THE BAY By EILEEN DIXON What has happened to those cozy evenings around the fire when people used to sit and enjoy each others company Gone are the days when the entire family would gather around the living room and TALK What has changed this leisurely pattern of life In most cases its the uare piece of furniture sometimes known as the idiot ox which occupies the prize loc ation in the living room One Barrie homemaker says the box interferes with her social life and even fringes on her sleeping hours She never ceases to be amazed how it takes over in spite of everything hostess may do to try and pre vent it She recalled occasions when she and her hus bang have gone visiting been greeted by the host at the door led through blackout to the living room where it was every man for himself first arrivals had the choice of seats FUTURE RACE She predicts nation with square eyeballs in the nottoodistant future One gentleman resident says he and his wife pur chased portable model which solved the problem of permanency Now when they entertain it is simply matter of wheeling the machine to another room and closing the door He feels television destroys the nat ural flow of conversation especially if there is an NHL game to compete with and one thing like to do is talk he commented The young man quickly added he is not slave to in fact he proudly stated he had only watched it for an hour in the past four days Hed rather read good book Homemakers do you want winning rebuttal for the slaves in your home who insist theres nothing else to do Switch off the set and introduce one of these projects to while away long winter evening Even the members of your family whose world re volves around 77 Sunset Strip and Checkmate will pay attention if you announce youre starting an epicure shelf which after all is another way of saying theyll be getting snacks fit for king SMALL lNVESTMENT But it doesnt take kings ransom to get establish ed Iehane Benoit Canadian Homes cooking editor sug gests you start With these Pate de foie ported When youre setting aside shelf or these foods sure its not the top kitchen shelf which is too hot for epicure foods at their best Besides youll get far more pleasure from our collection if you put everything in sight and in use Why not explore the world olilie at your you aily paper interrupting the comics and asks quickly reply youre reading Wheres Mauritania do you think shes gone to the store for can dy Or do you explain in precise terms of latitude and longitude where this new member of the United Nations is located in Africa We thought so You need globe Add probably an Atlas too But forget your childhood memories of Name the 50 principal flora of hockeytoday Armchair explorations are fun Especially if you own good globe You can get 10inch one for as little as six dollars lead you on into explanations of moon eclipses and 113w long it will be before we can spend our vacations ere ou might also enjoy learning to speak French or planning Klondike adventure on must contribute both an open mind and an un iased ear Dont try it as background music it will with concentration llyvo excellent recordings to sample are Music of India and Classical Indian Music Both are authentic With spoken explanatory introductions These are only few suggestions Im sure you Hcan come upwith some ideasof your own Campus Crowd Favor Tighis WINNIPEG CPI Girls at the University of Manitoba say skin tight pants are as fem inine as skirts The term slacks has sur vived on the campus although its meaning is in contradiction to clothes in which an increas iing number of female students forced ski pants and trimly tailored slacks are common sight in halls and classrooms survey of the girls disclosed they consider feminine as skirts MATERNITY APPAREL 100 Collier St PA 83804 VELKAY 4th Door East of Town Hall Your for Privacy and attend classes Economy Form fitting elastic rein PA 66085 AT YOUR SERVICE YOUPHONE ILL YOU AT Your HOME WRITING ALL CLASSES 0F INSURANCE we STAND non snnvrcn AND ECONOMY WE SPECIALIZE IN CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEWS AND REVIEWS the garments as Alliston Ladies Attend Conterencei Held At Guelph ALLISTON Special More than 30 members of the Ladies Benevolent Association from South Simcoe attended joint meeting of Bclredcre Lodge No 749 and Lavina lodge No 535 held in the Fischer Royal Hotel Guelph Those attending were from Allision Berton Ev erett Mansfield and Baxter lhcre were more than 00 present in honor oi Most Wor shipful Sister Newell Grand Mistress of British America from Saskatoon Saskatchewan Other dignitaries present were Right orshipful Sister Blossom Stewart Grand Mistress of On tario West from Hamilton and several members of the Crystal Chapter The speeches and precision drill by the past mistresses of Guelph Lodge proved to be most helpful and stimulating to all attending for they felt it would assist them greatly in planning their lodge work in the future Mrs Rediern Hosts Meeting Election of officers was the highlight ol the meeting of Cen tral Registry of Registered Nurses of Harrie private duty section held at the home of Mrs Florrie Redfern St Vin cent Street The slate of officers for 1962 is as follows president Mrs Jessie Couplond first vice president Miss Helen Kelly second vicepresident Mrs Vi Lillington secretary treasurer and registrar Miss Frances Robertson During the business meeting an invitation was read from the RNAO extending an invitation to delegates to attend the In stitute of Registry personnel conference to be held at To ronto Jan 24 to 26 Any registered nurse who is interested in doing private duty is welcome to join the organi zation information may be se cured by calling PA 84334 ORGANIZE WINTER CARNIVAL QUEEN CONTEST Arrangements for the Win ter Carnival Queen contest are well under way according to the convener of arrange ments Mrs Donald Juno of the Barrie Jayceltes who is assisted by members of the club The Barrie Winter Car nival will be held Feb 10 and it Contestants must no 19 or over and be willing to appear on all three days ac cording to the schedule pre pared by the committee Sportswear will be worn The contest is open to all women of Simcoe County single or married They will be judged on sports ability Personality grooming and poise All np plicolions must be in on or before Feb and mailed to PEOPLE AND PLACES Phonn Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 66537 Notes are intended to cover the general social life of the city and district Weddings anniversaries bridge parties and coming of age parties visitors and in vellem are nll item of later est lo the women readers of this page Your help in sun plying this new will be greatly appreciated HOLIDAY IN HOLLAND Mrs Alex Perk RR Barrie is holidaying with her parents Mr and Mrs Van Schaik Dirkhoogenraad Street The Hague Holland Mrs Perk travelled via TCA and will return to Canada at the end of February WEDDING GUESTS Among the outofclty guests attending the LangleyCollin wedding at Trinity Anglican Church this afternoon will be Mr and Mrs Don McNabb Stayner Mr and Mrs Ross Angus Middel Camp Borden Mr and Mrs Hames Misses Lorraine and Geraldine Hames all of Etobicoke Mr and Mrs Ken Noble Miss Dawna Noble all of Mimico Mrs Hinbest Miss Joan Anne Hinbest Weston Sid Armstrong Scar borough Mr and Mrs Mitchell Mr and Mrs Copeland John Copeland all of Willowdale Mrs Lionel Albert Ottawa Mr and Mrs Stitt London Mr and Mrs William Collins Long Branch Robinson Clarkson Mr and Mrs Don Wabb Robert Moore Mr and Mrs Longley Mr and Mrs Ko Kamatsu Nat Graham all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Collins Little Lake The bride Miss Nancy Collins is the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Collins Bayfield Street The bridegroom Ted Longiey is the son of Mr and Mrs Sam Langley High Street MONTREAL GUEST Richard Powell Montreal Quebec is guest at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Frank Powell Maple Avenue this week UCW EXECUTIVE The following names were omitted from the executive of Burton Avenue United Church Women Mrs Davis social functions Mrs Rentner manse committee and Mrs Henry flowers Toronto Artist To Speak Here Jack Pollock painter in his own rights will he guest at the meeting of the Barrie Art Club Jan 25 The meet ing will he held at the Public Library Hall Collier Street at pm Mr Pollock will give demonstration intoil painting The talented artist is grad uate at the Ontario College of Art as well as tho Slade School of Artxin London Eng land Mi Pollock is renowned for the Pollock Gallery in Toronto Last summer be instructed at the leadership institute for the Community Programs branch of the Department of Education at Guelph He was also an instructor at the Arts and Crafts weekend held in Coiling wood last fall sponsored by the simcoo County Arts and Crafts ANRY TRAY SPECIFICATIONS Le to naiei uil Width 21 tax HBID 33in Ills With stand Wollht 155 lbl Winter Carnival Queen Box 36 Barrie Judging will take place at the Roxy Theatre Feb The decision of the judges will be final Out of city judges will preside with local rcprescntoiive prize list will be published in Father Law conducted discussion of the CW1 Ency clical Record at the January meeting of St Marys Catholic Womens League held recently in St Josephs Auditorium The record was prepared at the request of the Toronto Arch diocesan Council CWL as ser vice to its members and others interested in studying the ency clicol of Pope John XXIII mater et magistra Letters of thanks ins were read for tual bou quet sent at Chr mas time Tests To Reveal Cooking In Oil Does No Harm MONTREAL CPI Six women who met while taking course in together on collection of reci pes substituting vegetable oil for butter and other animal fats They hope to publish the col lection next summer as an ii lustrated book entitled Cooking with Oil litany authorities believe fats Influence the blends cholesterol level and our husbands are get ting into the age group where heart disease co es threat said Mrs William Tay Cooking with oil cant do any harm and it may be bene iicial She emphasized that the book will not try to be scientific and it will not contain advice on lowafat dieting Mrs Robert Love said the purpose will be merely to pro vide cooks with their favorite recipes using Vegetable oil fWhen you start using salad oil the only recipe you know is achifinn cake Mrs Taylor said Weve discovered you can make everything from soup to nuts While simple substitution of oil for animal fats was found impossible one of the women has worked out an approximate substitution of between two thirds and one cup of oil for one cup fat UNTii FEB 3rd LADIES Plain Sweaters GENTs nutrition are working Or For $100 later edition of The Barrie Examiner along with entry forms Above making last minute arrangements are left to right Mrs Terry Conncll Mrs Juno and Mrs Lou Bris tow president of the Jay ceties Examiner Photo Discuss CWL Encydlical Record At St Marys January Meeting letter of appreciation was al so read from former Mayor Willard Kinzie Mrs Donovan reported so hospital visits made during December by Mrs Hook and Mrs Saso Mrs Corhelt reported 11 home visits made in December Mrs Frank MacDonald rev minded members to save used stamps for the missions it was announced that tea in aid of the Redemporistine Monastery will be held at the home of Mrs Frank Har greaves Sr early in June Reports from standing com mittee chairmen were read Mrs Gerry Coughlin presi dent conducted the business meeting Mrs Hook Girl Guide convener reminded mem bers about the rummage sole to be held Jan 20 in the Odd fellows Hall Refreshments were served by the social committee Band Mothers Plan Spring Sale The Band Motheis Associa tion held its regular meeting in the music room of Barrie Cen tral Collegiate Fiftyfive mem bers were present Mrs Crowe president opened the meeting and welcomed the large attendance It was announced that Mrs Noel Stephenson will convene the spring rummage sale The date will be announced later Mrs Bart Simmons was ap pointed coconvener Mr Em berson president of West Bend Aluminum has donated an ar ticle which will be drawnat the March meeting of the as societion Proceeds from the project Rolling Dollars which was started at the last meeting has reached sum of $349 Mrs John Dyck introduced the speaker Allan Fisher The band mothers expressed ap preciation to Mr Fisher for sharing his musical ability with the children of the school gnarles Spenrnthanked niiv ciriiiiiiii SALE EACH Single Trouser Shits Ties NO liMlT Send is many suits sweaters and ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landau Several months ago friend of mine to place or him Four of his horses came in and handed him 5430 My own pockets were empty Last week couldnt get to the track so sent my money over to his place and asked him to place some bets for me Three of my horses came in and was pretty excited about it figured ld won about 3310 That night my friend tele phoned in say he was sorry but he didnt get out to the track alter all He said hed bring my original money over the next day My wife believes him think hes liar and Id like to break his neck What would you do WASHY Dear Washy Nothing Next time go yourself or make mind betthen all you can lose is your mind Dear Ann Landau What is wrong with man who when he sees loose button on his shirt or coat gets mad and tears it oft oitcn ripping the material with it Last week he smashed glass when he no lich nick on the rim He has tornapart zippers which would not work When he cant open glass jar immediately Ive seen him crack off the neck The last straw was yesterday when he had trouble closing the car door Inanger he slammed it with such force that the win dow shattered in thousand pieces In the 20 years weve been married hes done so many things like this could fill the Fashion Show At Beeton WI meeting of Beeton Womanl Institute was held Jon It in the council attendance of as Mrs Butt presided memorial service and minute of silence was held for Mrs Hutchinson member of Beeton Institute who passed away recently Mrs Hutchison was member of the institute ior several years During the business plans were made for series of euchres to be held in the near future Current events were given by Mrs Hooper The program was Home Economics and Health with Miss Bell Convener 4H Club members put on fashion show contest was conducted by Mrs Kearns social hour with refresh ments brought the meeting to close Tea hostesses were Mrs Kearns Mrs Hooper Mrs Culgin Mrs Harvey was ill and unable lo go to the track He gave me somernoncy room with HIV flaymg THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JAN You Make The Bet If You Win You Get newspaper Whats the reason for such behavior LONG SUFFERER Dear Suflcrcr Your husband is still operating at the three yrarold levelripping smash ing throwing and slamming things This is the technique children use when they are frustrated it is nlso mechanism for get ting attention and nllcmpiing to punish those around them Physicians say that people who unload their hostilities in this way seldom have ulcers they give cm Dear Ann Landcrs Am wrong or right about this promised my girl ld accept your decision celebrated my 15th birthday few days ago My girl friend gave me surprise birthday party It was lot of fun This kids bought gag gifts and coins of them were pretty nice My girl didnt give me pres ent of any kind thought this was sort of odd so asked her about it She said gave you it party That was your pres en Her birthday is coming up soon be you think should buy her gift The party was great but she still didnt buy me any thing MR ll Dear Mr in Look hub that party not only cost her some loot but she put in time and energy Let the moth out of your change purse and pop for present INTRODUCING Heying Glasses MAICO le iii fly New Exciting Dialli new Big Idmi get WEE HOUKLEirwMO MAICO HEARING SERVICE 350 Yongc St Toronto wa 2317 STRANSMANis OnceAYeur Sale Features HALFSIZE DRESSES county Sizes The largest selection of youthful dressesin Simcoa DOUBLE TRAY $1335 SINGLE TRAY $13135 PLUMBING DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR SUPPLIES BLDG coon 259 INNISFIL ST PA ï¬ti53I ties as you like at these Bargain Prices NOW would be good time to try our Top Qual ity Cleaning and Finishing FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY ON REGULAR ROUTES Waggs laundry T8 Dry Cleaners LlMiiED 35 ESSA ROAD l41z to 3012 in wide range of unru Divashodas and materials STRANSMANS ladies Wear 44 DUNLOP ST PA 84284