ARTICLES For SALE NO MONEY DOWN Pills your HOME FREEZE the FINFSI in FOODS $150 per person Cralghurst AstnthePASiALLourMEATSare FULLY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED and GUARANTEED Why Pay More Than 59c lb for your HEARS and SPEAK ROASIS etc Why Pay More Than Lie 1b for your Prime Rib Roasts Short Rib Blade etc Why Pay More man It lb tor your Pork Chops Baron Roasts etc you have your own home freezer or wish to purchase homo lroezer it msts you NO MONEY DOWN To have one at our salesmen call and take your order Call or Write to KLEERPAK FOODS 245 llFFIN STREET BARRIE ONTARIO PA 50501 Home Freezer OrdersFree Delivery up to 100 miles remitting3 hi FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK tlon 15 to too Various makes 110le Humans for sale Telephone stroud mill tor lur thar detaiiL due this month ll Hughs Simon 0N DEED Canadian General 31 Two Eltonnoun Cowl or sale oetrie Vacuum Cleaner tor aala with new swivel top All attach due this month aim Heller rel lxtund Apnly Jim menu sins Telephone PA um stroud or telephone mm or tree home trial navmonr and Swivel chair Tim cows inn with call at toot one due on January l9 cv Chesterfield and chair Dresser crossed Henlord artiAeimy bred and Bed with 191111 All in cir ceilent condition Apply Ed nail Rex hick RR Conhtown TIIO phone mun lseaton Furniture is Blyheld street PA 003 SEVERAL Relmered Ind Grade shorthom Cows due January and February Also Yorkshire bred out no to arrow early rehru ek Rumble nuudale Dn eicphens Moonstone Zulu POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLEIS More and more poultrymeli are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now or early order discount For service or help on your poultryproblems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smorm PHONE 17 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 54165 luv Mum super custom rm die now throughout Only down Take over paymcniu Tale phane PA 57311 loss FORD sead Take ovu psy menu of $11 per month For tur 3791 llntormatlon telephone PA uE Desi DINING noeln Suite pieca dark walnut exeeuent cnn union used Atriumtic Washing Machines in good working order $1995 each Almost new so Kel vintor Range original rice 399 critics on to Price ennnne chain brand now an each Clarks Home Pumirntnu tel phone PA euu lcmlli Equipment or Isle used only months like new Slnlle stage two hole regulator ua Lung tank constant reserve va ve nae Pot with harncu loain Neopiene wet rult complete lira medium Fina Inorkel mask weirht belt 11 pounds of weights dlvers flag and one prolenlonll dlvers kniic Quito reasonable Phone PA 56911 alter pm or call at 47 Marcus Street ARTICLES WANTED wANTxn med Refrigerators Stoves Wllhllil Machines 171151 ars Chest ot Drlwen Beds Tradein ChcsicrAeIdl and iiugr chrome Kitchen suites Telephone lPEA 528 Clarks Home Bunkh gr FRUIT 8r VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtland and other varieties grade Macs $150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA c9301 BOATS MOTORS WANTED Outboard Cruiser lo 1L to to ft Must sleep and be able to stand rigid lwection Please send all plrueuiln to Box iv Barrie Examiner DOGS 81 PETS WILLEIIS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lode song birds budgles and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish MES and all pets OPEN TO 330 PM DAILY PHONE PA H036 110m Pths black lace and flash Champion sllrd rendered Telephone 122911 RCAP Jump Hop den or further informan FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARN PA 37751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 N0 CHARGED so hours day1 days melt NICKS DEAD STOCK RE loxniead Ontario License No 139061 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICE Case New Holland David Brown heatty Farm Equipment 1768URTON AVE PA E2378 Anyone Interested In Going To The ORFEDA FARM SHOW Friday January 26 111 Tim CNE GROUNDS BY BUS Reservations must be book ed with us on or before January 20th us leaves shop at 915 am ï¬end returns at p111 Admission and Bus Fare isss CHEVROLET Coach new ml tor new brakes illut leii immedi ately Take over payments at monthly Telephone PA emL 1551 Donal Club Coupe Good running order New buttery 375 or best alter Telephone PA 30114 loss HILLMAN Minx tout door One owner Low mileage over lyments at $26 per month Telepgond PA 57 1260 PONTIAC cur door Sedan tor dale Low mileage snow the Will accept trade and can arrange tinance relepnnna PA costs 1310 cilxvrtom llel Air two door orlzlnkl ï¬nish new tires One owner Only $115 down Tele phone PA Milli or inrtnar ln urination lass DODGE our door Sedan or sale automatic vary clIIiL Will take older car in trade can an range ï¬nance Televhoul PA sous new ANGLIA Original snark isina matching interior Low One owner Tak over Plyments or 841 per month Tale phone PA 197931 1955 PLYMOUTH two door 0H1 Inll blue ï¬nish One owner $111M new Take over payments ol PE month For further Lnlflmle on telephone PA 57H 105 men for sale our door eight cylinder Iulonntlc transmle lion radio limo actual miles cant retuae any reasonable tiller Telephone PA 51733 alter pm 1951 sTuniznAm Hawk for sale in excellent condition would like someone to take over payments or win sell for best cash otter Tele phone PA Liane into PLYMOUTH automatic pow er steering vb also 1961 PLv mouth automatic Vs Both in axceUent condition Terms can he arranged Telephone PA us 1955 CHEVROLET Deluxe sour flool laden for me automupltk radio in excellent mechl cal condition unit call But otier Telephone Cookstnwn 4584495 or curiner information 1356 PONTIAC Laurentlan tour door lntnisiltii transmission clllc tom radio two tone ï¬nish Ag ntw throughout Must sell Takeover paymcnta of 29 monthly Tele phone PA 37931 1551 Palm six cylinder seas 15755 Ford $495 1954 Ford His 1351 Mercury $195 All can reliable care in top shape Sprouls Supeh test Highway 21 one mile south of Thornton Telephone ivy liltli 195C vAtlanLL Velox cylinder Selim Ln loud mechanical condi tion good tires mud battery Also new paint 10b Telephone PA some evenings loi lurther delt TRUCKS TRAILERS less mutiny rackrand DP dltlon $1100 Telephone Midland ldON ltlke body axle Excellent con HANIt BROWN RR BARRLE HOLLY PA 60333 CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 34272 Viking Separator Sales Box 41 Ontario Telephone PA 56419 An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 AUTOMOTIVE IO HELP WANTED Bl mum nuns you not your some told min for appelnhnant telphone PA Anytima LEARN momma Governmt Chartered Schoal Through training in Iii its cbea of beauty culhlre Ime HAIR SCHOOL II WORSIEY ST summimm an own buns Phenu Berqu PA ems inure memo Heat perusalrants null arm or limited tlma special or so gulminlmtub telephone PA LOST FOUND ovulation kntiamul robber onflhoel VIM Kipper Clea in error In Holiday Soul r3 day evenlnl llnl ll Pleu Inb pncoe PA mo IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP PA use To play their vital about this exciting portme NOW burn your MALE HELP Plan for fine future in the CANADIAN GUARDS NOTICE To CREDITORS theCanadtanG being accepted lain role along side their flier regimen Is in the mat houbled Interim er advan tagm permanent employmmt healthy outdoor life ratu of pay travel at and abroad outstanding In and mml7hï¬nh an physically fit find out career STENOCASHIER meter For local office of National Corporation Some business experience must Five day weekn5Allusnalemployeo beneï¬ts Phone PA 50285 FOR APPOINTMENT CLERKTYPIST required by local businm firm Single permanent resident pre ferred 5V day week Stale ul ary required etc Reply in writ ing to BOX 82 BARRIE EXAMINER UNITED CIGAR STORES LTD Require raleslady ior Cigar Store Age 2135 Apply MRS BARNES UNITED CIGAR STORES BARRIE ONTARIO TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA 7345 Mum mm MW 11 IO HELP WANTED LA Plum ruin housekeeper in earns Sheri IA ll LEGAL NOTICES FrenchThinking Irishman Heads Defence Production By JACK IN M1 own think French licking in administrative upe lbouxh still observe St Pnt enceFormyurs he hadbeen OHAWA tam rlï¬a Day and like to visit mayor of Si Gilles always Wmï¬mmm henna Ice in while Tbe elected by accumuon for problans the FrenobCauad in years hm been warden of cities who helped to maintain In pmmmn whim can will rule in Canada stands Nor Ill be without intram II living synthesis of III ATTACKS SEPARATE WW mum in PM Elf ixperienoe It had done Raymund Joseph Mlthaei och Canada or which he has Pemmrkum OHllrley suchon defence little sympathy separatism production minister almost National unity has be 211 melona jab or the gr 212 years before enter baldiah bard working former em WW iumhermnn since bishovpalgb PURE ilusn ment May 12 1955 to sad lie hasnt dro of French depsrmt which is the who blood In his veins His grand traflmg authority for WW lather Daniel OHurley from must at defence supplies County Cork came to Canada He agrees that 101 as an olfitxr in the Royal Hus Canade Confederation has pro can He met Raymnds and ducted special niobium But he mother Annie Chadwick while Insists them is only on place posled out of Quebec to kill be deal with themInside Con brown bears that were ruining federation settlers cm What is needed above all else gram Gm be we is understanding To Annie wits 16 at the time achieve this he advocates more tanner exchanges is French aKiller and first gen eration lrisii Canadian Their speaking and Engllslrmeaklns eon Canadaexchanges of students mm 0mm Ray monds other he the professors and intellectuals bloodline Intact try marryiï¬ He is the first Conscrvstivo Helen Nora McGuire that 01318 WW5 37 Though his work Is in Ottawa sen F110 Ray ollurlcye heart is still in federation bevuig been elected AND OTHERS ill or all 531 13 the County oi Simone Sales manAll deceaaea by anaem Ind by every line of his rough hewn Celtic cuminhe repre sent condiman that is 98 per cent French latblalere short distance aonthwnd ot Que bee Clb English was the language spoken in his childhood home In St Gilles Que His father could barely make his Way in French and his mother didnt care to try But he pleked up the lan guage at an early age and now Is equally fluent In both THINKS IN FRENCH Over llle ycars he has come to think In Iiendi rather than English At the same time be has mam 2d robust irlsh wit Please provide me details on Phone Last School Grady completed Age was COST CLERK Intermediate to years sitin dsrd cost experience located In Midland for firm TELEPHONE LA 65486 or write BAY MILLS LID Midland Ontario Part Time Ladies to do telephone soliciting in the evenings noonan motso oto eham comp tor local tilm temale education Ind experience 38 Ellrt Ir MALE FEMALE as thar male or AFPII 11 writing to Del health Good nip lied Tel EMPLOYMENT WANTED MA5whflofflhtgth floflliï¬ St Gilles with tile habitants 1957 by ousï¬Isglumw5 13 Every Friday night he flies to pnllile tonnelr Li oral p05 uebec City and goes by auto annexgenera to St Gliles to spend the week Pltoiioinp QUICKLY end In in hrstyearas an up Alldwssuudayandauday ho was parliamentary score Simdoy hefnnlds ulflce tor tary to Minis Minister Comtois People of the district who come now humanggonm of Que to him or advice on problems bee Now he is at the helm of using from lnmliy affairs to gunmen dam which busmess transactions his door in the last fiscal year let de ll open to overyam lays an fence contracts worth between meme 3600000000 and $700000000 oBuflcy mu remember his surprise when called by Prime Minister Dieienbaker to take on cabinet portfolio after Iudge Fined QUEBEC CP less than year in the Com Court Judge Paul loans had never even thought of becoming cabinet minis fined $10 and costs Thursday for speeding He pleaded guilty to ter he says Though short in parliamentary going 68 miles in an horn in somiieIimit zone experience he was by no means PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Grounded For Good HALIFAX GP Salvag He married French Cona ilian Charlotte Demon and French is the language spoken In the OEurley home Butlill live childrenour boys and girl have Irish or English names In the recent census Dermot 22 student At the University of Ottawa and Bertha 11 registered nurse in Quebec City were old enough to be independ ently enumerated Dermot reg lstered as of Freacbdesoent Bertha us of Irish descent think am in position to express the wishes and opin lons oi the French Canadian people said the minister as be relaxed in his comforteny appointed oflioe about five min utes walk from Parliament Hill have been accepted as one Sealed tenders clearly marked as to mntents and addressed to the kinship Clerk Mr Bell will be received until 1100 noon EST on FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1962 the construction of storm drains ditchm end reshaping of roadway In the Villageof An gus Ontario Sco of work will Include 300 eal it of ditching 987 lineal ft of un derground storm drain 10 to 30 die and reshaplng and groveiling 215 lineal ft of road way Plans Specifications tender forms and any additional infor mation may be obtained lrorn eiflier the Road Sup Mr Truax erlntendetit WWI ll Essa Mnnicl al Bililhdlngid 03L or sit of $1500 for each 52 LEGAL ACCOUNTANTS man scaooL girl will ban ait weekends monona PA DAILY CAI In alum in $50711 hmlond to FriC mm clil Telephon blue eppolnhiient Hm MALE HELP LEARN HOMES NOW Resident or Home Stud Schooll Tomato Ind Mammal RADIO cause or CANADA Send rot Free Book Careers In Eeclmnlm to mu St Toronto ontuIe GOOD MAN wmun loi natal interview Wth noomsrmo Service available miivtinie hilly XPIflIelIMd IIlo WILL on on Children In my own house Preferably between years at us Telephone PA um 13le WOMAN will look utter children in my own lime in Buddid vicinity very and ol dren Telephone PA 37368 or mrther details snow suaveLuna wall wllh must accompany each tender The lowest or any tender not it accepted CKEIT Consulting Engineer Vine Street Barrle Ont TOWNSHIP OF ESSA TENDERS FOR DEEP WELL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Sosled tenders clearly marked as to contents and addressed to noon EST on FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1962 Wm Hinton BA larrlslvr Solicitor and Notary Public 35 OWEN ST Corner Collier and Owen PA 61839 ROWE liarHated aoiintm NatalieI Public Conveyancen ell otlicel Owen st narria PA 511 ttrgpm oggocsljrwsaie out we cumin tinnitu Taskry Toronto and Barri Gran PHONE PA ROSE HARRISON HARRIS NEEDHAM f7 WRIGHT Certiï¬ed Puan Accountant nanis Dlncov Wilson Hldl Squm 33337 Needham CPA Underhill CPA Resident Partners Chartered Accountants lnistee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose CA company officials said Thursday night the Lebanese freighter Slime aground on reef is miles east of here will never be freed and as result we are giving up our eflorm Most of the crew have returned to their homes in Europe Immunity Asked TORONTO CF motion aimed at giving municipal 00mi cll members the immunity to siwm or write Box 21 Barrie Examiner lianed itawielgn suburban DLItrlot in Real opportunity or pemeneut proï¬llble work No experience required we train and help yonsupply lull stocks on complth Interest lrea credit Goinplny Executive villian BIB us next week to interview and aunt suitable Appllclnts For rumorrs wrie awe AIMZ £005 Richelieu rel BUSINESS 13 palntinx ganaral cleaning may home or onion Caretni dualism ion or short trim your car Gin Phoua PA 491 YOUNG MAN and oltlee work of soy kind ugerleneowwlth to out onld Ahnull and allied work MI or mine Relmncu 25 like to combine PA Hus ERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rattle By Month or Your Telephone PA 82114 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling stinging porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 56071 EXCAVATI N6 FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag Line Cement Busting or Eraising 55 IILDOEEDXSIIMEI out be or backï¬liing Diner work and making phone Stewart Con stmcï¬on PA 87321 FILL GRAVEL TOP SOlL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN Anna Street Barrie PA mm HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual vaIing Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 INSULATION INSULATION With No Rockwool THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTT MUIR AirTito insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 111 Free estimates guaranteed work TryAn Examiner Want Ad Psalm PA 112414 RE Barrie SIMCOE QUIKBRICK BAYVIEW EIECTRONICS PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH ANHD SON Pointln and Paper anging Spray Painting Service ï¬noe 1920 PA 56956 PLASMING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING cmme mums sacamvs mm mm mam mass no DOWN perm Lemons sins tPnoNE common RADIO AND TELEVISlON SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE an MAKES or RADIO snow 19 Adelaide St PA 89803 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON mmonuamnnsmvicn 33 Clapperto St PHONE Pa sass WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS lNSTAlJJED BY Hm DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Go Drll Sailplane PA 87646 WELL DIGGING WELLS dug deepened and re paired PUMPS sold and Installed KEN WINTER 12 MARIA srnnhr Pam libel action now enjoyed by pro vincial and federal governmt members was passed Thursday in the legislation committee Toronto city council The motion invited council to ask the prov ince for the Imisiation Group Walks Out TORONTO CPJTbe Indo nesian delegation to the eighth annual model United Nations held at the University of Top ontownlked out of the ass semblys plenary session Ihm day night displaying disapro val of an agenda addition call ing for the inclusion of con sideration of the Indonmian Netherlands dispute over West New Guinea Will Sell Plant BRANDON or Bnndhold ers of the ï¬nancially ailing Brandon Packers Limited voted Thursday to sell the plant and to keep it closed at least until the ï¬rst purchase offers are re ceived The bondholders offici aly took control of the plant when the company defaulted on interest payment of about $21 000 last Dec 59 Collier St Phone PA Hals MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher ll liano Slums lbeon Pupils ore and tar exlmxnatluiu or the oyai Conservatory ol bill Toronto AI guides and AnoiI linden methods studio 21 Bradford sI PA sms THE DAVIES OF CANALA voice PIANO DRAMA 1i7 NAPIER St BARRIE ANGUS ROSSTA Registered Iilurie Teacher Inctruo tion Piano Theory coaching ln LAW OFFICF AT flinch nun other school sub 91 Ross sr aarrle DUNLOP ST PA eons PA 715 SMITH McLEAN Habemwsï¬gflgc OPTOMETRY Blfllftinri etc ROBERT SMITHV RO 10 Owen St anon PA New Optometrist GLADSTONE CURRIE QC to 50 moses Weunes afternoon Slmxtu andsnucitor Law 001cc at Dunn st East earrie c2585 Wilson sulidlng Fred Grant street sarria Ontario NOEL STEPHENSON Telephonax PATkm an Optcmirisi Ra FUNERAL HOMES pnghlggslmflaam STECKLEY FUNERAL cow HOME tor summon suvrce Want Ad Section Ago MnDERAjiET con accepted mm sownlust sum PASSES som PHONE PA 82414 for the Simply and main Ilatlon of deep well water supply sys munlmpal garage on Concession in the of Ex CON DER SUGG BARRISTERS SULILITORS nannies PUBLIC ti CONDER BA SUGG AA iziilll pnnlnp st hut PA esm COWAN cow6N BARRISIERS ROSS COWAN 58 COLLIER Sl PA 84521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barristers and Solicitora is Collier at Barrie Fh PA WILSON MOORBY BARRISTER st souclton Plans Specifications tender terms and any additional inior atlon my be obtained from either the Township Road Sup erintmdent Mr Trumr Essa Municipal Binidlng RE No 1I Angus Ont or the undersigned upon deposit of $1500 or each set certified cheque for the the total amount dlad must accompany each ten The lowest or any tender not necessanly accepted BECKEII I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday Feb I7 1230 sharp ï¬ucï¬an of farm snack im anenis straw sin and household efleets or Davin CULHAM lot concession 12 Sunni dale hip wo milasnorth and 35 mile east of Sunnidaie Corners of Highway 26 Terms cash no reserve as farm is sold Jerry Cougliiln Auctioneer may January so Home Ein°sil° cum on HlIhway 27 Term cash Sale at oclock Fidicr Cielit Rutledge Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March pm sharp Suspect Arrested NUEBNBERG West Germany AP Police investigating furniture warehouse tire which killed 20 persons announced Thursday night the arrest of Hans Schmitt 2a paperpress operator They said he was sus pected of throwing away cig arette butt that started the fire Smoking was forbidden in the basement waste paper store vBIsdes Defeat Day before publication Auction sale of farm stock and implements Holstein cows fresh and springing beef cat tle hay straw and some household clients for TECH MAYNARD At Lotls Concession 12 Teov umseth Township miles straight north of Eceton Termslcash No reserve as is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer ESELLT MbslAnyihing Yoni mothers re pe sub lube se ed meas 1kit ern Division Kalle iLEtlmonton 85 Los ANGELES AP Los Angeles Blades turned back Ed monton Flyers 55 Thursday night it was the second sub cesslve defeat here for the North Ieaders of the Western Hockey League gt The game was played before 3726 second largest of the see so here Willie ORee the Blade at tack th twogoalsand lust ahou erybodyelsegdt into tll actwlth Wally IlelgBSllel mgr Real Cb vreftls Mole Ed 10on scored twice for Ed monton while Chuck Holmes Forhes Kennedy andDon Chi ti singles