Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1962, p. 9

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iTllE LIGHT TOUCH Phones Not Always For Business Calls By HAL soYLE NEW YORK APlNow and thenn memo such as this is circulated in every office These phones are strictly for the conduct of company busi ness upon which the livelihood of the firm depends Employees wishing to make emergency private calls during working hours will please use the pay telephones in the corridor Management always launches these memos with highhopes but they would be just as ef fective if they were printed in Chinese and floated out to sen lit sealed bottle Forl day or two the hired hands dutifully drop their coins in the pay phone then they go back one by one to slipping their private calls through the office switchboard again Who makes all these private calls and what is the desperan nature of their emergencies Well here are few typical characters you have probably overhead in your own oillcc liungry HarryLlle is Just one long coffee break to him Three times day he phones the drug store lunch counter downstairs for java sand wiches doughnuts pie and cheesecake At 515 he makes his final call Rush up some sodium bicarb Joe my stom ach feels kinda tense SHOPS BY PHONE HighFashion Hortense The secretary does her shop ping by phone whenever the boss is in conference What TELEVISION PROGRAMS have you got new in cocktail dresses at About $995 She asks her favorite department store suleslady That ties up that phone line for 45 rninutu OddsOn OliieThe office gambler usually places four nails with his bookie in the morning and three in the after noon The bookie usually calls him back three times in the morning and our tlmrs in the afternoon Netresult at closing time Ollie has lost two bucks Casanova Charlie lle picks up his desk phone and croons to Nellie the giddy new switchboard operator Talk to me baby We had lonesome life While he and Nelllie pitch woo the switchboard is tied up Homebody Hubert Every half hour he phones home to see if his shirts got back from the laundry if the baby has broken out with the measles or new tooth is if his wife wants to go to movie that night if so which movie to ask whatli they have for dinner should he stop to pick up anything and whether anything new has happened since he called half an hour before Old Bubblehead Himself The boss makes only two kinds of personal calls in the morn ing he phones seven to eight executive buddies in other firms trying to set up golf four some In the afternoon if he isnt playing golf he phones his broker six times CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE rrthY Murmur 19 400 The Womens Show Friendly Clint sing mag Around Rsuio nszzie Popeyos TV Plrty News fleadlinel Popryni TV Party Farm Market nepon News Don hirieson Weather Sport Pierre Berton Futher Knows But nonn need Show Country Hoedown err 54 Tommy Ambrose Perry Mason The Detective Cac TV News The Wuthermnn Toriy in orts Community owl Movie st Genny The Dip moon mmw 11 ren Pattern News Weather Crmnnldl Curling Shell Golf Bowling Living World Bugs Bunny countmime News Weather Sports inn Coleman Dennis the Menace 9099 332231 sees spssnssa co perv 55 oo oo oo oo sn oo 30 so no spaaau 730 800 uo v00 101 it Whytn 1100 cac TV News 1110 Weather News sports 1115 Movie Millionaire lor chrirty SUNDAY anuinii 21 1045 Test Pattern Church Service ropeya And our News and Weather Speaking French Good Life Thotr Country Calendar Junior Magazine TV Hour of Stirs Davey Goliath amtvs Discovery and News not Crosby Golf Munled Joan Elle Robin Hood Hull Gun Will Travel Peter Gunn NHL Roche Juliette King Parade in suuivnu Stow aansnn Close Up Quest cat TV News Weather News Sports Movie The Steel Key 1110 1115 CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO nunnir JANUARY 19 Loo Profassors Hldeaway lifln From Cochise Sports Weather By Ptrrre herton News Donn Reina Show Try or en Roaring 20 Hlvs Gun Will Travel Cottn Styls Znne my Theatre News Weather Sports Better hta 30 years of expensnco fostering good will in businmaan community For information on doomsannn phone PA 66302 1115 Friday Night Theatre 1954 SATURDAY JANUARY 20 1100 Professors Party 1200 News Weather Sports 1215 Sports College Adventures or Junlie Boy mm Bill Theatre They Rode Wm Pirate of Monterey WrestllnB Arrirsn Petrol Hi Tlin he won Within Sports Walther Punch and Johnny The Funmones itineinnn Future Theire Valentino Fight of the Week Johnny titw Show Cross Canada Barn Dlncn SUNDAY JANUARY 21 1031 Around The World 1130 Youth and Religion ftallm Theatre Things We so Movie Feature iFathnr In Bachelor Man And The contents Jr Hockey Hort or the Mutter Great Hymns Tclepoil Klnvlo Win Academy Parremune fatten unumon Andean Performnee Part II Andy Grirriths Show Loretta Young The Law and Mr Jones News entire News F35 an an eggs 88 Ss BAYCITY UPHOLSIERING gt ANTIQUE ANDMODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimata FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 87533 BARRIE Upholstertng is Our BusinessNot Just Sideline 65 Bradford St CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by pin please phone PA 82433 And Copy win Deiivereti To Your Hour THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS By VIOLA DUNflIORZ The January routing of the Evening Circle was held sttho home olMrs Oscar tlilklinl The new president Mrs Mau rine Tartridge presided and conducted the business section Devotional was led by him Wile llsm Clark Programs were planned for the coming your it was decided to hold meet ings on the first Tuesday of each month Lunch end loc ial hour followed WOMENS INSTITUTE The Womens institute held its January meeting at the home of Mrs Edgerton Mc Lean with the president Mrs Viola Aconley in the chair The meeting was opened by all members singing the inst itute Ode and repeating the lords Prayer Den members and two visitors answered the roll call My favorite supper dish The motto Dont let your become monotonous Think up ways to improve routine wor was dismed by all members report from the flower oommittee regarding Christmas gifts and boxes for the shut lns was received Mrs Roy Partridge and Mrs Cecil Dun more were appointed to attend the short course in pounds of meat in Barrie on Janu ary is and 17 Mrs Dunsmore conducted singing contest and gave paper on Prevent Home Accidents PERSONAIS Mrs Evelyn Gough visited Mr and Mrs Nonnan Dowling and family at Mattawa Howard Caldwell and Everett Emms of Barrie attended the Mens Conference Toronto an nual meeting at Victorisfiob lege Toronto Mrs Reevie of Shanty Bay and Mr and Mrs Charles ite ovle of Milestone Saskatchewan were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Howard Caldwell Mr and Mrs Cecil Duns more visited with Mr an Mrs James Strachnn at Grov enhurst on Sunday Drury is patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie He was visiting with conrinigi Esther Partner bids One Spade next player passes Both sides are vulnerable and you have part score of to What would you now bid with each of the fol lowing five hands 495 vgaasz gins genes hen wuss one use 62 won 1363 use is axiom 9mm +14 One notrump Without part score the normal response would be two hearts but with it the response is one notrump This is because partner can readily pass two hearts with indifferent support for the suit since game contract has been reachedand our heart suit is simply not good enough to stand by itself Normal bidding practices change when side has part score to lean on Two spades The natural response without the part score would be three spades but since jump to three spades with part score of 40 constitutes slam try only single raise is given of courSe two heart response is out of the question because that bid may be passed It the king of clubs were substituted for the deuce we would then have full three spade bid It should be noted also that jump raise to three spades merely indicates interest in slam and does not consti tute forcing bid Mes Tomorrow Highlevel strategy DAILY CROSSWOBD norms Divalt Burden tool 11 Bonus Gudfin for one Blme name 18 Fuel Italian 5Fnther tooling 6Bssebnll forono 1Good friend 8To augment instep lendlng mm outer door 10 Hi In em 14 Galilee 18 Robeson 19 Glass 22 some shoes 25 Branch of learning 28 Boundary 21 To consent 29 Ammuni tion slang 29 Stinging insects so Sparkling hits 83 Eula motion 34 Soviet and forces 88 Fear Panob 42 Moves qulcldy Jitter joint 14 Oriental nurses 16 Up and about WOW in se nu Montn VAKJ 07 IlQSZ 32 Guided 174 VAEHWIIflIl If III nnllnz till Ionhran and donates Mr and Mrs Howell Partridge of Barrie when he became ill Six tath of Euchre were to play on Saturday nilht It the home of Mr end Mrs Harold Drury Prim were won by Mrs Leonard Edgerten Mrs Roy Newsoo Oscar Hickliog and Bill Winston By MARY DAVIE Ruddink returned home utter with his Ionin low and daughter so and Mrs Sam Miskey in Gimli Mon Bruce Edgar who went with him via jet from Malian returned home Jan The Ladies Aid had quilt ing bee Tuesday afternoon stark shower in honor of Mrs Roy Perry was held at the home of Mrs Wes Perry Barrie number from here attended Mrs Bi Henderson Mrs Ken Ellison and Mrs Willard Mooney spent few days in Tomato visiting with friends Grant Dickson is patient in Sunnybrools Hospital Toronto Rev Sayer was in charge of the servico st thecburch LARRY eRANNON nLorToiE wno COULD WANr ME WNY 00 WAKE ME iN THEMIDDLE or no NIGHT TELL ME won NAME ism DAGWOOD DUNS EAD ILL HAVE YOU KNOW MY NAME lSNT Sunday On Saturday evening social was held to the hall in honor of Mr and Mrs Jock Walkorn who were married recently The early part of the evening was spent in dancing to music provided by Mrs Norris Coch rane Edger Denney and More goo Murphy Many girls were presented to the couple number from Toronto were present at the shower includ lng Mr and Mrs Beyer Mr and Mrs Roger Desjnrdin es and son Don Miss Glenna Wnlkom Barrie spent the weekend with her JULIET JONES parents Mr and Mrs Harvey Walkom Mrs Bill Rycitmnn and son Waynie Barrie spent few days last week with Mrs Hy ckmans brotherinvlnw and sis ter Mr and Mrs Men nry Mr and Mrs Mervyn Denney and daughters spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lennox Mansfield fh monthly meeting of the Baxter Ladies Aid was held at the home of Mrs Willard Mooney Three notrump This bid is likewise not forcing but it does strongly invite the opener to continue bidding unless he started with minimum open ing bid The point count for jump to three notrump with part score of 4a is usually 17 or 18 The bid guarantee sirengthineach oLithe three side suits as wellhs notrump distribution One notrump Ordinarily we would pass partners spade bid because game appears too remote to justify keeping the bidding alive but with part score present the requirements for bid are lowered from the 6point minimum normally pected for notrump response The goal is nearer and our sights are adjusted accordingly Three spades This is slam try based on combina tion of high cards and distrli bution Partner does not need DONALD DUCK BUT DAD lM LITTLE SHOW THIS WEEKCAN You TAKE ir our NEXT WEEKz HEQES Vow ALLOWANCE MINUS THE DOLLAPIOU owso ME FROM LAST sur Iciu Boneowso ON NEXT WEEKs ALLOWANCE LAST WEEK Js ILL DAY THAT bACK WEEK AFTER NEXT THEN WELL BE Au SGUARE giant hand to make slam Thus he may have as little as the ace of modes king of hearts and one of clubs and these cards padded out little might produce twelve tricks It would not be wise tobid two hearts for the reasons pre viously given nor to bid three hearts which would constitute jumpshift and be too per cent forcing We have the vain es to suggest the possibility of slam bu should give partn er the option of continuing or not as he sees fit 3030de Jap snore seaport pohsJ IliMll 27 Filled with solemn wonder 40 Anglo 31 uwn Saxon letter 351oiease 42Musionoto 881iueowlse damnin Men motion 171 Inna loan GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER Muscsmo SirenEn IDOEmEENOWEN 521 APPLE DAY WOULD Kit This 996102 MY fifimfiflfi TO 00 HOME THEYRE TEARINDDWN Tit OLiiAthfED MOUSE GOOD NOW WECAN COME wlTlOLll BEIN SCAIEED HUME FROM TNLATE SHOW OF OURWITSAS WERLIN PAST lT Tim WASTItE nsuiwa wuss All RtGlm NW smch iioimiwssrwrsuouto riNv THE iSLArtU il UNVERWIIK AEMPITS swsm Warez you mow WHATA sweares is DowYou games irs DiILLY HERE JUNIOR ea urm MY ROOM ANP EEWH MY rsiz mu and MY Minnow viir GUESS iN FAcrr THiNKiiEsI was TDTKAIN You no FETCH ms swsosizt if TizlEiTDGET HIM TOETCH HE WESNT KNOW WTA I5

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