Top AP ewSmen Look At Congo Situation This Is the first of two articles in which three sociach Press reporters Lynn Illinzerling winner of Pulitzer Prize for his re porting from Afrlcfl MAX llarreison ellch AP norm spondeat at the United Nalt lions and William Ryan Al specialist on Communist affairstake flock oi how the complex Congo Illuallon developed By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS llcrc are some questions and answers to fill In the background of the Congo hatanga situa Iion Why is The Congo so im portant The Cuban is rich big strategically important land Belgium ruled it for so years built Europeanstyle cities and an urban economy which made the Congos city workers the highest paid in Africa Mass welfare and health programs followed benevolent policy but education lagged far he hind When the Congo became independent June 30 l560 only about 20 among the 13500000 Negro inhabitant were college graduates The Congo under Belgium produced half the Wests uranium 72 per cent of the Wests radium 80 per cent of its cobalt in per cent of its industrial diamonds eight per cent of its copper and tin Its location in Africas heart and its colonial history made It proving ground for rival cold war forces What was the political sit nation at independence Tribal loyalties made it difficult to form united Congo Tribesmen in the six provinces had little to common At lode pendence the national Congo movement claimed majority of seats in the lower house its leader Patrice Lumumba then 34 formed government His ctuef rival Joseph Kasavuhu 42 accepted the largely cere monial presidency to Katanga scarce of huge share of the Congos natural riches provin cial Premier hioise Tshombe proclaimed secession accusing Lumumba of being proCommu nist in Kasai province leader Albert Kalotui demanded pru vincial autonomy CIIAOS CAME How did the United Nev tlons become involved With independence came chaos and violence Before the nation was two weeks old its bewildered central government was appealing to the UN for military help claiming Belgium had sent troops in violation of BelgianCongolese treaty The Security Council authorized mil itary assistance By early Au gust 11000 UN troops were de ployed in all provinces except Kataoga Belgian troo with drew from all areas ero UN forces took over Qgt What did the UN cool its mission Security Council resold lion July 22 1960 in eiiect unanimously committed the UN to defend the Congos territor sder from lleopoldvilla by 29year the idea of accessions Secre lai integritythat is opposed tary General Dag Hammerski jold told UN troops they could not be party to internal Congo conflicts How did The Congo become cold war issue For one thing the Soviet Union sent trucks and aircraft to transport Lumumbaa troops after the UN had refused to provide transport for cam paigu against Baluba Lribesmen supporting Kalonli The Security Council Aug 1960 called on Belgium to withdraw troops from Katanga declared UN forces were needed in Katangn to carry out its resolution UN troops entered Katanga in mid August Lumumba denounced llarnmnrskiolds contention that UN forces could not interfere in Katangan internal affairs The Soviet bloc and such nations as Ghana Guinea and the United Arab Republic backed Lu mumba The Russians accused the UN of permitting itself to be used in BelgianUS con spiracy to support Tshombe for colonial purposes Soviet attacks onflammarskjold rose in inten sity By this time Lumumba had been overthrown and the Soviet Polish and Czechoslovak missions had been expelled tango LUMUMBA MURDER mumbas death have heroic proportions and accepted asamartyriomaoyoithe African countries The Russians contended leftist year eld Antoine Glzengn was heir to the premiership Gizenga set up regime in Stanleyville While the Congo wrtthed in morass oflnflation unemploy ment economic paralysis and general misery movement he gan in Leopoldvine for another try at unity Last Aug Kasa vuhu designated 39 year old Cyrille Adoula as premier of government pledged to unifica tion Gizenga accepted post as vicepremier in Kninnga merit again became the top UN problem Fighting flared last September when the UN de cided to use force against the Tshomhe regime On mission to bring about peace meeting liammorsltioid died in an air plane crash old ltlaiGen Joseph tlobutu the army commander be wiloerlng series of violent events was thwarted by the murder of Lumumba in Ka What effect did Lu Lumumba was built up to What effect did this have It The secessionist move What was the effect of Unpleasant Shock To Denmar mm mmmflmml Industry If Market Joined COPENHAGEN Reuters Danish industry In in for some unpleasant shocks if Denmark joins the European Common Margret says government re PG ft estimates that 20 per cent of all Danish industry will be considerably affected if the country goes into the sixnation group The major cause of difï¬culty is that the productive structure in some fields is not adjusted to conditions in bigger mar ket it says Denmark months of the seven nation European Free Trade tion recently plied formally for member in the Common Market Among the more immediate results of ioining would be to creased competition and higher costs on home and export marv kets the report says Steel scrap prices would go up by so to 100 per cent and coal raw materials and raw plastics prices would also increase NEED FOR CAPITAL Heavy demands for capital for industrialization and devel opmeot may also cause coo czrn the report notes Capital imports even on scale consideer small by inter national standards would have considerable effect here Deo mark has in the past imposed restrictions to prevent distur bancea by incoming hot ¢1lorieymaod to an to LPfllll m0 P0 dependent monetary policy The government cites as other threatened industries motor as sembly plants clothing and footwear certain wood product and paper concerns and pro ducers of sud consumer goods as refrigerators bicycles radio and television sets According to some manufac turers Denmarks sensitivity to changes in the pricesof raw materials will be the biggest danger ahead enttakinguptopercentofall Denmarks industrial experts will lose much of their irnporv tance because of the Common Markets external tariff wail mm CAMPBELL LTD himiture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehouslnl Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA Hill SPECIAL PERMANEle complete Open Tun null on OPERATORS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE tu no Atlases For appointment no PA 58571 SPIN our Molar Ijalk it over with Niagara Inna Adviser Its his job to help youl Niagara loans are made up to $2500and than do welcome at Niagara are usually completed in less Remembor you will always be NIABARA FINANCE COMPANY llMlTED Largest AllQanndlnn consumer Loan Company Barrie can Phone as com crime as Oolhorne Sh Ws thn FA Hssa Buboffice hi coilingwood It 85 Harcourtto BL Phone rm Hantmarsjkolds death UN members finally earned on Burmas Thant to fill out flammarskjolds term The Security Council denounccd secession and authorized Thant to take action including force to oust Europeans serving with Tshombes Katnnga forces The United States voted for this Second Phase Of Drug Drive Planned For Late 1963 Start msuuucc Anuch no amino name OTTAWA CPI Justice de partment planning now calls for latedllsl start on the second phase of its new attack on dnrg addiction By then it hopes to have com pleted carefully designed in stitution at Matsqui BC for specialized treatment 450 criminal addicts No attempt will be made to cure them No cure is known say the experts here But search for one will continue at Matsqul as researchers work with small group of 10 or 15 addicts The real object will be 12 to 20 months of intensive treat ment that will see the addicts rebuilt physically given mental therapy trained to get and hold job and even taughtmost of them need to be taughthow to use their leisure time Those who respond then will be released to finish the bath ance of their sentence on parole in the hope they will stay of drugs and the petty crime needed to finance it TESTFOR ADDICTION The National Parole Board doesnt need court conviction to forfeit or suspend parole and return man to custody That can happen if the paroles violates any one of dozen or more conditions such as drift ing back in with the old seamy crowd One big weapon in the boards hands will be chemical prepara tions such as naline and lor phane These provide sure fire test of whether person has been using narcotic Some paroled addictsmay be given such tests frequently The entire antinarcotic pro gram in which the Matsqui and aftercare schemes form only part is being touted here as the worlds most comprehensive at tack on the illegaldrug prob lem Some work has been done in Britain but it has practically no addiction problem California has an extensive program but it loses control of released addicts if they step over the state line since US criminal law is under state rather than federal juris diction as in Canada STILL EXPERIMENT Yet much of the Canadian program is experimental other countries will be watching for signs of success or otherwise George Street parole board chairman said recently Nobodys got the answers yet Were willing to try any thing thats reasonable Meanwhile federal authorities are trying to gauge the effect of the first stage or the new programthe attempt to cut drastically into the supply of heroin nnw reaching Canadas 3100 known addicts Longer prison terms for heroin smugglers and peddlers were written into new Nar cotic Control Act last year by Parliament Those convicted on even the first offence of smug gling or trafï¬cking in drugs are liable to life imprisonment So far there still is plenty of heroin circulating in the Cana dian underworld say health do partment and RCMP narcotics experts But the legislation is only six months old They say it is too early to measure the full effect of the new law INDEFINITE CUSTODY Third stage of the scheme calls for preventive detention for non criminal addicts in the some efay tuberculosis suspect can be forced to enter senatortum The 1961 federal law makes provision for this providing that anyone before the courts on any charge can be sentenced to in definite custody for treatment if found to be an addict After treatment first offenders would be put on parole for 10 years and second offenders for life Parliament however lacks constitutional power to put this into effect It is provincial matter Draft legislation has been sent to the provinces but informants say it is expected to be several months before all provinces express their views The object of course is to gain long term control over addicts There is one flaw If the preventativedetention law became universal in Canada police could swoop down on practically all addicts almost overnight But where would they be put for treatment SPACE LIMITED Matsqui will hold only 450 Long range plans call for an other treatmeot centre to serve Ontario and Quebec But con struction is likely to rank behind several other large institutions designed to end overcrowding in the federal penal system in justice department budgeting The Matsqui centre about 60 miles from Vancouver will be in the heart of the heroin prob lem About 2000 of Canadas 3100 known addicts are in the lowerBC mainland Vancouver is behaved to have one drug ad dict among every 390 people Sketches have been drawn for the Matsqui institution and de tailed planning has begun it is hoped here that tenders will be called soon and that construc tion can start later this year Details have not been an nounced This much has been teamed Matsqui will accommodate 325 ment program will be designed male and 125 female addicts at opposite ends of halfmileAlong complex costing about $4000 000 KEEP lIEROIN OUT The site will be surrounded by two parallel chain link fences about 14 feet high and lo feet apartin sense one to keep the prisoners in the other to keep heroin out Preventing the flow of con traband narcotics into maxi mum security prisons where addicts now are kept has been major justice department headache Recently guard at the 80 Penitentiary was sen tenced to nine years in prison for smuggling After their court conviction male addicts will spend about six weeks in the BC Peniten tiary while they are classified according to character back ground record and so on Fe male addicts will go directly to Matsqui for classification Once outside the addicst will be assigned to small groups of 25 to l0 each The entire treat ior individuals within these groups rather than having single over all program for everyone Merriam MASLEEPDW Many people never mm gel good nights mi They ton and mm in bed than are dull and lirtleu during the day When kidneys slow down wutu nrl men acids in in the mom numbed rut null team and hackrho alien ioilew if you dont rest We afnighlii you an autumn daytimeuse Dnddl Kidney Pills Then you feel betterrest 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