OUR TELEPHONE For Baminer Want Ad Tab bone PA Halls The telephone number to call for the Businm or Editorial Dept ll PA LOCAL WEATHER 5mm mash nally cloudy ro mamng cold low tonight High tomorrow 10 For full lummary turn to page two ulation is for an extra $10 on inlaw Rage pensions more aid to uni 98th YearNo l6 No Early Poll Seen OTTAWA tCP Bigger old versitics and prairie farmers and some broad reforms of For lioment are key points in the legislative package on which the government is expected to make general election bld this year The package hardly sur prise one was unwroped Thursday by GovernorGeneral Vnnier as he read the govern meatwritten speech from the thmnc opening the new session of Parliament The pension boost was unspe ciï¬ed though widespread spec the $55 monthly chcqucs paid to all aged 70 and over subsequent government on nounccment of an early start by Parliament on enacting part of the program apparontly dis pelled some suggestions that Prime Minister Diefcnbakcr would call on immediate clccA ion WILL BULK LARGE But the throne speech made it evident that social welfare bcne fits will bulk large in the pro gram the government will put to the voters The prime minis ter can call an election at any time and the throne speech list of measures doesnt exclude the possibility the government has other proposals up its sleeve Along with the pension in crease the government will pro pose similar boost in assist once payments to the needy aged between 65 and 69 and in blindness and disability allow ances all of which are jointly financed with the provinces An even bigger step in social welfare was indicateda con tributory plan of old age pen sions and related benefits added to the present pension system First however constitutional amendment would be needed and the provinces would be askedto consent to this For pfairfefanners hit by last years drought there will he new round of acreage pay ments The lost two such pay ments in 1958 and 1960 were around $42000000 each No price tag was put on the promised boost in grants to uni versities now distributed in all provinces except Quebec at the rate of $150 per capita of pop ulation The throne speech in dicated legislation to meet the situation in Quebec where an arrangement on corporation in come tu allowing the provin cial government to pay the grants expires this year government bid to reform the Senatl was hinted with the announcement there will be Che itiorri Barrie Ontario Canada Friday llnulry I9 W62 Not More Than per Copy12 Page vvonscoum WRONG PCS lOSE RENFREW measure relating to the Sen ate Nothing was speciï¬ed But Prime Minister Dlofeoba kcr already has hinted at re tiremcnt age of so for senators now appointed for life to the 510000nyear posts Two other parliamentary re form steps were spelled out more clearly An Independent commission will be set up to take over the job of recommending redistribu tion of Commons constituencies done every 10 years by polit lcallyioaded House committee heretofore The throne speech said this will ensure the job is done in an equitable manner upon an objective basis STUDY CLOSURE special Commons commit tee will be instructed to draft proposals to eliminate the dos urc rule in Commons debates controversial rule lost used by the former Liberal govcm ment during the tumultuous 1956 pipeline bottle in the Com mons lhe usual pomp and pagean try marked the session opening as Gen Vaniatravelling by auto instead of horse drawn carriage because of blustery cold weathercame to ParlinA meat to read the throne speech in the Senate chamber Soon alter however the op position parties served notice theyll provide plenty of the works in the session Liberal Lester Pearson and CCFNDP House Leader Hazcn Argue who will open the eightday thronespcech debate Mdndny both issued describing the In the Commons the CCF NDP forced vote on the ap pointment of Paul Martiheau PCPontiac Temiscamlngue as deputy Speaker The appoint ment carried 179 to Mr Ar gue said his groups opos tion was nothing personal but was meant as protest against the government using the deputy Speakers post as stepping stone to the cabinet Borden Corporal Killed In Corporal Russell Eugene Mars den 33 of Croemore was kill ed instantly last night when his car collided with farm trac tor on Highway 26 near Stay neru Police say the tractor was be ing driven out of lane on to county road 13 by Vernon Roy Day 28 of RR Creemore Day was uninjured Cpl Marsdens son William is in hospital at Collingwood for observation and his father Travis Moore 53 of Croemore suffered cuts The dead man was medical assistant with the Royal Can adian Army Medical Corps at Camp Borden where he had been stationed for eight months Marsden had enlisted in the army in 1951 day it drifting in off the Great Lakes He lived in Creemore with hiswife Theresa and children 1Igrancis Barbara and Wil am By THE CANADIAN PRESS Temperatures are low in Can ada and are expected to stay below normal overthe week end the weather office said to Snow is reported on the ground in every part of the Do on witl1 the exceptions of Windsor Ooh Halifax and Vancouver Island Theweather office says no important change in tamper ntures is exported for few days About the only commendable thing in the weather picture this week is that little snow is fall lng Thereis an area ofvlight now in Alberta and lorries Low temperatures across the country reported this morning range from 12 degrees above at Vancouver with four inches of snow on the ground to six above at St Johns Nfld In the middle Calgary re ported six below Regina and Wenipeg shivered with 28 be Smash Two British Industrial Giants Clash In TakeOver Attempt LONDON CP1vo British industrial giants who produce most of the countrys man mode fibres clashed head on Thursday in battle that will almost certainly have roverbcr ations around the globe The London Stock Exchange eacted immediately to the 923001000 bid by Imperial Chemical industries to absorb Courtaulds Limited In the excitement and hectic oalings on the exchange 1C1 hares dipped and Courtaulds rose on the first day of one of the biggest takeover figth ever seen in this financial centre Burglar Freed For Gallantry LONDON APiA convicted CPL RUSSELL MARSDEN Temperatures over Weekend Will Remain Below Normal low It was 25 below at White River and eight above at Tor onto Montreal reported four above and it was 12 above in alifax The entire continent caught in the cold grasp the Arctic air extending all the way to north ern Louisiana Texas and Flor ida tions mï¬oncgntmnow is being conducted under the armys nat discover possible ional siirvival IN NUTSHELL Immigration Law Changes Expected OTTAWA CP Ohanges in Canadian immigration regula to remove racial discrindoation from Canadas immigra tion lawsare expected to be announced in by immigration Minister Fairclough Seek Bottlenecks In Attack Plan MONTREAL CPlj blockbyblock survey of Canadas roman event of uncleanatlack burglar who went to the aid of policeman badly injured while chasing him has been freedby the Court of Criminal Appeal Thursday Henry Crouch 26 was flee ing the scene of the crime across the adjoining rooftops when the pursuing policeman crashed through skylight Seeing that the policeman had been stabbed in the throat by spoof of broken glass Crouch went back and stopped the flow of blood until help or rived Crouch was sentenced Sept 29 to 20 months on the burglary charge The appeal court ruled Thursday that in recognition of the extremely gallant nature of his action he should be re leased from prison immedi ately Bed Submarines Arrive In Iakaria JAKARTA JfReuters The chief of Indonesias liberation operation staff for West New Guinea said today he believed peaceful solution waspossihle in the territorial dispute with the Dutch MajGenAchmad Janl said We are still doing our utmost tofind peaceful solution for the West Irian West New Guineaiissue the Commons today bottlenecksin the Whatever lts outcome the current conflict will have on impact on host of nations either producing or buying the products these corporations and their competitors produce Both 1C and Courfaulds have subsidiaries in Canada and these will be affected if iCls takeover bid is successful lCl owns Canadian Industries le itod and Courtaulds has sub sidiary at Cornwall Ont mas king rayon fibres and tire yarns as well as other interests We havent yet worked out the details on how to handle the Canadiancompanles if our bid General SANTO DOMINGO AP swift countercoup led by his own officers ousted strongman Gen Pedro Rodriguez Edwar via Thursday night and restored constitutional civilian govern ment to the Dominican Republic The sudden end of two days of militarydominated junta rule touched off one of this andent citys wildest celebrations Rafael Bonneliy 51yearold lawyer professor was sworn in aspresident almost 48 hours after he and three othermem hers of the allcivilian State Council were led out of the Na tional Palace as prisoners of wouldbe military dictator Rod riguez Echavarria and civil ianrnilitaryjunta installed in their place Six of the seven members of the state councilmost of them longtimeopponents of the Tru jillo dictatorship emerged from incarceration or embassy refuge and resumed control of the government they first took up Jan The state councils first act after returning to the National =Bongo Drummer lust Part Time Given four Years HAMILTON CP Walter Dumas 34yearold barber sand parttimebongo drummer was séntencedTh day to fair years in penitentiary on charge of manslaughter Dumas was charged following the March 21 1961 of Charles Edwards 38 whose bea ten body was found in down town hotel room Asking for leniency counsel Lincoln Alexander said it was unfortunaté death followed drunken orgy Nm COMPATIBLE NEW YORK AP Actress Joan Bennett said Thursday that she and producer Walter Wan ger will be divorced endlngra 22year marriage because of compatibilityr is successful sold an lCI of flclnl GIVES BATTLE CALL 1C1 chairman Paul Chambers gave the lntwbaftie command at press conference in the companys huge headquarters overlooking The Thames near the Houses of Porlioment He spoke only no minutes af ter Sir John llanburyWilliams Courtaulds chairman curtly ro jccled Chombers increased bid as inadequate 101 original of fer was worth total of £180 000000 There is no question in any circumstances of 101 making any alteration in the bid and no question of 1C withdrawing iLs offer Chamber said We will go ahead on these terms Chambcrs stressed the impor tance of size and integration in the British chemical industry in meeting competition from Eu rope and the United States On the stock exchange Court aulds showed gain of 25 Hid 37 cents on session which added more than £l0000000 of their total value 101 shares fell to 565 for market value loss of more than £20000000 near their lowest level in year Liberals Win PCs Wintermeyer Is Jubilant By FRED CHAGE Canadian Press Staff Writer Liberals took one seat from the Progressive Conservatives in five Ontario byelcclions Thursday strengthened their hold on two others and put up powerful battle in two ridings held by the Conservative gov crnrncnt The opposition won llenlrew South Conservative since 1945 in race that ended in confw sion when the returning officer first declared the PC candidate victor The switch came shortly after am Ioday when returning of ficer John Findlay said on error had been discovered in vote tabulation He announced Liberal canard Quilty previ ously declared beaten by Con servative Colin Mulvihill by 65 votes actually was the winner with 135mm margin Brant Liberal stronghold remained in the fold by land slide and in Kenora the partys slim majority in the 1955 gen eral election was increased sub stantislly WILL ASK RECOUNTS Liberal Leader John Winter meyer jubilant at the trend declared rec0unts will be re quested in the Toronto ridings of Benches and Eglinton which the conservatives retained in HRONE PACKED SENATE CHAMBER Ousted Civil Rule Restored Palace was to accept the resig nation of Joaquin Balaguer Trujillo holdover who was pres ident until the junta deposed the sevenman council Tuesday night Young businessman Donald Read was namedto fill Bala guers council seat Radio Caribe said Balaguers whereabouts were not known HERES ONE Biggest gross for an animal act at Midwestern carniv al was rung up by novelty tiger and sheep performing tricks in the same page Amazing commented vis itor Do those oddly assorted creatures always get along so smiably together They do have bit of dustup every now and than admitted the trainer but we dont let that bother us We just buy new sheep Congo Blood Spills once Again Gizenga Is Still Under Guard LEOPDLDVILLE Fresh bloodshed in the eastern Congo again involving Congolese troops was disclosed by the United Nations today spokesman said fourcivil ions were killed and seven Eu ropean churchmcn threatened byhoodlums Wednesday in brawl at Roman Catholic mis sion school Province Local police and the troops were reported to have clashed All the dead were believed to be Negroes atthe school St Pauls College In addition three were wounded UN re Ports indicated the white men were not injured UN Malayan platoon mailed the scene Thursday andre pnrted the situation nbw is who es northeast of Kongnlo North Kntnnga town where rampaging Congolese troorps massacred 19 RomonCathollc missionaries and an undet mlnednurnher ofNe civ inns New Years The troops were in command on loyal to prtrCommunist Gizengahthc recentl deputy premier UN reports fromVStanleyville In cate that Gizenga is still in Riverside mansion there un der guard by centrnlggovern menttroops Reliable sources United Nations has recom men ed thatGizwgan in Eagira Kivu eastern Kivu here to remove him from the Stanleyville area in Oriental Province inicase there is any further trouble with Gizengist soldiers ls third all ridings and produce tight races The New Democratic Party contestingits first0nfmio elec tionssince it wasfounded last summer by the CC and the Ca nadian Labor Congress ran Beachm who 404 votes seplt nrated the win ing ConSErvative from the NDP candidate New crals increased their popular support however over their CCF predecessors in 1959 Standings in the sitseat legis lature scheduled to open its spring session early next month will be Conservative 70 Liberal 23 and New Democrats five REJECTS IDEA Premier Robarts fighting his first campaign since taking over the reins from Leslie Frost late last year noted his admin istration has been in office only two months and rejected sug gestion that the hyelcclions were test fhis new govern ment Later he said in statement from his home in London Now that these campaigns are behind us we cangel on oiith our job We can now com plete the plans which my ad ministration has under way for assuring greater progress and prosperity for the people of this province Reaction to the New Denfo nrats showing was mixed Provincial Leader Donald MacDonald regretting the close defeat in Beaches said he and his colleagues hoped to build from the foundations it hades tablished DISAPPOINTS ARGLE Hazen Argue House leader of the COP NDP group in the Commons termed the results keen disappointment except for Beaches lie added it would seem that even in Canadas in st industrial province labor has shown little inclination to support labor party The new members elected Progressive Conservative Leonard Reilly 49yearold bu sinessman illsvote victor over Liberal Jean Newman in Eglin ton where Eamonn Martin of the Now Democrats ran poor third and John Harris sales in ger who held Beaches by 256 votes over Lib eral Donald MacGregor and 404 over the NDPs strong candi date Stanley Bullock Liberal Robert Nixon 33 son of 42year legislature vot eran Harry Nixon who in creased his late fathers 1959 majority in defeating Conserva tive Garnet Brown and Robert Good of the NDP in Brant RD bert Gibson anyearold lawyer who defeated Conservative Pete Robertson and NDP candidate Emile Blouin in Kenora and Mr Quilty whose third oppon ent in re South was farmer LeonardLaventure of the NDP COUNTS AS LIBERALS Mr Gibson continued party tradition for Kcnoraby running on LiberalLabor ticketbut is counted among the Liberals in the legislature All seats were made vacant by deaths of sitting members Albert Wren in Kenorahformer mines minister James Maloney in Renfrew South former liquor commissioner William Ceilings in Benches former education minister Dunlop in Eg linton and the elder Nixon in Brant The Liberals made their big gest inroads in Toronto Dr Dunlop won Eglrnton by close to 7000 votes in 1959 while Mr Collings margin was almost 3000 These gains plus Mr Nixons strong advance helped push the Liberal share of the popular vote to 45 per cent compared with 38 for the Conservatives and 17 for the New Democrats In the last general election the Conservatives polled 50 per cent in the same ridings the Lib erals 38 and the COP which contested only four 12 per cent The voting in the midst of winters most severe cold wave to date climaxed campaign that saw all parties strongest figures tour the five ridings It produced two explosions in the late stages INJECTS HOT ISSUE hot Renfrew South issue was injected by Mr MacDon old who declared four Conserv ative suporters had been granted timber licences without public tender In the final week Attorney General Roberts hinted list of gambling clobmembersin the hands of provincial police might prove embarrassing to the Lib eals ciadled atoll rum led cover autonfter both collidcdlmgl Namoont Saint shglit on died APWirephotd from rlsh