUELPll CP Police are Investigating the possibility of foul play in the death Saturday night of Kenneth Perry 33 of Guelph man is being held for ques Honing Police found Perrys body af ter being called to his home It avasdlludt known immédiately how IE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classifier adver tisements are inserted at the rate of it per word per insertion or one and two times do per word or three four or five times and 20 per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional diarge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFmD AD VERTISEMENT IS 96o FOR 24 WORDS WITIIIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION mops on CORRECTIONS Advertisers am reminded tbntJIl phone tnrcrllon orders Ira accept ed convenicoca to you thtl Advertiser Thorerora mu Classmcd Advertising Department required Ecifwfcltifllsel lEmailsrum ailer first Imam in ordeer BOTH any error or omLulon rcportcd before magma that rame may rectiad tbo following days Insertionordcr We wish no point out that The Barrio mariner is responsible for only one Incorrectly printed insertion on any advertisement and than only to the extent or portion or ad that involve this mnprint Errors which do not lerrcn the value oi the advertise ment an not eugiblo for colreo uons by make goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words war 75 words he per word extra In Memoriam No tlceg $150 if verse used be per vord extra aLlND LEIAER muss Inlormbtlon regarding advertiser min hilna Letter Box Number or cpllel In halo gtrlcuy canoe QntllI Replies 10 Letter EDXEI Ill In held only lo dnyo attai any or publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by mm doy pro ceding publication with the ex ception of Classlllod Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day all mill glasvclayftlglnrlllads on til ii The gambler Ad chairing moot PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY REALNES 93 BAYFIELD 51 PA 66453 ANYTIME SMALL INVESTMENT your free time can be con verted into lots ol New triplex on Vancouver Street Full price $22500 with NHA mortgage Older income home at 137 Bcrczy Street only $8900 52000 down Nearly now Obedloom brick bungalow with hastL lnellt apt fully rented$3400 down Call Joe Palmer PA 6653 evenings PA oases HOW SOON CAN YOU MOVEI immediate possession on this vacant splitlevel Many ex tras including paved drive and carport Carries or $89 prin Int and taxes Norm Heskclh PA 66453 or even ings PA 87016 will be glad to show you through HERE IS QUALITY at reasonable price Large liv ing room bedrooms one may be used as dining room Master bedroom has powder room and double clothes closets Spacious kit chen with cupboards ill knot ty pine Recreation room and oilioe in basement Iinlshed in pine Wellington Street East For inspection call Maryann Smith PA 66453 or PA 84028 lilembcr oi Barrie and District Real Estate Board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 32419 93 Dunlop St OUTSIDE THE CITY HIGHWAY 26 AND 27 Modern three bedroom bunga low with large living room 23 16 eat lots of cupboards in this bright kitchen at front of house Hled bathroom and shower Lot is Ieet 2116 feet with many trees Econ omy heating and low taxes Only years old Owner anx ious to soil HIGHWAY 11 JUST SOUTH OF BARRIE acres choice garden soil and fruit trees modern home with water under pressure Three bedrooms and bath upstairs large kitchen with abundance of cupboards family room rith picture windows Combination living and dining room on main floor This is buy at $8000 BEDROOMS ST MARYSDISIRICT Close to downtown and schools Kitchen living room dining room one bedroom and bath room on main liner bed rooms upslairs Double garage Low down payment HAVE YOUR OWN BUSINESS With very little capital New modern store in fast growing area has much to after Ladies and childrens wear with many potentials Do not miss this MAEEL MARSHALLPA 8445 COREYPA ostoh Militth 1mm PA M333 ROSE mi mlAlE BROKER 1e norm 5mm BARRIE SPLIT LEVEL bedroom brick split level home only about years old fully equipped with aluminum storms and screens completely finished recreation morn sep arate laundry room Carries for $95 monthly including interest principal and taxes Located near North Collegiate SOPHIA ST $10900 bedroom bungalow hot water heating garage fire place Very comfortable home for couple or the smaller fam ily Good downtown location COXMILL ROAD PAINSWICK $11800 bedrooms double at tached garage full basement forced air oil heating bath About years oldExcellent terms with one mortgage Taxes about $119 NAPIER ST $3900 lull asking price bedl rooms living room and kitchen bathroom full basement forced air all heating large garage paved drive large lot all lilo Carriu for about $77 monthly interest and principal Taxes only $15112 Act now on this one by phoning for an appoint Inellt to inspect CALI DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Barrie and DIALrIct Raul Estate Board mEE uEDrtooM NBA nunga low trim montlu old mahogany kitchen cupboards recroatlon mom in basement Low down payment One mortgage Clerc to ichool aimoping PA 80325 Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA E2 and REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DuNLopsmmEasr IIRS MOOREPA HIST RecallsPA use First In Barrie Horn SalcsForcmoai in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENmGS CALL POSTERPA out CORNELLPA 15 moms Bitnt DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT TWO BEDROOM noun Ior rent Oil ruraaee Ideal location on Rm genie Bay Adults Telephon sum or timber iblormnuon YOUNG unit would like to than modern healed lumkhed apart meat with me actionable rent Available now Apply to box at Enrflo ntmlntr ON AND Two bedroom Ilurb menu Stow rungrotor Slnltnz Iervtco and laundry acumen licni ing train $3000 monthly Telephone Leech PA an Smlth CmvheurA 57359 Fergus GarveyltPA om CLIFF BROWN REALIUR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA H241 PA 60241 Member or the audio llcal am Board Joan LangPA um Chlrtlo RudPA 02311 DUNLOP ST yoa Longtln PA dime marit sbaliwcll on 2919 Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 llffin St PA 6047 Member All tile Barrio and District Real Estate Board Keith Marshall REAL IEIATE hitoxEll PA 82592 lo CLAPigtlnTON ST Moonz FRANK NELle PA sodas Member Bhrrle an District Real Estate Board MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 64301 OR PA 61802 in Dunlap St is HENDERSON REALTOR la COLLIER srllmrr PHONE PA E4673 EVENINGS CAIold RITA SCANDREII PA was DOROTHY lvlLCOX PA nasal PERCY roan Pa Mono circlier swAlN PA cacao Member or Barrie Ind DIstilCl and Ontario Real Estate boards CAIiéON it Next door to the imperial Theatr PA 6648 Member or Barrio and District Real Estate Board Wollme MANS Home $1000 down full price $13000 Ono mort gage $50 per month including in lerest and principal Close in General Electric Telephone 11 Carsob PA 06161 MORTGAGES nAlltllE PA Elisa Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER Shelswell PA E9961 PA 68742 First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 60 01 Value No Fees Charged Evening Call lack villson PA Hell Norman shcirwcll PA eml moo Bowrd Nam PA RENTALS APT$ HOUSES T0 RENT TWO hhnnaom unlurnlabcd apartment tor rent on mlIn Iloor 91 now triplex their and trout entrances Automatic dryer Tele phone PA $9936 or lurther inlan mltlon Urrizu Ou LOWER Duplex ior rent hosted and unrurnlshcd Up per three bedroom lower two bedroom Clore lo uhool and downtown Available January 1o Telephone PA assoc NEW MODEnN iiva room house or rent All conveniences in Stroud Oil healcd Ille ilools throughout Telephone Stroud tin or Inrthor inlormatlon THREE llOO Apartment Ior rent prlvnle bath rcirlgcrhtor and now overlooking lake llo mediate possession No children Tclc hone PA 31515 or rurtber dctuls Two BEDROOM Apartment or rent upper floor completely pri vhtc Central loutlon Hot water heated Garage Bandy Io ubool Avhllnblo immediately PA not alter pm COMFORTABLE three room un iurrllslied heated apartment Pri vate bathslalmdry Ind parking racllities $55 monthly Apply lot Annu street South or it cpbono PA 6356 alter 9111 NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom apartments overlooking rccnlc Kcmpenrelt any neat wow lcr nrlting hnd Janitor service inclu cd Automatic washing ta clinics PA 32502 rolln noon heated apartment 101 ram unhirnhhcd with stove and rurrigemtar Parking aprce Five minutes walk tram Five Points Telephone PA aezao tor Author parilculara TllltEE R00 healed apartment with bath Illrnlsncd modern Dir nlture Selicoblained Central Ground floor Parking clean with painted walls oak and tile floors PA Masl gm LrvE IN Luxunv Now Ephctnlu ultralmodoru flvo room apartments with stove and rctrigcrator tlonhl Laundry and tlcs Telephone PA or PA BESM MODERN two bedroom lplllt ment with aiovo rclrlgerator washer and dryer on main floor or apartment buudlllg Avulinble now Apply Hall Cook street or PA 31119 am slimCONTAINED two room nir nishcd healed npartmnnt with piece bath Front and buck en trances Suitable for bachelor or couple Apply 331 Ezylleld Street PA 66716 BRAND NEW also or PA three bedroom House for rent Paved driveway Central location close to public and separate schoola Available immediately Telephone PA 66238 evenings Ior filltiter Information MORTGAGESkt Ind 2nd bought told and arranged commercial Ind residential moneys loaned on existing mortzflges Barrio Mon glgo Brokers P9 68504 FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47 FOR WEEKS NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO McNAMARA PA 60203 RENTALS Low COST SPACE tor rent Clean modern buildings Suitable for commcrcial or light industrial Telephone PA 66515 TWO ROOM furnished apartment ipr rent heated with rcIrlgerator and stove supplied Separate On trance also laundry includes 512 weekly Telephone PA $5551 for further particulars UNFURNISEED cosy our room apartment for rent Ouhlghwny in Stroud Completely aelt can iained private entrance and bath room Telephone Stroud 41m ror further inrormation 51o MONTHLY Four mom upper duplex with utluty room and private bath Heat and Wntcr sup pued Unrutrllrhed Available Peb ruary Telephone PA was or Particulars UNEUnNisBED two bedroom Apartment for rent Downtown location Hardwood iloots Heated Three piece bath Telephone PA 66129 tor Iurihcr Information FIVE lmOM Apartment Large kltchon and llvirw room Rent and water Central Wired ror dryer and stove Selfcontained Parking Telephone PA Mass or PA 87527 FOUR ROOM Apartment tile bath unfurnished stove and re Erigcrator supplied Centrally lo cated No children Avallhblc im medlatcly For further inlorma tion telephone PA 641241 NURSING HOMES AlLK EDEN NURSING HOME 8th for this work semi Ind private rooms klrld nursing care good food TV rooms station wu gou ior outings Telephone cam Stroud APTS HOUSES TO RENT ANGUS Four room house with bath liniilmished Apply to Robertson telephone HE 595 Avauable immediately BURTON Ammo Three room unlumirhed apartment on heated hot water stove and refrigerator PrIvuto battu Apply to Centre st LOOK IN YOUR AIIIG CELLAR OR GARAGE Is there anything there you can sell for cash Hundreds or people use Examiner Want Ads to sell articles they no longer need want or use CLASSIFIED WANT ADS Paolvn PA com FIVE nooM Apartment with bath Heated Unfurnished Downtown location Parlian available sall contuincd with private entrance Immediate possession Telllphone PA sad or PA Mats alter Pan AVAILABLE February Two bedroom unlitnilshed apartment heat and Wlter iuPpllcd selfcon tained East and location 15 per mongol Telephone PA 39858 or PA 11 ll nomii EUNGALOW ror rant all conveniences oil heated Idehl surroundings on paved road par rle mllcs Also room sully mmishad apartment suit ratirad senpllega Wilfred Prlsslck phone no FOr Want Ad Service Dial PA 2414 armng rae 7W0 uwnuou upstalrr apart mcnl Ior rent wed C¢b truly inuth in Auandaic llrat uld hydro rupplied Avollhblc ins madlalaly Tdcphonu PA th UNPUBlenzD two bedroom Ipbnment behind Cenlnlly Incu ted Parking provided Rent no monthly Telephone PA M4 or alter no pm PA 53895 mumsnxn oil hinted ult conlrlned our room apartmant Ground floor real bad Aldo cnlt tuned Available now Telphone PA moi MODERN hplrtmon and prlva bath no Inter hut ad minim auppllcd lacuna in Angus Telephone Cnmp Bordon 159 111541 and alter pm UNFUBNIEITBD thru room rt ment with our piece bath to East End ShoppIDI Pia bu flop Telephone PA l71lb or turthrr inlolmallon MODERN two bedroom apart meat Eut end BIITII Automlllc laundry Iaclllllu Parking bloat be seen to ho appreciated Phone PA 32029 LARGE nicely decorated on bedlt room lower apartment lieled sellcontuIrled Central loclltnrl Egéladlrcn welcome Telephone PA our room Two unbound Aparnuenti for run Ruled Central loomed Hardwood noon Telephnn PA at or further intonation ROOMS TO LET ilzzlkoou Inr reni Working on girlLichtrai Apply in III hayllea LIGHT housekeeping room to nDL Apply at Ll Womloy street or Talo pbono PA one lol further partl culan HEAT lumlbbed room to not with IIhrlu supplied rangii and rrlrlgemrr Apply It nary street or runner pbmculln ROOM BOARD cKNTDAL lloobl or noon and Board available or one or two personBtu flop at door llama prlvllcgu Ieltphnpl PA M31 1100 AND noun available or lonucman close to downtown section Lunches picked ll 60 atnd Tollphm PA sum ROOM AND nDAhn hullbin In Privltn Ilfllnl out and on bun route Homo pnvilogu Parking Gcntlcmln prclcmd Tllr PA ems tor turthvr Ln omluou =2 ARTICLES for SALE NEW GUNS AT COST FOR BARRIE RESIDENTS GRAHAM CARD SPORTS 16 Mississaga St ORILLIA FA 55954 TWO DEDDDOM bungalow tor rent Tuttiully decorated Oil hear Aluminum atoms and screens Au conveniences wrtlo llox 51 Barrie Examiner or phon VA 74300 oakvllln Lanes modern unnunlcbcd one and two bedroom apnmenu Pri van bath hot water hcaicd loun dry room with dryer Telephone PA ohm or PA heals THREE liOOM unIutnlsbrd hcltv ed artmcat or rent Seliconl ialne separate entrance $55 per month Available immediately Telephone PA mm or PA em THREE ROOM filmlshod tor heavy duty stove floors Sell contained Avnlllbln immediately Armstrongs Hord PA Mal illniiileATB Possessio Newly decorated unrurnlabed ihreo room apartment with bath lieted and private entrance Close to bus stop Telephone PA Mass or its Toronto Street rwo BEDRODJ uniurnishcd contained duplex Living rop kitchen dining ma basement Front and back entrances $90 per month Apply lat Napier Strut or telephone PA b7102 UNIUrtlellSD cut end awe bedroom apartment or rent in new building Parking laundry storage space Available now Not suitable or children Telephone PA 51445 six ROOM Erick Eungl olv lacing Kempcmelt day On hearing ilrc plnce lill conveniences landscap ed Adults pralerrcd $95 monthly Avnllnhlc tmmodlntuly Telephone PA 50595 FURNISHED heated three room apartment or rent with extra room it required Apply at 69 John Street or tclcpholio PA salsa AVAILABLE Now Unrurnlsbcd upstntrg apartment three rooms private bathroom and hot water tank Selfcontained Noar Post Ottlce small baby welcome Tcle phone PA c9157 Two nooir tarnished apartment healed Suitable or one or two adults Parking racllliies A11ul dale dlslrlct Closa to Highway so For iurihcr inrormauon tele phone PA Miss By ALICE BROOKS PLIIINLY PERFECT Cut beautiful figureits EASY with this shapely sheath Curvedonbigh seaming accents midriff simple neckline lovesf strands of glittering jewels Choose shantung cotton linen Printed Pattern 4663 Miases Sizes 10 12 1416 18 Size 16 takes yards 39inch fabric Send FIFTY CENTS 50 cents ln coins stamps cannot be ac cepted for this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of Barrie Examiner Pat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSumner Pat tern Catalogready now More than 100 sparkling stylessun sport day dance work travel All sizes Send so dents PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please call at our Busi ness Office We arc sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 10 $125 opus STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC Thesebooks are in per fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20c Clearing al 9c ea plus PROVEICIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 Electrohome TV Stereo Hear the New FM Stereo The Best in Snund MCFADDEN Appliance 129 PENETANG 51 PA 89238 Ample Free Parking Terms to suit your Budget NEED NEW STOVE 0R FRIDGE Buy em with lowcost lifeinsured BCOTIA PLAN LOAN The Bank of Nova Scotia EWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 Ideal for lhm Ilell houses attim garages etc perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnace rlow between FREE with every complete installation Reg $69 FORCED AIR OIL 0R GAS NEW $110 Finance Rate Phone collect Stroud AIRS WOODWARD do SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud Low Overhead Low Cost Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 STAMP EDLLEOTION and accum ulltlons Ior gale Telephone PA Mali further details CHAIN hAW Ier nle Minch Dnvld BrudleK in good condition egn bone Miles or iurtbdr Jan 15th and Feb Nth and get your dual air attachment ARTICLES For SALE DO YOU KNOW WE CLEAN LADIES FUR Dynal OIlegro LIKE COATS Borg etc etc As Recommended By The Manufacturers NUSERVICE CLEANERS Barries Finest Cleaners FOR FREE PICKUP PHONE PA 82471 OR CALL OUR OLAPPERTON ST STORE ma LOme ct 021 per month Telephunl PA mos will finance Dunlap at ON ONLY uard Filler queen tor In good working condition WMJclcphobo PA on or tor tber iniermation COPEOAED tor nle wooden door dbllved IPpmxImuloly toxll cream painted sill AD ply Sick street or phonn PA ma rchvxaloNa ror Towns geoddv It her top our in Telephone Stroud mill or rur thtr detain Ohm bTUOlO cOUcli ror tile with thrra matching Itrtped cush ions good condition nuronably priced Telephone PA was or Kilnher momlllon bought gold rent ed aired student rental rates An out our Rent Iry then any Plln Stir Typewriter Co Bndlord 51 PA 56595 ONE USED Ctnldlon General rzi rctric Vacuum Cleaner or tile with new hwlvel top All attach ments 559 Telephone PA Hm or free no trl DAVENPORT Cheltcrfiold ChILr and Bed with aprlngs All in ex cellent Nndltlorl Apply Ed hallo Pumlture 11 Bayntld Sireet PA NW3 Pun WRAP that and Com tor ml or exchange Rapnlrtlil running and romoatlung linden Ila cu Agplv hiuburn Ind on in union strch Wen Barrie Tolephona PA mm EAEY nmd pianomake MERLIN In show room condltlon iiihandy Ilnish medium size original cost $1300 will sell for $150 cash Reason lol sailing retiring mm the civil senlco Apply Pied browning lss Shannon Street Orll Ill Phone FA H753 acUEA ui mcnt ior to used only Emilia uka now Single itogo two hose regulator Aqua Lung tank constant reserve valve BIC Pac with harness loam Neoprene wetrnit complete size medium Fins snorkcl mask weight bolt 17 pounds or weights dlvers mg and one pmlessloml divcrs knilc Quite muonhblc Phone PA 58937 alter pair or call at 11 Marcus Street ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Uscd Refrigerators Stoves Washing lilacbincs Dress ers cheats at Drawers Beds Tradein Chesterfield and ltuzs Chroma Kitchen Suites Telephone PA Mots Clarks Home rumbli lags BOATS 8t MOTORS FREE PICK UP SPRING IS COMHIG Let us pick up your power lawn mower to check and relt Swivel Dresser condition at our winter rates Be ready for that green grass PHONE PA 66413 Your authorized Johnson Evin rude Gale and LawnBoy re pair shop DELANDY BOAT LINES FOOT 0F BAYFIELD STREET BARBIE FRUIT 8i VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtland and other varieties grade Macs $150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA S9101 DOGS PETS WlLLElTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgies and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO $30 PM DAILY PHONE PA Rush 30 Pure black lace and flush Champion sired registered Telephone 1229b RCAF Chmpliob den or further Information FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK uoLeriN him on sale 14 months old Exchange tor stockcr type cattle Also Iced and seed tor sale Telephone lanai strand JERSEY 1mm forslle calving noW Apply Wlillcr sozcblor shanty Bay or telephone era to lifter pm or further inrorma on CLASSIFIED FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highs prices paid or dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARRISE PA 57751 collect or ask or ZENITH 91130 NOICEARGE been dry1 day weak NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Fanneed Ontario License No 139081 FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts or any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICE Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 823 Snow removal equipment avail able New and Used CASH TRADE TERMS AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFLELD ST PA 5453 1551 RAMBLElt super custom rl dip is new throughout Only 15 down Tnko ovcr pnymune Tel phone PA 319le 1951 FORD Sedan Take over pay mcnts or s11 pcr month For rim Evcglallnformnuon telephone PA ills CHEVROLET Coach new ml tor new brakcs Must sell immedb alcly Take over pnymcnu or $13 monthly Telephone PA Wall 1953 mLMAN Minx our door One owner Low mileage Take over paymenu ill 25 per month Telephone PA 87831 icon PONTIAC our door Sedan or sale Low mllcage snow tires Will acccpt trade and canarrango finance Telepholm PA 50535 isso CHEVROLET Bel Air two door original linish new tires One owner only $125 down Tcls phone PA 87931 or timber inc formhflon 1556 DODGE tour door Sedan tor sale automatic vcry cloud Will take older car in trade Can up gong finance Tolwbunl PA isso ANOuA Original snark Bind ilnlsh matching interior Low mlleaxei One owner Take over payments or $41 per month Te1e phone PA $753 1955 PLYMOUTH two door Orlga inal blue Snlsb One owner since now Take over payments or $2 per month For further tutormm tlnn telephone PA sly791 Isso SUNBEAM Alpine Sport Cur or sale One owner Color whlte Telephone PA 60217 and pan or PA 65356 latter Pm or nirtiler inrormation liiusr SELL iaso Oldsmobue rour door power equipped In exceuent condition Very low mileage As aume existing payments rein phone PA oozes otter pin NEED CAsn4ca Scabbard Pupil hncc Your Lendng Neighbor slob or $30 monthly ltl Dunlap m7 Barrie Tolephona PA 155a imaon ror sale our door eight cylinder automatic transmls SIDE radlo film actual miles cant reruse any reasonable alter Telephone PA 54733 after pm 1360 PLYMOUTH station Wagon automatic power ateerlng Va also 1951 Plymouth Station Wh gon automatic Vo Both in ex cellent condition Terms can In arranged Tolcpbone PA 541554 1955 PONTIAC Lnurentian tour door automatic transmission cns turn radio two tone rmlsli As new throughout lilust sell Take over Paymcnts or $19 monthly Tele Phone PA 81911 DIRECTORY or UNLIst TELEPHONE NUMBERS OK JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE PA 66525 AVIS RENTACAR SYSTEM 107 Dnulop St THIS SPACE AVAILABLE TELEPHONE PA 82414

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