plus more mums ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS mro an and Sin Janits Ncy cu Darch Henry Dam vuwl Cousin Ontario in Simmer motLn Blowni listen on Wodno Iy Inulry last baby rlrl Patricia Ann husPHzBSosOscar and Dorothy announce the arrival of son on Vcdngdl January in 196 at Toronto Western llomiial bio ihu for Bui fun and Mary DAIGSBAULT Al the Royal Vlrlnlln Hotpltal on nicsday January ii 102 to LAC and um Marcel Dhitneault of 11 Vancou ver Street Barrie dioram Midst HAPPY OCCASIONThl birth of your childi To tell in good news to friends and neighbors Th0 Barri kaminer Clafiflhcd sat as near as your up one day of birth Just dial PA um The nu is only use IN MEMORIAM smniznsln loving owners of our darling daughter Lorie who Asset away January 10 ml We do not mfd splat1 day To bril you our rol lhzdlyr we do not think of Arc vc bud to find If all ihlr world werc ours to give Wed give it ycs Ind men To see the arc of Doric dru Come xmtllnl through the door Evcr remembered by plum and Dad CARDS OF THANKS ilALLBrrl wish to thank my fellow workers for their klndnus and consideration whlla Wu home slck Special thanks to the Public Works Department and thc EnBInccnng Drplitmcnt for their helpnob llalleit COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE Saturday January 20 am ODD FELLOWS HALL Auspiccs Guide and Brownie Mothers of 5th and 9th Barrie DANCING EVERY SATU RDAY CABAILET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $250 couple For Lible reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757M Lower Auto Insurance Rates To Top Students TORONTO CPI The State Farm Mutual Automobile Insur ance Company plans to encour age high school students to higher academic achievements by offering reduced auto insur anoe rates to top scholars Irvin Tone vicepresident of the Canadian branch of the com pany said Thursday good stu dents may expect reductions of up to 20 per cent He said the system hal been operating in California since January Current State Farm Mutual rates for drivers under 21 are as high as $4330 for six months coverage against bodily injury and property damage Mr Tone said there will have to be discussions with education authorities before it is decided which students would be eligi ble for the discount CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisemean are inserted at the rate of to per word per insertioh for one and two times do per word for three four or five times and zinc per word for is or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96c EUR 14 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTIONO moss 0R CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that all phonu lnscrtion orders an accepts ed as convenience to you the advertiser Therefore the Classified Advertising Department men to kindly rechenk advertisement immediath after first insertion in ordcf that any errors or 01111351011 may be reported haioru in order that same may be rectiï¬ed for the following days insertion order We wish to point out that The Barrie Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion on any advertisement and then only to the extent or Portion of ad that involves the mlsprint Errors which do not lessen the value of this advertise ment are not cligiblo for com tions by makagooda Coming Events be per word minimum charge 50 Birth and Death Notices or up to 95 words over 25 words 5c per word utrai In Memoriam N0lt tices $150 if verse usedsc per word extra BLIND LETTER 8m Information regarding advertisers using Blind Letter Box Number for Replies is held strictlycnnfldA Infill Replies to Letter Boxcs will be held onlylo dxya after Inst day DI publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must he received by p1n day pre cedingvrpublication with the ex ception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day Rates and or unit display clnstsytlgeds billsy be ob REAI ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 82419 33 Dunlop St alarm MARSHALLPA Mao COREYPA 054m alumni my PA Miss REAL IslAra CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member of in Barrie and niatrlrl Real mai Board MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 54801 OR PA 61802 113 Dunlap St HENDERSON REALTOR ie COLLIER swam PHONE PA 82573 EVENuvcs CALL llrrA scANan PA Moat DOROTHY Wltcox PA new Pmcv roan PA More runners SWAIN PA was Member of aims sad District and Ontario Rcll Estate Board CARSON Al To 11 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to tha Imperial lheatre PA 645481 Member of ilarrlu and District Kohl Eltan Board CQSQTTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrio BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Groom bungalow located on the corner of Vespra and Bradford Streets This is an ideal loca tion for business or someone wanting central location For full details Call Walter Coutts OUTSTAN DEV AND DIFFERENT Architecture of this bungalow designed for those who like selective home Extra large liv ing room 12x24 extra large master bedroom covered with broadloom each bedroom has its own washbasin heated sun room builtin garage basement is completely tiled Grounds professionally landscaped Call Walter Coutts BUY OF THE WEEK We are fortunate to have three bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage in immac ulate condition inside and out which may he purchased for $10005 per month including principal interest and taxes to one NHA first mortgage Low down payment For full details call Walter Coutts COMPACT HOME Storey and half sroom dwell ing living room 11x18 kitchen 9x13 garage low heating costs Gmd home for economical liv ing $10900 Down payment $2000 Call Walter Coutts NO SALARY REQUIREMENTS $1015 down to one NHA mort gage $11635 at iii2 Month ly payments $103 including taxes Centre hall plan rug brick bungalow 1074 Sq ft Living room 10 long medium sized dining area kitchen has manufactured kitchen cup boards ceramic tile bathroom three bedrooms with space sav ing closet doors EleVen block basement forced hot air perim eter heaung 60 lot frontage municipal improvements have been paid for Close to schools and shopping Immedi ate possession Fine selection of comparable homes May be seen at your convenience Call Wal ter Coutts $25000 LUNCH COUNTER SERVICE STATION And living quarters on promin ent comer highway location doing good business and room for expansion Will take reason able down payment or trade for house in town Call Coutts Member or home District null Estate Board PHONES Office an atlas Evenings coupon courtsPA W75 wanrm camsPA will SANDY COUTisPA 34m PRIVATE SALE EastrEnd Location Close to public and separate schools Four bedroom bunga lw mo hathruomslarge ll ng room Bright compact kitchen with dining area Own er transfer Willing to be cept any sortable offer for txlacd through The human side vrrtlsing department this lovely Telephone PA 66053 ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOPSTREETEASI First in Barrio Home SalasForemost in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES Evmcs CALL Mas MochaPA H131 ROGERSPA use FOSTERPA um CommPA mu CLIFF RBIREOWN 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA sow PA Wu Hunk of Julia EmPWPA 738 FernLl CarverPA $7931 Norman in cans uni saut Hoard loll DalPA um mull RuiSPA MIT SheIsWeII REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 39961 PA 742 First Moflgage Funds Available Interest 60 of Value No Fees Charged ocllourun PA Mus Duratt Bhaiswlu 0M 29 lemma can such willson BA m1 Nouns Shaman PA m1 Howard Norris PA Mics HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE I5 Owen St Barrie PHONE PA 56588 Mutant of THE aAfilun AND DISTRICT aw ESTATE BOARD BARGAIN FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS Nice brick bungalow with liv ing room kitchen dining space arbedrooms Very close to public and high schools Owner being transferred Immediate possession Full price is $12 500 501 mortgage carries for $8182 interest principal and taxes VERY ATTRACTIVE BRICK BUNGALOW With garage attained Near public school and busline Very roomy kitchen with lots of cupboards dining room plus roomy living room Basement contains huge rec room with extra accommodation This home is nicely landscaped Must be seen to be appreciated mill price $22500 Terms ar ranged VERY CENTRAL Brick bungalow with large liv ing room kitchen and bed rooms Bathroom has beautiful ceramic tiled walls with vanity Basement large room for rec room bar area and room that could be used for fallout sheL ter This home is situated on 66 front lot close to schools Priced $15900 $2544 down NOTE velalrnngc first mortgages for Viclorla and Grey Trust507 of value Phone PA asses after hours phoms uoh Flcwclllng PA ohm or Paddy fillies PA 84200 HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY REALTORS 98 BAYFLELD ST PA 56453 ANYTIME FOR THE METICULOUS HOMEMAKER An outstand ing bungalow bedrooms one with adjoining powder room large family kitchen with dining area Downstairs pine panelled rumpus room and extra room This home cost much more than the ask ing price of $17500 Dial Maryann Smith PA 69453 or evenings PA 84028 FOR LEASE OR RENT bed room bungalow comer Steel and5 Vancouver Sts Gall PA 664 ALLANDALE Olloice bed room home $2000 down Only 21 years old Balance on one easy mortgage Nomi Hes keth PA 66458 evenings PA 87015 BARRIES BEST BUY 3year gtold bungalow with rooms finished in basement Owner will Sell for $3500 less than cost year lease available at $150 month Call Harold Forster now AEMOST NEW room brick bungalow large recreation room with bar very close to Steel St Public and Separate Schools Reasonable down payment and balance on one mortgage Joe Palmer PA 06453 evenings PA 60063 Member oi Earrle and District Real Estate Board BUILDINGS FOR SALE Canadian National Railways has two buildings for sale at Allandale the restaurant man agers dwelling and signal maintainers Shop See poolere tinbuildingsrfordetaiis THREE BEDROOM NHL Bunga low three months old mahogany kitchen cupboards recreation room ia basement Low dnwn psymzai on mortgage Claratn school shopping PA oasis Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Iiffin St PA 00476 Member of the Barrie and District Real ziti Board Keith Marsha REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 112592 15 CLAPPERTON sl annals DUCKWORTH ST ii bedroom bungalow large liv Ing room dining area kitchen bathroom full basement all heating garage This home is in immaculate condition for only $10500 with only $1500 down balance on easy terms EAST END NHA Resale bedroom bunga low in excellent condition for only $13000 with low down payment Call now to inspect this one MANY EXTRAS In this fine syaarold rug brick bedroom home in good residential area close to Schools Large lot beautifully landscaped Owner has been moved Will sacrifice Carries for $85 monthly ED 660 morons at as Mcmber Barrio nd District Real Etna Board PRIVATE sALB or older income house Contains three Ipsrtmentr one broom and two sroom Con tral location Immediate alln nlt quirud Telephone PA 07200 ALCONA BEAcB near school and store rooms and bath but and cold water furnace garage ctc Low down payment Reasonable terms For particulars phone Stroud seals LOTS FOR SALE LOT 50 feet 120 feet for sale Lot No 15 Plan 404 Will set very very reasonable Apply 69 John st or telephone PA 55360 PROPERTY INANTED CLIENT WITH 52000 wants bed room bungalow near North Collclt gllta Call Carson llesl EJtate PA Heel BUS OPPORTUNITIE For SALE Dairy Bar Lunch Counter and Locker Storage on Main St in Goldwater Ont $11000 full price includes equipment and property Small down payment Lib eral terms can be arranged with responsible party Apply to Lakeview Dairy Lid PA 6650 mulr AND VEGETABLE market for sale on Highway 12 between highways 400 and 103 New frame building 40 24 with cold room 10 on lot 150 100 Busi nuns menace write sex all hands hammer MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $l549 at$56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly UP to $5000 and 00 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I41 Dunlap St PA 66477 MORTGAGES1st and 2nd bought sold and arranged Commcrclal and resident moneys loaned on existing monglgges Barrie Hm gale arakm 08504 Try An Examiner Want Ad JAN REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR REAL ESTATE RENTALS RENTALS ARTICLES For SALE MORTGAGES PHONE for 1st and 2nd MORTGAGE 21 Hr Phone Service Including Weekends PA 80981 Immediate loans Anywhere on all properties aloarcacn FUNDING Dunlap East aver SIMPSONSSEARS FINANCIAL $5000 I1c FOR NEEDA MINILOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST Ask son LEO McNAMAEA PA 60203 MONEY To LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay em of with lowcost lifeinsured SOOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOIlA RENTALS Low coaT SPACE for Clean ONLY ronL modem bulldfnls Suitabln for commercial or light industrial Telephnna PA 515 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING BOMB Built for this work Sam and privala moms kind nursing cm good food TV rooms rtltlori was gen for outings Telephone mu sircud APTS HOUSES TO RENT MODERN two bedroom spart merit East end Blrflc Allin laundry facilities Parking hlurt be seen to he Appreciated Phone PA 02020 UNFURNISIIED two bedroom apartment bolted Centrally loca ted Parking provided Rent 70 monthly Telephone PA 02480 or after 030 pm PA N555 LARGE nicely decorated one bed room lowcr apartment heated unconthlncd central location again welcome Telephone PA mull Boonl unfurnished heat rd apartment for rent CentraL Private entrance and bath 65 monthly host and hydro included Telephone PA M1198 UNFURNIBHED on hellud self contained four room Ipartment Ground floor front and side ch trance Available now Telephone PA mill napalm apartments four mom and privatu hath hot water hut eo uuutles supplied Located in Angus Telephone Camp aorden 129 1215415 and after pm FIVE ROOM Brick Bungalow for lent Forced air gas heating sit uatcd in Angus For further in formation telephone PA 50504 UNFUILNIBBBD three room apart meat with four piece bath Close to East End shopping Plan and hug stop Telephone PA 87215 for further information UNFURNISEED two Apartment for rent locxtion Hardwood floors Heated Three piece bath Telephone PA 50720 for iurthcr information FIVE ROOM Apartment kitchen and living room Heat and Central wired for dryer and stove Seifcontained Parking Telephone PA Mass or PA 07527 Folm ImoM Apartment till bath unfluninhcd Stove and le rriguatol supplied Centrally 11gt exted No children Available lin medistcly For furflier lnionnm tion telephone PA souL FOUR ROOM heated hymen for rent unlumkhcd with 510V and refrigerator Parking lphce Five minutes walk trans Five Points Telephone PA M230 101 fflrIIiel particulars THREE ROOM heated artmcnt with bath ï¬nished in era fun niturc Selfcontalncd Central Ground floor Parking clean With plinted wall oak Ind tile floors PA 84861 wanna noon sell contained apartment to rent Newlydecora ted With stove and relllgemor Plenty of parking space Availabl immdlateLy East and Telephoas VPA 61095 LIVE LUXURY New spacious ultramodern iiva room apartments till 1ng and afï¬xellgtur on son an ar an tiu Telephocllliy PA in PA or PA N334 MODERN two bedroom apart ment with stove refrigerator washer and dryer on main floor of apartment building Avlliabln now Apply 128 Cook street or PA 87119 FURNISHED large hextcd bright bedsitting room bright kitchen bathroom Parking facilities Cen trally located suitable for two Reasonable rent For addluiinsl information telephone PA il7104 ROOM Burlaahow for rent all conveniences oil hcated Ideal moundings on paved road Bar rid is miles Also room fully furnished utmsnt suit retired people Prmlch phone 0x0 150 FIVE ImDM Apartment with bath Basted Unfurnished Downtown location Parking available Belf containad with private Entrance Immedintc possession Telephone PA 815 or PA szvu after pm analEn Upper Apartment Kit Ellen living dining room two bsdrooms hma piece tllo hath prlvate entrance Sanger amplu cupboard Splce furnished hot and cold water Close todowrl town business section rslephono PA c7150 BBATBD mural floor unfurn Ialled apartment Bright good nelsllbplhood Central Privhto trance front and sear Venn Two bedrooms during room llll room kitchen lots of cup hoald space tau pieci bath In bedroom Place Hot And cold witcr Ecl tenable Telephone rA 07150 Downtown location APTS HOUSES TO RENT The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworib modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dlnl 11 area all best with air conditioning full basement serviced landscaped grounï¬ bamboo drapes 586 month PHONE PA 32740 $65 MONTHLY Heated five room unfurnished apartment downtown location pnvato entrance Available at once TELEPHONE PA 88588 NEW MDDKRN nvo room house for rent All conveniencea In Snead oil heated Tile noon throughout Telephone Strcud mu for further information man noon Apuinlent or Ml private bath reinsrife and no overlooking Inka ho mediate messiah No children 302mm PA mic or same completely pri entnl location Hot water Game liaady lo arhooL Available immediately PA non after pm confrontAnn three room up furnished heated apartrazai Pfi Vlte bath laundry and plrhlnl faciutiu $55 monthly Apply 161 Aline Street South or ielephouu PA can after pm six R0011 Apartment to rent Ludo living room and bcdmiml two smaller bedrooms cemblna flan hitchendinfag Share baih unheated 60 per month Tele phons PA 37100 NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom lplrtmeuts overlookan Iconic Kampenfelt Bay Hedi wa lcr Ipulling Ind iinlior nervlco tnclil ad Automatic washing la simian PA 02902 Two 1100M furnished apartment for rent heated with refrigerator and Stove supplied Separate en trance silo laundry facilities 12 weekly Telephone PA 30551 for filter particulars DNFUILleerD coal four tooln apartment for rent 0n highway in Stroud Completely self con tuned prlvlte eninnrs and bath room Telephons stroud 1111 or further information 70 MONTHLY Four room upper duplex with utility room and private blth Heat and water SUDA Pllcd Unfurnished Available Fob ruary Telephone PA coast for particulars Amcml HEATED modern one bedroom apartment solicoa tallled private entrance pukinl utilities stove and refrigerator supplied luurt be seen to be up predated PA 59050 or PA MN COMFORTABLE three room on iuralshed heated apartment pri vate bath laundry and parking facluiies $55 monthly Apply Anne Street South or telephone PA 58503 ONE AND Two Bedroom modern unfurnished apartments stove rc frigcrstor dupes Outside of 331 ric heat 50 and $75 with lease Russ Jennings PA 05373 or am 69 collect AVAILABLE February Two bedroom uofuranhed apartment but andwstur supplied aclbcorl talnsd Dist cnd location 375 per gown Telephone PA ailssu or PA UNFURNISIED upstairs apart Inth for rent Ihrce rooms self contained on heated Centrally lo cxted Small baby wclcnmc Avail Ibla now Telephone PA 89757 for particulars CENTRAL Location lcx two bedrooms dining room large kitchen hath private entrance unfurnished heated No objection to one child Telephone PA 06643 Upper dup living room By ALICE anooxs BASIC BLOUSE If you wear skirts suits slacks thispattern is must for youl It includes SIX differ ent versions plus the jewel necked basic thats always out standing Be wise send nowl Printed Pattern 4569 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 13 20 Size 16 basic blouse 1V yards winches Sa ll FORTY CENTS cents in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS careof Barrie Examiner Pat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tern Catalogready nd More than 100 sparkling styI sport day dance work All sizesl Send 35 cents apartments APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PARK BeSIde Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with store and rdrigcrator Use of washer and dryer Hedooorated annually PA 51068 ANGUS Four room bonu with bath unmanned Apï¬i to AI llooertson telephone Hols Avlflnbil immediately BELLE xwaar Fiv roem win terized house for rent as per month Telephone Lefmy 89 for furthzr information no eirht room house to rear 011 heated Queens Park Are Avonale immediately Telepho PA 520 Two Banned Home for rent oil furnace Ideal location on Ken Ecnlcli nay AdiIlia Telephone 01407 for further information TWO anaoohl Apartments for rent fluted Central location Hardwood floors Telephone PA boon for further information Two llIDnnoM upstairs apart meat for rent unfurnished Cen trally looted in Alisndale lint and hydro supplied Available im mchaIer Telephone PA um Two nzuhooll unfurnished npanment for rent on main floor of new erplox Duck and front entrances Automatic dryer Tele Phtgio PA arm for further infor ms on Two 110011 furnished IDlrtindnt Heated suitable for one or two adults Parking facilitirs Allan dslu district Close to Highway For further information tele phone PA 57190 11gtan on LOWER Duplex for rent heated and unfumlshcd UP Per three bedrooms lower two bedrooms Close to cheat and downtown Avallabla January 20 Telephone PA 05500 Two BEDROOM rent Tastefully decorated hut Aluminum storms and screens All conveniences write Box 53 Barrie Examiner or phone VA 74300 Oxkvllle MODERN two hcdrooin bungalow for nlo or rent Every convcni rice full bxsrmcnt oak floors oil hcauug nice Available February George IiIcGIndcry Thornton Telephnnu Ivy lean COMFORTABLE sroom apartment moderate font sclfcnntntacd warm Central bus 115 Penciang st 34541 Auowanro for xclvlco LARGE modcra unfurnished one and two bedroom apartments pri vate hath hot water heated laun dry room with dryer Telephone PA H224 or PA Mills 1le AND Two bedroom hparb meats stove refrigerator Janitor union and laundry Ictlltlrs heat ing from $8000 monthly Telephon Leech PA $7570 Tunas noohl unfurnished beat rd talent for rent SclIc0nlt tsine ldpanta entrancc $55 per month Avallnblc Immcdlnflily Telephone PA 52710 or PA 82113 YOUNG Business Lady wining to sham completely furnished apart ment with name In Allsndale All lclfcontatncd Bus service at door Telephone PA sum aftcr pm SMALL FIVE noohl House on No 11 Highway in Painswick close to store and school All Eonvcnlcllccs Oil hcntcd ltcnt reasmablc Tole phone PA Mala Avallabld 110w UNFuIiNisllED two bedroom apartment on Kcmpcnfalt Drivo overlooking boy in apartment house Immcdlate possession Sublt lct short term lcasc Telephone PA 04704 evenings only THREE aanll furnished spart meat for rent Heated Refrlgcra tor heavy duty stove hardwood floors self contained Available Lrnmedihtely Amstmnzl Hurd waru PA 02441 bungalow for Oil Near stores and PA Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used ggdsl plus new all data isms Why belgdlusyoriginsstg cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 HOME FREEZERS Food Plan Available GE General Factory Trained Service LOWFSI PRICES McFADDEN Appliance 122 PENETANG STREET PA some TERMS NEW GUNS AT cosr FOR BARRIE RESIDENTS GRAHAM CARD SPORTS is Mississaga St ORILLIA FA 55954 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have 19 prlnts of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please call at our Bust ness Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders GIossy Prints $100 8x l0 $125 plus tiuf STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM I2c to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea lus PROVINCIALP SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 EWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x10 Ideal for thin bell houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 75¢ PER DOZEN Apply Tho Barrte Examined Two HEATED self contained $55 monthly Imwor with three large rooms Upper con tains three rooms with nursery Ncar schooL Parking Private ca irsnces Telephone PA $9720 mmmblATE Possessio Newly decorated unfurnishi three room opalImth with bath chtcd and private entrance Close to bus stop Telephone PA 05555 or 215 Toronto Street Two BEDROOM unfurnished sulf contalncd dupch Living room kitchen dining area basement Front and back entrances $90 per month Apply lai Napier Street or telephone PA 37101 lmFUnNISEED east and two bedroom apartment for rent in new buudinz Parking laundry storage space Available now Not suitable for children Telephone PA $1445 ROOMS TO LET EATBD furnished room to rent with linens supplied rangntte and refrigerator Apply at 61 liisry Street lor further particulars mammal heated housekeeping room for rent with rangctte and use of refrigerator Ground floor sarong fmmAmna Telephone PA as as NIcEnY Furnished bed sitting room for rent with kitchen plIVA ilcgcs for lady Located very close to downtown Reasonable Tcla phone PA 13591 for further par tiuulars ROOM BOARD CENTRAL Room or Room and Board available for one or two persons Bus stop at door Home privileges Telephone PA oases 47 ARTICLES for SALE STAMP COLLECTION and pecuni ulxtlona for sale Telephone PA 04014 for further octane CASH LOANS$500 at 12 Per month Telephone PA 00203 $11152 Finance 20 Dunlop at CLASSIFIED Barrie Ontario FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your fumaco now between Jan 15th and Feb 28th and get your dual air attachment FREE with every complete insullatlon Reg $69 FORCED AIR 01L OR GAS NEW $110 Finance Rate Phone collect Stroud 41115 WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud Low Overhead Low Cost vase PlIILco TELEVISION for sale Good condition 575 Teiolt phone 111 06110 tor furiher in formation MODERN Chesterfield and one Chair for sale like new rosy toast in color 3120 Apply to 114 Duckworth Street Barrlo ONE ONLY used Filter Queen for Sale in good working condition $4950Telcpllnrie PA 03402 for fur Lher information DILY Mlan Hardwood for sale any length Two cent or more $15 cord delivered Telephona Frank Coughun 757833 Eimvalc CUPBOARD for sale wooden door shelved approximrtely 46 4sxle cream painted $15 Apr ply 155 Blake Street or phone PA 358 MDslmAT Fur Cost and two Cloth Colts for sale All size 40 Genuine Sable Stale in excellent condition Telnphono FA mill for further information TYPEWRITBILS bought sold reap ed repaired student rental rates Ask about our Rent ATry then Buy Plan Star Typewriter Co Bradford St PA 66595 Fun YRAPS Jackets Iï¬ld 113 for no or are an cox reliqu and remudElIingi Moder lta ces Apply Mllme and son 182 Dunlap Street Wat Barrie Telephone PA 32032 DIRECTORY OF UNHSTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS OK JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE PA 66525 AVIS RENTACAR SYSTEM 107 Dnulop St THIS SPACE AVAILABLE ITELEPHONE PA 82414