MINESING MRS rcncv MUIR Swinton 0t Stayner her daughter Mrs Priest ur Pain who underwent peration at the Royal Vic Hospitai Barrie is con scing at his home we are rbett Adams of Potsdam York spent the vacation home here and has now inesing community was ened to learn of the sud passing of Parker Priest rmer resident of this vil cxtcnd heartfelt athy to his wife family other relatives who sur IIO TICULTURE annual meeting of Ves grai Horticultural Society was old at Midhurst Reiorestry Hall in December Tay lor assistant professor from tb AC was present and ed slides which were most sting As this was the id meeting slate of of tvas elected for 1962 president Mrs Foy presldeat Mrs Osk st vicepresident Mrs 2nd vicepreside Jackson Convener Mrs Don Directors and assistant tors are Mrs Clifton Oak Mrs Alvin Thompson McLean Mrs Foy Don Shelp ltlrs Reg ii Mrs Lorne Orscr Mr Mrs Morley Rowe Mrs ice Miller Johnson Jackson Ernest Oakley Mrs Cliii Harris Mrs Del Priest and Mrs Roy Lillicrap PETERS EVENING WA Peters Anglican Church ing branch of the WA on lned children and adults toga Christmas party in the new parish ball highlight the evening was oneact play The Farmers Daugh ter by the Junior ladies San ta arrived with treats for the children UNITED CHURCH WA The Association met in the Sunday School morn tor their December meeting Mrs Grant presided The members brought gifts for the senior citizens in Penetang Ontario Hospital Devotional was taken by Mary McLean followed with prayer by Mrs McLean Mrs Bowen sang the caml Little Town of Bethlehem Mrs Percy Muir told the story of The other Wise Man The hostesses tor the meeting were Mrs Barth olomew and Mrs Plowrlght CONFINED T0 BVH We are sorry to report that little Miry Joy Morrow dau ghter of Mr and Mrs Keith Mormw is still in Royal Vic toria Hospitalr Harry Adams left for Pel lerlaw where he will continue his work as field man tor the Ontario Farmers Union in Ontario and Huron counties YOUNG PEOPLE The Young People will hold their meeting Sunday evening at 730 in Midhurst United Church Mr Langman of Barrie will be the guest speak or All young people are urg ed lo attend and let us make 1952 outstanding in youth work Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Morley Rowe who were first prize winners in the out door Christmas lighting com petition for Vespra Township Their splendid decoration was an attraction in the village ENACI PANTOMIME The Real Meaning of Christmas pantomime was enacted in the United Church by the Sunday School on Dec 22 Following this the chil dren and parents assembled in the Sunday School room for CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE NDAY JANUARY ls silo Womens Show uo Friendly Giant us Slng lung Around Hassle Dalee Popeyes TV Party News Headlines lopoyea TV Party Farm Market Report News non Jamicson Weather Sports Zane Gray Theatre non Messors Jubilee Danny Thou Livo Borrowed Lira nob Cummings Show Festival CREW News The Weatherman Today in Sportr Community Now itso Crossroads TUESDAY JANUARY is 1045 Test Pattern itomper Room Popeye and Pall Noonday Report News Weather Farm nnport Coming menu nlovto stole mutton 110 Open House 200 School Telecaat son Verdict is Yours 155 News 13 gamens Show Ventures or all 445 owesle Men we anzle Dazzle MD Mth Mercury am News Headlines aoi Movie Museum 520 Farm iiariret Renato us News Don lsinlesoia Weather sports Sports Hon Cafe Iiy ooru Silo Ian El Kin Diamonds ctI TV News The Weatherman Today in Sports Community News lntarpai Calling WEDNESDAY JANUARY 11 1045 Test Pattern itomper Room Popeye and Pat Noandaa Report News cathar sports ram Report Coming Events ovle ion In Her Di llile de Parts sinsic Break Verdict Is Your News The Womens Show Friendly Giant iilaggta Muslin rmon Dazzle Huckleberry Hound News Headlines Provincial Amit Farm Market Report Nowr Dan Jamieson Waather Sports Pierre Berton The Law and Mr Jones Bachelor Father risydate Perry Como News Magazine Explorations CBC TV News The Weatherman Today in orts Community awa 1130 Highway Patrol oo Eoe2ces 83 ESFFNS 822 Egg CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO Is moving friend all flag Waloomnlgfagon Him will help them feel It eleome organ the mama and address at you know who ammoving PA 56302 JANUARY 15 Professors Hideaway Man Pram Cociitse scum Weill Pierre aerton News Father Knows nut Top cat Whiplash inspector Maigret RhetA gauge on no on link iv th am on er pom Better Lnto TUESDAY JANUARY in loan am Free and Easy Channel Theatre Johnny Frenchman News Professors Hideaway Man mm cochlea sports Weather Pierso Barton News Blclieior Fathar Routa so Naked City Checkmate showdown Naws Weather Better Late wanNesnAir JANUARY 1030 News Free and Day Kiss To Win Channel Thetn TalLslea News Professors oleway Man From octh Sporta Weather By Pierre Berton Nawr Wagon Train 71 sunset strip NHI Hocan Jim Coleman The Detective News Weather Batter Late MONDAY 400 sports sssaeees Enigmaamp on Sports CARRIER MISS YOU 16 your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF cans AND raucxs the usual distribution gifts with Santa great deal at credit goes out to Mrs Glen Belihy who was convener oi the program and also appm elation to all other who as alsted HOSE BNTERTMNERS The Minesing and District Young People were hosts to the wellknown Dunno Benja min John Tmupe and Leroy Soaper on Friday Dec 15 large number of people attend ed the presentation which was held in the Sunday School room of the United Church As well as accompanying Mr Troup and Mr Soaper on the piano as they sang various numbers hir Benjamin gave special Christmas address Lunch and games followed the program Also present was Robin French president of Slmeoe Presbytery YPU and associate of Toronto Confer CECE PHELPSTON By MRS FRANK MARLEY HOCKEY RESULTS The Town and Country Hockey Clubs second game at the season took place the at ternoon 01 Jon at the local rink Gcnc Minntngs coach for the West tried hard to organize his men in order to beat the more experienced team of Russel Craddock The game was fast and the players worked hard to win The final score was 40 tor the Town The stars announced by lion MacLeilan were Paul Marley Paul lllinillngs and Bill Loftus Michael Kelly and Paul Mar ley scored twice each Pat Marley and Mickey Craddock were the ofilciais and handed out four penalties The score in the ï¬rst game lastweek was 75 in favor of the Town This is series of Paewee games played twice weekly on Phelpston rink RETURN TO FLORIDA Miss Mary Stone of Phelp stall and Mrs Charlotte Buder Port Stanley have returned to Palm Beach Florida where they are employed for the win ter season Their res etivo posluons are at the Bltnsore Hotel and the Everglades Club THEODORE KEASI The sudden death in Toronto at Dr Keast who wss returning from tour of Eu rope where he visited piece in London England and then visited Paris and France shocked the community of He peier where Dr Kent served several hundred of his patients Dr Keaat passed away on Sat urday Dec 18 ml of ul monary condition which ad aliected him for some time He is survived by his wife the former Veima Terry now residing in Hespcler also two sisters and two brothers of To ronto Funeral service was held at the chapel of Marley Bediord 153 Egiiaton Avenue on Monday Dec is at pm Dr Keast was wellknown athlete during his scholastic career and was active in many rts He was champion dver and swimmer while at University of Toronto and played good game of golf He graduated in Commerce and Finance at University of Toronto in 1921 and after tak ing over management at department of largo Tomato business for titres years Dr Keast resumed his studies at the University of Toronto and graduated as Doctor of Medicine in 1938 Dr Keast had practice in Elmvaia for several years GUTHRIE By MR8 CAMPBELL Mr and Mrs Robert Camp bcil Myrna ondSandra were guests at the GrayCampbell wedding in Guthrie Presbyterian Church December so Recent visitors were Mr and Mrs Allan Goddard Jean and John of Kitchener at Mr and Mrs Eaton Annetts Mr and Mrs Lee and family of Moria Heights Quebec with Mr and Mrs Robert Vlialen Mr and Mrs Coltam Toronto with Mr and Mrs Mason CONTRllCT cEERIDGE West dealer Neither sida vulnerable Noam oases vhsoola al Eds 4107 one oaws +Ass scum Ansa +30 annotating West North East coma Pass Pass Pam 2m 34 IP55 Opening lead four of dia friends This hand demonstrates ex ceptionally fine card play South got to our spades and West led diamond East took the jack with the ace and returned low club dummy winning the trick with the ten The nation did not look promising Declarer realized that if he attempted the spade iinesse it would pretty surely lose East had passed in third position and since the play up at this point indicated he had two aces it became very un likely that he would have pas sed originally it he also had the king of spades Since heart loser appeale inevitable barring some such holding as singleton king His DAILY cnosswono 16 IWillt eyes ll King 519115 11 Group 0011011 21 Bright colored 83 25 Solemn promises 26 Apart Either Bear 28 Invalu Most recent 31 Wise Wen American Indian tumedged sword 38 prime denim 59 Together 40 Shaving tool Support 42 To correct DOWN Head covering ma smnnmnnmm EIIE contract seemed destined to fall But it occurred to South that it West had the Kit of spades the contract might still he made Acting on this assump tion he returned club from dummy at trick three East took the ace and retum eda diamond tothe king Delt clarer now played spade to the ace cashed the king of clubs and then continued with the queen purpose was to run West out of clubs and pre pare for an eventual endplay When West followed to the fourth club declarer ruffed in dummy with the queen consist ent with the theory that West had to have the Kx of spades or him to made the hand The queen held and South now made his bid for fame and fortune by returning spade This passed off pleasantly enough when East played the ten and West the king The contract was now in the bag West was on lead and could make no safe return heart lead would be fatal be cause it would permit South to make the queenwhlle dia mond return would allow dum LARRY aItANNON JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK BLONDIE WHICH WAY DID SILVERBEAR 6° WEIHEWEMT AFTER LAST 11 lltE CRAIYGJEB LAND AMD€$5 A7 THE FORD WITHEKH PASSING lT WASJUQSOME RADiO FROGRAM THETiPlSME PARCHMENI IM HiSTDRIAN MAKE LIVING CWWUNG lNDlGEsnBLE FAG mm THE magma MlNDS cecottseasmeurs QUITID WRITE lN OTHER mm AT LIBERTYA FMCY MYOF SAYING CAN STARVE ON MY avm TIME HIWANTA see MY CLASS Pilotcs HE was you Looic LIKE MOVlE STAR wowTHE PHOTOGRAPHER sun mo AJOB ON Vou WHAT DONT DIG IS WHY HE CHARGED ME RETOUCH lNG cosrs MONEY MORE THAN my to ruff as declarer shed his heart loserSo South made four hearts The underlying principle which South applied so aptly to the handthat he could make the contract only if certain coir ditions existedpaid good divid ends in the end Tomorrow Another Famous Hand is presented by Mr Beo Iler BUZ SAWYER Musss AND sxeeraa Edge in LIKE MAYBEGiViNSOME POUR MN Kl MAYBE Ollï¬mlILD mill littlme Mitt ml THE lSlAND WERE YOUR foil 15 IMROON EDI MRWMSAKI SAWSAN VERY Homeowners NEVER MIND Btlr EXAflLI WHERE l5 me lflANDf on WHERSlDEHO KILDMETER5 MRO MollNTAINS l5 Flslllllfl VILLAGE on set aroma isiiuv uses ONLY KILOMETERS Nomwssr lithium outv mains wm new RUSSWEMOUNTAINE in nus wwusrz are HELPED some Milena WITH His HDMEWDRKmANP swssez 15w BEWSE ALL THEMSWERS WERE WRONGl