CAMPUS WHISPERS TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JANUARY I9 By ELIZABETH TRAINOR AND WAYNE RICHARDSON Central Collegiate Girls at Central attention please The way to mans heart LI not throub his stomach ile really does not care if you stove raw potatoes lukew In coch or stale peanuts just so long as you are tasty dish tso to speak Surprised course not Terry Saxophone McEvoy generalized and then gave his particular views on the hair styles and fashions of Central Terry said In general girls dress in good taste but there are few cases of overdrch ing and toshionchnsing here at Central Some try to compete day to day to see who can best look like an adult while lstill teenager or bobbysz er and fail drastically in the attempt There are girls partic ularly in the lower grades who try to use too much makeup in the TOP picture are the North Collegian students who attended the Urbano Mist sionary Conference held dur ing the Christmas holidays The conference featured many outstanding speakers well known throughout the world The students were sponsored by scholarship fund of IVCF at the Collegiate Money was raised by the selling of Christ mas cards Seen left to right are beryl Hcskclh Linda Graves Judy Kelly and Gay Ellis BOTTOM pl cture shows Jim Barron and Joanne Feltis winners of the Twist contest This contest was held last Friday night in the North round room The name of the dance was the Popper mlnt Twist and was sponsored by the girls athletic society Photos by North Camera Club Various Conferences Keep Students Busy By LESLIE COXALL AND JUDY KELLY Barrio Nortll It was twistin good time enjoyed by all Friday night at Norths Peppermint Twist The centre of the Round Room was decorated with red and white paper streamers strung from the over hang in the centre to the bottom of the post Also red and white peppermints hung from the lights After 930 the dance began to pick up and the attendance swelled as the students who have jnhs after school arrived 3Most of the dancers attempted the twist when it was played and some of the variations were most interesting twist contest was held dur Ing the evening and even though the majority there had been twisting not too many were brave enough to enter the contest Out of fifteen couples the winners chosen were Joan ne Feltis and Jim Barron When asked how long be had been twisting Jim replied that this was the first time he had tried it in public He seemed to have way of twisting twice as fast as anyone else At intermission pot was sold to help quench the students thirst after all their exercise Shortly after intermission statue dance was held With only few couples left on the floor the disc jockeys found that the easiest way to elimin ate them was to have them twist The winners of this contest were Lynda Marshall and Andy Dyment both Grade XIII students at North Thanks to the members of the GAA for wonderful and successful dance EASTER IN NEW YORK The members of the HiY Club have decided by voting to continue going to New York in the Easter holidays at least for this year This matter was discussed at their meeting and plans were started for the trip They have also begun toplan for their dance which will be held on February On Friday the HiY sponsored film ealIA ed The Unchained Goddess This film follows along the same lines as Our Mr Sun the uncbained goddess being the weather and detailed ex planation was given of the known causes of certain types of weather with the aid of cartoon characters as well as Interviews with scientists The movie was certainly enjoyed and our thanks to the HiY for bringing such an interesting film to the school MATH MINDS Norths mathematically inclin ed students are turning their thoughts to the annual provinc ial mathematics contest Special classes will be held to help them One of our greatest hop 95 is David Eobier Grade Xf student who amazed 12 students by writing the algebra paper with them even though he doesnt take the subject and further he got 93 marks on the paper So far this year he has only taken one class with IZB Did anybody hear the strains of guitar music in the upper halls of North which started about 430 hiesdny afternoon It you are wondering about the reason why it is for school event to be held soon Mr Hamilton has announced that every Grade XII student must have talk with him about next years courses before the end of next week He must have this information to enable him to make up the classes and time tables for next years Grade Xfffs SATURDAY SIQING The Barrie Ski Club to which number of North Students be long in full swing Each Saturday bus leaves the Fest office at oclock in the Iorning with load of happy cheerful skiiers While at the club there are free lessons giv en by Hans Edcr and other in structcrs If you wish you can rent skiis at the Club The bus returns to Barrie around 130 and the skiiersrslill seem to be cheerful even if they have tangled with few trees This Saturday Tom Hamilton Larry Pickering Glen Reid Greg Budge and Manager Don Cameron with helpers Pamela Ottawa and Karen Ferguson are travelling to Orangcville They will ski against team from Valley Shush Ski Club group of members of the ISCF Linda Graves Beryl Hesketh Gay Ellis and Judy Kelly from North Pal Ann Lindsay and Wendy Lindsay from Central Patricia Clements of stayncr and Andy Welsman had the wondert experience of attending the Sixth lntema lional Urbana Missionary Con ference from December 27 to 31 IIRBANA CONFERENCE This Conference was held on the university campus in Urb ana Illinois which islocated about 130 miles southest of Chicago sponsored by the Inter Varsity Christian Fellow ship which is an international organization scholarship fund set up by the IVCF enabled many stud ents to obtain the funds neces sary to attend this Conference Christmas card project was undertaken by the students at tending from Barrie North to help them financially an they would like to thank all those who in any way assisted them in this project The aim of the Missionary Conference was to present the challenge of World Missions to day to the youth both on high school and university level The theme of the Conference was Commission Conflict Com mitment and this theme was presented by such outstanding speakers as Dr Billy Graham Dr Clyde Taylor the Rev Lawrence Love Dr Glasser Dr Eugene Nida and many other outstanding mis sionary leaders and thinkers There were missionaries from over hundred Missionary Boards to answer questions and to participate in opanels and seminars Five thousand five hundred studean from all over the worldattended this Confer once is well as listening to the speakers time was also spent on bible studies films work shopsand forums Free time was used in getting acquainted with students from Nigeria In dia Kenya and Korea enjoying discussions with them To continue the experiences of the Urbana Conference pra parations are now under way for Post Urbana Conferhnco sponsored by Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship and Inter School Christian Fellowship to be held in Toronto in Febru and Hnir styles in most instances are wcllvgroomcd but think again that some girls could be in little less sensational Radio ai dress is the exception rath ler thnnthc rule but variety is the spice of life is it not Ken Cuculick newlyacquir ed member to Central and who is basketball shark on the side says he litres girl to have long hair wellcombed and shiny Peroxide is definit ely out so no blood or streak ed jobs for me like natural curly hair with bangs and in cidentally blnck is my favorite color As far as school clothes go like matching blouse and skirt combinations preferably Poll Opinions Stress Taste in black and white The length of the skins should be around the knee use discretion girlsll Bruce Henry another member of the famed band think that most women are practical in their dress and choice of hair style Bruce says Girls dress according to their natural as sets It is nice to he differ eat but hair that flops over their face and bemllnes which are steadily creeping above the knee is going too for They are eyecatching to say the least PEP RALLY Last Wednesday prior to the basketball games against Mid land the Cheerleaders sponsor ed pep rally in the auditor ium An excerpt from the rally went something like this Our teams red hot Hotter than pistol shot Bang bang sis boom bah Ba rrie Central ltahl Rabi Rah Members of the all star team were introduced to the appreciative audience by Cent rals only genuine beat beat nik Mr William Stewart The Centrally renowned stars were Villnot Wilson Twinkle Toes Kennedy lcny Torn Tho mpson Muscular Hips Esiord hunt York and the Captain of all Captains Robbie Stewart The rally also obtained combo from where nobody knows that played very pri mitive rendition of something called The Twist that origin ated on banana plantation about fifteen miles northeast of Stroud tunquotel word must he said about the Captain of the team Ifn We are very sorry to have CANADAS KINGSTON TRIO Vancouver Folk Singers Appear In Nightclub Act By JIM PEACOCK VANCOUVER CF Brian Prcston was clowning but with some truth Just say that we may not go without meal but we may go long time between meals He was speaking as one of the Emperors Vancouver hosed trio of teenangers who with youthful enthusiasm set out seven months ago to make career in the world of popular music So for their success has been encouraging as each appearance seems to bring contracts for one or two more engagements the latest night club date in Port land where they made their United States debut Members of the group are Preston 19 who sings tenor and handles impersonations Doug Martin Iii baritone guitarist and the instage spokesman who introduces the numbers and Gerry Slohob i9 bassbaritone TV DEBUT Doug and Gerry singing rock roll patterned along the lines of the Everlcy Brothers turned up for television debut At the same time Brion showed up as tenor soloist with band from Mission City about 50 miles east of Vancouver Doug and Gerry had wanted to change their style and when they found Brian at the nudi tion they invited him to join them The trio turned to folk singing in fashion which later prompted Mayor Percy Scurrah of Victoria to ing them as fCan ndas Kingston Trio Each of the three had studied for tour or five years although Doug learned to handle tho gui tar on his own without formal instruction The group does its own arranging harmony and novelty numbers We cant blame anybody else for our mistakes Doug said Brian graduated from high school in Mission Inst spring and Worked for while as grocery clerk Gerry was pipetitter for time after high school gradu ation and Doug sold clothing in adepartrnent store But once theyd worked out THE EMPERORS Van couver trio formed six months ago after an accidental meet ing on television show have been meeting international success as singers of popular music Members are left to to right Brian Preston 19 FAMOUS PLAYERS fH EATRE NOW SHOWING MATINEE WED AT PM ELIII KAZANS PRODUCTION OF lit14130a iii IASS tenor Doug Martin in bari tone Gerry Slobob 19bass baritone CP Photo TERRY McEVOY to print retraction on an item mentioned in last weeks column it stated that Fred Ifeutink and Naomi Pigott both grade eleven students obtained 100 per cent in their geometry examination Bot Naomi must forfeit her 100 per cent to mere 92 per cent because her term mark did not equal her exam mark whereas Frcds mark remained at 100 per cent because his terms work also equals 100 per cent Dont feel inferior Centralites Just because student obtains 100 per cent ip an exam does nt necessarily mean he knows everything in that subject does it but It is usually fair indication MIGHTY MARKS While we are on the subject of marks some noteworthy ones are credited to Wendy Lindsay who obtained 94 per cent in grade ten Literature Ecrtha Fisher grade thirteen trig 90 per cent Ken Green Grade Ten Math 91 per cent Ruth Mitchell trig 92 per cent Evelyn Vatcrcr Typing 93 per cent Paulctto Haskett typing on per ccntBob And erson Typing 93 per cent Pat Shepherd Arithmetic 90 per cent Marie Goodyear Algebra 92 per cent Carl Hamilton their songs and show format as trio they abandoned other forms of labor to take up sing ing which they love to do Their club program sticks to music with little conversation but they spice it up with novelty numbers and Brians impersona lions They do three shows nightly in most club dates each show lasting 25 to so minutes It runs to 35 minutes it break guitar stringand its hap pened said Doug The Emperors have made their living from perfomiing since last July when night club audition brought them to the attention of Ben Kopelow of Pacific Show Productions Vancouver agency Theyve appeared at several Vancouver clubs and made tele vision nnd concert appearances which Gerry said keeps us in three squares day and little spending money besides Theyve got recording date coming up soon too with Aus tralian Rolf Harris whos been playing Vancouver club for months and it may not be long before theyre up there on the hit parade with the others IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING mo CINEMAschE JACKIE PIVER GLEASON LAURIE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT EVE AT 645 and 900 Sat Continuous From pm SOUTHERN EXCURSIONSV LOW COST PACKAGE VACATIONS Whats your pleasure Reï¬ning sunbathing Swimming Fishing slghtseehig The choice It yours ANTIGUA BERMUDA FLORIDA Miami JAMAICA NASSAU 1Day Excursion 5153114 anont smnnt Sutton suzsam FLOILmA Tnmpl MIly axnnninn nonnanns annmqu 519mm 3132mm 3114mm maxim me now summon 22 not mum rug grade thirteen camp as per cent and Val Westman grade thirteen Lin or per cent Tuesday mornings senior assembly featured Gary new as special speaker Gary relat ed his experiences at the Ont ario Athletic Leadership Camp on Lake Cauchiching where ha spent two weeks last summer Gary was recommended for this camp thnt is sponsored by the Department of Educa tion by the Athletic Depart ment at Central While at the camp Gary was exposed to new routines and teaching methods which he was hihtiï¬Ã©tttéthiLLIIM lNGE ataheWood and Inhodurim Warren Beatty nth Mini pith In Xptdlllllll AINMENT FEATURE TIMES 110 and 905 HOTELS rust Clix or DeluxeInter on Reililest Includlni Transfers man and sightseeing Catriona wm Indiessouth Americsnawaihoncnt MedlternneurArnnnd on World Call or Write In for Further Information nudReneNaldpns JOHNSON 8r CO LTD The world wide Traith Service £911hy Street Toronto Eltfpvlr 5star In1 Dunlap so out Barrio PArirwny sszs to absorb to the best of his ability to enable him to assist in the athletic training at Cen tral We are informed that Gary returned with one of the best records every bought back to Central from the camp and it is considerably difficultto ob tain an outstanding record In his talk Gary concluded that it was the most enjoyable two weeks of his life he has known and to the person to attend next year he said Dont miss this opportunity MIDWTN IER CONCERT money raising project of the Band will be the Mid Winter Concert featuring solo istJohn Pogue and assistingwill be the Ross Caldwell Singers The concert will be held on January 27 at 315 pm in the auditorium at Central Why not get party together and plan to attend one these famous and most enjoyable evenings spon sored by the Bnrrie Collegiate land and under the direction of Mr FisherY The program including selec tions to please all in attendance will have classical pieces to open followed by the Ross Cal dwell Slngers and admission is only $100 per person reminder to Connautos The Frosty Frolic sponsored by the rscr will he held to Centrals Gym tonight at eight oclock Congratulations to Jeanette Pratt who merged as winner in the impromptu speaking contest Jeanette will represent Central in the finals Tuesday with the other victors from their schools The competition is to be held at Hillcrest School in the near future BASKETBALL Du WEdnesday the Midlands Peoetang basketball players journeyed to Centrals court Our senior boys were winners in ragged game with their opposition Central boys out shot theyopposing team 88 to 52 but only managed final score of 55 to 42 Guards Gr ant Peever Bob Scruton Bob rvrswniriiiis INEW REBUILT $72020 DENTAL and SERVICE SIMIIIIE nusmnss Moms 59 Dunlap st on 84824 DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TOWN TEEN 95c Per Person Ample Parking HOBBY STEWART Skrypnchuk and Colin Sutben land moved the ball well each showing accuracy in long shots Forwards Don Arnold Den nis Wain Ray Thompson and Ken Cuculick missed numerous opportunities to gain points on lay ups during the first half of the game but after nerves calmed their shot found their mark The Junior game proved to be real sizzler Our hlnior boys led by Bruce Henry Gory Maw Don CroweMike Turn er and Paul Thompson scored to to 24 point victory More shooting and passing practise is needed by all three teams The juvenile team from Cen tral consisflng of First time players on the basketball court put up great fight but the Midland teamv however gained 34 to 19 win Our juvenile team is made up of the following students Dorien Cox Glen Courtney Pete Demay John Ough Ron Dietrich Blair Wyle David Gosney Ron Peever Jim Frase Peter McDowell Glen Hodge Tom Arnold Wayne Neely John Johmton and Don Johnston Centrals chances for league victory look very promising at least until each player re ceives his report card today This afternoon Orillin girls play host to Centrals strong girls teams IOOF BINGO Proceeds to cm mt Mon Jun 22 pm $22000 JACKPOT II Jackpot does not go some will play out for $25 IOOF HALL COLLIER ST IIIE EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment Hall 385 BLAKE ST Beside Kcmpvlew Bowl PA 68967 BANQUETS MEETINGS PARTIES CONVENTIONS WEDDINGS Ar SAT MooNiNG inAsv SITTERS 12 Noon SPECIAL Turnout GODDESS In Coidr nus mancanrbows IIRUAN swan BIG SNOOZE sums om PEPE CEREAT TREAT TWE at at at an