Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1962, p. 2

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wooden screen at right has been added by the Com munists to the Redbuilt wall on East and West Berlin bor der to impede clear view into the East Berlin zone West Berlin police at left armed with automatic weap ons patrol along the wall AP erepboto Raps Sanitary Facilities At Sheltered Workshop History aims and problems of the Sheltered Workshop for Young Adults were explained to members of Kemponlclt Bay Kiwanis Club yesterday after noon by Mrs Jenn Gable Mrs Gable president of Barrie and Distrct Retarded Childrens A5lt socintlon spoke at luncheon meeting to bring the public uptodnte on the workshnps oplt eratlons and problems Mrs anle said the workshop opened May 1959 with five trainees nnd Mrs Eileen llan kin as director Enrolment has climbed since to 15 The workshop received its first contract years ago for labelling and posting of 48000 catalogues every six weeks other printing firms and estab lishmenis have also given the group work PUT OUT BULLETINS Mimeographing has become very important item said Mrs Gable About 17 organi zations now have their bulletins put out by the workshop To acquaint the public with the work of the association and the workshop six fall fairs were covered Mrs Gable said She evaluated the reception as excellent We met many new people and sold workshop ar ticles totalling $600 she said Mrs Gable then explained concern over the Cundles pro perty on which the workshop is situated Wben we moved to the Candles old school we fig ured it was on the same basis as the King George School said Mrs Gable At King George School we pay $1 year rent and can be evicted on 30day notice We have been there for seven years and have received every coopern tion from the Barrie Public School Board owners of the pro perty said Mrs Gable CLEAN HOMEY Mrs Gable described the Blake Street school as clean comfortable homey and ade quate for the present needs The school board has even helped us make some improve ments she said Mrs Gable explained that at Cundles the association had hoped to do the same but had found things to be other wise Water has to be carried said Mrs Gable The well has caved in and is useless and the toilets are inadequate We plan ned to drill well put in pump and install toilets but when we asked permission to do this we were refused she laid gt Theschool board gave us to understand they did not wish us to sink money into some place they may ask us to leave in 30 days stated Mrs Gable SEEK SITE Our executive held special meeting and decided to buy site and plan to begin raising money for new building she said site committee was estsb llshcd with Garnet Pratt as chairman The committee has met several times and is said to have agreed that the present site of the workshop is ideal The following reasons are giv en for their choice the work shop is established in business there Its site is wonderful spot for tourist snles it is cen tral for the trainees to come to it is situated on busy high way and in an area that may soon develop and help the work shop and it is ideal in size be cause of its room for expan sion recreation and loading and unloading of workshop goods The association has offered the school board $10000 for the Candles site To date we have bad no of flclnl acceptance or rejection of this offer and we understand the board is seeking legal ad vice said Mrs Gable NOT BOARDS JOB We wish to stress that we do not expect the school board to look alter us as that is not their job explained Mrs Gable but we are now at an impasse and there must be change There is no grant of any kind from the government or any lothor source to build or main tain sheltered workshop At present we have about 1000 feet of floor space but will need 3500 square feet or building 50 by 70 feet The following is list of rc quiremenis desired in the new workshop store in front of the building from which to sell the passcrshy andto deal with those who come with their con tracts directors office staff room washrooms several smal ler rooms and one large room all well lighted plenty of stor age room place for trucks to loan and unload and lunch room for the trainees to eat in as everyone brings their lunch and remains from cm to 345 pm Mrs Gable reported the as sociation fig 11 workshop sales in 1961 would be 31000 As of November 30 the sales totalled 14872 Mrs Gable said public attl tude towards the work of the association couldnt be bet ter She added Our workshop setting an ubmple for elite right across Ontario and our directors advice is constantly sought if we cant get the Candles site we will find one where we can plan accordingly said Mrs Gable The sheltered workshop is another little industry for Ban rie We just have to get pro per quarters for it to operate she said Outline New Medical Plan WINNIPEG CP non oompulsory medical care plan run by the provinces but heavily subsidized by the federal gov ernment was unveiled Monday as Manitobas proposal for mak ing full health coverage avail able to all Canadians Ottawa would have no say in the actual running of the scheme although it might stip ulate minimum standards ground rules to use Premier Duff Robllns phrase The plan outlined by Mr Roblin before the Royal Com mission on Health Services calls for per cepita federal grants to help pay the differ ence between costs and money derived from standard pre miums In affect Ottawa would be ourcu SINK BOAT Cross approximately lo cates spot off Dutch New Guinea where Dutch patrol ships caught small flotilla of Indonesian torpedoboatl and sank one the Netherlan Navy said Underlined is Am boina from where the torpedo boatsweio believed to be op crating on Pbotoldap helping to foot the bill for fam ilies or Individuals unable to pay the premium Mr Roblin declined to speculate how large the grants should be but agreed under questioning to try to give the commission some Sugges tions later on how basis might be arrived at The concept of federally assisted plan operated by the provinces tits in with the think ing of Saskatchewans Chief Justice Emmett Hall chairman of the commission who has often said that for constitutional reasons the federal role must be limited to making financial contribution It is also thearrangement governing the federalprovincial hospital insinance scheme Mr Roblin said the scheme should be voluntary for the medical profession and the gen eral public It should not in ooive the conscription of doclt rs Grand Jury Deliberaiing The grand jury of Supreme Court retired yesterday to hear evidence of three cases in Sim coe County court house in directing the semifinal illW Mr Justice Donald Morand said You are the people who decide if there in sufficient evidence unreasan for the accused to stand trial It is not yours to try the ac cused but to decide the validity of the charges of the crown The threecases are the non capital murder charge against Lydia Anne Crawford in con nection with the knifeslaying of her husband John Richard Crawford onSeptemher 25 robbery with violence against Bruce Mine and rape against Wayne Albert Barber Lawr ence Albert Wagner and Gary Ferris Mr Justice Morand also dir ected the jury to inspect he courthouse and jail and an May Alert Australian Armed Forces CANBERRA Reuters The possibility of an alert for Au trallan armed force loomed to daylntbowskeoithenavsl club Monday between Dutch and Indonesian ships off New Games The question was entered on theagcndafornsesslnnoftbe Australian cabinet meeting to tiny for the first time since last grooms deadbeat genera elec on Political observers said Prime Minister Robert Menzlu was startled and disappointed by the naval battle and was in contact with Washington and London to exchange views about it Observers said the cabinet would have to decide whether United ratio an intervention should be so and whether Australian litary forces should be at on alert New on is divided into two partsthe western half is administered by the Dutch and the eastern by Australia indov nesla claims only the Dutch half of the island GOVERNMENT WORRES Observers said the Australian government was worried about lndoncslnn occupation of West New Guinea but would not go to war over such an invasion unless it got the gonhend from Britain and the United States They added the government would first cxhnust every means to persuade the United Nations to end any fighting be fore taking nny action itself Australia will grant tempo rary refuge to Dutch nationals fleeing from any lndoncsinn at tacks on West New Guinea the Sydney Sun reported today The report said authorities were making arrangements to receive the refugees if the need NOSE it added the immigration de parlmcnt also would consider applications from Dutch roiu gees to become permanent resi dents ei Australia The number of whites in Dutch New Guinea is about 16000 HEADS POTATO GROWERS At meeting of South Simcoe potato Growers Ross Whiteside was named president for the coming year with Bill Dorsey as vicepresident and Peter Switzer secretorytreasurer KINSMEN FURNISH ROOM Late last fall Barrie Kin men Club announced it would furnish special room for asthmatic children at Royal Victoria Hospital Kin presi dent Earry Hadden left prey seals cheque to the hospital boards fundvralslng chairman Ernie Ball The new room first of its kind in the hospital is expected to save trips of patients to Toronto or other centres May Not Be NecessaryTo Ioin Trade Blocs Minister States WATERLOO Ont CP Canada is alert to opportunities and maintains variety of trade goods to offer the world it may not be necessary to join trading blocs Trnde Minister flees said Monday night Proposals which would have Canndn loin one or another particular trading bloc seem to fail to take into account the damage which such an assocla tion could pose for our rela tions with other trading part ners Mr Hees told gather ing at the opening of the inter national business management course at Waterloo University College Canada produces for export variety of goods which are in French Government May Clamp State Of Siege By ANDREW BOROWIEC ADGIERS AmFrench au thorities fprepared 4today to clamp is state of siege on Al giers unless the mounting wave of terrorist violence that has killed almost 250 people since Jun halted Civilian and military officials in manifesto called on Euro pecan and Moslems to say no to murder and terrorism Government sources said the authorities are ready to pro claim state of siegeeven if it means further disruption of Algiers economic lifeto com bat the terrorism by both Eu ropeans and Moslems Among measuresunder con sideration are strict curfew the closing of bars and cafes and heavy restrictions on the movementof cars TERRORISTS STRIKE The wanting was issued after another night of death and vinlt fence Between 630 and 080 pm seven persons were killed and nine were wounded in grenade and sub machine gun attacks in Algiers in other parts of Algeria ter rorists struck in towns and VII inges from east to west Unof ficial figures showed at least 11 persons were killed and Hears Complaints From Orillians ORILLIA CP Alderman Murray Robinson former po lice sergeant appeared at per lice commission meeting Mon day in spite of earlier state meitits that he would not be pre mi The meeting was called to give residents the opportunity to present any evidence of cor ruption within the police de partment Two members of the three man commission received com plainants one at time The members were Mayor George McLean and Mag trate Gordon Foster of Barn The third memb Judge Harvle of Dam is on vacation and no decision can be made until his return Mayor McLean said two sub missions were received snd that Mr Robinson requested more time to compile evidence for presentation at future date MllSCIllAll PAIN hm illNIMEltT Soothesitke rm sunllght On Algeria about 40 were wounded in 11 cities and towns eanwhile French Army and mixeofilcers were lnforrfled that secret contacts between the French government and the Al gerian rebel regime were pro gressing and that ceasefire announcement was poslble in the near future Official sources isid impor tant headway was made to ward compromise in the last few days Authorities feared that if an accord withthe rebels is an nounced the rightwing Europ can Secret Army Organization would attempt to block it by creating further chaos and dis order demnnd all over the world be said So long on this is so Canada benefits from maintain ing the maximum flexibility to take advantage of new oppor tunitles as and where they arise For this it was necessary to achieve and maintain the full kels oi the world last 10 years Canadian produo ers opened markets for more varied and complex products These ranged through uranium petroleum naturnl gas aircraft and electrical apparatus which together account for annual sales of One problem however was that this widening base of ex ports had been outpaced by im ports This produced trading deficit of $713000000 in 1955 but which had gradually been re duced until surplus of exports over imports now was in sight Oaco figures are compiled for the past year have every hope that 1961 will be the first year since 1052 toshow trade surplus he said MAY BE FEARFUL Canadians te to feel overAnwed and fearful of their ability to become competitive with the more advanced econ males of Britain and the United States They may forget there is al ways place in the world mar ket for attractive new wellde signed products One basic need in export is to offer products that are different if these can be characteristically Canadian so much the better TODAYS STOCK PRICES Fumpiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop St Barrie mnnslnsu Asbestol Ahftlhl Steel Algomn Aluminium Alberta Gu Alta Nat Gu Atlas Steel BK or stone Bank of NS Bell Tel Bruinn EA Oil RC Power Cdn Bk of Com Cdn Brewer CPR Gt Lakes Homo Oil End an Cement Cm Chemical Can Ofl Calgary Power Con hunSm Con Paper Consumers on Lnbltt moino Normal Din San Dom Faun Dons store Dom Tar Git Pow Harlin Farm Home Pit Imp To seen Argent Inlmd MG Inger Nickle no my on lock Clllh lilac Pow Riv Mmey Ferg Nor om no Moon Carp mm Pore osium Pacino Pck Pam Pipe rm Hersey Que Nat on Roe Rothmln anyi sun sand sonnu Simpson Shawlnlgan Steel or cm TorDom ax Trans Can 12 Trans Trust Texaco Union Gar Walker new Mln MINING Can Husky Can Devonian Camp Cblh Con Del Rio Conner Reno Con Hall Sullivan Falconbfldxn Geco Minn Eollinior Lmlque undo Maritime Normetal Normstn annull KmAddlson Manly Min Opnmiskl Quemont nio Aigom Sher Gordon Steep Rock United Oil Ventures Wiimy Wiitsay $40 254 960 lt 555 ms 32 120 195 Eaéfiééé HVB MOST ACTIVE STOCK Lah Duleuit Murray no Nortnssto lene nnwuorrss an max nvannuas Indulhlnla down3ll7 Rail downnv Utilities down 11 manna STOCK Industrial down 52 Gold JI nxanNaE mnxx Metal down 46 our up mvmnrm DECLARATIONS McIntyfl Pornqu 15 Payable Mmh ex dividend inn THREE CAR DRAW WINNERS Chevrolet Mr Jack Quinn Dundes Ont Envoy Mrs Hazel Singer Camp Borden Ont AustinHeeley Mr Dennis Riel Toronto Ont ro ALL mos wHo osslsrso WITH THIS seizva FUNDVRAISING PROJECT THANK You Kin Cerelygt Kinsnien Club of Harris est possible access to all mar day pupa Mr Hecs said that over the THE HARRIS mm TUESDAY JANUARY 19¢ TONY AS NEWSMAN Debate Livensv Up On Earls Action By ALAN HARVEY LONDON CPlTbe Earl of Snowdone entry into Fleet Street bate One British newspaper says questions are expected to be asked in ibmiiouu of Com mnytgnlte lively de mossabouttllowlsdoizioi Princess Margarets husband starting work next month with the Sunday Times Political commentators are saying that Lord Snowdons new job may be linked with Prime Minister Maemllianl visit Mon day to Sendrlngham where be bad an audience with the Queen Official circles in Whltchlll discouraged suggestions that the audience had any underlying po litical significance But the Manchester Guardian says that if the controversy gets hotter it well may Macmillan may have to make some public comment At first Fleet Street appeared to welcome the announcement that the former Antony Arm strongJones successful pho togrnpher before his marriage would join the Sunday Times as artistic adviser on the new color supplement the newspaper plans to issue starting Feb Only the Reynolds News an other Sunday paper said that Snowdon had made on error of Judgment in taking the lab POWERFUL ATTACK This week however power ful attack was launched by The Observer main rival oi the Sunday Times among what are known as Britains posh Sun The Observer said it seems doubtful whether the monarchy had been well advised to involve itself in newspaper economics it said it vould inevitably seem unfair that Snowdon should be used for the enlargement and enrichment of the newspaper empire controlled by publisher Roy Thomson The Times published The 0b WEATHER Synopsls Aside from flurriel of light snow essentially fair weather has returned to south ern and central sections of the province Northern Ontario con tinues clear and very cold Lake St Clair Lake Erie Niagara Lake Ontario Hell burton regions Windsor llam llton Sunny with cloudy inter vals today Mostly cloudy with few snowflurries Wednesday little change in temperature Westerly winds near 15 with gusts to 75 Toronto Sunny with cloudy intervals today Mostly cloudy with few snowflurries Wed nesday little change in tempe rature Westerly winds near 15 with gusts to 25 Lake Huron southern Georg ian Bay regions London Cloudy with few sunny pe riods today few flurrlel of mostly light mow Mainly cloudy Wednesday with more frequent lorries of snow little change in temperature West erly winds near 15 with gusts to 75 EARL 0F SNOWDEN servers remarks without Itself commenting This unusual ac tion by newspaper regarded as pillar of the establish ment in en oftquoted British phrase was seen by Fleet Street as highly significant The New Statesman weekly magazine says Snowdone ap pointment is brilliant stunt The new employee it says will be free to do as much or as little work as he chooses while the Sunday Times gets the al most unlque publicity value of his name for sum which in chicken feed Speculation has put the figure at about £10000 year The Yorkshire Post sees little likelihood of government inter vention lir Macmillan and the Queen it says would be aware of the political undeh tones in any public controversy over Lord Snowdons appoint ment but the feeling in West minster is that it is private matter for the Royal Family RAISE QUESTION The Daily Express says mem bers of Parliament plan to raise the question in the Com mons The Yorkshire Post any attempts to do so are doomed to failure since this is ques tiun involving the Royal Fam Willlam Connor columnist of the Daily Mirror who writes un der the name Cassandra today lift is hand of welcome to the Royal newspaper man TheObserver says Connor had got into rare tiny and he raps it for making the mis take of pleading its own cause There were no plans in the Mirror to match the Sunday Times catch Connor quipped Until TonyontheMountain persuades his charming wife to become womens feature editor of the Daily Mirror we shall soldier on alone hfia HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 to travel when we tend the store MONEY can be bother Even modal sum when its tied up in real estate mortgages or stocks ma keep you much too busy to enjoy yourself However there is solution good one let The Sterling Trusts look after things for you Sterling Trusts will collect rent or other payments Exercise stock options and rights Keep records and make up your income tax Invest your money and make regular pay ments by cheque anywhere in the world In short Sterling Trusts will apply their experience to every detail of your financial affairs And you Youre tree to relax and enjoy yourself Arrange meeting with Sterling Trusts soon snenuu THE TRUSTS CORPORATION 11 1Ly St Toronto is Muiufl lush

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