TllE MANY function lh has attended since becoming immigration minister have giv en Mrs Ellen Fairclougb the opportunity to wear hats rare ly worn by other women The brere left and mortorboard unusual hots included som right when she presented Ministers MarlyVHat Styles Reveal Flair For Fashion OTTAWA CP Immigra tion Minister Ellcn Fairclough travels more miles meets more people sees more of Canada and wears greater variety of hats than most Canadian women Since becoming cabinet min ister in 1957 Mrs fnlrclough has travelled morethan 240000 miles mostly in Canada and has gone through more than three dozen hols The functions she has at tended in the last years have afforded her an opportu nity to don many types of hats rarely worn by women She wore pilots crash hel met in jet trainer flight miners helmet during mine inspection naval captains but during ceremony in the West Indies flshermans hat in the Maritimes sombrero and mortarboard at functions at which she has presented scholarships N0 INDIAN FEATIIERS About the only type of head gear Mrs Fairclough hasnt worn is an Indian headdress As citizenship and immigrn tion minister and superintend ent of Indian affairs she has received several invitations to become an honorary Indian chief or princess But she has had to decline because it is not practice for the incumbent su perintendent of Indian affairs to accept such an honor To most women the choice of hat is dllficult decision But the problem usually is solved for the average woman once she has selected one or two hats suitable for particu lar season The chore of but selection isnt that easy for Mrs Fair clough Her job makes it nec essary for her to have stock oi hats of the seasons choice to enable her to be dressed prop erly at wide range of func lions including meetings lun cheons dinners receptions and outdoor events LIKES SMALL HATS One hat for each type of func4 tion isnt enough either Mrs Fairclough attends so many public functions that she has to have about dozen hats on hand to enable her to have some variety in her wardrobe Small flowered hats are Mrs Fairclougha preference AT CHURCHILL MEETING Gillord 4H Club Members Model Own Creations For WI Churchill Womens Institute members viewed fashion show at the January meeting The show was presented by Gifford Willing Workersthe 4H Club girls Miss Eveleen Sawyer model led brown plaid skirt she had made in class teamed with beige jersey topper perfect ensemble for school Miss Betty Ann Dales wore blue wool twopiece ensemA ble with loose fitting top Miss Barbara Hughes had chosen and made grey boxpleated skirt Miss Frances Sawyer muddled fitted blue plaid skirt and weskit with covered buttons This project was titled Work ing with Woo Mrs John Richards leader spoke briefly telling of 4H Girls Club work and comment ed on the Achievement Day held at Stroud Miss Jean Spence sang There Is on Secret Current events were given by Mrs Russell Stewart who fea tured women in the news in 1961 This interesting program was arranged by Mrs Chalmer Pratt and Mrs Cyril Spence with the latter in tho chair and the former acting as courtesy chairman The motto for the meeting was thing done right today means less trouble tomorrow famous women proved to he popular roll call Members were reminded of the radio forum on education on Feb at 830 pm Mrs THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Tomorrow will be good time for social programs and entertainment of every type It is day for happiness for good domestic relationships romance and courtship FOR THE BIRTHDAY 1f tomorrow is yourbirthday your horoscope indicates that during the coming year you should find many ways of ef fecting economies in time and effort also of rendering better job servicewhich will eventu ally prove highly profitable Your Stability should be of great help in keeping you from going off on tangents when matters seem to pro gre slowly You can make genuine strides layour career You will be like the tortoise in the fable October and December should be ecptionatly good months johvwlse Personal relationships wlll be fine for most of the year with emphasis on ro mance and marriage in July unaAugust child born on this day will he ondowodwlth practicality and roller disposition Joel Prosser invited the branch to her home for this occasion On Jan 18319 Mrs Pratt and Mrs John Donnelly will be attending the local leaders sen ior project 143 Pounds of ï¬ttest to be held at Cooks own Mrs Ted Heels New President Of Evening Guild The annual meeting of St Georges Evening Guild was held in the Parish Hall Reports of the various com mittecs indicated very busy and successful year for the Guild Mrs Walter Dyer presided over the election of officers and the following is the slate of new officers for the coming year president Mrs Ted Heels first Vicepresident Mrs Mc Gowan second vicepresident Mrs Williams secretary Mrs Brock treasurer Mrs Lougheed Phoning conven er Mrs Crooks andflower convener Mrs Wieder gift of appreciation was presented to the outgoing presi dent Mrs Mitchell byMrs McGowan Mrs Mitchell voiced her sincere thanks to the group for their generous co operation during the past year Considerable business was conducted and it was decided to charge the following prices for catering in the coming year roast beef dinner $175 turkey dinner $175 cold plate $125 The evening ended with so cial hour and cup of tea The next meeting willvbe held at the home of Mrs lrainor Essa Road Jan 24 Jéité have number of hats of this type in variety of col ors she said They are very utilitarian because each hat can be worn with about hall dozen outfits Mrs Fairclough works in fast moving field where suits are the most practical form of dress especially on trips You can go around the world with two suits and flock of blouses she said However Mrs Fairclough likes dresses and often wears them at functions where suits would be little easier to handle Her choice in dresses are simple silk prints in soft shades with matching hat The inaugural meeting and election of officers for the Un ited Church Women was held in the Sunday School room with on attendance of 44 Priorto the meeting everyone enjoyed delicious buffet supper prepar ed by Mrs William Sutherlands group Rev Jackson led the worship service The business was then proceeded with The report of the nprninating com mittee was accepted and the following executive was elected NEW EXECUTIVE Honorary president Mrs Wilcox president Mrs Wil liam Watt first vicepresident Mrs Clarence Watson second vicepresident Mrs It Haines recording secretary Mrs 13 Robinson corre sponding secretary Mrs Green treasurer Mrs Edgar Kneeshaw Chairmen of committees Christian Citizenship and Social Action Mrs Keith Knecshaw Community Friendship and Vis itation Mrs Hulse Stoddart Cooperation in Christian Edu cation and Missionary Educa tion Mrs Irvin Watson Fin ance Mrs Kneeshaw Flow er Mrs Douglas Wilcox Liter ature and Communications Mrs Charles Wilcox David Webb Membersh James Bateman ons Mrs McKay Periodicals Mrs Glassford Press and Publicity Mrs Alvin Smith Program Mrs Bruce Keffer Social Functions Mrs William Sutherland Stewardship and Recniiting Mrs HStevens Supply and Social Assistance Mrs Orr Further business included ac ceptance of Presbyterian allo cations Concerning the organi zation in the local congregation it was decided to hold the We extends cordial invitation fo all friends and customers to come in and see the excitingly new colors and patterns of Imstrohg VINYL CORLON along tibiaberm 42 Dunlop St FREE HOME CONSULTATION SERVICE schoarships She also wore dozens of more common hats centre in her crosscountry travels CP Photo GODIVA LEARNS GSTRINGrBURNS BABES DETAILS Lady Godiva found herself in an embarassing position recently She had to send home for more clothing after firemen told her large portion of her scanty ward robe was lost in blaze Lady Godiva Francis Du Bay of Windsor Ont is an entertainer at Detroit night spot The club was damaged in $5000 fire last week Miss DuBay said she lost Gstring and accordion net stockings three costumes and various other articles of cloth ing she uses in her undressing act She called to her home in Windsor and had replacement garments sent to her so she could continue her act flamez THE BARHIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JANUARY 19 1562 monthly meetings tho second Wednesday at pm Announcements were World Day of Prayer at the United Church March and Presby terial meeting March Special mention was made of the three ladies present who were members of the wars at the time of union in 1925 name ly Mrs James Andrews Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Cardy McLean All women who join ANN LANDERS Hand Slap OKd Dcar Ann Loaders You did millions of young Ameri can an injustice when you poatiflcatcd in recent col umn that children should not be malted As retired moral in the United States Army have had vast once with young men could tell within week which boys had been raised with discipline dlaytrsp folded noun apped never did child any harm Many voluntccr is alive today because of the discip line instilled in birn not by the Army Navy or the Ma rinu but by stern areal hope no one will take your advice and spare the rodAnn lba next genera tion has enough trouble in store without being pack of apolIEd brat tboot RETIRED GENERAL Dear Una Star How did man who cant read acquire your rank It clearlyd rated that 1b am no oppose spanking ut take sharp issue with you when you advocate the useof folded belt No child should receive blow harder than the human hand can deliverand nature supplied the ideal spot 0K General two days of Kl for youand dont leave the base for 48 hours Dear Ann Landera Our 22yearold daughter will be graduating from college soon She has obtained teaching position in this city and wishes to share an apartment with her college roommate My husband and dont know what to say We feel it is not respectable for young woman to live in rented apartment when her parents are in the same city and have two spare bedrooms Frankly we are con cerned with what people would say although we have complete confidence in our daughters morals May we have your views PARENTS Bond Head Church UCW Name MrS Watt President United Church Women in 1982 will be diarter members Mr Jackson then led an in teresting period of Bible study then closed the meeting with the benediction The first executive meeting of the new organization will be held atthe home of Mrs Wil liam Watt Jun 26 at pm The first quilting will be at the home of Mrs II Stevens Jan 24 ALLISTON SOCIAL NOTES Mr and Mrs Harry Gray Victoria Street West entertain ed relatives at their home on New Years Day and hosted New Years dinner Mr and Mrs John Dennis held fondly gathering and Christmas dinner at their home on Church Street North Miss Carole Wilson Tdronto visited at the home of her par ents Mr and Mrs Nicol Wil son RR Alliston during the holiday season and while in this district enjoyed family din nerwith other relatives at the home of Mr and Mrs Ernest Matthews RR Beeton DECORATION CONTEST Mr and Mrs Cecil Whitcslde Victoria Street won the silver rose bowl presented by the Al liston Horticultural Society for the most outstandinng Christ mas home decoration in the an nual contest Mr and Mrs Truman Asaph won second prize and Mrs Hook won third prize In the business group the winner was Malcolms Elec tric for the most attractive win dow display recent visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs Newton Wil son Alliston was LtCol Coward of the Royal Canadian PA 83588 Army Service Corps Army Headquarters Ottawa While in this area he carried out in spection dudes in Camp Borden and visited friends there Murray Willett RCAF Camp Borden has received promo tion to flight lieutenant The Catholic Womens League of St Pauls Church Alliston rerendeyrnbered thef thshutins and ne persons err congre gstion at Christmas time by delivering attractive useful has kets The children of St Pauls School presented Christmas concert at the Banting Memor ial High School gym during the Christmas season Christopher Columbus and David Copperfield were an acted The first baby of 1962 which arrived at Stevenson Memorial Hoaiptal Alliston was girl born to Mr and Mrs Allen William Street Alliaton The village of Cookstown re cently became an independent village and at special care mony the new council was sworn into office by Judge MacLaren QC of Barrie The places youll see the people youll meetwill alwavsremaia withymrlllot Intakeoeueotollthcboth ensorne details Your trip it smooth omnervicofmel Two plays Dear Parents Its perfectly respectable for college grad uaffl who to sellsupporting to have her own apartment even her parents live in the same clty fbe mature girl wishes to be independent nyearold who lives at home could conceivably find independence virtually tmv possible Dear Ann My Husbands older brother passed away two years ago Ilia widow remarried Rana wants to be included in our legally gettogetbera as always of course she brings her new husband along My husband lay it kills him to see her with this guy lie gets gall bladder attack every time the two of them show up Rena is wellliked by all member of the family and it doesnt bother anyone else What shall do BETWEEN FIRES Dear Between If the sight of liens and her second mato gives your husband golf blads der attack dont invite them to your home since you seem to like the woman however see her during the afternoon If the other members of the family wish to include Rena and her husband you should make no attempt to discourage them Apparently your husband is the only one whose per spective is out of joint FEWER WEDDINGS WINNIPEG CWCupids ar rows moy have gone little astray in Manitoba during 1901 There 6215 marriages compared with 6606 the pre4 vlous year The stork also had an easier time with 12683 births compared with 23438 in 1960 PEOPLEAND PLACES Thom EileenDixan or Andrey Coulsou PA 5657 Note are intended to cover the general nodal life of the city and district Weddings anniversaries birthdays bridge parties and conning of are partial visitors and in nilen are all items of later est In the women reader of this page Your help In my Pillu this news will be neatly appreciated promos noumv Mr and Mrs Mallory of Burton Avenue left the city this week for winter holiday In Florida RETURN TO CITY Mr and Mrs Edward Ha gan who resided in Barrie 20 years ago recently purchased home on Essa Road and have returned to the city to rnaka Stayner Hears Theme Tree Of Peace STAYNEII Special Stayn er Womens Institute held the January meeting in the Legion Hall Friday Jan 12 About 30 members were present Mrs Fred Ford was in the chair in the absence of the president Mrs Murray The meeting was opened by reciting of the Institute Ode followed by The Lords Prayer Secretary Helen Hanna read the minutes of the last meet ing Kathleen Mcltae gave the treasurers report letter was read from the director of Bar rie Sheltered Workshop thank ing the Institute for support letter with picture of King flung was passed around This is the Chinese boy sponsored by Staynor Institute The Hong family are having hard time and are in need of help The secretary read letter their home The couple an vrcll known in this area Afr Haganwas on employee of the Canadian National Railways in Barrie and Grsvcnhurlt prior to his retirement WESTERN warming Mr and Mrs oy and son whammy Allhuerta are guests rr eyl grandparents Mr and Lira John Sanford lnntsfil Street Mrs Liley is the former Peggy Hull of Harrie FLORIDA VACATION Leaving the city this week end for vacation in the sunny south are Mr and Mrs Sam Chcslne of Collier Street The couple will motor to Hollywood Florida where they will both day for six weeks about the 65th Institute anniver sary luncheon to be held in the Queen Elizabeth Bulldingy Tomato Feb 19 Anyone who is interested in attending plea so get in touch with Mrs Cranston letter from Mrs Ival concerning lholPeaoe Resear ch Institute was read and com merited upon This led to motion that Stayner institute contribute $15 to this re also to acknowledge Mrs Ives letter motion was passed that each member contribute one dollar minimum at the next meeting in lieu of the work they would have contributed to tea which has been cancelled because of illness It was decided that the Fehlt ruary meeting would be in tha form of casserole luncheon with speaker present com mittee was appointed to make the arrangements Several mem bers volunteered to come to the library on Thursday at 230 pm to help with the cancer dressings Business being eon cluded the meeting was turned over to Miss Kathleen lifeline Mrs Eertha Cody dealt with the motto man has obtain ed true conception of life when he plants tree under which he will never sit Mrs Cody developed the theme that the hee of Peace will grow and affect the lives of millions of men who will shelter under that three Three members gave brief histories of the United Anglican and Catholic churches in Stayn er Mrs Helen Hanna sang This is my Song with Mrs Brown ridge at the piano Miss McRae called for voluns teers to knit for the Red Cross and gave out wool for the pur pose Lunch was served by the historical research committee and the meeting adjourned WINTER WEDDING Fashioned for the bride who is having winter wedding this medievaltype dress is made of chiffon rover taffeta The bodies features draped neckline and the airy chapel length train flows freely from Gueranleed To Accentuate Your Sentrrn eats Whatever The Occasion FENDLEYS FLOWERS 14 BLAKE sfr PA ereIs Travel is treasure you keep forever Only AFew Hours Away London BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE 102 Dunlap St PA66474 the shoulders Worn with it is crown headdress of chiffon with bouffant veil Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 We always give pmllllpl courteous Ask your doctor about our pharmacy next time he writes prescription for you Prescription pickedup and delivered tree of charan CUSDENS PHARMACY 14 nuufop PA 35553 corner st Pa 66414 WAIT IT YOU SEE OUR NEW FAMILY ROOM Yes with the help of BALL PLANDIG MEL her wasted base ment space is now delightful family room that eVeryoner will enjoy for years to come Come see usl Youll find you can convert your basement at price you can afford BASEMENT FAMILY ROOM COSTS ONLYv 00 MONTH Nam Tll MAY Phone Barries modernization centre when you are ready to finish the basement or have any remodelling project in mind An experienced home with no obligation estimator will be pleased to Visit your im pianist Mill 48 ANNE ST CO LTD PA 82496